History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 657 Goyau, Lucie Félix (Faure) 1866-1913

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Reel: 657
Goyau, Lucie Félix (Faure) 1866-1913.

... Les femmes dans l'oeuvre de Dante.

Paris, Perrin et cie. 1902

Item identification number 5231.

Reel: 657
Gray, Edna.

One woman's life.

Atlanta, Ga., Franklin printing and pub. co. 1902

Item identification number 5232; The steppings of faith. Edna Gray's story. 6th rev. ed.

Reel: 657
Great Britain. Colonial Office.

Marriage and divorce law (colonies).

London, Darling & Son, ltd. 1903

Item identification number 5233.1; Papers relating to the laws of marriage and divorce in self-governing British colonies.

Reel: 657
Great Britain. Home Department, 1905.

International conference on labour.

London, Printed for H. M. Stationery off., by Eyre and Spottiswoode. [1905]

Item identification number 5233; Return to an address to the honourable the House of commons, dated 28 March 1905 ... Home office, 3 August 1905. Thomas Cochrane. (Mrs. Herbert Samuel.) Ordered, by the House of commons, to be printed, 3 August 1905.

Reel: 657
Greene, Mary Anne, 1857.

The woman's manual of law.

New York [etc.] Silver, Burdett & co. [1902]

Item identification number 5234.

Reel: 657
Gregorovius, Ferinand Adolf, 1821-1891.

Lucretia Borgia, according to original documents and correspondence of her day.

New York, D. Ap{:p}leton & co. 1903

Item identification number 5235; translated from the 3d German ed., by John Leslie Garner.

Reel: 657
Grolier Club. New York.

Catalogue of a collection of engravings, etchings and lithographs by women, exhibited at the Grolier club.

[New York]. 1901

Item identification number 5236; April 12 to 27, 1901.

Reel: 657
Guerber, Héléne Adeline, d. 1929.

Empresses of France.

New York, Dodd, Mead & co. 1901

Item identification number 5237.

Reel: 657
Guild of Women Binders. London.

The bindings of to-morrow.

London, Printed for the Guild of women-binders [Griggs & son, ltd., printers]. 1902

Item identification number 5238; A record of the work of the Guild of women-binders and of the Hampstead bindery. with a critical introduction by G. Elliot Anstruther.

Reel: 658
Hagar, Frank Nichols.

The American family, a sociological problem.

New York, The University Publishing Society. 1905

Item identification number 5239.

Reel: 658
Haines, Jennie Day, 1853, comp.

Sovereign woman versus mere man; a medley of quotations.

San Francisco, Paul Elder & co. [c1905]

Item identification number 5240; compiled and arranged by Jennie Day Haines.

Reel: 658
Hairie ben Aiad.

Die türkische Frau; ihr soziales Leben und der Harem.

Wien. 1904

Item identification number 5241; Vortrag von Prinzessin Haïrié ben Aïad mit Vorwort von Goswina von Berlepsch.

Reel: 658
Hall, Arthur Crawshay Alliston, bishop, 1847-1930.

Marriage with relatives: prohibited degrees of kindred and affinity.

New York, Longmans, Green & co. 1901

Item identification number 5241.1; A charge to the clergy and laity of the diocese of Vermont.

Reel: 658
[Hall, E.B.].

The women of the salons, and other French portraits.

London, New York [etc.] Longmans, Green and co. 1901

Item identification number 5242; by S. G. Tallentyre [pseud.].

Reel: 658
Halsey, Francis Whiting, 1851-1919, ed.

Women authors of our day in their homes; personal descriptions and interviews.

New York, J. Pott & co. 1903

Item identification number 5243; Edited with additions.

Reel: 658
Hamilton, Catherine Jane, 1841.

Notable Irishwomen.

Dublin, Sealy, Bryers & Walker. [1904]

Item identification number 5244.

Reel: 658
Hanbury, Charlotte, 1830-1900.

Charlotte Hanbury, an autobiography.

London, Marshall brothers. 1901

Item identification number 5245; ed. by her niece, Mrs. Albert Head.

Reel: 658
Hancock, Harrie Irving, 1868.

Physical training for women by Japanese methods.

New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1904

Item identification number 5246; Illustrated from photographs by A. B. Phelan.

Reel: 658
Handbuch der frauenbewegung, hrsg. von Helene Lange und Gertrud Bäumer.

