1993 (prehistoric times!) 1993 (prehistoric times!) - n°1: 59.7 GFlops
- n°500: 0.4 Gflops
- Sum = 1.17 TFlops
Ranked 1st in the top500 list of the most “powerful” (computing intensive) computers (since June 2013) Ranked 1st in the top500 list of the most “powerful” (computing intensive) computers (since June 2013) Ranked 6th in the graph500 list of the most “powerful” (data intensive processing) computers (June 2013) Ranked 32nd in the green500 list of the most energy efficient computer (June 2013) and 57th in December 2014 China (National University of Defense Technology)
Rmax = 33862 (i.e., 33,9 Pflops) – Rpeak = 54902 (computing efficiency : 61,7 %) |