History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 800 Carter, Huntly, ed

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Reel: 800
Carter, Huntly, ed.

Women's suffrage & militancy.

London, F. Palmer. [1912?]

Item identification number 6405; [Essays by various authors.].

Reel: 800
Casanovas, Ignacio, 1872-1936.

Acción de la mujer en la vida social.

Barcelona, Gustavo Gili. 1911

Item identification number 6407.

Reel: 800
Case, Alice Hazen.

Practical programs for women's clubs; a compilation of study subjects for the use of women's clubs and similar organizations.

Chicago, A. C. McClurg & co. 1915

Item identification number 6408.

Reel: 800
Castán Tobeñas, José.

La crisis del matrimonio (ideas y hechos).

Madrid, Hijos de Reus. 1914

Item identification number 6409; Con un prólogo del Dr. D. Quintiliano Saldaña.

Reel: 801
Castle, Cora (Sutton).

A statistical study of eminent women.

New York, The Science press; [etc., etc.]. 1913

Item identification number 6410.

Reel: 801
Caterina da Siena, Saint, 1347-1380.

Le lettere di S. Caterina da Siena, ridotte a miglior lezione, e in ordine nuovo disposte con note di niccolò Tommaseo, a cura di Piero Misciattelli.

Siena, Giuntini Bentivoglio & c. 1913-1922

Item identification number 6411.

Reel: 801
Causeries du Lundi.

Causeries du Lundi, 1880-1912.

New York, Knickerbocker Press. 1912

Item identification number 6412; [Officers and members.] History and recollections, "Our Causeries," by Mrs. J. Erving, president 1902-12. List of officers and former members.

Reel: 802
Cecilia, Madame, 1852.

Girls' clubs and mothers' meetings.

London, Burns & Oates. 1911

Item identification number 6413.

Reel: 802
Celestin, pseud.

Stockholmskan, av Celestin.

Stockholm, Ahlén & Akerlund. [1915]

Item identification number 6414.

Reel: 802
Chambers, Robert William, 1865.

The gay rebellion.

New York and London, D. Appleton & co. 1913

Item identification number 6415; Illustrated by Edmund Frederick.

Reel: 802
Chapman, Cecil Maurice.

Marriage and divorce; some needed reforms in church and state.

London, D. Nutt. 1913

Item identification number 6416; Report of the Royal Commission. by Cecil Chapman. 2d ed.

Reel: 802
Chartres, Annie (Vivanti) 1870.

Marie Tarnowska.

London, W. Heinemann. [1915]

Item identification number 6417; with an introductory letter by Professor L. M. Bossi of the University of Genoa.

Reel: 802
Chatenet, Henri E.

Le roman et les romans d'une femme de lettres au dix-septième siècle: Mme. de Villedieu (1632-1683).

Paris, H. Champion. 1911

Item identification number 6418.

Reel: 802
Chesser, Elizabeth MacFarlane (Sloan) 1878-1940.

Woman, marriage and motherhood.

New York and London, Funk & Wagnalls co. 1913

Item identification number 6419; with an introduction by Mrs. Frederic Schoff.

Reel: 802
Chicago. Child Welfare Exhibit, 1911.

The child in the city; a series of papers presented at the conferences held during the Chicago child welfare exhibit.

[Chicago, Manz engraving co., The Hollister press]. 1912

Item identification number 6421; pub. by the Department of social investigation, Chicago school of civics and philanthropy.

Reel: 802
Chicago. Vice Commission.

The social evil in Chicago.

Chicago, Gunthorp-Warren print. co. 1911

Item identification number 6420; a study of existing conditions with recommendations by the Vice commission of Chicago: a municipal body appointed by the mayor and the City council of the city of Chicago, and submitted as its report to the mayor and City council of Chicago.

Reel: 802
Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy. Department of Social Investigation.

Finding employment for children who leave the grade schools to go to work; report to the Chicago woman's club, the Chicago association of collegiate alumnae and the Woman's city club.

[Chicago, Manz engraving co., Hollister press]. [1911]

Item identification number 6422.

Reel: 803
Chimnabai II, maharani of Baroda.

The position of women in Indian life.

London [etc.] Longmans, Green & co. 1911

Item identification number 6423; by Her Highness the Maharani of Baroda and S. M. Mitra.

Reel: 803
Christie, Jane Johnstone.

