History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 630 Bachelor, Antony, 1867

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Reel: 630
Bachelor, Antony, 1867.

Wanted - a wife.

New York, D. V. Wien & co. 1904 [1903]

Item identification number 5030.

Reel: 630
Bailey, Emma E., 1844-1921.

Happy day; or, The confessions of a woman minister.

New York, European Pub. Co. 1901

Item identification number 5031.

Reel: 631
Bailward, Margaret E.

Mothers and their responsibilities.

London [etc.] Longmans, Green and co. 1904

Item identification number 5032; with a preface by the Rev. L. R. Henslow.

Reel: 631
Baily, James Thomas Herbert, 1865-1914.

Emma, Lady Hamilton; a biographical essay with a catalogue of her published portraits.

London, W. G. Menzies. 1905

Item identification number 5033.

Reel: 631
Balabanov, Aleksandur Mikailov, 1879.

Untersuchungen zur geschäftsfähigkeit der griechischen frau.

Borna-Leipzig, Buchdr. R. Noske. 1905

Item identification number 5034.

Reel: 631
Ballerini, Giuseppe, bp., 1857-1933.

Matrimonio e divorzio a proposito dell' attuale progetto ministeriale.

Siena, S. Bernardino. 1903

Item identification number 5034.1.

Reel: 631
Bancroft, Elizabeth Davis, "Mrs. George Bancroft".

Letters from England, 1846-49.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1904

Item identification number 5035.

Reel: 631
Banks, Elizabeth L.

The autobiography of a "newspaper girl".

New York, Dodd, Mead & co. 1902

Item identification number 5036.

Reel: 631
Barbey, Frédéric, 1879.

Une amie de Marie Antoinette: Madame Atkyns et la prison du temple, 1758-1836, d'après des documents inédits.

Paris, Perrin et cie. 1905

Item identification number 5037; Préface de Victorien Sardou.

Reel: 631
Baring-Gould, Sabine, 1834-1924.

Virgin saints and martyrs.

New York, T. Y. Crowell & co. 1901

Item identification number 5038; with sixteen full-page- illustrations by F. Anger.

Reel: 631
Barnard, Anne (Lindsay) 1750-1825.

South Africa a century ago; letters written from the cape of Good Hope (1797-1801).

London, Smith, Elder, & co. 1901

Item identification number 5040; Ed., with a memoir and brief notes, by W. H. Wilkins.

Reel: 632
Barrie, James Matthew, bart., 1860-1937.

Margaret Oglivy.

New York, Charles Scribner's sons. 1901

Item identification number 5040.1; by her son.

Reel: 632
Bartsch, Robert.

Die rechtsstellung der frau als gattin und mutter; geschichtliche entwicklung ihrer persönlichen stellung im privatrecht bis in das achtzehnte jahrhundert, von Dr. Robert Bartsch.

Leipzig, Veit & comp. 1903

Item identification number 5041.

Reel: 632
Bashkirtseva, Mariia Konstantinovna, 1860-1884.

The further memoirs of Marie Bashkirtseff; together with a correspondence between Marie Bashkirtseff and Guy de Maupassant.

London, Grant Richards. 1901

Item identification number 5042; Illustrated.

Reel: 632
[Bates, Laura Brace], 1851.

Bachelor bigotries.

Published by a young married man. [San Francisco, P. Elder and company]. [c1903]

Item identification number 5044; comp. by an old maid and approved by a young bachelor; Illustrated by an ex-bachelor.

Reel: 632
Baudouin, Marcel, 1860.

... Les femmes médicins.

Paris, Institut international de bibliographie. 1901

Item identification number 5045; Étude de psychologie sociele internationale.

Reel: 632
Bauer, Mat.

Das Geschlectsleben in der Deutschen Vergangenheit.

Leipzig, Hermann Seeman Nachfolger. 1902

Item identification number 5045.1.

Reel: 632
Bauer, Stephan, 1865-1834, ed.

Le travail de nuit des femmes dans l'industrie; rapports sur son importance et sa réglementation légale.

Jena, G. Fischer [etc., etc.]. 1903

Item identification number 5046; Publiés au nom de l'Association internationale pour la protection légale des travailleurs, et précédes d'une préface par Etienne Bauer.

Reel: 632
Bäumer, Gertrud, 1873.

Die Frau in der kulturbewegung der Gegenwart.

Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann. 1904

Item identification number 5047; Mit einem vorwort von L. Loewenfeld.

Reel: 632
Bayles, George James, 1869-1914.

American women's legal status.

