History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 668 Loch, Catharine Grace, 1854-1904

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Reel: 668
Loch, Catharine Grace, 1854-1904.

Catherine Grace Loch, Royal red cross, Senior lady superintendent Queen Alexandra's Military nursing service for India: a memoir.

London, New York [etc.] H. Frowde. 1905

Item identification number 5332; with an introduction by Fieldmarshal the Earl Roberts; with two portraits.

Reel: 668
Logan, Mary Simmerson (Cunningham) "Mrs. J. A. Logan," 1838-1923.

Thirty years in Washington; or, Life and scenes in our national capital.

Hartford, Conn., A. D. Worthington & co. [1901]

Item identification number 5333; Portraying the wonderful operations in all the great departments, and describing every important function of our national government ... with sketches of the presidents and their wives ... from Washington's to Roosevelt's administration. Edited by Mrs. John A. Logan.

Reel: 668
Folwell, Lucretia R.


[Toronto, The Methodist Book and Publishing House]. [1901]

Item identification number 5336.1.

Reel: 669
Logan, Walter Seth, 1847-1906.

The lawyer as an artist.

[New York]. [1905]

Item identification number 5334; Address before the Women lawyer's club of New York city at its meeting February 23, 1905.

Reel: 669
Lovett, Eva.

The making of a girl.

New York, J. F. Taylor & co. 1902

Item identification number 5335.

Reel: 669
Lucas, Bertha June (Richardson).

The woman who spends, a study of her economic function.

Boston, Whitcomb & Barrows. 1904

Item identification number 5336.

Reel: 669
Lyttelton, Kathleen (Clive) 1907.

Woman and their work.

[London] Methuen & co. 1901

Item identification number 5338.

Reel: 669
Macdonald, James Ramsay, 1866-1937.

Women in the printing trades: a sociological study.

London, P. S. King & son. 1904

Item identification number 5341; Ed. by J. Ramsay Macdonald, with a preface by Professor F. Y. Edgeworth. Investigators: Mrs. J. L. Hammond, Mrs. H. Oakeshott, Miss A. Black, Miss A. Harrison, Miss Irwin, and others.

Reel: 669
McCarthy, Justin, 1830-1912.

The reign of Queen Anne.

London, Chatto & Windus. 1902

Item identification number 5339.

Reel: 669
McCracken, Elizabeth, 1876.

The woman of America.

New York, Macmillan. 1905

Item identification number 5340.

Reel: 669
Macfadden, Bernarr [Adolphus], 1868.

Health - beauty - sexuality, from girlhood to womanhood; plain advice to girls that will be found invaluable as they grow from girlhood into womanhood; a companion book to Power and beauty of superb womanhood.

New York, London, Physical culture publishing co. [1904]

Item identification number 5342; by Bernarr Macfadden and Marion Malcolm.

Reel: 670
Macfadden, Bernarr Adolphus, 1868.

Marriage a lifelong honeymoon; life's greatest pleasures secured by observing the highest human instincts.

New York and London, Physical culture publishing co. 1903

Item identification number 5343.

Reel: 670
Macfadden, Bernarr Adolphus, 1868.

The power and beauty of superb womanhood; how they are lost and how they may be regained and developed to the highest degree of attainable perfection.

New York, Physical Culture Publishing co. 1901

Item identification number 5344.

Reel: 670
Macgowan, Alice, 1858.

The last word.

Boston, Page. [c1902]

Item identification number 5346.

Reel: 670
Machan, Anna.

Ueber Frauenbildung und Frauenbewegung in Kärnten zu Ende des 19 jahrhunderts.

Klagenfurt. 1901

Item identification number 5347.

Reel: 670
Maclaine, Mary, 1881-1929.

The story of Mary MacLane.

Chicago, H. S. Stone and company. 1902

Item identification number 5349.

Reel: 670
Mangano, Vincenzo, 1869 or 70-1940.

Matrimonio e divorzio nelle legislazioni comparate del sec. XIX.

Siena, Tip. edit. S. Bernardino. 1902

Item identification number 5350; Con prefazione del Prof. Giuseppe Toniolo.

Reel: 670
Markovic, Milan.

Die serbische Hauskommunion (Zadruga) und ihre Bedeutung in der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart.

Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot. 1903

Item identification number 5351.

Reel: 671
Marshall, Beatrice.