The advance of woman from the earliest times to the present.

Philadelphia & London, J. B. Lippincott co. 1912

Item identification number 6424.

Reel: 803
Church Mission of Help, New York.

The wayward girl and the church's responsibility.

New York, Church Mission of Help. 1911

Item identification number 6425.

Reel: 803
Cigna, Domenico.

... I reati di sesso nel matrimonio.

Torino [etc.] Fratelli Bocca. 1912

Item identification number 6426.

Reel: 803
Clarke, Caroline Cowles (Richards) 1842-1913.

Village life in America, 1852-1872, including the period of the American Civil War as told in the diary of a schoolgirl.

New York, H. Holt and co. 1912

Item identification number 6427; with an introduction by Margaret E. Sangster.

Reel: 803
Cloquié, H.

La femme après la guerre; (ses droits, son rôle, son devoir), par Madame H. Cloquié.

Paris, Maloine. [1915]

Item identification number 6429.

Reel: 803
Cocks, Orrin Giddings, 1877.

... The social evil and methods of treatment; designed for use as a basis and outline for discussion in groups of laymen, such as men's clubs in churches.

New York [etc.] Association press. 1912

Item identification number 6430.

Reel: 803
Cocroft, Susanna, 1862.

Growth in silence.

[Chicago, Physical culture extension society]. [1911]

Item identification number 6431; 2d ed.

Reel: 803
College Equal Suffrage League of Northern California.

Winning equal suffrage in California: reports of committees of the College equal suffrage league of northern California in the campaign of 1911.

[San Francisco] National college equal suffrage league. [c1913]

Item identification number 6432.

Reel: 803
College Settlements Association.

[n.p.]. [1914?]

Item identification number 6433; After 25 years, a questionnaire re-printed from the College settlements association Anniversary report, 1889-1914. Compiled by Mrs. Lucius H. Thayer and Miss Florence Converse.

Reel: 803
Collett, Jacobine Camilla (Wergeland) 1813-1895.

Samlede verker mindeudgave.

Kristiania og Kjøbenhavn, Gyldendalske Boghandel Nordisk Forlag. 1912-13

Item identification number 6434; Første bind.

Reel: 804
Colquhoun, Ethel Maud (Cookson).

The vocation of woman.

London, Macmillan & co., ltd. 1913

Item identification number 6435.

Reel: 804
Columban, M., dame.

The Irish nuns at Ypres: an episode of the war.

London, Smith, Elder & co. 1915

Item identification number 6436; by O.S.B. (member of the community) ed. by R. Barry O'Brien, LL.D., with an introduction by John Redmond, M.P.

Reel: 804
Coman, Martha (Seymour) 1826-1911.

Memories of Martha Seymour Coman.

Boston, Mass., The Fort Hill press. 1913

Item identification number 6437.

Reel: 804
Congres féministe international. Brussels, 1912.

Actes du Congrès féministe international de Bruxelles 1912, publiés par les soins de Mlle. Marie Popelin.

Bruxelles, C. Bulens. 1912

Item identification number 6438; 1892-1912.

Reel: 804
Congrès international des oeuvres et institutions féminines. 10th, Paris, 1913.

Dixième Congrès international des femmes.

Paris, V. Giard et E. Brière. 1914

Item identification number 6439; Oeuvres, et institutions féminines, droits des femmes, inauguré par M. Klotz, le 2 juin 1913, au Grand Amphithéatre de la Sorbonne. Compte rendu des travaux par Mme Avril de Sainte-Croix.

Reel: 805
Congreso femenino internacional de la Republica Argentina. 1st, Buenos Aires, 1910.

Primer Congreso femenino internacional de la Republica Argentina, días 18, 19, 20, 21 y 23 de mayo de 1910.

[Buenos Aires] Imprenta A. Ceppi. 1911

Item identification number 6440; Organizado por la Asociacion "Universitarias argentinas." Historia, actas y trabajos. Buenos Aires.

Reel: 805
Connecticut. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

... Report of the Bureau of labor on the conditions of wage-earning women and girls.

Hartford, Published by the state. 1914

Item identification number 6441; Under authority of chapter 233, G. S. of 1913. Charlotte Molyneux Holloway, industrial investigator. Printed in compliance with statute.

Reel: 805
Connecticut. Commission to Investigate Conditions of Wage-earning Women and Minors.

