Clamprised in ,the share ~ertiftcate, nO. 2, of ,the Oomun:id~e.",of daMand·Stialid:lng Iitt> ,the'name ofher1laJther m!lo.vo;.M'tiixo Xavier Pi.ed!ade klmei'd!a whQ was from oa:na.. '
Objections, we 'any, should he raised i>efore the compet""tauthority, _ prescrlbed 1Jime llimit.
V. no. 8386/1976
19 «Mario:Barr~to: and Rui B~t6:of'Ciinikbiim-announce that they wish to renew, for hcwin:g lost, Sha.I:e Certifi~ates of Comu,,\daof,Utorda,~ltle No; 120 Noo;759to768 and ofComuttldade of:M;ajordaT\tle No. :1238 Nos, .:5816t05l;lli5
st~dingin the name'of -!fueiI' late father .Antonio Custddlo
': Any~'-objeotiQbs}Cl:8Jims nlay'be t'aJ.-:,SeQ before .th~' comp'etent
authority. within legaltlme Ijmit;., " , " .
V:n:o. 8645/1916
. )~O",~,Noel Conc,e~o, T. }i:,_R~_~oronha. account otficer. reSi.d~nt . at ,!N'eu"rai; ~ 'a:n.nounces 'for due purposeS that he wishes to transfer in his name the share lCertificates -nqs.,;4021 and 4022, titles nos. 741 aind 742 of the Comunid'ade of aQa..iVelihaand nos. 2025 and -1678, titles .'1'0$•. _,280 and .238 \)fComuuidade' :of Gandm, -'and" also' c~II'ect 'its :dividends .w. arrears, all valued less 1Jhan Rs. 250/-·wIibh PlIeV,IOUSretnhis: late g.rand father Heitor Feh"oissJmo do canno Noronha alias _Heitor F:. do C. Noronha _e Colaco.
V. no. 8681/1976
, .21' .Mario. Cabral' e Sa,' from; Piedad~, announces for ·due putpQses·that.he ""son and, interested party,' wishes to "olleet
• ~.~ [ • ., • .,';'-: ( ~. F • •
, .~..
from the Comunidade of Neura-o-Grande. a sum Jdf Rs. 224/of dividends of shares registered in his late mother Lu:cJJana Cabral e Sa, of the years 1974 and 1975.
V. no, 8682.1:1976
22' Ma.ria Alfonsini-Tavares. from calangute intends w. transfer in her name a share of rthe Comunidade of Ca,langute No. 2125 containing dn the title no. 1105 ren,.let. A belonging to her· late hu~band.Vicente .Simao Marla Tavares. who· was from: Calangute and also to Collect the 'unpaid dividends of the' sad'd Share,amountirig Ito -Rs. 44-64 Ps. and invites -claim wtthlll>the legal time.
'v. no... 120/1976
23 Emely Fernandes from Calangute intends .to,transfer jn,.-"l;1er _name .two sha;res of the Comunidade of CalanguteNos~ 1653 and 203& containing tin the ;titles Nos. 633 and 1016 reno let. A. belonging to her mother-In-law Maria Eufemia Ana Rosa Encarnacao de, Souza Fernandes who was fr9m ¢alangute ~d".~so to 'COl1e~t the -~pai~ dividends of to Rs. 143,-82,Ps. and invi~s ~laiJ.l1 :wttlrin.~e legal,l1ll}e.
,'iT. no. 121/i976
24 ,Prakash '"Kamat HaJdonka=r-;:\f,roIii .Bdfona, 'as __80# ,and interested ,party;' announceS:: fo!"" Idue"ptirpos'e/-',that' he _WlSh-es fto.icolleet' from rtlie' Conhinidade of''-IWiiovad1in and Neura-o-Grande, dividends of shares regiSltered in the name 'of-his late~father GoVlnMucunda _Camotim ,Aldonkar" not_ exceeding 'to Rs~' 300/-and 'not prescr:iJJed.' -_ "
of qp~ning, ..of, water _passage ' nam~ ,Gareacho-
Chicalo ,for ,the:: year ,1969-:70 ,dol).e_. by--her late hu'Sband
August Cql,acq who was ·from, _,~e same _plaiCe _and invites
cl:a;Jms within,;the legal tirpe, limit from those, who ,have "any
right. ,',,'
, 5'
"26 , Zuzarte, from Gutrim-; ,interested in the-ulherntam~e of her late father Rolldao :Theodosio FranciS-co Xavier Zuzarte, who was _from Guirlim, intends'.to collect from ,the ,treasury of the CornUinidade of Nagoa, the 'divtidends:of the 'Shares, standing in the name of the said ROldaO, not exic-eeding to Rs. 500/w 'already accrued and lot Japsed. Any interested may put up , his claim before the competent authority within the legal timewlimit.