History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

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Reel: 514
Bruno, Tommáso.

La condizione giuridica della donna nella legislazione itiliana: Studio teorico-practico.

Firenze, G. Barbèra. 1894

Item identification number 3914.1.

Reel: 514
Bruns, Ivo.

... Frauenemancipation in Athen, ein Beitrag zur attischen Kulturgeschichte des fünften und vierten Jahrhunderts.

Kiliae, ex officina Schmidtii et Klauginii. 1900

Item identification number 3915.

Reel: 514
Buchanan, Robert Williams, 1841-1901.

Woman and the man.

London, Chatto & Windus. 1896

Item identification number 3916; A new ed.

Reel: 514
Buckland, Augustus Robert, 1857.

Women in the mission field, pioneers and martyrs.

New York, T. Whittaker. 1895

Item identification number 3917.

Reel: 514
Buelow von Dennewitz, (Friederike Pauline Hedwig Gertrud) countess.

Die falsche Moral im Leben des Weibes.

Berlin und Leipzig, A. H. Fried. 1891

Item identification number 3917.1.

Reel: 514
Buhl, Frants Peder William, 1850-1932.

Die socialen Verhältnisse der Israeliten.

Berlin, Reuther & Reichard. 1899

Item identification number 3919.

Reel: 514
Bulley, Agnes Amy.

Women's work.

London, Methuen & co. 1894

Item identification number 3920; by Miss A. Amy Bulley and Miss Margaret Whitley, with a preface by Lady Dilke.

Reel: 514
Buoy, Charles Wesley, 1841-1897.

Representative women of Methodism.

New York, Hunt & Eaton; Cincinnati, Cranston & Curts. 1893

Item identification number 3921.

Reel: 514
Burdett-Coutts, Angela Georgina Burdett-Coutts, baroness, 1814-1906, ed.

... Woman's mission; a series of congress papers on the philanthropic work of women.

London, S. Low, Marston & co., ltd. 1893

Item identification number 3922; by eminent writers; Arranged and ed., with a preface and notes.

Reel: 515
Burggraf, Julius, 1853.

Schillers Frauengestalten.

Stuttgart, C. Krabbe. 1897

Item identification number 3923.

Reel: 515
Burks, Martin Parks, 1851.

Notes on the property rights of married women in Virginia.

Lynchburg, Va., J. P. Bell co. 1893

Item identification number 3923.1.

Reel: 515
Burlingame, Lettie Lavilla, 1859-1890.

... Her life pages, stories poems and essays.

Joliet, Illinois, J. E. Williams & co. 1895

Item identification number 3924; Including a glimpse of her success as the first lady lawyer of Will County, Illinois ... Arranged for publication by her mother, O. C. Burlingame.

Reel: 515
Burstall, Sara Annie, 1859-1939.

The education of girls in the United States.

London, Swan Sonnenschein & co.; New York, Macmillan & co. 1894

Item identification number 3925.

Reel: 515
Burton, Isabel (Arundell) lady, 1831-1896.

The romance of Isabel lady Burton; the story of her life.

New York, Dodd Mead & co. 1897

Item identification number 3926; Told in part by herself and in part by W. H. Wilkins. with portraits and illustrations.

Reel: 515
Burwell, Letitia M.

A girl's life in Virginia before the war.

New York, F. A. Stokes company. [c1895]

Item identification number 3927; with sixteen full-page- illustrations by William A. McCullough and Jules Turcas.

Reel: 516
Buschan, Georg Hermann Theodor, 1863-1942.

Leben und Treiben der deutschen Frau in der Urzeit.

Hamburg, Verlagsanstalt und Druckerei. 1893

Item identification number 3928.

Reel: 516
Bussler, Erich, 1861.

Frauencharaktere aus den Tragödien des Euripides.

Hamburg, A.-G. [Actien-Gesellschaft]. 1892

Item identification number 3928.1.

Reel: 516
Butler, Josephine Elizabeth (Grey) 1828-1906.

Personal reminiscences of a great crusade.

London, H. Marshall & son. 1896

Item identification number 3929.

Reel: 516
Butler, Josephine Elizabeth (Grey) 1828-1906.

Recollections of George Butler.

Bristol, J.W. Arrowsmith; London, Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton [etc.]. [189-?]

Item identification number 3930; 2d ed.

Reel: 516
Cahoon, Haryot Holt.

