History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 857 Spencer, Anna (Garlin) 1851-1931

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Reel: 857
Spencer, Anna (Garlin) 1851-1931.

Woman's share in social culture.

New York and London, M. Kennerley. 1913

Item identification number 7015.

Reel: 857
Spiero, Heinrich, 1876.

Geschichte der deutschen Frauendichtung seit 1800.

Leipzig, Teubner. 1913

Item identification number 7016.

Reel: 857
Spiller, Gustav.

The meaning of marriage: a manual for parents, teachers, young people (over 18), and husbands and wives; also for spinsters and bachelors, widows and widowers.

London, Watts & co. [1914]

Item identification number 7017.

Reel: 857
Spingarn, Arthur Barnett, 1878.

... Laws relating to sex morality in New York city.

New York, The Century co. 1915

Item identification number 7018.

Reel: 857
Squire, Belle i.e. Viola Belle, 1869.

The woman movement in America; a short account of the struggle for equal rights.

Chicago. A. C. McClurg & co. 1911

Item identification number 7019.

Reel: 857
Staley, John Edgcumbe, 1845.

Heroines of Genoa and the Rivieras.

New York, C. Scribner's sons; London, T. Werner Laurie. [1911]

Item identification number 7020.

Reel: 857
Staley, John Edgcumbe, 1845.

King René D'Anjou and his seven queens.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1912

Item identification number 7021.

Reel: 858
Staley, John Edgcumbe, 1845.

Lords and ladies of the Italian lakes.

London, J. Long, ltd. 1912

Item identification number 7022.

Reel: 858
Steinheil, Marguerite (Japy) 1869.

My memoirs.

London, E. Nash. 1912

Item identification number 7023.

Reel: 858
Stenger, Gilbert.

Grandes dames du XIXe siècle.

Paris, Perrin et cie. 1911

Item identification number 7024; Chronique du temps de la Restauration.

Reel: 858
Stern, Carl.

Der gegenwärtige Stand des Fürsorgewesens in Deutschland unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Verhütung und Bekämpfung der Geschlechtskrankheiten.

Leipzig, J.A. Barth. 1911

Item identification number 7025.

Reel: 858
Stewart, William Rhinelander, 1852.

The philanthropic work of Josephine Shaw Lowell.

New York, The Macmillan co. 1911

Item identification number 7026; containing a biographical sketch of her life, together with a selection of her public papers and private letters, collected and arranged for publication.

Reel: 858
Stinson, Alvah La Forrest, 1872.

Woman under the law.

Boston, Hudson printing co. 1914

Item identification number 7027.

Reel: 859
Stobart, Mabel Annie (Boulton) "Mrs. St. Clair Stobart," 1862.

War and women, from experience in the Balkans and elsewhere.

London, G. Bell & sons., ltd. 1913

Item identification number 7028; by Mrs. St. Clair Stobart, founder of the women's envoy corps, with a preface by Viscount Esher, G.C.B.

Reel: 859
Stockton, Lewis, 1862.

Marriage considered from legal and ecclesiastical viewpoints, in connection with the recent Ne temere decree of the Roman Catholic church; with suggestions for the improvement of state marriage laws.

Buffalo, N.Y., Huebner-Bleistein patents co. 1912

Item identification number 7029.

Reel: 859
Stoecker, Helene, 1869.

... Zehn Jahre Mutterschutz.

Berlin, Oesterheld & co. [1915]

Item identification number 7030.

Reel: 859
Stokes, Hugh, 1875-1932.

Madame de Brinvilliers and her times, 1630-1676.

London, Bodley Head. 1912

Item identification number 7031.

Reel: 859
Stolingwa, Peter, 1887.

Zum livre du chevalier de La Tour Landry pour l'enseignement de ses filles.

Breslau, P. Förster. 1911

Item identification number 7032; Die Breslauer Handschrift des Textes, die kulturhistorische Bedeutung des Werkes und seine Quellen.

Reel: 859
Stowe, Charles Edward, 1850.

Harriet Beecher Stowe; the story of her life.

Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin co. 1911

Item identification number 7032.1; by her son Charles Edward Stowe, and her grandson, Lyman Beecher Stowe.

Reel: 859
Strachey, Rachel (Costelloe) 1887.

Frances Willard, her life and work.

New York, Fleming H. Revell. [1913]

Item identification number 7033; with an introduction by Lady Henry Somerset.

Reel: 859
Stourdza, Alexandre A.C., 1867.

La femme en Roumanie, sa condition juridique et sociale dans le passé et le présent.

Paris, V. Giard & E. Brière. 1911

Item identification number 7037.

Reel: 860
Strahorn, Carrie Adell.

Fifteen thousand miles by stage; a woman's unique experience during thirty years of path finding and pioneering from the Missouri to the Pacific and from Alaska to Mexico.

New York, London, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1911

Item identification number 7034; with 350 illus. from drawings by Charles M. Russell and others, and from photographs.

Reel: 860
Stratz, Carl Heinrich, 1858-1924.

Die Rassenchönheit des Weibes, von dr. C. H. Stratz.

Stuttgart, F. Enke. 1911

Item identification number 7035; 7 aufl., mit einer Tafel und 316 Textabbildungen.

Reel: 860
A Student.

Letters from old-time Vassar.

Poughkeepsie, Vassar College. 1915

Item identification number 7036; , written by a student in 1869-70.

Reel: 860
Suffrage speeches from the dock.

[London] The Woman's Press. [1912]

Item identification number 7038; by Mrs. Pankhurst, Mrs. Pethick Lawrence, Mr. Pethick Lawrence, and Mr. Tim Healy …; made at the conspiracy trial, Old Bailey, May 15th-22nd, 1912.

Reel: 860
Summerhayes, Martha, 1846-1911.

Vanished Arizona; recollections of the Army life of a New England woman.

Salem, Mass., Salem Press. [c1911]

Item identification number 7040; 2d ed., with 28 illus.

Reel: 860
Sumner, Charles Burt.

The story of Pomona College.

Boston, New York [and] Chicago, The Pilgrim press. [1914]

Item identification number 7039.

Reel: 860
[Sunderland, Jabez Thomas], 1842.

Eliza Read Sunderland.

[n.p.]. [1912]

Item identification number 7041; A brief sketch of her life. Memorial addresses.

Reel: 860
Sutherland, Abby A.

Talks with girls.

Philadelphia, Privately printed. 1915

Item identification number 7042.

Reel: 861
Swanwick, Helen Maria (Sickert) 1864.

The future of the women's movement.

London, G. Bell. 1913

Item identification number 7043; with an introduction by Mrs. Fawcett.

Reel: 861
Sweetser, Kate Dickinson.

Ten girls from history.

New York and London, Harper & Brothers. [c1912]

Item identification number 7044; Illustrated by George Alfred Williams.

Reel: 861
Swiney, Frances.

Woman and natural law.

London, C. W. Daniel, ltd. 1912

Item identification number 7045.

Reel: 861
Swiney, Frances.

Women among the nations; a short treatise.

London, "The Awakener,". 1913

Item identification number 7046.

Reel: 861
Sykes, Ella Constance, d. 1939.

A home-help in Canada.

London, Smith, Elder & co. 1912

Item identification number 7047.

Reel: 861
Syracuse Moral Survey Committee on the Social Evil.

The social evil in Syracuse.

Syracuse, N. Y. 1913

Item identification number 7048; being the report of an investigation of the moral condition of the city, conducted by a committee of eighteen citizens.

Reel: 861
Talbot, D. Amaury (Mrs.).

Woman's mysteries of a primitive people, the Ibibios of Southern Nigeria.

London, New York [etc.] Cassell & co., ltd. 1915

Item identification number 7050; with forty-four illustrations from photographs.

Reel: 861
Talbot, Marion, 1858-1948.

The modern household.

Boston, Whitcomb & Barrows. 1912

Item identification number 7051; by Sophonisba Preston Breckinridge.

Reel: 861
Taylor, George Robert Stirling.

Mary Wollstonecraft; a study in economics and romance.

London, M. Secker. 1911

Item identification number 7052.1; illustrated with portraits in photogravure.

