History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 503 Barton, George, 1866-1940

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Reel: 503
Barton, George, 1866-1940.

Angels of the battlefield.

Philadelphia, The Catholic art publishing co. 1897

Item identification number 3820; A history of the labors of the Catholic sisterhoods in the late civil war.

Reel: 503
Bashkirtseva, Mariia Konstantinovna, 1860-1884.

Letters of Marie Bashkirtseff.

New York, Cassell publishing co. [c1891]

Item identification number 3820.1; translated by Mary J. Serrano; with portraits.

Reel: 503
Bateson, Margaret.

Professional women upon their professions.

London, H. Cox. 1895

Item identification number 3821; Conversations recorded.

Reel: 503
[Baunard, Louis], 1826-1919.

The life of the venerable Madeleine Barat, foundress of the Society of the Sacred heart of Jesus.

New York, P. O'Shea. 1891

Item identification number 3821.1; Drawn and abridged from the French by Lady Georgiana Fullerton.

Reel: 503
Baxter, Katherine Schuyler, 1845.

A godchild of Washington; a picture of the past.

London and New York, F. T. Neely. 1897

Item identification number 3822.

Reel: 503
Bearne, Catherine Mary (Charlton) d. 1923.

Pictures of the old French court; Jeanne de Bourbon, Isabeau de Bavière, Anne de Bretagne.

New York, E. P. Dutton & co. 1900

Item identification number 3823; Illustrated by Edward H. Bearne from ancient prints, original drawings, &c.

Reel: 504
Beaumont, Édouard de, 1821-1888.

The sword and womankind: being a study of the influence of "The queen of weapons" upon the moral and social status of women.

[n.p.] The Society of British bibliophiles. [1900]

Item identification number 3824; Adapted from Ed. de Beaumont's "L'Epée et les femmes", with additions and an index by Alfred Allinson, M.A., Oxon., and an etched front. by Albert Bessé.

Reel: 504
Beedy, Helen Coffin.

... Mothers of Maine.

Portland, The Thurston print. 1895

Item identification number 3827.

Reel: 504
Belloc, Bessie Rayner (Parkes) 1829-1925.

Historic nuns.

London, Duckworth. 1898

Item identification number 3828.

Reel: 504
Bender, Hedwig, 1854.

Frauenwünsche und Frauenbestrebungen; ein Beitrag zur Beurtheilung der Frauenfrage.

Hamburg. 1891

Item identification number 3829.

Reel: 504
Benecke, Edward Felix Mendelssohn, 1870-1895.

Antimachus of Colophon and the position of women in Greek poetry.

London, Swan Sonnenschein & co., ltd. 1896

Item identification number 3830; A fragment, printed for the use of scholars.

Reel: 504
Benedict, Lovina B.

Woman's work for woman.

Des Moines, Iowa Printing co. 1892

Item identification number 3831; by Mother Benedict.

Reel: 504
Benfey, Anna (Schuppe).

Die Frauenfrage und das Christenthum.

Mainz, F. Kupferberg. 1890

Item identification number 3831.1; Von A. Benfey-Schuppe.

Reel: 504
Rebel, Ferdinand August, 1840-1913.

Die Frau und der Sozialismus (Die Frau in der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft.).

Stuttgart, J.H.W. Dietz. 1893

Item identification number 3825; 21. unveränderte Aufl.

Reel: 504
Bennett, Arnold, 1867.

Journalism for women; a practical guide.

London and New York, J. Lane. 1898

Item identification number 3832.

Reel: 505
[Bennett, Mary E.], 1841.

Family manners.

New York, T. Y. Crowell & co. [c1890]

Item identification number 3833; by Elizabeth Glover [pseud.].

Reel: 505
Benoist, Charles, 1861-1936.

... Les ouvrières de l'aiguille à Paris; notes pour l'étude de la question sociale.

Paris, L. Chailley. 1895

Item identification number 3834.

Reel: 505
Benton, Josiah Henry, 1843-1917.

What women did for the war and what the war did for women.

Boston. 1894

Item identification number 3835; A memorial day address delivered before the Soldiers' club at Wellesley, Mass., May 30, 1894, by Josiah H. Benton, jr.

Reel: 505
Bergemann, Paul, 1862.

Die werdende Frau in der neuen Dichtung.

Leipzig, H. Haacke. 1898

Item identification number 3836.

