History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 705 Batiffol, Louis, 1865

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Reel: 705
Batiffol, Louis, 1865.

Marie de Médicis and the French court in the XVIIth century.

London, Chatto & Windus; New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1908

Item identification number 5655; Tr. from the French of Louis Batiffol by Mary King; edited by H. W. Carless Davis.

Reel: 705
Battershall, Fletcher Williams, 1866.

The law of domestic relations in the state of New York.

Albany, N.Y., M. Bender & co. 1910

Item identification number 5656.

Reel: 706
Bauer, Max, 1861.

Die deutsche Frau in der Vergangenheit. Mit zahlreichen Bildern.

Berlin, A. Schall. [1907]

Item identification number 5657.

Reel: 706
Baughman, Nanny Randolph Ball.

The true way of life.

Burlington, Iowa, The author. 1907

Item identification number 5658.

Reel: 706
Baum, Marie, 1874.

Drei klassen von lohnarbeiterinnen in industrie und handel der stadt Karlsruhe.

Karlsruhe, G. Braunsche Hofbuchdruckerei. 1906

Item identification number 5660; Dargestellt von Marie Baum. Bericht erstattet an das grossherzogliche Ministerium des innern und herausgegeben von der grossherzoglich Badischen Fabrikinspektion.

Reel: 706
Baum, Marie, 1874.

... Der Einfluss der gewerblichen Arbeit auf des persönliche Leben der Frau, von Dr. Marie Baum; Der Einfluss der gewerblichen Gifte auf den Organismus der Frau, von Dr. med. Agnes Bluhm; Die Frau in der Gewerbe-Inspektion, von Dr. E. Jaffé-Richthofen.

Jena, G. Fischer. 1910

Item identification number 5659; Drei Vorträge gehalten auf der 2. Konferenz zur Förderung der Arbeiterinnen-Interessen.

Reel: 706
Baumann, Felix, 1868.

Japaner Mädel.

Berlin-Gross-Lichterfelde-Ost, P. Langenscheidt. [1908]

Item identification number 5661.

Reel: 706
Baumann, Felix, 1868.

New Yorker "Kadetten".

Dresden-A., E. Engelmann. 1905

Item identification number 5662; Enthüllungen über den Mädchenhandel in den Vereinigten Staaten.

Reel: 706
Baustaedt, Wilhelm.

Die entgeltliche Heiratsvermittelung nach geltendem Rechte.

Heidelberg, Heidelberger Verlagsanstalt u. Druckerei. 1909

Item identification number 5662.1.

Reel: 706
Beelacosa, Diego.

Il "mundio" sulle donne in Terra di Bari dall' anno 900 al 1500.

Napoli, L. Pierro. 1906

Item identification number 5666.

Reel: 707
Behaghel, Wilhelm.

Die gewerbliche Stellung der Frau im mittelalterlichen Köln.

Berlin und Leipzig, W. Rothschild. 1910

Item identification number 5663.

Reel: 707
Bell, Ernest Albert, 1865.

... Fighting the traffic in young girls; or, War on the white slave trade; a complete and detailed account of the shameless traffic in young girls.

[Chicago]. [c1910]

Item identification number 5664; with special chapters by the following persons: Hon. Edwin W. Sims ... Hon. Harry A. Parkin ... [and others].

Reel: 707
Bell, Lilian Lida, 1867-1929.

Why men remain bachelors, and other luxuries.

New York, J. Lane co. 1906

Item identification number 5665.

Reel: 707
Benetti [-Brunelli] Valeria.

La donna nella legislazione italiana.

Roma [Forzani ec., tipografi del Senato]. 1908

Item identification number 5667.

Reel: 707
Berenger, Réné, 1830-1915.

... Manuel pratique pour la lutte contre la pornographie.

Paris, P. Mouillot. 1907

Item identification number 5668.

Reel: 707
Bernardt, Sarah, 1844-1923.

Memories of my life; being my personal, professional, and social recollections as woman and artist.

New York, D. Appleton and company. 1907

Item identification number 5670.

Reel: 707
Bertaut, Jules, 1877.

... La jeune fille dans la littérature française.

Paris, L. Michaud. [1910]

Item identification number 5671.

Reel: 707
Besant, Annie (Wood) 1847-1933.

Annie Besant; an autobiography.

London [and] Leipsic, T. Fisher Unwin. 1908

Item identification number 5671.1; Third impression with a new preface.

Reel: 708
Besant, Annie (Wood) 1847-1933.

