History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Waitz, Julia Ellen (Le Grand) 1829-1881

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Waitz, Julia Ellen (Le Grand) 1829-1881.

The journal of Julia Le Grand, New Orleans 1862-1863.

Richmond, E. Waddey co. 1911

Item identification number 7111; ed. by Kate Mason Rowland and Mrs. Morris L. Croxall.

Reel: 867
Waliszewski, Kazimierz, 1849-1935.

Autour d'un trône, Catherine II de Russie; ses collaborateurs - ses amis - ses favoris.

Paris, Plon-Nourrit et cie. 1913

Item identification number 7112; Avec un portrait en héliogravure. 10 éd.

Reel: 867
Walter-Segel, Olga.

Und er soll dein Herr sein; eine sozialpolitische Studie, von Olga Walter-Segel.

Wien, Anzengruber-Verlag. 1914

Item identification number 7113.

Reel: 867
Watkins, Janie Herring.

Ji Yung, a beautiful gem: letters from a Chinese schoolgirl.

Nashville, Tenn., Smith & Lamar. 1912

Item identification number 7114.

Reel: 867
Watson, Foster, d. 1929, ed.

... Vives and the renascence education of women.

New York, Longmans, Green & co.; London, Edward Arnold. 1912

Item identification number 7115.

Reel: 867
Wazan, Emily (Keene) Shareefa.

My life story.

London, E. Arnold. 1911

Item identification number 7116; Edited for Mme. de Wazan by S. L. Bensusan ... with a preface by R. B. Cunninghame Graham. Illustrated.

Reel: 867
Weaver, Eli Witwer, 1862-1922, ed.

Vocations for girls.

New York, The A.S. Barnes co. 1913

Item identification number 7117prepared by a committee of teachers under the direction of E. W. Weaver.

Reel: 868
Weigert, Martin.

Die Handlungsgehilfenfrage, Grundzüge der Sozialpolitik im Deutschen Handelsgewerbe, von Martin Weigert.

Berlin und Leipzig, Dr. W. Rothschild. 1911

Item identification number 7118.

Reel: 868
Welch, Alice Kemp.

Of six mediaeval women; to which is added A note on mediaeval gardens.

London, MacMillan & co., ltd. 1913

Item identification number 7119.

Reel: 868
Welvert, Eugène, 1857.

The vicissitudes of a lady-in-waiting, 1735-1821.

London, J. Lane; New York, J. Lane co. [1912]

Item identification number 7120; translated by Lilian O'Neill, with a photogravure frontispiece and 16 other illustrations.

Reel: 868
Werner, Edwin Ludwig Viktor, 1888.

Die Verstechnik der Felicia Hemans.

Erlangen, K. B. Hof- und Universitätsbuchdruckerei von Junge & Sohn. 1913

Item identification number 7121.

Reel: 868
Westermarck, Edward Alexander, 1862-1939.

Marriage ceremonies in Morocco.

London, Macmillan and co., limited. 1914

Item identification number 7122.

Reel: 868
Whale, Winifred (Stephens).

Margaret of France, duchess of Savoy, 1523-74; a biography.

London, Bodley Head. 1912

Item identification number 7123.

Reel: 868
Whitaker, Robert, 1863.

One woman's worth, the story of Lucretia Watson Taylor.

[n.p.]. [1914?]

Item identification number 7125.

Reel: 868
White, Alma (Bridwell) 1862.

Truth stranger than fiction.

Zarephath, N.J., The Penticostal union. 1913

Item identification number 7126.

Reel: 868
Whiting, Lilian, 1859.

Women who have ennobled life.

Philadelphia, Union press. 1915

Item identification number 7127.

Reel: 869
Wilbur, Sibyl.

The life of Mary Baker Eddy.

Boston, Christian science pub. co. [1913]

Item identification number 7128.

Reel: 869
Wiley, Mabel A.

A study of the problem of girl delinquency in New Haven.

New Haven. 1915

Item identification number 7129; Prepared by Mabel A. Wiley for the Section on Social and Industrial Conditions.

Reel: 869
Wilkins, Louisa (Jebb).

The work of educated women in horticulture and agriculture.

London, J. Truscott & son, ltd. 1915

Item identification number 7130.

Reel: 869
Willard, Mary Frances, 1867.

Along Mediterranean shores.

