Graduate studies committee

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The Department will follow up on the Program Review with the new Dean and the Provost to guarantee continuous improvement and excellence.
The proposal for an MA in Rhetoric and Composition is currently pending approval in the University Board of Graduate Studies. The Department is ready to start the MA program as soon as it is approved, with all four lines in rhetoric and composition filled with highly qualified and motivated faculty members. In addition, we hope to embark on drafting proposals in Translation Studies as well as in Gender and Women’s Studies with the new faculty members recruited this and hopefully next year. The Department is also set to give its full support to the initiatives in Theatre and in Digital Humanities.
The Department intends to maintain its four internal committees (Assessment, Undergraduate, Graduate, and Communication Skills).

Recruitment next year will focus on an Assistant Professor position in literary history (new line) since it has proven difficult to schedule courses that do not focus on modern or contemporary time periods only. In addition the Department will have to re-run the search in Gender and Women’s Studies and to run a search in post-colonial literature, film and visual culture with an emphasis on South and/or East Asia in replacement of Dr. Sunya, who unfortunately is leaving AUB for a tenure-track position at the University of Virginia.

Last but not least, the Department hopes to secure more, much needed office space in addition to a student study room in Fisk Hall and to continue enhancing students’ involvement in the department through increased faculty-student encounters and collaborations, a departmental graduation ceremony, etc.

Sonja Mejcher-Atassi


A. Program Developments/Changes:

  1. Administrative Structure:

    1. Professor Jennifer Nish, Director, Spring 2015-2018.

    2. Program Coordinators, Dorota Fleszar, Rima Shadid and Jasmina Najjar AY 2015-16.

    3. Leila Attieh Jbara continues to support the Director and faculty of the program with a wide variety of administrative tasks.

  2. Communication Skills Program Committee: This Departmental committee has been tasked with supporting the Director of the Communication Skills Program in making administrative decisions such as managing the program budget; vetting applicants and making recommendations for new hires or program positions; among other duties articulated by the Chair.

    1. Members: Jennifer Nish (Chair, spring 2015); Roseanne Khalaf (spring 2015); Christopher Nassar (Spring 2015); Ira James Allen (Fall 2015); Souha Riman (Fall 2015); Jasmina Najjar (Fall 2015).

    2. Major Accomplishments:

      1. Approved projected budget for the Communication Skills Program during AY 2015-16.

      2. Approved Professional Development Grant for Emma Moghabghab & Najla Jarkas (Spring 2016). Also approved to cover part of the expenses for Jasmina Najjar to attend the “Digital Pedagogy Lab Cairo.”

      3. Approved program name change to “Undergraduate Communication Program.”

      4. Created and approved the Program Awards.

      5. Hosted an appreciation lunch for all instructors in the program May 3rd, 2016.


  1. Special Interest Groups (SIGs):

These groups are voluntarily led and comprised by Communication Skills faculty and are focused on professional development activities or program events relevant to faculty in the program. Each group sets its own goals for the Academic Year and meets at least twice a semester.

  1. Symposium on the Teaching of Writing (Malakeh Khoury, Chair, 6 members).

  2. Research (Juheina Fakhreddine and Najla Jarkas, co-chairs, 1 member).

  3. Blog Writing (May Mikati, Chair, 4 members).

  4. Writing Center (Emma Moughabghab, Chair, 2 members).

  5. Library (Amin Kurani, Chair, Inactive).

  1. Symposium on the Teaching of Writing: The Third Annual Symposium on the Teaching of Writing in Lebanon on the theme of ‘Academic Integrity’ was held on Saturday, April 16th, 2016 at the University of Balamand, Koura. The Symposium SIG continued to prepare for the Fourth Annual Symposium, which the Lebanese American University has expressed interest in hosting.

  2. Blogging Workshop: A new teacher blogger was welcomed into the SIG. Three SIG members were informed that their previous year’s AUB conference paper on teacher blogging would be published in the Conference Proceedings after revision. The papers were resubmitted by the given deadline.

  3. Writing Center SIG: The SIG prepared a presentation for the Fall 2016 pre-semester meeting as well as set up plans for organizing an open-house/mixer for Communication Skills Instructors and tutors in the early Fall.

  4. Research SIG: Research SIG members Juheina Fakhreddine & Ghada Awada collaborated on a project to assess “The effect of Collaboration and Digital Connectivity on Students’ academic Writing.” In spring, Najla Jarkas and Juheina Fakhreddine worked a literature review and IRB documents to obtain their approval to carry out participatory action research during the coming academic year.


  1. 6th International Conference on Effective Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, February 12-13 2016, AUB West Hall. For the third time, the Communication Skills Program was directly involved in the planning of the conference, which has a strand devoted to writing instruction and research in higher education.

    1. Dr. Suresh Canagarajah presented a keynote entitled “Globalization of English and Changing Definitions of Proficiency.”

    2. Communication Skills Program instructors presented at the conference, including Jennifer Nish, Malakeh Khoury, Zane Sinno, Juheina Fakhreddine, & Ghada Awada.

  2. Jasmina Najjar and Zane Sinno attended the “Digital Pedagogy Lab Cairo.” It is the first international version of the “Digital Pedagogy Lab Institute” held on 20-23, March 2016.

  3. Emma Moghabghab attended the 5th “Biennial Middle East-North Africa (MENAWCA) in association with the 16th international ELT conference held at Sultan Qaboos University in Muscat, Oman, April 20-23. All expenses to the conference were funded by a Communication Skills Program, “Professional Development Grant.”

  4. For the first time, The Communication Skills Program Instructors Abir Ward and Kathryn Lincoln organized a Student Academic Conference for our English 204 students on November 21, 2015. The purpose of this event is to provide a formal forum for students to present their academic research – an experience similar to an academic conference. The idea is to help prepare our student as future academics.

