History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 810 Fawcett, Millicent (Garrett) "Mrs. Henry Fawcett," 1847-1929

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Reel: 810
Fawcett, Millicent (Garrett) "Mrs. Henry Fawcett," 1847-1929.

Women's suffrage; a short history of a great movement.

London and Edinburgh, T. C. & E. C. Jack. [1912]

Item identification number 6503.

Reel: 810
Fehr, Hans Adolf, 1874.

Die Rechtsstellung der Frau und der Kinder in den Weistümern, von dr. Hans Fehr.

Jena, G. Fischer. 1912

Item identification number 6505.

Reel: 810
Felton, Rebecca (Latimer) 1835-1930.

"My memoirs of Georgia politics".

Atlanta, Ga., The Index printing co. 1911

Item identification number 6506; written and published by Mrs. William H. Felton, after she had reached her 75th birthday.

Reel: 811
Fenn, Henry Edwin.

Thirty-five years in the divorce court.

Boston, Little, Brown & co. 1911

Item identification number 6507.

Reel: 811
Ferch, Joh.

Liebe und Ehe in der arbeitenden Klass.

Oranienburg, Orania-Verlag. [1913]

Item identification number 6508.

Reel: 811
Fessard, Maurice.

... La capacité civile de la femme mariée en droit normand et en droit anglais.

Paris, A. Rousseau. 1914

Item identification number 6509.

Reel: 811
Finke, Heinrich, 1855-1938.

Die Frau im Mittelalter.

Kempten & München, J. Kösel. 1913

Item identification number 6511; Mit einem Kapitel "Die heiligen Frauen im Mittelalter" von Dr. Lenné.

Reel: 811
Finot, Jean, 1858-1922.

Das hohe Lied der Frau; eine Lebensharmonie der beiden Geschlechter.

Stuttgart, J. Hoffmann. [c1912]

Item identification number 6512.

Reel: 811
Finot, Jean, 1858-1922.

Problems of the sexes.

New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1913

Item identification number 6513; tr. under the authority of the author, by Mary J. Safford.

Reel: 811
Fischer, Edmund, 1864.

Frauenarbeit und Familie.

Berlin, J. Springer. 1914

Item identification number 6514.

Reel: 811
Fisher, Harriet (White) 1865-1939.

A woman's world tour in a motor.

Philadelphia & London, J. B. Lippincott co. 1911

Item identification number 6514.1; with 70 illustrations.

Reel: 811
Fleckenstein, Edgar.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning als Kritiker englischer Literatur.

Heidelberg, C. Winter's. 1912

Item identification number 6515.

Reel: 812
Fleischmann, Hector, 1882-1914.

... Les demoiselles d'amour du Palais-Royal.

Paris, Bibliothèque des curieux. 1911

Item identification number 6516; Avec la réimpression intégrale de dix pamphlets libres sur les filles publiques du Palais-Egalité et la bibliographie des libelles galants qui leur sont consacrés.

Reel: 812
Fleischmann, Hector, 1882-1914, ed.

Napoleon III and the women he loved.

London, Holden & Hardingham. [1915]

Item identification number 6517; Translated by Dr. A. S. Rapport.

Reel: 812
Fletcher, Jefferson Butler, 1865-1946.

The religion of beauty in woman, and other essays on Platonic love in poetry and society.

New York, The Macmillan co. 1911

Item identification number 6518.

Reel: 812
Fletcher, Margaret.

... Christian feminism, a charter of rights and duties.

London, P. S. King & son., ltd. 1915

Item identification number 6519.

Reel: 812
Flower, Benjamin Orange, 1858-1918.

Progressive men, women, and movements of the past twenty-five years.

Boston, Mass., The New Arena. [c1914]

Item identification number 6520; by B. O. Flower, founder of "the Arena" and "the Twentieth century magazine".

Reel: 812
Foerster, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1869.

Marriage and the sex-problem.

London, W. Gardner, Darton & co., ltd. [c1911]

Item identification number 6521; Translated by Meyrick Booth.

Reel: 812
Forel, Auguste Henri, 1848-1931.

The sexual question; a scientific, psychological, hygienic and sociological study.

New York, Medical Art Agency. [1914?]

Item identification number 6522; English adaptation from the second German ed., revised and enlarged, by C. F. Marshall.