Reel: 505
Bernhöft, Franz, 1852-1933.

Frauenleben in der Vorzeit.

Wismar, Hinstorff. 1893

Item identification number 3837.

Reel: 505
Besia, Tancredi.

Del contratto di matrimonio: commento al titolo V - libro III del codice civile.

Portici, Premiato Stabilimento Tipografico Vesuviano. 1894

Item identification number 3839.

Reel: 505
Bevilacqua, Americo.

Trattato dommatico, giuridico e morale sul matrimonio cristiano.

Roma, Desclée, Lefebvre et ci. 1900

Item identification number 3840.

Reel: 505
Billington, Mary Frances.

Woman in India.

London, Chapman & Hall, ld. 1895

Item identification number 3842; with introduction by the Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava, C.I. Frontispiece by Reginald Cleaver: illustrations by Herbert Johnson and from original photographs.

Reel: 505
Bingham, Harry, 1821-1900.

The new education of woman, an address delivered before the Grafton & Coös bar association, Plymouth, N.H., Jan. 29, 1897.

Concord, New Hampshire, The Rumford press. 1898

Item identification number 3843.

Reel: 505
Biographical sketch of Louisa J. Roberts with extracts from her journal and selections from her writings.

Philadelphia, A. J. Ferris. 1895

Item identification number 3844; Prepared by request.

Reel: 505
Bishop, Joel Prentiss, 1814-1901.

New commentaries on marriage, divorce, and separation as to the law, evidence, pleading, practice, forms and the evidence of marriage in all issues on a new system of legal exposition.

Chicago, T. H. Flood & co. 1891

Item identification number 3845.

Reel: 506
Bishop, Maria Catherine.

Memoir of Mrs. Urquhart.

London, K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & co., ltd. 1897

Item identification number 3846.

Reel: 506
Bissell, Mary Taylor.

Physical development and exercise for women.

New York, Dodd, Mead & co. 1891

Item identification number 3847.

Reel: 507
Black, Alexander, 1859-1940.

Miss America; pen and camera sketches of the American girl.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1898

Item identification number 3849; with designs and photographic illustrations by the author.

Reel: 507
Black, Alexander, 1859-1940.

Modern daughters; conversations with various American girls and one man.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1899

Item identification number 3850; with designs and photographic illustrations by the author.

Reel: 507
Black, Helen C.

Notable women authors of the day.

Glasgow, D. Bryce & sons. 1893

Item identification number 3851; biographical sketches.

Reel: 507
Black, W.P.

Brief of W. P. Black and C. B. Waite, also brief of Robert Rae, in behalf of Phoebe W. Couzins, as secretary of the Board of Lady Managers of the World's Columbia Exposition.

Chicago, Daniels, Pitkin & Hall. 1891

Item identification number 3852; Prepared for the Secretary of the Treasury, June, 1891.

Reel: 507
Blackburn, Helen, 1842-1903, ed.

A handbook for women engaged in social and political work.

Bristol, J. W. Arrowsmith. 1895

Item identification number 3853; New enlarged [2d] ed.

Reel: 507
Blackwell, Antoinette Louisa (Brown) 1825-1921.

The philosophy of individuality; or, The one and the many.

New York [etc.] Putnam & sons. 1893

Item identification number 3854.

Reel: 507
Blackwell, Elizabeth, 1821-1910.

The human element in sex.

London, J. & A. Churchill. 1894

Item identification number 3855; Being a medical inquiry into the relation of sexual physiology to Christian morality. New edition.

Reel: 507
Blackwell, Elizabeth, 1821-1910.

The influence of women in the profession of medicine.

Baltimore. 1890

Item identification number 3855.0; Address given at the ... London school of medicine for women.

Reel: 507
Blackwell, Elizabeth, 1821-1910.

Pioneer work in opening the medical profession to women.

Hastings [Eng.] K. Barry. 1895

Item identification number 3855.1; autobiographical sketches.

Reel: 507
Blackwell, Sarah Ellen, 1828.

A military genius.

Washington, D.C., Judd & Detweiler, printers. 1891-95

Item identification number 3856; Life of Anna Ella Carroll of Maryland; ... Compiled from family records and congressional documents.

Reel: 507
Blake, Charles.

The scriptural cause for divorce, and what can the innocent party do?.

