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אָסִיף m.n. ingathering, harvest. [From אסף.] אֲסִיפָה

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אָסִיף m.n. ingathering, harvest. [From אסף.]

אֲסִיפָה f.n. pbh gathering, collection. [Verbal n. of אָסַף. See אסף and suff. □ָה.]

אָסִיר m.n. prisoner, captive. [From אָסַר (see אסר). cp. Aram. אֲסִירָא, Syr. אַסִירָא, Arab. ’asīr. cp. also ashiru and asiru in the TA letters. See אַסִּיר.]

אַסִּיר m.n. prisoner, captive. [A secondary form of אָסִיר.]

אֲסִירָה f.n. pbh imprisonment. [Verbal n. of אָסַר. See אסר and first suff. □ָה.]

אַסְיָתִי adj. nh Asian, Asiatic. [Formed from אַסְיָה, with suff. □ִית.] Derivative: אַסְיָתִיּוּת.

אַסְיָתִיּוּת f.n. nh Asianism. [Formed from אַסְיָתִי with suff. □וּת.]

אַסְכּוֹלָה nh. אִיסְכּוֹלֵי f.n. pbh 1 school. 2 system. [Gk. schole, resp. L. schola (= leisure, spare time; leisure devoted to learning; place of learning, school), which is formed from sche-, stem of echein (= to have, hold, possess), from ie base *segh- (= to hold in one’s power, to have), whence also schema (= form, shape). See סֽכֵימָה and cp. אַסֽדָּה in this dictionary. cp. also אֶשְׁכּוֹלוֹת.]

אִסְכּוּם m.n. nh integration (mathematics). [Verbal n. of אִסֽכֵּם, Pi. of אסכם.]

אֶסְכָטוֹלוֹגִי adj. fw eschatological. [Back formation from אֶסְכָטוֹלוֹגְיָה. For the ending see suff. □ִי.]

אֶסְכָטוֹלוֹגְיָה f.n. fw eschatology. [Lit.: ‘the study of the last things’, from Gk. eschatos (= furthest, remotest, last), and -logia. Gk. eschatos is a derivative of ex, which is related to L. ex, ē (= out of, from). For the etymology of Gk. -logia, see □לוֹגֽיָה.] Derivative: אֶסֽכָטוֹלוֹגִי.

אַסְכָּלָהI f.n. pbh 1 ladder. 2 gangway. [Aram. אַסְכָּלָא, from L. scālae (= ladder, scaling ladder), from scand-slā, a derivative of scandere (= to climb), from ie base *scand- (= to spring, leap). The אַ□ in אַסְכָּלָה is prosthetic (see א□).]

אַסְכָּלָהII. f.n. pbh grill, grid. [Gk. eschala (= hearth, fireplace), which is of uncertain origin.]

אסכם to integrate (mathematics). [From סכם.] — Pi. אִסְכֵּם nh he integrated. Derivatives: אִסְכּוּם, אַסְכֶּמֶת.

אַסְכֶּֽמֶת f.n. nh (pl. אַסְכָּמוֹת, אַסְכַּמְתָּאוֹת) integral (mathematics). [Formed from אסכם with suff. □ֶת.]

אַסְכָּרָה f.n. pbh diphtheria (disease). [Of uncertain origin.]

אֵֽסֶל m.n. pbh pole, yoke. [Hebraization of Gk. asilla (= yoke), which is of unknown origin.]

אִסְלָאם m.n. nh Islam. [Arab. ’islām (= submitting oneself to God, surrender, obedience), inf. of aslama (= he surrendered, submitted; he submitted himself to God). See שלם and cp. ‘Islam’ in my cedel and words there referred to.] Derivative: אסלם.

אַסְלָה, אֲסֶלָּה f.n. pbh (pl. אֲסָלוֹת, resp. אֲסֶלּוֹת) closet stool, lavatory seat. [L. sella (= seat, chair, stool), for sed-lā, from sedēre (= to sit). See ‘sedentary’ in my cedel and cp. the second element in דּוֹדֶקָאֶדֶר and in סַנְהֶדְרִין. The אַ□ in אַסְלָה is prosthetic (see אַ□).]