Reel: 812
Forsyth, Peter Taylor, 1848-1921.

Marriage; its ethic and religion.

London [etc.] Hodder and Stoughton. [1912]

Item identification number 6523.

Reel: 812
Foster, Cornelia Ely (de Zeng) 1871.

What a woman saw in South America.

Boston, The Roxburgh publishing co. inc. [c1913]

Item identification number 6524.

Reel: 812
Foster, Lemuel Hill, 1853.

The legal rights of women, adapted for use in every state by means of a brief synopsis of the laws relating to property rights, dower, divorce, the rights of a widow in the estate of her husband, etc.

Detroit, Mich., Woman's pub. co. 1913

Item identification number 6525; Containing also much other helpful information, advice and direction for women in every walk of life.

Reel: 813
Fox, Marion Elizabeth (Pease) 1863.

Mary Pease, a memoir.

London, Printed for private circulation by Messrs. Hatchard. 1911

Item identification number 6526; by her daughter Marion E. Fox.

Reel: 813
France. Conseil supérieur du travail.

... Âge d'admission au service de la clientèle dans les auberges, hôtels, etc.

Paris, Imprimerie nationale. 1913

Item identification number 6527; Rapport de M. Abel Craissac, au nom de la Commission permanente. Procès-verbaux, enquête et documents.

Reel: 813
France. Direction du travail.

... Enquête sur le travail à domicile dans l'industrie de la fleur artificielle.

Paris, Imprimerie nationale. 1913

Item identification number 6528.

Reel: 813
Frankau, Julia (Davis) 1864-1916.

The story of Emma, lady Hamilton.

London, Macmillan & co., ltd. 1911

Item identification number 6528.1.

Reel: 813
Franklin, Margaret Ladd.

The case of woman suffrage; a bibliography.

New York city, National college equal suffrage league. 1913

Item identification number 6529; with an introduction by M. Carey Thomas.

Reel: 813
Fraser, John Foster, 1868-1936.

The land of veiled women, some wanderings in Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco; with forty-four illustrations in color and black-and-white.

London, New York [etc.] Cassell & co., ltd. 1911

Item identification number 6530.

Reel: 813
Fraser, Mary (Crawford) "Mrs. Hugh Fraser," 1851-1922.

A diplomatist's wife in many lands.

New York, Dodd, Mead & co. 1911

Item identification number 6530.1.

Reel: 814
Fraser, Mary (Crawford) "Mrs. Hugh Fraser," 1851-1922.

Reminiscences of a diplomatist's wife: further reminiscences of a diplomatist's wife in many lands.

New York, Dodd, Mead & co. 1913

Item identification number 6531.

Reel: 814
Frederick, Christine (McGaffey) 1883.

The new housekeeping; efficiency studies in home management.

Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Page & co. 1913

Item identification number 6533.

Reel: 814
Frémont, Elizabeth Benton.

Recollections of Elizabeth Benton Frémont, daughter of the pathfinder General John C. Frémont and Jessie Benton Frémont, his wife.

New York, Frederick H. Hitchcock. 1912

Item identification number 6533.1; Compiled by I. T. Martin.

Reel: 814
Freudenberg, Ika.

Die Frau und die Kultur des öffentlichen Lebens.

Leipzig, C. F. Amelang. 1911

Item identification number 6534.

Reel: 814
Frieze, Jacob.

A concise history of the efforts to obtain an extension of suffrage in Rhode Island; from the year 1811 to 1842.

Providence, T. S. Hammond, printer. 1912

Item identification number 6535; 3d ed.

Reel: 814
Frizzell, Lodisa.

Across the plains to California in 1852; the journal of Mrs. Lodisa Frizzell.

[New York] The New York public library. 1915

Item identification number 6536; ed. from the original manuscript in the New York Public Library by Victor Hugh Paltsits.

Reel: 814
Frothingham, Eugenia Brooks, 1874.

Fears of the anti-suffragist.

Boston. 1914

Item identification number 6537.

Reel: 814
Fuller, Lois, 1869-1928.

Fifteen years of a dancer's life, with some account of her distinguished friends.

Boston, Small, Maynard & co. 1913

Item identification number 6538; with an introduction by Anatole France.

Reel: 814
Galbraith, Anna Mary, 1859.

Personal hygiene and physical training for women.

