History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 717 Cocroft, Susanna, 1862

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Reel: 717
Cocroft, Susanna, 1862.

Ideals and privileges of woman.

[Chicago, Physical culture extension society]. [c1906]

Item identification number 5736.

Reel: 717
Coit, Stanton, 1858.

... Woman in church and state.

London, West London ethical society. 1910

Item identification number 5737.

Reel: 717
Colvill, Helen Hester, 1854.

Saint Teresa of Spain.

New York, E. P. Dutton. [1909]

Item identification number 5737.1; with twenty illustrations.

Reel: 718
Conger, Sarah (Pike) "Mrs. E. H. Conger.".

Letters from China, with particular reference to the empress dowager and the women of China.

Chicago, A. C. McClurg & co. 1909

Item identification number 5738; with eighty illustrations from photographs and a map.

Reel: 718
Congrès National des Droits Civils et du Suffrage des femmes. Paris, 1908.

Compte rendu in extenso, recueilli, mis en ordre et publié par les soins de Mme. Oddo Deflou.

[Paris]. [1910]

Item identification number 5739.

Reel: 718
Congresso Nazionale delle donne Italiane, first, Rome, 1908.

Sunti delle relazioni lette nelle diverse sezioni del Congresso Nazionale delle donne Italiane tenuto in Roma nell' Aprile 1908.

Roma, G. Pietolesi. 1908

Item identification number 5742.

Reel: 718
Congresso Nazionale delle donne Italiane. first, Rome, 1908.

Discorso sui temi proposti alla sezione "Educazione e istruzione".

[Roma, Forzani e C.]. [1908]

Item identification number 5740.

Reel: 718
Congresso Nazionale delle donne Italiane. first, Rome, 1908.

Programma delle sezione.

[Roma, G. Pistolesi]. [1908]

Item identification number 5741.

Reel: 718
Convegno Femminile, Milano, 1907.

Atti del Convegno Femminile.

Milano, Soc. Arti Grafiche. 1907

Item identification number 5744.

Reel: 718
Conway, Katherine Eleanor, 1853-1927.

In the footprints of the Good Shepherd, New York, 1857-1907.

New York, Convent of the Good Shepherd. 1907

Item identification number 5745; from the convent annals and from personal study of the work.

Reel: 718
Cooke, Grace (MacGowan) 1863.

Their first formal call.

New York and London, Harper & Brothers. 1906

Item identification number 5746; Illustrated by Peter Newell.

Reel: 718
Cooke, John Esten, 1830-1886.

My lady Pokahontas, a true relation of Virginia.

New York, Houghton, Mifflin & co. 1907

Item identification number 5747; Writ by Anas Todkill, puritan and pilgrim [pseud.] with notes by John Esten Cooke. Boston.

Reel: 718
Coomaraswamy, Ananda Kentish, 1877.

The Oriental view of woman.

[Broad Campden, Essex house press]. [1910]

Item identification number 5748.

Reel: 718
Corin, James.

Mating, marriage, and the status of woman.

London and Felling-on-Tyne, Walter Scott pub. co., ltd. 1910

Item identification number 5749.

Reel: 719
Correct social usage, - course of instruction in good form, style and deportment.

New York, The New York Society of Self-Culture. 1907 [c1906]

Item identification number 5750; by eighteen distinguished authors; 8th rev. ed.

Reel: 719
Cran, Marion Dudley, 1879.

A woman in Canada.

Toronto, The Musson Book co., ltd. [191-?]

Item identification number 5754.

Reel: 719
Creighton, Louise (von Glehn) "Mrs. Mandell Creighton" 1850.

The economics of the household; six lectures given at the London school of economics.

London, New York [etc.] Longmans, Green and co. 1907

Item identification number 5755.

Reel: 719
Crittenton, Charles Nelson, 1833-1910.

The brother of girls; the life story of Charles N. Crittenton.

Chicago, World's events co. 1910

Item identification number 5756; as told by himself.

Reel: 719
Crohns, Hjalmar, 1862.

... Die Summa theologica des Antonin von Florenz und die Schätzung des Weibes im Hexenhammer.

[Helsingforsiæ, ex Officina typographica Societatis litterariæ fennicæ]. [1906]

Item identification number 5757.

Reel: 719
Czyhlarz, Karl, ritter von, 1833-1914.

Die Haager Ehekonventionen und das Österreichische Recht.

Wien, F. Tempsky; Leipzig, G. Freytag. 1907

Item identification number 5757.1.