The changing world and lectures to theosophical students.

Chicago, Ill., The Theosophical Book Concern; London, The Theosophical Publishing Society. 1910

Item identification number 5672; Fifteen lectures delivered in London during May, June, and July, 1909.

Reel: 708
Besant, Annie (Wood) 1847-1933.

Evolution of life and form.

London, Theosophical Publishing Society. 1909

Item identification number 5673; Four lectures delivered at the twenty-third anniversary meeting of the Theosophical Society at Adyar, Madras, 1898. 3d ed.

Reel: 708
Biddle, Ellen McGowan, 1841.

Reminiscences of a soldier's wife.

Philadelphia, Press of J. B. Lippincott co. 1907

Item identification number 5675.

Reel: 708
Bingham, Helen E.

An Irish saint; the life story of Ann Preston ("Holy Ann").

Toronto, W. Briggs. 1907

Item identification number 5676; with introduction by Rev. JOhn Potts.

Reel: 708
Bingham, Millicent (Todd) 1880.

Mary E. Stearns.

Cambridge [Mass.] Printed at the Riverside press. 1909

Item identification number 5677; , by Millicent Todd, one of her pupils.

Reel: 708
Black, Clementina.

Sweated industry and the minimum wage.

London, Duckworth & co. 1907

Item identification number 5678; with an introduction by A. G. Gardiner.

Reel: 708
Blaine, Harriet Bailey (Stanwood) "Mrs. J. G. Blaine," 1828-1903.

Letters of Mrs. James G. Blaine.

New York, Duffield & co. 1908

Item identification numbers 5679 & 5662.2; edited by Harriet S. Blaine Beale.

Reel: 709
Bland, John Otway Percy, 1863, comp.

China under the empress dowager, being the history of the life and times of Tzu His.

Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott co. [etc., etc.]. 1910

Item identification number 5680; comp. from the state papers and the private diary of the comptroller of her household by E. Backhouse.

Reel: 709
Blandin, Isabella Margaret Elizabeth (John).

History of higher education of women in the South prior to 1860.

New York and Washington, Neale, Publishing co. 1909

Item identification number 5681.

Reel: 709
Blease, Walter Lyon, 1884.

The emancipation of English women.

London, Constable & co., ltd. 1910

Item identification number 5682.

Reel: 709
Blei, Franz, 1871.

The powder-puff, a ladies' breviary, from the German.

London, Chatto & Windus. 1909

Item identification number 5683.

Reel: 709
Blumenthal, Berthold, 1886.

Die Sachlegitimation im Eheprozess nach geltendem Reichsrecht.

Rostock, Alders Erben. 1908

Item identification number 5683.1.

Reel: 709
Bock, Hugo, 1878.

Die gegenseitige Unterhaltspflicht der Ehegatten.

Borna-Leipzig, R. Noske. 1909

Item identification number 5683.2.

Reel: 709
[Burrell, Caroline Frances (Benedict)].

The complete club book for women, including subjects, material, and references for study programs; together with a constitution and by-laws; rules of order; instructions how to make a year book; suggestions for practical community work; a resume of what some clubs are doing, etc., etc. A companion volume to Woman's club work and programs.

Boston, Page co. 1915

Item identification number 6393; by Caroline French Benton [pseud.].

Reel: 709
Bloch, Iwan, 1872-1922.

Das Sexualleben unserer Zeit in seinen Beziehungen zur modernen Kultur.

Berlin, L. Marcus. 1907

Item identification number 5684; 1.-5. Tausend.

Reel: 710
Boehn, Max von, 1860-1932.

Modes & manners of the nineteenth century as represented in the pictures and engravings of the time.

London, J. M. Dent & sons; New York, E. P. Dutton & co. 1909

Item identification number 5685; by Dr. Oskar Fischel; Translated by M. Edwardes, with an introduction by Grace Rhys.

Reel: 710
Boigne, Charlotte Louise Éléonore Adélaïde (d'Osmond) comtesse de, 1781-1866.

Memoirs of the comtesse de Boigne.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1907-08

Item identification number 5685.1; ed. from the original ms. by M. Charles Nicoullaud.

Reel: 710
Bosanquet, Helen (Dendy) 1860-1925.

The family.

London, Macmillan; New York, Macmillan. 1906

Item identification number 5686.

Reel: 711
Boston. South End House.

South End House; its 18th year of cumulative progress, 1910.

[Boston]. [1910]

Item identification number 5687.

Reel: 711
Bötticher, Georg.

