History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 562 Imbert de Saint-Amand, Arthur Léon, baron, 1834-1900

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Reel: 562
Imbert de Saint-Amand, Arthur Léon, baron, 1834-1900.

The happy days of the Empress Marie Louise.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1890

Item identification number 4347; translated by Thomas Sergeant Perry; with portrait.

Reel: 562
Imbert de Saint-Amand, Arthur Léon, baron, 1834-1900.

La jeunesse de la reine Marie-Amélie.

Paris, E. Dentu. 1891

Item identification number 4348.

Reel: 563
Imbert de Saint-Amand, Arthur Léon, baron, 1834-1900.

Marie Amélie au Palais-Royal.

Paris, E. Dentu. 1892

Item identification number 4349.

Reel: 563
Imbert de Saint-Amand, Arthur Léon, baron, 1834-1900.

Marie Antoinette and the downfall of royalty.

N.Y., C. Scribner's sons. 1891

Item identification number 4350; Tr. by Elizabeth Gilbert Martin.

Reel: 563
Imbert de Saint-Amand, Arthur Léon, baron, 1834-1900.

Marie Antoinette and the end of the old regime.

N.Y., C. Scribner's sons. 1891

Item identification number 4351; translated by Thomas Sergeant Perry.

Reel: 563
Imbert de Saint-Amand, Arthur Léon, baron, 1834-1900.

Marie Antoinette at the Tuileries, 1789-1791.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1891

Item identification number 4352; Translated by Elizabeth Gilbert Martin.

Reel: 563
Imbert de Saint-Amand, Arthur Léon, baron, 1834-1900.

The wife of the first consul.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1890

Item identification number 4353; tr. by Thomas Sergeant Perry; with portrait.

Reel: 563
Imbert de Saint-Amand, Arthur Léon, baron, 1834-1900.

The women of the court of Louis XV.

Boston, The Club of odd volumes. 1892

Item identification number 4354; Translated from the French of Imbert de Saint-Amand.

Reel: 563
Imbert de Saint-Amand, Arthur Léon, baron, 1834-1900.

Woman of the Valois court.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1900 [c1893]

Item identification number 4355; Translated by Elizabeth Gilbert Martin.

Reel: 564
In memoriam, Mrs. Erminnie A. Smith.

Boston, Printed for private circulation by Lee and Shepard. [1890]

Item identification number 4356; Marcellus, N.Y., April 26, 1837 - Jersey City, N.J., June 9, 1886.

Reel: 564
Indianapolis Woman's Club.

Register of members, officers and programmes, constitution and by-laws, 1875-1893.

Indianapolis, Levy Bro's co., printers. 1893

Item identification number 4356.1.

Reel: 564
Ingham, Mary Bigelow (James) "Mrs. W. A. Ingham," 1832.

Women of Cleveland and their work, philanthropic, educational, literary, medical and artistic.

Cleveland, O., W. A. Ingham. 1893

Item identification number 4357; A history, in which more than one thousand people of Cleveland's past and present are mentioned as participants. Introduction by Hon. C. C. Baldwin ... A word commendatory by Mrs. Sarah K. Bolton.

Reel: 564
International Abolitionist Federation.

[Caractère de la fédération].

[Genève]. [1899?]

Item identification number 4358.

Reel: 564
International Abolitionist Federation, 5th congress. Geneva, 1889.

... Cinquième congrès international tenue du 10 au 13 septembre 1889, à Genève; compte rendu officiel des travaux du congrès.

Genève, Secrétariat général de la fédération. 1890

Item identification number 4359.

Reel: 564
Jackson, Emily, "Mrs. F. Nevill Jackson," 1861.

A history of hand-made lace.

London, L. U. Gill; New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1900

Item identification number 4363; Dealing with the origin of lace, the growth of the great lace centres, the mode of manufacture, the methods of distinguishing and the care of various kinds of lace. with supplementary information by Ernesto Jesurum.

Reel: 566
Jackson, Helen Maria (Fiske) Hunt, 1831-1885.

The Helen Jackson yearbook.

Boston, Roberts bros. 1895

Item identification number 4365; Selections by Harriet T. Perry.

Reel: 566
Jackson, John, 1853-1917.

Mary Reed, missionary to the lepers.

New York, Chicago [etc.] Fleming H. Revell co. [1900?]

Item identification number 4366; with introductory note by Rev. F. B. Meyer.

Reel: 566
Jacobi, Mary (Putnam) 1842-1906.