New York, P. F. Collier. [c1905]

Item identification number 5048; Letters to American girls, by Sallie Joy White. Letters to American boys, by William Herbert Carruth. with frontispiece in color by W. T. Smedley.

Reel: 633
Bayles, George James, 1869-1914.

Woman and the law.

New York, The Century co. 1901

Item identification number 5049; with an introduction by Professor J. F. Russell.

Reel: 633
Beach, Seth Curtis.

Daughters of the Puritans; a group of brief biographies.

Boston, American Unitarian association. 1905

Item identification number 5050.

Reel: 633
[Bedford, Jessie].

Home life under the Stuarts, 1603-1649.

New York, F. A. Stokes co. [1903]

Item identification number 5051; by Elizabeth Godfrey [pseud.].

Reel: 633
Berard, Léon, 1876.

Du caractère personnel de certains droits dans les régimes de communauté. Le droit d'auteur.

Paris, A. Rousseau. 1903

Item identification number 5052.

Reel: 633
Berdrow, Otto, 1862-1903.

Rehel Varnhagen; ein Lebens- und Zeitbild.

Stuttgart, Greiner & Pfeiffer. 1902

Item identification number 5053; 2. Veränderte Aufl.

Reel: 633
Berenini, Agostino.

Il divorzio dinanzi alla camera.

Milano, B. Bacchini. 1902

Item identification number 5054; Con una prefazione del Sac. Giacomo Pastori. Achille Ruffoni.

Reel: 633
Berg, Leo, 1862-1908.

Das sexuelle Problem in Kunst und Leben.

Berlin, H. Walther. 1901

Item identification number 5054.1.

Reel: 633
[Berliner, Emile], 1851-1929.


New York, Kaufman, Pub. Co. 1902

Item identification number 5055; by Jerome Du Barry [pseud.].

Reel: 634
Bertin, Georges, 1849.

Madame de Lamballe.

New York, G.A.S. Wieners. 1901

Item identification number 5056; translated into English by Arabella Ward; with portrait, an introduction and historical notes by the translator.

Reel: 634
The Better side of marriage.

Oxford, London, A. R. Mowbray & co., ltd. 1904

Item identification number 5056.1.

Reel: 634
Bettex, Frédéric, 1837-1915.

Natur und gesetz.

Bielefeld und Leipzig, Velhagen & Klasing. 1905

Item identification number 5057.

Reel: 634
Bianchini, Everardo Giuseppe, 1852.

Pro divorzio.

Arezzo, F. Sinatti. 1902

Item identification number 5058; Conferenza. 2d ed.

Reel: 634
Billia, Lorenzo Michelangelo, 1860.

Difendiamo la famiglia, saggio contro il divorzio e specialmente contro la proposta di introdurlo in Italia.

Torino, Nuovo Risorgimento [etc., etc.]. 1902

Item identification number 5060; 2d ed.

Reel: 634
Binet, Pierre L.

La femme dans le ménage.

Paris, Librairie générale de droit et de juriprudence, F. Pichon et Durand, Auzias. 1904

Item identification number 5061; Essai critique sur la nature de ses pouvoirs d'après la pratique et la législation contemporaines ... Préface de M. François Gény.

Reel: 634
Blackburn, Helen, 1842-1903.

Women's suffrage, a record of the women's suffrage movement in the British Isles with biographical sketches of Miss Becker.

London, Williams & Norgate. 1902

Item identification number 5062.

Reel: 634
[Bloch, Iwan], 1872-1922.

... Le marquis de Sade et son temps.

Berlin [etc.] H. Barsdorf [etc.]. 1901

Item identification number 5063; Etudes relatives à l'histoire de la civilisation et des moeurs du XVIIIme siècle. Traduit de l'allemand par le dr. A. Weber-Riga. Avec une préface: L'idée de sadisme et l'erotologie scientifique. Par Octave Uzanne.

Reel: 634
Blouët, Paul, i.e. Léon Paul, 1848-1903.

Rambles in womanland.

London, Chatto & Windus. 1903

Item identification number 5065; by Max O'Rell [pseud.]; 2d ed.

Reel: 635
[Blouet, Paul] i.e. Léon Paul, 1848-1903.

Her royal highness woman and his majesty - Cupid.

New York [etc.] The Abbey press. [1901]

Item identification number 5064; by Max O'Rell [pseud.].

Reel: 635
[Blouet, Paul] i.e. Léon Paul, 1848-1903.

... Sa majesté l'amour: petites études de psychologie humoristique.

