History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

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Reel: 753
Nóvoa, Roberto.

... La indigencia espiritual del sexo femenino.

Valencia, F. Sempere y Compañía. [1908]

Item identification number 6037; (Las pruebas anatómicas, fisiológicas y psicológicas de la probreza mental de la mujer. Su explicación biológica.).

Reel: 753
Nugent, Maria (Skinner) lady, d. 1834.

Lady Nugent's journal, Jamaica one hundred years ago.

London, Published for the Institute of Jamaica by Adam & C. Black. 1907

Item identification number 6038; Reprinted from a journal kept by Maria, Lady Nugent, from 1801 to 1815, issued for private circulation in 1839. Edited by Frank Cundall.

Reel: 753
Nutting, Mary Adelaide, 1858.

A history of nursing; the evolution of nursing systems from the earliest times to the foundation of the first English and American training schools for nurses.

New York, and London, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1907-12

Item identification number 6039; and Lavinia L. Dock.

Reel: 753
O'Brien, Charlotte Grace, 1845-1909.

Selections from her writings and correspondence.

Dublin, Maunsel & co., ltd. 1909

Item identification number 6040; with a memoir by Stephen Gwynn.

Reel: 754
O'Brien, Sibyl (Wilbur).

The life of Mary Baker Eddy.

New York, London, Concord Pub. co. [1908]

Item identification number 6041.

Reel: 754
Ochwadt, Curd.

Gewinnt das Beteiligungsverhältnis der Ehefrau an einer offenen Handels-oder.

Borna-Leipzig, R. Noske. 1908

Item identification number 6041.1; Kemanditgesellschaft beim ordentlichen gesetzlichen Güterstande des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches stets die Eigenschaft des Vorbehaltsgutes?.

Reel: 754
Olin, Helen Maria (Remington) 1854.

The women of a state university; an illustration of the working of coeducation in the Middle West.

New York and London, G. P. Putnam. 1909

Item identification number 6043.

Reel: 754
O'Mahoney, Katharine A. (O'Keefe).

Famous Irishwomen.

Lawrence, Mass., Lawrence Pub. co. 1907

Item identification number 6044.

Reel: 754
Orchamps, baronne d', pseud.

... Tous les secrets de la femme.

Paris, Bibliothèque des auteurs modernes. [1907]

Item identification number 6045.

Reel: 754
Oslo, Norway. Universitet.

Kvindelige studenters jubilaeumsskrift, 1882-1907; utg. ved Clara Thue Ebbell.

[Kristiania, S.M. Brydes bogtr.]. [1907]

Item identification number 6046.

Reel: 754
Otto, Eduard, 1862.

... Deutsches Frauenleben im Wandel der Jahrhunderte.

Leipzig, B.G. Teubner. 1909

Item identification number 6047; 2. verbesserte Aufl. mit 27 Abbildungen im Text.

Reel: 754
Otto, Rose.

Über Fabrikarbeit verheirateter Frauen.

Stuttgart und Berlin, J. G. Cotta. 1910

Item identification number 6048.

Reel: 754
Owen, Ellen, called Grugan Arfon.

Merched enwog Cymru; neu cymruesau gwiwgof hen a diweddar, gan Ellen Owen (Grugan Arfon).

Lianfairfechan, W. E. Owen. [1908]

Item identification number 6049.

Reel: 755
Paine, Harriet Eliza, 1845-1910, ed.

The life of Eliza Baylies Wheaton; a chapter in the history of the higher education of women, prepared for the alumnae of Wheaton seminary.

Cambridge, Printed at the Riverside press. 1907

Item identification number 6050.

Reel: 755
Palacios, Alfredo Lorenzo, 1879.

Legislación del trabajo: mujeres y niños; discursos del diputado Palacios sobbe [sic] la ley por él iniciada y sancionada por el Congreso Argentino.

Buenos Aires, Impr. Progreso. 1908

Item identification number 6051.

Reel: 755
Pappenheim, Bertha, 1860.

Zur Sittlichkeitsfrage.

Hamburg, Verlag des jüdischen Frauenbundes. 1907

Item identification number 6051.1; Mädchenhandel [by] Sidonie Werner. Gründung von Jugendgruppen [by] Ella Seligmann.

Reel: 755
Pappritz, Anna, 1861.

... Die Wohnungsfrage.

Leipzig und Berlin, B. G. Teubner. 1908

Item identification number 6051.2.