Berlin, S., W. Moeser. 1901-1902

Item identification number 5247.

Reel: 659
Handbuch für Frauenbildung und Frauenberuf, Führer durch die Anstalten und Einrichtungen zur Ausbildung von Mädchen und Frauen in Berlin.

Berlin, C. Habel. 1902

Item identification number 5248.

Reel: 659
Hardy, Edward John, 1849-1920.

Concerning marriage.

London, New York & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & co. 1901

Item identification number 5249.

Reel: 659
Harkins, Edward Francis.

Little pilgrimages among the women who have written famous books.

Boston, L. C. Page & co. 1902

Item identification number 5251; by C. H. L. Johnston.

Reel: 659
Harman, Moses, 1830-1910.

Institutional marriage.

Chicago, The author. 1901

Item identification number 5252.

Reel: 659
Harrison, Amy.

Women's industries in Liverpool; an enquiry into the economic effects of legislation regulating the labour of women.

London, Pub. for the Univ. Press of Liverpool by Williams & Norgate. 1904

Item identification number 5254.

Reel: 659
Hatch, Rebecca (Taylor) 1818-1904.

Rebecca Taylor Hatch; personal reminiscences and memorials.

New York, Priv. print. [The Gilliss press]. 1905

Item identification number 5255.

Reel: 659
Hayden, M.P.

The Bible and woman; a critical and comprehensive examination of the teaching of the scriptures concerning the position and sphere of woman.

Cincinnati, O., The Standard publishing co. 1902

Item identification number 5255.1; with an introduction by Prof. Chas. Louis Loos.

Reel: 659
Heinscheimer, Karl August, 1869-1929.

Das Recht des Mannes am Vermögen der Frau bei dem ordentlichen gesetzlichen Güterstande des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches für das Deutsche Reich.

Jena, G. Fischer. 1903

Item identification number 5256.

Reel: 660
Hentsch, Alice Adèle, 1877.

De la littérature didactique du moyen âge s'adressant spécialement aux femmes.

Halle. 1903

Item identification number 5258.

Reel: 660
Herndon, Sarah (Raymond).

Days on the road; crossing the plains in 1865.

New York, Burr Printing house. 1902

Item identification number 5259.

Reel: 660
Herren, Belva Mary.

... The progress of labor organization among women, together with some considerations concerning their place in industry.

Urbana, University press. [1905]

Item identification number 5262.

Reel: 660
Herrick, Christine (Terhune) 1859.

The expert maid-servant.

New York, London, Harper & brothers. 1904

Item identification number 5260.

Reel: 660
Herriot, Édouard, 1872.

Madame Récamier et ses amis, d'après de nombreux documents inédits.

Paris, Plon-Nourrit et cie. 1905

Item identification number 5261; 3 éd.

Reel: 660
Hersey, Heloise Edwina, 1855.

To girls: a budget of letters.

Boston, Small, Maynard & company. 1901

Item identification number 5263.

Reel: 660
Heyck, Eduard, 1862.

Frauenschönheit im wandel von kunst und geschmack; von Prof. Dr. Ed. Heyck. Mit 130 abbildungen.

[Liebhaber ausg.] Bielefeld und Leipzig, Velhagen & Klasing. 1902

Item identification number 5264.

Reel: 660
Hoffmann, Siegfried.

Uber die Rechtsstellung einer Ehefrau, welche selbstandig ein Erwerbsgeschaft betreibt.

Greifswald, J. Avel. 1901

Item identification number 5266.

Reel: 660
Hooker, Katharine (Putnam) 1849.

Wayfarers in Italy.

San Francisco, D. P. Elder and M. Shepard. 1902

Item identification number 5267.

Reel: 661
Hopkins, Henry, 1837-1908.

The power of personality as illustrated in Mary Lyon; Founder's day address.

South Hadley, Mass., Mount Holyoke College. 1902

Item identification number 5268.

Reel: 661
Howard, George Elliott, 1849-1928.

A history of matrimonial institutions, chiefly in England and the United States, with an introductory analysis of the literature and the theories of primitive marriage and the family.

Chicago, University of Chicago Press, Callaghan & co.; London, T. F. Unwin. 1904

Item identification number 5270.

Reel: 661
Howe, Julia (Ward) 1819-1910, ed.

... Sketches of representative women of New England.