Work rhythm of the three program coordinators is dictated by a set of fixed responsibilities and their individual projects. Each semester, fixed duties shared by all three include: preparing the generic syllabus and weekly schedule for two courses each, co-chairing orientation meetings that take place shortly before semester starts, calling for and chairing course meetings, organizing Moodle access for part-timers, review of instructors’ individual course syllabi, observation of part-time instructors, mentoring new instructors, ordering books for following semesters, as well as regular meetings with the program director.
In addition to these, in AY 2015/16 coordinators began or completed the following projects:

Together, the Coordinators and Program Director

  1. revised program learning outcomes

  2. proposed changes for performance review form for instructors

  3. created a rubric for English 204 assessment, focusing on the last program learning outcome

  4. began revising instructor, coordinator, and director profiles

Individually, the Program Coordinators also worked on the following projects:

Dorota Fleszar

  1. English 100: a) revised division of skills and adjusted final grade weights of skills and b) organized the third annual English 100 Debate, c) initiated the process of adding the course’s final exam to the Registrar’s final exams schedule.

  2. English 203: chaired weekly meetings that achieved a three-fold goal: a) redesigned the course to focus on the study of rhetorical situations and choices to be made while composing texts in multiple modes, a change in line with the work on alignment of English 203 and English 204, b) revised the course description and learning outcomes, and c) created a database of assignments that meet the revised outcomes and can help ease the workload for instructors teaching the course.

  3. Mentored part-time instructors teaching English 100 and English 203: Yara Kfouri, Heba Hodeib, Sarah El Cheikh Ali, and Ghada Awada.

  4. Prepared a proposal for an instructor development program, within which instructors are eligible to apply for a semester or a year-long engagement in the Writing Center with the aim of revising their classroom practices or engaging in research. The proposal was accepted for a pilot run in the Spring of 2017.

  5. Opened up venue for cooperation between Communication Skills Program instructors and Save the Children. The NGO has asked for capacity building workshop of their technical advisors, during which instructors would teach how to ask research questions. At the moment, we are working on designing the workshops.

Jasmina Najjar

  1. Invited a guest speaker for English 206, Dr. Fouad Zmokhol in Fall (topic: Strategic Planning and Entrepreneurship), and Jinan Ayash in Spring (topic: Primary Steps of New City Development).

  2. Found a new textbook for English 204, Read, Reason, Write.

  3. Developed a book review process that can be followed for all courses.

  4. Began revising course learning outcomes and syllabi for both English 204 and English 206 with a plan to finalize drafts before Fall 2016.

  5. Accepted invitation to join AMICAL’s Digital Pedagogy Committee in the hope it would pave the way for opportunities for instructors in the department (e.g. funding for projects, possible collaborate with teachers from other institutions etc.).

  6. Was the program coordinator representative on the Communication Skills Committee.

  7. Mentored first time-instructors of courses and assisted those who requested guidance.

  8. Helped the ECE/CCE department with their accreditation process by providing data for two KPIs via English 206 (identifying an original engineering problem and ethics).

Rima Shadid

  1. Coordinated English 208 assessment as part of the Business School requirements. This included correspondence and meeting with the concerned party at the Business School and finalizing the rubric to be used, correspondence and meeting with 208 instructors to prepare for assessing of the final reports. This semester is the first for English 208/Business School assessment.

  2. Organized and coordinated English 204 self-assessment for the Communication Skills Program. This is the first self-assessment in the program – it included meetings with the Moodle team, a call for prospective assessors, correspondence with the 12 assessors to explain the process and answer individual queries, and a meeting to practice and discuss sample reports.

  3. Mentored first time instructors to courses and others who requested assistance.

  4. Met with McGraw Hill representative to discuss needs for fall semester including requests for access to online supplements.


  1. Curriculum Review and Sequencing:

The Director and Program Coordinators have begun reviewing the course descriptions and learning outcomes in order to revise them. Goals of the revision will include:

      • revising outcomes to follow best practices for learning outcomes

      • revising and clarifying course sequencing: clarifying the distinction between courses and the emphases of each course

      • matching course outcomes to program outcomes

  1. Program and Course Assessment:
    The first self-assessment of one program learning outcome was completed in Spring 2016. The program coordinators and director will create a plan to assess the full set of PLOs during the upcoming 3-year assessment cycle.

  1. Program Structure and Responsibilities:

The transition between directors has made clear the need for more clearly articulated and divided responsibilities among the Director, Program Coordinators, Secretary, Communication Skills Program Committee, and Instructors.

  1. Development of Review and Advancement:

The process for review of instructors (especially part-time instructors) needs revision, and several issues (such as the lack of advancement opportunities for instructors, some of whom have been in the program for 20-30 years) need to be addressed in order to more accurately recognize the value instructors provide to our program and university.

Jennifer Nish




Professor Sahar Assaf was promoted to Assistant Professor in Theater after serving two years as Visiting Instructor in Theater.

