History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 848 Radziwill, Luise, fürstin, 1770-1836

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Reel: 848
Radziwill, Luise, fürstin, 1770-1836.

Forty-five years of my life (1770-1815).

New York, McBride, Nast & co. 1912

Item identification number 6909; by the Princess Louise of Prussia (Princess Anton Radziwill) Edited by Princess Radziwill, née Castellane, and translated by A. R. Allinson, M.A. Illustrated.

Reel: 848
Ragaz, Leonhard, 1868-1945.

Was will und soll die Frauenbewegung?.

Zürich, Buchhandlung des Schweizerischen Grütlivereins. 1911

Item identification number 6910; Zwei Vorträge.

Reel: 848
Rauhe, Carl, 1883.

... Die unehelichen Geburten als Sozialphänomen.

München, E. Reinhardt. 1912

Item identification number 6912; Ein Beitrag zur Bevölkerungstatistik Preussens.

Reel: 848
[Raupert, John Godfrey Ferdinand], 1858-1929.

Divorce in its ecclesiastical aspect.

London, S. Paul & co. 1912

Item identification number 6913; by "Viator" [pseud.]; A rejoinder to "The question of divorce", by Charles Gore.

Reel: 848
Rauze, Marianne.

... Féminisme économique.

[Paris?] Éditions de l'Équité. [1915]

Item identification number 6914; Préface de Suzanne Lacore.

Reel: 848
Rawson, Maud Stepney.

Penelope Rich and her circle.

London, Hutchinson & co. 1911

Item identification number 6915.

Reel: 848
Ray, Anna Chapin, 1865.

A woman with a purpose.

Boston, Little, Brown & co. 1911

Item identification number 6916.

Reel: 848
Rea, Lilian.

The enthusiasts of Port-Royal.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1912

Item identification number 6917.

Reel: 848
Re-Bartlett, Lucy.

The circle and the cross.

London, Longmans, Green & co. 1915

Item identification number 6918.

Reel: 848
Re-Bartlett, Lucy.

The coming order.

London [etc.] Longmans, Green & co. 1911

Item identification number 6919.

Reel: 848
Re-Bartlett, Lucy.

Towards liberty.

London, New York [etc.] Longmans, Green and co. 1913

Item identification number 6920.

Reel: 849
Reckzeh, Erich, 1877.

Beiträge zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Frauenideals in der französischen Literatur am Ausgang des Mittelalters.

Greifswald, E. Hartmann. 1912

Item identification number 6921; Inaugural-dissertation.

Reel: 849
Reed, Myrtle, 1874-1911.

A woman's career, the exactions and the obstacles.

New York, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1914

Item identification number 6922.

Reel: 849
Reeks, Margaret.

The mother of Goethe, "Frau Aja".

London, J. Lane; New York, J. Lane co. 1911

Item identification number 6923; with a photogravure frontispiece & seventeen other illustrations.

Reel: 849
Rembaugh, Bertha, comp.

The political status of women in the United States; a digest of the laws concerning women in the various states and territories.

New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1911

Item identification number 6924; with an introduction by Harriot Stanton Blatch.

Reel: 849
Richards, Ellen Henrietta (Swallow) "Mrs. R. H. Richards," 1842-1911.

The cost of cleanness.

New York, J. Wiley & sons; [etc., etc.]. 1914

Item identification number 6925; 1st ed. 2d thousand.

Reel: 849
Richards, Samuel Alfred.

Feminist writers of the seventeenth century.

London, D. Nutt. 1914

Item identification number 6926.

Reel: 849
Richardson, James Bailey, 1832.

Mrs. James R. Vincent; a memorial address delivered at a meeting of the managers of the Vincent Memorial Hospital.

The Vincent club. [c1911]

Item identification number 6927; April 9, 1911. [s.l.].

Reel: 849
Richmond, Mary Ellen, 1861-1928.

The good neighbor in the modern city.

Philadelphia and London, Lippincott. 1913

Item identification number 6928.

Reel: 849
Rihaudo, Paolo Cesare.

... Miserie e dolori ignorati; inchiesta sul lavoro femminile a domicilio, promossa dal giornale "Il Momento" di Torino ed eseguita dalla Sezione torinese dell' Unione delle donne cattoliche.

Torino, Libreria editrice internazionale Il Prisma. 1912

Item identification number 6929.

Reel: 849
Ringrose, Hyacinthe, 1872, ed.

Marriage and divorce laws of the world.