Boston, New York [etc.] Silver, Burdett & co. [1914]

Item identification number 7131.

Reel: 869
Williams, Hugh Noel, 1870-1925.

A fair conspirator, Marie de Rohan, Duchess de Chevreuse; with a frontispiece in photogravure and 16 other illus.

New York, Scribner. 1913

Item identification number 7133.

Reel: 869
Williams, Hugh Noel, 1870-1925.

Queen Margot, wife of Henry of Navarre.

New York, C. Scribner's Sons. 1911

Item identification number 7134; with portrait.

Reel: 869
[Williams, Martha McCulloch].

Harper's household handbook, a guide to easy ways of doing woman's work.

New York, London, Harper. 1913

Item identification number 7135.

Reel: 869
Willis, Olympia (Brown) 1835.

Acquaintances, old and new, among reformers.

[Milwaukee, Press of S. E. Tate printing co.]. 1911

Item identification number 7136.

Reel: 869
Willis, William Nicholas.

The white slaves of London.

London, S. Paul & co. [1913]

Item identification number 7137; Incorporating appeals to the nation by his grace the Archibishop of Canterbury, the lord Bishop of Birmingham and Mrs. Bramwell Both. 4th ed.

Reel: 869
Willrich, Hugo, 1867.


Leipzig [und] Berlin, B. G. Teubner. 1911

Item identification number 7138.

Reel: 870
Wills, R.M.

Personality and womanhood.

London, W. Gardner, Darton & co., ltd. [1913]

Item identification number 7139; with preface by B. W. Randolph.

Reel: 870
Wilson, Jennie Lansley, 1847.

The legal and political status of women in the United States.

Cedar Rapids, Iowa, The Torch press. 1912

Item identification number 7140.

Reel: 870
Wilson, Samuel Paynter.

Chicago and its cess-poels of infamy.

Chicago. [191?]

Item identification number 7141; 16th ed.

Reel: 870
Winkelmann, Käte.

Gesundheitliche Schädigungen der Frau bei der Industriellen arbeit, unter besonderer berücksichtigung einiger betriebe, von dr. Käte Windelmann.

Jena, G. Fischer. 1914

Item identification number 7142.

Reel: 870
Wirminghaus, Else, 1867.

Die Frau und die Kultur des Körpers.

Leipzig, C. F. Amelang. 1911

Item identification number 7143.

Reel: 870
Wisconsin. White Slave Traffic Committee.

Report and recommendations of the Wisconsin legislative committee to investigate the white slave traffic and kindred subjects.

[Madison, Democrat Prtg. co.].

Item identification number 7144.

Reel: 870
Withers, Pearkes, ed.

Give us white men.

London, Cassell & co., ltd. 1914

Item identification number 7145; A symposium on the social evil from the woman's point of view; edited by Pearkes withers. [Preface by the lord bishop of Manchester.].

Reel: 870
Wolf, Gertraud.

Statistik des Frauenerwerbs in zwanzig Ländern.

München, O. Beck. 1915

Item identification number 7146.

Reel: 870
Wolzendorff, Kurt, 1882.

Polizei und Prostitution: eine Studie zur Lehre von der öffentlichen Verwaltung und ihrem Recht, von Dr. jr. Kurt Wolzendorff.

Tübingen, H. Laupp. 1911

Item identification number 7147.

Reel: 870
Woman's American Baptist Home Mission Society. Chicago.

Thirty-six years' work among Negroes, 1877-1913.

Chicago, Woman's American Baptist home mission society. 1913

Item identification number 7149; Revised 1913.

Reel: 870
The Woman's athenaeum, for the intellectual, industrial and social advancement of women.

New York, St. Louis [etc.] The Woman's athenaeum. [c1912]

Item identification number 7150.

Reel: 870
Woman's Board of Missions. Boston.

Our world-wide work: a survey of the field of the Woman's board of missions.

Boston, Congregational house. [1914?]

Item identification number 7151.

Reel: 872
Women's Co-operative Guild.

Maternity; letters from working women, collected.

London, G. Bell and sons, ltd. 1915

Item identification number 7153; with a preface by the Right Hon. Herbert Samuel.

Reel: 872
Women's Educational and Industrial Union. Boston, Dept. of Research.

... The boot and shoe industry in Massachusetts as a vocation for women.