Emma Marshall, a biographical sketch.

New York, E. P. Dutton & co. 1901

Item identification number 5351.1.

Reel: 671
Marvin, Frederic Rowland, 1847.

Consecrated womanhood; a sermon preached in the First Congregational church, Portland, Oregon.

New York, J. O. Wright 7 company. 1903

Item identification number 5352; with an introductory notice by Francis Power Cobbe.

Reel: 671
Mason, Amelia Ruth (Gere).

Woman in the golden ages.

New York, The Century co. 1901

Item identification number 5354.

Reel: 671
Massachusetts. Bureau of Statistics of Labor.

... Industrial education of working girls.

Boston, Wright & Potter printing co. 1905

Item identification number 5356; Part I of the Annual report of 1905, pages 1 to 38. Chas. F. Pidgin, chief. Frank H. Drown, first clerk. Wm. G. Grundy, second clerk.

Reel: 671
Mather, Persis, pseud.

The counsels of a worldly godmother.

Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & co. 1905

Item identification number 5357.

Reel: 671
Mattheis, Luigi de.

Matrimonio e divorzio.

Siena, S. Bernardino. 1902

Item identification number 5358; Secondo natura e religione. Tradizione e storia - Diritto e civilta ... 2 ed.

Reel: 671
Maulde la Clayière, Marie Alphonse René de, 1848-1902.

The art of life.

New York, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1902

Item identification number 5359; Translated by George Herbert Ely.

Reel: 671
Maulde la Clayière, Marie Alphonse René de, 1848-1902.

The women of the renaissance; a study in feminism.

London, S. Sonnenschein & co., limited. 1901

Item identification number 5360.

Reel: 671
Maday, Andor, 1877.

Le droit des femmes au travail, étude sociologique.

Paris, V. Giard & E. Brière. [1905?]

Item identification number 5363.

Reel: 672
Maybrick, Florence Elizabeth (Chandler) 1862-1941.

Mrs. Maybrick's own story; my fifteen lost years.

New York and London, Funk & Wagnalls company. 1905 [c1904]

Item identification number 5361.

Reel: 672
Mayreder, Rosa (Obermayer) 1858-1938.

Zur Kritik der Weiblichkeit; Essays.

Jena und Leipzig, E. Diederichs. 1905

Item identification number 5362.

Reel: 672
Melata, Benedictus.

De potestate qua matrimonium regitur et de jure matrimoniali civili.

Romae, T. Giovanni. 1903

Item identification number 5364.

Reel: 672
[Memorial of] Mary Elizabeth Sargent.

[New York]. [1905?]

Item identification number 5366.

Reel: 672
Memorial to Charles Henry Appleton Dall.

Boston, Beacon Press. [1902]

Item identification number 5367.

Reel: 672
Metcalfe, Ethel E.

Memoir of Rosamond Davenport-Hill.

London, New York, Longmans-Green. 1904

Item identification number 5368.

Reel: 672
Meyer, Bruno Ludwig Julius Boguslaus, 1840-1872.

La grâce féminine; ouvrage artistique illustré par le nu photographique.

Paris, Librairie d'art technique. [1905]

Item identification number 5369; Reproductions nouvelles en couleurs d'après les clichés de H.L. v. Jan.

Reel: 672
Meylan, Fanny Théodora.

La coéducation des sexes.

Bonn, C. Georgi. 1904

Item identification number 5370; aux Etats-Unis.

Reel: 672
Michelet, Jules, 1798-1874.

The sorceress: a study in middle age superstition.

Paris, C. Carrington. 1904

Item identification number 5371; A complete translation from the French of Jules Michelet by A. R. Allison ... with facsimile letters concerning the book from the Right Hon. W. E. H. Lecky ... and publisher's note: On the tribulations of a bookseller.

Reel: 672
Mills, Weymer, 1880.

Through the gates of old romance.

Philadelphia & London, J. B. Lippincott co. 1903

Item identification number 5372; with illustrations by John Rae.

Reel: 673
Minard, René.

... Des droits et des pouvoirs du mari sur les valeurs mobilières de sa femme sous le différents régimes matrimoniaux.

Paris, A. Rousseau. 1901

Item identification number 5373.

Reel: 673
Mitton, Geraldine Edith.

Jane Austen and her times.

London, Methuen & co. [1905]

Item identification number 5374.