Reel: 755
Parke, Joseph Richardson, 1854.

Human sexuality; a medico-literary treatise on the laws, anomalies, and relations of sex, with especial reference to contrary sexual desire.

Philadelphia, Professional pub. co. 1906

Item identification number 6052.

Reel: 755
Parsons, Elsie Worthington (Clews) 1875-1914.

The family; an ethnographical and historical outline with descriptive notes, planned as a textbook for the use of college lecturers and of directors of home-reading clubs.

New York, Putnam. 1906

Item identification number 6055.

Reel: 755
Patterson, Ada.

Maude Adams; a biography.

New York, Meyer bros. & co. [c1907]

Item identification number 6056.

Reel: 755
Pelant, Karel.

Zena, muz a spolecnost; pomer zen i muzu k spolecnosti i k sobe navzájam.

V Praze, Knihtiskárna Dyka a Ryba. 1909

Item identification number 6058.

Reel: 755
Pendered, Mary Lucy, 1858.

The fair Quaker, Hannah Lightfoot, and her relations with George III.

London, Hurst & Blackett. 1910

Item identification number 6059.

Reel: 755
Penington, Mary (Proude) 1624?-1682.

Experiences in the life of Mary Penington.

Philadelphia, Biddle Press; London, Headley Bros. [191-?]

Item identification number 6060; Edited with introduction and notes by Norman Penney.

Reel: 755
Pennacchio, Pasquale.

La legge sul divorzio in Italia.

Roma, M. Bretschneider. 1908

Item identification number 6061; Profilo generale di studio nelle sue molteplici quistioni.

Reel: 756
Perez de Mendoza, Maria, ed.

Misión social de la mujer.

Valencia, F. Sempere y Compania. [1909]

Item identification number 6062; Informes presentados al Congreso Internacional de Enseñanza doméstica celebrado en Friburgo, traducidos en parte, y en parte extractados por Maria Pérez de Mendoza.

Reel: 756
Perkins, Agnes Frances, 1875, ed.

Vocations for the trained woman; opportunities other than teaching.

Boston, Women's educational and industrial union. [c1910, 1914]

Item identification number 6063; Introductory papers, ed. by Agnes F. Perkins.

Reel: 756
Perkins, Jane Gray.

The life of the Honourable Mrs. Norton.

New York, H. Holt & co. 1909

Item identification number 6064; with portraits.

Reel: 756
The Persecution and the appreciation.

[Chicago]. [1907]

Item identification number 6064.1; Brief account of the trials and imprisonment of Moses Harman, because of his advocacy of the freedom of women from sexual enslavement and of the right of children to be born well.

Reel: 756
Peters, Josef.

Bestätigung und Genehmigung der Eheschliessung.

Bonn, C. Georgi. 1909

Item identification number 6064.2.

Reel: 756
Pethick-Lawrence, Frederick William, 1871.

Women's fight for the vote.

London, The Women's press. [1910]

Item identification number 6065.

Reel: 756
Pfeil, Willy.

Der Ehebruch in seiner geschichtlichen Entwicklung und nach geltendem Recht.

Heidelberg, J. Hörnung. 1908

Item identification number 6065.1.

Reel: 756
Pidgin, Charles Felton.

Theodosia, the first gentlewoman of her time.

Boston, C. M. Clark Pub. co. 1907

Item identification number 6067; The story of her life, and a history of persons and events connected therewith.

Reel: 756
Pilastre, E.

Vie et caractère de Madame de Maintenon, d'après les oeuvres du duc de Saint-Simon et des documents anciens ou récents avec une introduction et des notes.

Paris, F. Alcan. 1907

Item identification number 6066.

Reel: 756
Pieszczek, Rudolf, 1878.

Joanna Baillie, ihr Leben, ihre dramatischen Theorien und ihre Leidenschaftsspiele.

Berlin, G. Schade (O. Francke). 1910

Item identification number 6068.

Reel: 757
Pilon, Edmond, 1874.

Muses et bourgeoises de jadis.

Paris, Société dv Mercvre de France. 1908

Item identification number 6069.

Reel: 757
Pinczower, Kurt.

Die Ehefrau als Mitglied einer offenen Handels-gesellschaft und als Kommanditistin unter Zugrundelegung des gesetzlichen Güterstandes der Verwaltungsgemeinschaft.

Berlin, W. Pitz. 1908

Item identification number 6069.1.

Reel: 757
Plothow, Anna.