Professor Daniele Genadry joined the department in January 2016 as Assistant Professor in Studio Arts.
Professor Nidaa Aboulhosn joined the department in the January 2016 as Visiting Assistant Professor on a one-semester contract.
Professor Henri Franses was given a partial research leave in the Spring of 2016 from his duties in FAAH.
A search was held for the Jabre Professorship in Art History and Curatorship. No suitable candidate was found and the search will continue next year.
A search was held for a position in Studio Arts as a replacement for Professor Kasper Kovitz. Heather O’Brian was the successful candidate for this position and will join FAAH in the Fall as Assistant Professor.
A search was held for a new position in Pre-Modern Art History. Joseph Hammond was the successful candidate for this position and will join FAAH in the Fall as Assistant Professor.
A search was held for the Whittlesey Visiting Professorship. Sami Khatib was the successful candidate for this position and will join FAAH in the Fall as Visiting Assistant Professor on a one-year contract.
The department undertook curriculum revisions of all major and minor programs as a result of last year’s self-study. In conjunction with this, the department reorganized the course numbering system by separating FAAH into SART, AHIS, THEA, and MUSC.
The department sponsored and/or organized the following conferences:

Books in Motion (co-sponsored by the Department of English). May 5-7, 2016. Dr. Hala Auji, co-organizer.

Do Not Resuscitate: Critique and the Untranslatability of History (sponsored by the Center for Arts and Humanities). May 12-14. Dr. Angela Harutyunyan, organizer.
The department sponsored many guest lectures (not including those associated with job searches) over the past year. These include:

Hassan Khan: “Purity” (text and gamelan) presentation and conversation with Angela Harutyunyan. November 10, 2016.

Stephen Wright: Not, Not Art (co-sponsored with the Art and Humanities Initiative). November 18, 2015.

Corinne Desirens: Art and Art Schools (co-sponsored with AHI). November 19, 2015.

Anneka Lenssen: A Problem of Disclosure: Drawings from the Popular Politics of the Arab 1950s (co-sponsored with AHI). November 24, 2015.

Anne van Leeuwen: What is sexuality? Marx, Lacan and Foucault. (co-sponsored with the AHI). November 25, 2015.

Samo Tomšič: What is Repression? (co-organized with the AHI). November 27, 2015.

Michael Devine: The Actor Beyond Words: Developing Intercultural Performance. February 17, 2016

Hannah Feldman: Curating in the Future Anterior (Jabre Lecture Series). March 22, 2016.

Venetia Porter: Disasters of War: The Inspiration of Goya (Jabre Lecture Series). April 14, 2016.

Çiğdem Kafescioğlu: Practices in Urban Space and Shifts in Visuality (co-organized with CAMES and the Department of Architecture). April 20, 2016.

Ahmet Ersoy: Ottoman Print Culture and the Rise of the Image (co-organized with CAMES). April 21, 2016.

Vardan Azatyan: Art History, the Ape of the Cold War. May 3, 2016.

Marie Muracciole and Marcella List: On Listening. May 3, 2016.

The department initiated a series of bi-weekly Art History seminars for students and interested faculty.
Thomas Kim conducted the AUB Choir and Choral Society in two public performances. First was a performance of Bach’s Magnificat and Handel’s Utrecht Jubilate (December 2015). Second was a program of choral music by Ralph Vaughan Williams that included the Dona nobis pacem and Five mystical songs (April 2016). Both programs were part of AUB 150.
Sahar Assaf directed “Ana Amel Ana Amela” with professional actors and students from FAAH 283, April 26-30, 2016.
The AUB Art Galleries put on two exhibitions: “Jayce Salloum: (Kan Ya Ma Kan) There Was and There Was Not” (curated by Octavian Esanu) and “The Arab Nude: The Artist as Awakener” (curated by Octavian Esanu and Kirsten Scheid).
The annual Studio Arts Final Year Exhibition was held on May 19, 2016.


  1. Faculty Members

Franses, Rico

Associate Professor


Harutyunyan, Angela

Associate Professor


Sadek, Walid

Associate Professor


Assad-Salha, Neville

Assistant Professor


Assaf, Sahar

Assistant Professor


Auji, Hala

Du Quenoy, Paul

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor (pt, spring)



Esanu, Octavian

Assistant Professor


Genadry, Daniele

Assistant Professor


Kim, Thomas

Assistant Professor


Aboulhosn, Nidaa

Visiting Assistant Professor (spring)


Kurani, David

Senior Lecturer


Shebaya, Peter

Senior Lecturer (pt)


Zurayk, Afaf

Lecturer (pt, fall)


Aivazian, Haig

Instructor (pt, fall)


Badran, Rayya

Instructor (pt, spring)


Ghazal, Wajd

Instructor (pt)


Jamal, Ghada

Instructor (pt)


Khcheich, Rima

Instructor (pt)


Khoury, Joelle

Instructor (pt)


Maalouf, Maya

Instructor (pt)


Meskaoui, Zeina

Instructor (pt)


Saadawi, Ghalya

Instructor (pt)


Sabbah, Yasmina

Instructor (pt, spring)


Wilson-Goldie, Kaelen

Instructor (pt, fall)


Youssef, Shawki

Instructor (pt)


Khatib, Sami

Post Doc. Fellow (pt, fall)


* Doctor of Music

** Diploma in Acting, Bristol Old Vic Theater School (MFA equivalent)

*** Diploma in Oriental Music, Lebanese National. Conservatory (MMus equivalent)

† Diploma in Piano, Lebanese National Conservatory (M.Mus. equivalent)

†† Master of Music

  1. Research Assistants

Fall Semester

El Basha, Michel

Sabbah, Yasmina

Spring Semester

El Basha, Michel

Sabbah, Yasmina

  1. Graduate Assistants


  1. Non-Academic Staff

Jebara Kidess, Adiba

Administrative Assistant


    1. Number of Graduating Majors


Oct. 2015


Feb. 2016


May. 2016



Oct. 2013


Jan. 2014


May. 2014


2. Number of Majors









3. Student Enrollment in Courses


Summer ‘15




300 and above

























4. Number of Credit Hours Offered


Summer ‘15




300 and above


























Hala Auji
1. Work on a book chapter. “Reading visual representations of Female Nudity in Early Arabic Periodicals.” Proceedings of the Arab Nude Conference, American University of Beirut, March 2016. (To be published in 2016).