Reel: 673
Mobius, Paul Julius August, 1853-1907.

L'inferiorità mentale della donna; (Sulla deficienza mentale fisiologica della donna.).

Torino [etc.] Fratelli Bocca. 1904

Item identification number 5375; Traduzione dal tedesco del Dott. Ugo Cerletti.

Reel: 673
Molloy, Joseph Fitzgerald, 1858-1908.

The queen's comrade; The life and times of Sarah, duchess of Marlborough.

London, Hutchinson & co. 1901

Item identification number 5376; with 18 portraits and illustrations.

Reel: 673
Montefiore, Caroline L.

A plea for a simpler life.

Sydney, The "World" Printing and Publishing House. 1903

Item identification number 5377.

Reel: 673
Montespan, Françoise Athénais (de Rochechouart) de Pardaillan de Gondrin, marquise de, 1641-1707.

Secret memoirs of Madame la marquise de Montespan.

London, Grolier Society. [1904]

Item identification number 5378.

Reel: 673
Moore, May C.

100 new money making plans for untrained women.

Atlanta, Ga., National Woman's Exchange Pub. Co. 1904

Item identification number 5379.

Reel: 674
Morache, Georges Auguste, 1837-1906.

Le mariage; étude de socio-biologie et de médecine légale.

Paris, F. Alcan. 1902

Item identification number 5380.

Reel: 674
Morgan, Henry James, 1842, ed.

Types of Canadian women and of women who are or have been connected with Canada.

Toronto, W. Briggs. 1903

Item identification number 5381; v.1.

Reel: 674
Morris, Clara, 1848-1925.

Life on the stage, my personal experiences and recollections.

New York, McClure, Phillips & Co. 1901

Item identification number 5382.

Reel: 674
Morris, Margaretta, ed.

A book of Bryn Mawr stories.

Philadelphia, G. W. Jocobs. 1901

Item identification number 5383; ed. by Margaretta Morris and Louise Buffum Congdon.

Reel: 674
Morselli, Enrico.

... Per la polemica sul divorzio.

Genova, Fratelli Carlini. 1902

Item identification number 5384; Terza ristampa, riveduta ed accresciuta di una prefazione.

Reel: 674
Morsier, Auguste de.

Congrès de Lyon, 1901.

Paris, P. V. Stock. [1901]

Item identification number 5385; La police des moeurs en France et la campagne abolitionniste.

Reel: 674
Morton, Frederick William, 1859, comp.

Marriage in epigram.

Chicago, A.C. McClurg & co. 1903

Item identification number 5386; Stings, flings, facts, and fancies from the thought of ages.

Reel: 674
Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union.

Historical sketch of Ann Pamela Cunningham, "The Southern matron," founder of "The Mount Vernon ladies' association.".

Jamaica, Queensborough, New York, Printed for the Association at the Marion press. 1903

Item identification number 5387.

Reel: 675
Mueller-Jahnke, Clara.

Ich bekenne; die Geschichte einer Frau.

Goslar, F. A. Lattmann. [1904]

Item identification number 5388.

Reel: 675
Murray, T. Douglas, ed.

Jeanne D'Arc, maid of Orleans, deliverer of France.

New York, McClure, Phillips & co. 1902

Item identification number 5391; Being the story of her life, her achievements, and her death, as attested on oath and set forth in the original documents.

Reel: 675
Napier, Sarah (Lennox) Bunbury, lady, 1745-1826.

The life and letters of Lady Sarah Lennox, 1745-1826, daughter of Charles, 2nd Duke of Richmond, and successively the wife of Sir Thomas Charles Bunbury, bart., and of the Hon. George Napier; also a short political sketch of the years 1760 to 1763.

London, J. Murray. 1901

Item identification number 5392; by Henry Fox, 1st Lord Holland; Ed. by the Countess of Ilchester and Lord Stavordale.

Reel: 675
Naquet, Alfred Joseph, 1834-1916.

... La loi du divorce.

Paris, E. Fasquelle. 1903

Item identification number 5393.

Reel: 675
Nation, Carry Amelia (Moore) 1846-1911.

The use and need of the life of Carry A. Nation.

[Topeka, F. M. Steves & sons]. [1905]

Item identification number 5394; Rev. ed.

Reel: 675
National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. Pennsylvania.