What one woman thinks; essays.

New York, Tait, sons & co. [1893]

Item identification number 3932; Edited by Cynthia M. Westover.

Reel: 516
[Caia] pseud.

Woman suffrage.

[n.p.]. [1894?]

Item identification number 3932.1; by three Massachusetts women.

Reel: 516
Caird, Mona (Alison).

The morality of marriage, and other essays on the status and destiny of woman.

London, G. Redway. 1897

Item identification number 3933.

Reel: 516
Cajanello, Anna Carlotta (Leffler) Edgreen, duchessa di, 1849-1892.

Sony Kovalevsky, biography and autobiography.

London, Walter Scott. 1895

Item identification number 3934.

Reel: 516
Caldwell, Augustine, 1836.

The rich legacy; memories of Hannah Tobey Farmer, wife of Moses Gerrish Farmer.

Boston, Privately printed [G.H. Ellis]. 1892

Item identification number 3935.

Reel: 516
Caldwell, Luther, 1822-1903, ed.

An account of Anne Bradstreet, the Puritan poetess, and kindred topics.

Boston, Damrell & Upham. 1898

Item identification number 3936.

Reel: 517
Campbell, Helen (Stuart) 1839-1918.

Anne Bradstreet and her time.

Boston, D. Lothrop co. 1891

Item identification number 3937.

Reel: 517
Campbell, Helen (Stuart) 1839-1918.

Darkness and daylight; or, Lights and shadows of New York life.

Hartford, Conn., A.D. Worthington & co. 1892

Item identification number 3938; A woman's story of gospel, temperance, mission, and rescue work ... with an introduction by Lyman Abbott, Supplemented by a journalist's description of little-known phases of New York life; and a famous detective's thirty years' experience and observations, by Col. Thomas W. Knox and Inspector Thomas byrnes.

Reel: 517
Campbell, Helen (Stuart) 1839-1918.

Women wage-earners: their past, their present and their future.

Boston, Roberts brothers. 1893

Item identification number 3939; with an introduction by Richard T. Ely.

Reel: 517
Candee, Helen Churchill (Hungerford) 1861.

How women may earn a living.

New York, Grosset & Dunlap. [1900]

Item identification number 3940.

Reel: 517
Capp, William M.

The daughter; her health, education and wedlock.

Philadelphia and London, F. A. Davis. 1891

Item identification number 3941.

Reel: 517
Cappellazzi, Andrea.

Il divorzio: piccolo studio.

Quirico E Camagni. 1893

Item identification number 3942; Lodi, Tipografia Vesc.

Reel: 517
Carey, Rosa Nouchette, 1840-1909.

Twelve notable good women of the XIXth century.

London, Hutchinson & co. 1899

Item identification number 3943; with twelve portraits.

Reel: 517
Carpenter, Edward, 1844-1929.

Marriage in free society.

Manchester, Labour Press Society, ltd. 1894

Item identification number 3943.1.

Reel: 518
Carpenter, Edward, 1844-1929.

Sex-love, and its place in a free society.

Manchester, The Labour Press Society ltd. 1894

Item identification number 3944; (2d ed.).

Reel: 518
Carpenter, Edward, 1844-1929.

Woman, and her place in a free society.

Manchester, The Labour press society ltd. 1894

Item identification number 3945.

Reel: 518
Carpenter, Matilda (Gilruth) comp.

The crusade; its origin and development at Washington Court House and its results.

Columbus, Ohio, W. G. Hubbard & co. 1893

Item identification number 3946; Preface by Professor Charles F. Dean.

Reel: 518
Carter, Charles Frederick, 1863-1939, comp.

The wedding day in literature and art; a collection of the best descriptions of weddings from the works of the world's leading novelists and poets, richly illustrated with reproductions of famous paintings of incidents of the nuptial day.

New York, Dodd, Mead and company. 1900

Item identification number 3948.

Reel: 518
Casgrain, Henry Raymond, 1831-1904.

... Historie de la vénérable mère Marie de l'Incarnation, première supérieure des Urselines de la Nouvelle-France, précédée d'une esquisse sur l'histoire religieuse des premiers temps de cette colonie.

Montréal, C.-O. Beauchemin & fils. 1896

Item identification number 3949.

Reel: 518
Castellani, Charles Jules, 1842.

Les femmes au Congo, par Ch. Castellani.

