History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

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Vacaresco, Elena, 1868.

Kings and queens I have known.

New York and London, Harper & brothers. 1904

Item identification number 5542.

Reel: 693
Vacaresco, Elena, 1868.

Songs of the valient voivode and other strange folklore, for the first time collected from Roumanian peasants and set forth in English.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. [1905?]

Item identification number 5543.

Reel: 693
Valio, Odoardo.

Donne meridionali; figure.

Salerno, Tip. Fratelli Jovane. 1902

Item identification number 5544.

Reel: 693
Van de Warker, Ely, 1841-1910.

Woman's unfitness for higher coeducation.

New York, Grafton Press. [1903]

Item identification number 5547.

Reel: 693
Vanderpoel, Emily (Noyes) comp.

Chronicles of a pioneer school, from 1792 to 1833, being the history of Miss Sarah Pierce and her Litchfield school.

Cambridge, Mass., University Press. 1903

Item identification number 5546; Edited by Elizabeth C. Barney Buel.

Reel: 693
Van Vorst, Bessie, "Mrs. John Van Vorst.".

The woman who toils; being the experiences of two ladies as factory girls.

New York, Doubleday, Page & company. 1903

Item identification number 5548.

Reel: 694
Veres, Pálné, 1815-1895.

Veres Pálné, Beniczky Hermin.

Budapest. 1902

Item identification number 5549; Élete és müködése.

Reel: 694
Verhaegen, Pierre, 1873.

... La dentelle et la broderie sur tulle.

Bruxelles, Société belge de librairie, O. Schepens et cie [etc.]. 1902

Item identification number 5550.

Reel: 694
Vignola, Amédée.

... Les beautés antiques; étude sur les moeurs, la toilette et les plaisirs des Égyptiennes, Assyriennes, Chaldéennes, Phéniciennes, Grecques et Romaines.

Paris, A. Méricant. 1905

Item identification number 5551; Illustré par l'auteur.

Reel: 694
Vincens, Cécile, "Mme. Charles Vincens," 1840-1908.

Louis XIV et la Grande Mademoiselle, 1652-1693.

New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1905

Item identification number 5553; by Arvède Barine [pseud.]; Authorized English version.

Reel: 695
Vynne, Nora, d. 1914.

Women under the factory act.

London, Williams & Norgate. 1903

Item identification number 5555; Part I. -- Position of the employer. Part II. -- Position of the empployed, by Helen Blackburn, with the assistance of H. W. Allason.

Reel: 695
Waddington, Mary Alsop (King) d. 1923.

Letters of a diplomat's wife, 1883-1900; illustrated from drawings and photographs.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1905

Item identification number 5556.

Reel: 695
Wadham, Dorothy (Petre) 1534-1618.

The letters of Dorothy Wadham, 1609-1618.

London, H. Frowde. 1904

Item identification number 5557; Edited, with notes and appendices by Rev. Robert Barlow Gardiner.

Reel: 695
Wagner, Charles, 1852-1918.

By the fireside.

New York, McClure, Phillips & co. 1904

Item identification number 5558; Translated from the French by Mary Louise Hendee.

Reel: 695
Walker, Emma Elizabeth.

Beauty through hygiene; common sense ways to health for girls.

New York, A. S. Barnes Co. 1905

Item identification number 5559.

Reel: 695
Walsh, Nicholas.


Dublin, M. H. Gill & son, ltd.; New York [etc.] Benziger bros. 1904

Item identification number 5560; 2d ed.

Reel: 695
Waters, Clara (Erskine) Clement, 1834-1916.

Women in the fine arts, from the seventh century B.C. to the twentieth century A.D.

Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and co. 1904

Item identification number 5562.

Reel: 696
Watt, Jeannie.

Das Zukunftsleid der Frau.

Leipzig, E. Diederichs. 1903

Item identification number 5563; Zur Gesundung der Frauenmode. 2. umgearb., sehr verm. Aufl.

Reel: 696
Webb, Beatrice (Potter) "Mrs. Sidney Webb," 1858-1943, ed.

The case for the factory acts.

London, G. Richards. 1901

Item identification number 5564; Ed. by Mrs. Sidney Webb, with a preface by Mrs. Humphrey Ward.

Reel: 696
Weininger, Otto, 1880-1903.