Die Begründerinnen der deutschen Frauenbewegung.

Leipzig, F. Rothbarth. 1907

Item identification number 6070; 2 Auflage.

Reel: 757
Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849.

The last letters of Edgar Allan Poe to Sarah Helen Whitman.

New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1909

Item identification number 6071; Edited by James A. Harrison. In commemoration of the hundreth anniversary of Poe's birth, January 19, 1909. Published under the auspices of the University of Virginia.

Reel: 757
Pope-Hennessy, Dame Una (Birch) 1876.

Anna van Schurman, artist, scholar, saint.

London, New York [etc., etc.] Longmans, Green & co. 1909

Item identification number 6073; with portraits.

Reel: 757
Porter, Sarah Harvey.

The life and times of Anne Royall.

Cedar Rapids, Ia., The Torch press book shop. 1909

Item identification number 6074.

Reel: 757
Post, Louis Freeland, 1849-1928.

Ethical principles of marriage and divorce.

Chicago, The Public publishing co. [1906]

Item identification number 6075.

Reel: 757
Powell, Lyman Pierson, 1866.

Christian science, the faith and its founder.

New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1907

Item identification number 6076.

Reel: 757
Prasch, Rolf.

Die Rechtsstellung der Ehefrau als Erbin eines Gesellschafters im Falle des § 139 HGB.

Borna-Leipzig, R. Noske. 1908

Item identification number 6076.1.

Reel: 757
Prévost, E. (Marcel) 1862-1941.

De la prostitution des enfants; étude juridique et sociale (loi du 11 avril 1908).

Paris, Plon-Nourrit. 1909

Item identification number 6077; Préf. de Henri Barboux.

Reel: 757
Prévost, E. (Marcel) 1862-1941.


Paris, Alphonse Lemerre. 1910

Item identification number 6078.

Reel: 758
Prévost, E. (Marcel) 1862-1941.

... Lettres à Françoise mariée.

Paris, A. Lemerre. [1908]

Item identification number 6079.

Reel: 758
Prevost, Michel.

... Le divorce pendant la révolution.

Paris, Bloud & cie. 1908

Item identification number 6080.

Reel: 758
Proelss, Sera.

Das Eheproblem und die neue sexuelle Ethik.

Berlin, H. Walther. 1907

Item identification number 6080.1; Vortrag gehalten am 14. Januar 1906 im Verein "Frauenbildung-Frauenstudium.".

Reel: 758
Proetzsch, Ernst.

Die elterliche Gewalt der Mutter nach dem Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuche für das Deutsche Reich.

Borna-Leipzig, R. Noske. 1909

Item identification number 6080.2.

Reel: 758
Pryor, Sara Agnes (Rice) "Mrs. Roger A. Pryor," 1830-1912.

My day; reminiscences of a long life.

New York, The Macmillan co. 1909

Item identification number 6081.

Reel: 758
Quanter, Rudolf, 1861.

Das Liebesleben im Orient.

Leipzig, G. H. Wigand. [191-?]

Item identification number 6082.

Reel: 758
Rabski, Siegmund.

Die Aufhebung eines Ehescheidungsurteils infolge einer Restitutionsklage, insbesondere im Falle der anderweitigen Verheiratung des Geschiedenen.

Borna-Leipzig, R. Noske. 1908

Item identification number 6082.1.

Reel: 758
Ragg, Laura Maria (Roberts).

The women artists of Bologna.

London, Methuen & co. [1907]

Item identification number 6083.

Reel: 758
Raikes, Elizabeth.

Dorothea Beale of Cheltenham.

London, A. Constable & co., ltd. 1908

Item identification number 6084; Illustrated.

Reel: 759
Rappaport, Philip.

Looking forward; a treatise on the status of women and the origin and growth of the family and the state.

Chicago, C. H. Kerr & co. 1908 [c1906]

Item identification number 6085.

Reel: 759
Régnal, Georges.

... La femme telle qu'elle doit être.

Paris, J. Tallandier. [1910]

Item identification number 6086.

Reel: 759
Regnault, Félix, 1863.

L'évolution de la prostitution.

Paris, E. Flammarion. [1906]

Item identification number 6087.

Reel: 759
Reich, Emil, 1854-1910.

Woman through the ages.

London, Methuen. [1908]

Item identification number 6088.

Reel: 759
Reichardt, Annie.

Girl-life in the harem; a true account of girl-life in Oriental climes.

London, J. Ouseley, ltd. 1908

Item identification number 6089.