2. Work on an article. “Marketing Modern Identities: Publicity, the American Press, and the Commodification of Printing Practices in fin de siècle Beirut.” Invited contribution to Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication (in progress, 2017).

3. Work on an article. “Between Books and Ephemera: Printed Arabic Pamphlets from Beirut (1834-1864)” (in progress, 2016).
Octavian Esanu
1. Co-editing the art journal ARTMargins.

2. “Art Periodicals Today” Contribution and co-editor of special issue forthcoming with ARTMargins.

Rico Francis
1. Work on a book. Contact! Donor Portraits in Byzantine Art, to Cambridge University Press.
2. Work on an article. “Untime in the Unconscious. On the Dislocations of time in Freud, Lacan, Laurie Anderson and Walid Sadek.” In “This is the Time. This is the Record of the Time,” eds. A. Harutyunyan and N. Muller (Beirut, American University of Beirut Press, Forthcoming, 2016.)

3. Work on an article. “To not Know God. Geometrical Abstraction and Visual Theology in Islamic Art.” Festchrifft for Erica Dodd, ed. L. Jessop. Forthcoming.

Angela Harutyunyan
1. Co-editing the art journal ARTMargins

2. Work on a book. The Journey of the ‘Painterly Real’. The Political Aesthetics of the Armenian Avant-Garde. (Manchester University Press, 400 pages).

3. Work on an edited volume. [editor] ACT (1993-1996): Documents and Interviews (in Armenian, 150 pages), AICA-Armenia, Print Info: Yerevan.

4. Work on an edited volume. [co-editor with Nat Muller] This is The Time. This is The Record of the Time. AUB Press.

5. Work on a translation. John Roberts, “Art After Deskilling”, in Historical Materialism 18 (2010) 77–96. (9000 words)
Thomas Kim
1. Researched and prepared Bach Magnificat, Handel Utrecht Jubilate, Vaughan Williams Dona nobis pacem, and Handel Messiah for future performances.

2. Began initial work with Swiss composer Fortunat Frölich on a collaborative multi-year project joining traditional Arabic music with Western contemporary music.


Neville Assad-Salha
1. Advisor to Studio Arts majors.

2. Member of the Search Committee – Studio Arts.

Sahar Assaf
1. Founder of the AUB Theater Initiative.

2. Faculty Advisor, AUB Drama Club.

3. Member of the Search Committee in Studio Arts.

4. Member of the Search Committee for the Whittlesey Visiting Professorship.

5. Fulbright Alumni Community Action Grant for a 3-day Intensive Theatre Workshop for youth from the Lebanese University and other small private colleges, August 2015.

6. Developed a new curriculum for the Theater minor.

7. Head of the Theater program.
Hala Auji
1. Member of the Search Committee for the Jabre Professorship in Art History and Curatorship.

2. Member of the Search Committee in Art History.

3. FAAH Library Liaison.

4. FAAH Social Media and Web Coordinator.

5. Member, Art Steering Committee.

6. Member, FAS University Research Committee.

7. Delivered paper. “Transient Forms & Persistent Motifs: Exploring Themes of Continuity and Innovation in the Materiality of Arabic Ephemera from 19th Century Beirut.” Invited presenter. Delivered at the International Workshop “Media Transitions in the Arab World: Actual and Historical Perspectives on Literature and Culture,” University of Muenster, Oct. 30-31, 2015.

8. Invited lecture. “Locating the ‘Islamic’ in Islamic Art.” Delivered in ISLM 302 seminar on “Islamic Civilizations,” CAMES, AUB, Oct. 27, 2015.

9. Invited lecture. “Continuity & Change: Early Printing Practices in the Islamic/Arab World.” Delivered in “History of Graphic Design,” Architecture and Design Department, American University of Beirut, Sep. 21, 2015.

10. Invited lecture. “What makes Islamic Art, ‘Islamic’? And other debates in a discursive field.” Delivered in ISLM 302 seminar on “Islamic Civilizations,” CAMES, AUB, Mar. 27, 2015.

11. Invited lecture. “Books in Transition: The Interchange of Islamic Scribal Traditions & 19th C Arabic Printing Practices.” Invited lecture co-organized by the Majalis in Islamic Studies & the CVSP Brown Bag series, American University of Beirut, Mar. 2, 2015.

12. Award recipient. Honorable Mention, Malcolm Kerr Dissertation Awards in the Humanities, Middle East Studies Association.

13. Online Jury Member. “Posters for Tomorrow,” 4Tomorrow, Paris, France

14. Session Organizer. “Visualizing Modernity,” MESA 2014, Washington, DC.

15. Invited lecture. “Is Islamic Art ‘Islamic’? And other debates in an ‘unwieldy field.’” Lecture delivered in ISLM 302, Islamic Civilizations, CAMES, AUB, 27 March 2015.

16. External Member, Special Committee on the Areen Projects Award of Excellence in Graphic Design, Department of Architecture and Design, AUB, 22 May 2015.

17. Advisor to Freshman students.

18. Advisor to Studio Arts and Art History students.

19. Co-organizer. Bi-weekly Art History seminar.

20. Organizer. Convergences: Art, Theory and Practice, A series of talks and workshops co-organized with Walid Sadek and Sami Khatib, AUB

21. Presenter. Philistine Aesthetics, organized by Kirsten Schied. Arts and Humanities Initiative, AUB, Beirut
Octavian Esanu
1. Curator, AUB Art Galleries.

