History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 679 Post, Louis Freeland, 1849-1928

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Reel: 679
Post, Louis Freeland, 1849-1928.

Ethical principles of marriage and divorce.

Chicago, The Public Publishing co. [c1905]

Item identification number 5439.

Reel: 679
Potocka, Anna (Tyszkiewicz) countess, 1776-1867.

Memoirs of the Countess Potocka.

New York, Doubleday & McClure co. 1901

Item identification number 5440; Edited by Casimir Stryienski, authorised translation by Lionel Strachey.

Reel: 680
Pouzol, Abel.

... La recherche de la paternité; étude critique de sociologie et de législation comparée; par Abel Pouzol.

Paris, V. Giard & E. Brière. 1902

Item identification number 5442; ouvrage couronné par l'Académie des sciences morales et politiques (prix du budget de 1900) Préface par M. Bérenger.

Reel: 680
Powell, Benjamin, d. 1905.

Erichthonius and the three daughters of Cecrops.

[New York] For the university [by the Macmillan co.]. 1906

Item identification number 5443.

Reel: 680
Powell, Lewis.

The twentieth century home builder.

Nashville, Tenn., The Methodist Episcopal Church, South. 1902

Item identification number 5443.1; Being a treatise on the home and woman as the builder of home.

Reel: 680
Preime, August, 1877.

Die Frau in den altfranzösischen Fabliaux.

Cassel, druck von L. Döll. 1901

Item identification number 5444.

Reel: 680
Provansal, Camille.

Droit comparé.

Paris, F. Pichon [etc., etc.]. 1901

Item identification number 5447; Capacité de la femme mariée.

Reel: 680
Prussia, Ministerium für Handel und Gewerbe.

Arbeitszeit des Arbeiterinnen über 16 Jahre in Fabriken und diesen gleichgestessten Anlagen, nach den Erhebungen der Königlich Preussischen Gewerbeaufsichtsbeamten und Bergbehörden im Jahre 1902.

Berlin, R. vs. Deckera. 1903

Item identification number 5448; Amtliche Ausg.

Reel: 680
Pryor, Sara Agnes (Rice) "Mrs. Roger A. Pryor," 1830-1912.

The mother of Washington and her times.

New York, Grosset & Dunlap. [1903]

Item identification number 5449.

Reel: 680
Pryor, Sara Agnes (Rice) "Mrs. Roger A. Pryor," 1830-1912.

Reminiscences of peace and war.

New York, Macmillan co. [etc.]. 1905

Item identification number 5450; Rev. and enl. end.

Reel: 681
Putnam, Ruth, 1856-1931.

A mediaeval princess; being a true record of the changing fortunes which brought divers titles to Jacqueline, Countess of Holland, together with an account of her conflict with Philip, Duke of Burgundy [1401-1436].

New York [and] London, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1904

Item identification number 5451.

Reel: 681
Quanter, Rudolf, 1861.

Die Sittlichkeitsverbrechen im Laufe der Jahrhunderte und ihre strafrechtliche Beurteilung.

Berlin, H. Bermühler. 1904

Item identification number 5452; Mit vielcn Illustrationen von Richard Brandt. 2. Aufl.

Reel: 681
Quanter, Rudolf, 1861.

Das Weib in den Religionen der Völker, unter Berücksichtigung der einzelnen Kulte.

Berlin, Hugo Bermühler. [1901]

Item identification number 5453.

Reel: 681
[Radius, Anna (Zuccari)], 1846-1918.

... Das galante Jahrhundert.

Dresden, C. Reissner. 1903

Item identification number 5454; Eine Studie über mehrere französische Frauen des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts. Aus dem Italienischen übersetzt von M. von Berthof.

Reel: 681
Rait, Robert Sangster (Sir) 1874-1936, ed.

Five Stuart princesses; Margaret of Scotland, Elizabeth of Bohemia, Mary of Orange, Henrietta of Orleans, Sophia of Hanover.

New York, E. P. Dutton & co. 1902

Item identification number 5455.

Reel: 681
[Rankin, Jeremiah Eames], 1828-1904.

Esther Burr's journal.

Washington, Howard University. [1901]

Item identification number 5456.

Reel: 681
Rauber, August, 1845-1917.

Weibliche Auswanderung und ihr Verhältnis zu einer biologisch begründeten Bevölkerungspolitik.

Leipzig, A. Georgi. 1901

Item identification number 5457; Vierter Beitrag zu einer naturgemässen Lösung der Frauenfrage. Mit 5 Figuren.