Washington, Govt. print. off. 1915

Item identification number 7154; October, 1915.

Reel: 872
Women's Educational and Industrial Union. Boston, Dept. of Research.

The public schools and women in office service, by the Department of research, Women's educational and industrial union, Boston, Massachusetts.

Boston, Mass., Women's educational and industrial union. [1914]

Item identification number 7155; Prepared under the direction of May Allinson.

Reel: 872
Women's Educational and Industrial Union. Boston, Dept. of Research.

... A trade school for girls; a preliminary investigation in a typical manufacturing city, Worcester, Mass.

Washington, Govt. print. office. 1913

Item identification number 7156; under the direction of Susan M. Kingsbury and May Allinson.

Reel: 872
Women's Industrial Council. Liverpool.

Report on the condition of widows under the poor law in Liverpool.

Liverpool, Lee and Nightingdale, printers. [1913]

Item identification number 7157; Presented to the council on December 11th, 1913, by Eleanor F. Rathbone.

Reel: 872
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. 1st congress. The Hague, 1915.

Women at the Hague.

New York, The Macmillan co. 1915

Item identification number 7158; The international congress of women and its results. by three delegates to the congress from the United States, Jane Addams ... Emily G. Balch ... Alice Hamilton.

Reel: 872
Women's Municipal League of Boston. Education Dept.

... Handbook of opportunities for vocational training in Boston (regular college courses excepted).

Boston, Mass. [Thomas Todd co., printers]. 1913

Item identification number 7160; Forword by David Snedden …; Compiled by Committee on opportunities for vocational training, edited by Thomas C. McCracken.

Reel: 873
Women's Trade Union League of Chicago.

... Official report of the Strike committee, Chicago garment workers' strike October 29, 1910-February 18, 1911.

[Chicago]. [1911]

Item identification number 7161.

Reel: 873
Wood, Mary I. (Stevens) 1866.

The history of the General federation of women's clubs for the first twenty-two years of its organization.

New York, The History department, General federation of women's clubs. [c1912]

Item identification number 7162; Pub. by the authority of the biennial convention at Cincinnati, and under the direction of the Executive committee.

Reel: 873
Woods, Matthew (Mrs.).

Some women of the pre-Raphaelite movement.

[Philadelphia, Browning Press]. [1914?]

Item identification number 7164.

Reel: 873
Woods, Robert Archey, 1865-1925, ed.

... Handbook of settlements.

New York, Charities publication committee. 1911

Item identification number 7165; ed. by Albert J. Kennedy.

Reel: 873
Wreschner, Arthur, 1866.

Vergleichende Psychologie der Geschlechter, von dr. phil. et med. Arthur Wreschner.

Zürich, O. Füssli. 1912

Item identification number 7168.

Reel: 873
Wright, Marcus Joseph, 1831-1922.

The social evolution of woman.

Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa., Martin & Allardyce. [1912]

Item identification number 7170.

Reel: 873
Wright, Sir Almroth Edward, 1861-1947.

The unexpurgated case against woman suffrage.

New York, Hoeber. [c1913]

Item identification number 7169.

Reel: 873
Wulff, August, 1891.

Die frauenfeindlichen Dichtungen in den romanischen Literaturen des Mittelalters bis zum Ende des XIII Jahrhunderts.

Halle, Ehrhardt Karras. 1914

Item identification number 7171.

Reel: 873
Wyman, Lillie Buffum (Chace) 1847.

... Elizabeth Buffum Chace, 1806-1899; her life and its environment.

Boston, W. B. Clarke co. 1914

Item identification number 7172; by Arthur Crawford Wymann.

Reel: 873
Yale University Debating Association.

... A discussion of woman suffrage.

New Haven, Conn., For sale by Yale co-operative corporation. [c1914]

Item identification number 7173; , by the Yale university debating teams, in the 1914 triangular debates with Harvard and Princeton.

Reel: 873
[Zahm, John Augustine], 1851-1921.

Woman in science; with an introductory chapter on woman's long struggle for things of the mind.

New York and London, D. Appleton and co. 1913

Item identification number 7174; by H. J. Mozans [pseud.].

Reel: 874
Zampani- Salazar, Fanny, 1853.

Margherita of Savoy, first queen of Italy, her life and times.