London, New York, Paris, The Musson-Draper co. 1911

Item identification number 6930.

Reel: 849
Ripley, Eliza Moore (Chinn) McHatton, 1832-1912.

Social life in old New Orleans; being recollections of my girlhood.

New York and London, D. Appleton & co. 1912

Item identification number 6931.

Reel: 849
Rivers, William Halse Rivers, 1864-1922.

Kinship and social organisation.

London, Constable & co., ltd. 1914

Item identification number 6932.

Reel: 849
Roberts, Florence.

Fifteen years with the outcast.

Anderson, Ind., Gospel trumpet co. [c1912]

Item identification number 6934.

Reel: 849
Roberts, William James, 1873.

Mary Russell Mitford; the tragedy of a blue stocking.

London, A. Melrose. 1913

Item identification number 6935; Illustrated from photographs by the author and from contemporary pictures.

Reel: 850
Robins, Elizabeth, "Mrs. G. R. Parkes".

Way stations.

London, New York [etc.] Hodder & Stoughton. [c1913]

Item identification number 6936.

Reel: 850
Roe, Adah Blanche.

Anna Owens Hoyers, a poetess of the seventeenth century.

Bryn Mawr, Penn. [Bryn Mawr College]. 1915

Item identification number 6937.

Reel: 850
Roe, Clifford Griffith, 1875-1934.

The prodigal daughter; the white slave evil, and the remedy.

Chicago, L. W. Walter co. [1911]

Item identification number 6938; Including special articles by B. S. Steadwell, Rev. J. G. Shearer ... [and others].

Reel: 850
Roessingh, Aleide Louise Albertine.

De vrouw bij de Dietsche Moralisten.

Groningen, P. Noordhoff. 1914

Item identification number 6939.

Reel: 850
Rorke, Margaret Hayden, comp.

Letters and addresses on woman suffrage.

New York, The Devin-Adair co. [c1914]

Item identification number 6940; by Catholic ecclesiastics.

Reel: 850
Rosenberry, Lois (Kimball) Mathews 1873.

The dean of women.

Boston, Houghton Mifflin. [1915]

Item identification number 6941.

Reel: 850
Rosenstirn, Julius, 1850-1926.

Our nation's healthy endangered by poisonous infection through the social malady; the protective work of the Municipal clinic of San Francisco and its fight for existence.

San Francisco, Cal., Printed by the Town talk press. 1913

Item identification number 6942.

Reel: 850
Rösler, Augustin, 1851-1922.

La condizione della donna nell'umana convivenza.

Torino P. Marietti. 1915

Item identification number 6943; Versione dalla 2a ed. tedesca del Prof. Ubaldo Mannucci con prefazione dell Card. Guglielmo van Rossum.

Reel: 850
Ross, Janet Ann (Duff-Gordon) 1842-1927.

The fourth generation; reminiscences.

New York, Scribner. 1912

Item identification number 6944.

Reel: 851
Rouge, John.

Love or marriage?.

New York, Peter Eckler pub. co. 1915

Item identification number 6945; A frank, honest and logical review of past, present and future psychological and physical conditions relating to an ever present and particularly fascinating subject.

Reel: 851
Roujon, Henry Francois Joseph, 1853-1914.

... Dames d'autrefois.

Paris, Hachette et cie. 1911

Item identification number 6946.

Reel: 851
Rouzade, Léonie [Camusat].

The feminist catechism.

[London] International Suffrage Shop. 1911

Item identification number 6947; The social organisation of tomorrow. Being the concluding chapter of "La femme et le peuple," by L. Rouzade.

Reel: 851
Rowsell, Herbert Walter.

Divorce and remarriage.

London, E. Stock. 1914

Item identification number 6948.

Reel: 851
Rubio, Luz.

Consideraciones sobre feminismo, por Luz Rubio.

Habana, A. Molina. 1914

Item identification number 6949.

Reel: 851
Ruehl, Karl.

Die Ausstattung und die Aussteuer, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des ehelichen Güterrechts.

Greifswald, J. Abel. 1912

Item identification number 6950.

Reel: 851
Ryan, P.F. William.

Queen Jeanne of Navarre.

London, Hutchinson & co. 1911

Item identification number 6952.

Reel: 851
Saleeby, Caleb Williams, 1878.

Woman and womanhood; a search for principles.

New York and London, M. Kennerley. 1911

Item identification number 6953.

Reel: 851
Salmon, Arthur Leslie, 1865.

