Hibernian Catechism Provided by the

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Hibernian Catechism

Provided by the

Ancient Order of Hibernians

New York State Board


1985 – November - Anglo-Irish Agreement signed by the

governments of Ireland and the United Kingdom.

1994 - IRA declares cease-fire.
1996 - Cease-fire breaks down after British government refuses to

allow Sinn Fein to join all-party talks, marked by the IRA bombing of

Canary Wharf.
1997 - IRA cease-fire resumes; talks begin in Belfast with

representatives of all Northern Ireland’s political parties.

1998 - The Belfast Agreement is signed.


Prayers – Paidreacha

Sign of the Cross –

Comhartha na Croise
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In ainm an Athar agus an Mhic agus an Spioraid Naoimh. Amen.
(in ann-um un ah-hir ah-gus on vick ah-gus on speerad nayfah. Ah-men.)
Our Father – Ár nAthair
Our Father, Who art in heaven

Hallowed be Thy Name;

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us;

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Ár nAthair atá ar neamh,

go naofar d'ainm

Go dtaga do ríocht

Go ndéantar do thoil

ar an talamh mar a dhéantar ar neamh.

ár n-arán laethúil tabhair dúinn inniu

Agus maith dúinn ár bhfiacha

Mar a mhaithimidne ár bhféichiúna féin

Agus ná lig sinn i gcathú

ach saor sinn ó olc. Amen.
(Awr NAW-har, ahTAW err nyav, Guh nayfor DAH-nim

Guh dawgah duh REE-uckt, Guh Nyane-ter duh hull

ER un duh-luv, Mohr ah JANE-ter er nyav. 1

Awr nah-rawn LAY-hool tower doo-in in-you,

Ah-gus maw doo-in awr VEE-cha

Mor a WHA-heh-meed-nuh dawr VAYCK-hoona fane,

Ah-gus naw ligg shinn ee GAW-hoo

Och sho-ar shinn on holk, Ah-men)

Hail Mary - An tÁivé Máiria
Hail Mary, full of grace.

Our Lord is with thee.

Blessed art thou among women,

and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,


Holy Mary, Mother of God,

pray for us sinners,

now and at the hour of our death.

'Sé do bheatha, a Mhuire,

atá lán de ghrásta,

tá an Tiarna leat.

Is beannaithe thú idir mná

Agus is beannaithe toradh do bhroinne, íosa.

A Naomh-Mhuire, a Mháthair Dé,

guigh orainn na peacaigh,

Anois agus ar uair ár mbáis. Amen.
(Shay du VAH-ha, a WIR-rah,

uh-TAW lawn de GRAWS-uh

Taw un TEER-nuh lat.

Iss baniheh HOO har MHRAH

Ah-gus iss baniheh TOR-ruh duh vrinneh EE-sa.

Ah Nayuv wirra, ah wahir JAY,

Gwee OHR-inn nuh PAH-kee,

Ah-NISH ah-gus er OO-wer ahr MAWsh. Ah-men.)


1966 May 27th - The UVF shot and killed John Scullion (28), a Catholic civilian, three additional murders would be committed in June, before the UVF was declared illegal.

1967 - Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association founded.

1968 – August - First Civil Rights March.

1968 – October - William Craig, Minister of Home Affairs, bans Derry Civil Rights March.

1969 – January - People's Democracy, Belfast to Derry, Civil Rights March.

1969 - August 14th - British troops sent to Northern Ireland, marking the start of the ‘Troubles’.

1971 - Unionist government of Northern Ireland introduces internment without trial for suspected Republicans.

1971 - Ballymurphy Massacre, August 9-11, 11 civilians killed by the 1st Battalion Parachute Regiment of the British Army.

1972 - January 30th - Bloody Sunday in Derry. British paratroopers, of the 1st Battalion Parachute Regiment, shoot 13 unarmed civilians during civil-rights march.

1974 -Direct Rule from England re-imposed on the six-counties.

1974 - Loyalists bomb Dublin and Monaghan, killing 30, worst single event during ‘Troubles’.

1981- Bobby Sands, Francis Hughes, Raymond McCreesh, Patsy O'Hara, Joe McDonnell, Martin Hurson, Kevin Lynch, Kieran Doherty, Thomas McElwee and Michael Devine die on hunger strike in Maze Prison.


1941 The German Luftwaffe bombed Belfast killing 949 people,

injuring 2,000, and destroying thousands of homes. Germans bomb

Dublin, mistaking it for Liverpool, and killed 34 people.

1951-62 - IRA campaign in North aka: "The Campaign of Resistance

to British Occupation”

1954 - The Flags and Emblems Act was introduced in Northern

Ireland. The Act was exclusively used against the flying of the Irish

1960 - John F. Kennedy becomes the first Catholic President of the

United States; assassinated in 1963.

1963 - John F Kennedy, President of the United States of America,

visited the Republic of Ireland.