"Common sense" applied to woman suffrage; a statement of the reasons which justify the demand to extend the suffrage to women, with consideration of the arguments against such enfranchisement, and with special reference to the issues presented to the New York state convention of 1894.

New York [etc.] G. P. Putnam's sons. 1894

Item identification number 4368.

Reel: 566
Jacobi, Mary (Putnam) 1842-1906.

From Massachusetts to Turkey.

[New York]. [1896]

Item identification number 4368.1; A paper read before the League for political education. November 14, 1896.

Reel: 566
[James, George Wharton], 1858-1923.

... Chicago's dark places.

Chicago, Craig Press. 1891

Item identification number 4370.

Reel: 566
Jastrow, Hermann, 1849-1916.

Das Recht der Frau nach dem bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch.

Berlin, O. Liebmann. 1897

Item identification number 4371; Dargestellt für die Frauen.

Reel: 566
Jeaffreson, John Cordy, 1831-1901.

... Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson.

London, Printed by the Grolier society. [19--]

Item identification number 4372.

Reel: 566
Jellett, Henry, 1872.

A short practice of gynaecology.

London, Churchill. 1900

Item identification number 4373.

Reel: 566
Jewish Women's Congress. Chicago, 1893.

Papers of the Jewish women's congress.

Philadelphia, The Jewish Publication Society of America. 1894

Item identification number 4375; Held at Chicago, September 4, 5, 6 and 7, 1893.

Reel: 566
Jewsbury, Geraldine Endsor, 1812-1880.

Selections from the letters of Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury to Jane Welsh Carlyle.

London and New York, Longmans, Green and co. 1892

Item identification number 4376; ed. by Mrs. Alexander Ireland; Prefaced by a monograph on Miss Jewsbury, by the editor.

Reel: 567
Joel, Karl, 1864-1934.

Die Frauen in der Philosophie.

Hamburg, Verlagsanstalt und Druckerei A[ctien]-G[essellschaft]. 1896

Item identification number 4377; Ein Vortrag von dr. Karl Joël.

Reel: 567
Johanna, pseud.

Het recht der vrouw door Johanna.

Sneek, H.J. Poutsma. 1892

Item identification number 4377.1.

Reel: 567
Johnson, Anna Jane (Sample) 1832.

Marriage, holy and unholy; also, Divorce, the cause and cure.

[Boston]. [1890-?]

Item identification number 4377.2; God's message to the children of men.

Reel: 567
Jones, Mary Cadwalader (Rawle) 1850-1935.

European travel for women; notes and suggestions.

New York, Macmillan co.; London, Macmillan & co., ltd. 1900

Item identification number 4383.

Reel: 567
Joseph-Renaud, Jean, 1874.

La faillite du mariage et l'union future.

Paris, E. Flammarion. [1900?]

Item identification number 4384.

Reel: 567
Kaczkowski, Zygmunt, 1825-1896.

Kobieta w Polsce; studjum historyczno-obyczajowe.

Petersburg, K. Grendyszy {/n}ski. 1895

Item identification number 4386.

Reel: 567
Kearney, Belle, 1863.

A slaveholder's daughter.

London, New York, Montreal, The Abbey press. [c1900]

Item identification number 4387; 7th ed. (Fully illustrated).

Reel: 567
Keidel, George Charles, 1868-1942, ed.

Romance and other studies.

Baltimore, The Friedenwald Co. 1895

Item identification number 4388.

Reel: 567
[Keith, L.E.].

Female filosofy, fished out and fried.

[Caldwell]. [1895]

Item identification number 4389; by Feelix Feeler [pseud.].

Reel: 568
Kellen, Tony, 1869.

Welche Stellungen können Frauen im Handel und Gewerbe finden?.

Leipzig, L. Huberti. [1900]

Item identification number 4391.

Reel: 568
Kelly, Edmund, 1851-1909.

The French law of marriage, marriage contracts and divorce, and the conflict of laws arising therefrom.

London, Stevens and sons, limited. 1895

Item identification number 4392; being a second edition of "Kelly's French law of marriage," revised and enlarged by Oliver E. Bodington.

Reel: 568
Kemble, Frances Anne, 1809-1893.

Further records, 1848-1883.

New York, H. Holt & co. 1891

Item identification number 4393; A series of letters by Frances Anne Kemble, forming a sequel to Records of a girlhood and Records of later life. with a portrait of Mrs. Charles Kemble.

Reel: 568
Kimball, Emma Adeline, 1847.

