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אֲרִיתְמֶטִי adj. fw arithmetical. [Back formation אֲרִיתְמֶטִיקָה.]

אֲרִיתְמֶטִיקָה f.n. fw arithmetic. [Ultimately from Gk. arithmetike techne (= the art of counting), from arithmein (= to number, count, reckon), from arithmos (= number), from ie base *riī̌ (= to count). Base *rī̌- is prob. an enlargement of base *ar- (= to join), whence L. arma (= weapons), ars (= art), etc. See אַרְטִיסְט and cp. the second element in לוֹגָרִיתְם.]

ארך to be long. [Related to Phoen. ארך, Aram. אֲרַךְ, Syr. אֱרַךְ (= was long), Ugar. a̧rk, Akka. arāku (= to be long), Arab. ’araka, ’arika (= he delayed), OSArab. ארכן (= enduring), Ethiop. ’arga (= became old).] — Qal אָרַךְ intr. v. was long, lasted, lasted long, was protracted. — Hiph. הֶאֱרִיךְ he lengthened, prolonged, protracted; it became long. — Hoph. הָאֳרַךְ nh was lengthened. — Hith. הִתְאָרֵךְ mh was lengthened, became long. Derivatives: אֲרוּכָה, אָרִיךְ, אֲרִיכָא, אָרֹךְ, אֹרֶךְ, אַרְכָה, אָרְכִּי, אַרְכָן, הַאֲרָכָה, הִתֽאָרְכוּת, מַאֲרִיךְ, מַאֲרֵךְ, מָאֳרָךְ, מֵרְכָא, מֵרְכָה.

אָרֹךְ adj. long. [From ארך.]

אֶֽרֶךְc. st. of אָרֹךְ (q.v.).

אֹֽרֶךְ m.n. length, longitude. [From ארך. cp. Aram.-Syr. אוּרְכָּא (= length). Derivative: אָרְכִּי.]

אַרְכָאִי adj. fw archaic. [Gk. archaikos (= old-fashioned, antiquated), from archios (= ancient), from arche (= beginning, origin). See אַרְכִי and suff. □ִי.]

אַרְכָאִיזְם m.n. fw archaism. [Gk. archaismos, from archaizein (= to be old-fashioned, copy the ancients in language), from archaios (= ancient). See אַרְכָאִי and suff. □ִיזְם.]

אַרְכֻּבָּה, אַרְכּוּבָּה f.n. pbh knee, knee joint. [Like BAram. אַרְכֻבָּה, Arab. rukbah (= knee), metathesized equivalents of Biblical Heb. בֶּרֶךְ. The אַ in אַרְכֻּבָּה is prosthetic. cp. רְכוּבָה. cp. also עַרְקוּב.] Derivative: אַרְכֻּבִּית.

אַרְכֻּבִּית f.n. nh knotweed, knotgrass. [Formed from אַרֽכֻּבָּה with suff. □ִית.]

אַרְכָה f.n. lengthening, prolonging. [BAram. אַרְכָה (Dan. 4:24), אַרְכָא (ibid. 7:12), from אֲרַךְ (= was long). See ארך and first suff. □ָה. As shown by the passages quoted from Dan., the form אַרְכָּה, given in most dictionaries, is wrong.]

אַרְכּוּבָה see אַרְכֻּבָּה.

אַרְכוֹן m.n. pbh ruler. [From Gk. archon (= ruler), properly pres. part. of archein (= to rule).]

אַרְכּוֹף m.n. 1 nh stirrup. 2 pbh instrument of torture. [Of uncertain origin.]

אָרְכִּי adj. nh of length, longitudinal. [Formed from אֹרֶךֽ with suff. □ִי.]

אַרְכִי m.n. pbh rule, dominion; term of office, office. [Gk. arche (= beginning, first cause, origin, first principle; office), from the stem of archein (= to begin, rule), whence also archos (= leader, chief, ruler). cp. אַרְכָאִי, אַרְכִי□, אַרְכִיּוֹן, □ַרֽכֽיָה, the first element in אַרְכֵיאוֹלוֹגְיָה and the second element in מַטְרִיאַרְכָט, הִיֶּרַרְכְיָה, פּוֹלֵימַרְכוּס. cp. also עַרֽכִּי.]

אַרְכִיfw archi– (a pref. meaning ‘chief’, ‘primitive, original’). [Gk. archi–, related to archos (= leader, chief, ruler). See אַרְכִי.]

אַרְכֵיאוֹלוֹג m.n. fw archaeologist. [Back formation from אַרְכֵיאוֹלוֹגְיָה.]

