Graduate studies committee

Number of Credit Hours Offered in Statistics Courses

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  1. Number of Credit Hours Offered in Statistics Courses






300 and above





211- 299





200- 210





100- 199











Hazar Abu-Khuzam

1. “Structure of certain Von Neumann Rings” (Paper in progress, final stage).

2. “Structure of certain rings having a prime or semiprime center” (Paper in
progress, final stage).

Abbas Alhakim
Novel and efficient methods to generate de Bruijn sequences, CNRS grant, L.L. 7,500,000. Renewed for the period of June 1, 2015 to May 1, 2016.
Monique Azar
Enumerative and tropical geometry.
Florian Bertrand
1. Gluing techniques in almost complex geometry (partly funded by CAMS).

2. Mapping problem and the analytic disc technique.

3. Geometry of invariant metrics (partly funded by CEDRE and CAMS).
Giuseppe Della Sala
1. CR Geometry and Analysis (funded by CAMS).

2. Zero sets of holomorphic functions in several variables.

Sabine El Khoury
With Hema Srinivasan, “A note on the subadditivity of Gorenstein Algebras (in progress)

Kamal Khuri-Makdisi

  1. On Jacobian group arithmetic for typical divisors on curves, preprint, available from

  2. Upper bounds for some Brill-Noether loci over a finite field (most of the draft completed).

  3. Hilbert modular forms and equations for Hilbert Abelian surfaces (in progress).

Stefano Monni
1. Covariance Matrix Estimation.

2. Variable Selection.

Nazih Nahlus

  1. With Joseph Malkoun, Commutators and Cartan Subalgebras in Lie Algebras of Compact Semisimple Groups. Paper submitted for publication. See:

  2. On L=[L, x] + [L, y]  for semisimple Lie algebras and 1.5 generators. Final stages.

  3. F-Noetherian Rings. In this paper, we introduce a new notion called F-Noetherian rings which has applications to Linear Algebra over F-Noetherian rings and Quantum Groups. Paper in final stages.

  4. Orthogonal Cartan subalgebras in complex semisimple Lie algebras. Paper in final stages.

  5. F-Noetherian Rings and Quantum Groups. In this paper, we investigate F-Notherian Ring extensions with applications to Quantum Groups. Paper in middle stages.

Nabil Nassif

  1. PhD thesis supervision in Applied Mathematics: Salwa Mansour, Université de Rennes, “Contribution to certain Physical and Numerical Aspects of the Study of the Heat Transfer in a Granular Medium” (Completion December 2015).

  2. Master’s thesis supervision in Mathematics: Hagop Karakazian. “Existence and Uniqueness of the Hazegawa-Mima Plasma equations” (Completed February 2016).

  3. “Parallel Algorithms for the Membrane Problem.” Paper presented in May 2015 at PINT 2015 workshop.

  4. Visiting Scholar, IRISA, Université de Rennes I, France, April 2015.

  5. Seminars given at Lebanese University and Beirut Arab University.

  6. “A Modeling Approach for the Physiological Tick Life Cycle using a McKendrick type PDE.” Work presented at the conference on Mathematical Epidemiology in Rio de Janeiro, January 2016.

Wissam Raji
1. Writing a book on Modular Forms.

2. Periods of Modular Forms and Identities between Eisenstein Series.

3. Binomial Expansion of Period Functions of Half Integral Weight.
Bassam Shayya

  1. “Weighted restriction estimates using polynomial partitioning’’ (submitted for publication).


Hazar Abu Khuzam
I was on periodic Research Leave this year. I am serving as a member of the PhD Thesis Committee: Member for Ms. Maya Chatila of the Beirut Arab University.
Abbas Alhakim

  1. Presented a talk titled “Recursive Constructions of De Bruijn Cycles: Two Paradigms”, in Connections in Discrete Mathematics conference honoring Ron Graham on his 80th birthday. Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada. June 2015.

  2. Presented a talk titled “Generalized de Bruijn Graphs”, Joint Annual Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Seattle, Washington. January 2016.