Vom Über-Weiblichen; heitere Glossen zur Frauenfrage, unter Mitwirkung von J. Bahr [und anderen] Mit Illustrationen von J. Bahr, Mar Brösel, Arthur Lewin, Arpad Schmidhammer und Gustav Suhr, sowie einem mehrfarbigen Umschlagbild von Fritz Koch.

Erlangen, Palm & Enke. [191-?]

Item identification number 5688.

Reel: 711
Botton, Henrietta Irving.

Friendly talks to brides.

New York, T. Whittaker, Inc. [1907?]

Item identification number 5688.1.

Reel: 711
Boudinhon, Auguste Marie Félix, 1858-1941.

Le mariage et les fiançailles; nouvelle législation canonique.

Paris, P. Lethielleux. [1907]

Item identification number 5689; Commentaire du décret "Ne Temere" (2 Aout 1907) ... 8th ed., rev. et aug.

Reel: 711
Boulenger, Jacques Romain, 1879-1944.

Ondine Valmore.

Paris, Bibliophiles fantaisistes. 1909

Item identification number 5690.

Reel: 711
Boulting, William.

Woman in Italy, from the introduction of the chivalrous service of love to the appearance of the professional actress.

New York, Brentano's. 1910

Item identification number 5691; with sixteen illustrations.

Reel: 711
Bowden-Smith, Alice Georgette.

An English student's wander-year in America.

London, E. Arnold. 1910

Item identification number 5692.

Reel: 711
Brandeis, Louis Dembitz, 1856-1941.

Women in industry; decision of the United States Supreme court in Curt Muller vs. state of Oregon, upholding the constitutionality of the Oregon ten hour law for women and brief for the state of Oregon.

New York, Reprinted for the National consumers' league. [1908]

Item identification number 5694; assisted by Josephine Goldmark.

Reel: 712
Brandileone, Francesco, 1858-1929.

Saggi sulla storia della celebrazione del matrimonio in Italia.

Milano, U. Hoepli. 1906

Item identification number 5695.

Reel: 712
Brandt, Kurt Gerock.

Ist in Eheanfechtungsklage eine Anfechtung durch Willenserklärung enthalten?.

Nürnberg, B. Hilz. 1910

Item identification number 5695.1.

Reel: 712
Bray, Maria Herrick.

Biographical and reminiscent narration of "Aunt Hitty" and "Uncle Thomas" Haskell.

Salem, The Salem Press co. 1908

Item identification number 5696.

Reel: 712
Briggs, Emily Edson, 1831-1910.

The Olivia letters.

New York and Washington, Neale Pub. Co. 1906

Item identification number 5697; being some history of Washington City for forty years as told by the letters of a newspaper correspondent.

Reel: 712
Brightwen, Eliza (Elder) 1830-1906.

Eliza Brightwen, the life and thoughts of a naturalist.

London [and] Leipsic, T. F. Unwin. 1909

Item identification number 5698; edited by W. H. Chesson, with introduction and epilogue by Edmund Gosse.

Reel: 712
Brown, Haydn, 1864-1936.

Advice to single women.

London, Sisley's, ltd. [1907]

Item identification number 5701.

Reel: 712
Brown, John, 1810-1882.

Majorie Fleming.

Portland, Me., T. B. Mosher. 1907

Item identification number 5702.

Reel: 712
Brugelmann, Wilhelm.

Die Frauenbewegung im besonderen und die soziale Bewegung im allgemeinen.

Leipzig, G. Thieme. 1907

Item identification number 5702.1.

Reel: 712
Brunel, J.

... La femme mariée et les charges du ménage (loi du 13 juillet 1907).

Montpellier, Firmin, Montane et Sicardi. 1910

Item identification number 5703.

Reel: 713
Bryn Mawr College.

Bryn Mawr College: twenty-fifth anniversary, October 21 and 22, 1910.

[Bryn Mawr, Pa.]. [1910]

Item identification number 5704.

Reel: 713
Buckley, James Monroe, 1836-1920.

The wrong and peril of woman suffrage.

New York, Chicago [etc.] F.H. Revell co. [c1909]

Item identification number 5705.

Reel: 713
Buell, Jennie.

One woman's work for farm women; the story of Mary A. Mayo's part in rural social movements.

Boston, Whitcomb & Barrows. 1908

Item identification number 5706.

Reel: 713
Bundschuh, Franz.

Die Mitunterschrift der Ehefrau beim Mietvertrage.