אסלם to convert to Islam. [Denominated from אִסְלָאם.] — Pi. אִסֽלֵם tr. v. nh he converted to Islam; he islamized. — Hith. הִתְאַסֽלֵם nh he became a Moslem. Derivative: הִתֽאַסֽלְמוּת.

אָסָם m.n. storehouse, granary (in the Bible occurring only Deut. 28:8 and Pr. 3:10 in the form אֲסָמֶיךָ). [Related to Syr. אֱסן (= he stored up, piled up), אַסֵּן (of s.m.), Aram. אַסָּנָא (= stock of coin), Syr. אַסָּנָא (= store, victuals), Akka. ishittu (= granary). For the interchangeability of m and n cp. the verbs שָׂטַם and שָׂטַן (= he hated). cp. also חסןII.] Derivative: אֹסֶם.

אסם to store up, pile up. [Denominated from אָסָם. cp. the related Syr. אַסֵּן (= he stored up, piled up), which is denominated from אַסָּנָא (= store, [[pg-44]]victuals).] — Pi. אִסֵּם tr. v. he stored. — Pu. אֻסַּם nh was stored. — Hiph. הֶאֱסִים mh he stored. Derivative: אִסּוּם.

אֹֽסֶם m.n. mh abundance, plenty, rich harvest. [From אסם.]

אַסְמַכְתָּה f.n. pbh (pl. אַסְמַכְתּוֹת and אַסְמַכְתָּאוֹת) Scriptural text used as a support for a Rabbinical enactment. [Aram. אַסְמַכְתָּא (lit.: ‘support, reliance’), from סְמַךְ (= he supported), which is related to סָמַךְ (of s.m.); see סמך.]

אסף to gather, collect, reap, harvest. [Phoen. אסף. (= to gather), Aram. אֲסַף (= he gathered in, reaped, harvested), Ugar. ’sp (= to gather), Akka. esēpu (= to reap, harvest). Related to base יסף.] — Qal אָסַף tr. v. 1 he gathered, collected. 2 he took away, removed, withdrew. — Niph. נֶאֱסַף 1 was gathered, was collected, was assembled. 2 was taken away (by death). — Pi. אִסֵּף he gathered, collected; he took in (a guest). — Pu. אֻסַּף was gathered, was collected. — Hith. הִתְאַסֵּף met, assembled, was gathered together. Derivatives: אֹסֶף, אֲסֵפָה, אֲסֻפָּה, אֲסַפְסוּף, אִסּוּף, אָסוּף, אֲסוּפִי, אֲסִיפָה, אַסְּפָן, הֵאָסְפוּת, הִתֽאַסְּפוּת, מְאַסֵּף, מְאֻסָּף.

אֹֽסֶף m.n. a gathering, collecting, collection (in the Bible occurring only Is. 32:10 and Micah 7:1). [From אסף.]

אֲסֵפָה f.n. gathering, assembly, meeting (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 24:22). [Verbal n. of אָסַף. See אסף and first suff. □ָה.]

אֲסֻפָּה collection, assembly (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Eccles. 12:11 in the phrase בַּעֲלֵי אֲסֻפּוֹת, which prob. means ‘assemblies of learned men’. [Formed from אסף with first suff. □ָה.]

אַסְפִּירִין m.n. fw aspirin. [Ger. Aspirin, coined by H. Dreser in 1899, from privative pref. a-, the plant Spiraea, and chemical suff. -in. See ‘Aspirin’ in my cedel.]

אַסְפִירְנָה f.n. fw Sphyraena (a genus of pikelike fishes). [Modern L., from L. sphyraena (= a kind of seafish), from Gk. sphyraina (= hammer fish), from sphyra (= hammer), which is related to sphyron (= ankle), spairein (= to move convulsively), from ie base *(s)p(h)er- (= to move convulsively). See ‘spurn’ in my cedel and cp. ‘Sphyraena’ ibid.]