Paris, Calmann Levy. [1901]

Item identification number 5066.

Reel: 635
Bonnell, Henry Houston, 1859.

Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot, Jane Austen; studies in their works.

New York [etc.] Longmans, Green and co. 1902

Item identification number 5067.

Reel: 635
Booth, Maud Ballington (Charlesworth) 1865.

After prison - what?.

New York, F. N. Revell. [c1903]

Item identification number 5068.

Reel: 635
Botti, Ettore, 1882.

... La delinquenza femminile a Napoli.

Napoli, L. Pierro. 1904

Item identification number 5069.

Reel: 635
Boutet, Henri, 1851-1919.

Les modes féminines du XIXe siècle.

Paris. 1902

Item identification number 5071.

Reel: 635
Bowyer, Edith M. (Nicholl).

Observations of a ranchwoman in New Mexico.

Cincinnati, Editor Pub. co. 1901

Item identification number 5072.

Reel: 636
Boyer, Emile.

Des résultats obtenus par la mise en pratique de la loi du 2 novembre 1892 réglementant le travail des femmes et des enfants dans l'industrie.

Montpellier. 1901

Item identification number 5072.1.

Reel: 636
Bozzi, Enrico.

Il divorzio.

Milano, "La Poligrafica". [1902]

Item identification number 5073.1.

Reel: 636
Brandi, Salvatore Maria, 1852-1915.

Il divorzio in Italia.

Roma, Civilta Cattolica. 1901

Item identification number 5074; Studio Giuridico.

Reel: 636
Braun, Lily (von Kretschman) von Gizycki, 1865-1916.

Die Frauen und die Politik.

Berlin, Expedition der Buchhandlung Vorwärts (Theodor Glocke in Berlin). 1903

Item identification number 5075.

Reel: 636
Braun, Lily (von Kretschman) von Gizycki, 1865-1916.

Die frauenfrage; ihre geschichtliche entwicklung und wirtschaftliche seite.

Leipzig, S. Hirzel. 1901

Item identification number 5077.

Reel: 636
Braun, Lily (von Kretschman) von Gizycki, 1865-1916.

Frauenarbeit und Hauswirthschaft.

Berlin, Expedition der Buchhandlung Vorwärts (Th. Glocke in Berlin). 1901

Item identification number 5076.

Reel: 636
Brooke-Hunt, Violet d. 1910.

A woman's memories of the war.

London, Nisbet. 1901

Item identification number 5079.

Reel: 636
Brookfield, Charles Hallam Elton, 1857-1913.

Mrs. Brookfield and her circle.

London, Pitman. 1905

Item identification number 5080; by Charles and Frances Brookfield.

Reel: 636
Brooks, Geraldine, 1875.

Dames and daughter of the French court.

New York, T. Y. Crowell & company. [c1904]

Item identification number 5081.

Reel: 637
Brooks, Geraldine, 1875.

Dames and daughters of the young republic.

New York, T. Y. Crowell & Co. [c1901]

Item identification number 5082; Illustrated.

Reel: 637
Bruce, Mary Louisa, comp.

Anna Swanwick; a memoir and recollections, 1813-1899.

London, T. F. Unwin. 1903

Item identification number 5083.

Reel: 637
Brühl, Marie.

Die Natur der Frau, und Herr Professor Runge.

Leipzig, H. Seemann. 1903

Item identification number 5084; Eine Erwiderung auf die Schrift "Das Weib in seiner geschlechtlichen Eigenart" von Max Runge. 2. Auflage.

Reel: 637
Brunhes, Henriette.

... L'exemple des Américaines.

Paris, au siège social de la L.S.A. 1903

Item identification number 5084.1.

Reel: 637
Bryce, James Bryce, 1838-1922, viscount.

Marriage and divorce.

New York, Oxford university press, American branch [etc., etc.]. [c1905]

Item identification number 5085.

Reel: 637
Buffenoir, Hippolyte, 1847-1928.

La comtesse d'Houdetot, sa famille-ses amis.

Paris, Leclerc. 1905

Item identification number 5086.

Reel: 637
Burgos Segui, Carmen de, 1879.

... El divorcio en España.

Madrid, Viuda de M. Romero, impresor. 1904

Item identification number 5087.

Reel: 637
Cabot, Elizabth (Dwight) 1830-1891.


Boston, Privately printed. 1905

Item identification number 5089.

Reel: 637
Calchi Novati, Giulio.

Il divorzio.

Milano, G. Palma. 1902

Item identification number 5090.1.