Halle a.S., Gebr. Wolff. 1909

Item identification number 5706.1.

Reel: 713
Burgt, Franciscus Petrus van de.

Tractatus de matrimonio auctore.

Ultraiecti (Hollandiae) apud viduam J.R. van Rossum. 1908

Item identification number 5707; quem novissimis S. Sedis legibus et decisionibus, praesertim decreto S.C.C. Ne temere adaptavit et tertio edidit A.C.M. Schaepman.

Reel: 713
Burnz, Eliza (Boardman) 1823-1903.

In memoriam, Eliza Boardman Burnz, born, October 31, 1823, deceased, June 19, 1903.

New York, Burnz & co. [c1906]

Item identification number 5708; Printed in Roman type and in fonic-shorthand.

Reel: 713
Burrell, Caroline Frances (Benedict) ed.

The mothers' book; suggestions regarding the mental and moral development of children.

New York, The University society inc. [c1909]

Item identification number 5708.1; , ed. by Caroline Benedict Burrell, and including articles by Mrs. Annie Winsor Allen, Mrs. Margaret E. Sangster, Ida Prentice Whitcomb ..; [and others].

Reel: 713
Bury, Charlotte (Campbell) lady, 1775-1861.

The diary of a lady-in-waiting.

London, J. Lane; New York, J. Lane co. 1908

Item identification number 5709; by Lady Charlotte Bury; being the Diary illustrative of the times of George the Fourth, interspersed with original letters from the late Queen Caroline and from other distinguished persons, edited with an introduction by A. Francis Steuart; with eighteen full-page- portraits, two in photogravure.

Reel: 713
Busbey, Katherine (Graves) 1872.

Home life in America, with 12 illus.

New York, The Macmillan co. 1910

Item identification number 5710.

Reel: 714
Busbey, Katherine (Graves) 1872.

The women's trade union movement in Great Britain.

Item identification number 5711; (In U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin, no. 83, July 1909. p. 1-65).

Reel: 714
Butler, Elizabeth Beardsley.

... Women and the trades, Pittsburgh, 1907-1908.

New York, Charities publication committee. c1909

Item identification number 5712.

Reel: 714
Butler, Hiram Erastus, 1841-1916.

Special instructions for women.

Applegate, Cal., The Esoteric Fraternity. 1908

Item identification number 5712.1.

Reel: 714
Butler, Josephine Elizabeth (Grey) 1828-1906.

Josephine E. Butler, an autobiographical memoir.

Bristol, J. W. Arrowsmith; London, Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & co., ltd. 1909

Item identification number 5713; Edited by George W. and Lucy A. Johnson, with introduction by James Stuart.

Reel: 714
Butler, Josephine Elizabeth (Grey) 1828-1906.

Souvenirs à pensées.

Saint-Blaise, Foyer Solidariste. 1908

Item identification number 5714.

Reel: 714
Butterfield, Virginia M.

Parental rights and economic wrongs.

Chicago, Ill., Stockham pub. co. [1906]

Item identification number 5714.1.

Reel: 714
Buttles, Janet R.

The queens of Egypt.

London, A. Constable & co., ltd. 1908

Item identification number 5715; with a preface by Professor G. Maspero.

Reel: 714
Cadbury, Edward.

Women's work and wages; a phase of life in an industrial city.

London, T. F. Unwin. 1906

Item identification number 5716; by Edward Cadbury, M. Cécile Matheson and George Shann, M.A.

Reel: 715
Campan, Jeanne Louis Henriette (Genest) 1752-1822.

Memoirs of Marie Antoinette.

London, Hutchinson & co. 1906

Item identification number 5717; newly edited with notes, etc.

Reel: 715
Carl, Katharine Augusta, d. 1938.

With the empress dowager of China.

New York, The Century co. 1906

Item identification number 5719; Illustrated by the author and with photographs.

Reel: 715
Carnier, Julius, 1880.

Der Ehebetrug (§ 170 R. St. G.B.).

Giessen, v. Münchow. 1909

Item identification number 5719.1.

Reel: 715
Carpenter, Edward, 1844-1929.

Love's coming-of-age.

London, Swan Sonnenschein & co.; Manchester, S. Clarke. 1909

Item identification number 5720; A series of papers on the relations of the sexes.

Reel: 715
Carranza, Adolfo P.

... Patricias argentinas.

Buenos Aires [Sociedad patricias argentinas "Dios y patria"]. 1910

Item identification number 5721.