1964 January- The Campaign for Social Justice (CSJ) was formed,

began publicising what it saw as widespread discrimination against

Catholics in Northern Ireland.
1965 - Sean Lemass, Taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister), travelled to

Belfast to meet Terence O'Neill, then Northern Ireland Prime

Minister, in the first official meeting between an Irish Taoiseach and a

Northern Ireland Prime Minister. A meeting between the two men

also took place in Dublin. The meetings caused uproar in unionist


1966 – March 8th - The Irish Republican Army (IRA) blew up

Nelson's Pillar in O'Connell Street in Dublin.

1966 – May - Establishment of the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF).
May 7th - The UVF carried out a petrol bomb attack on a Catholic

owned bar on the Shankill Road, in Belfast, missing their intended

target and setting fire to the home of Matilda Gould (77), a Protestant

civilian, who died on 27 June 1966 as a result of her injuries.


THE GLORY BE - Glóir don Athair

Glory be to the Father,

and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit.

As it was in the beginning,

is now,

and ever shall be,

world without end.

Glóire don Athair, don Mhac,

Agus don Spiorad Naoimh,

Mar a bhí ó thús, mar atá anois

Agus mar a bheas go bráith, trí shaol na saol. Amen

(GLOHR-ruh dun AH-her, AH-gus dun WHAK,

AH-gus dun SPEER-rud nayfuh,

mahr vee err duish, mahr a-TAW ah-nish,

Ah-gus mahr uh VYASS guh BRAWH, tree sale nuh sale. Ah-men)

The Rosary - Coróin Mhuire
The Joyful mysteries - Na Cúig Shólás

The Annunciation - Teachtaireacht an Aingil

The Visitation -

Cuairt Mhuire ar Naomh Éilís

Birth of Our Lord -

Breith ár dTiarna

Presentation in the Temple -

Toirbhirt an Leanbh Íosa sa Teampall

Finding in the Temple -

Íosa i measc na n-ollúna
The Illuminative Mysteries - Na Cúig Mistéirí Geala

The Baptism of Jesus -

Baisteadh Íosa

Marriage Feast at Cana - 3

Pósadh ag Céana

Proclamation of the Kingdom-

Teacht Riochta

The Transfiguration -

A t-Athrú (Gné)

Institution of the Eucharist -

An Suipéar Deireanach
The Sorrowful mysteries - Na Cúig Dhólas -

The Agony in the Garden - An tAllas Fola.

The Scourging at the Pillar - Sciúrsáil Íosa ar an bpiléar.

The Crowning with Thorns - Corónú ár dTiarna le dealga.

The Carrying of the Cross - Íosa ag iompar na Croise.

The Crucifixion - An Céasadh.

The Glorious mysteries - Na Cúig Bhua

The Resurrection - Aiséirí ár Slánaitheora

The Ascension - An Deasgabháil

The Descent of the Holy Spirit -

Teacht an Spioraid Naoimh anuas ar

na hAspail

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary -

Deastógáil na Maighdine Muire suas ar neamh

The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary -

Corónú na Maighdine Muire ar neamh

Start by making the sign of the Cross:

In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

In ainm an Athar agus an Mhic agus an Spioraid Naoimh. Amen.

(in on-im on ah-her ah-gus on vick ah-gus on sprid nave)
Then recite the Creed:

1922 – Irish Civil War starts between Free State army and IRA. Bombardment of Anti-Treaty forces occupying the Four Courts.

1922 - August 22 - Michael Collins killed. Death of Arthur Griffith.

1922 - November First of 77 executions, carried out by the Free State government.

1923 – May - End of Civil war.

1924 - Knute Rockne and the "Four Horsemen" - Notre Dame wins its first national championship in college football.

1931 - The Irish Republican Army (IRA) was declared an illegal organisation in the Irish Free State.

1932 - Eamon de Valera forms first Fianna Fáil government in the Dáil. IRA prisoners released.

1932 - 22–26 June - 31st International Eucharistic Congress, held in Dublin; largest in the 20th Century.

1934 - Lord Craigavon made infamous 'Protestant Nation' speech.

1937 - Bunreacht na hÉireann (the Irish Constitution) was approved by a referendum. The Constitution (articles 2 and 3) claimed sovereignty over the whole of the island of Ireland.

1938 - Douglas Hyde, a Protestant from County Roscommon, was elected as the first President of Ireland.

1939 – 1945 - Second World War. The Irish Free State declared itself neutral.

1939 - The Irish Republican Army (IRA) began a campaign of bombing in Britain.


1916 - April 24- 29 - Easter Rising in Dublin, Proclamation of the

Irish Republic: Poblacht na hÉireann
1916 - May 3-12 - Executions of the leaders of Easter Rising.
1917 - Eamon De Valera won East Clare election.
1918 - November First World War ends.
1918 - Sinn Féin returns a majority in general election.
1919 - January - The First Dáil of the Irish Republic (Dáil Éireann)

meets and issues a Declaration of Independence from the United

1919 - 1921 - Irish War of Independence/ Anglo-Irish War
1920 - British Government of Ireland Act 1920 partitioned Ireland by

creating artificial borders.