Reel: 682
Ravenna. Biblioteca storica Andrea Ponti.

La questione femminile.

[Roma, Forzani e c.]. [1903]

Item identification number 5458.

Reel: 682
Reed, Myrtle, 1874-1911.

The spinster book.

New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1901

Item identification number 5460.

Reel: 682
Repplier, Agnes, 1858.

In our convent days.

Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & co. 1905

Item identification number 5462.

Reel: 682
Riberolles, Augustin de.

... Du divorce par consentement mutuel et de la répudiation en droit francais.

Paris, V. Giard & E. Brière. 1904

Item identification number 5463; Etude historique et critique, à ce point de vue, de la législation sur le divorce à partir de la Loi du 20 Septembre 1792 jusqu'à nos jours.

Reel: 682
Richards, Ellen Henrietta (Swallow) "Mrs. R. H. Richards," 1842-1911.

The art of right living.

Boston, Whitcomb & Barrows. 1904

Item identification number 5464.

Reel: 682
[Richardson, Dorothy], 1882.

The long day, the story of a New York working girl.

New York, The Century Co. 1905

Item identification number 5465; as told by herself.

Reel: 682
Richmond, Mary Ellen, 1861-1928.

Friendly visiting among the poor, a handbook for charity workers.

New York, The Macmillan co.; London, Macmillan & co., ltd. 1903

Item identification number 5465.1.

Reel: 682
Riso Carpinone, Vincenzo de.

Il divorzio.

Napoli, Tip. Nuova Unione. 1901

Item identification number 5466.

Reel: 682
Rizzatti, Ferruccio.

Il libro dei baci.

Roma, Società editrice nazionale. 1901

Item identification number 5467.

Reel: 682
Roccarino, Maurizio.

Il divorzio e la legislazione italiana.

Torino, Fratelli Bocca. 1901

Item identification number 5467.1.

Reel: 682
Roig, Jaime, d. 1478.

Spill o Libre de les dones per Mestre Jaeme Roig.

Barcelona, "L'Avenc"; [etc., etc.]. 1905

Item identification number 5468; Edición crítica con las variantes de todas las publicadas y las del ms. de la Vaticana, prólogo, estudios y comentarios por Roque Chabás.

Reel: 682
Rosen, Katinka V.

Uber den moralischen schwachsinn des weibes.

Halle a S., C. Marhold. 1904

Item identification number 5468.1.

Reel: 682
[Roton, Gabriel de], 1865.

La femme dans l'antiquité grecque.

Paris, H. Laurens. 1901

Item identification number 5469; Texte et dessins de G. Notor [pseud.] préface de M. Eugène Müntz.

Reel: 683
[Rougeul, Hortense (Grille)], 1865.

Le livre de la femme, guide pratique dans la vie [par] Camille Pert [pseud.].

Paris, Société d'éditions Littéraires et Artistiques. 1901

Item identification number 5470.

Reel: 683
Rowlands, Samuel, 1570?-1630?.

The bride.

Boston, Printed for C. E. Goodspeed at the Merrymount press. 1905

Item identification number 5471; Reprinted for the first time from a copy of the original edition of 1617 in the library of Harvard college; with an introductory note by Alfred Claghorn Potter.

Reel: 683
Rubio y Galí, Federico.

La mujer gaditana; apuntes de economía social.

Madrid, Tip. de Idamor Moreno. 1902

Item identification number 5473; Obra postuma de D. Federico Rubio y Gali. Con el ratrato del autor.

Reel: 683
Russell, Constance Charlotte Elisa (Lennox) lady.

Three generations of fascinating women and other sketches from family history.

London [etc.] Longmans, Green & co. 1905

Item identification number 5475; 2d ed.

Reel: 683
Saavedra, Eduardo.

... La mujer mozarabe.

Madrid. 1904

Item identification number 5476; Conferencia dada en el Circulo de San Luis de esta Corte, el dia 21 abril de 1904, por Eduardo Saavedra.

Reel: 683
Sadlier, Agnes, 1860.

Jeanne d'Arc, the story of her life and death.

Baltimore, Md., J. Murphy co. [1901]

Item identification number 5477.

Reel: 683
Sakamoto, Saburo.

Das Ehescheidungsrecht Japans.

Berlin [Mayer & Müller]. 1903

Item identification number 5478.

Reel: 683
Salome, mother.

Mary Ward: a foundress of the 17th century.

