History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 584 New York. Board of Women Managers of the State of New York at the World's Columbian Exposition

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Reel: 584
New York. Board of Women Managers of the State of New York at the World's Columbian Exposition.

Minutes of the meeting[s] of the Board of woman managers of the state of New York at the World's Columbian exposition [and of the executive committee] June 7, 1892 [to May 22, 1894].

[Albany, N. Y.]. [1892-94]

Item identification number 4594.

Reel: 584
New York (State) Legislature. Assembly. Special Committee to Investigate Condition of Female Labor in the City of New York.

Report and testimony taken before the Special committee of the Assembly appointed to investigate the condition of female labor in the city of New York.

Albany and New York, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers. 1896

Item identification number 4595; Transmitted to the Legislature January 16, 1896.

Reel: 585
New York State Federation of Women's Clubs.

Constitution and by-laws.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 4595.1.

Reel: 585
New York Tribune.

... Occupations of women and their compensation; a compilation of essays by prominent authorities on all the leading trades and professions in America in which women have asserted their ability, with data as to the compensation afforded in each one.

[New York] The New-York tribune. 1898

Item identification number 4597.

Reel: 585
Newdigate-Newdegate, Anne Emily (Garnier) lady, ed.

Gossip from a muniment room, being passages in the lives of Anne and Mary Fytton, 1574-1618.

London, D. Nutt. 1897

Item identification number 4598.

Reel: 586
The Next revolution; or, Woman's emancipation from sex slavery.

Valley Falls, Kan., Lucifer Pub. co. [1890]

Item identification number 4599.1; (no. 2.).

Reel: 586
[Nietschmann, Hermann Otto], 1840-1929.

Katharine von Bora, Dr. Maring Luther's wife.

Philadelphia, G. W. Frederick. 1890

Item identification number 4600; A picture from life by Armin Stein [pseud.] Translated by E. A. Endlich.

Reel: 586
Nijhoff, Martinus, firm, booksellers, the Hague.

La femme: qualités - travaux - histoire.

La Haye, M. Nijhoff. 1898

Item identification number 4600.1.

Reel: 586
Nisbet, John Ferguson, 1851-1899.

Marriage and heredity, a view of psychological evolution.

London, Ward and Downey. 1890

Item identification number 4601; Second edition, revised.

Reel: 586
[Nitsch, Helen Alice (Matthews)] d. 1889.

Ten dollars enough; keeping house well on ten dollars a week; how it has been done; how it may be done again.

Boston, Houghton Mifflin; Cambridge, Riverside Press. 1893

Item identification number 4602; by Catherine Owen [pseud.].

Reel: 586
Norske Medicinske Selskab.

Prostitutionen i Kristiania: diskussion i det Norske medicinske selskab hosten 1898.

Kristiania, Steenske bogtrykkeri. 1899

Item identification number 4602.1.

Reel: 586
North, Marianne, 1830-1890.

Recollections of a happy life; being the autobiography of Marianne North.

London and New York, Macmillan and co. 1892

Item identification number 4603; Ed. by Mrs. John Addington Symonds.

Reel: 586
North, Marianne, 1830-1890.

Some further recollections of a happy life, selected from the journals of Marianne North, chiefly between the years 1859 and 1869.

New York and London, Macmillan & co. 1894

Item identification number 4604; Edited by her sister Mrs. John Addington Symonds.

Reel: 587
Norton, Carol.

Woman's cause.

Boston, Dana Estes & co. [1895]

Item identification number 4606.

Reel: 587
Norton, Minerva (Brace) 1837.

A true teacher: Mary Mortimer.

New York [etc.] Fleming H. Revell co. [1894]

Item identification number 4607; A memoir.

Reel: 587
O'Leary, Ellen.

Lays of country, home and friends.

Dublin, Sealy, Bryers & Walker. 1891

Item identification number 4610.

Reel: 587
Oliphant, Margaret Oliphant (Wilson) 1828-1897.

The autobiography and letters of.

New York, Dodd, Mead. 1899

Item identification number 4611; Arranged and edited by Mrs. Harry Coghill.

Reel: 587
Oliphant, Margaret Oliphant (Wilson) 1828-1897.

Historical characters of the reign of Queen Anne.

New York, The Century co. 1894

Item identification number 4612.

Reel: 587
Oliphant, Margaret Oliphant (Wilson) 1828-1897.

