Heape, Walter, 1855.
Sex antagonism.
New York, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1913
Item identification number 6611.
Reel: 821
Hebentanz-Kaempfer, Lucy von.
Das Quellengebiet der Frauenfrage.
Wien, J. Roller & Co. 1911
Item identification number 6612.
Reel: 821
Hedges, Anna Charlotte, 1868.
Wage worth of school training; an analytical study of six hundred women-workers in textile factories.
New York city, Teachers college, Columbia university. 1915
Item identification number 6613.
Reel: 821
Hell, Elisabeth.
Jugendliche Schneiderinnen und Näherinnen in München; eine Untersuchung ihrer wirtschaftlichen Lage mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Handwerksmässigen Ausbildung.
Stuttgart und Berlin, J. G. Cotta. 1911
Item identification number 6614.
Reel: 821
Henle, Rudolf, 1879.
Stuutgart, F. Enke. 1915
Item identification number 6615; Ein Beitrag zu den Grundbegriffen des deutschen bürgerlichen Eherechts.
Reel: 821
Henrici, Lois Oldham.
Representative women: being a little gallery of pen portraits.
Kansas City, Mo., The Crafters. [c1913]
Item identification number 6616; Introd. by Ada M. Kassimer.
Reel: 821
Henry Street Settlement. New York.
Report, 1893-1913.
New York. [1913]
Item identification number 6618.
Reel: 821
Henry, Alice, 1857-1943.
The trade union woman.
New York and London, D. Appleton and co. 1915
Item identification number 6617.
Reel: 821
Herrera Sotolongo, Pedro, 1875.
Defensa de los derechos de la mujer.
Habana, Cuba. 1912
Item identification number 6619.
Reel: 821
Hernandez-Cid, Adalberto.
Catecismo feminista.
Madrid, Vda. e hijos de Pueyo. 1914
Item identification number 6620.
Reel: 822
Herrmann, Judith, 1887.
Die deutsche Frau in akademischen Berufen.
Leipzig, B. G. Teubner. 1915
Item identification number 6621; von Judith Herrmann.
Reel: 822
Hervé-Piraux, F.R., pseud.
... Histoire des petites maisons galantes.
Paris, H. Daragon. 1911
Item identification number 6622; Les folies d'amour au XVIIIe siècle; rue Cadet, porte Richelieu, rue Rochechouart faubourg Saint-Lazare, rue Visconti. D'après les mémoires, les pièces d'archives et de bibliothèques, les rapports de police.
Reel: 822
Hess, Peter, 1885.
Insidien und Saevitien als Ehescheidungsgrund.
Greifswald, H. Adler. 1912
Item identification number 6623.
Reel: 822
Hicks, William Watkin, 1837.
The banner with the new device; woman's place in nature, in civilization, and in government.
Boston, Ma., Sanctuary pub. co. [c1913]
Item identification number 6624.
Reel: 822
Hill, Constance, 1844?-1929.
Fanny Burney at the court of Queen Charlotte.
London, New York, J. Lane; Toronto, Bell & Cockburn. 1912
Item identification number 6625; with numerous illustrations by Ellen G. Hill, and reproductions of contemporary portraits.
Reel: 822
Hill, Octavia, 1838-1912.
Life of Octavia Hill as told in her letters.
London, Macmillan and co., ltd. 1914
Item identification number 6626; ed. by C. Edmund Maurice.
Reel: 822
Hillis, Annie Louise (Patrick) 1862-1930.
The American woman and her home.
New York, Chicago [etc.] Fleming H. Revell co. [c1911]
Item identification number 6627; by Mrs. Newell Dwight Hillis.
Reel: 822
Hoefken, Guenther.
Der § 1362 B.G.B., seine geschichtliche Entwicklung und seine Stellung im heutigen Reichscrecht.
Bochum, A. Stumpf Nachf. 1911
Item identification number 6628.
Reel: 822
Hoellerer, Friedrich.
Die Kuppelei im geltenden Strafgesetz und im Vorentwurf unter Berücksichtigung des österreichischen und schweizerischen Vorentwurfs.
München, E. Janich. 1913
Item identification number 6629.
Reel: 822
Høgh, Marie.
Norske kvinder; en oversigt over deres stilling og livsvilkaar i hundredeaaret 1814-1924.
Oslo, Kristiania, Bert & Høgh. 1914-[24]
Item identification number 6630; Utgit av Marie Høgh under redaktion av Fredrikke Mørck.