1920 - Black and Tans, disgraced members of the British military,

arrive as a British military force in Ireland.

1920 - Kevin Barry hanged, November 1st.
1920 - November 21st - 'Bloody Sunday' - The Black and Tans open

fire on spectators at a GAA match in Croke Park, Dublin, killing 12

and wounding 60, in retribution for the IRA’s assassination of 11

British intelligence agents.

1920 – December - Burning of Cork by Royal Irish Constabulary


1921- December 6th - Signing of the Anglo-Irish Treaty and the

creation of the Irish Free State, Irish War of Independence ends. Civil

War begins.


The Apostles Creed - Cré na n-Aspal

I believe in God,

the Father almighty,

Creator of heaven and earth,

and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,

who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,

born of the Virgin Mary,

suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, died and was buried;

he descended into hell;

on the third day he rose again from the dead;

he ascended into heaven,

and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty;

from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the holy catholic Church,

the communion of saints,

the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body,

and life everlasting. Amen.
Creidim i nDia, an tAthair uilechumhachtach

Cruthaitheoir neimhe agus talún;

agus in Íosa Críost, a aon Mhacsan,ár Tiarna,

a ghabhadh ón Spiorad Naomh,

a rugadh ó Mhuire Ógh;

a d'fhulaing páis faoi Phointius Píoláit,

a céasadh ar chrois, a fuair bás agus a adhlacadh;

a chuaigh síos go hIfreann,

a d'éirigh an treas lá ó mhairbh;

a chuaigh suas ar neamh;

atá ina shuí ar dheis Dé,

An tAthair uilechumhachtach;

As sin tiocfaidh sé chun

breithiúnas a thabhairt ar bheo agus ar mhairbh.

Creidim sa Spiorad Naomh,

sa Naomh-Eaglais chaitliceach,

i gcomaoin na naomh; 5

i maithiúnas na bpeacaí

in aiséirí na colainne,

agus sa bheatha shíoraí. Áméin
KRAY nuh NASSpil
KRAY-jim in YEEah ah TAH-hir ILLi-HOO-a-tah

KRUH-hee-hur NAY-ve Ah-gus TAH-lun

Ah-gus in EE-sa KREE-st a AYN-wak-sin ARE GEER-na

ah GO-oo ohn SPIRR-ad NEE-ahv

ah RUG-oo OH WIRR-ah ohg

ah DOOL-ing PAH-sh FwEE - FAWN-chus PEE-latch


a FOO-ir BAHSS is Ah-gus AH-LA-CO

ah WHO-ee SHEE-is guh HIF-RAN


ah WHO-ee SOO-as ahr NYOW

ATAH na HEE ahr YESH JAY a TAH-hir ILLi-WHOO-a-tah

ass shin CHUCK-hee shay hun BRAY-WHO-nas ah WHORE-ch air

VyOH Ah-gus air WAR-iv

KRAY-jim suh SPIRR-ad NEE-uv

suh NEE-uv-EH-glash HAW-ch-LICK-ah

i GOM-EEN nuh NEE-uv

im Y-WHOO-nus na BACK-ee

i NASH-ree - nuh CULL-inn-ye

Ah-gus suh VAH-ha HEE-ree

Then say 1 "Our Father", 3 "Hail Mary's" for the virtues of Faith,

Hope and Charity; and then 1 "Glory Be":

While meditating on the Mysteries, recite:
1 "Our Father"

10 "Hail Mary's" and

1 "Glory Be"

for each Mystery.


1885 – Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) founded.

1886 - First Home Rule Bill was defeated in the British Parliament.

1890 - Parnell was deposed as leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party following his affair with Kitty O'Shea becoming public. Parnell dies the following October.

1893 - Second Home Rule Bill. Bill rejected by House of Lords. Gaelic League established.

1899 - The United Irishman newspaper founded by Arthur Griffith.

1905 - Sinn Féin founded under Arthur Griffith.

1912 Third Home Rule Bill. Ulster Solemn League and Covenant signed, to resist Home Rule.

1913 January 1913 Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) formed to oppose Home Rule, supplied with German rifles the following year.

1913 - August 19th William Martin Murphy, fired forty workers under suspicion of belonging to the Irish Transport and General Workers' Union (ITGWU). On August 26th the ITGWU went on strike beginning the Dublin Lockout, which would last until January.

1913 - November - Irish Citizen Army and Irish National Volunteers formed.

1914 - Reorganization of the Irish Republican Brotherhood and formation of a military council.

March - The Curragh Mutiny.

July - Guns for Irish Volunteers landed at Howth.