אַרְכֵיאוֹלוֹגְיָה f.n. nh archaeology. [Gk. archaiologia (= the study of ancient things), compounded of archaios (= ancient), and –logia. See אַרְכִי and □לוֹגְיָה.]

[[pg-56]]אַרְכִיבִּישׁוֹף m.n. fw archbishop. [A hybrid coined from Gk. archi– and Ger. Bischof (= bishop), which ultimately derives from Gk. episkopos (= overseer). See אַרְכִי□ and בִּישׁוֹף.]

אַרְכִיּוֹן m.n. pbh archives. [Gk. archeion (= public building, town hall), pl. archeia (= public records, the archives), from arche (= beginning, origin). See אַרְכִי.] Derivatives: אַרֽכִיּוֹנָאוּת, אַרֽכִיּוֹנַאי, אַרְכִיּוֹנִי.

אַרְכִיּוֹנָאוּת f.n. nh work in archives. [Formed from אַרְכִיּוֹן with suff. □וּת.]

אַרְכִיּוֹנַאי m.n. nh archivist. [Formed from אַרְכִיּוֹן with suff. □ַאי.]

אַרְכִיּוֹנִי adj. nh archival. [Formed from אַרְכִיּוֹן with suff. □ִי.]

אַרְכִיטִיפּוּס m.n. fw archetype. [From L. archetypum, from Gk. archetypon (= pattern, model), properly neuter of the adjective archetypos (= stamped first) used as a noun, from arche– (= archi-, ‘first’), and typos (= a blow, mark of a blow). See אַרְכִי□ and טִיפּוּס.]

אַרְכִיטֶקְט m.n. fw architect. [Fren. architecte, from L. architectus, from Gk. architekton (= master builder), from archi– (see אַרֽכִי□) and tekton (= carpenter, builder), which is related to techne (= art, skill, craft). See טֶכְנַאי and cp. אַרְכִיטֶקְטוּרָה.]

אַרְכִיטֶקְטוּרָה f.n. fw architecture. [Fren. architecture, from L. architectūra, from architectus. See אַרְכִיטֶקְט. For the ending of L. architectūra see suff. ‘–ure’ in my cedel.]

אַרְכִילִיסְטִיס m.n. pbh gang leader, robber, chief. [Gk. archilestes (= robber chief), compounded of archi– (see אַרְכִי□ and lestes (= robber). See לִסְטִים.]

אַרְכִימַנְדְּרִיט m.n. fw archimandrite (head of a monastery, or of a group of monasteries, in the Gk. church). [Med. L. archimandrīta, from Med. Gk. archimandrites. from archi– (= chief; see אַרְכִי□), and mandra (= fold, stable), which is prob. cogn. with Old I. mandurā́ (= stable), mandirán (= room, house, palace, temple).]

אַרְכִיפֶּלָג m.n. fw archipelago. [It. arcipelago (lit.: ‘the chief sea’), compounded of arci– (= chief), from Gk. archi (= see אַרְכִי□), and pelagos (= sea). In ancient and mediaeval Greek the word archipelagos does not occur, in modern Greek it is an Italian loan word. The fact that archipelago orig. denoted the Aegean Sea may help us find the origin of this word, which is a real crux etymologorum. It. arcipelago very prob. arose a mistaking of Gk. Aigaion pelagos (= the Aegean Sea) for archipelagos (= the chief sea), a confusion suggested by the numerous Gk. words beginning with archi–.]

אַרְכָן m.n. pbh lengthener, long-winded person (esp. in prayer). [Formed from ארך with agential suff. □ָן.] Derivative: אַרְכָנוּת.

אַרְכָנוּת f.n. nh long-windedness, verbosity. [Formed from אַרְכָן with suff. □וּת.]

אַרְכָנִי adj. nh very long, tiresome. [Formed from אַרְכָן with suff. □ִי.]

אֲרָם f.n. Syria, Mesopotamia. [cp. Akka. Aramu, Arumu, Arimu̇. Prob. related to רוּם(= to be high), and orig. meaning ‘Highland’.] Derivatives: אֲרַמִּי, אֲרָמִית.

אַרְמָדָה f.n. fw armada. [Sp. armada (= fleet, navy), from L. armāta, f. p. part. of armāre (= to furnish with weapons), used as a noun, from arma (= weapons), which derives from IE base *ar– (= to join). See אַרְטִיסְט.]

אַרְמָדִיל m.n. fw armadillo (an American burrowing mammal). [Sp. armadillo, dimin. of armado (= armed), from L. armātus, p. part. of armāre (see אַרְמָדָה); so called in allusion to its hard, bony plates resembling armor.]