London, Burns & Oates, ltd; New York [etc.] Benziger brothers. 1901

Item identification number 5478.1; introduction by the bishop of Newport.

Reel: 684
Samson, Julien.

Des conflits de lois, relatifs a la formation du mariage des Français à l'etranger et des etrangers en France.

Nancy, L. Kreis. 1902

Item identification number 5479.

Reel: 684
Sanborn, Nathan Perkins, 1825.

The Fountain Inn; Agnes Surriage and Sir Harry Frankland.

[Marblehead, Mass.] Marblehead Historical Society. 1905

Item identification number 5480; A paper read before the Marblehead Historical Society, December 8, 1904.

Reel: 684
Sangineto, di, marchese.

... Sul divorzio.

Napoli, F. Giannini & Figli. 1902

Item identification number 5481; Discorso detto nella sede del Circolo Cattolico per gl' Interessi di Napoli il 4 agosto 1901.

Reel: 684
Sangster, Margaret Elizabeth (Munson) 1838-1912.

The little kingdom of home.

New York, Fox, Duffield & co. 1905

Item identification number 5482.

Reel: 684
Sangster, Margaret Elizabeth (Munson) 1838-1912.

Radiant motherhood; a book for the twentieth century mother.

Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill co. [1905]

Item identification number 5483.

Reel: 684
Sarah Whitman.

Boston, The Merrymount press. 1904

Item identification number 5484.

Reel: 684
Savage, Minot Judson, 1811-1918.

Men and women.

Boston, American Unitarian association. 1902

Item identification number 5486.

Reel: 684
Shakhovskaia-Glebova-strezhneva, kniaginia.

Drei russische Frauengestalten.

Heidelberg. 1902

Item identification number 5487.

Reel: 684
Schmitt, Harry.

Frauenbewegung und mädchenschul-reform; untersuchungen und vorschläge zur förderung der frauenbildungsfrage, von Harry Schmitt.

Berlin, K. Siegismund. 1903

Item identification number 5488.

Reel: 685
Schrader, Otto, 1855-1919.

Die Schwiegermutter und der Hagestolz.

Braunschweig, G. Westermann. 1904

Item identification number 5489; Eine Studie aus der Geschichte unserer Familie.

Reel: 685
Schweiger-Lerchenfeld, Amand, freiherr von, 1846-1910.

Die Frauen des Orients in der Geschichte, in der Dichtung und im Leben.

Wien und Leipzig, A. Hartleben. 1904

Item identification number 5491.

Reel: 685
Secades y Japón, Manuel, 1879.

[La mujer y la prole en las uniones ilegítimas por un estudiante de derecho].

Habana, "El Figaro". 1903

Item identification number 5492.

Reel: 685
Serrano y Sanz, Manuel, 1868-1932.

Apuntes para una biblioteca de escritoras españolas desde el año 1401 al 1833.

Madrid. 1903-1905

Item identification number 5493; Obra premiada por la Biblioteca nacional en el concurso público de 1898 é impresa á expensas del estado.

Reel: 686
Shumigorskïï, Evgenïï Sevast'ianovich, 1857.

... La favorite d'un tsar.

Paris, Société dv Mercvre de France. 1902

Item identification number 5494; Catharine Ivanowna Nelidon, 1758-1839.

Reel: 686
Sichel, Edith Helen, 1862-1914.

Women and men of the French renaissance.

Westminster, A. Constable & co., ltd.; Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott co. 1901

Item identification number 5495.

Reel: 686
Siefken, Ortgies, 1874.

Das geduldige Weib in der englischen Literatur bis auf Shakspere.

Rathenow, Buchdruckerei von M. Babenzien. 1903

Item identification number 5496; Teil 1: Der Konstanzetypus.

Reel: 686
Siegel, Paul, 1878.

Aphra Behns Gedichte und Prosawerke.

Halle a. S., M. Niemeyer. 1901

Item identification number 5497.

Reel: 686
Simmons, Clyde Barrett.

The history of woman suffrage in the state of Washington.

[Seattle]. 1903

Item identification number 5498.

Reel: 687
Singleton, Esther, 1865-1930.

Social New York under the Georges 1714-1776.

New York, D. Appleton. 1902

Item identification number 5500; Houses, streets and country homes with chapters on fashions, furniture, china, plate and manners.

Reel: 687
Singleton, Esther, d. 1830, ed. and tr.

Famous women as described by famous writers.

New York, Dodd Mead & co. 1904

Item identification number 5499.