2. Member of the Art Steering Committee

3. Conference organizer. “The Arab Nude” conference at AUB co-organized with Kirsten Scheid (March 11, 2016). Editorial work and preparation for the press of a scholarly volume dedicated to the genre of the nude in the Arab world.
Rico Franses
1. Associate Chair, FAAH.

2. Director, AUB Art Galleries and Collections.

3. Chair of the search committee for the Jabre Professorship in Art History and Curatorship.
Angela Harutyunyan
1. Associate Editor for Art Margins, MIT Press.

2. Director of Theory Lab, Institute of Contemporary Art, Yerevan

3. Member of the Editorial Board, Art & the Public Sphere, Intellect Press, ISSN: 2042793X

4. Member of the FAS Graduate Studies Committee

5. Member of the Art Steering Committee

6. Chair of the Search Committee – Art History.

7. Developed a new masters program in Art History and Curatorial Studies.

8. Developed three new courses: FAAH 229L – Art and Labor, FAAH 293 – Contemporary Art and Theory, and FAAH 294 – Theories, Methods and Practices of Curating.

9. Co-organized a bi-weekly Art History seminar.

10. Head of the Art History program.

11. Public talk. “Towards a Historicity of Contemporary art”, FAAH department, public lecture, AUB.

12. Public talk. Hassan Khan, “Purity (2013). Text and Gamelan”, Presentation and Conversation with Angela Harutyunyan, Center for Arts and Humanities, AUB

13. Organizer. Thinking About Time. Two-day conference at AUB.

14. Invited talk. “Pure Creativity: Aesthetics, Politics and Economy,” University of Denver.

15. Conference presentation: “On the necessity of the historical critique of contemporaneity.” Aesthetics of Neoliberalism, conference, Columbia University, NYC, USA.

16. Advisor to Art History and Studio Arts majors.

17. Revised and reorganized the Art History program.

18. Member of the Center for Arts and Humanities’ Steering Committee.

19. Member of the search committee for the Whittlesey Visiting Professorship.

20. Faculty promotion committee.

Thomas Kim
1. Department chair, FAAH.

2. Zaki Nassif Music Committee member.

3. Member of the FAS 150 Committee.

4. Member of the FAS Undergraduate Curriculum Committee.

5. Chair of the Search Committee for the Whittlesey Visiting Professorship.

6. Member of the Search Committee in Art History.

7. Reorganized the Music program.

8. Developed a new course: FAAH 160, “Introduction to Western Music for Freshmen.”

9. Oversaw the curricular and catalog changes in all programs of the department.

10. Head of the Music program.

David Kurani
1. Zaki Nassif Music Committee member.

2. Collected materials for the FAAH display for the FAS 150 conference.

3. Invited talk. The History of Art at AUB. Symposium of Defining Moments in AUB, January 2016.
Walid Sadek
1. Chair of the Search Committee in Studio Arts

2. Member of the Search Committee for the Jabre Professorship in Art History and Curatorship.

3. Head of the Studio Arts program.

4. Revised and reorganized the Studio Arts program.

5. Advisor, Studio Arts majors.


Neville Assad-Salha
1. Exhibition: Fringe, Q Theater, Adelaide.

2. Exhibition: Dutton, South Australia.

Sahar Assaf
1. Actor: An Arab Woman Speaks. Written by: Dario Fo and Franca Rame. The Faction Ensemble Theatre, New Diorama Theatre, London. January 11, 17, 24, and Feb 2, 2016

2. Co-Director, Co-Producer, Actress: August Osage County. Tahweel Ensemble Theatre and AUB Theater Initiative. Babel Theatre, Hamra. November 11, 2015 – December 6, 2015.

3. Director: The Dictator. Tahweel Ensemble Theatre and AUB Theater Initiative. Between the Seas Festival, NYC. September 2015.

4. Director: Ana Amel Ana Amela. AUB. April 26-30, 2016

Hala Auji
Exhibition catalog: “‘Miniature’ Painting Between Past and Present.” In Minor Heroisms, pp. 9-11. Ed. Nat Muller. Istanbul: Galeri Zilberman, 2015.
Octavian Esanu
1. Co-curator: The Arab Nude: The Artist as Awakener (co-curated with Kirsten Scheid at The Rose and Shaheen Saleeby Museum and AUB Byblos Bank Art Gallery, Winter 2016)

2. Curator: Jayce Salloum: (Kan Ya Ma Kan) There Was and There Was Not (redux/fragments) (AUB Byblos Bank Art Gallery, Fall 2015)

3. Editor: “Al-Musawwirun: Artists before Art.” Editor of pamphlet and text for exhibition (AUB Art Galleries, 2015)

4. “W@r aga1nst the F1lters: Spam as the Inheritor of High Modernism” in Forty-Five: A Journal of Outside Research available online at: (September, 2015).

Daniele Genadry
Solo exhibition: “The Fall.” Sursock Museum, Beirut. February 11, 2016-April 18, 2016.

Angela Harutyunyan
1. Peer reviewed publication. “Form and Event: Beyond a Critique of Representation” in Literature, Art, and Contemporary World: narratives, history, memory. Ed. Nayla Tamraz. Saint-Joseph University Press: Beirut

2. Non-peer reviewed publication in Academic Journal. “Art History And The Challenge Of Apprehending The Familiar: A Conversation With Vardan Azatyan” for ARTMargins Online,


3. Online publication. “Serndeserund: perestroikayic minchev mer orery” (Historicizing Generations: from the perestroika to the present)., 04.07/2015.

4. Translation. “Book Summery”, Israel Ory and the Armenian Liberation Idea, The Johannissyan Research Institute in the Humanities: Yerevan.

5. Translation. “The Dream of the Future as a Modality of Time”, Nazareth Karoyan. Catalog of Armenity: The Pavilion of the Republic of Armenia in Venice 54th Biennale. Skira Press.