The man and the woman; chapters on human life.

Chicago, Forbes & co. 1913

Item identification number 6954.

Reel: 851
Salomon, Alice, 1872.

Zwanzig Jahre soziale Hilfsarbeit.

Karlsruhe i. B., G. Braun. 1913

Item identification number 6955; Anlässlich des zwanzigjährigen Bestehens der "Mädchen- und Frauengruppen für soziale Hilfsarbeit" in Berlin im Auftrage des Vorstands verfasst.

Reel: 851
Salomons, Annie, 1885.

De vrouw in de Nederlandsche Letterkunde.

Antwerpen, Uitg.-Mij. "Kiliaan". 1912

Item identification number 6956.

Reel: 851
Sams, Conway Whittle.

Shall women vote?.

New York, The Neale pub. co. 1913

Item identification number 6957; A book for men.

Reel: 851
Sanborn, Katherine Abbott, 1839-1917.

Memories and anecdotes.

New York [etc.] G. P. Putnam's sons. 1915

Item identification number 6958; with sixteen illustrations.

Reel: 852
Sandels, Friedrich.

Die Stellung der kaiserlichen Frauen aus dem Julisch-Claudischen Hause.

Darmstadt, K. F. Bender. 1912

Item identification number 6959.

Reel: 852
Schalk-Hopfen, Lili.

Frauenberufe und Männererziehung.

Wien [etc.] H. Heller & cie. 1911

Item identification number 6961.

Reel: 852
Scharlieb, Mary Ann Dacomb (Bird) dame, 1845-1930.

The seven ages of woman; a consideration of the successive phases of woman's life.

London [etc.] Cassell & co. [1915]

Item identification number 6962.

Reel: 852
Scharlieb, Mary Ann Dacomb (Bird) dame, 1845-1930.

... Womanhood and race-regeneration.

New York, Moffat, Yard & co. 1912

Item identification number 6963.

Reel: 852
Schirmacher, Käthe, 1865-1930.

Die Suffragettes.

Weimar, A. Duncker. 1912

Item identification number 6966.

Reel: 852
Schirmacher, Käthe, 1865-1930.

The modern woman's rights movement; a historical survey.

New York, The Macmillan co. 1912

Item identification number 6964; tr. from the 2d German ed. by Carl Conrad Eckhardt.

Reel: 852
Schirmacher, Käthe, 1865-1930.

Das Rätsel: Weib.

Weimar, A. Duncker. 1911

Item identification number 6965; Eine Abrechnung.

Reel: 852
Schmidt-Scharff, Wolfgang.

Geschichte des Frankfurter Frauenverein, 1813-1913.

Frankfurt am Main, Druckerei von Osterrieth. 1913

Item identification number 6967; Verfasst von dem Konsulenten des Vereins, Rechtsanwalt Dr. Schmidt-Scharff.

Reel: 852
Schmitt-Falckenberg, Carl Herman.

Eine Studie über das Verlöbnis in England, mit einer Einführung in die englische Rechtsentwickelung im allgemeinen.

Breslau, R. Trömner. 1911

Item identification number 6968.

Reel: 852
Schomann, Emilie, 1874.

Französische Utopisten und ihr Frauenideal.

Berlin, E. Felber. 1911

Item identification number 6969.

Reel: 852
Schopen, Edmund.

Die familie im verfassungsleben der indogermanischen centum-völker, von Edmund Schopen.

Bonn, F. Cohen. 1914

Item identification number 6970.

Reel: 852
Schreiber, Adele.

Hedwig Dohm als Vorkämpferin und Vordenkerin neuer Frauenideale.

Berlin, Märkische. [c1914]

Item identification number 6971.

Reel: 852
Schreiber, Adele, ed.

Mutterschaft; ein Sammelwerk für die Probleme des Weibes als Mutter, hrsg. in verbindung mit zweiundfünfzig Mitarbeitern, von Adele Schreiber; Einleitung von Lily Braun.

München, A. Langen. [c1912]

Item identification number 6972; Mit 371 Abbildungen, darunter 17 meistens farbigen Tafeln.

Reel: 853
Schreiner, Olive, "Mrs. S. C. Cronwright Schreiner," 1855-1920.

Woman and labor.

London, T. Fisher Unwin. 1911

Item identification number 6973.

Reel: 853
Schulze, Hanns, 1884.