Paris, E. Flammarion. [1898]

Item identification number 3950.

Reel: 518
Caswell, Harriet S. (Clark) 1834.

Our life among the Iroquois Indians.

Boston and Chicago, Congregational Sunday School and Publishing Society. [1892]

Item identification number 3951.

Reel: 518
Catalina [del Amo] Severo, 1832-1871.

La mujer, apuntes para un libro.

Madrid, M. Tello. 1893

Item identification number 3952.

Reel: 518
Caterina de' Ricci, Saint, 1522-1589.

Le lettere di Santa Caterina de' Ricci, fiorentina religiosa domenicana in S. Vincenzio di Prato, alla famiglia, con la giunta di alcune altrereccolte da Cesare Guasti e pubblicate per cura di Alessandro Gherardi.

Firenze, Coi Tipi di M. Ricci. 1890

Item identification number 3953.

Reel: 518
Catharina, Saint, of Alexandria, Legend.

The miracles of Madame Saint Katherine of Fierbois.

Chicago, Way and Williams. 1897

Item identification number 3953.1; translated from the ed. of the Abbé J. J. Bourassé, Tours, 1858; by Andrew Lang.

Reel: 518
Catt, Carrie (Lane) Chapman, 1859-1947, comp.

The ballot and the bullet.

Philadelphia, Press of A. J. Ferris. 1897

Item identification number 3954; Pub. for the National-American woman suffrage association.

Reel: 519
Catt, Carrie (Lane) Chapman, 1859-1947, ed.

Woman's century calendar.

New York, National American woman suffrage association. [1899]

Item identification number 3955.

Reel: 519
Cauer, Minna (Schelle) 1841-1922.

Die Frau im 19.

Berlin, S. Cronback. 1898

Item identification number 3956; Jahrhundert.

Reel: 519
Cauviere, Jules.

Le lien conjugal et le divorce.

Paris, E. Thorin. 1890

Item identification number 3957.1; Moeurs israélites et moeurs paiennes.

Reel: 519
Centner, Édouard.

Droit romain.

Paris, A. Rousseau. 1893

Item identification number 3958; Du legs de la dot et en général de la chose due. Droit français: Le divorce et la séparation de corps en droit international privé, spécialement au point de vue du droit français. Thèse pour le doctorat.

Reel: 519
Cere, Emile, 1863.

... Madame Sans-Gêne et les femmes soldats.

Paris, E. Plon, Nourrit et cie. [1894]

Item identification number 3959.

Reel: 519
Cerfberr de Medelsheim, Gaston, 1858.

Dictionnaire de la femme.

Paris, Firmin-Didot et cie. [1897]

Item identification number 3960; Encyclopédie-manuel des connaissances utiles a la femme.

Reel: 519
Cerille, Romualdo.

La donna elettrice.

Torino, Unione tipografico-editrice. 1900

Item identification number 3960.1; Studio sul diritto di suffragio in rapporto alla questione femminile, per Romualdo Cerilli.

Reel: 519
Cervinková-Riegrová, Marie, 1854-1895.

Zástita pracující dívky a zeny; prednáska dne 15.

V Praze, Nákladem spolku "Zástita". 1893

Item identification number 3961; brezna 1893 v Mestanské besede v Praze.

Reel: 519
Chace, Elizabeth (Buffum) 1806-1899.

Anti-slavery reminiscences.

Central Falls, R.I., E. L. Freeman & Son, state printers. 1891

Item identification number 3962.

Reel: 519
Channing, Elizabeth Parsons, 1818-1906.

Kindling thoughts, aspects of the present, foregleams of the future life.

Boston, G. H. Ellis. 1892

Item identification number 3963.

Reel: 519
Chapin, Charles Wells, 1820.

History of the "old high school" on School street, Springfield, Massachusetts, from 1828 to 1840.

Springfield, Mass., Press of the Springfield printing and binding co. 1890

Item identification number 3964.

Reel: 519
Chapman, Elizabeth Rachel.

Marriage questions in modern fiction, and other essays on kindred subjects.

London and New York, J. Lane. 1897

Item identification number 3965.

Reel: 520
Chapman, Georgiana Charlotte Clive (Bayley) "Mrs. E. F. Chapman".

Sketches of some distinguished Indian women.

London and Calcutta, W. H. Allen & co., limited. 1891

Item identification number 3966; with a preface by the Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava.

