History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Villiers du Terrage, Marc, baron de, 1867

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Villiers du Terrage, Marc, baron de, 1867.

... Histoire des clubs de femmes et des légions d' Amazones, 1793-1848-1871.

Paris, Plon-Nourrit et cie. 1910

Item identification number 6220.

Reel: 778
[Vincens, Cécile, "Mme. Charles Vincens"], 1840-1908.

Princesses and court ladies.

New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1906

Item identification number 6221; by Arvède Barine [pseud.]; Authorized English version.

Reel: 778
Vincens, Cécile, "Mme. Charles Vincens," 1840-1908.

La jeunesse de la Grand Mademoisselle, (1627-1652).

Paris, Hachette et cie. 1906

Item identification number 6220.1; 5th ed.

Reel: 778
Vincentiis, Gedeone de.

Il divorzio in Italia.

Roma, Tipografia pontificia dell' Instituto Pio IX. 1907

Item identification number 6221.1; Una risposta a "Rastignac" della "Tribuna" di Roma.

Reel: 778
Vita della D. Maddalena Sofia Barat, fondatrice della Società dalle religiose del Sacro Cuore.

Firenze, Tipografia Barbera. 1908

Item identification number 6222; Tratta dai processi di beatificazione con prefazione dell 'Em. card, Domenico Ferrata.

Reel: 778
Warner, Anna Bartlett, 1824-1915.

Susan Waner.

New York, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1909

Item identification number 6224.1; ("Elizabeth Wetherell").

Reel: 778
Washburne, Marion (Foster) 1863.

Family secrets.

New York, The Macmillan co.; London, Macmillan & co., ltd. 1907

Item identification number 6225.

Reel: 779
Waters, Yssabella.

Visiting nursing in the United States; containing a directory of the organizations employing trained visiting nurses, with chapters on the principles, organization and methods of administration of such work.

New York, Charities Publication Committee. 1909

Item identification number 6226.

Reel: 779
Weber, Hans.

Die Wirkungen nichtiger Ehen.

Borna-Leipzig, R. Noske. 1909

Item identification number 6226.1; Erlangen.

Reel: 779
Weber, Marianne (Schnitger) 1870.

Ehefrau und mutter in der rechtsentwicklung, eine einführung.

Tübingen, J.C.B. Mohr. 1907

Item identification number 6227.

Reel: 779
Weininger, Otto, 1880-1903.

Gedanken über Geschlechtsprobleme, von Otto Weininger; hrsg. von Robert Saudek.

Berlin, H. Ehbock. [1907]

Item identification number 6227.1.

Reel: 779
Weiss, Theodor, 1868.

Die Prostitutionsfrage in der Schweiz und das Schweizerische Strafgesetzbuch.

Bern, Stämpfli & Cie. 1906

Item identification number 6228; Materialien, Betrachtungen und Vorschläge.

Reel: 779
Wentworth, Franklin Harcourt, 1866.

The woman's portion, an address delivered in Carnegie Hall, New York City, Sunday afternoon, February 27, 1910, under the auspices of the women of the Socialist Party.

New York, Socialistic Co-operative Pub. Association. [1910]

Item identification number 6229.

Reel: 779
Werner, Joachim.

... Die Heiratsannonce; Studien und Briefe.

Berlin, M. Aronhold. [1908]

Item identification number 6230.

Reel: 779
Wheat, Lu.

Ah Moy; the story of a Chinese girl.

New York, Grafton Press. [c1908]

Item identification number 6231; Illustrated by M. E. Curran.

Reel: 779
Wheat, Lu.

The third daughter; a story of Chinese home life.

Los Angeles, Cal., Oriental pub. co. [c1906]

Item identification number 6232.

Reel: 779
Wheeler, Ethel Rolt.

Famous blue-stockings.

New York, J. Lane co. 1910

Item identification number 6233; with sixteen illustrations.

Reel: 780
White, Ellen Gould (Harmon) 1827-1915.

Early writings of Mrs. White.

Washington, D.C., Review and herald pub. assn. 1907

Item identification number 6234; 11th ed.

Reel: 780
White, Frederick Augustus, comp.

Laws on marriage, divorce and property rights of married women of all states and Alaska, Hawaii, Arizona, New Mexico and District of Columbia, with citations to laws by chapter and section.

