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אֻשְׁפִּיזְכָן m.n. pbh host, landlord, innkeeper. [From אֻשְׁפִּיז. cp. Syr. אַשְׁפַּזְכָנָא (of s.m.).]

אשׁפּר to finish (textiles etc.). [From שׁפר (q.v.).] — Pi. אִשְׁפֵּר nh he finished (textiles etc.). Derivative: אִשְׁפּוּר.

אֶשְׁפָּר m.n. portion of food (in the Bible occurring only Sam. II 6:19, Chron. I 16:3). [Of uncertain origin and meaning; usually rendered by ‘portion (of food)’.]

אַשְׁפָּר m.n. 1 pbh mender of clothes. 2 nh decorator. [Formed from שׁפר (= to be good, to improve, beautify), with pref. אַ□.]

אַשְׁפָּרָה f.n. nh finish, finishing (of textiles). [From שׁפר; a secondary form of הַשֽׁפָּרָה. See also אִשְׁפּוּר.]

אַשְׁפֹּת, אַשְׁפּוֹת f.n. (pl. אַשְׁפַּתּוֹת) ash heap, dirt, dung. [Formed from שׁפת with pref. אַ□.]

אַשְׁפַּתֶּן m.n. nh scavenger, dustman, dung carrier. [Formed from אַשְׁפָּהII with suff. □תָּן.]

אַשָּׁקָא דְרִיסְפַּק pbh because of a trifle (lit.: ‘because of the leg of a litter’). [See רִיסְפָּק.]

אִשְׁקוּקָה, אִשְׁקוּקִי f.n. mh chess. [From Old Fren. eschees. From Rashi’s commentary in his explanation of the word נררשיר as שחוק שקורין אשקקי (= the game called eschees). Old Fren. eschecs is the pl. of eschec (= check at chess, defeat, blow, loss), from earlier eschac, borrowed (through the medium of Spanish and Arabic) from Pers. shāh (= king), which is related to Old Pers. xshaya (= king). See אֲחַשְׁדַּרֽפָּן.] Derivative: אִשְׁקוּקָן.

אִשְׁקוּקָן m.n. chess player. [Formed from אִשֽׁקוּקָה with agential suff. □ָן.]

אַשְׁקָעָה f.n. nh investment. [A secondary form of הַשֽׁקָעָה, verbal n. of הִשְׁקִיעַ, Hiph. of שׁקע.]

אשׁרI to walk straight, to walk. [Phoen. אשׁר (= place), Aram. אשׁר (= trace, place), Aram.–Syr. אֲתַר, אַתְרָא, Ugar. a̧tr (= to go, walk, tread), Arab. ’ithr (= place), Ethiop. ’ashar (= track), Akka. ashru (= place).] — Qal אָשַׁר intr. v. he walked. — Pi. אִשֵּׁר he led. — Pu. אֻשַּׁר was led. Derivatives: אָשׁוּר, מְאַשֵּׁר, מְאֻשָּׁרI. cp. אֲתַר, אַתְרָא.

אשׁרII to be happy. [Base of, אֶשֶׁר, אֹשֶר, אַשֽׁרֵי. Perhaps related to Ugar. u̧shr (= happiness), Arab. yasara (= was easy), yassara (= made easy, prospered).] — Pi. אִשֵּׁר tr. v. he pronounced happy, called blessed. — Pu. אֻשַּׁר was made happy, was blessed. Derivatives: אִשּׁוּרI, אֹשֶר, אֶשֶׁר, מֽאֻשָּׁר.

אשׁרIII to strengthen, confirm. [Back formation from Aram. אִשֵּׁר (= he confirmed, strengthened), from שְׁרַר (= was strong).] — Pi. אִשֵּׁר tr. v. 1 he strengthened; 2 pbh he confirmed; 3 nh he authenticated. — Pu. אֻשַּׁר nh was confirmed, was authenticated. — Hith. הִתְאַשֵּׁר nh was confirmed, was corroborated, was authenticated. Derivatives: אַיְשַׁר, אִשּׁוּרII, אַשְׁרָה, אשרר, הִתְאַשְּׁרוּת, מְאֻשָּׁרIII, possibly also אַשְׁרַאי.

אֶשֶׁר see אַשְׁרֵי.

אֽשֶׁר m.n. happiness (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Gen. 30:13 in the form בְּאָשְׁרִי, ‘in my happiness’). [From אֳשרII. cp. אַשְׁרֵי.]