Boston, New England historical publishing company. 1904

Item identification number 5271; comp. by Mary Elvira Elliott, Mary A. Stimpson, Martha Seavey Hoyt, and others, under the editorial supervision of Julia Ward Howe, assisted by Mary H. Graves.

Reel: 661
Howells, William Dean, 1837-1920.

Heroines of fiction.

New York and London, Harper and brothers. 1901

Item identification number 5272; with illustrations by H. C. Christy, A. L. Keller, and others.

Reel: 662
Huguet, André.

Des effets du divorce au regard des enfants nés du mariage.

Paris, L. Larose & Forcel. 1901

Item identification number 5273.

Reel: 662
Hume, Martin Andrew Sharp, 1847-1910.

The wives of Henry the eighth and the parts they played in history.

New York, Brentano's. [n.d.]

Item identification number 5274.

Reel: 662
Imbert de Saint-Amand, Arthur Léon, baron, 1834-1900.

Women of Versailles.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1901

Item identification number 5276; The court of Louis XIV. Tr. by Elizabeth Gilbert Martin.

Reel: 662
Irwin, Mabel MacCoy.

Whitman, the poet-liberator of woman.

New York, The author. 1905

Item identification number 5282.

Reel: 662
Iwasaki, Kojiro.

Das japanische Eherecht.

Leipzig, Rossberg. 1904

Item identification number 5283.

Reel: 662
Jackson, Gabrielle Emilie (Snow) 1861.

Mother and daughter.

New York and London, Harper & brothers. 1905

Item identification number 5285.

Reel: 663
Jackson, Gabrielle Emilie (Snow) 1861.

A series of don'ts for mothers, who may, or may not, stand in need of them.

Boston, Lee and Shepard. 1903

Item identification number 5286.

Reel: 663
Jaekel, V.

Studien zur vergleichenden Völkerkunde.

Belrin, S. Cronbach. 1901

Item identification number 5284; Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Frauenlebens.

Reel: 663
Jameson, Anna Brownell (Murphy) 1794-1860.

Legends of the Madonna, as represented in the fine arts.

London, Unit Library. 1904

Item identification number 5287.

Reel: 663
Johnson, Frederick Charles, 1853-1913.

The pioneer women of Wyoming, an address before the Wyoming Valley Chapter, D.A.R.

Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 1901

Item identification number 5288.

Reel: 663
Juliana, anchoret, 1343-1443.

Revelations of divine love.

London, Methuen. 1901

Item identification number 5289; recorded by Julian, anchoress at Norwich, anno domini 1373; A version from the ms. in the British Museum, edited by Grace Warrack.

Reel: 663
Jullien, Louis, 1850-1913.

Libertinism and marriage.

Philadelphia, F. A. Davis company. 1901

Item identification number 5290; translated by R. B. Douglas.

Reel: 663
[Kaibara, Ekken].

... Women and wisdom of Japan.

London, J. Murray. 1905

Item identification number 5291; with an introduction by Shingoro Takaishi.

Reel: 663
Keller, Helen Adams, 1880-1968.

Optimism, an essay.

New York, T. Y. Crowell and company. 1903

Item identification number 5293.

Reel: 663
Keller, Helen Adams, 1880-1968.

The story of my life, with her letters (1887-1901) and a supplementary account of her education, including passages from the reports and letters of her teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan.

New York, Doubleday, Page & co. 1903

Item identification number 5294; by John Albert Macy.

Reel: 663
Kelley, Florence, 1859-1932.

Some ethical gains through legislation.

New York and London, Macmillan. 1905

Item identification number 5295.

Reel: 664
Kellogg, Harriet S.

Life of Mrs. Emily J. Harwood.

Albuquerque, N.M., El Abogado Press. 1903

Item identification number 5296; with introductory notes. Part III compiled by Rev. Thomas Harwood.

Reel: 664
Kellogg, John Harvey, 1852-1943.

Ladies' guide in health and disease; girlhood, maidenhood, wifehood, motherhood.

Battle Creek, Mich. [etc., etc.] Modern Medicine Publ. Co. 1901

Item identification number 5297.

Reel: 664
Kellor, Frances Alice, 1873-1952.

Out of work, a study of employment agencies, their treatment of the unemployed, and their influence upon homes and business.

New York and London, Putnam. 1904

Item identification number 5298; Published for the Inter-municipal committee on Household research.