Reel: 823
Holley, Marietta, 1836-1926.
Samantha on the woman question.
New York, Chicago [etc.] Fleming H. Revell. [c1913]
Item identification number 6631; by Marietta Holley "Josiah Allen's wife".
Reel: 823
Honolulu Social Survey.
Report of committee on the social evil; Honolulu social survey, May 1914.
[Honolulu] Printed by Honolulu star-bulletin, ltd. 1914
Item identification number 6632.
Reel: 823
Hopkins, John.
The family chain; marriage and relationships of native Australian tribes.
London, Watts & co. 1914
Item identification number 6635.
Reel: 823
Hoskins, Charlotte Lewis (Roundey) "Mrs. Robert Hoskins," 1837.
Clara A. Swain, M.D., first medical missionary to the women of the Orient.
Boston, Mass., Woman's foreign missionary society, Methodist Episcopal Church. [c1912]
Item identification number 6633.
Reel: 823
Hosmer, Harriet Goodhue, 1830-1908.
Harriet Hosmer letters and memories.
New York, Moffat, Yard and co. 1912
Item identification number 6634; ed. by Cornelia Carr.
Reel: 823
Houber, Maurice.
... Remarques sur l'amour.
Paris, E. Sansot & cie. 1913
Item identification number 6636.
Reel: 823
Housman, Laurence, 1865-1959.
What is "womanly"?.
London, Women's Freedom League. [1914]
Item identification number 6639.
Reel: 823
How it feels to be the husband of a suffragette.
New York, George H. Doran co. [c1915]
Item identification number 6640; by him; illustrations by May Wilson Preston.
Reel: 823
How we managed without servants.
London, G. Routledge and sons. [n.d.]
Item identification number 6641; by "a lady" who can "help.".
Reel: 823
Howard, George Elliott, 1849-1928.
The family and marriage; an analytical reference syllabus.
Lincoln, Neb., The university press. 1914
Item identification number 6642.
Reel: 823
Howard, William Lee, 1860-1918.
Confidential chats with girls.
New York, E. J. Clode. [c1911]
Item identification number 6643.
Reel: 824
Howe, Julia (Ward) 1819-1910.
Julia Ward Howe and the woman suffrage movement; a selection from her speeches and essays.
Boston, D. Estes & co. [c1913]
Item identification number 6644; with introduction and notes by her daughter, Florence Howe Hall.
Reel: 824
Hume, Martin Andrew Sharp, 1847-1910.
Queens of old Spain.
London, Grant Richards Ltd. [1911]
Item identification number 6645.
Reel: 824
Hunt, Caroline Louisa, 1865-1927.
The life of Ellen H. Richards.
Boston, Whitcomb & Barrows. 1912
Item identification number 6647.
Reel: 824
Hurn, Ethel Alice.
... Wisconsin women in the war between the states.
[Madison] Wisconsin history commission. 1911
Item identification number 6646.
Reel: 824
Hutchins, Elizabeth Leigh, 1858.
Conflicting ideals; two sides of the woman's question.
London, T. Murby. 1913
Item identification number 6648.
Reel: 824
Hutchins, Elizabeth Leigh, 1858.
Women in modern industry.
London, G. Bell and sons, ltd. 1915
Item identification number 6649; with a chapter contributed by J. J. Mallon.
Reel: 824
International Abolitionist Federation, congress. Paris, 1913.
Prostitution réglementée et hygiène.
Genève, Bureau international de la fédération. 1914
Item identification number 6651; Rapports présentés au congrès de la Fédération abolitionniste internationale, Paris, juin 1913. Extraits du Compte rendu des travaux du congrès avec annexe.
Reel: 824
International Alliance of Women for Suffrage and Equal Citizenship.
Woman suffrage in practice.
Item identification number 6652; Second impression with corrections and addition.; Compilers.
Reel: 824
Ives, Ella Gilbert, 1847-1913.
The evolution of a teacher.
Boston, New York [etc.] The pilgrim press. [c1915]
Item identification number 6661.
Reel: 826
Izard, Forrest.
Heroines of the modern stage.
New York, Sturgis & Walton co. 1915
Item identification number 6662; Illustrated.
Reel: 826
Jack, Florence B., ed.
The woman's book; contains everything a woman ought to know.
London, T. C. and E. C. Jack. 1911
Item identification number 6663; Edited by Florence B. Jack and Rita Strauss, assisted by many expert contributors.