Reel: 715
Carrington, Frances (Courtney).

My army life and the Fort Phil. Kearney massacre, with an account of the celebration of "Wyoming opened.".

Philadelphia & London, J. B. Lippincott company. 1910

Item identification number 5721.1.

Reel: 715
Carry, Eugene, 1853-1912.

Famille et divorce.

Paris, Bloud & cie. 1908

Item identification number 5722.

Reel: 715
Casanova, Sofía, 1862.

La mujer española en el extranjero; conferencia dada en el Atenio de Madrid el 9 de abril de 1910.

Madrid, R. Velasco. 1910

Item identification number 5723.

Reel: 716
Catholic Church. Congregatio Concilii. Ne temere (2 Aug. 1907).

The new legislation on engagements and marriage.

Philadelphia, American ecclesiastical review. [1908]

Item identification number 5723.1; commentary on the decree "Ne temere" [by] John T. McNicholas; Reprinted, with additions and new illustrations, from the Ecclesiastical review.

Reel: 716
Cech, Leander.

Karolina Svetlá; obraz literárne-historický.

Nàkl. E. Solce [predmluva]. [1907]

Item identification number 5724; [2. vyd.] V Telci.

Reel: 716
Channing, Elizabeth Parsons, 1818-1906.

Autobiography and diary, gleanings of a thoughtful life.

Boston, American Unitarian assoc. 1907

Item identification number 5725.

Reel: 716
Chappell, Jennie.

Noble workers; sketches of the life-work of Frances Willard, Agnes Weston, Sister Dora, Catherine Booth, the Baroness Burdett-Coutts, Lady Henry Somerset, Sarah Robinson, Mrs. Fawcett, and Mrs. Gladstone.

London, S. W. Partridge & co. [1910]

Item identification number 5727; by Jennie Chappell; with portraits and illustrations.

Reel: 716
Chateaubriand, Céleste (Buisson de La Vigne) vicomtesse de, 1774-1847.

Les cahiers de Madame de Chateaubriand, publiés intégralement avec introduction et notes par J. Ladreit de Lacharrière.

Paris, Emile-Paul. 1909

Item identification number 5728; 2d éd.

Reel: 716
Chavasse, Pye Henry, 1810-1879.

Advice to a wife and advice to a mother on the management of her own health and on the treatment of children with an introductory chapter especially addressed to a young wife.

New York, The Popular Publishing co. [1907]

Item identification number 5729; 20th century ed.

Reel: 716
Cheron, André.

... La femme mariée anglaise en Angleterre et en France.

Paris, A. Rousseau. 1906

Item identification number 5730; (Étude de droit comparé et de droit international privé).

Reel: 717
Chicago Industrial Exhibit. 1907.


[Chicago, Kirchner, Meckel & co., printer]. [1907]

Item identification number 5731; [Chicago, 1907] Exhibit held at Brooke's Casino, March 11th to 17th, 1907.

Reel: 717
Chimirri, Bruno, 1845.

Le rivendicazioni giuridiche della donna italiana; conferenza 20 gennaio, 1910.

Roma, Forzani e C., tipogr. 1910

Item identification number 5732.

Reel: 717
Christian, Hermann, 1886.

Der Einfluss der Verheiratung einer Geschäftsfrau auf das von ihr betriebene Geschäft.

Breslau, Buchdruckerei der Schlesischen Volkzeitung. 1908

Item identification number 5732.1.

Reel: 717
Christy, Howard Chandler, 1873.

The American girl.

New York, Moffat, Yard & co. 1906

Item identification number 5733; as seen and portrayed by Howard Chandler Christy.

Reel: 717
Churchill, Jennie (Jerome) Lady Randolph Churchill, 1854-1921.

The reminiscences of Lady Randolph Churchill.

New York, The Century co. 1908

Item identification number 5733.1; by Mrs. George Cornwallis-West.

Reel: 717
Clapier de Colongue, Wolfgang.

Ueber die Wirkungen der Eheanfechtung nach dem Rechte des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches für das Deutsche Reich.

Dorpat, C. Mattiesen. 1910

Item identification number 5733.2.

Reel: 717
Clarke, Caroline Cowles (Richards) 1842-1913.

Diary of Caroline Cowles Richards, 1852-1872.

Canadaigua, N.Y. [Rochester, N.Y.?]. [1908]

Item identification number 5734.

Reel: 717
Clerque, Helen.

The salon, a study of French society and personalities in the eighteenth century.

New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1907

Item identification number 5735.

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