September 18 - Government of Ireland Act, offered the Irish Home Rule, postponed for the duration of World War I. 39

1857 – Orange Order parades in Belfast result in 10 days of serious

rioting in Belfast.
1859 - 'Fenian Brotherhood' founded in the United States of America.
1861 - 1865 American Civil War.
1863 - The Irish People newspaper founded, suppressed by the British

in 1865.
1863 - New York Draft Riots – Irish immigrants were drafted

disproportionately and discriminated against because of their Catholic

Faith; racial tensions arose as a result of the influx of free blacks into

Irish neighborhoods and places of employment.
1867 - March 5th - Fenian Uprising.
1867 - November 23rd - 'Manchester Martyrs' executed.
1872 – After the fall of Boss Tweed, "Honest John" Kelly becomes

the first Irish leader of the Tammany Hall.

1873 - Home Rule League founded.
1875 - Charles Stewart Parnell elected as Member of Parliament for

County Meath.

1879 - Irish National League founded by Michael Davitt.
1879 - 1882 - Land War in Ireland.
1880 - Charles Stewart Parnell elected leader of the Irish

Parliamentary Party. Captain Boycott.

1881 - Parnell imprisoned in Kilmainham Jail; released 1882.
1882 - 'Phoenix Park murders' - Irish National Invincibles assassinate

British chief secretary of Ireland, Lord Cavendish, and his under

secretary, T.H. Burke.

After each Mystery the "Fatima Prayer" is said.

O my Jesus - Ó a Íosa
O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are in most need of Thy mercy.
Ó a Íosa , maith dhúinn ár bpeacaí,

saor sinn ó thine ifrinn,

agus stiúir anam gach n-aon go flaithis Dé, go háirithe iad súd atá i

bhfíor-ghéarghá do thrócaire.
All together this makes up one decade.
After the completion of the five mysteries (five decades), the "Hail Holy Queen" is said
The Hail Holy Queen - An Salve Regina
Hail, holy Queen, mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile show us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.

V. Pray for us O Holy Mother of God

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ
Go mbeannaítear duit, a Bhanríon Naofa,

A Mháthair na trócaire, Go mbeannaítear duit

Ár mbeatha, ár mílseacht agus ár ndóchas

Is ort a ghlaoimid,

Clann bocht dhíbeartha Éabha.

Is chugatsa suas a chuirimid ár n-urnaí,

Ag caoineadh agus ag gol

Sa ghleann seo na ndeor,

ar an ábhar sin, ós tú ár n-abhcóide,

Iompaigh orainn dó shúile atá lán de thrua,

Agus tar éis na deoraíochta seo

Taispeáin dúinn Íosa, 7

Toradh beannaithe do bhroinne,

A Mhaighdean Mhuire ró-thrócaireach, ró-ghrámhar, ró-mhilis.

V. Guigh orainn a naomh-Mháthair Dé

R. Ionas gur fiú sinn gealltanais Chríost a fháil.
Final Prayer - Paidir deanach

Let us pray. O God, whose only begotten Son, by His life, death, and

resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life, grant, we

beseech Thee, that meditating upon these mysteries of the Most Holy

Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they contain

and obtain what they promise, through the same Christ Our Lord.

A Athair Shíoraí, gur cheannaigh t'Aonmhac dúinn, lena bheatha,

lena bhás, is lena aiséirí, aoibhneas síoraí na bhFlaitheas, tabhair

dúinn, achnaímíd ort, do ghrásta, ionas ag machnamh dúinn ar na

mistéiribh seo na Corónach Mhuire, go dtiocfadh linn do thoil naofa

a dhéanamh agus an t-aoibhneas síoraí sin do shroisint, trí Iosa

Críost ár dTiarna.


1823 - Daniel O'Connell founds Catholic Association, which campaigned for Catholic emancipation.

1825 – Completion of the Erie Canal, most of which was built by Irish laborers.

1828 - O'Connell elected for Clare.

1829 Catholic Emancipation Act passed at Westminster, which allowed Catholics to sit in Parliament.

1831 - Tithe War began. One hundred and twenty armed police forcibly took possession of cattle belonging to a Roman Catholic priest after he refused to pay a compulsory tithe to the Anglican Church of Ireland.

1836 – Ancient Order of Hibernians founded in Pennsylvania and New York.

1840 - Daniel O'Connell's Repeal Association founded.

1842 - "The Nation" newspaper founded by Thomas Davis.

1845 – Beginning of An Gorta Mór, the Great Hunger.

1847 – Black 47.

1848 - 'Young Ireland Rising'

1849 - 12 July 'Battle of Dolly's Brae' 30 Catholics were killed as Orangemen attacked the Catholic town of Dolly’s Brae, after a banned parade to mark the 12th of July. As a result the Party Procession Acts, forbidding sectarian parades was to be enforced.

1856 - James Stephens returned to Ireland, from France and founds Irish Republican Brotherhood.