Providence, R.I. [Standard Printing co.]. 1898

Item identification number 3856.0; A tract addressed to high-churchmen by Charles Blake.

Reel: 507
Blake, Francis Everett, 1839-1916.

Lucy Keyes, the lost child of Wachusett Mountain.

Boston, Press of D. Clapp & son. 1893

Item identification number 3856.1.

Reel: 507
Blanc, Marie Thérèse (de Solms) 1840-1907.

The condition of woman in the United States.

Boston, Roberts brothers. 1895

Item identification number 3857; A traveller's notes ... Tr. by Abby Langdon Alger.

Reel: 508
Blaschko, Alfred, 1858-1922.

Die Prostitution im 19.

Berlin, Verlag der Socialistischen Monatshefter. [191-?]

Item identification number 3857.1; Jahrhundert, von Dr. Alfred Blaschko. 2 Aufl.

Reel: 508
Bloomer, Dexter ca. b. 1820.

Life and writings of Amelia Bloomer.

Boston, Arena publishing co. 1895

Item identification number 3858.

Reel: 508
Bloomfield-Moore, Clara Sophia (Jessup) 1824-1899.

Social ethics and society duties through education of girls for wives and mothers and for professions.

Boston, Estes and Lauriat. [c1892]

Item identification number 3859; Compiled by Mrs. H. O. Ward [pseud.].

Reel: 508
[Blouet, Paul] i.e. Léon Paul, 1848-1903.

Woman and artist.

New York and London, Harper & brothers. 1900

Item identification number 3860; by Max O'Rell [pseud.].

Reel: 508
Blow, Susan Elizabeth, 1843-1916.

Letters to a mother on the philosophy of Froebel.

New York, D. Appleton. 1899

Item identification number 3861.

Reel: 508
Blow, Susan Elizabeth, 1843-1916.

Symbolic education; a commentary on Froebel's "Mother play".

New York, D. Appleton & Co. 1895

Item identification number 3862.

Reel: 508
Boaden, James, 1762-1839.

Mrs. Sarah Siddons.

New York, Athenaeum press. [n.d.]

Item identification number 3863.

Reel: 508
Bois, Jules, 1871-1943.

L'Éve nouvelle.

Paris, L. Chailley. 1896

Item identification number 3865.

Reel: 509
Bolo, Henry, 1858.

Du mariage au divorce.

Paris, R. Haton. 1896

Item identification number 3866.

Reel: 509
Bolo, Henry, 1858.

Les mariages écrits au ciel.

Paris, R. Haton. [1897]

Item identification number 3867.

Reel: 509
Bolona de Sierra, Concepción.

La mujer en Cuba, por Concepción Boloña, vda. de Sierra, (Coralia).

Habana, Imprenta "La Prueba,". 1899

Item identification number 3867.1.

Reel: 509
Bolton, Charles Knowles, 1867.

On the wooing of Martha Pitkin; being a versified narrative of the time of the regicides in colonial New England.

Boston, Copeland and Day. 1895

Item identification number 3868.

Reel: 509
Bolton, Sarah (Knowles) 1841-1916.

Every-day living.

Boston, L. C. Page & co. 1900

Item identification number 3869.

Reel: 509
Bolton, Sarah (Knowles) 1841-1916.

Famous leaders among women.

New York, Boston, T. Y. Crowell & company. [c1895]

Item identification number 3870.

Reel: 509
Bolton, Sarah (Knowles) 1841-1916.

Famous types of womanhood.

New York; Boston, T. Y. Crowell & co. [1892]

Item identification number 3871.

Reel: 509
Bolton, Sarah (Knowles) 1841-1916.

Social studies in England.

Boston, D. Lothrop & co. [1893]

Item identification number 3871.1.

Reel: 509
Books and bindings from the Guide of Women Binders and the Hampstead bindery.

London. [1900]

Item identification number 3872; agents for the guild.

Reel: 509
Boos-Jegher, Eduard, 1855-1928.

Die Thätigkeit der Frau in Amerika.

Bern, Michel & Büchler. 1894

Item identification number 3872.1.

Reel: 509
Booth, Maud Ballington (Charlesworth) 1865.

Beneath two flags, a study in mercy and help methods.

Cincinnati, Cranston and Curts; New York, Hunt and Eaton. 1894

Item identification number 3873; 4th ed.