Reel: 719
Daffan, Katie.

Woman in history.

New York and Washington, The Neale publishing co. 1908

Item identification number 5758.

Reel: 720
Daguin, Arthur, 1849.

Le mariage dans les pays musulmans particulièrement en Tunisie, en Algérie et dans le Soudan.

Paris, L. Dorbon. [1906?]

Item identification number 5759.

Reel: 720
D'auvergne, Edmund Basil Francis.

Lola Montez, an adventuress of the forties.

New York, Brentano's. [1909]

Item identification number 5760.

Reel: 720
D'auvergne, Edmund Basil Francis.

A queen at bay; the story of Cristina and Don Carlos.

London, Hutchinson & co. 1910

Item identification number 5761.

Reel: 720
Davalos y Lissón, Pedro.

... La prostitución en la ciudad de Lima.

Lima, Imprenta La Industria. 1909

Item identification number 5762.

Reel: 720
Davies, Emily, 1830-1921.

Thoughts on some questions relating to women, 1860-1908.

Cambridge, Bowes and Bowes. 1910

Item identification number 5763; with prefatory note by E.E. Constance Jones.

Reel: 720
Davis, Theodore M., d. 1915.

... The tomb of Queen Tiyi.

London, Constable & co., ltd. 1910

Item identification number 5764; The discovery of the tomb by Theodore M. Davis; Sketch of the life of Queen Tiyi, by Gaston Maspero; Note on the estimate of the age attained by the person whose skeleton was found in the tomb, by G. Elliot Smith ... The excavations of 1907, by Edward Ayrton; Catalogue of the objects discovered by George Daressy. Illustrations in colour by E. Harold Jones.

Reel: 720
De Forest, Henry Pelouze, 1864.

Prostitution; personal observations of police methods of dealing with prostitution in Germany.

[Brooklyn, N.Y., Eagle Press]. [1908?]

Item identification number 5765.1.

Reel: 720
Decante, R.

... La lutte contra la prostitution.

Paris, V. Giard & E. Brière. 1909

Item identification number 5765; Préface par Henri Turot.

Reel: 720
Densmore, Emmit, 1837-1911.

Sex euality, a solution of the woman problem.

New York, Funk & Wagnalls. 1907

Item identification number 5766.

Reel: 721
[Desjardin, Paul André], 1838.

... L'église et l'amour d'après les apôtres, les pères de l'église, les théologiens, les canonistes et les confesseurs par le docteur Paul de Régla [pseud.].

Paris, A. Michel. [1907]

Item identification number 5767.

Reel: 721
Despard, Charlotte.

Woman in the new era.

[London] The Suffrage Shop. 1910

Item identification number 5767.1; with an appreciation by C. St. John.

Reel: 721
Detrez, Alfred.

... Mariage et contrat.

Paris, V. Giard & E. Briere. 1907

Item identification number 5768; Étude historique sur la nature sociale du droit.

Reel: 721
Dicey, Albert Venn, 1835-1922.

Letters to a friend on votes for women.

London, J. Murray. 1909

Item identification number 5769.

Reel: 721
Dickinson, Emily, 1830-1886.

The letters of Emily Dickinson 1845-1886.

Boston, Little, Brown and company. 1906. [c1894]

Item identification number 5769.1; edited by Mabel Loomis Todd; with a portrait of Emily Dickinson, a view of her home and facsimiles.

Reel: 721
Diestel, Heinrich.

Die schuldlos verdächtigte Frau im elisabethanischen Drama.

Rostock, C. Hinstorff. 1909

Item identification number 5770.

Reel: 721
Diggs, Annie Le Porte, 1853.

The story of Jerry Simpson.

Wichita, Kan., Jane Simpson. [1908]

Item identification number 5771.

Reel: 721
Dittmar, Elisabeth Caroline (Gunderloch) 1853.

Die Einwanderung gebildeter weiblicher Erwerbsbedürftiger nach den Vereinigten Staaten.

Bielefeld und Leipzig, Velhagen & Klasing. 1909

Item identification number 5772; Mit einem Anhang: Die Einwanderung junger Männer.

Reel: 721
Diver, Maud.

The Englishwoman in India.

Edinburgh and London, W. Blackwood & sons. 1909

Item identification number 5773.

Reel: 722
Dock, Lavinia L., 1858.

Hygiene and morality, a manual for nurses and others, giving an outline of the medical, social and legal aspects of the venereal diseases.