Los Angeles, Cal., Baumgardt Pub. co. 1910

Item identification number 6235.

Reel: 780
White, Mary Culler, 1875-1973.

The days of June; the life story of June Nicholson.

Nashville, Woman's board of foreign missions. [c1909]

Item identification number 6235.1; [2d ed.].

Reel: 780
Whitehouse, Henry Remsen, 1857.

A revolutionary princess, Christina Belgiojoso-Trivulzio, her life and times, 1808-1871.

New York, E. P. Dutton & co. 1906

Item identification number 6236.

Reel: 780
Whiting, Lilian, 1859.

Louise Chandler Moulton, poet and friend.

Boston, Little, Brown & co. 1910

Item identification number 6237.

Reel: 780
Whitman, Sarah (Wyman).

Letters of Sarah Wyman Whitman.

Cambridge, Printed at the Riverside press. 1907

Item identification number 6238.

Reel: 780
Whitmore, Clara Helen, 1865.

Woman's work in English fiction, from the restoration to the mid-Victorian period.

New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1910

Item identification number 6239.

Reel: 780

Das Züchtigungsrecht des Ehemannes im deutschen Recht.

Jena, G. Neuenhahn. 1909

Item identification number 6239.1.

Reel: 780
Wilbrandt, Robert, 1875.

Arbeiterinnenschutz und Heimarbeit.

Jena, G. Fischer. 1906

Item identification number 6240; Mit einem Beitrag von Dora Landé.

Reel: 781
Wilbrandt, Robert, 1875.

Die Frauenarbeit, ein Problem des Kapitalismus.

Leipzig, B. G. Teubner. 1906

Item identification number 6241.

Reel: 781
Wilke, Fritz.

Das Frauenideal und die Schätzung des Weibes im Alten Testament.

Leipzig, Dieterich. 1907

Item identification number 6242; Eine Studie zur israelitischen Kultur- und Religionsgeschichte.

Reel: 781
Williams, Hugh Noel, 1870-1925.

Later queens of the French stage.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1906

Item identification number 6243.

Reel: 781
Williams, Hugh Noel, 1870-1925.

A princess of intrigue, Anne Geneviève de Bourbon, Duchesse de Longueville, and her times.

New York, G. P. Putnam's sons; London, Hutchinson & co. 1908

Item identification number 6244.

Reel: 781
Williams, Hugh Noel, 1870-1925.

A rose of Savoy, Marie Adélaide of Savoy, duchesse de Bourgogne, mother of Louis XV.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1909

Item identification number 6245.

Reel: 781
Willmott-Dixon, Willmott, 1843.

Queens of beauty and their romances.

London, Hutchinson & co. 1907

Item identification number 6246.

Reel: 782
Wilmot-Buxton, Ethel Mary.

A book of noble women.

Boston, Small, Maynard & company. 1907

Item identification number 6247.

Reel: 782
[Wilson, Henry Joseph], 1833-1914.

Copy of a rough record of events and incidents connected with the repeal of the "Contagious diseases acts, 1864-6-9," in the United Kingdom, and of the movement against state regulation of vice.

Sheffield, Parker bros., printers. [1907]

Item identification number 6248; In India and the colonies. 1858-1906.

Reel: 782
Wilson, Samuel Paynter.

Chicago by gaslight.

Chicago. 1910

Item identification number 6248.0; 1st ed.

Reel: 782
Winter, Botho.

Die Rechtsverhältnisse zwischen den Kindern aus einer nichtigen Ehe und ihren Eltern nach dem Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuche.

Borna-Leipzig, R. Noske. 1909

Item identification number 6248.1.

Reel: 782
Wisconsin. Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics.

... Women workers in Milwaukee tanneries.

Madison, Wis., Democrat Printing co. 1909

Item identification number 6249.

Reel: 782
Wohlgemuth, Marta.

... Die Bauerin in zwei Badischen Gemeinden, von dr. Marta Wohlgemuth.

Karlsruhe i. B., G. Braun. 1913

Item identification number 6250.

Reel: 782
Wohlrabe, Wilhelm, 1851-1920.

Schäden und Gefahren der sexuellen Unsittlichkeit und deren Bekämpfung; erweiterter Synodal-Vortrag von Rektor Dr. Wohlrabe.