The Peaslees and others of Haverhill and vicinity.

Haverhill, Mass., Press of Chase brothers. 1899

Item identification number 4395.

Reel: 568
Kimball, Hannah Parker.

Soul and sense.

Boston, Copeland & Day. 1896

Item identification number 4396.

Reel: 568
Kinney, Abbot, 1850-1920.

The conquest of death.

New York. 1893

Item identification number 4397.

Reel: 568
Kirchhoff, Arthur, 1855, ed.

Die akademische Frau.

Berlin, H. Steinitz. 1897

Item identification number 4398; Gutachten hervorragender Universitätsprofessoren, Frauenlehrer und Schriftsteller über die Befähigung der Frau zum wissenschaftlichen Studium und Berufe.

Reel: 568
Kistemaeckers, Henry-Hubert Alexandre, 1872-1938.

Confidences de femmes sur le mariage, l'amour, le monde, et la vie.

Paris, E. Flammarion. [1896]

Item identification number 4399.

Reel: 568
Klostermann, August Heinrich, 1837-1915.

Diei natalis.

Kiliae ex officina Schmidtii et Klaunigii. 1900

Item identification number 4399.1; Guilelmi II imperatoris regis ... sollemnia quorum laetitiam oratio ... habenda interpretabitur ... indicunt Rector et consistorium academicum Universitatis Christianae Albertinae Kiliensis. Inest lvo Bruns: Frauenemancipation in Athen, ein Beitrag zur attischen Kulturgeschichte des funften und vierten Jahrhunderts.

Reel: 568
Klugmann, N.

... Die frau in Talmud.

Wien. 1898

Item identification number 4400; Von dr. N. Klugmann.

Reel: 569
Koenen, Hendrik Jakob, 1809-1874.

Het recht in den kring van het gezin: historischvergelijkende schets voor juristen en leeken.

Rotterdam, D. A. Daamen. 1900

Item identification number 4401.

Reel: 569
[Koenig, Noémie], 1850.

Carmen Sylva; Elisabeth, reine de Roumainie, par E. Sergy [pseud.].

Paris, Librairie Fischbacher. 1890

Item identification number 4402.

Reel: 569
Krog, Gina.

Norske kvinders retslige og sociale stilling, af Gina Krog.

Kristiania, H. Aschehoug & co. 1894

Item identification number 4406; Udgivet af Norsk kvindesagsforening.

Reel: 569
Krout, Mary Hannah, 1857.

Hawaii and a revolution; the personal experiences of a newspaper correspondent in the Sandwich Islands during the crisis of 1893 and subsequently.

London, John Murray. 1898

Item identification number 4407.

Reel: 569
Kuhlenbeck, Ludwig, Jr., 1857-1920.

Reform der Ehe.

Leipzig, Rauert & Rocco. 1891

Item identification number 4408; Philosophische, kulturgeschichtliche und naturrechtliche Randbemerkungen zum 6ten gebot.

Reel: 569
La Bouere, Antoinette Charlotte (Le Duc) Gazeau, comtesse de, 1770-1867.


Paris, E. Plon, Nourrit. 1890

Item identification number 4410; La guerre de La Vendée, 1793-1796. Mémoires inédits publies par Madame la ctesse. de La Bouëre, belle-fille de l'auteur. Préface par le marquis Costa de Beauregard.

Reel: 569
Labouchere, Norna.

Ladies' book-plates, an illustrated handbook for collectors and book-lovers.

London, New York, G. Bell & sons. 1895

Item identification number 4409.

Reel: 569
Lacour, Léopold, 1854-1939.

... Humanisme intégral.

Paris, P.-V. Stock. 1897

Item identification number 4411; Le duel des sexes -- la cité future.

Reel: 569
La Fayette, Marie Madeleine (Pioche de la Vergne) comtesse de, 1634-1693.

Memoires de Madame de La Fayette, précédés de La princesse de Clèves.

Paris, Ernest Flammarion editeur. [18--?]

Item identification number 4417.

Reel: 570
Lacour, Léopold, 1854-1939.

Les origines du féminisme contemporain; trois femmes de la révolution: Olympe de Gouges, Théroigne de Méricourt [et] Rose Lacombe.

Paris, Plon-Nourrit et cie. 1900

Item identification number 4412.

Reel: 570
Ladies at work, papers on paid employments for ladies.

London, A.D. Innes & co. 1893

Item identification number 4413; by experts in the several branches, with an introduction by Lady Jeune.