1688 - English Revolution. James II (last Catholic King) deposed in

England. December 7th The gates of the city walls in Derry were shut

against the troops of James II, so beginning the Siege of Derry.

1690 - William of Orange III defeated James II at the Battle of the

1692-1695 - Anti-Catholic Penal Laws passed, exclusion of Catholics

from Parliament and all professions. Catholics hold 14% of all land in

Ireland. Penal Laws not overturned until 1829.

1714 - Catholics hold 7% of land in Ireland.
1740 - The Forgotten Famine (between 310,000 and 480,000 die).
1775 - Henry Gratten, becomes leader of "Patriot Party".
1775 - 1783 American War of Independence.
1782 - Constitution of 1782. Legislative Independence won from

Britain by Irish Parliament, repeal of Poynings' Law.

1791 - The Society of the United Irishmen established in Belfast.
1795 - Formation of the Loyal Orange Institution (Orange Order) in

County Armagh.

1798 - United Irishmen Rebellion of 1798 led by Wolfe Tone. Battle

of Vinegar Hill, Battle of Antrim, Arrest and death of Lord Edward

Fitzgerald, Battle of Ballymore-Eustace, One thousand French

soldiers landed at Kilcummin in support of the rebellion, Battle of

Castlebar, Death of Wolfe Tone.

1800 - Act of Union passed (effective 1 January 1801)

1803 - Robert Emmett leads rising in Dublin. Emmett was arrested,

tried, and executed. “Let no man write my epitath…”


Other Prayers -
Memorare - Cuimhnigh

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary,

that never was it known

that any one who fled

to your protection,

implored your help

or sought your intercession,

was left unaided.

Inspired with this confidence,

I fly unto you, O Virgin

of virgins my Mother;

to you do I come,

before you I stand,

sinful and sorrowful;

O Mother of the Word Incarnate,

Despise not my petitions,

but in your clemency hear and

answer me. Amen.


a Mhaighdean Mhuire róghrámhar,

nár chualathas trácht ar éinne

riamh a chuir é féin

faoi do choimirce

ná a d'iarr cabhair ort

ná a d'impigh d'idirghuí

is gur theip tú air.

Lán de mhuinín asat, dá bhrí sin,

rithimse chugat, a Mhaighdean

na maighdean is a Mháthair.

Is chugatsa a thagaim,

is os do chomhair a sheasaim,

i mo pheacach bocht atuirseach.

Ó a Mháthair an Aonmhic,

ná diúltaigh do m'urnaithe

ach éist leo go trócaireach agus

freagair iad. Ámén. 9

Prayer to St. Michael - Paidir Naomh Micheál

St. Michael the Archangel,

defend us in battle.

Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,

and do thou,

O Prince of the heavenly hosts,

by the power of God,

thrust into hell Satan,

and all the evil spirits,

who prowl about the world

seeking the ruin of souls. Amen..

A Naoimh-Mícheál Árdaingeal

cosain sinn i n-am an chatha,

bí mar dhídean againn in aghaidh urchoírde

agus chealgaireachta an diabhail.

Go mbagruighidh Dia air, athchuinghimíd go humhal.

Agus dean-sa a cheannphuirt na sluaighte neamhdha an t-

aidhbheirseoir céadna a theilgean síos síos go hifreann, tré

chómhacht Dé, agus ina theannta sin na hainsoioraid eile atá ag

imtheacht ar fuaid an domhain le fonn anamnacha a chuir i mbealach

a gcaillte. Áméin.
The Angelus –

The Angel of the Lord declared to Mary:

And she conceived of the Holy Spirit.

Hail Mary…

Behold the handmaid of the Lord: Be it done unto me according to

Thy word.

Hail Mary . . .
And the Word was made Flesh: And dwelt among us.
Hail Mary . . .


1529-36 - Henry VIII breaks with the Catholic Church and declares himself head of the Church of England.

1534 - Kildare rebellion. Thomas FitzGerald, the 10th Earl of Kildare, publicly renounced his allegiance to Henry VIII of England.

1537 - FitzGerald was hanged, drawn and quartered at Tyburn.

1541- Henry VIII introduces a policy of 'surrender and regrant' in the Kingdom of Ireland.

1558 - Elizabeth I became Queen of England, followed in 1562 with the beginning of the Elizabethan Wars in Ireland.

1594 - Nine Years' War. Hugh O'Neill and Red Hugh O'Donnell rebel against Elizabeth I's authority in Ulster.

1603 - James I (James VI of Scotland) becomes King of England following the death of Elizabeth I.

1607 - 'The Flight of the Earls'

1608 - 09 – Ulster Plantation begins.

1641 - Irish Rebellion of 1641. Led by Felim O'Neill, Rory O'Moore, Donough MacCarty, Connor Maguire.

1641 English Civil War began.

1646 - Eoghan Ruadh Ó Néill defeats Scottish forces.