Das weibliche Schönheitsideal in der Malerei; 200 Nachbildungen mit geschichtlicher Einführung und Erläuterungen von Hanns Schulze.

Jena, E. Diederichs. 1912

Item identification number 6974; 1-15 tausend.

Reel: 853
Schuppe, Franz.

Die verwaltungsrechtlichen Voraussetzungen für eine Bestrafung wegen Sittenpolizei-Kontravention im Gebiete des preussischen Staates.

Greifswald, J. Abel. 1913

Item identification number 6975.

Reel: 853
Schuster, Ernest Joseph, 1850-1924.

The wife in ancient and modern times.

London, Williams & Norgate. 1911

Item identification number 6976.

Reel: 853
Schweizerischen verbandes für frauenstimmrecht. Sektion Bern.

Jahrbuch der Schweizerfrauen.

Bern, A. Francke. 1915

Item identification number 6977; I. Jahrgang. Annuaire féminin suisse, publié par la Section bernoise de l'Association nationale suisse pour le suffrage féminin. lre année. Redaktion: Dr. Emma Graf.

Reel: 853
Sears, Amelia.

The charity visitor; a handbook for beginners.

[Chicago] Department of social investigation, Chicago school of civics and philanthropy. 1913

Item identification number 6978; forword by Charles Richmond Henderson.

Reel: 853
Seattle. Public Library.

A list of books for women in the home and in business.

[Seattle]. 1913

Item identification number 6979; Seattle public library.

Reel: 853
Seawell, Molly Elliot, 1860-1916.

The ladies' battle.

New York, The Macmillan co. 1911

Item identification number 6980.

Reel: 853
Ségur, Pierre Marie Maurice Henri, 1853-1916.

... Julie de Lespinasse.

Paris, Calmann-Lévy. [1913]

Item identification number 6982.

Reel: 854
Seidel, August, 1863.

Geschlecht und Sitte im Leben der Völker; anthropologische, philosophische und kulturhistorische Studien.

Berlin, H. Bermühler. [c1912]

Item identification number 6983.

Reel: 854
Sellheim, Hugo, 1871-1936.

Das Geheimnis vom Ewig-Weiblichen; ein Versuch zur Naturgeschichte der Frau.

Stuttgart, F. Enke. 1911

Item identification number 6984.

Reel: 854
Semerau, Alfred, 1874.

Die Kurtisanen der Renaissance; eine Monographie.

Berlin und Leipzig, W. Borngräber. [1914]

Item identification number 6985.

Reel: 854
Semple, James Alexander.

Representative women of Colorado.

Denver, Colo., The Alexander art pub. co. 1911 [c1914]

Item identification number 6986; A pictorial collection of the women of Colorado who have attained prominence in the social, political, professional, pioneer and club life of the state.

Reel: 854
Sargeant, Phillip Walshingham, 1872.

My lady Castlemaine, being a life of Barbara Villiers, Countess of Castlemaine, afterwards Duchess of Cleveland.

Boston, D. Estes. [1911]

Item identification number 6986.1; with 19 illus. including a photogravure frontispiece.

Reel: 855
Seutter, Leonore.

Die Gefängnisarbeit in Deutschland, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Frauen-gefängnisse, von dr. Leonore Seutter; mit 55 Tabellen.

Tübingen, J.C.B. Mohr (P. Siebeck). 1912

Item identification number 6987.

Reel: 855
Sewall, May (Wright) 1844-1920, comp.

Genesis of the International council of women and the story of its growth, 1888-1893.

[Indianapolis?]. [1914?]

Item identification number 6988.

Reel: 855
Seybert Institution. Philadelphia. Bureau for Social Research.

... Unmarried girls with sex experience.

[Philadelphia]. [1915?]

Item identification number 6989.

Reel: 855
Shambaugh, Jessie (Field) 1881.

The corn lady; the story of a country teacher's work.

Chicago, A. Flanagan co. [c1911]

Item identification number 6990.

Reel: 855
Shelley, Frances (Winckley) lady, 1787-1873.

The diary of Frances lady Shelley.

London, J. Murray. 1912-13

Item identification number 6989.1; Edited by her grandson Richard Edgcumbe.

Reel: 855
Shunk, Caroline Saxe (Merrill) 1862.

An army woman in the Philippines; extracts from letters of an army officer's wife.

Kansas City, Mo., F. Hudson pub. co. 1914

Item identification number 6991.

Reel: 855
Shurter, Edwin Du Bois, 1863.