Leipzig, Dürr. 1908

Item identification number 6250.1.

Reel: 782
Wolff, Kurt.

Das Rechtschutzobjekt und das Problem der Bestrafung des Ehebruchs.

Borna-Leipzig, R. Noske. 1908

Item identification number 6250.2.

Reel: 782
Wollstein, Alfred.

Die rückwirkende Kraft der Eheanfechtung.

Berlin, H. Blanke. 1910

Item identification number 6250.3.

Reel: 782
Woman: in all ages and in all countries.

Philadelphia, Rittenhouse Press. [c1907-08]

Item identification number 6251.

Reel: 783
Tuckwell, Gertrude M.

Woman in industry from seven points of view.

London, Duckworth and co. 1908

Item identification number 6252; by Constance Smith [and others] …; with a preface by D. J. Shackleton, M. P.

Reel: 784
The Woman's dictionary and encyclopedia, everything a woman wants to know.

Akron, Ohio, Anderson Publishing co. 1909

Item identification number 6253; written, compiled and edited by eminent authorities; Contributors: Mrs. S. T. Rorer, Fannie Merritt Farmer [and others].

Reel: 784
Women's Education and Industrial Union. Boston.

Simplified statement of laws affecting the employment of women and children in Massachusetts, September 1908.

[Boston]. [1908]

Item identification number 6254; Issued by the Industrial committee representing jointly the Massachusetts state federation of women's clubs, and the Women's educational and industrial union.

Reel: 784
Women's Freedom League.

Birthday book.

Glasgow, Women's freedom league suffrage center. [1910]

Item identification number 6257.

Reel: 784
Women's Industrial Council. London.

The case for and against a legal minimum wage for sweated workers.

[London] Women's Industrial Council. 1909

Item identification number 6258.

Reel: 784
Women's Industrial Council. London.

Home industries of women in London; report of an inquiry by the Investigation Committee of the Council with an account of the development and present condition of home work in relation to the legal protection of the workers and some account of foreign experiments in legislation.

London, The Women's industrial council. 1908

Item identification number 6259.

Reel: 785
The Women's Medical Association of New York City.

In memory of Mary Putnam Jacobi, Jan. 4, 1907.

New York, Academy of medicine. [1907]

Item identification number 6260.

Reel: 785
Women's Trade Union League of Massachusetts.

The history of trade unionism among women in Boston.

[Boston, A. T. Bliss & co.]. [1906?]

Item identification number 6262; Published by the Women's Trade Union League of Massachusetts.

Reel: 785
Wood, Frances Ann, 1840.

Earliest years at Vassar, personal recollections.

Poughkeepsie, New York, Vassar College press. 1909

Item identification number 6263.

Reel: 785
Woodbury, Helen Laura (Sumner) 1876-1933.

Equal suffrage; the results of an investigation in Colorado made for the Collegiate equal suffrage league of New York state.

New York and London, Harper & brothers. 1909

Item identification number 6264.

Reel: 785
Wright, Frances C.

Woman's divine rights; or, Key of David to physical immortality.

The Philadelphian Order. 1910

Item identification number 6265; A new revelation, by Frances C. Wright. [Toronto?].

Reel: 785
Abbot, Willis John, 1863-1934.

Women of history; the lives of women who in all ages, all lands and in all womanly occupations have won fame and put their imprint on the world's history.

Philadelphia, J. C. Winston co. [c1913]

Item identification number 6269.

Reel: 786
Abensour, Léon, 1889.

Le féminisme sous le règne de Louis-Philippe et en 1848.

Paris, Plon-Nourrit et cie. 1913

Item identification number 6270; Préface de M. Jules Bois. 2 éd.

Reel: 786
Acker, Paul.

Portraits de femmes.

Paris, Dorbon-Ainé. 1912

Item identification number 6271.

Reel: 786
Wychgram, Jakob, 1858.

Die Kulturaufgeben der Frau.

Leipzig. 1910-12

Item identification number 6266.

Reel: 786
Young Women's Christian Associations. United States National Board.

Frances Bridges Atkinson.

New York, National Board of the Young Women's Christian Associations of the United States of America. 1908

Item identification number 6267; a record of her life prepared by her friends; foreword by Margaret E. Sagnster.