  3. Presented an invited talk titled “A survey of some recent constructions of de Bruijn sequences, and some open problems.” San Jose State University, California. January 2016.

  4. Refereed articles for IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (1), Discrete Mathematics (1), and the Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation (2).

  5. Served as elected member of the FAS Graduate Committee.

  6. Served as Chair of the Department Curriculum Committee.

  7. Served as majorless/freshman advisor, (Summer, Fall and Spring).

Monique Azar
1. Member of the departmental curriculum committee.

2. Math department book adoption coordinator.

Florian Bertrand
1. Fellow of the Center for Advanced Mathematical Sciences (CAMS).

2. Organizer of the Analysis and Geometry Seminar at AUB.

3. Co-organizer of the Conference on Differential Geometry CAMS, AUB in May 2016.

4. Several talks (BAU analysis workshop, working seminar on value distribution theory of holomorphic functions, international conference complex analysis and complex geometry at Banff, seminar talk at Ljubljana Slovenia).

5. PI with Hervé Gaussier of the project CEDRE 35398TK “Geometry of Invariant Metrics”.

6. Member of the departmental hiring committee.

7. Chair of the departmental PhD program committee.

8. Member of the university disciplinary committee.

9. Master’s thesis advisor for Preskella Mrad and Mona Salameh.

10. Master’s thesis committee for Abeer Al-Ahmadieh and Nour Al Hassanieh.

Giuseppe Della Sala

1. Fellow, Center for Advanced Mathematical Sciences

2. Member, Departmental Strategic Planning Committee

3. Member, Departmental PhD Committee

4. Member, Undergraduate Admission Committee

5. Member of M.S. Thesis Committees: Preskella Mrad, Mona Salameh

6. Presented talks at ESI (Vienna), AUB, NDU

Sabine El Khoury
1. Majorless advisor.

2. Library Committee member.

Kamal Khuri-Makdisi
1. Hiring committee chair, AUB mathematics department, 2015-16 academic year. Third year in a row of chairing the hiring committee. Oversaw process with about 120 applicants for positions in the department. The department hopes to recruit 4 faculty members this year.

2. Seminar and conference talks given:

“The ring of modular forms on Gamma(N),” a survey talk, at Notre Dame University, Lebanon, April 2016.

“Algorithmic representation of a curve and its Jacobian,” at a conference on Arithmetic Geometry: Explicit Methods and Applications, Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education, December 2015.

3. Program committee member, Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium (ANTS) conference, scheduled for August 2016 in Kaiserslautern, Germany.

4. Scientific visits/hosting visitors and conferences attended:

Visit to Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Korea, May 2016.

Hosting Nicolas Mascot and Aurel Page (postdocs at U. Warwick) for a scientific visit to Beirut, April 2016.

Conference on Arithmetic Geometry: Explicit Methods and Applications, Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education, December 2015.

Modular Forms and Curves of Low Genus: Computational Aspects (part of 12 day visit to ICERM, Brown University), September 2015.

Conference in honor of Joseph H. Silverman, Brown University, August 2015.

Visiting scientist (1 month), Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, June 2015.

5. Refereed two journal articles, one for LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics, and another for Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra.

6. Served as an external referee for a promotion committee at AUC (Egypt).

7. Member, MS thesis defense committee for one student at AUB (May 2016).

8. Helped put together (for the third time) a trainer and a team of high school students to participate in a mathematics summer competition in Italy.

9. Nominated (for the sixth time since joining AUB) for the AUB Award for Excellence in Teaching, December 2015.
Stefano Monni
1. Refereed one journal article for Bayesian Analysis

2. Member Hiring Committee, AUB Matematics Department (2015-16)

3. Reviewer for a research grant proposal, College of Arts and Science, Qatar University

4. Presentation at Notre Dame University Louaize, Mathematics Department.

Nazih Nahlus
I was on a paid research leave for 2015-2016 during which my research was carried out in Beirut.
Nabil Nassif
1. Member of FAS Computational Science Committee.

