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in the fullest sense of the word and logos, study. In itself the word means literally knowing how to know. Scientology is a "route," a way, rather than a dissertation or an assertive body of knowledge. Through its drills and studies one may find the truth for himself. The technology is therefore not expounded as something to believe, but something to do. And that is the basic and primary goal of Scientology today. It's almost impossible to keep Scientology from doing something. HelpHow to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

Scientology 8-80: a book written by L. Ron Hubbard in 1952 which contains his discoveries and methods of increasing life energy in man. The 8-8 stands for " infinity-infinity" upright and the 0 represents the static, theta. Now, I notice some of you think this is a big mystery. Could you look at Scientology 8-80 again? —Conduct of Clear (10 Feb. 58)

Scientology 8-8008: a book written by L. Ron Hubbard in 1952 which is a complete treatise of the anatomy of universes and the role played in them by a spiritual being. The definition of 8-8008 is the attainment of infinity by the reduction of the apparent infinity and power of the mest universe to a zero for himself, and the increase of the apparent zero of one's own universe to an infinity for oneself. It can be seen that infinity stood upright makes the number eight: thus, 8-8008 is not just another number, but serves to fix into the mind of the individual a route by which he can rehabilitate himself, his abilities, his ethics and his goals. Supposing you took the Expanded GITA list in Scientology 8-8008 and item by item had the individual waste and desire these items. Other Processes, the Help Button (13 Feb. 58)

screen: a ridge that is formed for a special purpose of protection. See also ridge in this glossary. So he does not relinquish, one iota, his screens or protective devices. HelpHow to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

SCS: abbreviation for Start-Change-Stop, a process which addresses the three parts of control (start, change and stop). This process is run on either an object or a body. Now, I've seen them over in London sweating away on flattening SCS. The Key Processes of Clearing: Question and Answer Period (11 Feb. 58)

2nd ACC: an Advanced Clinical Course held in Camden, New Jersey in November and December of 1953. This was covered in the 1stno, more importantly in the 2nd ACC, under the heading of "ghosts." Havingness, Anaten, Flows in Relation to Clearing: Question and Answer Period (12 Feb. 58)

Self Analysis: a practical self-improvement handbook written by L. Ron Hubbard, originally published in August 1951. It contains auditing processes which may be used by oneself or audited on another person. The earliest method of getting a person used to handling somebody else's mind was done with Self Analysis—the old ARC Straightwire in the back of it. Other Processes, the Help Button (13 Feb. 58)

shake a stick at, more (things) than (one) can: (US colloquial) more (things) than (one) can count. He's got more rationale than you can shake a stick at with regard to this thing called mind. HelpHow to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

show on the road, gotten a: gotten (an organization, plan, etc.) into active operation; put (a plan, idea, etc.) into effect. But they could have said it much better had they said, "What we would say is, 'Help one another.' " Now, you would have gotten a show on the road with that. The Key Processes of Clearing (11 Feb. 58)

significance: any thought, decision, concept, idea, purpose or meaning connected with something, as opposed to its mass. Funny part of it is a thetan, liking to doll things up, always loves to add a thousand more significances. Help How to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

somatic: a physical pain or discomfort of any kind. The word somatic means, actually, bodily or physical. Because the word pain has in the past led to confusion between physical pain and mental pain, somatic is the term used to denote physical pain or discomfort. Now, supposing he hadall of a sudden,


as you tried to get a little further into the session you found out he had a somatic. —Help—How to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

son of a bitch: (vulgar slang) a contemptible or thoroughly disagreeable person; scoundrel. The corpsman stands up and looks at him (and I'll quote it directly because the ladies present are Scientologists) and he says, "Why, you dirty son of a bitch!"—that very healthy attitude. HelpHow to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