Reel: 826
Jacoby, Karl Sigismund, 1849-1939.
... Beiträge zur deutschen Litteraturgeschichte des achtzehnten Jahrlunderts.
Hamburg, Gedruckt bei Lütcke & Wulff. 1911
Item identification number 6664.
Reel: 826
Jahn, Eirik.
Können Dritte die Wiederaufnahme des Ehescheidungsprozesses betreiben, und welche Wirkungen hat die erfolgreich durchgeführte Klage?.
Greifswald, J. Abel. 1911
Item identification number 6665.
Reel: 826
James, Winifred Lewellin, d. 1935.
A woman in the wilderness.
London, Chapman & Hall, ltd. 1915
Item identification number 6666.
Reel: 826
Jenkins, Hester Donaldson, 1869.
Behind Turkish lattices, the story of a Turkish woman's life.
London, Chatto & Windus. 1911
Item identification number 6667; with 24 illustrations.
Reel: 826
Jerrold, Clare Armstrong (Bridgman) 1861.
The early court of Queen Victoria.
New York, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1912
Item identification number 6668.
Reel: 826
Jessawalla, Dosebai Cowasjee, d. 1911.
The story of my life.
Bombay, Printed at the Times press. 1911
Item identification number 6669.
Reel: 827
Jimenez de Aréchaga, Justino E., 1883-1927.
El voto de la mujer, su inconstitucionalidad, por Justino E. Jiménez de Aréchaga.
Montevideo, Peña hermanos, impresores. 1915
Item identification number 6670.
Reel: 827
Johansson, Johan Erik, 1862-1938.
Reglementeringen i Stockholm.
Stockholm, Wahlström & Widstrand. [1913]
Item identification number 6671.
Reel: 827
Johns, Jane Martin.
Personal recollections of early Decatur, Abraham Lincoln, Richard. J. Oglesby and the Civil War.
[Decatur, Ill.], Decatur chapter Daughters of the American revolution. 1912
Item identification number 6672; Ed. by Howard C. Schaub.
Reel: 827
Johnson, Bascom, 1878.
The injunction and abatement law against houses of lewdness, assignation and prostitution.
New York City, The American social hygiene association, inc. 1915
Item identification number 6673.
Reel: 827
Johnson, Helen (Kendrick) 1844-1917.
Woman and the republic.
New York, The Guidon Club opposed to woman suffrage. 1913
Item identification number 6673.1; A survey of the woman-suffrage movement in the United States and a discussion of the claims and arguments of its foremost advocates. A new and enlarged ed., with an index.
Reel: 827
Joran, Théodore, 1858.
Le suffrage des femmes.
Paris, A. Savaète. [1913]
Item identification number 6674; Prix du budget, Académie des sciences morales et politiques, 1913.
Reel: 827
Josson, Gilbert.
Des gains et salaires de la femme mariée sous le régime de la communauté.
Lille, H. Morel. 1910
Item identification number 6675; (Etude juridique de la loi du 13 Juillet 1907.).
Reel: 827
Junge, Hans.
Der Stil in den Romanen Charlotte Brontës.
Halle, C. A. Kaemmerer & co. 1912
Item identification number 6676.
Reel: 827
Kahn, Gustav, 1887.
Das System der relativen Ehescheidungsgründe im § 1568 BGB.
Nürnberg, B. Hilz. 1911
Item identification number 6677.
Reel: 827
Kansas City, Mo. Board of Public Welfare. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Report on the wage-earning women of Kansas City.
[Kansas City, Cline printing co.]. [1913]
Item identification number 6679; pub. by the Board of public welfare, Bureau of labor statistics; and the Annual report of the Factory inspection department for the year April 15, 1912-April 21, 1913.
Reel: 827
Kartini, raden adjeng, 1879-1904.
Door duisternis tot licht; gedachten over en voor het Javaansche volk.
's-Gravenhage, N.V. Electrische Drukkerij "Luctor et Emergo". 1912
Item identification number 6680; 2. druk.
Reel: 828
Kathrens, Richard D.
Let's civilize the marriage laws.
Kansas City, Mo., Burton pub. co. 1913
Item identification number 6681.
Reel: 828
Keben, Georg, 1859-1921.
Die Geschlechtswaffen in der Liebe und in der Moral.
Berlin, E. Hofmann & Co. [1913?]