2. Advisor for Sophomore students in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics.

3. Member of the department subcommittee on the “Master’s degree concentration in Applied Mathematics.”

4. Director, Zaki Nassif Program for Music.

Wissam Raji
1. Member of the university publication committee

2. Department Chair

Bassam Shayya

  1. Member of the Board of General Education, AUB.

  2. Member of the PhD committee of Mr. Jihad Fahs, EECE Department, FEA.

  3. Member of the MS committee of Mr. Hagop Karakazian, Math Department.

  4. Member of the MS committee of Ms. Nour Al Hassanieh, Math Department.


Hazar Abu Khuzam
On Rings where Certain Subsets are Multiplicatively Generated by Idempotents, British Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 16:2 (2016): 1-8.
Abbas Al Hakim
With Ron Graham and Steven Butler, “De Bruijn Sequences with Varying Combs.” Accepted for publication in the Journal of Integers.
Florian Bertrand
With G. Della Sala, “Riemann-Hilbert type problems with singularities” (submitted for publication).

With H. Gaussier, “Gromov hyperbolicity of strongly pseudoconvex almost complex manifolds,” Proceedings of the AMS 143 (2015): 3901–3913.

With G. Della Sala, “Stationary discs for smooth hypersurfaces of finite type and finite jet determination,” Journal of Geometric Analysis 25 (2015): 2516–2545.

Giuseppe Della Sala
With F. Bertrand, “Stationary Discs for Smooth Hypersurfaces of Finite Type and Finite Jet Determination”, Journal of Geometric Analysis 25 (2015): 2516–2545.

With B. Lamel and M. Reiter, “Local and Infinitesimal Rigidity of Hypersurface Embeddings”, Transactions of the AMS, forthcoming

“Curves homogeneous under analytic transformations” (submitted).
Sabine El Khoury
With A. V. Jayanthan and Hema Srinivasan, “On the number of generators of ideals defining Gorenstien Artin Algebras with Hilbert Function (1, n+1, …n+1, 1),” Beitr. Algebra Geom. 57:1 (2016): 173–187.

With Manoj Kummini and Hema Srinivasan, “Bounds for the Multiplicity of Gorenstein Algebras,” Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 143:1 (2015): 121-128.

With Andrew Kustin, “The explicit minimal resolution constructed from a Macaulay inverse system”, J. Algebra 440 (2015): 145-186.
Kamal Khuri-Makdisi
“Periods of modular forms and identities between Eisenstein series,” joint with W. Raji, accepted and appeared online at Mathematische Annalen. (Preprint available from ).
Stefano Monni
With M. G. Tadesse and F. Mortier, “Uncovering Cluster Structure and Group-Specific Associations: Variable Selection in Multivariate Mixture Regression Models,” in Mathematical Sciences with Multidisciplinary Applications, ed. B. Toni, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 157, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-31323-8_21 (to appear)

With S. Banerjee and M. Wells, “A Regularized Profile Likelihood Approach to Covariance Matrix Estimation,” Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference.

Nabil Nassif

With Bernard Philippe and Jocelyne Erhel, Introduction to Computational Linear Algebra. CRC Francis & Taylor, 2015. 259 pages.

Wissam Raji
With D. Choi and S. Lim, “Period Functions of Half-Integral Weight Modular Forms,” Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, 27:1 (2015): 33-45.
Bassam Shayya
“Variants of the Mattila integral, measures with nonnegative Fourier transforms, and the distance set problem,” Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 368, no. 4 (2016): 2623-2644.

Tamer Tlas
“On the Holonomic Equivalence of Two curves” accepted.

The department will continue to work on the quality of the undergraduate and the graduate programs. Several new courses have been established and a new track in applied Mathematics should be running next year. We will continue to recruit more faculty members to cope with the increasing number of students.
Wissam Raji




The department offered courses to a total of 1890 students (compared with 1867 and 1606 for the two previous years). Out of the 300 credit hours offered, 111 were taught by full time professorial ranked faculty, 51 were taught by PhD holding lecturers, and 138 were taught by instructors whose highest degree is an MA.