Reel: 687
Sinués [De Marco], María del Pilar, 1835-1893.

Hija, esposa y madre; cartas dedicadas a la mujer acerca de sus deberes para con la familia y la sociedad.

Madrid, V. Suárez. 1904

Item identification number 5501; 5a ed.

Reel: 687
Smith, Nicholas, comp.

Songs from the hearts of women, one hundred famous hymns and their writers.

Chicago, A. C. McClurg. 1903

Item identification number 5502.

Reel: 687
Smith, W. Sidney.

Outlines of the women's franchise movement in New Zealand.

Chirst church, N.Z.; London [etc.] Whitcombe and Tombs, limited. 1905

Item identification number 5503.

Reel: 687
Sparrow, Walter Shaw, 1862, ed.

Women painters of the world, from the time of Caterina Vigri, 1413-1463, to Rosa Bonheur and the present day.

London, Hodder & Stoughton. 1905

Item identification number 5504.

Reel: 688
Speer, Ocie, 1869.

A treatise on the law of married women in Texas, including marriage, divorce, homestead, and administration.

Rochester, N.Y., The Lawyers' Co-op. Pub. co. 1901

Item identification number 5505.

Reel: 688
Spielmann, Marion Harry, 1858.

Kate Greenaway.

New York, G. P. Putnam's sons; London, Adam and Charles Black. 1905

Item identification number 5506.

Reel: 688
Sprague, Elizabeth Rebecca.

A tribute.

Boston, Privately printed. 1905

Item identification number 5507.

Reel: 688
Springer, Mary Elizabeth.

Elizabeth Schuyler, a story of old New York.

New York, Press of I. H. Blanchard co. [1903]

Item identification number 5508.

Reel: 688
Starr, Eliza Allen, 1824-1901.

The life and letters.

Chicago, Lakeside Press. 1905

Item identification number 5509; edited by James J. McGovern; with an introduction by William Stetson Merrill.

Reel: 688
Stephens, Louise G., 1843.

Letters from an Oregon ranch.

Chicago, A. C. McClurg. 1905

Item identification number 5510; by "Katherine" [pseud.].

Reel: 689
Stöcker, Helene, 1869.

Die Liebe und die Frauen.

Minden in Westf., J. C. C. Bruns' Verlag. [1905]

Item identification number 5511.

Reel: 689
Stockham, Alice (Bunker) 1833-1912.


New York, R. F. Fenno and co. [c1903]

Item identification number 5512; Ethics of marriage ... New and rev. ed.

Reel: 689
Stölzel, Adolf.

Deutsches Eheschliessungsrecht als Anleitung für die Standesbeamten.

Berlin, F. Vahlen. 1904

Item identification number 5513; 4. Aufl., auf der Grndlage des seit 1900 geltenden Rechtes neu bearb. von Dr. Otto Stölzel. Anhang: Ausländisches Eheschliessungsrecht.

Reel: 689
Stone, Wilbur Macey, 1862.

Women designers of book-plates.

New York, Published for the Triptych by R. R. Beam. 1902

Item identification number 5514.

Reel: 689
Stott, Grace (Ciggie).

Twenty-six years of missionary work in China.

London, Hodder and Stoughton. 1904

Item identification number 5515; with a preface by the Rev. J. Hudson Taylor. with seven illus., 4th ed.

Reel: 689
Stratz, Carl Heinrich, 1858-1924.

Die körperformen in kunst und leben der Japaner, von dr C. H. Stratz.

Stuttgart, F. Enke. 1902

Item identification number 5516; Mit 112 in den text gedruckten abbildungen und 4 farbigen tafeln.

Reel: 689
Stritt, Marie.

Der internationale Frauen-Kongress in Berlin, 1904.

Berlin, C. Habel. [1904?]

Item identification number 5518; Berricht mit ausgewählten Referaten, hrsg. im Auftrage des Vorstandes des Bundes Deutscher Frauenvereine.

Reel: 689
Stuart, Louisa, lady, 1757-1851.

Letters of Lady Louisa Stuart to Miss Louisa Clinton.

Edinburgh, D. Douglas. 1903

Item identification number 5519; 2d series, edited by Hon. James A. Home.

Reel: 690
Sturgeon, Harold McCaan, 1862.

The law of divorce, and the proceedings to obtain a divorce in Pennsylvania together with a full collection of forms.

Philadelphia, T. & J.W. Johnson & co. 1905

Item identification number 5520.