Memoir of the life of Laurence Oliphant and of Alice Oliphant, his wife.

Leipzig, B. Tauchnitz. 1891

Item identification number 4613.

Reel: 587
[Olmstead, Charles].

Trumpet notes.

[n.p.]. 1895

Item identification number 4614; A memorial of Charlotte Amelia Olmstead and Carroll Hanford.

Reel: 587
Orpen, Adela Elizabeth Richards, "Mrs. G. H. Orpen".

The chronicles of the Sid; or, The life and travels of Adelia Gates.

New York [etc.] F. H. Revell co. [1897]

Item identification number 4617.

Reel: 587
Ortolani, Tullio.

... La poesia di Vittoria Aganoor.

Spezia, Casa editrice dell' "Iride". 1900

Item identification number 4618.

Reel: 587
Orzeszkowa, Eliza, 1842-1910.

Ueber Gleichberechtigung der Frau angesichtes des Wissens, der Arbeit und menschlichen Würde.

Berlin, Verlag der Deutschen hausfrauen-Zeitung. 1892

Item identification number 4619; Offenes Sendschreiben von Elise Orzeszko an Deutschlande Frauen. Sonderabdruck aus der Deutschen Hausfrauen-Zeitung.

Reel: 587
Osborn, Sarah (Byng) 1693-1775.

Political and social letters of a lady of the eighteenth century, 1721-1771.

New York, Dodd, Mead & co. 1891

Item identification number 4620; Edited by Emily F. D. Osborn. with four illus.

Reel: 588
Osius, Rudolf.

Die Heranziehung von Frauen zur öffentlichen Armenpflege.

Leipzig, Duncker & Humbolt. 1896

Item identification number 4621; Zwei Berichte erstattet im Auftrage des Vereins von R. Osins und P. Chuchul.

Reel: 588
Ostern [Karl August].

Die Schlüsselgewalt der Frau nach dem Rechte des B.G.B. [Giessen].

Worms a Rh., G. Hoffmann. 1898

Item identification number 4621.1.

Reel: 588
Ostrogorskii, Moisei Iakovlevich, 1845.

The rights of women: a comparative study in history and legislation.

London, S. Sonnenschein & co.; New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1893

Item identification number 4622; Tr. under the author's supervision.

Reel: 588
[Paine, Harriet Eliza], 1845-1910.

Girls and women.

Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and co.; Cambridge, Riverside Press. 1890

Item identification number 4623; by E. Chester [pseud.].

Reel: 588
[Paine, Harriet Eliza], 1845-1910.

The unmarried woman.

New York, Dodd, Mead and company. 1892

Item identification number 4624; by Eliza Chester [pseud.].

Reel: 588
Palmer, Alice Elvira (Freeman) 1855-1902.

Why go to college?.

New York & Boston, T. Y. Crowell. [c1897]

Item identification number 4625; An address.

Reel: 588
[Pan, Chao].

The Chinese book of etiquette and conduct for women and girls.

New York, Eaton & Mains; Cincinnati, Jennings & Pye. [c1900]

Item identification number 4626; entitled: Instruction for Chinese women and girls, by Lady Tsao; tr. from the Chinese by Mrs. S. L. Baldwin.

Reel: 588
Paris, Pierre, 1859.

Quatenus feminae res publicas in Asia Minore, Romanis imperantibus, attigerint.

Parisiis, apud Ernestum Thorin. 1891

Item identification number 4627.

Reel: 588
Parkhurst, Charles Henry, 1842-1933.

Talks to young women.

New York, The Century co. 1897

Item identification number 4628.

Reel: 588
Parloa, Maria, 1843-1909.

Home economics, a guide to household management including the proper treatment of the materials entering into the construction and the furnishing of the house.

New York, The Century co. 1898

Item identification number 4629.

Reel: 588
Pasolini, dall'Onda, Pietro Desiderio, conte, 1844-1920.

Catherine Sforza.

Chicago and New York, H. S. Stone & co. 1898

Item identification number 4631; authorized editions, translated and prepared with the assistance of the author by Paul Sylvester. Illustrated with numerous reproductions from original pictures and documents.

Reel: 588
Pataky, Sophie, 1860, ed.

Lexikon deutscher frauen der Feder.

Berlin, C. Pataky. 1898

Item identification number 4632.

Reel: 589
Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer, 1804-1894.

Lectures in the training schools for kindergartners.