... Report of the Commission to investigate the conditions of wage-earning women and minors, appointed by the governor, 1911.

Hartford, Published by the state. 1913

Item identification number 6442; Special act number 276. Report presented to the General assembly of 1913.

Reel: 805
Consumers' League of Oregon. Social Survey Committee.

Report of the Social survey committee of the consumers' league of Oregon on the wages, hours and conditions of work and cost and standard of living of women wage earners in Oregon with special reference to Portland.

Portland, Ore. [Keystone press]. 1913

Item identification number 6443.

Reel: 805
Converse, Florence, 1871.

The story of Wellesley.

Boston, Little Brown & co. 1915

Item identification number 6444; with illustration by Norman Irving Black.

Reel: 805
Cook, Sir Edward Tyas, 1857-1919.

The life of Florence Nightingale.

London, Macmillan and co., ltd. 1913

Item identification number 6445.

Reel: 805-806
Cook, Ellen Gilbert (Maples).

Personal service, being a short memoir of Agnes Burton of St. Faith, Bitterne Park, Southampton.

London, New York [etc.] Longmans, Green & co. 1914

Item identification number 6446; with introduction by the Right Rev. James MacArthur ... 2d ed.

Reel: 806
Corning, Eva L.

Women police service.

Topeka, Kan. [1915]

Item identification number 6448; History of the movement. Stories of human interest.

Reel: 806
Coville, Marion Elizabeth, 1870.

An appeal against slaughter; are you able to hear?.

Syracuse, N.Y., C. W. Bardeen. [c1914]

Item identification number 6449.

Reel: 806
Cowan, Minna Galbraith.

The education of the women of India.

New York [etc.] Fleming H. Revell co. [1912]

Item identification number 6450.

Reel: 806
Crastre, Francis.

Rosa Bonheur.

New York, F. A. Stokes co. [1912]

Item identification number 6452; Translated from the French by Frederic Taber Cooper. Illustrated with eight reproductions in colour.

Reel: 806
Creighton, Louise (von Glehn) "Mrs. Mandell Creighton" 1850.

The social disease and how to fight it; a rejoinder.

London, New York [etc.] Longmans, Green & co. 1914

Item identification number 6453.

Reel: 806
Crohns, Hjalmar, 1862.

... Die Bewertung der Frau unter dem Einfluss der Cölibatsidee im Ms. lat. 15970 der Bibliothèque Nationale (Stephanus de Borbone, de Diversis materiis predicabilibus).

Helsingfors, Druckerei de Finnischen Literaturgesellschaft. 1913

Item identification number 6454.

Reel: 806
Croner, Else, 1876.

Die moderne Jüdin.

Berlin, Juncker. 1913

Item identification number 6455.

Reel: 806
Crosfield, Helen G.

Margaret Fox of Swarthmoor hall.

London, Headley bros. [pref. 1913]

Item identification number 6456.

Reel: 806
Crothers, Samuel McChord, 1857-1927.

Meditations on votes for women, together with animad-versions on the closely related subject of votes for men.

Boston & New York, Houghton Mifflin co. 1914

Item identification number 6457.

Reel: 806
Crow, Martha Emily (Foote) 1854-1924.

The American country girl.

New York, F. A. STokes co. [1915]

Item identification number 6458; with fifteen illustrations from photographs.

Reel: 806
Curtis, Leslie.

Reno reveries.

Reno, Nev., C. E. Weck distributing agent. [c1912]

Item identification number 6462.

Reel: 806
Daniels, Mabel Wheeler, 1878.

An American Girl in Munich; impressions of a music student.

Boston, Little, Brown & co. 1912

Item identification number 6463.1.

Reel: 806
Crow, Martha Emily (Foote) 1854-1924.

Harriet Beecher Stowe; a biography for girls.

New York and London, D. Appleton and co. 1913

Item identification number 6459.

Reel: 807
Curtis, Isabel (Gordon) 1863-1914.

The woman from Wolverton; a story of Washington life.

New York, The Century co. 1912

Item identification number 6461.

Reel: 807
Daly, Emily Lucy (French) "Mrs. de Burgh Daly".

An Irishwoman in China.

London, T. Werner Laurie, ltd. [1915]

Item identification number 6463; Illustrated.