Reel: 759
Richard, Gaston, 1860.

La femme dans l'histoire: étude sur l'évolution de la condition sociale de la femme.

Paris, O. Doin & fils. 1909

Item identification number 6091.

Reel: 760
Richardson [Jerusha D] "Mrs. Aubrey Richardson".

Women of the Church of England.

London, Chapman and Hall, ltd. 1907

Item identification number 6094.

Reel: 760
Richardson, Anna Steese (Sausser) 1865.

The girl who earns her own living.

New York, B. W. Dodge & co. 1909

Item identification number 6092.

Reel: 760
Richardson, Frank Collins, 1870-1917.

Love and all about it.

New York, M. Kennerley. 1908

Item identification number 6093.

Reel: 760
Richter, Kurt.

Wesen und Wirkungen der Verfügungsbeschränkung der Ehefrau beim gesetzlichen Güterstand der Verwaltung und Nutzniessung.

Fürstenwalde Spree, H. Richter's Buchdruckerei. 1909

Item identification number 6094.1.

Reel: 760
Riedel, Karl.

Die Wirkungen nichtiger Ehen im Verhältnis zu Dritten nach § 1344 B.G.B.

Jena, G. Neuenhahn. 1908

Item identification number 6094.2.

Reel: 760
Robbins, Sarah (Stuart) 1817.

Old Andover days; memories of a Puritan childhood.

Boston, New York [etc.] Pilgrim press. 1908

Item identification number 6095.

Reel: 760
[Roberts, Margaret], 1833-1919.

Saint Catherine of Siena and her times.

New York, G. P. Putnam's sons; London, Methuen & co. 1906

Item identification number 6096; by the author of "Mademoiselle Mori".

Reel: 760
Robins, Elizabeth.


London, The Women writers' suffrage league. 1910

Item identification number 6097.

Reel: 760
Robins, Elizabeth.

Woman's secret.

Letchworth, Garden City press. [1907]

Item identification number 6098.

Reel: 760
Rodocanachi, Emmanuel Pierre, 1859-1934.

La femme italienne à l'époque de la renaissance, sa vie privée et mondaine, son influence sociale.

Paris, Hachette & cie. 1907

Item identification number 6099.

Reel: 761
Rodriguez, C. Armando.

... El divorcio, considerado desde el punto de vista del derecho internacional privado.

Santo Domingo, Imp. la Cuna de América. 1907

Item identification number 6099.1; por C. Armando Rodríguez.

Reel: 761
Roe, Clifford Griffith, 1875-1934.

Panders and their white slaves.

New York, Chicago [etc.] Fleming H. Revell co. [c1910]

Item identification number 6100.

Reel: 761
Roe, Frances Marie Antoinette (Mack).

Army letters from an officer's wife, 1871-1888.

New York and London, D. Appleton. 1909

Item identification number 6101; Illustrated by I. W. Taber from contemporary photographs.

Reel: 761
Rogers, Anna (Alexander) d. 1908.

Why American marriages fail, and other papers.

Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin co. 1909

Item identification number 6103.

Reel: 761
The Roman emperors, their wives and mistresses.

London, A.L. Humphries. 1907

Item identification number 6105.

Reel: 761
Romera Navarro, Miguel, 1888.

Ensayo de una filosofía feminista (refutación á Moebius por M. Romera Navarro; carta-prólogo del Excmo.

Madrid, Imp. de la Revista técnica de inf.a y cab.a. 1909

Item identification number 6106; Sr. D. Segismundo Moret.

Reel: 761
Rothery, Guy Cadogan.

The Amazons in antiquity and modern times.

London, Francis Griffiths. 1910

Item identification number 6107; Illustrated by Allan Barr.

Reel: 761
Russell, Florence Kimball.

A woman's journey through the Philippines on a cable ship that linked together the strange lands seen en route.

Boston, L. C. Page and co. 1907

Item identification number 6108.

Reel: 762
Ryder, Robert O.

The young lady across the way.

[Boston?]. 1908

Item identification number 6109; as interviewed by Robert O. Ryder and sketched by Harry J. Westerman.

Reel: 762
Ryley, M. Beresford.

Queens of the renaissance.

London, Methuen & co. [1907]

Item identification number 6110; with 24 illustrations.

Reel: 762
Salmon, Lucy Maynard, 1853-1927.

Progress in the household.

Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and co. 1906

Item identification number 6112.

Reel: 762
Salomon, Alice, 1872.