Boston, D. C. Heath. 1893

Item identification number 4633.

Reel: 589
Peary, Josephine (Diebitsch).

My Arctic journal, a year among ice-fields and eskimos.

London, Longmans, Green. 1893

Item identification number 4634; with an account of the great white journey across Greenland.

Reel: 589
Pell, Orleana Ellery Walden-, 1810-1895.

Recollections of a long life.

London, W. P. Griffith & Sons. 1896

Item identification number 4635.

Reel: 589
[Pember-Devereux, Margaret Rose Roy (McAdam)], 1877.

The ascent of woman.

Boston, Roberts brothers; London, John Lane. 1896

Item identification number 4636; by Roy Devereux [pseud.].

Reel: 589
Pennell, Elizabeth (Robins) 1855-1936, ed.

The feasts of Autolycus, the diary of a greedy woman.

London, J. Lane; New York, The Merriam co. 1896

Item identification number 4637.

Reel: 589
Penzig, Rudolph, 1855-1931.

Ernste Antworten auf Kinderfragen.

Berlin, F. Dümmler. 1897

Item identification number 4638; Ausgewählte Kapital aus einer praktischen Pädagogik für Haus.

Reel: 589
Peries, George.

Code de procédure canonique dans les causes matrimoniales.

Paris, P. Lethielleux. 1894

Item identification number 4639.

Reel: 590
Perry, Lilla Cabot, tr.

From the garden of Hellas.

New York, United States Book co. [1891]

Item identification number 4640; Translations into verse from the Greek anthology.

Reel: 590
Perry, Walter Copland, 1814-1911.

The women of Homer.

London, W. Heinemann. 1898

Item identification number 4641.

Reel: 590
[Pestana, Alice], 1860.

... La femme et la paix; appel aux mères portugaises, par Caïel [pseud.].

Lisboa, Imprensa nacional. 1898

Item identification number 4642.

Reel: 590
Petrescu, Mihail.

Despre separatiunea patrimoniilor dintre barbat si femeie.

Bucuresci, G. Panaitescu. 1896

Item identification number 4642.1.

Reel: 590

Zur Frauenfrage. Heutiger Stand der Frauenfrage mit besonderm Bezug auf Dr. C. Pelmans Broschüre, Nervosität und Erziehung.

Berlin, L. Oehmigke. 1891

Item identification number 4643; Warum ist die Frau als Lehrerin und Arzt unentbehrlicht?.

Reel: 590
Philippi, Adolf, 1843-1918.

Die Frauenfrage.

Bielesfeld und Leipzig, Velhagen & Klasing. 1894

Item identification number 4644; Eine zeitgeschichtliche Studie.

Reel: 590
Philipps, Nora (Gerstenberg) d. 1915.

A dictionary of employments open to women with details of wages, hours of work, and other information.

London, The Women's Institute. 1898

Item identification number 4645; by Mrs. Philipps, assisted by Miss Marian Edwards, Miss Janet Tuckey & Miss E. Dixon.

Reel: 590
Phillips, Semira Ann (Hobbs) "Mrs. T. G. Phillips".

Proud Mahaska, 1843-1900.

Oskaloosa, Ia., Herald Print. 1900

Item identification number 4646.

Reel: 590
Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884.

Speeches on rights of women.

Philadelphia, Press of A. J. Ferris. 1898

Item identification number 4648; Published for the National-American Woman Suffrage Association.

Reel: 590
Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884.

Speeches, lectures, and letters.

Boston, Lee and Shepard; New York, C. T. Dillingham. 1891

Item identification number 4647; 2d series.

Reel: 590
Piozzi, Hester Lynch (Salusbury) Thrale, 1741-1821.

Glimpses of Italian society in the 18th century, from the journey of Mrs. Piozzi.

London, Seeley and co. 1892

Item identification number 4650; with an introduction by the Countess Evelyn Martinengo Cesaresco.

Reel: 591
Plantiko, Clemens.

Ueber die vermögensrechtliche Stellung der Hauskinder in gemeinen Rechte.

Greifswald, J. Abel. 1897

Item identification number 4650.1.

Reel: 591
Platt, William, 1867.

Do we live, do we love?.

London, Published by the author. 1896

Item identification number 4651.

Reel: 591
Platt, William, 1867.

Women, love and life.

London, C. Hirsch. 1895

Item identification number 4652.

Reel: 591
Plügge, Georg, 1875.