Geschlecht und Charakter.

Wien und Leipzig, W. Braumüller. 1905

Item identification number 5565; Eine prinzipielle untersuchung.

Reel: 696
Westermarck, Edward Alexander, 1862-1939.

The history of human marriage.

London, Macmillan & co., ltd. 1903

Item identification number 5566.

Reel: 696
Westermarck, Helena, 1857-1938.

Frederika Runeberg; en litterär studie.

Helsingfors, Söderström. [1904]

Item identification number 5567.

Reel: 696
Wharton, Anne Hollingsworth, 1845-1928.

Social life in the early republic, with numerous reproductions of portraits miniatures and residences.

Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & co. 1902

Item identification number 5568.

Reel: 697
Wharton, Edith Newbold (Jones) 1862-1937.


New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1903

Item identification number 5569; with illustrations by Walter Appleton Clark.

Reel: 697
White, Tryphena Ely, "Mrs. Frederick Kellogg," 1784-1816.

Tryphena Ely White's journal; being a record, written one hundred years ago, of the daily life of a young lady of Puritan heritage.

[New York, The Grafton press]. [1904]

Item identification number 5570; 1805-1905. Published by her only remaining granddaughter, Fanny Kellogg.

Reel: 697
Wikmark, Elon, 1881.

Die Frauenfrage des schwedischen Bürgertums.

Halle a. S., C. Marhold. [1905]

Item identification number 5571; Eine ökonomisch-soziologische Untersuchung.

Reel: 697
Wilde, Oscar, 1854-1900.

Essays, criticisms and reviews.

London, Privately printed. 1901

Item identification number 5572; Now first collected.

Reel: 697
Wilkins, William Henry, 1861.

Mrs. Fitzherbert and George IV.

New York, London [etc.] Longmans, Green & co. 1905

Item identification number 5573.

Reel: 697
Willett, Mabel (Hurd).

... The employment of women in the clothing trade.

New York, The Columbia university press. 1902

Item identification number 5574.

Reel: 697
Williams, Edward.

The scriptural doctrine of divorce.

New York, Alliance Publishing co. 1903

Item identification number 5576; An exposition of the Biblical view of the subject and a discussion of its bearing on present-day laws and practices ... Introduction by Charles Brodie Patterson.

Reel: 697
Williams, Hugh Noel, 1870-1925.

Madame de Pompadour.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1902

Item identification number 5577.

Reel: 697
Williams, Hugh Noel, 1870-1925.

Madame Récamier and her friends.

London and New York, Harper & brothers. 1901

Item identification number 5578.

Reel: 698
Williams, Hugh Noel, 1870-1925.

Queen of the French stage.

New York, Scribner. 1905

Item identification number 5579.

Reel: 698
Willmarth, Cora D.

Widows, grave and otherwise.

San Francisco, P. Elder & co. c1903

Item identification number 5580; illustrated by A. F. Willmarth.

Reel: 698
Willmott-Dixon, Willmott, 1843.

Dainty dames of society, a portrait gallery of charming women.

London, A. & C. Black; New York, F. A. Stokes co. [1903?]

Item identification number 5581; Portraits and illustrations from rare and famous pictures by masters of British and French schools.

Reel: 698
Willson, Robert Newton, 1873.

The American boy and the social evil, from a physician's standpoint.

Philadelphia [etc.] J. C. Winston co. 1905

Item identification number 5582.

Reel: 698
Winslow, Helen Maria, 1851.

The woman of to-morrow.

New York, J. Pott & co. 1905

Item identification number 5583.

Reel: 698
Wister, Sally.

Sally Wister's journal, a true narrative being a Quaker maiden's account of her experiences with officers of the Continental army, 1777-78.

Philadelphia, Ferris & Leach. [c1902]

Item identification number 5584; Edited by Albert Cook Myers with reproductions of portraits, manuscripts, relics and views.

Reel: 698
Woljeska, Helen, 1875-1899.

A woman's confessional.

New York, Life publishing company. 1905

Item identification number 5585.

Reel: 699
Wollf, Karl, 1876.

Katechismus der Frauenbewegung.

Leipzig ung Berlin, B. G. Teubner. 1905

Item identification number 5586; Gekrönte Preisschrift hrsg. vom Verein Frauenbildung-Frauenstudium.

