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אַקְוַרְיוֹן m.n. fw aquarium. [L. aquārium, subst. use of the neuter of the adj. aquārius (= pertaining to water), from aqua (= water). For the ending see ‘-arium’ in my cedel. cp. אַקְוָרֶל.]

אַקְוָרֶל m.n. fw aquarelle. [Fren. aquarelle, from It. acquarelle (= water color), dimin. of acqua (= water), from L. aqua. See אַקְוֶדוּקֽט and cp. אַקְוַרְיוּם.]

אַקְטוּאָלִי adj. fw actual. [Ultimately from Late L. āctuālis, from L. āctus, p. part. of agere (= to drive, set in motion; to do, act), from ie base *- (= to drive, lead, act, do). See ‘agent’ (adj.) in my cedel and adj. suff. ‘-al’ ibid. For the ending of אַקְטוּאָלִי see suff. □ִי. cp. אַקְטִיב, אַקְצְיָה, the first element in אוֹטוֹדָפֶה, and the second element in אַסְטְרָטֶג, פֶּדָגוֹג and in דֶּמָגוֹג. cp. also אַקְסְיוֹמָה and אוֹמָן.]

אַקְטִיב m.n. fw assets. [Ultimately from L. āctīvus (= active). See אַקֽטִיבִי.]

אַקְטִיבִי adj. fw active. [Formed with suff. □ִי from L. āctīvus, from āctus, p. part. of agere (= to do, act). See אַקְטוּאָלִי.] Derivative: אַקֽטִיבִיּוֹּת.

אַקְטִיבִיּוּת f.n. fw activity. [Formed from אַקְטִיבִי with suff. □וּת.]

אַקְטִיבִיזְם m.n. fw activism. [See אַקְטִיבִי and □ִיזְם.]

אַקְטִיבִיסְט m.n. fw activist. [See אַקְטִיבִי and suff. □ִיסְט.]

אִקְלוּם m.n. nh acclimatization. [Verbal n. of אִקְלֵם. See אקלם.]

אַקְלִים m.n. mh climate. [A loan word from Arab. ’iqlīm, which itself is borrowed from Gk. klima (= inclination, slope, region), a derivative of klinein (= to cause to slope, bend).] Derivatives: אַקְלִימַאי, אַקְלִימִי, אקלם.

אַקְלִימָאוּת f.n. nh climatology. [Formed from אַקְלִימַאי with suff. □וּת.]

אַקְלִימַאי m.n. nh climatologist. [Formed from אַקֽלִים with agential suff. □ַאי.] Derivative: אַקְלִימָאוּת.

אַקְלִימִי adj. nh climatic. [Formed from אַקְלִים with adj. suff. □ִי.]

אקלם to acclimatize. [Denominated from אַקְלִים.] — Pi. אִקְלֵם tr. v. nh he acclimatized. — Pu. אֻקְלַם nh was acclimatized. — Hith. הִתֽאַקְלֵם nh (of s.m.). Derivatives: אִקְלוּם, הִתֽאַקְלֽמוּת, מְאֻקֽלָם.

אֶקְלֶקְטִי adj. fw eclectic. [Gk. eklektikos (= picking out, selecting), from eklektos, verbal adj. of eklegein (= to pick out, select), from ek (= out of), and legein (= to pick out, choose; to tell, say, speak). See אֶקֽס□ and לִגְיוֹן. For the ending of אֶקֽלֶקְטִי see suff. □ִי.]

אֶקְסְfw ex-. [L. ex-, from the prep. [[pg-52]]ex (= out of, from). Before f, ex- becomes ef-, before all voiced consonants (as b, d, g, etc.) ex- becomes ē. L. ex is cogn. with Gk. ex, ek (= out of). cp. אֶקֽסֽטְרָה.]

אֶקְסְטָזָה f.n. fw ecstasy. [Fren. extase, from Late L. ecstasis, from Gk. ekstasis (= removal from the proper place, displacement; lit.: ‘a standing outside oneself’), from the stem of existanai (= to put out of place, derange; to stand aside from), from ex (= out of; see אֶקֽסְ□), and istanai (= to place; to stand), which is cogn. with L. stāre (= to stand). See סְטָטִי and cp. אֶקֽסְטָטִי.]