Miss Sarah Fielding als Romanschriftstellerin.

Bautzen, E. M. Monse. 1898

Item identification number 4653.

Reel: 591
Pohle, Ludwig, 1869-1926.

Frauen-fabrikarbeit und Frauenfrage.

Leipzig, Veit & comp. 1900

Item identification number 4654; Eine prinzipielle Antwert auf die Frage der Ausschliessung der verheirateten Frauen aus der Fabrik. Von dr. Ludwig Pohle.

Reel: 591
Pollard, Madeline Valeria, 1866.

The celebrated trial, Madeline Pollard vs. Breckinridge; the most noted breach of promise suit in the history of the court records.

[n.p.] American Printing and Binding Co. 1894

Item identification number 4656.

Reel: 591
Pollock, Walter Herries, 1850-1926.

Jane Austen, her contemporaries and herself; an essay in criticism.

London, New York and Bombay, Longmans, Green and co. 1899

Item identification number 4657.

Reel: 591
Pommerol, Jean.

Among the women of the Sahara.

London, Hurst and Blackett, ltd. 1900

Item identification number 4658; from the French of Mme. Jean Pommerol, by Mrs. Arthur Bell (N. D'Anvers); with ninety illustrations, after drawings and photographs by the author.

Reel: 591
Pompery, Édouard de, 1812-1895.

Quintessences féminines.

Paris, C. Reinwald et cie. 1893

Item identification number 4659.

Reel: 591
Pond, James Burton, 1838-1903.

Eccentricities of genius.

New York, G. W. Dillingham co. [1900]

Item identification number 4660; Memories of famous men and women of the platform and stage.

Reel: 592
Pope Joan, an historical romance.

London, H. J. Cook. 1900

Item identification number 4661; translated from the original modern Greek by J. H. Freese M. A.

Reel: 592
Popp, Hermann, 1871.

Das werden der Deutschen Familie.

Weimar, Alexander Dunder. [190?]

Item identification number 4661.1.

Reel: 592
Porter, Maria S.

Recollections of Louisa May Alcott, John Greenleaf Whittier, and Robert Browning, with several memorial poems.

[Boston] Published for the author, by the New England magazine corporation. 1893

Item identification number 4662.

Reel: 592
Porter, Mary Harriet, 1846.

Eliza Chappell Porter, a memoir.

Chicago & New York, F. H. Revell. [1893]

Item identification number 4663; Published for the benefit of the Oberlin missionary home association, Oberlin, Ohio.

Reel: 592
Pratt, Edwin A., 1854-1922.

Catherine Gladstone.

London, Sampson & Low, Marston & co.

Item identification number 4666.

Reel: 592
Pratt, Edwin A., 1854-1922.

A woman's work for women; being the aims, efforts and aspirations of "L.M.H.".

London, G. Newnes, ltd. 1898

Item identification number 4667; (Miss Louisa M. Hubbard).

Reel: 592
Pratt, Parley Parker, 1807-1857, comp.

... Home economy, etc.

Salt Lake, Utah. [1895]

Item identification number 4668; 2d ed.

Reel: 592
Prentiss, Caroline Edwards.

Sunshine and shadow.

New York & London, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1896

Item identification number 4669.

Reel: 593
Preston, Harriet Waters, 1836-1911.

The private life of the Romans.

Boston [etc.] Leach, Shewell & Sanborn. 1894

Item identification number 4670; with numerous illustrations, by Harriet Waters Preston and Louise Dodge.

Reel: 593
Prévost, E. (Marcel) 1862-1941.

Letters of women.

New York, Meyer Brothers & co. 1897

Item identification number 4671; Translated from the fiftieth thousand by Arthur Hornblow.

Reel: 593
Preyer, William, 1841-1897.

Die Seele des Kindes.

Leipzig, T. Grieben. 1895

Item identification number 4672; Beobachtungen über die geistige Entwicklung des Menschen in den ersten Lebenjahren. 4. Auflage.

Reel: 593
Price, William Thompson, 1845-1920.

... A life of Charlotte Cushman.

New York [etc.] Brentano's. [1894]

Item identification number 4673.

Reel: 593
The Private life of the queen.

London, C. A. Pearson, ltd. 1897

Item identification number 4674; by one of Her Majesty's servants; with illustrations from photographs.

Reel: 593
Prochazkova, Jaroslava.