1649 - King Charles I executed. Oliver Cromwell's army invades Ireland, pursues a policy of genocide and enslavement. Over 60,000 Irish Catholics sent as slaves to Barbados, Jamaica and Virginia.

1681 - Execution in London of St. Oliver Plunket, Archbishop of Armagh.


976 -Brian Boru succeeded his brother Mahon, as King of Munster

until 1014.

999 - Brian Boru defeated Vikings.

1002 - Brian Boru, Ard Rí, High King of all Ireland.

1014 - Brian Boru, killed at Battle of Clontarf.

1066 - Normans defeat Saxons in England.

1167 - Ruaidrí Ua Conchobair seeks support from Henry II of

England to claim Kingship of Ireland.

1167-69 – Norman Invasion of Ireland at Baginbun, Co. Wexford.

1170 -Richard de Clare, aka Strongbow, arrives.

1171 - Henry II of England lands at Waterford and declares himself

Lord of Ireland.

1235 - Richard Mór de Burgh conquered Felim mac Cathal Crobderg

Ua Conchobair, the (native Irish) King of Connacht.

1297 - First Irish Parliament meets in Dublin.

1315 - Edward Bruce, brother of Robert the Bruce King of Scotland

invaded Ireland, fails to overthrow Normans and secure High


1366 - The Statutes of Kilkenny, meant to stop the assimilation of the

Normans with the Irish. This failed, as the Normans became

(Hiberniores Hibernis ipsis) 'more Irish than the Irish themselves'.

1494 – Under Henry VII of England's Lord Deputy to Ireland,

Poynings' Law was declared, by which Irish parliament was to pass no

law without the prior consent of the English king and council.

1509 Henry VIII, King of England.

Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray:
Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts; that we, to whom the incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by His Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of His Resurrection, through the same Christ Our Lord.

Tháinig Aingeal an Tiarna le scéala chun Mhuire

Agus ghabh sí ón Spiorad Naomh.

Sé do bheatha, a Mhuire...
Féach, mise banóglach an Tiarna

Go ndéantar liom de réir do fhocail.
Sé do bheatha, a Mhuire…
Ghlac an Briathar colainn daonna

Agus chónaigh Sé inár measc.
Sé do bheatha, a Mhuire…
Guigh orainn, a Naoimh Mháthair Dé

Ionas go mb'fhiú sinn geallúna Chríost a fháil.

Doirt anuas, impímid, a Thiarna, do ghrásta inár gcroíthe ionas, sinne a fuair fios trí scéala an Aingil ar theacht Chríost do mhac i gcolainn daonna, go dtiocfaimis trí luaíocht a pháise agus a chroise chun glóire a aiséirí.

Trí Chríóst ár dTiarna. Ámén.

Lorica of Saint Patrick

I arise today

Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,

Through a belief in the Threeness,

Through confession of the Oneness

Of the Creator of creation.
I arise today

Through the strength of Christ's birth and His baptism,

Through the strength of His crucifixion and His burial,

Through the strength of His resurrection and His ascension,

Through the strength of His descent for the judgment of doom.
I arise today

Through the strength of the love of cherubim,

In obedience of angels,

In service of archangels,

In the hope of resurrection to meet with reward,

In the prayers of patriarchs,

In preachings of the apostles,

In faiths of confessors,

In innocence of virgins,

In deeds of righteous men.

I arise today

Through the strength of heaven;

Light of the sun,

Splendor of fire,

Speed of lightning,

Swiftness of the wind,

Depth of the sea,

Stability of the earth,

Firmness of the rock.
I arise today

Through God's strength to pilot me;

God's might to uphold me,

God's wisdom to guide me,

God's eye to look before me,

377-405 AD - Niall Noígíallach (of the Nine Hostages), High King of Ireland.

431 AD - Palladius is named first bishop "to the Irish believing in Christ" by Pope Celestine I. He is banished from Ireland in the same year.

432 AD - Saint Patrick returns to Ireland as Bishop.

461 AD - St. Patrick dies, after firmly establishing Christianity to Ireland.

521 AD – St. Columcille (Columba) born at Gartan, Co. Donegal. Of Royal blood, he would become Abbot and founder of many monasteries in Ireland, especially in Derry.

550 AD - Irish monks begin to re-Christianize Europe.

Irish monasticism, foundation of monastic schools by Sts. Columcille and Brendan at Iona and Clonfert. St. Columbanus establishes Celtic monasteries on continental Europe, including Fursa in East Anglia and Gaul, Aidan at Lindisfarne.

561 AD - Battle of Culdremna.

563 AD – St. Columcille sails in self-imposed, penitential exile to Iona.

597 AD - Columcille dies.

793 AD - Viking raid on Lindisfarne.

c. 800 AD - Ireland attacked by Viking Norsemen.

802 AD – Iona burned by Viking raiders.

914-20 - Vikings established settlements at Waterford, Dublin and Limerick.

