FELIKS PRZYTYCKI (full Professor) coordinated FP5 Centre of Excellence INCO `IMPAN-BC', FP5 MC-Training Site BANACH, FP6 ToK SPADE2, and the Warsaw node of FP6 RTN: CODY (Conformal Structures and Dynamics) 2007-2010 (he chaired the scientific committee of the network).
MICHAŁ RAMS (Ph.D 1999, habilitation 2008) is one of world leaders in multifractal analysis, deterministic and random.
The group hosted several Ph.D students and postdocs for 1/2-1 year terms, working in either of the above topics. The group runs Polish Ministry grant: Chaos, fractals and conformal dynamics. Chętnie przyjmiemy stażystów w każdym z 4 ww. tematów, po 1 roku.