Reel: 786
Zimmer, Curt.

Die Beteiligung der Ehefrau an dem von dem Ehemann geschlossenen Mietvertrage.

Göttingen, W. F. Kaestner. 1908

Item identification number 6267.1.

Reel: 786
Zimmern, Alice, 1855-1939.

Unpaid professions for women.

London, Guardian Office. [1906]

Item identification number 6267.2.

Reel: 786
Zimmern, Alice, 1855-1939.

Women's suffrage in many lands.

[London, Francis & co.]. [1909]

Item identification number 6268; Foreword by Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt.

Reel: 786
Zumbroich, Karl.

Der Paragraph 1345 des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches.

Krefeld, J. B. Klein. 1910

Item identification number 6268.1.

Reel: 786
Ackermann, Jessie.

What women have done with the vote.

New York, W.B. Feakins. [c1913]

Item identification number 6273.

Reel: 787
Ackermann, Jessie A.

Australia from a woman's point of view.

London, New York [etc.] Cassell & co., ltd. 1913

Item identification number 6272; with sixty-four plates.

Reel: 787
Adam, Hargrave Lee, 1867.

Police work from within, with some reflections upon women, the law and lawyers.

London, Holden and Hardington. [1913]

Item identification number 6274.

Reel: 787
Adam, Hargrave Lee, 1867.

Woman and crime.

London, T. W. Laurie. [1912]

Item identification number 6275.

Reel: 787
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935.

A new conscience and an ancient evil.

New York, Macmillan co. 1912

Item identification number 6276.

Reel: 787
Ahrem, Maximilian, 1885.

... Das Weib in der antiken Kunst.

Jena, E. Diederichs. 1914

Item identification number 6277; Mit 295 Tafeln und Abbildungen.

Reel: 787
[Aimery de Pierrebourg, Marguerite (Thomas-Galline)] baronne, 1858.

The martyr of love.

London, S. Paul & co. [1914]

Item identification number 6278; The life of Louise de la Vallière by Claude Ferval [pseud.] with an introduction by Jean Richepin, tr. from the French by Sidney Dark, with photogravure frontispiece and 16 illus. in halftone.

Reel: 787
Albany Academy for Girls.

Centennial celebration, June 14, 1914.

Albany, N.Y., The Alumnae. 1914

Item identification number 6279.

Reel: 787
Alchevskaia, Khristina Danilovna (Zhuravleva), 1843-1920.

Peredumannoe i perezhitoe; dnevniki, pis'ma vospominaniia.

[M, Tip. T-va I.D. Sytina]. [1912]

Item identification number 6280.

Reel: 788
Aldenburg, Charlotte Amélie (de La Trémoïle) gräfin von, 1652-1732.

The autobiography of Charlotte Amélie, princess of Aldenburg, née princess de La Trémoïlle, 1652-1732, tr. from the French of the original manuscript.

London, E. Nash. 1913

Item identification number 6281; ed. by her descendant, Mrs. Aubrey Le Blond.

Reel: 788
Aldis, Mary (Reynolds).

Florence Nightingale; an appreciation.

New York, National organization for public health nursing. 1914

Item identification number 6282; based on the recent biography by Sir Edward Cook, "Life of Florence Nightingale". Paper read at the Fortnightly club of Chicago on April 2, 1914.

Reel: 788
Aldrich, Mildred, 1853-1928.

A hilltop on the Marne, being letters written June 3 - September 8, 1914.

Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin co. 1915

Item identification number 6283.

Reel: 788
Alfonso y Garcia, Ramón María.

... La reglamentacion de la prostitucion, breves apuntes sobre como debe ser en Cuba.

Habana, A. Miranda. 1912

Item identification number 6284.

Reel: 788
Alix, Andrée (Mme.) d'.

La croux-rouge française.

Paris, Perrin et cie. 1914

Item identification number 6285; Le rôle patriotique des femmes. Préface de Georges Goyau.

Reel: 788
Allen, Mary (Wood) 1841-1908.

... Almost a woman.

Cooperstown, N.Y., The A. H. Crist co. 1911

Item identification number 6286.

Reel: 788
American Academy of Political and Social Science. Philadelphia.

Women in public life.

Philadelphia, American academy of political and social science. [1914]

Item identification number 6288; [Editor in charge of this volume, James P. Lichtenberger, Ph.D.].