אֲשֶׁר 1 pron. who, which, that, that which. 2 conj. in order that. [Related to Ugar. a̧ṯr (= that which). cp. Moabite אשר. According to most scholars these words were originally nouns meaning ‘trace, place’, and are related to Arab. ’athira (= to leave traces), ’ithr (= trace, place), and to Aram. אֲתַר, אַתְרָא, Syr. אַתְרָא (= place). See אֲתַר.]

אַשְׁרָאָה f.n. nh inspiration. [A secondary form of הַשְׁרָאָה, verbal n. of הִשֽׁרָה, Hiph. of שׁרהI.]

אַשְׁרַאי m.n. pbh credit. [Aram., prob. from אַשֵּׁר (= he strengthened, he confirmed). See אשׁרIII.]

אַשְׁרָה f.n. nh visa. [Formed from אשׁרIII with first suff. □ִה.]

אֲשֵׁרָה (pl. אֲשֵׁרוֹת, also אֲשֵׁרִים) f.n. 1 name of a sacred tree or pole. 2 Asherah — a Canaanite and Phoenician goddess of fortune and prosperity. [Of uncertain origin. cp. Ugar. a̧ṯrt (= the wife of El and mother of the gods), Akka. goddess Ashratu, SArab. goddess אתרת.]

אִשְׁרוּר m.n. nh ratification. [Verbal n. of אִשֽׁרֵר. See אשׁרר.]

אֶשְׁרוֹשׁ m.n. nh umbel (botany). [Formed from שֹׁרֶשׁ (= root), with pref. אֶ□.] Derivative: אֶשֽׁרוֹשִׁי.

אֶשְׁרוֹשִׁי adj. nh umbelliferous (botany). [Formed from אֶשְׁרוֹשׁ with suff. □ִי.]

אַשְׁרֵי 1 happy is …, blessed is … 2 pbh name of the prayer beginning with the words אַשְׁרֵי יוֹשְׁבֵי בֵיתֶךּ (= Happy are they who dwell in thy house). [Prob. constr. ṡt. pl. of אֶשֶׁר, a var. of אֹשֶר (= happiness). Accordingly e.g. אַשְׁרֶיךּ lit. means ‘thy happiness!’, whence arose the meaning ‘happy art thou’.]

אשׁרר to ratify. [Pil. of אשׁרIII.] – Pil. אִשְׁרֵר tr. v. nh he ratified. — Pu. אֻשְׁרַר nh was ratified. Derivative: אִשְׁרוּר.

אשׁשׁ to strengthen. [Arab. assasa (= he founded, established), Akka. ushushu (= to strengthen, fortify, found, establish).] — Pi. אִשֵּׁשׁ mh he strengthened. — Pu. אֻשַּׁשׁ pbh was strengthened. — Po‘el אוֹשֵׁשׁ nh he [[pg-60]]encouraged. — Po‘al אוֹשַׁשׁ nh was encouraged. — Hithpo‘el הִתְאוֹשֵׁשׁ he showed himself strong, regained strength, gained courage. Derivatives: הִתְאוֹשְׁשׁוּת, מֽאוֹשָׁשׁ, מְאֻשָּׁשׁ, and prob. אֲשִׁישָׁהI.]

אֶֽשֶׁשׁ m.n. pbh bottle of glass, flagon. [A secondary form of אֲשִׁישָׁהII (= bottle of glass).]

אֶשְׁתָּדָא adv. pbh this year. [Shortened from שַׁתָּא דָא (= this year). See שָׁנָה (= year), and דָּא (= this). cp. the first element in אֶשְׁתָּקַד.]

אֶשְׁתָּקַד adv. pbh last year. [Contraction of Aram. שַׁתָּא קַדְמָאָה (lit.: ‘the preceding year’), from שַׁתָּא (= year) and קַדְמָאָה,, f. of קַדְמָא, corresponding to Biblical Heb. קַדְמָי (= the former, the first), from קָדָם (= Heb. קֶדֶם).]