6. Translation. “Teni Vardanyan. The artist as an angel-cleaner” by Nare Sahakyan and Irina Shahbazyan in Teni Vardanyan. Works (catalog), Actual Arvest, Yerevan, 2015.
Thomas Kim
1. Conductor. J. S. Bach’s Magnificat and G. F. Handel’s Utrecht Jubilate. Concert by the American University of Beirut Choir and Choral Society. December 8 and 8, 2015.

2. Conductor. Choral Music by Ralph Vaughan Williams: Dona nobis pacem and Five mystical songs. Concert by the American University of Beirut Choir and Choral Society. April 18 and 19, 2016.

David Kurani
1. Group exhibition. “Visual Art Forum VI,” LAAPS (Lebanese Association of Artists, Painters, & Sculptors). UNESCO Palace Exhibition hall, Beirut—Dar el Fann Art Center in Tripoli, one watercolor and one large acrylic. October 2015.

2. Group Exhibition. “Salon de l’Aquarelle de Belgique,” Tours & Taxis Exhibition Hall, Brussels. Six large to medium-sized watercolors. October 2015.

3. Group Exhibition. “Lebanese Art Expo,” LAAPS (Lebanese Association of Artists, Painters, & Sculptors). Two large watercolors. November 2015.

4. Voice actor. “Daniel Bliss Proposes a Toast.” Video presented as part of the Inauguration of President Fadlo Khuri, Biel Royal Pavilion. January 2016

Walid Sadek
1. Academic publication: “Pulsing Conversation: On the Figure of the Non-Posthumous Survivor” in Literature, Art et Monde Contemporain, (Under the direction of Prof. N. Tamraz), Beirut: Presses de L’Universite Saint-Joseph, 2015, pp. 271-288.

2. Book chapter: “On the Unsaid of a Dis-arming Figure” in The Time We Share; Reflecting on and Through Performing Arts, (Eds. D. Blanga-Gubbay and L. Kwakkenbos), Belgium: Mercatorfonds and Kunstenfestivaldesarts, 2015, pp. 336-339.

3. Group exhibition: “The Conversion of St. Paul; on the double indexicality of the Open” in What Hope Looks Like After Hope, curated by Bassam El Baroni for HomeWorks VII, Beirut, 11 - 24 November, 2015.


With the proposed MA program in Art History and Curating awaiting final approval from the New York Higher Education Commission, we plan on starting classes either in the Spring of 2017 or the Fall of 2017.

We are in the process of beginning plans for a new photography studio to be constructed on the fourth floor of Nicely Hall.
Hala Auji has been appointed Fellow at the Arts and Humanities Institute for the coming academic year.

Thomas Kim




This 2015-16 academic year has witnessed a number of developments on various fronts. First, it was our turn to carry out a comprehensive/objective self-study, which is a major step for the Geology program review that started early February 2016. In this exercise, the engagement of faculty members, staff and some students has been beneficial in carrying out this task. We are progressing reasonably well in this respect, and in fact we have completed about half of the self-study report. Upon the completion of each chapter, it is sent to the internal program review committee. The external program review committee will receive the entire report in November 2016, and this external committee is expected to carry out the site-visit part of the review in February 2017. In terms of curricular developments, the newly-developed graduate geophysics course (Geol-330U; Well-logging & Petroleum Systems) was taught, for the first time, during this fall semester, whereas the newly-developed undergraduate course (Introduction to Geophysics; Geol-226) was first taught during this spring semester 2015-16. Furthermore, our efforts in introducing a new Geoscience course (Geol-206; Planetary Geology) have been successful, as the course has been approved by the FAS Curriculum Committee, then by the GE-Board, and has recently been added to the university’s list of GE natural-science courses. The course has been slotted for the fall-semester 2016-17 academic year, and in fact, a good number of students have already registered in it. The Geoscience freshman-level courses, along with our four multi-section GE natural geoscience courses continue to attract a large number of students from other majors in FAS, and from other faculties, with the demand to increase capacity in all sections never diminishes. Due to falling oil prices our graduating students are facing difficulties in joining the already strained petroleum industry, but some are managing well in competing with European and North American graduates and in obtaining scholarships to pursue graduate studies abroad, whereas some have already been accepted in our graduate program. Two of our top students, along with a faculty adviser, have participated in the GEO-2016 Geoscience Conference & Exhibition, held in Bahrain 6-10 March 2016, which was sponsored by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG). The two students have also participated in all Young Professionals & Student activities program, and attended all related workshops. Two abstracts were accepted for poster presentations at this conference, and the students participated in the research and poster-preparation part and in the presentation of the two posters at the conference.


  1. Faculty Members

Abdel-Rahman, Abdel-Fattah

Professor (Chairman)


Salah, Mohamed

Associate Professor


Doummar, Joanna

Assistant Professor


Elias, Ata

Assistant Professor


Haidar, Ali

Assistant Professor


El Khatib, Rani



Khadra, Wisam



Oueida, Raghida



  1. Research Assistants

    Fall Semester

    Azhari, Mohamad

    Spring Semester

    Azhari, Mohamad

  2. Graduate Assistants

Fall Semester

Azhari, Mohamad

Spring Semester

Azhari, Mohamad

Khairallah, Catherina

  1. Non-Academic Staff

Ijreiss, Maroun

Senior Technician

Lababidi, Nisrine

Administrative Assistant


    1. Number of Graduating Majors


Oct. 2010


Feb. 2011


Jun. 2011



Oct. 2010


Feb. 2011


Jun. 2011


2. Number of Majors











3. Student Enrollment in Courses


Summer ‘15




300 and above

























4. Number of Credit Hours Offered


Summer ‘15




300 and above


























Abdel-Rahman, Abdel-Fattah
1. Continued to study a major composite batholith (Mount Mons-Claudianus) and its role in uniting plates of Gondwana during the Late Proterozoic. One paper on the mineralogy of this batholith has been accepted for publication, and another is in advance stage of preparation.

