History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 606 Starrett, Helen (Ekin) 1840-1920

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Reel: 606
Starrett, Helen (Ekin) 1840-1920.

After college, what? For girls.

New York, T. Y. Crowell & co. [1896]

Item identification number 4816.

Reel: 606
Starrett, Helen (Ekin) 1840-1920.

Letters to elder daughters, married and unmarried.

Chicago, A. C. McClurg & co. 1892

Item identification number 4816.1.

Reel: 606
Stech, Václav, 1859-1947.

Ceským zenám: nejsme s vámi spokojeni! Uprímné slovo ceského muze.

V Praze, Nákladem spisovatele. 1897

Item identification number 4817.

Reel: 606
Steele, Frances Mary.

Beauty of form and grace of vesture.

New York, Dodd, Mead & co. 1892

Item identification number 4818; by Elizabeth Livingston Steele Adams.

Reel: 606
Stein, Lorenz Jacob von, 1815-1890.

Die Frau; ihre Bildung und Lebensaufgabe.

Berlin und Dresden, Diedmann. 1890

Item identification number 4819.1; 3 Aufl.

Reel: 606
Stephey, Catherine (Pollok) Manners, lady, d. 1845.

Memoirs of Lady Russell and Lady Herbert, 1623-1723.

London, Adam and Charles Black. 1898

Item identification number 4820; compiled from original family documents by Lady Stepney.

Reel: 606
Stone, C.H. (Mrs.).

The problem of domestic service.

St. Louis Mo., Nelson Print. co. 1892

Item identification number 4823.

Reel: 607
Stone, J.M.

Eleanor Leslie, a memoir.

London, Art and Book co. 1898

Item identification number 4823.1.

Reel: 607
Stopes, Charlotte (Carmichael) d. 1929.

British freewomen; their historical privilege.

London, S. Sonnenschein & co. 1894

Item identification number 4824.

Reel: 607
Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth (Beecher) 1811-1896.

Household papers and stories.

Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and company; Cambridge, Riverside Press. 1896

Item identification number 4825.

Reel: 607
Strang, Lewis Clinton, 1869-1935.

Famous actresses of the day in America.

Boston, L. C. Page & co. 1899

Item identification number 4826.

Reel: 607
Stratz, Carl Heinrich, 1858-1924.

Die Frauenkleidung.

Stuttgart, F. Enke. 1900

Item identification number 4827.

Reel: 607
Studdart, Anna M., 1840-1911.

Elizabeth Pease Nichol.

London, J. M. Dent; New York, E. P. Dutton & co. 1899

Item identification number 6821.

Reel: 607
Stratz, Carl Heinrich, 1858-1924.

Die Schönheit des weiblichen Körpers.

Stuttgart, F. Enke. 1900

Item identification number 4828; Den Müttern, Ärzten und Künstlern gewidmet ... 6 Aufl.

Reel: 608
Strohmberg, C.

Die Prostitution.

Stuttgart, Verlag von Ferdinand Enke. 1899

Item identification number 4829; Ein Beitrag zur öffentlichen Sexualhygiene und zur staatlichen Prophylaxe der Geschlechtskrankheiten.

Reel: 608
Stuart, Charles.

An appeal to the queen's proctor on behalf of the queen's English in the ease of polygamy v. polyandry (comon sense intervening), being an enquiry whether the law against polygamy is social or divine.

[Lewes and London, W. E. Baxter ltd., printers]. 1891

Item identification number 4830.

Reel: 608
Stuart, Louisa, lady, 1757-1851.

Lady Louisa Stuart; selections from her manuscripts.

New York and London, Harper & brothers. 1899

Item identification number 4831; ed. by Hon. James Home.

Reel: 608
Studii di ostetricia e ginecologia.

Milano, C. Rebeschini e C. 1890

Item identification number 4833.

Reel: 608
Sullivan, Edward, bart, 1852-1928.

Woman the predominant partner.

London, and New York, Longmans, Green, and co. 1894

Item identification number 4835.

Reel: 608
Suttner, Bertha Felice Sophia (Kinsky) von, 1843-1914.

"Ground arms!" The story of a life.

Chicago, A. C. McClurg & co. 1892

Item identification number 4837; tr. from the German by Alice Asbury Abbott.

Reel: 608
Suttner, Bertha Felice Sophia (Kinsky) von, 1843-1914.