Reel: 570
The Ladies Home Journal.

Five thousand books; an easy guide to the best books in every department of reading; selected, classified and briefly described by a corps of experienced editors under the direction of the literary bureau of the Ladies' home journal.

Philadelphia, Curtis Publishing Co. 1895

Item identification number 4415.

Reel: 570
Ladies' Union Mission School Association. Albany, N.Y.

Among the Pimas; or, The mission to the Pima and Maricopa Indians.

Albany, N.Y., Printed for the Ladies' union mission school association. 1893

Item identification number 4416.

Reel: 570
Lampérière, Anna.

... Le rôle social de la femme; devoirs, droits, éducation, par Mme Anne Lampérière.

Paris, F. Alcan. 1898

Item identification number 4420.

Reel: 570
Lamy, Etienne [Marie Victor], 1845-1919.

... La femme de demain.

London, J. M. Dent & sons, ltd.; Paris, G. Crès et cie. [1913?]

Item identification number 4421.

Reel: 570
Landroit, Jean François Anne Thomas, abp., 1816-1874.

La femme pieuse pour faire suite à la femme forte.

Paris, V. Lecoffre. 1894

Item identification number 4423; Conférences destinées aux dames du monde. Treizième édition.

Reel: 570
Lange, Helene, 1848-1930.

Higher education of women in Europe.

New York, Appleton & co. 1890

Item identification number 4425; Tr. and accompanied by comparative statistics by L. R. Klemm.

Reel: 570
Laurent, Arsène.

De la validité du mariage canonique contracté en France entre deux étrangers dont la loi nationale reconnait ce mariage.

Paris, L. Larose. 1895

Item identification number 4428; Etude de droit international privé.

Reel: 570
Lawrence, Catherine S.


Albany, N.Y., J.B. Lyon. 1896

Item identification number 4429; Sketch of life and labors of Miss Catherine S. Lawrence, who in early life distinguished herself as a bitter opponent of slavery and intemperance, and later in life as a nurse in the late war; and for other patriotic and philanthropic services. Revised ed.

Reel: 571
Lazarus, Josephine, 1846-1910.

Madame Dreyfus; an appreciation.

New York, Brentano's. [1899]

Item identification number 4431.

Reel: 571
Lazarus, Nahida Ruth, 1849-1928.

Das jüdische Weib von Nahida Remy.

Leipzig, G. Laudin. 1892

Item identification number 4432; Mit einer Vorrede von M. Lazarus. 2. unveränderte Aufl.

Reel: 571
Le Courtier, François Marie Joseph, 1799-1884.

Thoughts and counsels for women of the world.

Baltimore, J. Murphy & co. 1895

Item identification number 4436; From the French by Marie Clotilde Redfern.

Reel: 571
Le Favre, Caroline Williams.

Mother's help and child's friend.

New York, [etc.] Brentano's. 1890

Item identification number 4439.

Reel: 571
[Lear, Henrietta Louisa (Farrer)], 1824-1896.

The life of Madame Louise de France, daughter of Louis XV, known also as the Mother Térese de St. Augustin.

London and New York, Longmans, Green, and co. 1890

Item identification number 4433; by the author of 'A Dominican artist'; New ed.

Reel: 571
Lecornec, G.

Le divorce dan nos lois et dans nos moeurs, [dernier état du droit].

Paris, G. Pedone-Lauriel. 1892

Item identification number 4435.

Reel: 571
Lecouvreur, Adrienne, 1692-1730.

Lettres de Adrienne Le Couvreur.

Paris, E. Plon, Nourrit et cie. 1892

Item identification number 4437; Réunies pour la premiere fois et publiées avec notes, étude biographique, documents inédits tirés des archives de la Comédie.

Reel: 571
Legitimation League.

The bar sinister and licit love.

London, W. Reeves; Leeds, G. Cornwell. 1895

Item identification number 4440; The first biennial proceedings of the Legitimation league, with four portraits. Edited by Oswald Dawson.

Reel: 571
Legitimation League. London.

The rights of natural children; verbatim report of the inaugural proceedings of the Legitimation League.

London, W. Reeves; Leeds, G. Cornwall. [1893]

Item identification number 4440.1.

Reel: 571
Leijonhufvud, Sigrid Amalia, 1862.

Kvinnan inom svenska litteraturen intill år 1893; en bibliografi utarbetad med anledning af Varldsutställningen I Chicago, af Sigrid Leijonhufvud och Sigrid Brithelli.