אֵתI, אֶת□ prep. the mark of the accusative. Usually prefixed only to a definite noun, as in אֶת־הָאִישׁ (= the man). [Related to Moabite את, Phoen. אית (to be read אִיַּת), Aram. (also BAram.) and Syr. יָת (this latter mostly used as a noun), Egypt.-Aram. ות, Arab. ’iyyā (only used with a suff. to emphasize the pron.) and possibly also to Ethiop. kīyā (also used only with a suff. for the sake of emphasis). Orig. — as Syr. יָת, יָתָא — a noun in the sense of ‘being, essence, existence’. The orig. form prob. was ’iwyath (cp. the Phoen. form), which ultimately derives from base אוה (= to sign, mark), whence also אוֹת (= sign).]

אֵתII prep. with. [Related to Akka. itti (= with). These words possibly stand for int, resp. inti, and derive from Sem. base אנה (= to bring about), whence also Ethiop. enta (= in the direction of, toward). cp. תִּתִּי (= my giving), from תֶּת (= to give). According to some scholars, Akka. itti and Heb. אֵתII lit. mean ‘to the side of’, and derive from Old Sem. יָד (= hand). cp. מֵאֵת (= from).]

אֵתIII m.n. (pl. אִתִּים, also אֵתִים) a cutting instrument usually rendered by ‘plowshare’. [Prob. a loan word from Akka. ittū (= plowbeam).]

אַתְּ f. personal pron. you, thou. [From earlier אַתִּי, assimilated from ’antī. Related to Phoen. את, Aram. אַנְתְּ, אַתְּ, Syr. אַתְּ, Egypt.–Aram. את(י), Arab. ’anti, Ethiop. ’antī, Akka. atti (= thou, you). See אַתָּה and cp. words there referred to.]

אתא see אתה.

אֶתְגָּר m.n. nh challenge. [Back formation from הִתְגָּרָה, Hith. of גרה.] Derivative: אתגר.

אתגר to challenge. [Denominated from אֶתְגָּר.] – Pi. אִתְגֵּר tr. v. nh he challenged.

אתהI to come. [Related to Aram. אֲתָא, Syr. אֱתָא, Arab. ’atā(y) (= he came), OSArab. אתו and אתי, Ethiop. ’atáwa (= he came back), Ugar. a̧tw, SArab. אתו and את (= to come). cp. תֵּיתֵי.] – Qal אָתָה and אָתָא he came, arrived (used only in poetic parts of the Bible). Derivative: אֲתִיָּה. cp. אִיתוֹן and תָּאII.

אתהII to address a person familiarly. [Formed from אַתָּה (= thou).] – Pi. אִתָּה tr. v. nh he theed (a person), he addressed (a person) familiarly.

אַתָּה m. personal pron. you, thou. [Related to BAram. אַנֽתָּה, אַנְתְּ, Aram. אַתּֽ, אַנְתְּ, Syr. אַנתּ, Ugar. a̧t, Arab. ’anta, Ethiop. ’anta, Akka. ’atta (= thou, you). The primitive form was prob. ’antā for the m. and ’antī for the f., which are perhaps compounded of the element ’an–, occurring also in אֲנִי (= I) and its correspondences, and –, resp. –, which appear also as suffixes, resp. prefixes, denoting the second person in the conjugation of the perfect and imperfect of the verbs. cp. אַתְּ, אִתָּה. cp. also אַנְתְּ.]

אָתוֹן f.n. (pl. אֲתוֹנוֹת) she-ass. [Related to Aram. אֲתָנָא, אֶתָּנָא, Syr. אַתָּנָה, Ugar. a̧tnt, Arab. ’atān, Akka. atānu (= she-ass).]

אַתּוּן m.n. furnace. [Aram.]

אֶתוֹס m.n. fw ethos. [Gk. ethos (= habit, custom, usage, disposition, character, moral.]

אִתּוּד m.n. nh localization. [Verbal n. of אִתֵּר, Pi. of אתר.]

אִתּוּת m.n. nh signaling. [Verbal n. of אִתֵּת, Pi. of אתת.]

אַתְחָלָה f.n. nh beginning, inception. [A secondary form of הַתְחָלָה.] Derivative: אַתְחָלָתָי.

אַתְחַלְתָּא f.n. pbh beginning (occurring in phrases quoted from Talmud or Midrash, as in דִגְאֻלָּה אַתֽחַלְתָּא, ‘the beginning of the redemption’). [Aram., equivalent to Heb. הַתְחָלָה (= beginning).]

אַתְחָלָתִי adj. nh initial, incipient. [Formed from אַתֽחָלָה with suff. □ִי.]