אֶקְסְטָטִי adj. fw ecstatic. [Back formation from Gk. ekstatikos (= unstable), from ekstasis. See אֶקְסְטָזָה and suff. □ִי.]

אֶקְסְטֶנְסִיבִי adj. fw extensive. [From L. extēnsus, a collateral form of extentus, p. part. of extendere (= to stretch out), from ex- (see אֶקֽסֽ□) and tendere (= to stretch). cp. סְסַנֽדַּרֽדְּ.]

אֶקְסְטְדָה adv. & adj. fw extra. [L. extrā (adv.), ‘on the outside, without, except’, for exterā, short for exterā parte (= on the outside). See אֶקֽסְ□ and cp. אֶקֽסְטֶרְן.]

אֶקְסְטֶרִיטוֹרְיָאלִי adj. fw exterritorial. [Formed from L. ex (= out of), and territōriālis (= territorial), from territōrium (= domain, territory). See אֶקְסְ□ and טֶרִיטוֹרְיָאלִי.]

אֶקְסְטֶרְן adj. fw extern, external. [Fren. externe, from L. externus (= outward, external), from exterus. See אֶקֽסֽטְרָה.]

אַקְסְיוֹמָה f.n. fw axiom. [Gk. axioma (= that which is thought worthy), from axioun (= to think worthy), from axos (= worthy; properly ‘weighty’), from the base of agein (= to lead), used in the sense of ‘to weigh’, which is cogn. with L. agere (= to set in motion, drive, lead). See אַקֽטוּאָלִי.]

אֶקְסִיסְטֶנְצְיָאלִיזְם m.n. fw existentialism. [Fren. existentialisme, orig. used to translate Ger. Existenzphilosophie (= philosophy of existence). See ‘existence’ in my cedel. For the ending see suff. □ִיזְם. The term ‘existence’ is used here in the special sense given to it by the Danish philosopher Sören Aabye Kierkegaard (1813–55), who is the originator of existentialism. cp. קוֹאֶקֽסִיסְטֶנְץ.]

אֶקְסִיסְטֶנְצְיָאלִיסְט m.n. fw existentialist. [See אֶקְסִיסְטֶנֽצְיָאלִיזְם and suff. □ִיסֽט.]

אֶקְסֶמְפְּלָר m.n. fw copy. [L. exemplar (= pattern, model, copy), from exemplum (= example; lit.: ‘something taken out of a larger quantity’), from ex (= out of; see אֶקְסְ□), and emere (= to take, buy), from ie base *em (= to take). cp. ‘example’ in my cedel. cp. also פּֽרֶמֽיָה.]

אֶקְטְפֵּדִיצְיָה f.n. fw expedition. [Fren. expédition, from L. expedītiōnem (= an enterprise against the enemy), from expedītus, p. part. of expedīre, which lit. means ‘to free the feet from fetters’, hence ‘to extricate, disengage, set free; to make ready’, from ex (= out of; see אֶקְסֽ□), and pedis (= fetter), properly ‘chain for the feet’, which is related to pedica (= shackle, fetter), compēs (= fetter), and cogn. with Gk. pede (= fetter), from ie *ped-, *pod- (= foot). See פֵּדָר.]

אֶקְסְפּוֹזִיצְיָה f.n. fw exposition. [L. expositiō (= a setting or showing forth), from expositus, p. part. of expōnō (= I set out, expose, exhibit, explain), from ex (= out of), and pōnō (= I put, place). See אֶקֽס□ and פּוֹזִיצְיָה.]

אֶקְסְפּוֹרְט m.n. fw export. [From L. exportāre (= to carry out), from ex (= out of; see אֶקֽסְ□), and portāre (= to bear, carry, convey). See אִימְפּוֹרְט.]