Stockholm, Kungl. bokrycheriet, P.A. Nordstedt & söner. 1893

Item identification number 4441.

Reel: 572
Leitch, Mary.

Seven years in Ceylon.

New York, American Tract Society. [c1890]

Item identification number 4442; stories of mission life by Mary and Margaret W. Leitch.

Reel: 572
Lemaire, Charles François Alexandre, 1863-1926.

Africaines; contribution à l'histoire de la femme en Afrique.

[Bruxelles, Impr. Scientifique]. [1897]

Item identification number 4443.

Reel: 572
Lemoine, Joaquín de, 1923.

... La condición jurídica de la mujer; conferencia leída en al Ateneo el 16 de octubre de 1897.

Buenos Aires, Compañia sud-americana de billetes de banco. 1897

Item identification number 4444.

Reel: 572
Lemonnier, Camille, 1844-1913.

L'homme en amour.

Paris, Ollendorff. 1897

Item identification number 4445; 2 éd.

Reel: 572
Lenoble, J.

La traite des blanches et le Congrès de Londres de 1889.

Paris, L. Larose et Forcel. 1900

Item identification number 4446.

Reel: 572
Lenormant, Amélie (Cyvoct) d. 1893.

Memoirs and correspondence of M. Recamier.

Boston Knight & Millet. [190?-]

Item identification number 4447.

Reel: 572
Lepinske, M.

Histoire des femmes médicins.

Paris. 1900

Item identification number 4448.

Reel: 572
Le Roux, Hugues, 1860-1925.

... Nos filles: qu'en ferons-nous?.

Paris, Calmann Lévy. 1898

Item identification number 4449.

Reel: 573
Letourneau, Charles Jean Marie, 1831-1902.

The evolution of marriage and of the family.

London, Walter Scott, ltd. [1891]

Item identification number 4450.

Reel: 573
Leypoldt, Augusta Harriet, ed.

List of books for girls and women and their clubs, with descriptive and critical notes, and a list of periodicals and hints for girls' and women's clubs; ed.

Boston, Pub. for the American library association Publishing section by the Library bureau. 1895

Item identification number 4453; by Augusta H. Leypoldt and George Iles.

Reel: 573
Liberatore, Matteo, 1810-1892.

Del matrimonio; trattato del P. Matteo Liberatore con note illustrative, storico-giuridiche ed appendice dell'Avv.

Napoli, Stabilimento tipografico R. Pesole. 1900

Item identification number 4454; Vincenzo Liberatore sull'ultimo disegno di legge approvato dal senato intorno all precedenza del cosi detto matrimonio civile.

Reel: 573
Life of Mère Marie Therese, foundress and first Superior-General of the Daughters of the Cross.

London, Burns & Oates; New York, Cincinnati & Chicago, Benziger Bros. [1893]

Item identification number 4455; From the French. with a preface by Cardinal Vaughan.

Reel: 573
Liliuokalani, queen of Hawaii, 1838-1917.

Hawaii's story.

Boston, Lee and Shepard. 1898

Item identification number 4456.

Reel: 573
Lindsay, Anna Robertson (Brown) 1864.

What is worth while?.

New York and Boston, T. Y. Crowell & co. [c1893]

Item identification number 4457.

Reel: 573
Lipinska, Mélanie.

Histoire des femmes médecins depuis l'antiquité jusqu'a nos jours.

Paris, G. Jacques. 1900

Item identification number 4458.

Reel: 573
Lippincott, Mary Shoemaker (Hallowell) 1801-1888.

Life and letters of Mary S. Lippincott.

Philadelphia, W. H. Pile's sons, printers. 1893

Item identification number 4459; a minister in the Society of Friends.

Reel: 574
Livermore, Mary Ashton (Rice) 1820-1905.

My story of my life; or, The sunshine and shadow of seventy years.

Hartford, Conn., A.D. Worthington & co. 1897

Item identification number 4461; with hitherto unrecorded incidents and recollections of three years' experience as an army nurse in the great civil war, and reminiscences of twenty-five years' experience on the lecture platform ... to which is added six of her most popular lectures ... with portraits and one hundred and twenty engravings from designs by eminent artists.

Reel: 574
Lobel, D. Theophil, 1859.

Hochzeitsbräuche in der Türkei.

Amsterdam, J. H. de Bussy. 1897

Item identification number 4463; Nach eigenen Beobachtungen und Forschungen und nach den verlässlichsten Quellen.

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