Reel: 664
Kemble, Frances Anne, 1809-1893.

History of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, M. E. Church, South.

Nashville, Pub. House of the M. E. Church, South. 1904

Item identification number 5299.

Reel: 664
Kennard, Joseph Spencer, 1859-1944.

... La femme dans le roman italien.

Paris, Librairie Fischbacher. 1905

Item identification number 5300; Les confessions d'un octogénaire [par Ippolito Nievo. Deux conférences prononcées á la Sorbonne en 1904.].

Reel: 664
Key, Ellen Karolina Sofia, 1849-1926.

Lifslinjer, af Ellen Key.

Stockholm, A. Bonniers förlag. [1903]

Item identification number 5301; Del. I.

Reel: 664
Kilbourn, Katherine Rachel.

Money-making occupations for women.

Washington, The Neale publishing co. 1901

Item identification number 5302; 2d ed.

Reel: 665
King, William C., 1853.

Woman; her position, influence, and achievement throughout the civilized world.

Springfield, Mass.: San Jose, [etc.] The King Richardson co. 1902

Item identification number 5303; Designed and arranged by William C. King. Prepared by carefully selected writers.

Reel: 665
Krukenberg, Elsbeth (Conze) 1867.

Die Frauenbewegung, ihre Ziele und ihre Bedeutung.

Tübingen, J. C. B. Mohr (P. Siebeck). 1905

Item identification number 5305.

Reel: 665
Kuessner, G.

Zur Frauenfrage.

Kiel, Lipsius & Tischer. 1901

Item identification number 5305.1; Beitrag zu einer prinzipiellen Lösung derselben.

Reel: 665
Labriola, Teresa.

Del divorzio; discussione etica.

Roma, E. Loescher & co. 1901

Item identification number 5306.

Reel: 665
Lacordaire, Jean Baptiste Henri Dominique de, 1802-1861.

Conférences familières a des jeunes gens.

Paris, P. Lethielleux. [1902?]

Item identification number 5307; Ouvrage publié par le Vte de X*** d'après des notes inédites classées et recueillies au cours de conférences intimes du R. P. Lacordaire.

Reel: 665
Lacour, Paul, 1861.

Les Amazones.

Paris, Perrin & cie. 1901

Item identification number 5308.

Reel: 665
Ladies' letter writer; or, How to write, when to write, what to write.

New York, M. J. Ivers & co. c1902

Item identification number 5310; A complete manual of correspondence, together with a dictionary of poetic quotations, proverbs from Shakespeare, dictionary of French Spanish, and Italian phrases, etc.

Reel: 665
Ladies of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul. Peru.

Memoria del Consejo Particular, con noticias detallades de las conferencias de Señoras de San Vicente de Paul, en Lima en el año de 1900.

Lima. 1901

Item identification number 5311.

Reel: 665
Lambert, Anne Thérèse de Marguenat de Courcelles, marquise de, 1647-1733.

Feminalities; a compilation from Madame de Lambert and other writers.

[Dunsdale] Privately printed. 1904

Item identification number 5312.

Reel: 665
[Lamothe-Langon, Étienne Léon, baron de], 1786-1864.

Memoirs of the Comtesse Du Barry.

Akron, Ohio, St. Dunstan society. [c1903]

Item identification number 5313; with minute details of her entire career as favorite of Louis XV. with a special introduction by Robert Arnot, M.A.

Reel: 666
Lamy, Étienne Marie Victor, 1845-1919.

La femme de demain.

Paris, Perrin & cie. 1901

Item identification number 5314.

Reel: 666
Laughlin, Clara Elizabeth, 1873.

"Miladi"; being sundry little chapters devoted to your day-dreams, dear Miladi, and your realizations, - harking back to your education, your experience in the industrial world and your decision in favor of the claims of home and coming down to the development of your love, the building of your house o'dreams, and your motherhood.

Chicago, New York [etc.] F. H. Revell co. [1903]

Item identification number 5315; by Clara E. Laughlin.

Reel: 666
Lawless, Emily, 1845-1913.

Maria Edgeworth.

London, Macmillan & co., limited. 1904

Item identification number 5316.

Reel: 666
Layard, George Somes, 1857.

Mrs. Lynn Linton; her life, letters, and opinions.