Reel: 520
Charpentier (Léon) abbé.

The family book; or Family guide.

Dublin, M. H. Gill and son. 1899

Item identification number 3967; Translated into English ... by Rev. M. M'Cashin.

Reel: 520
Chase, Julia A. (Houghton) 1842.

Mary A. Bickerdyke, "mother".

Lawrence, Kans., Journal pub. house. 1896

Item identification number 3968; The life story of one who, as wife, mother, army nurse, pension agent and city missionary, has touched the heights and depths of human life. Written by Julia A. Chase. Pub. under the auspices of the Women's relief corps, (Department of Kansas.).

Reel: 520
Chauvin, Jeanne.

Étude historique sur les professions accessibles aux femmes; influence du sémitisme sur l'évolution de la position économique de la femme dans la société.

Paris, A. Giard & E. Brière. 1892

Item identification number 3969.

Reel: 520
Cheney, Ednah Dow (Littlehale) 1824-1904.

Memoirs of Lucretia Crocker and Abby W. May.

Boston. 1893

Item identification number 3970.

Reel: 520
Cheney, Ednah Dow (Littlehale) 1824-1904.

Stories of the olden time.

Boston, Lea & Shepard. 1890

Item identification number 3971; Illustrations by Nelly Littlehale.

Reel: 520
[Chennells, Ellen].

Recollections of an Egyptian princess.

Edinburgh and London, W. Blackwood & sons. 1893

Item identification number 3972; by her English governess; being a record of five years' residence at the court of Ismael Pasha, Khédive; New ed.

Reel: 520
Chicago. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Japanese Woman's Commission.

Japanese women.

Chicago, Ill., Priv. print. by A. C. McClurg for the Japanese woman's commission for the World's Columbia Exposition. 1893

Item identification number 3973.

Reel: 520
Chicago. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Woman's Building.

List of books sent by home and foreign committees to the library of the Woman's Building.

Chicago, World's Columbian Exposition. 1893

Item identification number 3974.

Reel: 520
Child, Frank Samuel, 1854.

A colonial witch; being a study of the black art in the colony of Connecticut.

New York, The Baker & Taylor co. [c1897]

Item identification number 3975.

Reel: 520
Child, Theodore, 1846-1892.

Wimples and crisping pins: being studies in the coiffure and ornaments of women.

New York, Harper and brothers. 1895

Item identification number 3976.

Reel: 520
Childe-Pemberton, William Shakespeare, 1859-1924.

The Baroness de Bode, 1775-1803.

London, New York, and Bombay, Longmans, Green & co. 1900

Item identification number 3977.

Reel: 520
Chmielowski, Piotr, 1848-1904.

Klementyna z Tanskich Hofmanowa; zarys biograficznopedagogiczy.

Petersburg, K. Grendyszy{/n}skiego. 1898

Item identification number 3978.

Reel: 521
Chrestien, Emile.

... La capacité civile de la femme séparée de corps avant et depuis la loi du 6 février 1893.

Montpellier, C. Boehm. 1897

Item identification number 3979.

Reel: 521
Ciccotti, Ettore, 1863-1837.

Donne e politica negli ultimi anni della republica romana; un saggio.

Milano, Edito a cura dell'autore. 1895

Item identification number 3980.

Reel: 521
Cintra, Hilário.

As grandes inspiradoras.

Rio de Janeiro, Livraria São José. [19--?]

Item identification number 3981.

Reel: 521
Cisneros, Evangelina.

The story of Evangelina Cisneros (Evangelina Betancourt Cosio y Cisneros).

New York, Continental publishing co. 1898

Item identification number 3982; Told by herself; Her rescue by Karl Decker, introduction by Julian Hawthorne, illustrations by Frederic Remington, Thomas Fleming and others.

Reel: 521
Civic Club of Philadelphia.

... The story of a woman's municipal campaign by the Civic club for school reform in the seventh ward of Philadelphia.

Philadelphia, American academy of political and social science. 1895

Item identification number 3983; Ed. by Mrs. Talcott Williams.

Reel: 521
Claghorn, Kate Holladay, 1863.

College training for women.

New York, Boston, Crowell. [1897]

Item identification number 3984.

Reel: 521
Clarke, Mary Cowden, 1809-1898.

My long life, an autobiographical sketch.

New York, Dodd, Mead & co. 1897

Item identification number 3986.