Reel: 699
[Woman's Press Club of New York City].

Memories of Jane Cunningham Croly "Jenny June.".

New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1904

Item identification number 5589.

Reel: 699
Women's Educational and Industrial Union. Boston.

The Marching morrows; take hart with the day.

Boston, The Merrymount press. 1901-05

Item identification number 5590.

Reel: 699
Women's Educational and Industrial Union. Boston.

A report of progress made in the year 1905, being the twenty-fifth anniversary of the incorporation of the Women's educational and industrial union.

Boston. 1905

Item identification number 5591.

Reel: 699
Woods, Lucy R.

History of the Girls' high school of Boston, 18521902.

[Boston]. 1904

Item identification number 5592.

Reel: 699
Woolfall, Lila Graham Alliger, 1864.

Presiding ladies of the White House, containing biographical appreciations together with a short history of the Executive mansion and a treatise on its etiquette and customs.

Washington, Bureau of national literature and art. [1903]

Item identification number 5593; with an introduction by Margaret E. Sangster.

Reel: 699
Woolsey, Kate Trimble.

Republics versus woman; contrasting the treatment accorded to woman in aristocracies with that meted out to her in democracies.

London, Gay & Bird. 1903

Item identification number 5594.

Reel: 699
Wright, Louise (Wigfall) 1846-1915.

A Southern girl in '61; the war time memories of a Confederate senator's daughter.

New York, Doubleday, Page. 1905

Item identification number 5596; Illustrated from contemporary ports.

Reel: 699
[Wright, Mabel (Osgood)], 1859-1934.

The woman errant; being some chapters from the wonder book of Barbara, the commuter's wife.

London, Macmillan & co., ltd. 1904

Item identification number 5597; with illustrations by Will Grefé.

Reel: 699
Abbott, Edith, 1876-1957.

The wage-earning woman and the state, a reply to Miss Minnie Bronson.

Boston, Boston equal suffrage association for good government. [191-]

Item identification number 5603; by Sophonisba P. Breckinridge.

Reel: 700
Abbott, Lyman, 1835-1922.

The home builder.

Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin co. 1908

Item identification number 5604.

Reel: 700
Aberconway, Laura Elizabeth (Pochin) McLaren, baroness.

The women's charter of rights and liberties.

[London, J. Sewell]. 1909

Item identification number 5604.1; Preliminary draft.

Reel: 700
Aberdeen and Temair, Ishbel Marie. (Marjoribanks) Gordon, marchioness of, 1857, ed.

Our Lady of the sunshine and her international visitors.

London, Constable & co., ltd. 1909

Item identification number 5605; a series of impressions written by representatives of the various delegations attending the quinquennial meeting of the International council of women in Canada, June 1909.

Reel: 700
[Adair, Bethenia Angelina (Owens)], 1840-1926.

Dr. Owens-Adair; some of her life experiences.

[Portland, Oregon, Mann & Beach, printers]. [1906?]

Item identification number 5606.

Reel: 700
Adam, Juliette (Lamber) 1836-1936.

Mes illusions et nos souffrances pendant la siège de Paris.

Paris, A. Lemerre. 1906

Item identification number 5607.

Reel: 700
Wright, Martha Elizabeth (Burt) 1846.

History of the Oread collegiate institute, Worcester, Mass.

[New Haven, Conn., The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor company, pref.]. [1905]

Item identification number 5598; (1849-1881). with biographical sketches. Editor Martha Burt Wright; associate editor, Anna M. Bancroft.

Reel: 700
Zabelin, Ivan Egorevich, 1820-1909.

Zhenshchina v dopetrovskom obshchetve.

Suvorina. [1901]

Item identification number 5599; SPb. Izd.

Reel: 700
Zamoyska, Hedwig, countess.

Ideals in practice, with some account of women's work in Poland.

New York [etc.] Benziger bros. 1903

Item identification number 5600; Translated from the French by Lady Margaret Domvile. with a preface by Miss Mallock.

Reel: 700
Zarzycki, Robert.

Le divorce et la séparation de corps comparés dans leurs causes.

Paris, A. Chevalier-Marescq & cie. 1903

Item identification number 5601.

Reel: 700
Zscharnack, Leopold, 1877.