Die Ursachen der ungleichen Entlohnung von Männerund Frauenarbeit.

Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot. 1906

Item identification number 6113.

Reel: 762
Salomon, Alice, 1872.

Soziale Frauenbildung.

Leipzig und Berlin, B. G. Teubner. 1908

Item identification number 6114.

Reel: 762
Sanborn, F.B., 1831-1917.

Recollections of seventy years.

Boston, R. G. Badger. 1909

Item identification number 6116.

Reel: 762
St. Helier, Susan Mary Elizabeth (Stewart-Mackenzie) Jeune, baroness.

Memories of fifty years.

London, E. Arnold. 1909

Item identification number 6111; with illustaations. 2d impression.

Reel: 762
Sangster, Margaret Elizabeth (Munson) 1838-1912.

An autobiography; from my youth up; personal reminiscences.

New York, Chicago [3tc.] F. H. Revell co. [1909]

Item identification number 6117.

Reel: 763
Sangster, Margaret Elizabeth (Munson) 1838-1912.

Fairest girlhood.

Chicago, New York [etc.] F. H. Revell company. [c1906]

Item identification number 6118; with drawings by Griselda Marshall McClure.

Reel: 763
Sangster, Margaret Elizabeth (Munson) 1838-1912.

The queenly mother in the realm of home.

New York, Chicago [etc.] F. H. Revell co. [c1907]

Item identification number 6119; with drawings by Griselda Marshall McClure.

Reel: 763
Sarcey, Yvonne, 1869.

... La route du bonheur.

Paris, Librairie des Annales politiques et littéraires. [1910]

Item identification number 6121.

Reel: 763
Savage, Charles Albert, 1866.

The Athenian family; a sociological and legal study, based chiefly on the works of the Attic orators.

Baltimore [The Lord Baltimore press]. 1907

Item identification number 6122.

Reel: 763
Schiffman, Arthur Waldemar.

Die Wirkungen der Verheiratung einer Geschäftsfrau auf das von ihr betriebene Geschäft.

Borna-Leipzig, R. Noske. 1910

Item identification number 6122.1.

Reel: 763
Schmeling, Karl.

Die Rechtsstellung der Ehefrau gegenüber ihrem Ehemann nach dem gesetzlichen Güterrecht des Burgerlichen Gesetzbuches.

Stargard i. Pomm., L. G. Wendt. 1909

Item identification number 6123.1.

Reel: 763
Schmidt, Theodor, i.e. Otto Ludwig Theodor, 1872.

Frauengestalten bei Dickens.

Halle a.S., C.A. Kaemmerer & Co. 1907

Item identification number 6124.

Reel: 763
Schmitz, Oskar A.Z., ed.

Bücherei der deutschen Frau.

[Leipzig] Seeman & co. [191-?]

Item identification number 6125.

Reel: 763
Schneider, Karl Camillo, 1876.

Die Prostituierte und die Gesellschaft; eine soziologisch-ethische Studie.

Leipzig, J. A. Barth. 1908

Item identification number 6126; Mit einem Geleitwort von A. Blaschko.

Reel: 763
Schreiber, Adele, ed.

Das Buch vom Kinde: ein Sammelwerk für die wichtigsten Fragen der Kindheit unter Mitarbeit zahlreicher Fachleute.

Leipzig, B. G. Teubner. 1907

Item identification number 6127.

Reel: 764
Schultz, Karl.

Die privatrechtliche Stellung der Ehefrau, nach züricherischem Recht und nach dem schweizerischen Zivilgesetzbuch.

Zürich, Schulthess & co. 1908

Item identification number 6127.1.

Reel: 764
Schultze, Oskar Max Sigismund, 1859-1920.

Das Weib in anthropologischer Betrachtung.

Würzburg, A. Stuber. 1906

Item identification number 6128; Mit 11 Abbildungen.

Reel: 764
Scofield, Annie W.

My first trip abroad.

Stanford, Conn., R. H. Cunningham. 1906

Item identification number 6129.

Reel: 764
[Seawell, Mollie Elliot], 1860-1916.

An Englishwoman's home.

London, Sampson Low, Marston & co. 1909

Item identification number 6131.

Reel: 764
Secrétan, Charles, 1815-1895.

Le droit de la femme, suivi des études sociales par Charles Secrétan.

Paris, Fischbacher; Lausanne, Payot & cie. 1908

Item identification number 6132; 5 éd.

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