space opera: time periods on the whole track which concern activities in this and other galaxies. Space opera has space travel, spaceships, spacemen, intergalactic travel, wars, conflicts, other beings, civilizations and societies, and other planets and galaxies. It is not fiction and concerns actual incidents and things that occur and have occurred on the track. And in view of the fact that help is scarcest in space operaif you've ever been in a spacesuit eighteen thousand light-years on the other side of Arcturus with a cracking helmet, you'll know what I mean there isn't anybody else around, and they wouldn't be able to do a thing for you if they were. HelpHow to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

sputnik: any of a series of Soviet Earth-orbiting satellites. "Did you sleep with sputnik all night?" —Help—How to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

squirrelly: inclined to alter Scientology or indulge in offbeat practices. And the manifestation which you're discussing I've already investigated in a couple of preclears who were very squirrelly, and their manifestation was simply this: It wasn't that they couldn't help me; it was that they couldn't receive help. How to Get Started: Question and Answer Period (7 Feb. 58)

stable data: the basic datums from which any body of knowledge is built, and around which other data align. A stable datum does not have to be a correct one—it is simply the one that keeps things from being in a confusion. For more information on stable data, read The Problems of Work by L. Ron Hubbard. And I probably have the only meager stable data there are on it, so far. — Conduct of Clear (10 Feb. 58)

swamped up: cleaned up; cleared out. / mean, that really has got to be swamped up. That's a long job. Havingness, Anaten, Flows in Relation to Clearing: Question and Answer Period (12 Feb. 58)

terbaccer: a coined word meaning tobacco. I said to him the next day or so after I saw him doing thatI was just a little fellow, and I said to him, "Gee mister, I'm glad you don't chaw terbaccer!" Havingness, Anaten, Flows in Relation to Clearing: Question and Answer Period (12 Feb. 58)

terminal: a point that receives, relays and sends communication; a man would be a terminal, and a post (position, job or duty to which a person is assigned) would also be a terminal. Because you're auditing against a consideration, not a terminal. How to Get Started: Question and Answer Period (7 Feb. 58)

terror stomach: the feeling a person experiences in the area of their stomach during moments of intense fear. It is simply a confusion in a high degree of restimulation in the vicinity of the vagus nerve (either of a pair of large nerves which act upon the larynx, lungs, heart, esophagus and most of the abdominal organs). See also restimulation in this glossary. Running those things around with a preclear furnishing the location each time is a specific for a terror stomach. Other Processes, the Help Button (13 Feb. 58)

thetan: the person himself—not his body or his name, the physical universe, his mind, or anything else; that which is aware of being aware; the identity which is the individual. The term was coined to eliminate any possible confusion with older, invalid concepts. It comes from the Greek letter theta (Θ), which the Greeks used to represent thought or perhaps spirit, to which an n is added to make a noun in the modern style used to create words in engineering. It is also Θn, or "theta to the nth degree," meaning unlimited or vast. And then you'd have to walk outside again and pick him up as a thetan, and bring him in and put him in the auditing chair. HelpHow to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

Time magazine: a weekly newsmagazine in the United States, cofounded by Henry Luce in 1923. The actual science of life as practiced by Time magazine,




the better part of the criminals of the country and so forth, this is that any time anybody is doing a good job, cut his stinking throat. —Responsibility for Mock-Ups (14 Feb. 58)

time track: the consecutive record of mental image pictures which accumulate through a person's life or lives. It is very exactly dated. The time track is the entire sequence of "now" incidents, complete with all sense messages, picked up by a person during his whole existence. Now, the parade of mest gives him various considerations, and he gives it various considerations, and the facsimiles he mocks up of it contain these considerations, so we have a time track. How to Get Started: Question and Answer Period (7 Feb. 58)

Tone 4.0: the designation for enthusiasm on the Tone Scale. See also Tone Scale in this glossary. Female voice: A Clear would be Tone 4.0 or as good as that, wouldn't he? The Key Processes of Clearing: Question and Answer Period (11 Feb. 58)

Tone 8.0: the numerical designation for exhilaration on the Tone Scale. See also Tone Scale in this glossary. "After all, I'm a Tone 8.0 and I have great difficulty in going as slow as you." Responsibility for Mock-Ups (14 Feb. 58)