Lay down your arms; the autobiography of Martha von Tilling.

London and New York, Longmans, Green & co. 1894

Item identification number 4838; Authorised translation by T. Holmes, revised by the authoress. 2d ed.

Reel: 608
Sweden. Kommissionen för Sveriges deltagande i Verldsutställningen i Chicago, 1893.

Öfversigt af den svenska kvinnans sociala ställning, utgifven i anledning af Verldsutställningen i Chicago ar 1893.

Stockholm, A. L. Normans boktrycheri, a.-b. 1892

Item identification number 4839.

Reel: 609
Swinton, Blanche Arthur Georgina.

A sketch of the life of Georgiana, Lady de Ros, with some reminiscences of her family and friends, including the Duke of Wellington.

London, J. Murray. 1893

Item identification number 4840.

Reel: 609
Symonds, John Addington, 1840-1893.

Renaissance in Italy.

London, Smith, Elder & Co. 1898

Item identification number 4841; Italian literature.

Reel: 609
Talks to girls by one of themselves, on the difficulties, duties, and joys of a girl's life.

London, Society for promoting Christian knowledge; New York, E. & J.B. Young & co. 1894

Item identification number 4842.

Reel: 609
Talmage, Thomas De Witt, 1832-1902.

The marriage tie.

London, W. Nicholson and sons. [1890]

Item identification number 4842.1; Thirteen discourses on marriage and family life.

Reel: 609
Tamura, Naomi.

The Japanese bride.

New York & London, Harper & bros. 1900

Item identification number 4843.

Reel: 609
Taney, Mary Florence.

Kentucky pioneer women, Columbian poems and prose sketches.

Cincinnati, Press of R. Clarke & co. 1893

Item identification number 4844.

Reel: 609
Taylor, Etta M.


Minneapolis, Minn., E. M. Taylor. 1893

Item identification number 4845; A practical business guide for American women of all conditions and ages, who want to make money, but do not know how.

Reel: 609
Taylor, Marie (Hansen) 1829-1925.

Letters to a young housekeeper.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1892

Item identification number 4846.

Reel: 609
Tempia, Giovanni Stefano.

La riforma del matrimonio.

Roma, M. Lovesio. 1890

Item identification number 4847; Critica del divorzio.

Reel: 609
[Terhune, Mary Virginia (Hawes)], 1830-1922.

The secret of a happy home.

New York, The Christian herald. [1896]

Item identification number 4848; by Marion Harland [pseud.].

Reel: 610
[Terhune, Mary Virginia (Hawes)], 1830-1922, ed.

... Talks upon practical subjects.

New York and Chicago, The Warner Brothers co. 1895

Item identification number 4849; ed. by Marion Harland [pseud.] 1st ed.--One hundred thousand.

Reel: 610
Thaxter, Celia (Leighton) 1835-1894.

Letters of Celia Thaxter.

Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin & co.; Cambridge, Riverside Press. 1895

Item identification number 4850; edited by her friends A. F. and R. L.

Reel: 610
Thayer, William Makepeace, 1820-1898.

Womanhood; hints and helps for young women.

New York, T. Whittaker. [c1895]

Item identification number 4851.

Reel: 610
Thayer, William Makepeace, 1820-1898.

Women who win; or, Making things happen.

New York, London & Edinburgh, T. Nelson & sons. [1896]

Item identification number 4852.

Reel: 610
Thomas, Martha Carey, 1857-1935.

Education of women.

[Albany, N.Y., J.B. Lyon company]. [1900]

Item identification number 4853.

Reel: 610
[Thomson, Katherine (Byerley) "Mrs. A.T. Thomson"], 1797-1862.

The queens of society.

London, J. W. Jarvis & son. 1890

Item identification number 4855; by Grace and Philip Wharton [pseuds.] New ed. with a preface by Justin Huntley McCarthy, M.P. And the original illus, by C. A. Doyle.

Reel: 610
Thorold, Anthony Wilson, bishop of Rochester and of Winchester, 1825-1895.

On marriage.

New York, H. M. Caldwell Co. [1896?]

Item identification number 4856.

Reel: 610
Thwing, Charles Franklin, 1853-1937.

The college woman.

New York, Baker & Taylor co. [1894]

Item identification number 4857.