The History of Ireland and Irish America is extensive, and this

timeline only touches on some of the main events in that history, as

well as providing a starting point to begin a further study.
c. 16,000 BC - During the Last Glacial Maximum, Ireland is covered

in ice sheets.

c 10,000-7,000 BC - Earliest settlers (Mesolithic hunter-gatherers)

arrived in Ireland.

Mount Sandel, Coleraine, Co. Derry occupied c.7000 BC.
c. 4000 BC - Agriculture, livestock and crop farming begins in


The Céide Fields, the oldest known field systems in the world, located

in Ballycastle, Co. Mayo.
c. 3500 BC - Neolithic peoples of the Boyne Valley build chamber

tombs (Dowth, Knowth and Newgrange), standing stones and

enclosures over a period of hundreds of years.

Mythic period of the Fomorians, the Firbolg (Celts) and the Tuatha de

Danaans (Celts).
c. 1699-1000 BC – Milesian (Celts) Conquest of Ireland.
c. 600 BC - Celts started arriving in Ireland, from central Europe.

c. 100 AD - Tuathal forms Kingdom of Meath.

c. 200 AD - Irish High Kingship at Tara, Co. Meath. Cormac mac

Airt, first High King of Ireland dates of his reign are given beginning

from c. 226 and ending c. 318. The Annals of the Four Masters, Foras

Feasa ar Éirinn.
c. 300 AD – Bands of raiders from Ireland begin to be refered to by

Romans as Scoti, which would lend to Scotland taking its name. Prior

to this the Irish were refered to by the Latins as Hiberini.

God's ear to hear me,

God's word to speak for me,

God's hand to guard me,

God's way to lie before me,

God's shield to protect me,

God's hosts to save me

From snares of the devil,

From temptations of vices,

From every one who desires me ill,

Afar and anear,

Alone or in a mulitude.

I summon today all these powers between me and evil,

Against every cruel merciless power that opposes my body and soul,

Against incantations of false prophets,

Against black laws of pagandom,

Against false laws of heretics,

Against craft of idolatry,

Against spells of women and smiths and wizards,

Against every knowledge that corrupts man's body and soul.

Christ shield me today

Against poison, against burning,

Against drowning, against wounding,

So that reward may come to me in abundance.

Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,

Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me,

Christ on my right, Christ on my left,

Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down,

Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,

Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks of me,

Christ in the eye that sees me,

Christ in the ear that hears me.

I arise today

Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,

Through a belief in the Threeness,

Through a confession of the Oneness

Of the Creator of creation


Atomriug indiu niurt tréun:

togairm Trindóit

faístin Oendatad,

i nDúlemon dáil.
Atomriug indiu

niurt gene Críst cona bathius,

niurt a chrochtho cona adnacul,

niurt a essérgi cona fhresgabáil,

niurt a thoíniudo fri brithemnas mbrátho.
Atomriug indiu

niurt gráid hiruphin,

i n-aurlataid aingel,

i frestul inna n-archaingel,

i freiscisin esséirgi

ar chiunn fochraicce,

i n-ernaigthib uasalathrach,

i tairchetlaib fáithe,

i preceptaib apstal,

i n-iresaib foísmedach,

i n-enccai noebingen,

i ngnímaib fer firén.
Atomriug indiu

niurt nime,

soilsi gréne,

étrochtai éscai,

áni thened,

déni lóchet,

luaithi gaíthe,

fudomnai mara,

tairismigi thalman,

cobsaidi ailech.
Atomriug indiu

niurt Dé dom luamairecht.

Cumachtae nDé dom chumgabáil,

ciall Dé dom inthús,

The Virgin Mary

One aspect of our Faith, that is perhaps the most misunderstood, is the devotional practices we hold, in regard to the Blessed Mother. First, it must be realized that we do not pray to Mary, we only pray to God. However, we do ask Mary to pray for us, the same way we ask our brothers and sisters for their prayers, and since Mary is the first to receive the gifts her Son, Jesus Christ, has bestowed upon us through His Passion, Death and Resurrection, she is in a unique position to pray before our Lord. It should be remembered that Mary never points to herself, but always directs our gaze toward her Son.

Because no one living has had such a unique connection to Jesus Christ, and since she is the first of our race to receive the fullness of the Resurrection, we believe that she holds a special place as Queen of Heaven.

I am an Irishman, I kneel before no earthly king, I bow before no earthly queen.”