2. The study of A-type granitic complexes of the Nubian shield is continuing. Research data on these magmatic complexes will shed light on trends of rare-metal mineralization, and on the post-orogenic geodynamic regime that witnessed the initiation of extensional tectonics in the region. Work is in progress.

3. Research work on the Mount Umm El-Rus Gabbroic complex of eastern Egypt is continuing. This work aims at determining the nature of mantle source materials, degree of partial melting, and the overall petrogenetic evolution of this complex. Work is in progress.

4. Petrography and Geochemistry of the Albian rock sequence, North Lebanon, using field, petrological and geochemical data to assess the sedimentology and diagenesis of the Albian rock sequence in Lebanon. Work is in advanced stage near completion.

Doummar, Joanna
1. June 2014- June 2016. OGC/URB: Estimation of mean groundwater age using environmental tracers (CFC, SF6, 3H, and 3He) in two pilot catchment areas; a karst aquifer and a fractured sandstone aquifer in Lebanon.

2. September 2014- June 2017. PEER (USAID-National Science Foundation). Assessment of real evapotranspiration and recharge processes on two karst pilot groundwater catchments (Lebanon) using an integrated spatially distributed numerical model: Applications for water resources management purposes.

3. June 2015-June 2016. OGC/URE Extensive multi-tracer experiments to estimate transport parameters in two karst aquifer systems under different dynamic conditions: Application on Assal and Qachqouch catchment areas- Lebanon.

4. July 2015-August 2015. Beirut and Mount Lebanon Water Establishment (EBML). Geology and Hydrogeology of the Ghadir Surface Water Catchment.

Elias, Ata
1. Seismotectonic study of the Jannah Dam and study of its reservoir triggered seismicity potential. Source of funding: EBML.

2. Analysis of the recent temporal and geographical distribution of seismicity in Lebanon: Monitoring and assessing the recent seismic activity of the Lebanese region in particular and the Eastern Mediterranean in general, as recorded by the local and regional networks.

3. Elias, A.: The transverse E-W faults over the western flank of Mt-Lebanon: tectonic role and geodynamic significance.

Salah, Mohamed
1. Continuing my research focusing on the 3-D seismic structure of the eastern Mediterranean region using available arrival time data generated by local and teleseismic events. The obtained velocity models, after applying seismic tomography techniques, are interpreted for the possible locations of major earthquakes, active fault zones, and areas of high seismic hazard.

2. Conducting research in other applied geophysical techniques such as studying the effect of diagenesis and related depositional settings on the petrophysical properties of reservoir rocks, and the utilization of geoelectrical resistivity surveying to the study of groundwater occurrence and quality in some of the Mediterranean coastal areas. One paper has been submitted.

Abdel-Rahman, Abdel-Fattah
1. Member, Steering Committee of the Masri Institute

2. Member, Steering Committee of the Central Science Research Laboratory.

3. Member of the FAS URE Committee.

4. Chairperson of the Department of Geology

5. Chair of the Departmental Program Review Committee.

6. Member of the FAS Administrative Committee.

7. Member of the university General Education Board.

8. Member of the university USFC Committee.

9. External member of Biology Department Faculty Recruitment Committee.

10. Chair of Program Learning Outcome’s Assessment ad-hoc Committee.

11. Academic advisor; Geology and Petroleum Studies students.

12. Mentoring of new Geology faculty members.

13. Book Coordinator of the Department of Geology.

14. Adviser of the Geology Student Society (GSS).

15. Adviser of the Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Middle East Student Chapter.

16. Member of M.S. Thesis committee of Geology graduate students.

17. Supervised and helped during the FAS-SRC student elections.

18. Provided many Geol. Museum tours to hundreds of school students.

Doummar, Joanna
1. Member of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

2. Member of the Research Committee

3. M.S. thesis Advisor of Mr. Ahmad Hamdan- AUB Geology Department

4. Member of the advising committee of the PhD thesis of Mr. Amir Safi (FEA); AUB Civil Engineering.

5. Member of the PhD thesis defense committee of Mrs. Christiane Zoghbi (FEA); AUB Civil Engineering- (defended April 2016).

6. Supervision of 7 undergraduate and graduate research assistants.

7. Academic Advisor of some PTST and freshman students..

9. Library Liaison for the Geology Department at the Jafet Library

10. Deputy Safety Warden for Post Hall (Geology Dept.)
Elias, Ata
1. Academic Advisor for some Geology students.
Haidar, Ali
1. Academic Advisor for some Geology students.
Salah, Mohamed
1. Member of the AUB FAS Library Committee (2015-16).

2. Member of M.S. Thesis Committee of one AUB Geology student.

3. Member of the FAS K-Shair - CRSL Review Panel for 2015-16

Abdel-Rahman, Abdel-Fattah
1. Abdel-Rahman, A. M. & Ibrahim, T. (2016): Onshore/Offshore stratigraphy of Lebanon and Pptential for hydrocarbon accumulations: A Revie w. GEO-2016 AAPG Geoscience Conference, Manama, Bahrain, 7-10 March 2016.

2. Abdel-Rahman, A. M. & Khairallah, C. (2016): Overview of tectonic elements / inversed structures and development of potential hydrocarbon traps in the central-eastern Mediterranean basin. GEO-2016 AAPG Geoscience Conference, Manama, Bahrain, 7-10 March 2016. Conference Abstract.