Ceským muzom: "Ani my nejsme spokojeny s vámi!".

{uZ}i{uz}kov, Tiskem J. Bastá{ur}e. 1897

Item identification number 4675.

Reel: 593
Proudfoot, Andrea (Hofer).

A mother's ideals; a kindergarten mother's conception of family life.

Chicago, The author. [1897]

Item identification number 4676.

Reel: 593
Provins, Michel.

La femme d'aujourd'hui.

Paris, V. Havard. 1895

Item identification number 4677.

Reel: 594
Putnam, Irene.

Songs without answer.

New York & London, G. P. Putnam's sons. [1896]

Item identification number 4679.

Reel: 594
Quesada, Ernesto, 1858-1934.

... La cuestión femenina: discurso pronunciado en el acto de clausura de la Exposición Femenina, en el Pabellón argentino, el 20 de noviembre de 1898.

Buenos Aires, P. E. Coni é Hijos. 1899

Item identification number 4679.1.

Reel: 594
[Railton, George Scott], 1849-1913.

Women's social work.

London [The Salvation Army]. [1898]

Item identification number 4679.2; Talks with rescuers: being a review of the work during 1898, under direction of Mrs. Bramwell Booth. with statements of accounts.

Reel: 594
Ravenel, Harriott Horry (Rutledge).

... Eliza Pinckney.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1896

Item identification number 4681.

Reel: 594
Il Regime matrimoniale italiano e il divorzio.

Torino, Unione tipografico-editrice. 1900

Item identification number 4684.

Reel: 594
Renan, Ernest, 1823-1892.

Brother and sister; a memoir and the letters of Ernest and Henriette Renan.

New York and London, Macmillan & co. 1896

Item identification number 4685; Tr. by Lady Mary Loyd.

Reel: 594
Renan, Ernest, 1823-1892.

My sister Henrietta.

Boston, Roberts Bros. 1895

Item identification number 4686; with photogravure illustrations from paintings by Henri Scheffer and Ary Renan. Translated by Abby L. Alger.

Reel: 594
Renier, Rodolfo, 1857-1915.

... Appunti sul contrasto fra la madre e la figliuola bramosa di marito.

Bergamo, Tip. dell' Istituto italiano d'arti grafiche. 1897

Item identification number 4688.

Reel: 594
Renz, Barbara Klara, 1863.

Eine schwäbische Philosophin diesseits und jenseits des Ozeans.

Dillingen a. D., P. Tabor. 1900

Item identification number 4688.1; Gesammelte Vorträge von Barbara Klara Renz.

Reel: 594
Resler, Rose Marie R.

How to enjoy matrimony; or, The monogamic marriage law amended by trial-expiration clause.

New York, London [etc.] Abbey Press. [1900]

Item identification number 4689.

Reel: 594
Reumont, Alfred von, 1808-1887.

Vittoria Colonna, marchesa di Pescara vita, fede e poesia nel secolo decimonesto per Alfredo Reumont.

Torino, E. Loescher. 1892

Item identification number 4690; Versione di Giuseppe Müller ed Ermanno Ferrero. 2 ed.

Reel: 594
Rhode Island Women's Club. Providence, R.I.

The Rhode Island Women's club of Providence.

Providence. 1893

Item identification number 4693.

Reel: 594
Ribbe, Charles de, 1827-1899.

Les fiançailles et les mariages en Provence à la fin du moyen-âge (d'après documents inédits), par Charles de Ribbe.

Montpellier, G. Firmin et Montane. 1896

Item identification number 4693.1.

Reel: 594
Richards, Laura Elizabeth (Howe), 1850.

When I was your age.

Boston, Estes and Lauriat. 1894

Item identification number 4695.

Reel: 594
Richardson, Mary (Walsham) Few, 1821.

Scenes in the eventful life of Mary W. Few Richardson.

Columbus, O., W. G. Hubbard & co. 1894

Item identification number 4696; edited by Elizabeth T. Larkin.

Reel: 595
Richepin, Jean, 1849-1926.

Grandes amoureuses.

Paris, G. Charpentier et E. Fasquelle. 1896

Item identification number 4697; 5. mille.

Reel: 595
Richter, Albert, 1838-1897.

Deutsche Frauen.

Leipzig, F. Brandstetter. 1896

Item identification number 4699; Kulturgeschichtliche Lebensbilder. Mit einem Titelbilde ... nach C. v. Piloty.

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