Reel: 637
Canessa, Lorenzo.

Il divorzio ed uno studio critico e profilattico del matrimonio.

Genova, Tip. della Gioventu. 1903

Item identification number 5091.

Reel: 637
Capon, Gaston, 1867-1940.

... Les maisons closes au XVIIIe siècle.

Paris, H. Daragon. 1903

Item identification number 5092; Académies de filles et courtières d'amour, maisons clandestines, matrones, mères-abbesses, appareilleuses et proxénètes. Rapports de police, documents secrets, notes personnelles des tenancières. Orné de deux eaux-fortes par A. Robida.

Reel: 638
Capon, Gaston, 1867-1940.

... Les petites maisons galantes de Paris, au XVIIIe siècle; folies, maisons de plaisance et vide-bouteilles; d'après des documents inédits et des rapports de police.

Paris, H. Daragon. 1902

Item identification number 5093; Préface par R. Yve-Plessis. Orné de 16 planches hors texte.

Reel: 638
Caretta, Enrico.

Il matrimonio degli ufficiali nelle condizioni sociali odierne.

Torino [etc., etc.] Bocca. 1901

Item identification number 5095.

Reel: 638
Carette, A. Bouvet, 1844.

... Madame Campan.

Paris, Société d' éditions littéraires et artistiques. 1902

Item identification number 5094; Neuvième éd.

Reel: 638
Carmichael, Amy Wilson.

Things as they are; mission work in southern India.

London, Morgan and Scott. [1903]

Item identification number 5096; with a preface by Eugene Stock.

Reel: 638
Carnesecchi, Carlo.

Cosimo I.e la sua legge suntuaria del 1562.

Firenze, Cocchi & Chiti. 1902

Item identification number 5097.

Reel: 638
Caronna, Nunzio.

Matrimonio e divorzio.

Napoli, N. Jovene & co. 1903

Item identification number 5098.

Reel: 638
Carpenter, Edward, 1844-1929.

Wenn die Menschen reif zur Liebe werden, eine Reihe von Aufsätzen über das Verhältnis der beiden Geschlechter.

Leipzig, H. Seemann. 1902

Item identification number 5099; Einzig autorisierte übersetzung von Karl Federn.

Reel: 638
Carrera y Jústiz, Francisco, 1857-1947.

... La ciencia civica en su relacion con la mujer y con la democracia; tres conferencias pronunciadas en la Escuela normal de maestras de la Habana, por Francisco Carrera y Justiz.

Habana, "La Moderna poesia,". 1905

Item identification number 5100.

Reel: 638
Carstensen, Cathrine.

... Kvindetyper i middelalderens religiøse skuespil, saellig de engelske.

København, Klein. 1901

Item identification number 5101.

Reel: 638
Carter, Mary Elizabeth, 1836.

Millionaire households and their domestic economy, with hints upon fine living.

New York, D. Appleton & company. 1903

Item identification number 5102.

Reel: 639
Carus-Wilson, Mary Louisa Georgina (Petrie).

A woman's life in Kashmir; Irene Petrie, a biography.

Chicago, New York [etc.] F. H. Revell company. 1901

Item identification number 5103.

Reel: 639
Caspari, Otto, 1841-1917.

Die Sociale Frage über die Freiheit der Ehe.

Frankfurt a. M., J. D. Sauerländer. [1905]

Item identification number 5104; Mit Berücksichtgung der Frauenbewegung vom philosophisch-historischen Gesichtspunkt ... Zweite, verb. und verm. auflage.

Reel: 639
Caterina da Siena, Saint, 1347-1380.

Saint Catherine of Siena as seen in her letter.

London, J. M. Dent & co.; New York, E. P. Dutton & co. 1905

Item identification number 5105; Tr. and edited with introduction by Vida D. Scudder.

Reel: 639
Cathrein, Victor, 1845-1931.

Die Frauenfrage.

Freiburg im Breisgau; St. Louis, Herder. 1901

Item identification number 5106.

Reel: 639
Cauwes, Albert.

Des rapports du mariage avec la nationalité.

Paris, L. Larose & Farcel. 1901

Item identification number 5107.

Reel: 639
Cenni, Enrico.

Il divorzio considerato come contro natura ed antigiuridico.

Napoli, F. Giannini & Figli. 1902

Item identification number 5108; 3d ed.

Reel: 639
Chabaud, Louis.

Les précurseurs du féminisme, Mesdames de Maintenon, De Genlis, et Campan, leur role dans l'éduclation chrétienne de la femme.