Reel: 611
Tiffany, Francis, 1827-1908.

Life of Dorothea Lynde Dix.

Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & co.; Cambridge, Riverside Press. 1891

Item identification number 4858.

Reel: 611
Tiffany, Nina (Moore).

Samuel E. Sewall, a memoir.

Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & co.; Cambridge, Riverside Press. 1898

Item identification number 4859.

Reel: 611
Tillier, Louis.

Le mariage: sa genèse, son évolution.

Paris, Société d'éditions scientifiques. 1898

Item identification number 4860.

Reel: 611
... Titled Americans.

New York, Street & Smith. [1890]

Item identification number 4861; A list of American ladies who have married foreigners of rank. Annually revised. Illustrated with armorial bearings.

Reel: 611
Tornezy, Albert.

Un bureau d'esprit au XVIIIe siècle: le salon de Madame Geoffrin.

Paris, Lecène, Oudin et cie. 1895

Item identification number 4862.

Reel: 611
Tricht, Victor van, 1842-1897.

La famille.

Namur, P. Godenne. 1892

Item identification number 4862.1; Causerie.

Reel: 611
Troll-Borostyani, Irma von.

Das Recht der Frau.

Berlin, S. Fischer. 1894

Item identification number 4863; Eine sociale Studie.

Reel: 611
Trollope, Frances Eleanor (Ternan) d. 1913.

Frances Trollope, her life and literary work from George III. to Victoria.

London, R. Bentley and son. 1895

Item identification number 4864; by her daughter-in-law.

Reel: 611
Trowbridge, Mary Elizabeth (Day) 1840-1910.

Pioneer days; life story of Gershom and Elizabeth Day.

Philadelphia, American Baptist Pub. Soc. 1895

Item identification number 4866.

Reel: 611
Tschudi, Clara, 1859-1945.

Augusta, empress of Germany.

New York, E. P. Dutton & co.; London, Swan Sonnenschein & co., ltd. 1900

Item identification number 4867; Authorised translation from the Norwegian by E. M. Cope.

Reel: 612
[Tulou, François], 1848.

... Guide pour le choix d'une profession à l'usage des jeunes filles, par F. de Donville [pseud.].

Paris, Garnier frères. [1894]

Item identification number 4868.

Reel: 612
Turner, Albert, ed.

The attainment of womanly beauty of form and features, the cultivation of personal beauty based on hygiene and health culture.

New York, The Health-culture co. 1900

Item identification number 4869.

Reel: 612
Turquan, Joseph, 1854-1928.

1870-71. Les femmes de France pendant l'invasion.

Paris, Nancy, Berger-Levrault et cie. 1893

Item identification number 4870.

Reel: 612
Twing, Mary A.E.

Twice around the world.

Hartford, Conn., Junior Auxiliary Publishing co.; New York, J. Pott & co. [1898]

Item identification number 4871.

Reel: 612
Twining, Louisa, 1820-1912.

Recollections of life and work; being the autobiography of Louisa Twining.

London, E. Arnold. 1893

Item identification number 4872.

Reel: 612
Twining, Louisa, 1820-1912.

Workhouses and pauperism and women's work in the administration of the poor law.

London, Methuen & co. 1898

Item identification number 4873.

Reel: 613
[Ungherini, Aglauro], 1847.

Manuel de bibliographie biographique et d'iconographie des femmes célèbres.

Turin, L. Roux & co.; Paris, Nilsson. 1892

Item identification number 4874; par un vieux bibliophile.

Reel: 613
United States. Bureau of Labor.

A report on marriage and divorce in the United States, 1867-1886; including an appendix relating to marriage and divorce in certain countries in Europe.

Washington, Govt. print. off. 1891

Item identification number 4876; by Carroll D. Wright, Commissioner of labor. February, 1889. Revised ed.

Reel: 613
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Woman Suffrage.

Hearing held in the Marble Room on the United States Senate on the 13th day of February, 1900, at 10 o'clock A.M.

[Washington]. [1900]

Item identification number 4877.

Reel: 613
[Unterweger, Rose (Kruasse) Stolle], 1849.

Die geschlechtliche Stellung der Frau, von Elisabeth von Steinborn [pseud.].

Berlin, H. Steinitz. 1895

Item identification number 4878.

Reel: 613
Upham, Caroline E.