London, Mills & Boon, ltd. [1914]

Item identification number 7175; with a preface by Richard Bagot, with 24 illus.

Reel: 874
Zanardi-Landi, Karoline Franzizke M., comtessa, 1882.

The secret of an empress.

London, New York [etc.] Cassell & co., ltd. 1914

Item identification number 7176; with fourteen photogravure illustrations.

Reel: 874
Zeyweb, Hanowm.

A Turkish woman's European impressions.

London, Seeley, Service & co. ltd. 1913

Item identification number 7177; by Zeyneb Hanoum (Heroine of Pierre Loti's lovel "Les désenchantées") ed. & with an introduction by Grace Ellison, with 23 illustrations from photographs & a drawing by Auguste Rodin.

Reel: 874
Zietz, Louise.

Die Frauen und der politische Kampf. Hrsg. vom Parteivorstand der socialdemokratischen Partei.

Berlin, Singer. 1912

Item identification number 7178; 2. verb. Aufl.

Reel: 874
Zimmer, Freidrich, 1855-1919.


Berlin-Zahlendorf, Mathilde Zimmer-Haus, G.m.b. H., Verlagsabteilung. 1915

Item identification number 7179; Grundgedanken für eine gesetzliche Regelung.

Reel: 874
Zonta, Giuseppe, 1878-1939, ed.

Trattati del cinquencento sulla donna, a cura di Giuseppe Zonta.

Bari, G. Laterza & figli. 1913

Item identification number 7180.

Reel: 874
Zucchelli, Niccola, 1865-1927.

La B. Chara Gambacorta, la chiesa ed il convento di S. Domenico in Pisa.

Pisa, Tipografia editrice Cav. F. Mariotti. 1914

Item identification number 7181.

Reel: 874
Abbott, Edith, 1876-1957.

Women in industry, a study in American economic history.

New York, D. Appleton. 1918

Item identification number 7182; with an introductory note by Sophonisba P. Breckinridge.

Reel: 875
Abensour, Léon, 1889.

... Les vailllantes; héroines, martyres et remplaçantes, Avec une préface de Louis Barthou.

Paris, Chapelot. 1917

Item identification number 7183.

Reel: 875
Ady, Julia Mary (Cartwright) d. 1924.

Beatrice d'Este, duchess of Milan, 1475-1497; a study of the Renaissance.

London, J. M. Dent & sons, ltd.; New York, E. P. Dutton & co. 1920

Item identification number 7183.1.

Reel: 875
Albrecht, D.P.

Der Zug nach der Sittlichkeit.

Berlin-Lichterfelde, H. Bermühler. [n.d.]

Item identification number 7184.

Reel: 875
Aldrich, Lilian (Woodman) d. 1927.

Crowding memories.

Boston, Houghton Mifflin. 1920

Item identification number 7185; by Mrs. Thomas Bailey Aldrich.

Reel: 875
Aldrich, Mildred, 1853-1928.

On the edge of the war zone, from the battle of the Marne to the entrance of the Stars and stripes.

Boston, Small, Maynard and co. [1917]

Item identification number 7186.

Reel: 875
Aldrich, Mildred, 1853-1928.

The peak of the load; the waiting months on the hilltop from the entrance of the stars and stripes to the second victory of the Marne.

Boston, Small, Maynard and co. [c1918]

Item identification number 7187.

Reel: 875
Aldrich, Mildred, 1853-1928.

When Johnny comes marching home.

Boston, Small, Maynard and co. [c1919]

Item identification number 7188.

Reel: 875
Alexander Hamilton Institute. New York.

Women in industry.

New York, Alexander Hamilton Institute. c1918

Item identification number 7189.

Reel: 876
Allen, Belle Jane, 1862, comp.

A crusade of compassion for the healing of nations: a study of medical missions for women and children.

West Medford, Mass., The central committee on the united study of foreign missions. [1919]

Item identification number 7190; Ed. by Caroline Atwater Mason.

Reel: 876
Allinson, May 1880.

... Dressmaking as a trade for women in Massachusetts.

New York. 1916

Item identification number 7191.

Reel: 876
Alméras, Henri d', 1861-1938.

... La femme amoureuse dans la vie et dans la littérature; étude psycho-physiologique.

Paris, A. Michel. [1920]

Item identification number 7192.

Reel: 876
Alvarez Quintero, Serafin, 1871-1938.