אַרְמוֹן m.n. (pl. אַרְמוֹנוֹת, also אַרְמְנוֹת) palace. [Of uncertain etymology; possibly related to Akka. admānu (= building, palace). cp. הַרְמוֹן.]

אֲרַמִּי adj. Aramean, Aramaic. [Formed from אֲרָם with suff. □ִי.] [Derivative: אֲרָמִיּוּת.

אֲרַמִּיּוּת f.n. nh Aramism. [Formed from אֲרַמִּי with suff. □וּת.]

אֲרָמִיזְם m.n. fw Aramaism. [Formed from אֲרָם with suff. □ִיזְם.]

אֲרָמִית f.n. Aramaic language. [Properly adv. use of the f. of אֲרָמִי (= Aramaic), from אֲרָם. For the ending see adv. suff. □ִית.]

ארמל to become a widower. [Denominated from אַרְמְלָא (= widower), resp. אַרְמַלְתָּא (= widow). See אַלְמָנָה and cp. אַרְמְלוּת. cp. also אלמן.] — Nith. נִתְאַרְמֵל pbh he became a widower, נִתְאַרְמְלָה pbh she became a widow.

אַרְמְלוּת f.n. pbh widowerhood, widowhood. [Aram. אַרְמְלוּת (= widowhood), from אַרְמַלְתָּא. See ארמל and אַלְמְנוּת.]

אֹֽרֶן m.n. pine tree. [Related to Akka. erinu, ernu (= cedar). Löw identifies the אֹרֶן with the laurel.] Derivative: אָרְנִיָּה. cp. תֹּרֶן.

אַרְנָב m.n. hare (in the Bible only the f. form אַרְנֶבֶת occurs). [Related to Syr. אַרְנְבָא. Ugar. anhb, Arab. arnab, arnabu and annabu, and the proper names Arnabā, Arnabatum, Annabatum. These words possibly derive from a base אנב (= to jump), and properly mean ‘jumping (animal)’.] Derivatives: אַרְנָבוֹן, אַרְנָבִיָּה.

אַרְנָבוֹן m.n. nh small hare. [Formed from אַרְנָב with dimin. suff. □וֹן.]

אַרְנָבִיָּה f.n. nh rabbit hutch. [Formed from אַרְנָב with suff. □ִיָּה.]

אַרְנֶֽבֶת f.n. the female of the hare. [See אַרְנָב.]

אַרְנוֹנָה f.n. 1 pbh crop tax. 2 nh (now) property tax. [A secondary form of אַנּוֹנָה (= provision, ration).]

אָרְנִיָּה f.n. nh pine mushroom. [Formed from אֹרֶן (= pine tree), with suff. □ִיָּה; so called because it grows only near pine trees (cp. its English name).]

אַרְנָק m.n. nh bag, purse. [Back formation from Aram. אַרְנְקֵי, which is borrowed from Gk. arnakis (= sheepskin coat), a f.n. prob. formed through haplology from arno-nakos, a compound formed from aren, gen. arnos (= sheep), and nakos (= fleece).] Derivative: אַרְנָקוֹן.

ארס to betroth. [var. of ארשׂ.] — Pi. אֵרַס tr. v. pbh he betrothed, became engaged to. — Pu. pbh (f.) אֹרְסָה she was betrothed, was engaged to. — Nith. nh (f.) נִתְאָרְסָה (of s.m.). Derivatives: אָרוּס, אֲרוּסָה, אֵרוּסִין, הִתְאָרְסוּת, מְאֹרָם.

אֶֽרֶס m.n. pbh poison, venom. [From earlier אִירָס. Of uncertain origin. Perhaps, together with Syr. ‘irsā (of s.m.), a blend of Gk. ios (= poison) and L. vīrus (= poison).] Derivatives: אַרְסִי, אַרְסָנִי.

אַרְסִי adj. mh poisonous, venomous. [Formed from אֶרֶס with suff. □ִי.] Derivative: אַרְסִיּוּת.

אַרְסִיּוּת f.n. mh poisonousness, venomousness. [Formed from אַרְסִי with suff. □וּת.]

אַרְסָן m.n. fw arsenic. [Fren. arsenic, from L. arsenicum, arrhenicum, from Gk. arsenikon, arrenikon (= yellow orpiment), from Med. Pers. zarnīk (= gold, golden; orpiment), whence Modern Pers. and Arab. zarnīk (= orpiment), through the medium of a Sem. language. See זַרְנִיךְ.]

אַרְסָנִי adj. nh poisonous, venomous. [Formed from אֶרֶס with suff. □ָנִי.]