Item identification number 6682; 2. Aufl.
Reel: 828
Keeler, Harriet, Louise, 1846-1921.
The life of Adelia A. Field Johnston who served Oberlin College for thirty-seven years.
[Cleveland, O., The Britton printing co.]. [1912.]
Item identification number 6683.
Reel: 828
Kempf, Rosa, 1874.
Das Leben der jungen Fabrikmädehen in München.
Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot. 1911
Item identification number 6685; Die soziale und wirtschaftliche Lage ihrer Familie, ihr Berufsleben und ihre persönlichen Verhältnisse. Nach statistisehen Erhebungen dargestellt an der Lage von 270 Fabrikarbeiterinnen im alter von 14 bis 18 Jahren. Von dr. Rosa Kempf.
Reel: 828
Kendall, Edith.
Anna C. Brackett, in memoriam, MDCCCXXXVI-MDCCCCXI.
[New York] Association of collegiate alumnae. [1915]
Item identification number 6686; an appreciation by one of her pupils.
Reel: 828
Kendall, Elizabeth Kimball.
A wayfarer in China; impressions of a trip across West China and Mongolia.
Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin. 1913
Item identification number 6687.
Reel: 828
Kendrick, Lowell Clapp, comp.
... General constitutional and statutory provisions relative to suffrage.
Providence, F. L. Freeman co., state printers. 1912
Item identification number 6688; Pub. by the Legislative reference bureau of the Rhode Island State library. Comp. by Lowell Kendrick and Harold P. Salisbury.
Reel: 828
Kentucky. Commission to Investigate the Conditions of Working Women.
Report of the Commission to investigate the conditions of working women in Kentucky.
[Frankfort?]. 1911
Item identification number 6689.
Reel: 828
Key, Ellen Karolina Sofia, 1849-1926.
Missbrukad kvinnokraft och kvinnopsykologi.
Stockholm. A. Bonniers. [1914]
Item identification number 6690; 4e uppl.
Reel: 828
Key, Ellen Karolina Sofia, 1849-1926.
Rahel Varnhagen; a portrait.
New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1913
Item identification number 6691; tr. from the Swedish by Arthur G. Chater; with an introduction by Havelock Ellis.
Reel: 828
Key, Ellen Karolina Sofia, 1849-1926.
The renaissance of motherhood.
New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1914
Item identification number 6692; Tr. from the Swedish by Anna E. B. Fries.
Reel: 828
Key, Ellen Karolina Sofia, 1849-1926.
The younger generation.
New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1914
Item identification number 6693; tr. from the Swedish by Arthur G. Chater.
Reel: 829
Kingsbury, Susan Myra, 1870-1949.
... Licensed workers in industrial home work in Massachusetts.
Boston, Wright & Potter print. co., state printers. 1915
Item identification number 6695; Analysis of current records under the auspices of the Bureau of research, Women's educational and industrial union by Mabelle Moses.
Reel: 829
Kingsbury, Susan Myra, 1870-1949, ed.
Labor laws and their enforcement, with special reference to Massachusetts.
New York [etc.] Longmans, Green, and co. 1911
Item identification number 6694; by Charles E. Persons, Mabel Parton, Mabelle Moses and three "fellows"; ed. by Susan M. Kingsbury, PH.D; On the fellowship foundation of the Massachusetts state federation of women's clubs, 1905-1909.
Reel: 829
Kingsley, Sherman Colver, 1866, ed.
Open air crusaders: a report of the Elizabeth McCormick open air school, together with a general account of open air school work in Chicago and a chapter on school ventilation.
Chicago, Ill., United charities of Chicago. [c1910]
Item identification number 6696; ed. by Sherman C. Kingsley.
Reel: 829
Kisker, Ida.
Die Frauenarbeit in den Kontoren einer Grossstadt; eine Studie über die Leipziger Kontoristinnen, mit einem Anhang uber die Berufsvereine der Handlungsgehilfinnen, von dr. Ida Kisker.
Tübingen, J.C.B. Mohr (P. Siebeck). 1911
Item identification number 6697.
Reel: 829
Klettenberg, Susanna Katharina von, 1723-1774.
Die schöne Seele; Bekenntnisse, Schriften und Briefe, hrsg. von Heinrich Funck.
Leipzig, Insel-verlag. 1911
Item identification number 6699.
Reel: 829
Klidschian, Arsen.