Philadelphia and London, W. B. Saunders co. 1911

Item identification number 6539.

Reel: 815
Gastell, Franz Adalbert, 1888.

Der Konkurs der Ehefrau unter dem Güterrecht des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches.

Giessen, O. Kindt. 1911

Item identification number 6542.

Reel: 815
Gattermann, Hermann, 1886.

Die deutsche Frau in den Fastnachtspielsen.

Greifswald, J. Abel. 1911

Item identification number 6543.

Reel: 815
Gaunt, Mary Eliza Bakewell, 1872.

A woman in China.

Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott co.; London, T. Werner Laurie. [1914]

Item identification number 6544.

Reel: 815
Gayrund, Amélie.

Les jeunes filles d'aujourd'hui.

Paris, G. Oudin. [1914]

Item identification number 6545.

Reel: 815
Gazier, Augustin Louis, 1844-1922.

Jeanne de Chantal et Angélique Arnauld d'après leur correspondance (1620-1641).

Paris, Librairie Ancienne H. Champion. 1915

Item identification number 6546; Etude historique et critique suivie des lettres de ces deux mères et d'une lettre de Saint-Cyran à Mme de Chantal, rassemblées et classées pour la première fois. Avec. trois portraits en similigravure.

Reel: 815
Gebhardt, Hans, 1888.

Das Namenrecht der Ehefrau.

Greifswald, J. Abel. 1913

Item identification number 6547.

Reel: 815
George, Samuel.

Woman's world-wide work with war; or, Preparing for the great international peace.

London, Power-Book co. 1915

Item identification number 6550.

Reel: 816
George, Walter Lionel, 1882-1926.

Woman and to-morrow.

London, H. Jenkins, ltd. 1913

Item identification number 6551.

Reel: 816
Gerlach, Kurt Albert, 1886.

Die Bedeutung des Arbeiterinnenschutzes; eine Studie an der Entwicklung der Englischen Fabrikgesetze.

Jena, G. Fischer. 1913

Item identification number 6552.

Reel: 816
Gerlings, Arnolda Constantia Eliana, 1875.

De Vrouw in het oud-christelijke Gemeenteleven.

Amsterdam, A. H. Kruyt. [1913]

Item identification number 6553.

Reel: 816
Gigot, Francis Ernest.

Christ's teacing concerning divorce in the New Testament; an exegetical study.

New York [etc.] Benziger bros. 1912

Item identification number 6555.

Reel: 816
Gilliat-Smith, Ernest.

Saint Clare of Assisi: her life and legislation.

London & Toronto, J. M. Dent & sons, ltd.; New York, E. P. Dutton & Co. 1914

Item identification number 6556.1.

Reel: 816
Gilman, Charlotte (Perkins) Stetson, 1860-1935.

The man-made world; or, Our androcentric culture.

New York, Charlton co. 1911

Item identification number 6557.

Reel: 816
Gilman, Charlotte (Perkins) Stetson, 1860-1935.

Suffrage songs and verses.

New York, The Charlton co. 1911

Item identification number 6558.

Reel: 816
Ginisty, Paul, 1855-1932.

... Mademoiselle Gogo; Mademoiselle Beauménard de la Comédie-Française 1730-1799.

Paris, Charpentier et Fasquelle. 1913

Item identification number 6559; Ouvrage illustré de douze planches hors texte. 2d mille.

Reel: 816
Glyn, Elinor (Sutherland).

Three things.

London, Duckworth & co. [1915]

Item identification number 6560.

Reel: 816
Gnauck-Kühne, Elisabeth, 1852-1917.

Dienstpflicht und Dienstjahr des weiblichen Geschlechts.

Tübingen, J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Sieback). 1915

Item identification number 6561; Mit 4 Diagrammen.

Reel: 816
Goldsheid, Rudolf.

Frauenfrage und Menschenökonomie.

Wien und Leipzig, Brüder Suschitzky. [1913]

Item identification number 6562.

Reel: 816
Goltz, Eduard Alexander, freiherr von der, 1870.

Der Dienst der Frau in der christlichen Kirche.

Potsdam, Stiftungsverlag. 1914

Item identification number 6563; Geschichtlicher Ueberblick mit einer Sammlung von Urkunden ... 2 verm. Auflage mit einem Anhang von Pastor Schoene" Der Dienst der Frau in der Mission".