Reel: 509
Booth-Tucker, Frederick St. George de Lautour, 1853.

The life of Catherine Booth, the mother of the Salvation Army.

New York & Chicago, F. H. Revell Co. [c1892]

Item identification number 3874.

Reel: 510
Borg, Pietro Paolo.

La questione matrimoniale in Malta.

Napoli, A.E.S. Festa. 1900

Item identification number 3875; Studio filosofico, canonico e politico con appendici.

Reel: 510
Boston Children's Aid Society.

Loan collection of portraits of women, for the benefit of the Boston children's aid society, and the Sunnyside day nursery.

Boston. [1895?]

Item identification number 3878; From the eleventh of March to the thirty-first of March, 1895.

Reel: 510
Boston. Public Library. Galatea Collection.

Catalogue of the Galatea collection of books relating to the history of woman in the Public Library of the City of Boston.

Boston, Trustees. 1898

Item identification number 3877.

Reel: 510
Bosworth, Anne Lucy, 1868.

Begründung einer vom Parallelenaxiome unabhängigen Streckenrechnung.

Göttingen, Dietrich. 1900

Item identification number 3879.

Reel: 510
Bothmer, Marie gräfin von, 1845, ed.

The sovereign ladies of Europe.

London, Hutchinson & co. 1899

Item identification number 3880; ed. by the Countess A. von Bothmerwith 153 illustrations.

Reel: 510
Botta, Anne Charlotte (Lynch) 1815-1891.

Memoirs of Anne C. L. Botta.

New York, J. S. Tait & sons. 1894

Item identification number 3881; written by her friends; with selections from her correspondence and from her writings, in prose and poetry.

Reel: 510
Botume, Elizabeth Hyde.

First days amongst the contrabands.

Boston, Lee and Shepard. 1893

Item identification number 3882.

Reel: 511
Bouchot, Henri François Xavier Marie, 1849-1906.

Les femmes de Brantôme, par Henri Bouchot.

Paris, Maison Quantin. 1890

Item identification number 3883; Ouvrage orné de 30 planches hors texte et de nombreuses gravures dans le texte, reproduites d'après les originaux.

Reel: 511
Boudinhon, Auguste.

Le mariage religieux et les procés en nullité.

Paris, P. Lethielleux. [1900]

Item identification number 3884.

Reel: 511
... Le bouquet des pensées libertines.

Paris, Éditions Nilsson. [19--]

Item identification number 3885.

Reel: 511
Bourget, Paul Charles Joseph, 1852-1935.

Physiologie de l'amour moderne.

Paris, A. Lemerre. 1891

Item identification number 3887; Fragments posthumes d'un ouvrage de Claude Larcher, recueillis et publiés par Paul Bourget, son exécuteur testamentaire.

Reel: 511
Brackett, Anna Callender, 1836-1911, ed.

Woman and the higher education.

New York, Harper & brothers. 1893

Item identification number 3888.

Reel: 511
Brady, John Everett, 1860.

Women in Roman literature.

[Florence, Mass., Bryant printing co.]. 1894

Item identification number 3889.

Reel: 511
Brandi, Salvatore Maria, 1852-1915.

Il Matrimonio Cristiano Dinanzi Al Senato del Regno.

Roma. 1900

Item identification number 3890.1.

Reel: 511
Brandt, John Lincoln, 1860.

Marriage and the home.

Chicago, Laird & Lee. 1892

Item identification number 3891.

Reel: 511
Branson, Ann, 1806-1891.

Journal of Ann Branson, a minister of the gospel in the Society of Friends.

Philadelphia, W. H. Pile's sons, printers. 1892

Item identification number 3892.

Reel: 511
Brantôme, Pierre de Bourdeilles, seigneur de, 1540-1614.

The book of the ladies (illustrious dames).

London, W. Heinemann. 1899

Item identification number 3893; with elucidations on some of those ladies by C.-A. Sainte-Beuve. Tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. Illus. with portraits from the original.

Reel: 511
Braun, Lily (von Kretschman) von Gizycki, 1865-1916.

Die Bürgerpflicht der Frau.

Berlin, F. Dümmler. 1895

Item identification number 3894; Vortrag gehalten in Dresden, Breslau, und Berlin.

Reel: 512
Braun, Lily (von Kretschman) von Gizycki, 1865-1916.

Die neue Frau in der Dichtung.