Doummar, Joanna
1. Doummar, J. and Hamdan A (2016). Estimation of transit times in a Karst Aquifer system using environmental tracers: Application on the Jeita Aquifer system-Lebanon. EGU (European Geophysical Union). Vienna- Austria, 18-21 April 2016; Conference Abstract.

2. Doummar J., Aoun M., and Andari F (2016). Assessment of vulnerability in karst aquifers using a quantitative integrated numerical model: catchment characterization and high resolution monitoring - Application to semi-arid regions. EGU (European Geophysical Union). Vienna, Austria, 18-21 April 2016; Conference Abstract.

3. Safi A. A., El-Fadel M., Doummar J., Abou Najm M., and Alameddine I (2016). Modeling saltwater intrusion in highly heterogeneous coastal aquifers. EGU (European Geophysical Union). Vienna- Austria, 18-21 April 2016; Conference Abstract.

4. Safi A., El-Fadel, M., Doummar, J., Alameddine, I., and Abou Najm, M. (2015). Modeling heterogeneity impact on saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers. AQUA 2015 42nd IAH Congress. Rome-Italy, 13-18 September 2015; Conference Abstract.

5. Hamdan A. and Doummar, J. (2015). Estimation of transit times in a Kart Aquifer system using environmental tracers: Application on the Jeita Aquifer system-Lebanon. Palaeogroundwater from past and present glaciated areas. Tallinn- Estonia, 5-9 July 2015; Presentation.

6. Rashid. G., El-Fadel, M., Alameddine, I., Abou Najm, M., and Doummar, J. (2015). Impact of extreme climatic factors on saltwater intrusion dynamics in coastal aquifers. AQUA 2015 42nd IAH Congress. Rome-Italy, 13-18 September 2015. Conference Abstract.

Elias, Ata
1. Elias, A. Petroleum Resources in the Lebanese Offshore: The Need for Credible Assessments and Adequate Policy, April 2016, LCPS Policy Brief, web.pdf.

2. Elias, A. Estimating the Size of the Levantine East Mediterranean Hydrocarbon Basin, February 2016, LCPS Policy Paper, lcps.pdf.

4. Elias A. (2016) The Qartaba Structure: An Active Backthrust in Central Mt-Lebanon. EGU2016-11268, April-2016, Vienna. Conference Abstract.

3. Vidal, A., Hage-Hassan, J.L., Demory, F., Develle, A.-L., van Campo, E., Elias, A. and Gasse, F. (2016) Holocene environmental changes in northern Lebanon as inferred from a multiproxy study on lacustrine-palustrine sediment. EGU2016-16625, April 2016, Vienna. Conference Abstract.

Salah, Mohamed
1. Salah, M. K., El Ghandour, M. M., Abdel-Hameed, A. T. (2016). Effect of diagenesis on the petrophysical properties of the Miocene rocks at the Qattara Depression, north Western Desert, Egypt. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 9:329, DOI: 10.1007/s12517-015-2275-8.

2. Salah, M. K., Salem, Z. E., Al Temamy, A. M., Kassab, M. (2016). Hydrogeochemical and geophysical evaluation of groundwater resources in Abu Madi coastal area, Northern Nile Delta, Egypt. “Water Resources in Arid Areas: The Way Forward,” International Conference, 13-16 March 2016, Muscat, Oman. Conference Abstract.

Although productivity in research has been somewhat on the low side, with no research work published in the areas of sedimentology and structural geology during the past few years, research activities in hydrogeology, mineralogy and petrophysics is progressing reasonably well. In particular, and as a result of a large “Peer” (USAID-National Science Foundation) grant, our Hydrogeologist has been able to engage graduate and undergraduate students in hydrogeology research and in collecting valuable data. Some of the results of this work have been presented at international conferences, and work is in progress to finalize some papers to be sent for publications. In the area of faculty recruitment, we have been able to successfully recruit an Assistant Professor in the area of carbonate stratigraphy, and a Visiting Assistant Professor in the area of paleontology. The department has requested a replacement position in the area of Structural Geology, and upon approval, it will be advertised during the 2016-17 academic year. The following year we are hoping to be able to recruit a specialist in the Petroleum Geology / Sedimentology domain. Once we succeed in doing so, we will then be able to develop a rigorous research program in this vital area. Our future development plan for restructuring the optical mineralogy-petrography laboratory is hindered by possible university master plans that may include the re-location of the Department of Geology. This issue has created an unpleasant environment to the Geology chairperson and to faculty members. The growing demand for Geology and Petroleum Studies majors is continuing, and our student’s intake is on the high side. However, we have implemented, and for the past couple of years, certain academic requirements that students need to achieve in order to be allowed to continue in the major. This has helped re-orienting those who are not capable of progressing well in our Geoscience programs as such students are normally dropped to a majorless status so as to allow them to transfer to areas of study more suitable to their academic levels. We have noted that the number of our B.S. graduates applying for graduate studies has been increasing. Our future development plan includes the introduction of an applied master’s degree program in Applied Petroleum Geoscience. At this time, the department is studying this plan. Numerous school students, as well as some university (particularly Civil Engineering) students continue to visit the AUB Geology Museum annually, and we do provide illustrated scientific tours to visiting students. In this respect, there is a need to purchase some museum-quality mineral specimens to enrich our mineralogy collection, and hopefully purchase a fiber-glass replica of a full-size Dinosaur skeleton (perhaps via a fund-raising effort through the AUB Development Office). This might play a significant role in igniting the sense of scientific enquiry in the minds of our young visitors.

Abdel-Fattah Abdel-Rahman


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