Woman suffrage: bibliography and selected arguments.

Austin, Tex., The University of Texas. [1915]

Item identification number 6992.

Reel: 855
Sigismund, Fr.


Leipzig, T. Weicher. 1912

Item identification number 6993.

Reel: 855
Silfving, J.L.

Kvinnoemancipationen fran kristlig och förnuftsenlïg synpunkt.

Kristinehamn, Grundels boktryckeri. 1911

Item identification number 6994; Kritisk-psykologisk under sökning om den moderna kvinnorörelsen.

Reel: 855
Silverthorne, Mary Eliza, 1856.

The life story of Evelyn S. Hall, principal of Northfield seminary from 1883-1911.

New York, Hodder & Stoughton; George H. Doran. [c1914]

Item identification number 6995; by Mary E. Silverthorne and Paul Dwight Moody.

Reel: 855
Simon, Otto Martin.

Die Ehefrau als Gesellschafterin einer offenen Handelsgesellschaft im gesetzlichen Güterstande des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches.

Borna-Leipzig, R. Noske. 1911

Item identification number 6996.

Reel: 856
Simpson, Anna Pratt.

Problems women solved, being the story of the Woman's board of the Panama-Pacific international exposition; what vision, enthusiasm, work and co-operation accomplished.

San Francisco, The Woman's board. 1915

Item identification number 6997.

Reel: 856
Sinclair, Robert Victor, 1861.

The rules and practice before the Parliament of Canada upon bills of divorce.

Toronto, The Carswell co., ltd.; London, Sweet & Maxwell, ltd. 1915

Item identification number 6999.

Reel: 856
Sittel, Valentin.

Die Frauenarbeit im Handelsgewerbe.

Leipzig, J. Wörner's verlag. 1911

Item identification number 7000.

Reel: 856
Smith, Adelaide W., 1831.

Reminiscences of an army nurse during the civil war.

New York, Greaves publishing co. 1911

Item identification number 7001.

Reel: 856
Smith, Elizabeth (Grant) 1797-1885.

Memoirs of a highland lady.

London, J. Murray. [1911]

Item identification number 7002; The autobiography of Elizabeth Grant of Rothiermurchus afterwards Mrs. Smith of Baltiboys, 1797-1830. Edited by Lady Strachey. with Illustrations.

Reel: 856
Smith, Erwin Frank, 1854-1927.

For her friends and mine: a book of aspirations, dreams and memories.

Washington, D.C., Printed privately. 1915

Item identification number 7003.

Reel: 856
Smith, Oscar J.

Divorce, Oscar J. Smith.

[New York]. [1914?]

Item identification number 7004.

Reel: 856
Snowden, Ethel (Annakin) "Mrs. Philip Snowden".

The feminist movement.

London & Glasgow, Collins' Clear-type- Press. [1913]

Item identification number 7006.

Reel: 856
Society of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. Longueuil, P.Q.

Mother Mary Rose, foundress and first Superior General of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, Longueuil, P.Q., by a member of the community.

Montreal, The Messenger press. 1911

Item identification number 7009; with a preface by the Right Reverend Edw. J. O'Dea, D.D.

Reel: 856
Soenning, Walter.

Der Unterhaltsanspruch des getrennt lebenden Ehegatten nach BGB.

Stuttgart, J. B. Metzler. 1911

Item identification number 7010.

Reel: 856
Solomons, Selina.

How we won the vote in California, a true story of the campaign of 1911.

San Francisco, The New woman publishing co. [1912]

Item identification number 7011.

Reel: 856
Sonolet, Louis, 1874-1928.

Le parfum de la dame noire; physiologie humoristique de l'amour africain.

Paris, Librairie F. Juven. [c1911]

Item identification number 7012; Publiée d'après le manuscrit original de Paul Bourgette.

Reel: 857
South Africa. Parliament. Senate. Select Committee on Native Custom and Marriage Laws.

Report from the Select committee on native custom and marriage laws, together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence and appendix.

[Pretoria?]. [1913]

Item identification number 7013.

Reel: 857
Spain. Trata de blancas. Patronato real para la represion de la.

Recue-l des lois et ordonnances en vigueur pour la répression de la traite de blanches dans les principaux pays d'Europe et d'Amérique, fait au nom du Patronage royal espagnol pour la répression de la traite des blanches, par Julian Juderias.

Madrid, Imp. de la suc. de M. Minuesa de los Rios. 1913

Item identification number 7014.

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