Register of Pennsylvania society of the colonial dames of America, instituted April 8, 1891, incorporated July 13, 1891.

Philadelphia [J.B. Lippincott co.]. 1902

Item identification number 5397.

Reel: 676
National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. Vermont.

Dedication of the monument to Ann Story.

[Salisbury, Vt., The Vermont society of colonial dames]. [1905]

Item identification number 5398; Salisbury, Vermont, July 27, 1905.

Reel: 676
Naudet, Paul Antoine, 1859.

Pour la femme; études féministes.

Paris, Fontemoing. 1904

Item identification number 5399; 4. éd.

Reel: 676
Naumann, Friedrich, 1860-1919.

Die Frau im Maschinenzeitalter; Vortrag gehalten am 21. November 1903 in München.

München, Verlag der. "Freistatt". [1903]

Item identification number 5400.

Reel: 676
Nawiasky, Hans, i.e. Johann.

... Die Frauen im österreichischen Staatsdienst.

Wien und Leipzig, F. Deuticke. 1902

Item identification number 5401.

Reel: 676
Neidtt, Katharine.

Verführt und Entehrt.

Leipzig, H. Hedwwig's Nachf., Curt Ronniger. [190-]

Item identification number 5402; Die Presse im Dienste des Mädchenhandels?.

Reel: 676
New England Hospital for Women and Children. Boston.

... Marie Elizabeth Zakrzewska, a memoir.

Boston, Mass., The New England Hospital for Women and Children. 1903

Item identification number 5403.

Reel: 676
New England Woman's Club.

Ednah Dow Cheney, 1824-1904, memorial meeting, Boston, February 20, 1905.

Boston, G. H. Ellis. 1905

Item identification number 5404.

Reel: 676
New York (City). Woman's Exhibition, 1902.

Souvenir book.

[New York] Freytag press. 1902

Item identification number 5406; Woman's exhibition, given under the auspices of the Professional woman's league. Madison Square Garden, New York, October 6th to 18th, 1902.

Reel: 676
New York (State). Supreme Court. Appellate Division.

People ex rel. Stephen J. Reagan, relator, against John N. Partridge, police commissioner of the City of New York, respondent.

New York, M. B. Brown co. [1904]

Item identification number 5405.1; Certiorari to review the determination of the police commissioner dismissing the relator from the police force of the Police Department of the City of New York [for collusion with disorderly houses.] Respondent's points.

Reel: 676
New York State Woman Suffrage Party.

Manual of woman suffrage principles.

Syracuse, N.Y. 1901

Item identification number 5407.

Reel: 676
Nietzold, Johannes.

Die Ehe in Agypten zur ptolemäisch-römischen Zeit, nach den griechischen Heiratskontrakten und verwandten Urkunden.

Leipzig, Veit & Comp. 1903

Item identification number 5408.

Reel: 676
Noble, Margaret Elizabeth, 1867-1911.

The web of Indian life.

London, W. Heinemann. 1904

Item identification number 5409; by the Sister Nivedita (Margaret E. Noble) of Ramakrishna-Viveknanda.

Reel: 676
[Noguchi, Yoné], 1875.

The American diary of a Japanese girl.

New York, F. A. Stokes co. [1902]

Item identification number 5410; by Miss Morning Glory; Illustrated in colour and in black-and-white by Genjiro Yeto.

Reel: 677
Noldin, Hieronymus, 1838-1922.

De matrimonio.

Oeniponte, F. Rauch (C. Pustet). 1904

Item identification number 5410.1; Ad usum scholarum ex summa theologiae moralis exprimendum curavit H. Noldin ... Editio quinta.

Reel: 677
Norwegian Council of Women.


Christiania, Brøgger. 1905

Item identification number 5411; a few facts from Norwegian history and politics, addressed to the International council of women by the Norwegian national council of women; 2d ed.

Reel: 677
Novikov, Jakou Aleksandrovich, 1849-1912.

L'affranchissement de la femme.

Paris, F. Alcan. 1903

Item identification number 5412.

Reel: 677
Olberg, Oda.

Das Weib und der Intellectualismus.

Berlin and Bern, J. Edelheim. 1902

Item identification number 5413.

Reel: 677
Olnhausen, Mary (Phinney) von, 1818-1902.

Adventures of an army nurse in two wars.

Boston. 1903

Item identification number 5414; ed. from the diary and correspondence on Mary Phinney Baroness von Olnhausen, by J. P. Munroe.