אַתִּי see אַתְּ.

אֶתִּי adj. fw ethical. [Back formation from אֶתִּיקָה. For the ending see adj. suff. □ִי.]

אַתֵּיאִיזְם m.n. fw atheism. [Fren. athéisme, formed with suff. -isme (see □ִיזֽם) from Gk. atheos (= without god), from privative pref. a- and theos (= god). See תֵּיאִיזְם.]

אַחֵּיאִיסְט m.n. fw atheist. [Fren. athéiste. See אַתֵּיאִיזְם and suff. □ִיסְט.] Derivative: אַתֵּיאִיסְטִי.

אַתֵּיאִיסְטִי adj. fw atheistic. [Formed from אַתֵּיאִיסְט with suff. □ִי.]

אֲתִיָּה f.n. mh coming. [Verbal n. of אָתָה (= he came). See אתה and first suff. □ָה.]

אֶתִיל m.n. fw ethyl. [Ger. and Swedish ethyl, coined by the Swedish chemist Jöns Jakob Berzelius in 1840 from aither (= the upper air), and hyle (= stuff). See אֶתֶר and הִיּוּלִי.]

אָתֵי מֵרָחִיק name of a ‘daghesh’ (as e.g. in the letter שׁ in the word שֶּׁבִי in the phrase שָׁבִיתָ שֶּׁבִי, Ps. 68:19). [Aram., lit. meaning ‘coming from far’. See אתה, מֵ□ and רָחוֹק.]

אַתִּיק m.n. column, porch, gallery. [A word of uncertain origin and meaning (see Ezek. 41:55.]

אֶתִּיקָה f.n. fw ethics. [Gk. ethicos (= pertaining to morals, moral), from ethos (= habit, custom, usage, disposition, character, moral), which is related to ethezein (= to accustom), eiotha (= I am accustomed), and cogn. with Old I. svadhā (= custom, peculiarity), L. sodālis (= fellow, companion), suēscere (= to become accustomed). The orig. meaning of all these words was ‘property, peculiarity’. They are traceable to IE *swedh-, a compound base lit. meaning ‘to make one’s own’, formed from the reflexive base *swe- (= his own), and *dhē (= to make do). cp. first element in אֶתְנוֹגְרַפְיָה, אֶתְנַרֽךְ.

אַתְלֵט m.n. fw athlete. [L. athlēta, from Gk. athletes (= combatant, champion), from athleo (= I contend for a prize), from athlos, contracted from aethlos. The first element of this word is perhaps cogn. with Old I. vā́-yati (= he fatigues himself); the second element is of unknown origin.] Derivative: אַתְלֵטִי.

אַתְלֵטִי adj. fw athletic. [See אַתְלֵט and suff. □ִי.]

אַתְלֵטִיקָה f.n. fw athletics. [From L. athlēticus, from Gk. athletikos (= athletic), from athletes. See אַתְלֵט.]

אַתֶּם m. personal pron. you, ye. [Related to BAram. & Talmudic Aram. אַתּוּן, Syr. אַתּוֹן, Ugar. a̧̧tm, Arab. ’antum, Ethiop. ’antému, Akka. attunu (= ye, you). The primitive form prob. was ’an-tumū̆ (for the m.) and ’an–tinna (for the f.). For the first element of this form see אַתָּה. The second element appears also as the suff. of the second person pl. in the conjugation of the perf. (see □תֶּם, □תֶּן) pl. of the verbs.]

אֶתְמְהָה interj. pbh how strange! how curious! [Aram., a derivative of תָּמַהּ (= he wondered). See תמהּ.]

אֶתְמוֹל, אִתְּמוֹל, אֶתְמוּל adv. yesterday. [A secondary form of תְּמוֹל. Related to Syr. אֶתְמָל, אֶתְמָלִי, Mand. אִתְמַל (= yesterday).]

אַתָּן m.n. nh tonic. [Back formation from אֵיתָן (= strong). See אתן.

[[pg-61]]אתן to gain strength. [Inexactly coined as a back formation from אֵיתָן (= strong), as if אֵיתָן were a derivative of base אתן. In reality, however, אֵיתָן derives from base יתן.] — Hith. הִתְאַתֵּן nh he gained strength, recovered.