Reel: 807
Daumas, Melchior Joseph Eugène, 1803-1871.

La femme Arabe.

Alger, A. Jourdan. 1912

Item identification number 6464.

Reel: 807
Davis, Carlyle Channing.

The true story of "Ramona," its facts and fictions, inspiration and purpose.

New York, Dodge pub. co. [c1914]

Item identification number 6465; William A. Alderson.

Reel: 807
Dealey, James Quayle, 1861.

The family in its sociological aspects.

Boston, New York [etc.] Houghton, Mifflin co. [1912]

Item identification number 6466.

Reel: 807
The Death of Edith Cavell.

London and Manchester, The Daily news and leader. [1915?]

Item identification number 6467.

Reel: 807
Deb, Sailendra Krishna.

Social problem.

Calcutta [B.K.Dass]. 1913

Item identification number 6468.

Reel: 807
De Cleyre, Voltairine, 1866-1912.

Selected works of Voltairine de Cleyre.

New York, Mother Earth pub. association. 1914

Item identification number 6469; edited by Alexander Berkman; Biographical sketch of by Hippolyte Havel.

Reel: 808
De Leon, Daniel, 1852-1914.

Woman's suffrage.

[New York City, New York Labor News co.]. [1911]

Item identification number 6472; an address delivered by Daniel De Leon under the auspices of the Socialist Women of Greater New York; Mary Papelsky, presiding. Cooper Union, May 8, 1909.

Reel: 808
De Wolfe, Elsie.

The house in good taste.

New York, The Century co. 1914

Item identification number 6478; Illustrated with photographs in color and black and white.

Reel: 808
Deherme, Georges, 1867.

Le pouvoir social des femmes.

Paris, Perrin et cie. 1914

Item identification number 6470.

Reel: 808
Dell, Floyd, 1887.

Women as world builders; studies in modern feminism.

Chicago, Forbes and co. 1913

Item identification number 6473.

Reel: 808
Delzons, Louis.

La famille française et son évolution.

Paris, A. Colin. 1913

Item identification number 6474.

Reel: 808
Der Ling, Princess.

Two years in the forbidden city, first lady in waiting to the Empress Dowager.

New York, Moffat, Yard and Co. 1912

Item identification number 6475.

Reel: 808
Deschamps, Émile Felix, 1857.

... Les femmes d'Oncle Sam.

Paris, J. Maisonneuve et fils. 1913

Item identification number 6476.

Reel: 808
Deutsche Frauenkongress, Berlin, 1912.

Der Deutsche Frauenkongress, Berlin, 27.

Leipzig und Berlin, B. G. Teubner. 1912

Item identification number 6477; Februar bis 2. März 1912. Sämtliche Vorträge im Auftrage des Vorstandes des Bundes Deutscher Frauenvereine von Dr. Gertrude Bäumer.

Reel: 808
Dianu, Nicolas.

Les biens réservés de la femme mariée.

Paris, A. Rousseau. 1913

Item identification number 6479; (Essai sur les résultats pratiques de la loi du 13 juillet 1907).

Reel: 808
Dimock, Leila Allen.

... Comrades from other lands; what they are doing for us and what we are doing for them.

New York, Chicago [etc.] Fleming H. Revell co. [c1913]

Item identification number 6480.

Reel: 809
Dodge, Harriet Hazen.

Survey of occupations open to the girl of fourteen to sixteen years.

Boston, Mass., Girls trade education league. c1912

Item identification number 6481.

Reel: 809
Donovan, Joseph Mitchell.

The law of marriage, annulment, domicile, divorce.

[Sioux Falls, S.D.]. 1912

Item identification number 6482.

Reel: 809
Dorée, Nadage.

Give woman the home, protect purity, reduce poverty.

New York, Nadage Dorée society. 1915

Item identification number 6483.

Reel: 809
Dosten, Annie.

... Wie schaffen Frauen und Mädchen sich sicher lohnenden Verdienst? Aufklárung und Belehrung für Erwerb suchende Frauen und Mädchen, wie sie es anzufangen haben, um sicher lohnenden Verdienst zu erzielen und ihre Existenz aufzubessern. Angabe vieler erprobter Quellen zur Erlangung von Existenz und Nebenverdienst.

Dresden, A. Schröter. [1915]

Item identification number 6484.

Reel: 809
Dowson, Mary Emily, 1848.