Paris, Plon-Nourrit et cie. 1901

Item identification number 5109.

Reel: 639
[Channing, Francis Allston Channing] baron, 1841-1926.

In memoriam: Blanche Mary Susan Ethelind Channing, February 26, 1860 - August 9, 1902.

[London, privately printed]. [1905]

Item identification number 5111.

Reel: 640
Cheney, Ednah Dow (Littlehale) 1824-1904.

Reminiscences of Ednah Dow Cheney (born Littlehale).

Boston, Lee & Shepard. 1902

Item identification number 5113.

Reel: 640
Chesnut, Mary Boykin (Miller) 1823-1886.

A diary from Dixie.

New York, D. Appleton and co. 1905

Item identification number 5114; as written by Mary Boykin Chesnut, wife of James Chesnut, jr., United States senator from South Carolina, 1859-1861, and afterward an aide to Jefferson Davis and a brigadier-general in the confederate army; ed. by Isabella D. Martin and Myrta Lockett Avary.

Reel: 640
The Chronicle of English Augustinian canonesses regular of the Lateran, at St. Monica's in Louvain (now at St. Augustine's priory, Newton Abbot, Devon) 1548-1625.

Edinburgh [etc.] Sands & co. 1904-06

Item identification number 5115; edited with notes and additions, by Dom Adam Hamilton, O.S.B., with many rare illustrations and pedigrees.

Reel: 640
Cimbali, Enrico, 1855-1887.

Due riforme urgenti Il dovorzio e la ricerca della paternita naturale.

Torino, Unione tipografico. 1902

Item identification number 5116.

Reel: 640
Clarke, Mary Cowden, 1809-1898.

Letters to an enthusiast, being a series of letters addressed to Robert Balmanno, esq., of New York, 1850-1861.

Chicago, A. C. McClurg & co. 1902

Item identification number 5118; Ed. by Anne Upton Nettleton, with ten photogravure plates.

Reel: 640
Clay-Clopton, Virginia, 1825-1915.

A belle of the fifties; memoirs of Mrs. Clay, of Alabama, covering social and political life in Washington and the South, 1853-66.

New York, Doubleday, Page. 1905 [1904]

Item identification number 5119; Put into narrative form by Ada Sterling.

Reel: 641
Coates, Thomas F.G.

Marie Corelli, the writer and the woman.

Philadelphia, G. W. Jacobs & co. [1903]

Item identification number 5120; R.S. Warren Bell ... with 16 full page illustrations.

Reel: 641
Collet, Clara Elizabeth, 1860-1948.

Educated working women, essays on the economic position of women workers in the middle classes.

London, P. S. King. 1902

Item identification number 5121.

Reel: 641
Colondre, Jules.

... Mariage et divorce.

Toulouse, Impr. Saint-Cyprien. 1904

Item identification number 5122; Le divorce par consentement mutuel. Etude historique - de droit comparé - de réforme législative.

Reel: 641
Comba, Eugenio.

... Donne illustri italiane, proposte ad esempio alle giovinetti, opera dedicata a sua maesta Maegherita di Savoia.

Torino [etc.] Ditta G. B. Paravia e comp. [1901?]

Item identification number 5123; 6 ed.

Reel: 641
Commenge, Oscar, 1829.

Hygiene sociale.

Paris, Schleicher frères & cie. 1904

Item identification number 5125; La prostitution clandestine à Paris, par le docteur O. Commenge.

Reel: 641
Congrès international des oeuvres et institutions féminines. 2d, Paris, 1900.

2 Congrès international des oeuvres et institutions féminines, tenu au Palais des congrès de l'Exposition universelle de 1900.

Paris, Blot. 1902

Item identification number 5126; Compte rendu des travaux par Madame Pégard.

Reel: 642
Congrès international de la condition & des droits des femmes. Paris, 1900.

... Questions économiques, morales et sociales, éducation, législation: droit privé, droit public.

Paris, Imp. des arts et manufactures. 1901

Item identification number 5127.

Reel: 643
Constantin, H.

Etude sur le droit des gens mariés à reims.

Paris, A. Chevalier-Marescq & cie. 1903

Item identification number 5128; D'après la coutume redigée en 1556.

Reel: 643
Conway, Katherine Eleanor, 1853-1927.

The Christian gentlewoman and the social apostolate.

Boston, T. J. Flynn & co. 1905

Item identification number 5130; 4th ed.

Reel: 643
Cooley, Winnifred (Harper).

The new womanhood.

New York, Broadway publishing company. 1904

Item identification number 5131.

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