אֶקְסְפֶּרְט m.n. fw expert. [L. expertus (= tried, proved, tested), p. part. of experīrī. See אֶקֽסֽפֵּרִימֶנֽט.]

אֶקְסְפֵּרִימֶנְט m.n. fw experiment. [Ultimately from L. experīmentum (= trial, proof, test), from experīrī (= to try, prove, test), from ex (= out of; see אֶקְסֽ□), and the base of perītus (= experienced), which is related to periculum (= trial, experiment, risk, danger), and cogn. with Gk. peira (= trial, attempt, experience), empeiros (= experienced). See אֶמֽפִּירִי and cp. אֶקְסְפֵּרִימֶנֽטָלִי.]

אֶקְסְפֵּרִימֶנְטָלִי adj. experimental. [Ultimately from Med. L. experīmentālis, from L. experīmentum. See אֶקֽסֽפֵּרִימֶנְט. For L. suff. -ālis see adj. suff. ‘-al’ in my cedel; for the ending of אֶקֽסֽפֵּרִימֶנֽטָלִי, see suff. □ִי.]

אֶקְסְפְּרֶס m.n. fw express (train, etc.). [Fren. exprès, from L. expressus, p. part. of exprimere (= to press or squeeze out, imitate, copy, describe, express), from ex (= out of; see אֶקֽסְ□), and premere (= to press, clasp), which is related to prēlum for prem-lom (= press, wine press). cp. אֶקֽסֽפּֽרֶסְיוֹנִיסֽט, אֶקֽסְפּֽרֶסְיוֹנִיזֽם. cp. also אִימֽפְּרֶסֽיוֹנִיסֽט.]

אֶקְסְפְּרֶסְיוֹנִיזְם m.n. fw expressionism. [Formed with suff. □ִיזְם from Fren. expression, from L. expressiōnem, accusative of expressiō (= a pressing or squeezing out), from expressus, p. part. of exprimere. See אֶקְסֽפְּרֶס.]

אֶקְסְפְּרֶסְיוֹנִיסְט m.n. fw expressionist. [See אֶקְסֽפְּרֶסְיוֹנִיזֽם and □ִיסְט.]

אֶקְסְצֶנְטְרִי adj. fw eccentric. [Back formation from Med. L. excentricus (= out of the center), from Gk. ekkentros (= out of the center), from ek (= out of; see אֶקֽסֽ□), and kentron (= point, prickle, spike, oxgoad). See צֶנְטְרָלִיזְם and suff. □ִי.]

אֶקְסֶקוּטִיבָה f.n. fw executive. [From L. exsecūtiō, execūtiō (= a carrying out, performance), from exsecūtus, execūtus, p. part. of exsequī, exequī (= to follow to the end, pursue, carry out, perform, execute), from ex (= out of; see אֶקְסְ□), and sequī (= to follow). See ‘sequel’ in my cedel.]

אַקְצְיָה f.n. fw share (now replaced by מֽנָיָה). [Fren. action (= action; share), from L. āctiō (= action), from āctus, p. part. of agere (= to do, act). See אַקְטוּאָלִי and cp. אַקֽצְיוֹנַר.]

אַקְצְיוֹנַר m.n. fw shareholder. [Fren. actionnaire, from action. See אַקֽצְיָה.]

אַקְר m.n. fw acre. [Eng. acre, from aker, from aecer (= field, acre), which is cogn. with L. ager (= field, land). cp. אַגְרָרִי and the first element in אַגְרוֹנוֹם, אַגֽרוֹפִּירֹון.

אַקְרַאי m.n. pbh chance, incident, occasion. [Aram., from קֽרָא (= it happened), which is related to Heb. קָרָאII, קָרָה.]

אַקְרָה f.n. pbh fortress, citadel. [A loan word from Gk. akra (= end, point; esp.: the highest point, top of a hill, peak; citadel), properly subst. use of the f. of the adj. akros (= at the end, at the top, outermost), from ake (= edge), which is cogn. with L. ācer (= sharp). See ‘acrid’ in my cedel. cp. אַקְרוֹבָּט, אַקְרוֹבָּטִיקָה. cp. also אֲצֶטוֹן.