New York [etc.] G. P. Putnam's sons. 1910

Item identification number 5774.

Reel: 722
Donaldson, Sir James, 1831-1915.

Woman; her position and influence in ancient Greece and Rome, and among the early Christians.

London, New York, Bombay and Calcutta, Longmans, Green & co. 1907

Item identification number 5775.

Reel: 722
Dorr, Rheta Louise (Childe) 1872.

What eight million women want.

Boston, Small, Maynard & co. [c1910]

Item identification number 5776.

Reel: 722
Doumic, René, 1860-1937.

George Sand; some aspects of her life and work.

New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1910

Item identification number 5777; Tr. by Alys Hallard [pseud.].

Reel: 722
Dudley, Gertrude.

Athletic games in the education of women.

New York, H. Holt & co. 1909

Item identification number 5778; by Frances A. Kellor.

Reel: 722
Duff, Nora.

Matilda of Tuscany, La gran donna d'Italia.

London, Methuen & co. [1909]

Item identification number 5779.

Reel: 722
Du Plessis de Grenédan, Joachim, comte, 1870.

Les femmes d'esprit en France; histoire littéraire et sociale.

Paris, Nouvelle librairie nationale. [1908]

Item identification number 5780.

Reel: 723
Eckenberg, Wilhelm.

Das Mitgiftversprechen nach dem Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch für das deutsche Reich.

Leipzig-Reudnitz, A. Hoffmann. 1909

Item identification number 5781.1.

Reel: 723
Ellis, Mina Benson Hubbard, formerly Mrs. Leonidas Hubbard, jr.

A woman's way through unknown Labrador; an account of the exploration of the Nascaupee and George rivers.

Toronto, W. Briggs. 1908

Item identification number 5783.

Reel: 723
Enckendorff, Marie Luise.

Realität und Gesetzlichkeit im Geschlechtsleben.

Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot. 1910

Item identification number 5784.

Reel: 723
[Erauso, Catalina de] b. ca. 1592, supposed author.

The nun ensign.

London, T. F. Unwin. 1908

Item identification number 5786; tr. from the Spanish; with an introduction and notes by James Fitzmaurice-Kelly, also La monja alférez, a play in the original Spanish, by Juan Pérez de Montalbán; Illustrated by Daniel Vierge.

Reel: 723

München, E. Reinhardt. 1906

Item identification number 5786.1; Ein "Document humain" als Beitrag zur Eherechtsreform. Von einem Versuchsobjekt.

Reel: 723
Eyster, Nellie Blessing, d. 1922.

A noted mother and daughter.

San Francisco, P. Elder & co. [1909]

Item identification number 5787.

Reel: 723
Faguet, Émile, 1847-1916.

... Le féminisme.

Paris, Société française d'imprimerie et de librairie. 1910

Item identification number 5788.

Reel: 723

An Englishwoman's home.

London, S. Low, Marston & co., ltd. 1909

Item identification number 5785; by M.E.S., author of "Mixed herbs"; "A working woman's remonstrance against the suffrage agitation," etc.

Reel: 723
Faurey, Joseph.

Le droit ecclésiastique matrimonial des calvinistes français.

Paris, Librarie de la Société du recueil Sirey. 1910

Item identification number 5789.

Reel: 724
Fea, Allan, 1860.

Some beauties of the seventeenth century.

London, Methuen & co. [1906]

Item identification number 5790; with 82 illustrations. 2d ed.

Reel: 724
Fee, Mary Helen.

A woman's impressions of the Philippines.

Chicago, A. C. McClurg & co. 1910

Item identification number 5791.

Reel: 724
Feld, Wilhelm.

Die Kinder der in Fabriken arbeitenden Frauen und ihre Verpflegung, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Crimmitschauer Arbeiterinnen.

Dresden, O. V. Böhmert. 1906

Item identification number 5792.

Reel: 724
Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe, abp., 1651-1715.

Fénelon & Mme Guyon; documents nouveaux et inédits.

Paris, Hachette et cie. 1907

Item identification number 5794.

Reel: 724
Ferreri, Gherardo, 1856.

... I diritti e doveri delle nostre donne.

Roma, Tip. del Campidoglio eredi d'Antonis. 1909

Item identification number 5795; Conferenze e letture popolari.

Reel: 724
Festa, Giovanni Battista, 1881.

Un Galateo femminile italiano del trecento.

Bari, G. Laterza & Figli. 1910

Item identification number 5797.