Tone 20: the numerical designation for action on the Tone Scale. See also Tone Scale in this glossary. Female voice: I've sometimes heard that it isn't too good to go around adopting or considering reasonable Tone 20 attitudes when you're not an OT and you're not Tone 20, obviously. Havingness, Anaten, Flows in Relation to Clearing: Question and Answer Period (12 Feb. 58)

tone arm: a control lever on the E-Meter (abbreviated TA). The tone arm registers density of mass in the mind of the preclear. This is actual mass, not imaginary, and can be weighed, measured by resistance, etc. Therefore, the tone arm registers the state of the case at any given time in processing. As a person is processed, mental mass shifts and dissipates, and the auditor moves the tone arm to compensate for these fluctuations. TA is also used as an abbreviation for tone arm action. Tone arm action refers to the measurement of how much the auditor had to move the tone arm downward (counterclockwise) during a session, and is used as an index of case improvement in the preclear. Tone arm action is measured in units called divisions. A division is the distance between any of the two consecutive numbers appearing on the tone arm dial. He'll overrun it and stick the needle again, and you'll get trouble with your tone arm. The Key Processes of Clearing: Question and Answer Period (11 Feb. 58)

Tone Scale: a scale, in Scientology, which shows the emotional tones of a person. These, ranged from the highest to the lowest, are, in part, serenity, enthusiasm (as we proceed downward), conservatism, boredom, antagonism, anger, covert hostility, fear, grief, apathy. An arbitrary numerical value is given to each level on the scale. There are many aspects of the Tone Scale and using it makes possible the prediction of human behavior. When a person gets far enough down Tone Scale when he gets far enough down Tone Scale, starts scraping bottomevery action has a bad consequence. Conduct of Clear (10 Feb. 58)

Touch Assist: an action which reestablishes communication with injured or ill body parts. It brings the person's attention to the injured or affected body areas. This is done by repetitively touching the ill or injured person's body and putting him into communication with the injury. His communication with it brings about recovery. The technique is based on the principle that the way to remedy anything is to put somebody into communication with it. You don't have to handle a somatic via the mind, you can handle a somatic very directly such a matter as a Touch Assist or a lot of other patch-up processes we had. —Help—How to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

TR: abbreviation for training routine, one of several practical drills which can greatly increase a student's ability in essential auditing skills, such as communication. These drills are numbered, starting with TR 0. So you can say that where you get a revolutionary reaction on the part of some Scientologists


against something or other, no matter where this is up the track, you will discover that somebody has forgotten TR 0 to 10. Conduct of Clear (10 Feb. 58)

track: short for time track, the consecutive record of mental image pictures which accumulate through a person's life or lives. It is very exactly dated. The time track is the entire sequence of "now" incidents, complete with all sense messages, picked up by a person during his whole existence. And there's no help in space. And you say, "God is going to help you," and "God is space," you'll eventually, just on the track, key in engrams where a guy couldn't be helped in space. Help—How to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

Trio: a Scientology process used to remedy havingness which consists of three commands: "Look around here and tell me what you could have." "Look around here and tell me what you would permit to remain in place." "Look around and tell me with what you could dispense." You have to run some Trio; you have to do something else. The Key Processes of Clearing (11 Feb. 58)

turn the other cheek: to take no action against the person who has hurt or harmed one, especially to allow him to do it again; to respond meekly to insults, provocation or oppression. The term comes from the Bible, where Jesus tells his followers that if a person hits you on one cheek, you should offer him the other. You saw this in Christianity: "Turn the other cheek." Maybe that helped somebody, I don't know. The Key Processes of Clearing (11 Feb. 58)