Der Dienst der Frau in den ersten Jahrhunderten der christlichen Kirche.

Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1902

Item identification number 5602; Bon Leopold Zscharnack.

Reel: 700
Adam, Juliette (Lamber) 1836-1936.

Nos amitiés politiques avant l'abandon de la Revanche.

Paris, A. Lemerre. 1908

Item identification number 5608.

Reel: 701
Adams, Josef, 1879.

Ueber die Unentgeltlichkeit der Eheverträge.

Bonn, E. Eisele. 1910

Item identification number 5608.1.

Reel: 701
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935.

Newer ideals of peace.

New York, Macmillan. 1907

Item identification number 5609.

Reel: 701
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935.

Twenty years at Hull-house, with autobiographical notes.

New York, Macmillan co. 1910

Item identification number 5610; with illus. by Norah Hamilton.

Reel: 701
Adler, Emma.

Die berühmten Frauen der französischen Revolution, 1789-1795.

Wien, C.W. Sterm. 1906

Item identification number 5611.

Reel: 701
[Agostinho, José].

A mulher em Portugal; cartas d'um estrangeiro.

Porto, Liv. Figuerinhas. 1907

Item identification number 5613; Victor de Moigenie [pseud.].

Reel: 701
Aikman, Louisa Susannah (Wells) 1755?-1831.

The journal of a voyage from Charlestown, S.C., to London undertaken during the American Revolution.

New York, Printed for the New York Historical Society. 1906

Item identification number 5615; , by a daughter of an eminent American Loyalist (Louisa Susannah Wells) in the year 1778 and written from memory only in 1779.

Reel: 701
Aldis, Janet.

The queen of letter writers, Marquise de Sévigné, Dame de Bourbilly, 1626-1696.

New York, G. P. Putnam's sons; London, Metheun & co. 1907

Item identification number 5616.

Reel: 701
Alméras, Henri d', 1861-1938.

... La femme amoureuse dans la vie et dans la littérature; étude psycho-physiologique.

Paris, A. Michel. [1920]

Item identification number 5618.

Reel: 702
Am lebensquell; ein Hausbuch zur geschlechtlichen Erziehung, hrsg. vom Dürerbund.

Dresden, A. Köhler. 1909

Item identification number 5619; Betrachtungen, Ratschläge und Beispiele als Ergebnisse des Dürerbund-Preissusschreibens.

Reel: 702
Amalric, Jean.

La condition de la femme dans le code d'Hammourabi et le code de Moïse.

Montauban, Imp. Coopérativ (Ancienne Maison Granié). 1907

Item identification number 5619.1.

Reel: 702
American Academy of Political and Social Science. Philadelphia.

... Significance of the woman suffrage movement.

Philadelphia, The American academy of political and social science. 1910

Item identification number 5620; Session of the American academy of political and social science, Wednesday evening, February 9, 1910.

Reel: 702
American Academy of Political and Social Science. Philadelphia.

... [Woman's work and organizations].

Philadelphia, American academy of political and social science. 1906

Item identification number 5621.

Reel: 702
Ames, Mary, 1831.

From a New England woman's diary in Dixie in 1865.

[Norwood, Mass., Plimpton press]. 1906

Item identification number 5624.

Reel: 702
Andreas-Salomé, Lou, 1861-1937.

Die Erotik.

Frankfurt am Main, Rütten & Loening. [1910]

Item identification number 5625.

Reel: 702
Andreas-Salomé, Lou, 1861-1937.

Henrik Ibsen's Frauen-Gestalten nach seinen sechs Familien dramen: Ein Puppenheim, Gespenster, Die Wildente, Romersholm, Die Frau vom Meere, Hedda Gabler.

Jena und Leipzig, Eugen Diederichs. 1906

Item identification number 5626.

Reel: 702
Andrew, Elizabeth (Wheeler) 1845-1917.

Heathen slaves and Christian rulers.

Oakland, Cal., Messiah's advocate. 1907

Item identification number 5626.1; by Katharine Bushnell.

Reel: 703
Andrews, Eliza France, 1840.

The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865.

New York, D. Appleton & co. 1908

Item identification number 5627.

Reel: 703
[Andrews, Marian].