Reel: 817
Goncourt, Edmond Louis Antoine Huot de, 1822-1896.

Madame du Barry.

London, J. Long. 1914

Item identification number 6564; with photogravure and 15 other portraits.

Reel: 817
González Castro, José.

El trabajo de la mujer en la industria; condiciones en que se efectúa y sus consecuencias en el porvenir de la raza, medidas de protección necesaria.

Madrid, Imp. de la suc. de M. Minuesa de los Ríos. 1914

Item identification number 6565.

Reel: 817
Goodwin, Grace Duffield.

Anti-suffrage; ten good reasons.

New York, Duffield and co. 1913

Item identification number 6566.

Reel: 817
Gordon, Helen Cameron, 1867.

A woman in the Sahara.

London, W. Heinemann. [1915]

Item identification number 6567.

Reel: 817
Gore, Charles, 1853-1932.

The question of divorce.

London, J. Murray. 1911

Item identification number 6568.

Reel: 817
Gouverneur, Marian (Campbell).

As I remember; recollections of American society during the nineteenth century.

New York and London, D. Appleton & co. 1911

Item identification number 6569.

Reel: 817
Goyau, Lucie Félix (Faure) 1866-1913.

Christianisme et culture féminine.

Paris, Perrin et cie. 1914

Item identification number 6570.

Reel: 817
Graham, Margaret (Collier) 1850-1910.

Do they really respect us?.

San Francisco, A. M. Robertson. 1912

Item identification number 6571; and other essays.

Reel: 818
Granitsch, H.

... Kriegsdienstleistung der Frauen.

Wien. 1915

Item identification number 6572.

Reel: 818
Graux, Lucien.

Le divorce des aliénés.

Paris, A. Maloine. 1912

Item identification number 6573; Une enquête de la "Gazette médicale de Paris.".

Reel: 818
Great Britain. Board of Trade.

... Accounts of expenditure of wage-earning women and girls.

London, Pub. by H. M. Stationery off., printed by Darling & son, ltd. 1911

Item identification number 6574; Presented to Parliament by command of His Majesty.

Reel: 818
Great Britain. Central Committee on Women's Employment.

... Interim report of the Central committee on women's employment.

London, H. M. Stationery off., Eyre and Spottiswoode, ltd., printers. 1915

Item identification number 6575.

Reel: 818
Greenacre, Alice.

A handbook for the women voters of Illinois.

[Chicago] Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy. 1913

Item identification number 6578.

Reel: 818
Greer, Joseph H., 1851.

The social evil; its cause, effect and cure.

Chicago, Ill., The author. [c1913]

Item identification number 6579.

Reel: 818
Gribble, Francis Henry, 1862-1946.

The court of Christina of Sweden and the later adventures of the queen in exile.

London, E. Nash. 1913

Item identification number 6580.

Reel: 818
Gribble, Francis Henry, 1862-1946.

Rachel, her stage life and her real life.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1911

Item identification number 6581.

Reel: 818
Grossgerge, Walther, 1888.

De Senecae et Theophrasti libris de matrimonio.

Regimonti, ex officina Kuemmeliana. 1911

Item identification number 6582.

Reel: 818
Grotjahn, Alfred, 1869-1931.

Geburten-Rückgang und Geburten-Regelung im Lichte der Individuellen und der sozialen Hygiene.

Berlin, L. Marcus Verlagsh. 1914

Item identification number 6583.

Reel: 818
Gruber, Max von, 1853-1927.

Hygiene des Geschlechtslebens.

Stuttgart, E. H. Moritz. [c1915]

Item identification number 6584; 9. u. 10., vermehrte, verbesserte auflage.

Reel: 818
Guerrier, Maurice.

Le salaire de la femme; ses conséquences sociales et économiques.

Paris, Imp. H. Jardin. 1912

Item identification number 6585; [Thèse.].

Reel: 818
Gimbaud, Louis, 1869, ed.

The love letters of Juliette Drouet to Victor Hugo.

New York, McBride, Nast & co. 1914

Item identification number 6586; Edited by Louis Gimbaud. Translated by Lady Theodore Davidson.

Reel: 819
Gulick, Sidney Lewis, 1860-1945.

Working women of Japan.

New York, Missionary education movement of the United States and Canada. 1915

Item identification number 6587.