אַסְפַלְט m.n. fw asphalt. [Ultimately from Gk. asphaltos, which is of uncertain, possibly Sem., origin.]

אַסְפְּלָנִית f.n. pbh plaster, compress. [A hybrid formed with the Heb. suff. □ִית from Gk. splenion (= compress of linen laid on a wound; orig.: ‘compress laid on the spleen’), from splen (= milt, spleen), which stands for splegch and is related to splagcha (= the inward parts). The אַ□ in אַסְפְּלָנִית is prosthetic (see א□).]

אַסְפַּמְיָא Hispany. [From L. Hispānia (= Spain; lit.: ‘the country of the Spaniards’), from Hispānus (= Spaniard), which is prob. of Iberian origin. The i in (H)i-spānia is prob. the Iberian article. cp. אִסְפַּנְיוֹלִית.]

אַסְּפָן m.n. nh collector. [Formed from אִסֵּף, Pi. of אסף, with agential suff. □ָן.] Derivative: אַסְּפָנִית.

אַסְּפָנוּת f.n. nh (the hobby of) collecting. [Formed from אַסְּפָן with suff. □וּת.]

אִסְפַּנְיוֹלִית f.n. nh Ladino, the Spanish dialect spoken by Sephardic Jews in Turkey and some other countries. [Formed from Sp. español (= Spanish), from España (= Spain), from L. Hispānia (see אַסֽפַּמְיָה), with suff. □ִית.]

אֲסַפְסוּף m.n. rabble, mob, riffraff (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Num. 11:4). [Formed from אסף through reduplication of the second and third radical letters and lit. meaning people gathered together. cp. Arab. safsāf (= something poor, something inferior).] Derivative: אֲסַפְסוּפִי.

אֲסַפְסוּפִי adj. nh mobbish, [Formed from אֲסַפֽסוּף with suff. □ִי]

אַסְפֶּֽסֶת f.n. nh lucerne. [Aram.-Syr. אַסְפַּסְתָּא, from Pers. ispist, isfist, whence also Arab. isfast.]

אַסְפָּקָה f.n. nh provision. [A secondary form of הַסְפָּקָה. For the force of nouns of the form of אַפְעָלָה in nh see אַבְחָנָה and cp. words there referred to.]

אַסְפֶּקְט m.n. fw aspect. [L. aspectus (= glance, sight, appearance, countenance), from aspectus, p. part. of aspicere (= to look at), from ad- and specere (= to look at).]

אַסְפַּקְלַרְיָה f.n. pbh 1 windowpanes of the ancients made of lapis specularis. 2 mirror. [L. speculāria (= windowpanes), from speculāris (= pertaining to a mirror, of the nature of a mirror), from speculum (= looking glass, mirror), which derives from specere (= to see, look at, behold). See ‘speculum’ and ‘specular’ in my cedel. The אַ□ in אַסְפַּקְלַרְיָה is prosthetic.]

אַסְפָּרָגוּם m.n. pbh asparagus. [Gk. asparagos, prob. meaning lit. ‘a sprout’ and related to sparagan (= to swell, be ripe), from ie base *sper(eg)-, *spher(e)g- (= ‘to sprout, swell, burst’), whence also L. spargere (= to scatter). See ‘sparse’ in my cedel and cp. ‘asparagus’ ibid.]

אַסְפַּרְגַּל m.n. pbh quince. [Syr. אֶסְפַּרְגְּלָא, Pers. and Arab. safarjal (= quince).]

אֶסְפֶּרַנְטוֹ m.n. fw Esperanto. [From Esperanto, pseudonym of Dr. Lazarus Ludwig Zamenhof (1859–1917), inventor of this language, from Sp. esperanza (= hope), from esperar (= to hope), from L. sperāre, from spēs (= hope), which derives from ie base *spē(i)-, *spe- (= to draw, stretch, spread, extend, swell; to be successful). See ‘prosperous’ in my cedel and cp. ‘despair’ ibid.]