Das armenische Eherecht und die Grundzüge der armenischen Familienorganisation.
Stuttgart, Druck der Union deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft. 1911
Item identification number 6700.
Reel: 829
Kneeland, George Jackson, 1872.
Commercialized prostitution in New York City.
New York, The Century co. 1913
Item identification number 6701; with a supplementary chapter by Katharine Bement Davis ... Introduction by John D. Rockefeller.
Reel: 829
Knowles, Josephine Pitcairn.
The upholstered cage.
London [etc.] Hodder & Stoughton. [1912]
Item identification number 6702.
Reel: 829
Koelsch, Eugen.
Das ehemännliche Entscheidungsrecht.
Frankfurt am Main, Englert u. Schlosser. 1912
Item identification number 6703.
Reel: 830
Kotze, Hans von.
Die wichtigsten Individual- und Immaterialgüterrechte der Ehefrau.
Greifswald, J. Abel. 1913
Item identification number 6704.
Reel: 830
Krauss, Louis Lee.
... "Humanity"; or, What every father, mother, boy and girl should know.
New York, The Bureau of moral and hygienic education, inc. [c1915]
Item identification number 6705; 4th rev. ed.
Reel: 830
Krauss, Rudolf, 1861.
Die Frau.
Stuttgart, J. Hoffmann. [1913]
Item identification number 6706; Ernstes und Lustiges, Weises und Törichtes, Süsses und Bitteres aus den geistigen Schatzkammern aller Zeiten und Völker entwendet von R. Krauss.
Reel: 830
Krebs, Johannes, 1882.
Heimarbeit und Gesetzgebung in Frankreich.
Stuttgart, J. G. Cotta. 1914
Item identification number 6707.
Reel: 830
Kuhr (S. I. von Wolzogen).
De Nederlandsche vrouw in de eerste helft der 18. eeuw.
Leiden, Brill. 1914
Item identification number 6708.
Reel: 830
Kuznitzky, Heinz Georg, 1889.
Die gerichtliche Geltendmachung eines zum eingebrachten Gute gehörenden Rechtes durch die Frau gegen den Mann und seinen Bürgen.
Berlin, Frensdorf. 1913
Item identification number 6709; Ein Beitrag zu BGB. § 1407 Ziff. 2.
Reel: 830
Labarca Hubertson, Amanda, 1886.
... Actividades femeninas en los Estados Unidos.
Santiago de Chile, Imprenta universitaria. 1914
Item identification number 6710.
Reel: 830
Lacour, Léopold, 1854-1939.
... Les maitresses & la femme de Molière.
Paris, Editions d'art et de littèrature. [1914]
Item identification number 6711; Préface de M. Maurice Donnay.
Reel: 830
Lamy, Otto.
Die Haftung des Ehemannes für die Arzt- und Kurkosten seiner Frau.
Breslau, Druck der Breslauer Genossenschafts-Buchdruckerei, E.G.m.b.H. 1911
Item identification number 6711.1.
Reel: 830
Lange, Helene, 1848-1930.
Die frauenbewegung in ihren modernen Problemen.
Leipzig, Quelle & Meyer. [1914]
Item identification number 6712; [2 Auflage].
Reel: 830
Langlade, Emile.
Rose Bertin, the creator of fashion at the court of Marie-Antoinette.
New York, Scribner's. 1913
Item identification number 6713; adapted from the French by Dr. Angelo S. Rappoport; with 25 illustrations.
Reel: 830
Larisch von Moennich, Marie Luise Elisabeth, 1858-1940.
My past; reminiscences of the courts of Austria and Bavaria; together with the true story of the events leading up to the tragic death of Rudolph, crown prince of Austria.
New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1913
Item identification number 6715.
Reel: 831
Larymore, Constance (Belcher).
A resident's wife in Nigeria, with 41 illus., a map and a port. of the author.
London, Routledge; New York, E. P. Dutton & co. 1911
Item identification number 6716; 2d ed. rev.
Reel: 831
The Laws of American divorce.
New York and London, M. Kennerley. 1912
Item identification number 6717; by a lawyer.
Reel: 831
Lazarovich-Hrebelianovich, Eleanor Hulda (Calhoun) princess.
Pleasures and palaces, the memoirs of Princess Lazarovich-Hrebelianovich (Eleanor Calhoun).
New York, The Century co. 1915
Item identification number 6718; Illustrated with drawings by John Wolcott Adams and with photographs.
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