There are currently 18 undergraduate philosophy majors, up from 12 last year and nine the year before that. There were 24 philosophy minors among the graduates this May, which means it is likely that there are between 60 and 80 minors in the student body as a whole. The recently revitalized Philosophy Student Society (PSS) has had an active year. The PSS hosted several events under their own aegis, co-sponsored four public lectures with the department, and contributed to organizing the international graduate student conference in May of 2016 (more on that below). Our graduate program continues to thrive and to grow. Two graduate students earned their MA this year, we have seven continuing MA students, and two new applicants have been accepted for admission in the fall of 2016. Depending on how many of those students are able to secure financial support, we will have seven to nine graduate students for 2016-2017. During the past year, two of our recent MA recipients were accepted into top PhD programs abroad: University College Dublin and Georgetown University. Our biggest impediment to recruiting graduate students is the low number of Graduate Assistantships (GAs) we have to offer. Given our track record of producing MA degree holders who contribute to AUB as instructors before moving on to top PhD programs, it would be prudent for the administration to allot more funding to support graduate study in our department. During 2015-2016, we implemented two new policies aimed at improving our MA program. With respect to advising, we have begun assigning individual faculty members to each graduate student as soon as they enter the program. The students may still seek counsel from the department chair and the director of graduate studies, but now each one will start the program with access to an advisor with an individualized focus. With respect to the MA comprehensive exam, we have changed the format of the exam to meet the dual goals of helping the students focus on the area on which they will write their MA theses and to fill curricular gaps in their philosophical training.

The department organized and participated in three international conferences in the 2015-2016 academic year. Continuing a six-year tradition, we hosted an annual conference, “Powers, Dispositions and the New Essentialism,” in April of 2016. This featured speakers from Sorbonne, London School of Economics, Washington University, University of Buffalo, Norwegian Arctic University, St. Louis University, and well as contributions from AUB. In May of this year our MA students hosted an international graduate student conference, “Infinite Jest,” which drew participants from six countries on five continents. To our knowledge, this was the first conference organized by and for philosophy graduate students in the history of AUB. Finally, in coordination with several other departments and under the aegis of AUB’s Center for Arts and Humanities, we co-organized, “Lacan contra Foucalt: Subjectivity, Universalism, Politics” which was held in December of 2015. In the course of the 2015-2016 academic year, the department also hosted talks by Dr. Rami El Ali (LAU) “Does Hallucinating Involve Perceiving?” and Dr. Gabriel Rabin (NYU Abu Dhabi) “Fundamentality, Physicalism, and the Intelligibility Constraint.”

The department continues to collect data on our Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs). This year, each professor/lecturer/instructor who has philosophy majors in his or her class was given a questionnaire asking to assess how well each of those majors was able to meet each of the department’s three PLOs in that class. In addition to this year’s PLO annual report, we also wrote and submitted a PLO three-year summary report.


Muller, Hans D.

Chairperson, Associate Professor


Brassier, Raymond



Haydar, Bashshar



Bashour, Bana

Associate Professor


Christopher, Johns

Associate Professor


Lewtas, Patrick

Associate Professor


Nasr, Waddah

Associate Professor


Norton, Joshua

Assistant Professor


Abou Zaki, Nadine



Agha, Saleh



Spohr, Paul



Sadek, Karim



Barakat, Karim



Chalabi, Fares



Daher Abdallah



Dimirdji, Ali Hocine



Dib, Nelly



Hariri, Muhannad



Hassan, Hani



Hassanieh, Mahmoud



Talhouk, Omar



Wahab, Karam



Graduate Assistants
Fall Semester

Ms. Al Bizri, Rana

Mr. Hayek, Mark

Mr. Raya, Iyad

Ms. Sabra, Zainab

Spring Semester

Ms. Al Bizri, Rana

Mr. Hayek, Mark

Mr. Khelifi, Raed

Mr. Raya, Iyad

Ms. Sabra, Zainab

Student Employment
Spring Semester

Mr. Najib Abou Ismail

Non-Academic Staff
Rawas, Samar Secretary


Number of Graduating Majors


Oct. 2015


Feb. 2016


Jun. 2016



Oct. 2015


Feb. 2016


Jun. 2016


Number of Majors









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