אֶסְקַדְרוֹן, אֶסְכַּדְרוֹן m.n. fw squadron. [Fren. escardon, from It. squadrone, formed from squadra (= square), with the augment suff. -one. It. squadra is borrowed from Sp. escuadra (= squad; properly ‘square’), from Late L. exquadrāre (= to form into a square). See ‘square’ in my cedel and cp. ‘squadron’ and ‘escadrille’, ibid.]

אִסְקוּטְלָה f.n. pbh plate (of glass), tray. [L. scutella (= salver, waiter), dimin. of scutula (= a small tray or dish), which itself is a dimin. of scutra (= a flat tray, dish). The orig. meaning prob. was ‘a leather vessel’, from scūtum (= shield; orig.: ‘a leather shield’). See ‘scutum’ in my cedel and cp. ‘scuttle’ (a metal receptacle) ibid. The א□ in אִסְקוּטְלָה is prosthetic (see א□).]

אֶסְקִימוֹ m.n. fw (pl. אֶסְקִימוֹאִים) Eskimo. [North American Indian eskimantsik (= eaters of raw flesh), a name given by the Algonquians to the North American Indian tribes living in the Arctic and Greenland.]

אַסְקֻפָּה f.n. pbh threshold, doorstep, doormat. [JAram. אֶסֽקֻפָּתָּא, אִסְקֻפְּתָּא, Syr. אֶסְקֶפְתָא, Mand. עסקופתא — whence also Arab. ’iskuffa‘ — borrowed from Akka. askuppu, askuppatu (= threshold). cp. סֽקֻפָּה. cp. also שֶׁקֶףI, מַשְׁקוֹף.]

אִסְקַרְיָה f.n. pbh sailyard. [Contraction of Gk. istokeraia (= sailyard), which is compounded of istos (= ship’s mast; loom; warp, web), and keraria (= horn). The first element lit. stands for sistos and lit. means ‘that which causes to stand’, from istemi (= I make to stand; I stand), from ie base *stā- (= to stand), stāmen (= the warp in the loom); see ‘state’ in my cedel and cp. ‘histo-’, ‘anhistous’, ‘Actinistia’ ibid. The second element derives from keras (= horn), which is cogn. [[pg-45]]with L. cornu (= horn), from ie base *ker- (= the uppermost part of the body, head, horn, top, summit). See ‘horn’ in my cedel and cp. ‘cerato-’ ibid.]

אסר to bind, tie, imprison. [Moabite אסר, Aram. אֲסַר, Syr. אֱסַר, Arab. ’asara, Ethiop. asára (= he bound), Ugar. ’sr, Akka. esēru (= to bind). cp. מָסֹרֶת.] — Qal אָסַר tr. v. 1 he tied, bound, fettered, harnessed. 2 he arrested, imprisoned. 3 pbh he forbade, prohibited. — Niph. נֶאֱסַר 1 was tied, was bound. 2 was arrested, was imprisoned. 3 pbh was forbidden, was prohibited. — Pu. אֻסַּר 1 was tied, was bound. 2 was imprisoned. Derivatives: אָסוּר, אֵסוּר, אִסּוּר, אָסִיר, אַסִּיר, אֲסִירָה, אִסָּרI, אֲסָרָה, הֵאָסְרוּת, מַאֲסָר, מוֹסֵרI, מוּסָרII.

אִסָּרI, אֱסָר m.n. binding obligation. [From אָסַר (see אסר). cp. BAram. אֱסָר, emphatic state אֱסָרָא, Syr. אֱסָרָא.]

אִסָּרII m.n. pbh (pl. אִסָּרִים and אִסָרוֹת) a small Roman copper coin. [Gk. assarion, from L. ās, gen. assis, prob. lit. meaning ‘square piece of metal’ (such as the original form of the coin) and orig. identical with assis, axis (= plank, disc), which is related to asser (= pole, stake, post). See ‘ashlar’ in my cedel and cp. second ‘as’ ibid.]