Reel: 861
Taylor, I.E. [Stilwell].

The latter days.

London, H. R. Allenson, ltd. [1914]

Item identification number 7053.

Reel: 861
Taylor, Ida Ashworth.

Life of Madame Roland.

New York, Brentano's; London, Hutchinson & co. 1911

Item identification number 7054.

Reel: 861
Taylor, James Monroe, 1848-1916.

Before Vassar opened; a contribution to the history of the higher education of women in America.

Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin co. 1914

Item identification number 7055.

Reel: 861
Taylor, John Lionel, 1874-1930.

The nature of woman.

New York, E. P. Dutton & co. 1913

Item identification number 7052.

Reel: 861
Taylor, James Monroe, 1848-1916.


New York, Oxford press. 1915

Item identification number 7056; by Elizabeth Hazelton Haight.

Reel: 862
Taylor, Leila Sarah.

A memorial to Eldress Anna White, and Elder Daniel Offord.

Mount Lebanon, N.Y., North Family of Shakers. 1912

Item identification number 7057.

Reel: 862
Tennessee Equal Suffrage Association.

Handbook of the Tennessee equal suffrage association and proceedings of the eighth and ninth annual convention, 1914, 1915.

[Tennessee, The association]. [1915]

Item identification number 7058.

Reel: 862
Thomas, Ernst.

Das Erlöschen des Scheidungsrechts durch Zeitablauf.

Borna-Leipzig, R. Noske. 1913

Item identification number 7059.

Reel: 862
Thompson, Henry Adams, 1837-1920.

Women of the Bible, consisting of biographical and descriptive sketches of the representative and more important women of Old Testament and New Testament times, as viewed in the light of our present day civilization.

Dayton, O., U.B. Publishing House. [c1914]

Item identification number 7060; with an introduction by Henrietta G. Moore. Illus. with original engravings.

Reel: 862
Thwing, Charles Franklin, 1853-1937.

Letters from a father to his daughter entering college.

New York, The Platt & Peck co. [1913]

Item identification number 7061.

Reel: 862
Tibbits, Charles John, 1861.

Marriage making and marriage breaking.

London, St. Paul & co. [1911]

Item identification number 7062; with an introductory note by Alfred Chichele Plowden.

Reel: 862
Tibbles, Charles Edwin, 1843.

Books of letters, How to make the best of life vs. Woman Suffrage.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 7063.

Reel: 862
Tibbles, Charles Edwin, 1843.

The doctrines of woman suffrage and monogamous marriage antagonistic.

[n.p.]. [n.d.] 1913

Item identification number 7064.

Reel: 862
Tissot, Ernest, 1867.

... Nouvelles princesses de lettres.

Paris, Fontemoing et cie. [1911]

Item identification number 7065.

Reel: 862
Toronto. Social Survey Commission.

Report of the Social survey commission, Toronto, presented to the City council, October 4th, 1915.

Toronto, The Carswell co., ltd. 1915

Item identification number 7066.

Reel: 862
Towne, Laura Matilda, 1825-1901.

Letters and diary of Laura M. Towne written from the sea islands of South Carolina, 1862-1884.

Cambridge, Mass., Printed at the Riverside press. 1912

Item identification number 7067; Ed. by Rupert Sargent Holland.

Reel: 863
Troll-Borostyani, Irma von, 1849-1912.

Die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter und die Reform der Jugend-Erziehung; die Mission unseres Jahrhunderts.

München, E. Reinhardt. [1913?]

Item identification number 7068; 3e aufl., herausgegeben vom Bayerischen Verein für Frauenstimmrecht.

Reel: 863
Trowbridge, William Rutherford Hayes, 1866-1938.

Daughters of Eve.

London, Chapman & Hall ltd. 1911

Item identification number 7069.

Reel: 863
The True Ophelia: and other studies of Shakespeare's women.

London and Toronto, Sidgwick & Jackson, ltd. 1913

Item identification number 7070; by an actress.

Reel: 863
Turquan, Joseph, 1854-1928.

Les femmes de l'émigration, 1789-1815.