Reel: 788
American Association of University Women. Committee on Vocational Opportunities.

Vocational training; a classified list of institutions training educated women for occupations other than teaching.

Northampton, Mass., Press of the Gazette print. co. 1913

Item identification number 6289; prepared by the Committee on vocational opportunities of the Association of collegiate alumnae.

Reel: 788
Anderson, Florence Mary (Bennett) 1883.

Religious cults associated with the amazons.

New York, Columbia University press. 1912

Item identification number 6291.

Reel: 788
Andrew, Nell.

For our mothers.

Fort Worth, Taylor-made printing. [c1912]

Item identification number 6292; To honor Mother's day. [Compiled by Nell Andrew.].

Reel: 788
[Andrews, Marian].

Men and women of the Italian reformation.

London, S. Paul. [1914]

Item identification number 6293; by Christopher Hare [pseud.]; with 7 illus. in photogravure.

Reel: 789
[Andrews, Marian].

A princess of the Italian reformation, Giulia Gonzaga, 1513-1566, her family and her friends.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. [1912]

Item identification number 6294; by Christopher Hare [pseud.].

Reel: 789
Annesley, Maude.

My Parisian year; a woman's point of view.

New York, J. Pott. [1912]

Item identification number 6295.

Reel: 789
Anthony, Katharine Susan, 1877.

Feminism in Germany and Scandinavia.

New York, H. Holt and co. 1915

Item identification number 6296.

Reel: 789
Anthony, Katharine Susan, 1877.

Mothers who must earn.

New York, Survey associates, inc. 1914

Item identification number 6297.

Reel: 789
Auzéby, E.

... L'ouvrière devant les lois du travail et de la prévoyance sociale.

Montpellier, Firmin et Montane. 1911

Item identification number 6298.

Reel: 789
Avebury, John Lubbock, baron, 1834-1913.

Marriage totemism and religion; an answer to critics.

London, New York [etc.] Longmans, Green and co. 1911

Item identification number 6299.

Reel: 789
Avril de Sainte-Croix, Chenia, 1856-1939.

L'esclave blanche.

[Alençon, A. Coueslant]. 1913

Item identification number 6300; Discours prononcés ... contre la réglementation de la prostitution, par Mme. Avril de Saint-Croix, M. Augagneur et M. Rist.

Reel: 789
Ayer, Emma Augusta (Burbank).

A motor flight through Algeria and Tunisia.

Chicago, A. C. McClurg & co. 1911

Item identification number 6301; profusely illustrated from photographs by the author.

Reel: 789
Bab, Julius, 1880.

Die Frau als Schauspielerin; ein essay.

Berlin, Oesterhold & co. 1915

Item identification number 6302.

Reel: 790
Babcock, Lilian Hemans Whitney, 1871.

Pin-money suggestions.

Boston, LIttle, Brown & co. 1912

Item identification number 6303.

Reel: 790
Babcock, Winnifred (Eaton) 1879.

Me, a book of remembrance.

New York, The Century co. 1915

Item identification number 6304.

Reel: 790
Bacon, Albion (Fellows) 1865.

Beauty of ashes, with numerous illustrations.

New York, Dodd, Mead & co. 1914

Item identification number 6305.

Reel: 790
Baillie, Lady Grizel (Hume) lady, 1665-1746.

The household book of Lady Grisell Baillie, 1692-1733.

W. S. Edinburgh, Printed at the University Press by T. and A. Constable for the Scottish History Society. 1911

Item identification number 6306; Edited, with notes and introduction, by Robert Scott-Moncrieff.

Reel: 790
Baker, Hatty.

Women in the ministry.

London, C. W. Daniel. 1911

Item identification number 6307.

Reel: 790
Bakker-Nort, Betsy.

Schets van de rechtspositie der getrouwde Vrouw in Duitschland, Zwitserland, Engeland, Frankrijk en Nederland.

's Gravenhage, Gebr. Belinfante. 1914

Item identification number 6308.

Reel: 790
Baldwin, William Henry, 1851.

The present status of family desertion and non-support laws.

New York, J. Kempster Printing co. [1911]

Item identification number 6309; [Delivered at the National Conference of Charities and Corrections. Boston, Mass., June 10, 1911].

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