La mujer española; una conferencia y dos cartas, por Serafín Álvarez Quintero y J. Álvarez Quintero.

Biblioteca hispania. [1917]

Item identification number 7193; Madrid.

Reel: 876
American Social Hygiene Association.

Social hygiene legislation manual, 1920.

New York. [c1920]

Item identification number 7194.

Reel: 876
Andrews, Irene (Osgood) 1879.

... Economic effects of the war upon women and children in Great Britain.

New York [etc.] Oxford university press. 1918

Item identification number 7196; assisted by Margarett A. Hobbs.

Reel: 876
Andrews, Matthew Page, 1879.

The women of the South in war times.

Baltimore, The Norman, Remington co. 1920

Item identification number 7197; comp. by Matthew Page Andrews.

Reel: 876
Anemüller, Ernst, 1859.

Schiller und die Schwestern von Lengefeld.

Detmold, Meyersche hofbuchhandlung. 1920

Item identification number 7198.

Reel: 876
Anthony, Katharine Susan, 1877.

Margaret Fuller, a psychological biography.

New York, Harcourt, Brace and Howe. 1920

Item identification number 7201.

Reel: 876
Anthony, Katharine Susan, 1877, ed.

The endowment of motherhood.

New York, B. W. Huebach. 1920

Item identification number 7200; with a preface, by Katharine Anthony.

Reel: 876
Anti-Suffrage essays.

Boston, The Forum publications of Boston. 1916

Item identification number 7202; by Massachusetts women, with an introduction by Ernest Bernbaum.

Reel: 876
Ashe, Elizabeth H.

Intimate letters from France during America's first year of war.

San Francisco, Cal., Philopolis press. 1918

Item identification number 7204.

Reel: 876
Austry, Pierre.

... La femme protectrice légale des intérêts patrimoniaux des mineurs enfants légitimes.

Toulouse, Imp. Vve Bonnet. 1919

Item identification number 7205.

Reel: 877
Backing up the government series.

[New York City, Social morality committee of the war work council of the national board] Young Women's Christian Associations. [1918]

Item identification number 7206.

Reel: 877
Bacon, Alice Mabel, 1858-1918.

Japanese girls and women.

Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin co. [1919]

Item identification number 7206.1; Revised and enlarged ed.

Reel: 877
Baldwin, Marian.

Canteening overseas 1917-1919.

New York, The Macmillan co. 1920

Item identification number 7208.

Reel: 877

... De l'admission des femmes aux fonctions de tutelle (Loi du 20 Mars 1917).

Clermont-Ferrand, A. Dumont. 1918

Item identification number 7209.

Reel: 877
Baronchelli, Paola (Grosson) 1866.

La donna della nuova Italia; documenti del contributo femminile alla guerra, (maggio 1915- maggio 1917) Raccolti ed ordinati.

Milano, R. Quintieri. [1917]

Item identification number 7210.

Reel: 877
Barrière, André.

... La femme en droit annamite moderne.

Toulouse, Imp Vve Bonnet. 1920

Item identification number 7211.

Reel: 877
Barthelemy, Joseph, 1874-1945.

... Le vote des femmes.

Paris, F. Alcan. 1920

Item identification number 7212; cours professé à l'École des hautes études sociales pendant l'année 1917-1918.

Reel: 877
Bartholmès, Francois.

... De la condition de la femme mariée sous le régime du Code civil suisse du 10 décembre 1907 (titres V et VI du Code).

Genève, Edition Atar. [1918]

Item identification number 7213.

Reel: 878
Barthou, Louis, 1862-1934.

... L'effort de la femme française.

Paris [et] Barcelone, Bloud & Gay. 1917

Item identification number 7214.

Reel: 878
Bauer, Max, 1861.

Deutscher Frauenspiegel, Bilder aus dem Frauenleben in der deutschen vergangenheit.

München [und] Berlin, G. Müller. 1917

Item identification number 7215.

Reel: 878
Bäumer, Gertrud, 1873.

Studien über Frauen.

Berlin, F. A. Herbi. 1920

Item identification number 7216.

Reel: 878
Beaton, Ralph.

The anti-vice crusader and social reformer; a treatise on the social evil.

[Dallas, Southwestern printing co.]. 1918

Item identification number 7217; Copyright applied for by Ralph Beaton.

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