Paris, Émile-Paul. 1911-1912

Item identification number 7071.

Reel: 863
Tuttle, Florence (Guertin) 1869.

The awakening of woman; suggestions from the psychic side of feminism.

New York, Cincinnati, The Abingdon press. [c1915]

Item identification number 7072.

Reel: 863
Tweedie, Ethel Brilliana (Harley) "Mrs. Alec Tweedie".

America as I saw it; or, American revisited.

New York, The Macmillan co. 1913

Item identification number 7073.

Reel: 863
Tyler, Robert Enoc, 1869.

The human trinity; is the home passing?.

New York, Shakespeare press. 1913

Item identification number 7075.

Reel: 864
Ungar, Heda, 1888.

Die Frauen-Heimarbeit in Cölm.

Bonn, C. Georgi. 1915

Item identification number 7076.

Reel: 864
United Daughters of the Confederacy. Missouri Division.

Reminiscences of the women of Missouri during the sixties.

[Jefferson City, The Hugh Stephens printing co.]. [1913?]

Item identification number 7077; gathered, comp. and pub. by Missouri division, United daughters of the confederacy.

Reel: 864
United States. Agriculture Department.

Social and labor needs of farm women.

Washington, government Printing Office. 1915

Item identification number 7088; Extracts from letters received from farm women in response to an inquiry "How the U.S. Department of Agriculture can better meet the needs of farm housewives".

Reel: 864
United States. Commission on Industrial Relations.

... Report.

Washington, D.C. 1916

Item identification number 7078; Investigation of the wages and conditions of telephone operating, by Nelle B. Curry, field investigator.

Reel: 864
United States. Congress. House, Committee on the Judiciary.

Woman suffrage, serial no. 2.

Washington, Govt. Print. Off. 1912

Item identification number 7081; Hearings before the Committee on the judiciary, House of Representatives, 62d Congress, 2d session, March 13, 1912.

Reel: 864
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Rules.

Committee on woman suffarge.

Washington, Govt. Print. Off. 1914

Item identification number 7079; Hearing on resolution establishing a Committee on woman suffrage. December 3, 4, and 5, 1913.

Reel: 864
United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary.

Woman suffrage.

Washington, Govt. Print. Office. 1914

Item identification number 7080; Hearings on woman suffrage, March 3, 1914.

Reel: 864
United States. Congress. Senate.

Woman suffrage.

Washington, Gov. Print. Off. 1913

Item identification number 7082; Reports and hearings relative to joint resolutions proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States providing that the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.

Reel: 864
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the District of Columbia.

Abatement of houses of ill fame.

Washington, Gov. Print. Off. 1913

Item identification number 7083; Hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on the District of Columbia, United States Senate, sixty-second congress, third session on S. 5861 ... December 9 and 19, 1912, and January 7, 1913.

Reel: 864
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the District of Columbia.

Suffrage parade, hearings before a subcommittee under S. Res. 499 of March 4, 1913, directing said committee to investigate the conduct of the District police and Police Department of the District of Columbia in connection with the woman's suffrage parade on March 3, 1913.

Washington, Govt. Print. Off. 1913

Item identification number 7084.

Reel: 864
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary.

References on divorce.

Washington, Gov. Print. Off. 1915

Item identification number 7088; List of references submitted to the Committee on the judiciary, United States Senate, sixty-third congress, third session, in connection with S. H. Res. 109, a resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution of the United States relating to divorces. Prepared under the direction of Hermann H. B. Mayer, chief bibliographer, Library of Congress.

Reel: 864
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Woman Suffrage.

Woman suffrage.

Washington, Govt. Print. Office. 1913

Item identification number 7086; Hearings on S.J. Res. 1, a joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States extending the right of suffrage to women. [April 19-26, 1913].

Reel: 864
United States. Congress. Senate. Joint Committee of the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Woman Suffrage.

Woman suffrage, hearings on woman suffrage.

Washington, Govt. Print. Office. 1912

Item identification number 7087; [March 13, 1912] U.S. Senate, 62d Congress, 2d session.

Reel: 864
Urlin, Ethel Lucy Hargreave, 1858.