Reel: 819
Haberling, Wilhelm, 1871-1940.

Das Dirnenwesen in den Heeren und seine Bekämpfung; eine geschichtliche Studie.

Leipzig, J. A. Barth. 1914

Item identification number 6588; Mit 8 Abbildungen im Text und einer Doppeltafel.

Reel: 819
Hachfeld, Albert.

Der Mädchenhandel und seine Bekämpfung im Völkerrecht.

Potsdam und Leipzig, Bonness & Hachfeld. 1913

Item identification number 6589.

Reel: 819
Hadina, Emil, 1885.

Moderne deutsche Frauenlyrik.

Leipzig, Eckardt. 1914

Item identification number 6590.

Reel: 819
Haggard, Andrew Charles Parker, 1854.

Remarkable women of France, from 1431-1749, with a frontispiece in photogravure and 16 other illus. in half-tone.

London, S. Paul & co. [1914]

Item identification number 6591.

Reel: 819
Haggard, Andrew Charles Parker, 1854.

Women of the revolutionary era, or some who stirred France.

London, S. Paul & co. [1914?]

Item identification number 6592; with a photogravure frontispiece and 16 other illustrations in half-tone.

Reel: 819
Hainisch, Marianne.

... Die Mutter.

Leipzig, H. Heller. 1913

Item identification number 6593.

Reel: 819
Haldy, Wilhelm Ludwig, 1879.

Die Wohnungsfrage der Prostituierten.

Hannover, Helwing. 1914

Item identification number 6594; (Kuppeleiparagraph und Bordellwirt.) Eine juristische Betrachtung.

Reel: 819
Hale, Beatrice (Forbes-Robertson) 1883.

What women want; an interpretation of the feminist movement.

New York, Frederick A. Stokes co. [1914]

Item identification number 6595.

Reel: 819
Hallowes, Frances S.

Mothers of men and militarism.

London, Headley Bros. [1915]

Item identification number 6596.

Reel: 819
Hamel, Frank.

An eighteenth century marquise; a study of Émilie Du Châtelet and her times.

London, S. Paul & co. [1910]

Item identification number 6597; with frontispiece and sixteen illustrations.

Reel: 820
Hamel, Frank.

The lady of beauty (Agnes Sorel) With sixteen illus.

New York, Brentano's; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd. 1912

Item identification number 6598.

Reel: 820
Hansbrough, Henry Clay, 1848-1933.

War and woman; an exposition of man's failure as a harmonizer.

New York, Duffield & co. 1915

Item identification number 6599.

Reel: 820
Hardy, Edward John, 1849-1920.

Still happy though married.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1914

Item identification number 6600.

Reel: 820
Hargrave, Mary.

Some German women and their salons.

New York, Brentano's. [1912]

Item identification number 6601.

Reel: 820
Harland, Robert O.

The vice bondage of a great city; or, The wickedest city in the world.

[Chicago, Young People's Civic league]. [1912]

Item identification number 6602; The reign of vice, graft and political corruption.

Reel: 820
Harmand, Jean.

Madame de Genlis: sa vie intime et politique, 1746-1830, d'après des documents inédits.

Paris, Perrin et cie. 1912

Item identification number 6603.1; Préface d'Emile Faguet ... Ouvrage orné de huit planches hors texte.

Reel: 820
Harriman, Shepard Fisher.

In memoriam.

Columbus, O. Harriman. 1915

Item identification number 6604; Amanda Clegg Harriman.

Reel: 820
Harris, Frank, 1855-1931.

The women of Shakespeare.

London, Methuen & co., ltd. [1911]

Item identification number 6605; with a frontispiece.

Reel: 820
Hartford. Vice Commission.

Reprinted by Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association. Report of the Hartford Vice Commission.

Hartford. [1913]

Item identification number 6606; [July, 1913].

Reel: 820
Hartley, Catherine Gasquoine, 1867-1928.

The truth about woman.

New York, Dodd, Mead & co. 1913

Item identification number 6608.

Reel: 821
Haynes, Edmund Sidney Pollock, 1877-1949.

Divorce problems of to-day.

Cambridge, W. Heffer & sons, ltd. 1912

Item identification number 6609.

Reel: 821
Headland, Isaac Taylor, 1859.

Home life in China.

New York, The Macmillan co. 1914

Item identification number 6610.

Reel: 821
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