Reel: 521
Clarke, William James, 1872.

Woman and her wits. Epigrams on woman, love, and beauty.

New York [and] Boston, H. M. Caldwell co. [1899]

Item identification number 3987; Collected and edited by G. F. Monkshood [pseud.].

Reel: 521
Cleveland, Arthur Rackham.

Woman under the English law, from the landing of the Saxons to the present time.

London, Hurst and Blackett. 1896

Item identification number 3990.

Reel: 521
Clough, Blanche Athena.

A memoir of Anne Jemima Clough.

London, New York, E. Arnold. 1897

Item identification number 3991.

Reel: 521
Clough, Emma (Rauschenbusch).

A study of Mary Wollstonecraft and the rights of woman.

London, New York [etc.] Longmans, Green & Co. [Madras printed]. 1898

Item identification number 3992.

Reel: 521
Cobbe, Frances Power, 1822-1904.

Life of Frances Power Cobbe.

Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & co.; Cambridge, Riverside Press. 1894

Item identification number 3993.

Reel: 522
Cock, Alfred (Mrs.).

The life of Madame de Longueville (Anne-Geneviève de Bourbon).

London, Smith, Elder & co. 1899

Item identification number 3994.

Reel: 522
Cocke, Zitella.

A doric reed.

Boston, Copeland and Day. 1895

Item identification number 3995.

Reel: 522
Coffin, Charles Carleton, 1823-1896.

Daughters of the revolution and their times, 1769-1776; a historical romance.

Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin; Cambridge, Riverside Press. [c1895]

Item identification number 3996.

Reel: 522
[Cohen, Alfred H.], 1861-1928.

Familiar chats with the Queens of the stage.

New York, G. W. Dillingham. 1890

Item identification number 3997.

Reel: 522
Cohn, Gustav, 1840-1918.

Die deutsche Frauenbewegung.

Berlin, Gebrüder Paetel. 1896

Item identification number 3998; Eine Betrachtung über deren Entwickelung und Ziele.

Reel: 522
Coke, Charlotte Talbot.

The gentlewoman at home.

London, Henry & co. [189-]

Item identification number 3999.

Reel: 522
Coleridge, Christabel Rose, 1843.

The daughters who have not revolted.

London, Gardner, Darton & co. [1894]

Item identification number 4000.

Reel: 522
Collet, Clara Elizabeth, 1860-1948.

... Report by Miss Collet on the statistics of employment of women and girls.

London, H. M. Stationery Office, by Eyre and Spottiswoode. 1894

Item identification number 4001.

Reel: 523
Collet, Franz, 1865.

Die Frau als Industrie-Arbeiterin.

Berlin, Arbeiter-Versorgung, A. Troschel. 1900

Item identification number 4002; Ein Beitrag zur Lösung der Arbeiterfrage.

Reel: 523
Collins, Holdridge Ozro, 1844.

Memoir of a brilliant woman.

Los Angeles, W. A. Vandercook, printer. 1892

Item identification number 4003.

Reel: 523
Collins, May L., 1876-1896.

A plea for the new woman.

New York, Truth Seeker Co. [1896?]

Item identification number 4004; An address delivered before the Ohio Liberal Society, Sunday evening, Feb. 2, 1896.

Reel: 523
Collis, Septima Maria (Levy) 1842-1917.

A woman's trip to Alaska; being an account of a voyage through the inland seas of the Sitkan archipelago, in 1890.

New York, Cassell pub. co. [c1890]

Item identification number 4005; Illustrated by American bank note co., New York.

Reel: 523
Colman, Lucy Newhall (Danforth) 1817-1906.


Buffalo, N.Y., H. L. Green. 1891

Item identification number 4006.

Reel: 523
The Complete hand-book of etiquette for ladies and gentlemen.

New York, James Miller. [n.d.]

Item identification number 4008.

Reel: 523
Comstock, Elizabeth L. (Rous) Wright, 1815-1891.

Life and letters.

London, Headley Brothers; Philadelphia, Winston & co. 1895

Item identification number 4009; compiled by her sister C. Hare.

Reel: 523
Congress of Women. Chicago, 1893.

The congress of women held in the Woman's building, World's Columbian exposition.

Chicago [etc.] International pub. co. 1894

Item identification number 4010; Chicago, 1893 ... ed. by Mary Kavanaugh Oldham Eagle. Official edition.

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