Stuttgart, J.H.W. Dietz. [1896]

Item identification number 3895.

Reel: 512
Brausewetter, Ernst, 1863-1904, comp.

Meisternovellen deutscher Frauen.

Berlin und Leipzig, Schuster & Loeffler. 1898

Item identification number 3896; Mit Charakteristiken der Verfasserinnen und ihren Porträts.

Reel: 512
Brawner, Mina Ross.

Woman in the word.

Melbourne, Victory Press. [19--]

Item identification number 3897.

Reel: 512
Brazil. Laws, statutes, etc.

Casamento civil.

Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa nacional. 1890

Item identification number 3897.1; Recapitulação em ordem alphabetica do decreto n. 181 de 24 de janeiro de 1890 e dos demais que se seguiram; acompanhada do texto da legislação em vigor e de um formulario annotado de alguns actos relativos ao casamento civil, por Manoel André da Rocha.

Reel: 512
Bremner, Christina Sinclair.

Education of girls and women in Great Britain.

London, Swan Sonnenschein & co., ltd. 1897

Item identification number 3898; with a preface by Miss E. P. Hughes.

Reel: 512
Bridel, Louis, 1852-1913.

Le droit des femmes et le mariage; études critiques de législation comparée.

Paris, F. Alcan. 1893

Item identification number 3899.

Reel: 512
Bridel, Louis, 1852-1913.

Mélanges féministes; questions de droit et de sociologie.

Paris, V. Giard & E. Brière. 1897

Item identification number 3900.

Reel: 512
Briggs, Caroline (Clapp) 1822-1895.

Reminiscences and letters of Caroline C. Briggs.

Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & co.; Cambridge, Riverside Press. 1897

Item identification number 3901; Edited by George S. Merriam.

Reel: 512
British Women's Temperance Association.

Memoir of Margaret Bright Lucas, president of the British Women's Temperance Association.

London, British Women's Temperance Association. [189-?]

Item identification number 3903.

Reel: 513
Britten, Emma (Hardinge) d. 1899.


Manchester, London, J. Heywood. 1900

Item identification number 3904; Edited ... by Margaret Wilkinson.

Reel: 513
Bronzini, Cesare.

Studio sul divorzio.

Matera, Tipografia F. P. Conti. 1899

Item identification number 3905.

Reel: 513
Brooke, Emma Frances.

A tabulation of the factory laws of European countries in so far as they relate to the hours of labour, and to special legislation for women, young persons, and children.

London, G. Richards. 1898

Item identification number 3906.

Reel: 513
Brooks, Elizabeth.

Prominent women of Texas.

Akron, O., Manufactured by the Werner co. [1896]

Item identification number 3907.

Reel: 513
Brooks, Geraldine, 1875.

Dames and daughters of colonial days.

New York, T. Y. Crowell & co. [c1900]

Item identification number 3908.

Reel: 513
Brown, Alice, 1857-1948.

... Mercy Warren.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1896

Item identification number 3909; with portrait.

Reel: 513
Brown, Joseph G., 1844.

The history of equal suffrage in Colorado, 1868-1898.

Denver, Colo., News job printing co. 1898

Item identification number 3910.

Reel: 513
[Brown, William Hill], 1766-1793.

... The power of sympathy; or, The triumph of nature founded in truth.

Boston, Cupples & Patterson. [1894]

Item identification number 3910.1; by Mrs. Perez Morton (Sarah Wentworth Apthorp). with front.

Reel: 513
Browne, William Hardcastle, 1840-1906, comp.

Famous women of history; containing nearly three thousand brief biographies and over one thousand female pseudonyms.

Philadelphia, Arnold and co. [c1895]

Item identification number 3911.

Reel: 513
Browning, Elizabeth (Barrett) 1806-1861.

The letters.

London, Smith, Elder & co. 1897

Item identification number 3912; Edited with biographical additions by F. G. Kenyon.

Reel: 513-514
Browning, Oscar, 1837-1923.

Life of George Eliot.

London, W. Scott. 1890

Item identification number 3913.

Reel: 514
Bruck-Auffenberg, Natalie, 1877.

De vrouw "comme il faut".

Leiden, Boekhandel en Drukkerij voorheen E. J. Brill. [1897]

Item identification number 3914; Vrij bewerkt naar het Duitsch door Marie de Bock-Hardenberg. Tweede druk.

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