Reel: 724
Feydeau de Saint-Christophe, F. de.

... L'émancipation de la femme mariée dans la legislation contemporaine.

Paris, L. Larose & L. Tenin. 1909

Item identification number 5798.

Reel: 724
Fiaux, Louis, 1847.

La prostitution réglementée et les pouvoirs publics dans les principaux états des deux mondes.

Paris, Alcan. 1909

Item identification number 5799.

Reel: 725
Finney, Frank.

A woman has an awful lot to thank a whale for.

[New York] Warner brothers co. [1909]

Item identification number 5801.

Reel: 725
Fisher, Gertrude Adams.

A woman alone in the heart of Japan.

Boston, L. C. Page & co. [c1906]

Item identification number 5802.

Reel: 725
Fisher, Harrison, 1875-1931, illus.

A dream of fair women.

Indianapolis, The Bobbs-Merrill co. [1907]

Item identification number 5803; decorations by E. Stetson Crawford.

Reel: 725
Fleischmann, Hector, 1882-1914.

... Les femmes et la terreur, avec des documents inédits des archives nationales, le fac-simile complet d'une liste rare de jolies femmes, et cent reproductions de documents de l'époque.

Paris, Charpentier et Fasquelle. 1910

Item identification number 5804.

Reel: 725
Fleischmann, Hector, 1882-1914.

Rachel intime, d'après ses lettres d'amour et des documents nouveaux.

Paris, Charpentier et Fasquelle. 1910

Item identification number 5805.

Reel: 725
Foerster, Ernst, 1884.

Die Frauenfrage in den Romanen Englischer Schriftstellerinnen der Gegenwart.

Marburg, N.G. Elwert'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung. 1907

Item identification number 5806.

Reel: 725
Forbes, Harrie Rebecca Piper (Smith) "Mrs. A.S.C. Forbes".

Mission tales in the days of the dons.

Chicago, A. C. McClurg & co. 1909

Item identification number 5807; with nine full page illustrations and decorative drawings.

Reel: 725
France. Direction du travail.

Enquête sur le travail à domicile dans l'industrie de la lingerie.

Paris. 1907-1908

Item identification number 5809.

Reel: 726
Franke, Elisabeth, 1886-1931.

Hinter dem Schleier! Ein Schrei der Not aus der mohammedanischen Frauenwelt.

Frankfurt a.M., Verlag Orient. 1908

Item identification number 5809.1; Zusammengestellt von E. Franke.

Reel: 726
Freeman, Flora Lucy.

Our working-girls and how to help them, with special reference to clubs and classes.

London and Oxford A. R. Mowbray & co., ltd. 1908

Item identification number 5812.

Reel: 726
Fuchs, Herbert.

Die vermögensrechtlichen Wirkungen der Ehescheidung nebst einem Anhange: Ueber den Ersatz des einem geschiedenen Ehegatten aus einer ungerechtfertigten Scheidung erwachsenen Schadens, insbesondere nach dem Tode des anderen Ehegatten.

Markilissa, P. Menzel. 1908

Item identification number 5813.1; Nach heutigem, deutschem, bürgerlichem Recht. Erlangen.

Reel: 726
Fujimoto, Taizo, 1869.

The story of a geisha girl.

Philadelphia, J. B. Lipponcott co. [191-?]

Item identification number 5814.

Reel: 726
Fyvie, John.

Tragedy queens of the Georgian era.

London, Methuen & co. [1909]

Item identification number 5815.

Reel: 726
Grankenberger, Julius, 1888.

Jane Austen und die Entwicklung des Englischen bürgerlichen Romans im achtzehnten Jahrhundert.

Weimar, R. Wagner Sohn. 1910

Item identification number 5810.

Reel: 726
Gabriel, Jean.

Manuel du divorce de la séparation de corps et du désaveu de paternité.

Paris, A. Nichalon. 1908

Item identification number 5816; Historique, causes, procédure, effets du divorce et de la séparation de corps.

Reel: 727
Gáldonyi, Miklós.

... A nók és anyák egészségtana; irta: Dr. Gáldonyi Miklós.

[New York, B. Newman]. [191-?]

Item identification number 5817.

Reel: 727
Gallini, Carlo.

La donna e la legge con prefazione de Jane Grey.

Roma, E. Loescher & c. [1910]

Item identification number 5818; Nuova edizione, arricchita dalla recente proposta di legge sul voto amministrativo alla donna, dalla relazione e dallo svolgimento dell' on. Gallini con le dichiarazioni dell' on. Sonnino, e dagli apprezzamenti della stampa quotidiana.