2.0: the numerical designation for the level of antagonism on the Tone Scale. See also Tone Scale in this glossary. If he just had enough bad breaks, he'd have it made. He could exteriorize and find another body, and he begins to work for bad breaks. And this is 2.0 down. Conduct of Clear (10 Feb. 58)

two-way comm: short for two-way communication: a two-way cycle of communication. For example: Joe, having originated a communication and having completed it, may then wait for Bill to originate a communication to Joe, thus completing the remainder of the two-way cycle of communication. Bill does originate a communication, this is heard by Joe, answered by Joe, and acknowledged by Bill. Thus we get the normal cycle of a communication between two people. Two-way Communication also refers to a style of auditing which is governed by the rules of a two-way cycle of communication. And you've got to make up your mind whether or not you're running two-way comm . . . How to Get Started: Question and Answer Period (7 Feb. 58)

Upper Indoc: short for Upper Indoctrination, a series of training drills designed to bring about in the student the willingness and ability to handle and control other people's bodies and to cheerfully confront another person while giving that person commands. Also to maintain a high level of control in any circumstances. Male voice: . . . and my intention is to run a Comm Course and Upper Indoc ...The Key Processes of Clearing: Question and Answer Period (11 Feb. 58)

valence: a personality. The term is used to denote the borrowing of the personality of another. A valence is a substitute for self taken on after the fact of lost confidence in self. A preclear "in his father's valence" is acting as though he were his father. But somewhere along the line he's liable to fall out of a valence, into a valence, the command goes boggling, we don't know where he is or what he's doing. Conduct of Clear: Question and Answer Period (10 Feb. 58)

via: a relay point in a communication line. You're beholding a world of vias when you behold any one of these systems of any kind. Conduct of Clear (10 Feb. 58)

visio: a thing seen or the recall of something seen, so that it is seen again in the mind in full color, scale, dimension, brightness and detail. Male voice: Well, one of the sort of things that's confusing me at this particular time is where exactly does exteriorization, withI mean, real 3-D present time visio . . . How to Get Started: Question and Answer Period (7 Feb. 58)

Waterloo Station: a process where, in a populated area (park, railroad station, etc.), the auditor indicates people and has the preclear tell him something he wouldn't mind not-knowing about these persons, or these persons not-knowing




about him. The name of this process is derived from the name of a railroad station located in London, England, Waterloo Station. If you thought you shouldn't know Waterloo Station (fantastic process, Waterloo Station), if you thought you shouldn't know just the old-time Creative Processes, just learning to mock something up you find out he can't mock up a nurse he had while he was sick. Other Processes, the Help Button (13 Feb. 58)

week, any day of the: (colloquial) under any conditions. This phrase is used either to indicate a preference for something, or to express complete certainty of the truth of one's opinions. They sure knew who was captain! There was no doubt about it any day of the week. Other Processes, the Help Button (13 Feb. 58)

wiggle-woggle: (figurative) vacillation. Used figuratively in the lecture. Now, when an auditor at the HGC ran into a wiggle-woggle on Help, he just beat it to death, see ? The Key Processes of Clearing: Question and Answer Period (11 Feb. 58)

Wundt: Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920), German psychologist and physiologist (expert in the study of the functions of living things and the ways in which their parts and organs work); the originator of the false doctrine that man is no more than an animal. The mind is too complicated, perhaps, for Wundt, Pavlov, psychologists, psychiatrists and so forth, but in actuality it was too simple for them. The Key Processes of Clearing (11 Feb. 58)

YMCA: abbreviation for Young Men's Christian Association, a worldwide organization that offers sports activities, general education programs, etc., to young men. He's been a YMCA secretary for years, see, been helping everybody everywhere, you know? Havingness, Anaten, Flows in Relation to Clearing (12 Feb. 58)

Zorro: of or like a character in a series of American films who wore a black mask and cloak, and protected people from crime. He rode a horse and is known especially for writing the letter "Z" in the air with his sword. Or touch somebody in a crowd and had him jump back as though he was going to fight a duel and mark aZorro-fashion, with his umbrella? Havingness, Anaten, Flows in Relation to Clearing (12 Feb. 58)
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