אַקְרוֹבָּט m.n. fw acrobat. [Fren. acrobate, from Gk. akrobatos (= walking on tiptoe), from akros (= at the end, outermost, highest), and bat (= going), from the stem of bainein (= to go, walk). See בָּסִיס and cp. the second element in אֵירוֹבָּטִיקָה.]

אַקְרוֹסְטִיכוֹן m.n. fw acrostic. [Gk. akrostichis, compounded of akros (= at the end, outermost; see אַקְרָה), and stichos (= row, line, rank, verse), which is related to steichein (= to go; to march in order). These words derive from ie base *stī̆gh– (= to stride, step, walk, climb). cp. the second element in קָדַסְטֶר.]

אֶקְרָן m.n. nh screen. [A blend of הִקְרִין (= he showed a picture on the screen), and Fren. écran (= screen), which is prob. borrowed from Ger. schranc (= iron bar; enclosure fence), whence Ger. Schrank (= wardrobe, cupboard).]

[[pg-53]]אָר m.n. fw are (a square unit). [Fren. are, formed in 1795 by a decree of the French national convention from L. ārea (= vacant piece of ground; orig.: a place burnt down, a dry bare place), which is related to arēre (= to become dry). For the sense development of L. ārea cp. Ger. Esse (= chimney), which also derives from ie base *ā̌s- (= to burn). cp. the second element in הֶקְטָר.]

אֶרְאֵל m.n. hero, angel (a meaning based on Is. 33:7: הֵן אֶרְאֶלָּם צָעֲקוּ חֻצָה מַלְאֲכֵי שָׁלוֹם מַר יִבֽכָּיוּן, where אֶרְאֶלָּם stands in parallelism to מַלְאֲכֵי שָׁלוֹם, ‘messengers or angels of above peace’). [Of uncertain etymology. According to Gesenius and several other scholars אֶרְאֶלָּם = אַרְאֵלִים, pl. of אַרְאֵל (= hero), in which they see a var. of אֲרִיאֵל, אֲרִי־אֵל (= the lion of God), i.e. ‘hero’ (see אֲרִיאֵל), a meaning parallel to that of מַלְאָכִים.] Derivative: אֶרֽאֶלִּי.

אֶרְאֶלִּי adj. nh angelic; heroic. [Formed from אֶרֽאֵל with suff. □ִי.]

ארבI to lie in wait. [Related to Arab. ’aruba, ’ariba (= was crafty, was skillful, was proficient), ’arib (= crafty, skillful, proficient), ’irbah (= skill).] — Qal אָרַב intr. v. he lay in wait, lurked, waylaid. — Pi. אֵרַב (of s.m.). Derivatives: אוֹרֵב, אֶרֶב, אֹרֶב, מַאֲרָב, מְאָרֵב, prob. also אָרְבָּה.

ארבII to devastate. [Prob. base of אַרְבֶּה (= locust).]

אֶֽרֶב, אֹֽרֶב m.n. 1 lying-in-wait, ambush. 2 lurking place, lair. [From ארבI.]

אַרְבָּה f.n. pbh boat, barge; flat-bottomed boat. [A collateral form of עֲרֵבָה (= trough, tub; small boat).]

אַרְבֶּה m.n. locust. [Related to Ugar. i̧rby, Akka. āribu, ēribu, erbū (= locust). Usually derived from רבה (= to multiply), and explained as ‘the multitudinous’, but mere prob. a derivative of base רבהII (= to devastate), and formed with the collective suff. □ֶה. For the suff. see צֹנֶה (= sheep).]

אָרְבָּה f.n. A hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 25:11 in the phrase יָדָיו אָרְבוֹת, which prob. means ‘the cunning of his hands’. [Prob. formed from ארבI with first suff. □ָה.]

אֲרֻבָּה f.n. 1 lattice, latticed window. 2 chimney. 3 opening of a dove cote. 4 (fig.) orbit of the eye. [Related to Ugar. u̧rbt (= window). Of uncertain etymology.]