ארע to happen. [Dissimilated from ערע, which was formed from קראII, a secondary form of קרה (= to happen), through change of ק to ע, resp. א, and ה to ע. cp. אַטְלִיז (= butcher shop), a secondary form of עַטְלִיז, alteration of קַטְלִיז.] — Qal אָרַע pbh it happened, occurred, took place. — Pi. אֵרַע pbh it happened, occurred, took place. — Pu. אֹרַע pbh (of s.m.). — Nith. נִתְאָרַע pbh (of s.m.). Derivatives: אֵרוּעַ, אֵרָעוֹן, אַרְעַי, אֲרָעִי, הִתְאָרְעוּת, מְאֹרָע.

[[pg-57]]אַרְעָא f.n. pbh earth. [Aram., emphatic st. of אֲרַע (= earth). See אֶרֶץ and cp. מִלְּרַע.] Derivative: אַרְעִית.

אֵרָעוֹן m.n. mh (pl. אֵרְעוֹנוֹת), happening. [Formed from ארע with suff. □וֹן.]

אַרְעַי m.n. pbh chance, temporariness. [A secondary form of עֲרַאי.]

אַרָעִי, אֲרָעִי adj. pbh temporary, casual. [Formed from ארע with suff. □ִי. cp. עֲרָאִי.]

אֲרָעִיּוּת f.n. nh temporariness. [Formed from אֲרָעִי with suff. □וּת. cp. עֲרָאִיּוּת.]

אַרְעִית f.n. pbh bottom of something (as of a flower pot). [Formed from Aram. אֲרַע, אַרְעָא (= earth) with subst. suff. □ִית.]

אֶֽרֶץ f.n. (pl. אֲרָצוֹת) 1 earth. 2 land, country. 3 ground. [Related to BAram. אַרְקָא (for the change of צ to ק cp. Heb. קִטֵּר, ‘he caused to smoke’, with Aram. עֲטַר), Aram. אֲרַע, אַרְעָה, Ugar. a̧rs, Arab. arḍ, Akka. erṣetu (= earth), Tigre ’ard. cp. Arakiel — name of the earth in the Book of Enoch 8:3. cp. אַרְעָה, ארק, אַרְקָה.] Derivatives: אַרְצִי, אַרְצָן.

אַרְצִי adj. 1 mh earthly. 2 nh territorial, national. [Formed from אֶרֶץ with suff. □ִי.] Derivative: אַרְצִיּוּת.

אַרְצִיּוּת f.n. nh 1 earthliness. 2 territorialism. [Formed from אַרְצִי with suff. □וּת.]

אַרְצָן m.n. nh tellurium (chemistry). [Loan translation from Modern L. tellūrium, which was coined by the German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth in 1798 from L. tellūs, gen. tellūris (= earth), to denote this element as the opposite of the one called by him uranium (after Gk. ouranos (= sky, heaven).] Derivative: ארצן.

ארצן to tellurize (chemistry). [Denominated from אַרְצָן.] — Pi. אִרְצֵן tr. v. nh he tellurized.

ארק to earth, to ground. [Denominated from Aram. אַרְקָא (= earth). See אֶרֶץ and cp. אַרְקָה.] — Hiph. הֶאֱרִיק nh he earthed, grounded. — Hoph. הָאֳרַק nh was earthed, was grounded. Derivatives: הַאֲרָקָה, מָאֳרָק.

אָרָק m.n. nh arrack (brandy). [Arab. ‘araq (= sweat; juice of fruit). cp. עָרָק.]

אַרְקָה f.n. mh earth, ground. [BAram. אַרְקָא (= earth). See אֶרֶץ and cp. ארק.]

אַרְקְטִי adj. fw Arctic. [L. arcticus, from Gk. arktikos (= of a bear; of the Great Bear; northern), from arktos (= bear; the constellation of the Great Bear; the north), which is cogn. with Old I. ’r̄kṣaḥ, Avestic arĕsshō, L. ursus (= bear). For the ending of אַרְקְטִי, see suff. □ִי. cp. אַנְטְאַרְקְטִי.]

ארר to curse. [Base of אֶרֶר, מְאֵרָה etc. Related to Akka. arāru (= to curse), arratu (= curse). This base occurs only in Heb. and in Akka. For other Heb.–Akka. equations see אסף and words there referred to.] — Qal אָרַר tr. v. he cursed. — Niph. נֵאַר (also נֶאֱרַר mh) was cursed. — Pi. אֵרַר he cursed. — Hith. הִתְאָרֵר pbh was cursed. — Nith. נִתְאָרֵר pbh (of s.m.). — Hoph. (or passive of the Qal) הוּאַר was cursed. Derivatives: אָרוּר, אֲרוּרָה, אֶֽרֶר, מְאֵרָה, נֵאָר.

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