London, Methuen & co. 1901

Item identification number 5317; with twelve illustrations.

Reel: 666
League of Women Voters of New York State.

Manual of woman suffrage principles.

Syracuse, N.Y., The Association. 1901

Item identification number 5317.1.

Reel: 666
Learned, Arthur Garfield, 1872, comp.

Eve's daughters.

Boston, D. Estes & co. [c1905]

Item identification number 5318; compiled by a mere man and portrayed by Arthur G. Learned.

Reel: 666
Lebrun, Marie Louise Elizabeth (Vigée) 1755-1842.

Memoirs of Madame Vigée Lebrun.

New York, Doubleday, Page. 1903

Item identification number 5319; Translated by Lionel Strachey. Illustrated with reproductions of paintings by the authoress.

Reel: 666
Lefebvre, Charles, 1847-1922.

La coutume Française du mariage au temps de Saint Louis: conférence faite à la Sorbonne sous le patronage de la Société des amis de l'Université de Paris.

Paris, L. Larose & Forcel. 1901

Item identification number 5320.

Reel: 666
Lefevre, Maurice, 1857.

... La femme à travers l'histoire.

Paris, A. Fontemoing. 1902

Item identification number 5321; Les courtisanes. -- Les amoureuses. -- L'emancipatrice. -- Les éducatrices. -- Précieuse et démoniaque. -- Courtisane et grisette. -- Martyrs et bourreaux. -- Les saturnales. -- L'empire. -- Le romantisme. -- Le second empire.

Reel: 667
Leland, Charles Godfrey, 1824-1903.

The alternate sex; or, The female intellect in man, and the masculine in woman.

New York, Funk & Wagnalls company. 1904

Item identification number 5322.

Reel: 667
Lemaire, René.

... Le mariage civil.

Paris, L. Larose & Forcel. 1901

Item identification number 5323.

Reel: 667
Leon, Luis Ponce de, 1528?-1591.

La perfecta casada.

Chicago, The University of Chicago press. 1903

Item identification number 5324; texto del siglo XVI. Reimpresión de la tercera editión, con variantes de la primera, y un prólogo Elizabeth Wallace.

Reel: 667
Leonard, William Edwin, 1855.

The healty woman.

New York, The Contemporary publishing co. [c1902]

Item identification number 5325.

Reel: 667
Leroy, Albert, 1856-1905.

George Sand et ses amis.

Paris, Société d'éditions littéraires et artistiques. 1903

Item identification number 5326; 3 éd.

Reel: 667
Lespinasse, Julie Jeanne Éléonore de, 1732-1776.

Letters of mlle. de Lespinasse.

Boston, Hardy, Pratt & company. 1903

Item identification number 5327; with notes on her life and character by d'Alembert, Marmontel, de Guibert, etc., and an introduction by C. A. Sainte-Beuve; tr. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley.

Reel: 667
Letourneau, Charles, 1831-1902.

... La condition de la femme dans les diverses races et civilisations; par Charles Letourneau.

Paris, V. Giard & E. Brière. 1903

Item identification number 5327.1; avec une notice biographique par G. Papillault.

Reel: 667
Kenenburgh, B. de.

La femme régénérateur.

Paris, P. Dupont. 1899

Item identification number 4394.1; Deuxième mille.

Reel: 668
Lichtenberg, M.

Landwirtschaftliche Haushaltungskunde, ein wirtschaftliches ABC der Bauerfrau und Lehrbuch für Haushaltungschulen.

Berlin, Paul Parey. 1902

Item identification number 5328.

Reel: 668
Lieven, Daria Khristoforovna (Benckendorff) kniaginia, 1785-1857.

Letters of Dorothea, Princess Lieven, during her residence, in London, 1812-1834.

London, New York [etc.] Longmans, Green & co. 1902

Item identification number 5329; Edited by Lionel G. Robinson.

Reel: 668
Lippe, Pauline, Fuerstin zur, 1769-1820.

Fürstin Pauline zur Lippe und Herzog Friedrich Christian von Augustenburg; Briefe aus den Jahren 1790-1812, hrsg. von Paul Rachel.

Leipzig, Weicher. 1903

Item identification number 5330.

Reel: 668
Little, William John Knox, 1839-1918.

Holy matrimony.

London, New York [etc.] Longmans, Green and co. 1901

Item identification number 5331; 2d ed.

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