Reel: 727
Gamewell, Mary (Porter) 1848-1906.

Mary Porter Gamewell and her story of the siege in Peking.

New York, Eaton & Mains; Cincinnati, Jennings & Graham. [1907]

Item identification number 5819; [Edited by] A. H. Tuttle.

Reel: 727
Gardner, Edmund Garratt, 1869.

Saint Catherine of Siena, a study in the religion, literature and history of the fourteenth century in Italy.

London, J. M. Dent & co.; New York, E. P. Dutton & co. 1907

Item identification number 5820.

Reel: 727
[Garvey, Mary] mother.

Mary Aloysia Hardey, religious of the Sacred Heart, 1809-1886.

New York, The American press. 1910

Item identification number 5821.

Reel: 727
Gates, Richard T.

Divorce or separation: which?.

[London] The Divorce law reform union. 1910

Item identification number 5821.1; with an introductory note by Dr. C. W. Saleeby.

Reel: 727
Gaussen, Alice Cecilia Caroline.

A woman of wit and wisdom; a memoir of Elizabeth Carter, one of the 'BasBleu' society (1717-1806).

London, Smith, Elder, & co. 1906

Item identification number 5822; with portraits, illustrations, and facsimile.

Reel: 727
Gautier, Judith, 1846-1917.

Le collier des jours; souvenirs de ma vie.

Paris, F. Juven. [1909-1911]

Item identification number 5823.

Reel: 728
Gazier, Augustin Louis, 1844-1922.

Une suite à l'histoire de Port-Royal, d'après des documents inédits: Jeanne de Boisgnorel et Christophe de Beaumont (1750-1782).

Paris, Société française d'imprimerie et de librairie. 1906

Item identification number 5824; Ouvrage orné de portraits inédits.

Reel: 728
Geay, Callixte.

... La réforme du divorce.

Poitiers, G. Basile. 1908

Item identification number 5825; De l'extension des causes du divorce au point de vue législatif.

Reel: 728
Geipel, Alexander.

Aussteuer und Ausstattung nach dem BGB.

Schleiz, R. Geigling. 1907

Item identification number 5825.1.

Reel: 728
Gemähling, Paul, 1883.

... Travailleurs au rabais, la lutte syndicale contre sous-concurrences ouvrières, par Paul Gemähling.

Paris, Bloud & cie. 1910

Item identification number 5826.

Reel: 728
George, Marguerite Joséphone Weimer, called Mlle, 1787-1867.

A favourite of Napoleon; memoirs of Mademoiselle George.

New York, J. McBride co. 1909

Item identification number 5827; ed., from the original ms., by Paul Cheramy.

Reel: 728
Gilchrist, Beth Bradford, 1879.

The life of Mary Lyon.

Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin co. 1910

Item identification number 5828.

Reel: 729
Giovanni, Gemma, 1851.

... Le donne di casa Savoia dalle origini della famiglia fino ai nostri giorni.

Milano, L. F. Cogliati. 1909

Item identification number 5829; 2 ed., riv. ed aum., con ritratti di L. Roggero.

Reel: 729
Girardin, Delphine (Gay) de, 1804-1855.

... Lettres parisiennes, par Le vicomte de Launay.

Paris, Louis-Michaud. 1908

Item identification number 5830; biographie, bibliographie, pages choises par Charles Simond [pseud.].

Reel: 729
Godet, Philippe Ernest, 1850-1922.

Madame de Charrière et ses amis, d'après de nombreux documents inédits (1740-1805) avec portraits, vues, autographes, etc.

Genève, A. Jullien. 1906

Item identification number 5831.

Reel: 729
Gohier, Urbain [Degoulet], called, 1862.

Pour nos victimes. La femme, l'enfant.

Paris, A. Messein. 1910

Item identification number 5833.

Reel: 729
Golovina, Varvara Nikolaevna (Golitsyna) grafinia, 1766-1821.

Memoirs of Countess Golovine, a lady at the court of Catherine II.

London, D. Nutt. 1910

Item identification number 5836; Translated from the French by G. M. Fox-Davies.

Reel: 730
Gordon, Henry Laing.

The modern mother, a guide to girlhood, motherhood, and infancy.

New York, R. F. Fenno & co. [1909]

Item identification number 5839; Fully illustrated by René Walker.

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