Salem witchcraft in outline.

Salem, Mass., The Salem press publishing & printing co. 1891

Item identification number 4879; 2d ed.

Reel: 613
Upton, Harriet (Taylor).

Our early presidents: their wives and children, from Washington to Jackson.

Boston, D. Lothrop co. [c1890]

Item identification number 4880.

Reel: 614
Vachon, Marius, 1850-1928.

... La femme dans l'art.

Paris, J. Rouam & cie. 1893

Item identification number 4882; Les protectrices des arts. Les femme artistes. Ouvrage orné de 400 gravures.

Reel: 614
Van Rensselaer, [Mariana Griswold], 1851-1934.

Should we ask for the suffrage?.

[New York, DeVinne Press]. [189-?]

Item identification number 4882.1.

Reel: 614
Van Rensselaer, May (King) "Mrs. J. K. Van Rensselaer," 1848.

The goede vrouw of Mana-ha-ta at home and in society, 1609-1760.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1898

Item identification number 4883.

Reel: 614
Varigny, Charles Victor Crosnier de, 1829-1899.

The women of the United States.

New York, Dodd, Mead and co. 1895

Item identification number 4884; tr. from the French by Arabella Ward.

Reel: 614
Vassar College. Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

Addresses at the celebration of the completion of the twenty-fifth academic year of Vassar college, June, 1890.

[Poughkeepsie, N.Y.?]. [1890]

Item identification number 4885.

Reel: 614
[Viaud, Julien], 1850-1923.


Paris, Calmann Lévy. 1893

Item identification number 4887; par Pierre Loti [pseud.]; 21 éd.

Reel: 614
Vienne. Commission behufs veranstaltung einer enquête über frauenarbeit.

Die Arbeits- und Lebensverhältnisse der Wiener Lohnarbeiterinnen.

Wien, I. Brand. 1897

Item identification number 4889; Ergebnisse und Stenographisches Protokoll der Enquête über Frauenarbeit abgehalten in Wien vom 1. März bis 21. April 1896.

Reel: 614
Vigil, José Maria. 1829-1909.

La mujer mexicana.

México, Oficina tip. de la secretaria de fomenta. 1893

Item identification number 4890; Estudio escrito y dedicado á la distinguidisima Señora Doña Carmen Romero Rubio de Diaz.

Reel: 615
Villani, Carlo, 1855.

La questione del divorzio.

Napoli, Fratelli Orfeo. 1891

Item identification number 4890.1.

Reel: 615
Vincens, Cécile, "Mme. Charles Vincens," 1840-1908.

... Portraits de femmes.

Paris. 1894

Item identification number 4891.

Reel: 615
Vincent, Arthur, ed.

Lives of twelve bad women.

London, T. F. Unwin. 1897

Item identification number 4892; illustrations and reviews of feminine turpitude set forth by impartial hands.

Reel: 615
Vincent, Leon Henry, 1859.

Hôtel de Rambouillet and the précieuses.

Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & company. 1900

Item identification number 4893.

Reel: 615
Wadlin, Horace Greeley, 1851-1925.

Compensation in certain occupations of graduates of colleges for women.

Boston, Wright & Potter printing co. 1895

Item identification number 4895.

Reel: 615
Waisbrooker, Lois (Nichols) 1826.

A sex revolution.

Topeka, Kan., Independent pub. co. 1894

Item identification number 4896.1; 2d ed.

Reel: 615
Walcker, Karl, 1839-1909.

Der Schutz der Frauen und Kinder gegen Misshandlungen.

Leipzig, Rossberg. 1900

Item identification number 4899.1; Auf Grund amerikanischer und europäischer Materialien erörtert.

Reel: 615
Walford, Lucy Bethia (Colquhoun) 1845-1915.

Twelve English authoresses.

London and New York, Longmans, Green and co. 1892

Item identification number 4897.

Reel: 615
Waliszewski, Kazimierz, 1849-1935.

Marysienka Marie de la Grange d'Arquien, queen of Poland and wife of Sobieski, 1641-1716.

New York, Dodd, Mead & co. 1899

Item identification number 4898; Translated from the French by Lady Mary Loyd. with a portrait.

Reel: 615
Walker, Jane Harriett.

A book for every woman.

London and New York, Longmans, Green & co. 1895-97

Item identification number 4899.