אַרְבַּע f., אַרְבָּעָה m. adj. four. [From רבעI, whence also Aram., BAram. and Syr. אַרְבַּע (f.), אַרֽבָּעָה (m.), Ugar. rb‘, Arab. ’arba‘ (f.), ’arba‘ah (m.), Ethiop. ’arbā‘ (f.), ’arbā‘tū (m.), Akka. arba‘u (f.), irbitti (m.).] Derivatives: אַרֽבָּעִים, אַרֽבָּעוֹן, אַרֽבַּעְתַּיִם.

אַרְבַּעcombining form meaning ‘four–’, ‘quadri–’, ‘tetra–’ (as in אַרְבַּע־רַגְלִי, ‘four-legged’, אַרְבַּע־עֶרְכִּי, ‘quadrivalent’). [From אַרֽבַּע (= four).]

אַרְבָּעָה see אַרְבַּע.

אַרְבָּעוֹן m.n. nh tetrahedron (geometry). [Formed from אַרֽבָּעָה (= four), with suff. □וֹן.] Derivative: אַרְבָּעוֹנִי.

אַרְבָּעוֹנִי adj. nh tetrahedral. [Formed from אַרְבָּעוֹן with suff. □ִי.]

אַרְבָּעִים adj. forty. [Properly pl. of אַרְבָּעָה (= four). cp. Aram.-Syr. אַרְבְּעִין, Arab. ’arba‘ūna (= forty).]

אַרְבַּעְתַּֽיִם adv. fourfold. [Properly adv. use of the dual of אַרְבָּעָה. The dual suff. added to certain numbers (as also in שִׁבְעָתַיִם, etc.) has the meaning ‘fold’.]

ארג to weave. [Related to Phoen. ארג (= weaver).] — Qal אָרַג he wove. — Niph. נֶאֱרַג was woven. — Pi. אֵרַג pbh he wove. — Hith. הִתְאָרֵג pbh was woven. Derivatives: אוֹרֵג, אֶרֶג, אָרוּג, אָרוֹג, אָרִיג, אֲרִיגָה, מַאֲרָג, תַּאֲרֹגֶת.

אֶֽרֶג m.n. 1 weaver’s shuttle. 2 hand-loom. 3 nh web, texture. [From ארג.]

אֶרְגְּ m.n. fw erg (physics). [From Gk. ergon (= work), which is related to ergo (= I do, sacrifice), organon (= an instrument), orgia (= secret rites), from IE base *werg- (= work, to work). See ‘work’ (n.) in my cedel and cp. אַרְגּוֹן, אֶרְגַּלְיָה, אוֹרְגָנִי, and the second element in אַלֶּרְגְּיָה, אֶנֶרְגְּיָה, רְּרָמָטוּרְגְּיָה, לֵיתַרְגְּיָה, מֶטַלּוּרְגְּיָה.

אַרְגּוֹ m.n. fw argot. [Fren., of uncertain origin.]

אַרְגּוּמֶנְט m.n. fw argument. [Fren. argument, from L. argūmentum, from arguere (= to make clear, prove), which is related to argentum (= silver); arguere orig. meant ‘to make as white as silver’. L. argentum is cogn. with Gk. orgyros (= silver), properly ‘the white (metal)’, from argos (= shining, bright, white), from IE base *arg– (= to shine).]

אַרְגּוּמֶנְטַצְיָה f.n. argumentation. [L. argūmentātīo (= an adducing of proof). See אַרֽגּוּמֶנְט and suff. □ַצֽיָה.]

אִרְגּוּן m.n. nh 1 organizing. 2 organization. [Verbal n. of אִרְגֵּןI. See ארגן.] Derivative: אִרְגּוּנִי.

אֵרְגּוֹן m.n. fw argon (chemistry). [Modern L. argon, from Gk. argon, neuter of argos (= idle, inert), contraction of aergos (lit.: ‘not active’), from a- and ergon (= work). See אֶרְגְּ.]

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