אַתֶּן, אַתֵּן (also אַתֵּנָה, now only used in poetry) f. personal pron. you, ye. [Related to Aram. אַנְתֵּין, Talmudic and Syr. אַתִּין, Arab. ’antunna, Ethiop. ’anten, Akka. attina (= ye, you). The primitive form was ’an-tinnā̌. See אַתֶּם.]

אֶתְנָה f.n. reward of a harlot (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Hos. 2:14). [Prob. dissimilated from אֶתְנָן.]

אֶתְנוֹגְרַפְיָה f.n. fw ethnography. [Compounded of Gk. ethnos (= nation, race), and -graphia, from graphein (= to write). Gk. ethnos is related to ethos (= custom, usage). See אֶתִּיקָה. For the second element see □גְרַפְיָה.]

אֶתְנָח m.n. 1 mh ‘ethnah’ — name of a disjunctive accent. 2 nh semicolon. 3 nh pause (in music). 4 nh back sight of a gun (so called from its shape). [Properly ‘pause’, from נוח (= to rest). cp. אֶתְנַחְתָּא.]

אֶתְנַחְתָּא f.n. mh 1 mh Aram. name for אֶתֽנָח. 2 nh pause. [Aram., from the stem of נוּחַ (= to rest). See נוח and cp. אֶתְנַח.]

אֶתְנָן m.n. reward of a harlot. [Prob. metathesized from אֶנְתַּן, from נתן (= to give). According to Ružička, אֶתְנַן was dissimilated from נִתְנָן. According to Bauer-Leander it derives from the energetic imp. אֶתְּנַן (= I shall give).]

אֶתְנָע m.n. nh motivation. [Formed from הִתְנִיעַ, Hiph. of נוע.]

אֶתְנַרְךְ m.n. fw ethnarch. [Gk. etnarches (= ruler of the people), from ethnos (= people), and arches (= leader, chief, ruler), from the stem of archein (= to begin; to rule). See אֶתֽנוֹגְרֵפֽיָה and אַרְכִי.]

אִתְעֲרוּתָא f.n. phb awakening; inspiration. [Aram., related to עִיר, Syr. עִירָא (= awake). See עור (= to be awake), and □וּת.]

אַתְקָפָה f.n. nh attack of nerves, attack of disease. [A secondary form of הַתְקָפָה.]

אֲתַר, אַתְרָא m.n. pbh place. [Aram., related to Arab. -athr, ’ithr, Ethiop. ’ashar (= track, trace), Akka. ashru (= place). See אשׁרI and cp. אֲשֶׁר.] Derivatives: אתר, אַלְתַּר. cp. בָּתַר (prep.).

אתר to localize. [Denominated from Aram. אֲתַר (= place).] — Pi. אִתֵּר tr. v. nh he localized. — Pu. אֻתַּר nh was localized. — Hith. הִתְאַתֵּר nh (of s.m.). Derivatives: אִתּוּר, הִתֽאַתּֽרוּת, מֽאֻתָּר.

אֶתֶר m.n. fw ether. [L. aether, from Gk. aither (= the upper, purer air), which, together with aithra (= the clean sky, fair weather), derives from aithein (= to burn). This verb derives from ie base *aidh- (= to burn), whence also L. aedēs (= a building sanctuary, temple). See ‘edify’ in my cedel and cp. words there referred to.] Derivative: אֶתֶרִי.

אַתְרָאָה f.n. nh 1 warning. 2 warning order (military). [A secondary form of הַתְרָאָה, verbal n. of הִתְרָה, Hiph. of תרה.]

אֶתְרוֹג m.n. pbh ‘ethrog’, citron. [A loan word from Pers. turnuj, whence also Arab. turunj, utrunj, utrujj. cp. ‘toronja’ in my cedel.] Derivative: תָּרֹג.

אֶתֶרִי adj. fw ethereal. [Formed from אֶתֶר with suff. □ִי.]

אתת to signal. [Like its collateral form אותII denominated from אוֹתI.] — Pi. אִתֵּת tr. v. nh he signaled. — Pu. אֻתַּת mh was signaled. Derivatives: אִתּוּת, מֽאֻתָּת.

אַתָּת m.n. nh signaler. [Coined from אוֹת (= sign), according to the pattern פַּעָל, used to form nomina opificum.] Derivative: אַתָּתוּת.

אַתָּתוּת f.n. nh signaling. [Formed from אַתָּת with suff. □וּת.]
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    Ana səhifə