Michael Fairless: her life and writings.

London, Duckworth. 1913

Item identification number 6485; by A. M. Haggard; with two portraits by Elinor Dowson.

Reel: 809
[Dowst, Henry Payson], 1876-1921.

Radcliffe college.

Boston, H. B. Humphrey co. [c1913]

Item identification number 6486; illustrated with drawings by John Albert Seaford.

Reel: 809
Dreuw, Wilhelm Heinrich.

Moderne Prostituiertenuntersuchung, von Polizeiarzt Dr. med. Dreuw.

Berlin, Fischer's medicin. Buchhandlung H. Kornfeld. 1914

Item identification number 6487; Mit 42 Abbildungen.

Reel: 809
Ducros, Lydia E.

... Journal d'une Française en Allemagne, juillet-octobre, 1914.

Paris, Perrin et cie. 1915

Item identification number 6488; Préface de Charles Vellay.

Reel: 809
Duniway, Abigail (Scott) 1834-1915.

Path breaking; an autobiographical history of the equal suffrage movement in Pacific coast states.

[Portland, Ore., James, Kerns & Abbott co.]. [1914]

Item identification number 6489.

Reel: 809
Dupont, Maria.

... L'hygiène de la femme professeur: guide pratique à l'usage de toutes les femmes qui sont dans d'enseignement.

Paris, F. Nathan. 1913

Item identification number 6490.

Reel: 809
Dupont-Chatelain, Marguerite.

... Les encyclopédistes et les femmes; Diderot -- D'Alembert--Grimm--Helvetius--D'Holbach--Rousseau--Voltaire.

Paris, H. Daragon. 1911

Item identification number 6491.

Reel: 809
Elliott, Albert Wells.

The cause of the social evil and the remedy.

Atlanta, Ga., Webb & Vary co. 1914

Item identification number 6492.

Reel: 809
Ellison, Grace Mary.

An Englishwoman in a Turkish harem.

London, Methuen & co., ltd. [1915]

Item identification number 6493; with an introduction by Edward G. Browne.

Reel: 809
Erskine, [Beatrice], "Mrs. Steuart Erskine," ed.

Anna Jameson, letters and friendships (1812-1860).

London, T. Fisher Unwin, ltd. [1915]

Item identification number 6494; Illustrated.

Reel: 810
Eulalia, infanta of Spain, 1864.

Court life from within.

New York, Dodd, Mead & co. 1915

Item identification number 6495; by H.R.H. the infanta Eulalia of Spain.

Reel: 810
[Evans, Marguerite Florence Hélène (Jervis)], 1894.

The little mother who sits at home.

New York, E. P. Dutton. [1915]

Item identification number 6496; edited by the Countess Barcy n ska [pseud.]; with colored front., by Mary LaFetra Russell.

Reel: 810
Evard, Marguerite.

... l'adolescente; essai de psychologie expérimentale.

Neuchatel, Delachaux & Niestlé. 1914

Item identification number 6497.

Reel: 810
Exner, Josef, 1884.

Mrs. Humphry Ward's Tendenzromane mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der sozialen Probleme.

Breslau, Buchdruckerei der Schlesischen Volkszeitung. 1912

Item identification number 6498; Ein Beitrag zur Kritik des englischen Romans der Gegenwart.

Reel: 810
Fabian Tracts. London, Fabian Office.

The economic foundations of the women's movement.

London, Fabian Society. 1914

Item identification number 6498.1; by M. A.

Reel: 810
Fabian Tracts. London, Fabian Office.

The war; women; and unemployment.

London, Fabian Society. 1915

Item identification number 6499; by the Women's group executive.

Reel: 810
Faguet, Émile, 1847-1916.

... Les amies de Rousseau.

Paris, Société Française d'imprimerie et de librairie. [1912]

Item identification number 6500.

Reel: 810
Fahmy, Mansour.

... La condition de la femme dans la tradition et l'évolution de l'Islamisme.

Paris, F. Alcan. 1913

Item identification number 6501.

Reel: 810
Fairfield, Zoë, ed.

Some aspects of the woman's movement.

London, Student Christian Movement. 1915

Item identification number 6502; by Ernest Barker, C. M. Ady, Helen Wilson, Una Saunders, William Temple, Zoë Fairfield, Clara E. Collet.

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