Reel: 677
Ormerod, Eleanor Anne, 1828-1901.

Eleanor Ormerod, LL.D., economic entomologist, autobiography and correspondence.

London, J. Murray. 1904

Item identification number 5415; edited by Robert Wallace.

Reel: 677
Ossoli, Sarah Margaret (Fuller) marchesa d', 1810-1850.

Love letters of Margaret Fuller, 1845-1846.

New York, D. Appleton. 1903

Item identification number 5416; with an introduction by Julia Ward Howe. To which are added the reminiscences of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Horace Greeley and Charles T. Congdon.

Reel: 677
Ostwald, Hans Otto August, 1873.

Das Berliner Dirnentum.

Leipzig, W. Fiedler. [1905-1907]

Item identification number 5417.

Reel: 678
[Paget, Violet], 1856-1935.

Chapelmaster Kreisler: a study of musical romanticists.

Portland, Me., T. B. Mosher. 1901

Item identification number 5418; by Vernon Lee [pseud.].

Reel: 678
[Paget, Violet], 1856-1935.

The enchanted woods, and other essays on the genius of places.

London & New York, J. Lane. 1905

Item identification number 5419; by Vernon Lee [pseud.].

Reel: 678
[Palmer, George Herbert], 1842, comp.

A service in memory of Alice F. Palmer held by her friends and associates in Appleton Chapel, Harvard university, January thirty-first, 1903.

Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & co. 1903

Item identification number 5422.

Reel: 678
Peabody, Frederick William, 1862.

Complete exposé of Eddyism or Christian science and the plain truth in plain terms regarding Mary Baker C. Eddy, founder of Christian science; an address delivered at Tremont Temple, Boston, on August 1, 1901.

[Boston?]. [1901]

Item identification number 5426.

Reel: 678
Peacock, Virginia Tatnall.

Famous American belles of the nineteenth century.

Philadelphia & London, J. B. Lippincott co. 1901

Item identification number 5427.

Reel: 678
Pemberton, Thomas Edgar, 1849-1905.

Ellen Terry and her sisters.

London, C. A. Pearson, ltd. 1902

Item identification number 5429.

Reel: 678
Pepper, Mary Sifton, d. 1908.

Maids and matrons of New France.

Boston, Little, Brown and co. 1901

Item identification number 5430.

Reel: 679
Peters, Madison Clinton, 1859-1918.

Will the coming man marry? And other studies on the problems of home and marriage.

Philadelphia [etc.] The J. C. Winston co. 1905

Item identification number 5431.

Reel: 679
Pettengill, Lillian.

Toilers of the home; the record of a college woman's experience as a domestic servant.

New York, Doubleday, Page & co. 1903

Item identification number 5432.

Reel: 679
Pidoux de Maduère, Pierre André, baron, 1878.

... Histoire du mariage et du droit des gens mariés en Franche-Comté depuis la rédaction des coutumes en 1459 juqu'à la conquête de la Province par Louis XIV en 1674.

[Paris] Dole: L. Bernin. 1902

Item identification number 5433.

Reel: 679
Pieper, August, 1866.

... Die Herabsetzung der Arbeitszeit für Frauen und die Erhöhung des Schutzalters für jugendliche Arbeiter in Fabriken; Referate, der 1. Generalversammlung der Gesellschaft für Soziale Reform in Köln am 22. Sept. 1902 erstattet von Dr. August Pieper und Helene Simon.

Jena, G. Fischer. 1902

Item identification number 5434; Nebst einem Bericht über die Generalversammlung der Gesellschaft für Soziale Reform in Köln.

Reel: 679
Poggiolini, Oreste, 1871.

Il divorzio al parlamento Italiano.

La Spezia, F. Zappa. 1902

Item identification number 5437.

Reel: 679
Poirier, Etienne.

Les droits et pouvoirs du mari sur les biens meubles de la femme dotale pendant le mariage.

Paris, L. Larose & L. Tenin. 1905

Item identification number 5438.

Reel: 679
Pole, Helen, lady.

The aristocrats.

London, New York, J. Lane. 1901

Item identification number 5438.1; Being impressions of the Lady Helen Pole during her sojourn in the Great North Woods as spontaneously recorded in her letters to her friend in North Britain, the Countess of Edge and Ross.

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