A short history of marriage; marriage rites, customs, and folklore in many countries and all ages.

Philadelphia, D. McKay. [1913?]

Item identification number 7089.

Reel: 865
Valmor, Joseph.

Ce que nous devons à la femme.

Paris, M Rivière et cie. 1913

Item identification number 7090.

Reel: 865
Van Waters, Miriam, 1887.

The adolescent girl among primitive peoples.

[Worcester, Mass.]. [1914]

Item identification number 7091.

Reel: 865
Ventura, Polycarpe.

... Le Calvaire de la femme turque et la loi de l' Islam.

Paris, Fischbacher. 1911

Item identification number 7092.

Reel: 865
Ver Planck, Lila.

Teachers as participators in school planning and school administration.

Boston, Mass., School-Voters' League. 1915

Item identification number 7095.

Reel: 865
Vérecque, Charles, 1872.

Histoire de la famille des temps sauvages a nos jours.

Paris, M. Giard & E. Brière. 1914

Item identification number 7093.

Reel: 865
Verhaegen, Pierre, 1873.

... La dentelle belge, par Pierre Verhaegen.

Bruxelles, Office de publicité, J. Lebègue & cie [etc.]. 1912

Item identification number 7094.

Reel: 865
[Verrill, Charles Henry].

Minimum-wage legislation in the United States and foreign countries.

Washington, Govt. Print. Office. 1915

Item identification number 7096.

Reel: 865
Vèze, Raoul, 1864.

... Ruffians et ribaudes au moyen âge, d'après l'Histoire de la prostitution de Pierre Dufour [pseud.] les chroniques du temps, les Romans de chevalerie et recueils poètiques.

Paris, Bibliothèque des curieux. 1913

Item identification number 7097.

Reel: 865
[Viaud, Julien], 1850-1923.

Carmen Sylva, and sketches from the Orient.

New York, The Macmillan co. 1912

Item identification number 7098; by Pierre Loti [pseud.]; authorized translation by Fred Rothwell.

Reel: 866
Vignaud, Léon.

... Le divorce et ses causes dans la législation de demain.

Paris, A. Rousseau. 1911

Item identification number 7099.

Reel: 866
Villani, Carlo, 1855.

... Stelle feminili; dizionario bio-bibliografico; nuova ed ampliata riveduta e corretta.

Albrighi, Segati & c. 1915

Item identification number 7100; Napoli [etc.].

Reel: 866
[Vizetelly, Ernest Alfred], 1853-1922.

The favourites of Louis XIV.

London, Chatto & Windus. 1912

Item identification number 7101; by le petit homme rouge [pseud.].

Reel: 866
Voechting, Fritz.

Uber den amerikanischen Frauenkult.

Jena, Diederichs. 1913

Item identification number 7102.

Reel: 866
[Vorse, Mary Marvin (Heaton)].

Autobiography of an elderly woman.

Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin co. 1911

Item identification number 7103.

Reel: 866
Vosberg, Fritz.

Die polnische frauenbewegung.

Lissa i. P., O. Eulitz. 1912

Item identification number 7104.

Reel: 866
Votes for men.

New York, Duffield & co. 1913

Item identification number 7105.

Reel: 866
Vuyst, Paul de.

Woman's place in rural economy; a study in sociology.

London, Glasgow, and Bombay, Blackie. 1913

Item identification number 7107; tr. by Nora Hunter.

Reel: 866
Waddington, Mary Alsop (King) d. 1923.

My first years as a Frenchwoman, 1876-1879.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1914

Item identification number 7108; illustrated.

Reel: 867
Wagner, Oskar.

Die Frau im Dienste der Reichs-post- und Telegraphenverwaltung, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Bayerns, Württembergs und des Auslandes, von dr. Oskar Wagner.

Leipzig [etc.] B. G. Teubner. 1913

Item identification number 7109.

Reel: 867
Waitt, Isabel Woodman.

The what-shall-I-do girl.

Boston, L. C. Page & co. 1913

Item identification number 7110; Illustrated by Jessie Gillespie.

Reel: 867
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