Reel: 690
Sullivan, May Kellogg.

A woman who went to Alaska.

Boston, J. H. Earle & co. [c1903]

Item identification number 5521; Illustrated. 2d ed.

Reel: 690
Taylor, Susie King, 1848.

Reminiscences of my life in camp with the 33d United States colored troops late 1st S.C. volunteers.

Boston, The author. 1902

Item identification number 5523.

Reel: 690
Temple, Dorothy (Osborne) lady, 1627-1694.

The love letters of Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple.

London, A. Moring, the De La More press. 1903

Item identification number 5524; newly edited from the original mss., by Israel Gollancz.

Reel: 690
Thal, Max.

Mutterrecht, Frauenfrage und Weltenschauung.

Breslau, Schlesische Verlags-Anstalt v. S. Schottlaender. 1903

Item identification number 5525.

Reel: 690
Thiselton-Dyer, Thomas Firminger, 1848-1928.

Folk-lore of women as illustrated by legendary and traditionary tales, folk-rhymes, proverbial sayings, superstitutions, etc.

London, E. Stock. 1905

Item identification number 5526.

Reel: 690
Thompson, Helen Bradford.

The mental traits of sex, an experimental investigation of the normal mind in men and women.

Chicago, University of Chicago Press. 1903

Item identification number 5529.

Reel: 691
Thruston, Lucy Meacham (Kidd) 1862.

Mistress Brent; a story of Lord Baltimore's colony in 1638.

Boston, Little, Brown and co. 1902

Item identification number 5530.

Reel: 691
Torraca, Francesco, 1853-1938.

... Le donne italiane nella poesia provenzale.

Firenze, G. C. Sansoni. 1901

Item identification number 5531; Su la 'Treva' di G. de la Tor.

Reel: 691
Tourzel, Louise Élisabeth Félicité Françoise Armande Anne Marie Jeanne Joséphone (de Croy d'Havre) duchesse de, 1749-1832.

Mémoires de Madame la duchesse de Tourzel, gouvernante des enfants de France pendant les années 1789, 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1795.

Paris, Plon-Nourrit et cie. 1904

Item identification number 5532.0; Publiés par le Duc des Cars ... 4 éd.

Reel: 691
Towne, Elizabeth (Jones) 1865.

Happiness and marriage.

Holyoke, Mass., E. Towne. [1904]

Item identification number 5532.1.

Reel: 691
Tréville, Oliver de.

Les jeunes filles peintes par elles-memes.

Paris, Société d'éditions littéraires et artistiques. 1901

Item identification number 5533.

Reel: 691
Trinks, Thekla.

Lebensführung einer deutschen Lehrerin.

Gotha., Friedrich Emil Perthes. 1904

Item identification number 5535.

Reel: 691
Torquan, Joseph, 1854-1928.

Madame Recamier, avec des documents nouveaux et inédits.

Paris, Montgredien et cie. [1902]

Item identification number 5538.

Reel: 692
Tschudi, Clara, 1859-1945.

Marie Antoinette.

London, Swan Sonnenschein; New York, Dutton. 1902

Item identification number 5536; Authorised translation from the Norwegian.

Reel: 692
Turgeon, Charles Marie Joseph, 1855.

Le féminisme français.

Paris, L. Larose. 1902

Item identification number 5537.

Reel: 692
United States. Congress. Senate. Select Committee on Woman Suffrage.

Woman suffrage.

Washington, Government Printing Office. 1902

Item identification number 5539; Hearing [February 18, 1902] on the joint resolution (S. R. 53) proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, extending the rights of suffrage to women.

Reel: 692
United States. Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission. Board of Lady Managers.

... Report to the Louisiana purchase exposition commission.

[Cambridge, Mass., The Riverside press, H. O. Houghton and company]. [c1905]

Item identification number 5540.

Reel: 692
Urbaneja, Alejandro.

Comentarios a la sección 10a, titulo IV, libro 1•del Código civil de 1904, del divorcio y de la separación de cuerpos (articulos 151 á 170); con un apendice sobre "las segundas y ulteriores nupcias" y otro sobre las disposiciones conexas del Código de procedimiento civil vigente, por el doctor Alejandro Urbaneja.

Caracas, Venezuela, Imprenta Bolivar. 1904

Item identification number 5540.1.

Reel: 693
Uzanne, Louise Octave, 1852-1931.

L'art et les artifices de la beauté.

Paris. [1902]

Item identification number 5541.

Reel: 693
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