Reel: 615
Ward, Elizabeth Stuart (Phelps) 1844-1911.

Chapters from a life.

Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & co. [c1896]

Item identification number 4900.

Reel: 616
Ward, Maria E.

The common sense of bicycling.

New York, Paris, Chicago and Washington, Brentano's. [c1896]

Item identification number 4901; Bicycling for ladies, with hints as to the art of wheeling, advice to beginners, dress, care of the bicycles, mechanics, training, exercise etc., etc.

Reel: 616
Warner, Anna Bartlett, 1824-1915.

Up and down the houee.

New York, A. D. F. Randolph & co. [c1892]

Item identification number 4902.

Reel: 616
Warwick, Frandes Evelyn (Maynard) Greville, countess of, 1861, ed.

Progress in women's education in the British empire, being the report of the education section, Victorian era exhibition, 1897.

London, New York and Bombay, Longmans, Green and co. 1898

Item identification number 4903.

Reel: 616
Washing, cleaning and removing stains.

London, G. Farran & Co. [1892]

Item identification number 4904; by an experienced housewife.

Reel: 616
Waters, Clara (Erskine) Clement, 1834-1916.

Heroines of the Bible in art.

Boston, L. C. Page & co. 1900

Item identification number 4905.

Reel: 616
[Watt, David A.P.] comp.

Moral legislation.

Montreal, Gazette Printing Co. 1890

Item identification number 4906; A statement prepared for the information of the senate.

Reel: 616
Weaver, Addie Gunthrie.

The story of our flag, colonial and national with historical sketch of the Quakeress Betsy Ross.

Chicago, A. G. Weaver. [1898]

Item identification number 4907.

Reel: 616
Webb, Deborah B.

Diary and letters.

Philadelphia, Friends' book store. 1898

Item identification number 4908; A minister of the gospel in the religious society of Friends. Compiled by Anna M. Townsend.

Reel: 617
Wednesday Afternoon Club. New York.

List of books by women, natives or residents of the state of New York.

[New York]. [1893]

Item identification number 4909.

Reel: 617
[Wellesley College].

A record of the exercises attending the inauguration of Caroline Hazard.

Cambridge, Printed at the Riverside Press. 1899

Item identification number 4911; as president of Wellesley College, 3 October MDCCCXCIX.

Reel: 617
Wells, Richard A.

Manners, culture and dress of the best American society.

Springfield, Mass., Cincinnati, Dallas & Sacramento, King, Richardson. 1894 [c1890]

Item identification number 4912; Intro. by Willard E. Waterbury.

Reel: 617
Westerhout, R.A.

Het geschlachtsleven onzer voorouders in de middeleeuwen.

Amsterdam, Stadermann. [1899]

Item identification number 4914; Een vervolg op "De Prostitutie bij de Volken der Oudheid" van Dr. Edm. Dupouy.

Reel: 617
Wettstein-Adelt, Minna, 1869.

3 1/2 Monate Fabrik-Arbeiterin.

Berlin, J. Lasier. 1893

Item identification number 4915.

Reel: 617
Wharton, Anne Hollingsworth, 1845-1928.

Colonial days and dames.

Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott co. 1895

Item identification number 4915.1; illustrations by E. S. Holloway.

Reel: 617
Wharton, Anne Hollingsworth, 1845-1928.

... Martha Washington.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1897

Item identification number 4916.

Reel: 617
Wharton, Anne Hollingsworth, 1845-1928.

Salons colonial and republican.

Philadelphia & London, J. B. Lippincott company. 1900

Item identification number 4917; with numerous reproductions of portraits and miniatures of men and women prominent in colonial life and in the early days of the republic.

Reel: 617
What women can earn; occupations of women and their compensation.

New York, F. A. Stokes co. [1899]

Item identification number 4918; by Grace H. Dodge, Thomas Hunter and others.

Reel: 618
White, Sallie Elizabeth (Joy).

Business openings for girls.

New York, Akron, O. [etc.] The Werner co. 1899

Item identification number 4919.

Reel: 618
Whiting, Lilian, 1859.

Kate Field; a record.

Boston, Little, Brown & co. 1899

Item identification number 4921.

Reel: 618
Whiting, Lilian, 1859.

A study of Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

Boston, Little, Brown & co. 1899

Item identification number 4920.

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