The Lord’s Prayer

Many have written about The Lord’s Prayer/ The Our Father, possibly

none better than St. Cyprian, but often we ourselves rush through it

without thinking about what we are saying. First, this is the prayer

given to us by Jesus Himself, and as such there is no prayer more

perfect. The fact that Jesus has given us the gift of being allowed to

call God our Father, something no Jewish rabbi would have dared to

do, means that we enter into a unique relationship. We respect who

God is, and recognize that everything about Him is Holy, including

His name. There is a desire expressed that our world, our lives should

be in harmony with His desires; what the Jews call Shalom is not just

peace, but a wish that everything should be as God had intended it to

be from the beginning. What we need for the day, for our existence is

a gift from God, and we acknowledge that what He gives us is

sufficient. Those evil things that we have done to others, and the

things that have been done to us are offences against God, and we

need to find forgiveness from Him, and recognize our own need to

place our own desire for justice in His hands. Ultimately, we

recognize our own need for His grace and strength in our lives, that all

good comes from Him.


rose nDé dom remcisiu,

cluas Dé dom étsecht,

briathar Dé dom erlabrai,

lám Dé dom imdegail,

intech Dé dom remthechtas,

sciath Dé dom imdítin,

sochraite Dé dom anacul

ar intledaib demnae,

ar aslagib dualche,

ar forimthechtaib aicnid,

ar cech duine mídúthrastar dam,

i céin ocus i n-ocus,

i n'uathud ocus i sochaidi.
Tocuiriur etrum indiu inna uili nert-so

fri cech nert n-amnas n-étrocar frista-i dom churp ocus dom anmain,

fri tinchetla sa-ibfh-aithe,

fri dubrechtu gentliuchtae,

fri saíbrechtu heretecdae,

fri imchellacht n-ídlachtae,

fri brichtu ban ocus goban ocus druad,

fri cech fiss arachuille corp ocus anmain duini.
Crist dom imdegail indiu

ar neim, ar loscud, ar bádud, ar guin,

condom-thair ilar fochraicce.

Críst limm, Críst reum,

Críst im degaid,

Críst indium, Críst ísum,

Críst uasum,

Críst desum, Críst tuathum,

Críst i llius, Críst i sius,

Críst i n-erus,

Críst i cridiu cech duini immumrorda,

Críst i ngin cech oín rodom-labrathar,

Críst i cech rusc nonom-dercathar,

Críst i cech cluais rodom-chloathar.

Atomriug indiu niurt tréun:

togairm Trindóit,

cretim Treodatad,

faístin Oendatad,

i nDúlemon dáil.
Domini est salus,

Domini est salus,

Christi est salusñ

salus tua, Domine,

sit semper nobiscum.

Come, Holy Spirit

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and enkindle in them

the fire of Thy love.
V. Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created.

R. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.

Let us pray. O God, Who didst instruct the hearts of the faithful by the

light of the Holy Spirit, grant us in the same Spirit to be truly wise,

and ever to rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ our Lord.
Veni, Sancte Spiritus, reple tuorum corda fidelium: et tui amoris in eis

ignem accende.

V. Emitte Spiritum tuum, et creabuntur.

R. Et renovabis faciem terrae.

Oremus. Deus, qui corda fidelium Sancti Spiritus illustratione

docuisti: da nobis in eodem Spiritu recta sapere; et de eius semper

consolatione gaudere. Per Christum Dominum nostrum.
Amen. 16

The Seven Sacraments

Baptism – In this Sacrament we become members of the Church, we enter into the death and resurrection of Jesus, and the stain of Original Sin is washed away.

Confirmation – In this Sacrament we are sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit (wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude (or courage), knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord) and are strengthened in our Christian life.

The Eucharist – The Source and Summit of our Faith; the Real Presence of Jesus Christ, under the appearance of bread and wine. Our lives as Christians bring us around the altar to receive the Body and Blood of Christ, and in turn we become the presence of Jesus Christ in the world.

Penance – Through the recognition and confession of our sins we are made ready to receive the gift of forgiveness from Christ. Our souls are returned to the purity they knew at baptism.

The Anointing of the Sick – The remission of our sins and the strengthening for body and soul, in preparation for surgery or as we ask for healing.

Holy Orders – The ordination of men as deacons, priests or bishops.

Matrimony - Between a man and woman, this Sacrament is symbolic of the self-giving love that Christ, the Bride-groom, has for His Church, the Bride.

The seven sacraments touch all the stages and all the important moments of Christian life: they give birth and increase, healing and mission to the Christian's life of faith. There is thus a certain resemblance between the stages of natural life and the stages of the spiritual life.” Catechism of the Catholic Church 1210 29

“I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins”

This is a statement of our belief that there is only one Baptism, which

is a Baptism into the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. As

Catholics we recognize the legitimacy of the Baptism of those non-

Catholic Christians, who have been Baptized with water, “in the

Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
“and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the

world to come.”

We believe that the Second Coming of Christ will usher in a new

world: “an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will

hear His voice, and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to

a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a

resurrection of judgment.” (John 5:28-29)

I Believe.


The first three commandments tell us how we are to relate to God, the

other seven tell us how to relate to one another. These commandments

are summed up in Matthew’s Gospel, when a Scribe asked Jesus:

"Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?" And He said

to him, "‘You shall Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and

with all your soul, and with all your mind’ This is the great and

foremost commandment. The second is like it, 'You shall love your

neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments depend the whole

Law and the Prophets." (Matt 22: 37-40)


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