אֲסָרָה f.n. pbh harnessing (of a horse). [Lit.: ‘binding’, from אָסַר. See אסר and first suff. □ָה.]

אִסְרוּ־חַג mh the day following Passover, Shavuoth or Sukkoth (Jewish liturgy). [So called after the first two words in the verse Ps. 118, which prob. means ‘arrange the festival…’. For אָסַר meaning also ‘he prepared, arranged’. cp. אָסַר מִלְחָמָה (= he prepared or waged war); see אסר.]

אֶסְתֵּטִי adj. fw esthetic. [Gk. aisthetikos (= perceptive), from aisthetos (= sensible, perceptible), verbal adj. of aisthaesthai (= to perceive), related to aio (= I hear; lit. ‘I perceive by the ear’), from ie base *awēi- (= to perceive). See אוֹדֽיוֹמֶטֶר and cp. אֲנֶסְתֶּסְיָה.]

אַסְתַּלְגָּנִית f.n. pbh gang, band. [Of unknown origin.]

אַסְתְּמָה f.n. fw asthma. [Gk. asthma (= hard-drawn breath), which prob. stands for an-sthma and derives from ie base *an- (= to blow, breathe), whence also anemos (= wind), L. animus (= breath of air, air, breath). For other derivative of base *an- see אֲנִימִיזֽם.]

אִסְתְּנִיס see אִסְטְנִיס.

אַסְתֵּר m.n. fw Aster, a genus of plants of the thistle family. [Modern L., from L. astér (= star), from Gk. aster; so called from the radiate heads of the flowers. See אַסְטֶרוֹאִיד.]

אִסְתֵּרָא m.n. pbh slater, the Roman standard coin (of gold or of silver). [Aram., Syr. אֶסְתִּירָא, from Gk. stater, which is related to istemi (= I cause to stand; meaning also ‘I weigh’), from ie base *stā- (= to stand), whence also L. stāre (= to stand). See סֽטָטִי and cp. ‘sterling’ in my cedel.]

אַףI m.n. (dual אַפַּיִם) 1 nose. 2 anger, wrath. [From אנף. cp. BAram. אַנְפּוֹהִי (= his face), Aram. אַנְפִּין (pl.), Syr. אַפֵּא (pl.) (= face), Ugar. a̧p, Arab. and Ethiop. ’anf, Akka. appu, OSArab. אנף (= front). cp. אַפַּיִם. cp. also the second element in חֵדַּף, חֲרוּמַף, קַרְנַף.] Derivative: אַפִּי. cp. אנף.

אַףII conj. also, too. [Related to Phoen. אף, Aram.-Syr. אַף, Ugar. a̧p (= also, too), and to Arab. conj. fa (= then, and then, and so, therefore). cp. the first element in אֲפִלּוּ.]

אפד to gird on. [Base of אֵפוֹד.] — Qal אָפַד tr. v. he girded on the ‘ephod’. — Niph. נֶאְפַּד mh was girded with. — Pi. אִפֵּד mh 1 he girded. 2 he praised. — Pu. אֻפַּד mh was girded. Derivatives: אָפוּד, אֲפִידָה, נֶאְפָּד.

אֲפֻדָּה f.n. 1 ‘ephod’. 2 covering. 3 nh waistcoat. [Formed from אפד with first suff. □ָה.]

אַפֶּֽדֶן m.n. 1 palace. 2 nh pavilion. [Together with Aram.-Syr. אַפַּדְנָא (of s.m.), borrowed from Babylonian appadānu, which is a loan word from Old Pers. apadāna (= palace). Arab. fadan (= palace, high tower), is an Aram. loan word. Other Persian words which entered into Biblical Hebrew — all at a later period — are פַּרֽדֵּס (= park, orchard), פִּתְגָם (= edict, decree), דָּת (= decree, law, usage).]

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