A queen of queens and the making of Spain.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1906

Item identification number 5628; by Christopher Hare [pseud.].

Reel: 703
[Angers, Félicité], 1845-1924.

Une immortelle.

Montréal, La publicité. [1910]

Item identification number 5629; [par] Laure Conan [pseud.].

Reel: 703
Apolant, Jenny.

Stellung und Mitarbeit der Frau in her Gemeinde.

Leipzig und Berlin, B. G. Teubner. 1910

Item identification number 5630.

Reel: 703
Apprenticeship and Skilled Employment Association. London.

Trades for London girls and how to enter them; a companion book to Trades for London boys.

London, New York [etc.] Longmans, Green & co. 1909

Item identification number 5631; comp. by the Apprenticeship and skilled employment association.

Reel: 703
Arblay, Frances (Burney) d', 1752-1840.

The early diary of Frances Burney, 1768-1778.

London, G. Bell and sons. 1907

Item identification number 5632; with a selection from her correspondence, and from the journals of her sisters Susan and Charlotte Burney; ed. by Annie Raine Ellis.

Reel: 703
Arner, George Byron Louis, 1883.

Consanguineous marriages in the American populations.

[New York] Columbia University. 1908

Item identification number 5633.1.

Reel: 704
… L'Art de séduire les hommes.

Paris, Librairie F. Juven. [c1910]

Item identification number 5634.

Reel: 704
Aspinwall, Alicia (Stuart).

Story of Marie de Rozel, Huguenot.

New York, E. P. Dutton & co. 1906

Item identification number 5635.

Reel: 704
Auclert, Hubertine.

Le vote des femmes.

Paris, V. Giard & E. Brière. 1908

Item identification number 5638.

Reel: 704
Auringer, Obediah Cyrus, 1849.

The death of Maid McCrea.

Boston, R. G. Badger. 1909

Item identification number 5639.

Reel: 704
Avril de Sainte-Croix, Chenia, 1856-1939.

Le fémininsme.

Paris, V. Giard & E. Brière. 1907

Item identification number 5641.

Reel: 704
Ayer, Sarah Newman (Connell) 1791-1835.

Diary of Sarah Connell Ayer.

Portland, Me., Lefavor-Tower co. 1910

Item identification number 5642; Andover and Newburyport, Massachusetts; Concord and Bow, New Hampshire; Portland and Eastport, Maine.

Reel: 704
Balzac, Honoré de, 1799-1850.

... A házasság élettana: forditotta Wachsmann Jenö, az eredeti után átdologozta Benedek Aladár.

Budapest. 1907

Item identification number 5644.

Reel: 704
Bancroft, Marie Effie (Wilson) lady, 1839-1921.

The Bancrofts, recollections of sixty years: Marie Bancroft, Squire Bancroft.

New York, E. P. Dutton & co. 1909

Item identification number 5645.

Reel: 704
Bangs, Mary Rogers.

Jeanne D'Arc, the maid of France.

Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin co. [1910]

Item identification number 5646.

Reel: 705
Barbey d'Aurevilly, Jules Amédée, 1808-1889.

... Femmes et moralistes.

Paris, A. Lemerre. 1906

Item identification number 5647.

Reel: 705
Barlow, George, 1847.

The triumph of woman, prose essays.

London, Ambrose co. 1907

Item identification number 5649.

Reel: 705
Barnard, Ella Kent, 1853.

Dorothy Payne, Quakeress, a side-light upon the career of "Dolly" Madison.

Philadelphia, Ferris & Leach. 1909

Item identification number 5650.

Reel: 705
Barnett, Samuel Augustus, 1844-1913.

Towards social reform.

New York, Macmillan. 1909

Item identification number 5651; by Canon.

Reel: 705
Barrett, Rosa M.

Ellice Hopkins, a memoir.

London, Wells Gardner, Darton & co., ltd. [1907]

Item identification number 5652; with introduction by H. Scott Holland.

Reel: 705
Barton, Clara Harlowe, 1821-1912.

The story of my childhood.

New York, The Baker & Taylor co. 1907

Item identification number 5654.

Reel: 705
Basavilbaso, Roberto.

... Caso de filiación.

Buenos Aires, Establecimiento tipográfico El Comercio. 1908

Item identification number 5654.1; por Roberto Basavilbaso.

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