Ieee globecom 2010 Tutorial Program

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IEEE GLOBECOM 2010 Tutorial Program

Free to all conference attendees with a paid conference registration

Dec. 6 (Monday)
LT1 Tutorial Title: Cognitive Radio and Adaptive Wireless Communication Systems

Lecture Type: 3.5-hour tutorial


Today’s wireless services have come a long way since the rollout of the conventional voice-centric cellular systems. The demand for wireless access in voice and high data rate multi-media applications has been increasing. New generation wireless communication systems are aimed at accommodating this demand through better resource management and improved transmission technologies. The interest in increasing the Spectrum Access and improving the Spectrum Efficiency combined with both the introduction of Software Defined Radios and the realization of the idea that machine learning can be applied to radios has created new intriguing possibilities for wireless radio researchers. In this tutorial, we will discuss the cognitive radio, software defined radio, and adaptive radio concepts from several aspects. Cognitive radio and cognitive networks are investigated from a broad aspect of wireless communication system enhancement while giving special emphasis on better spectrum utilization. The scope will include the following:

  • Application of SDR in advanced communication systems

  • Adaptive wireless communication systems

  • Parameter estimation for adaptation of wireless communication systems (learning environment and other factors)

  • Spectrum efficiency and soft spectrum usage

  • Multi-dimensional spectrum awareness

  • Applications of cognitive radio (specifically for public safety)

  • Femto-cells and relation to cognitive radio

  • Cognitive OFDM(A)

  • Spectrum, network, context, environment, location awareness

  • Blind receiver design

  • Interference awareness

  • Signal analysis, signal awareness

Huseyin Arslan has received his PhD. degree in 1998 from Southern Methodist University (SMU), Dallas, Tx. From January 1998 to August 2002, he was with the research group of Ericsson Inc., NC, USA, where he was involved with several project related to 2G and 3G wireless cellular communication systems. Since August 2002, he has been with the Electrical Engineering Dept. of University of South Florida. In addition, he has worked as part time consultant for various companies and institutions including Anritsu Company, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey- TUBITAK, Lecroy, and XG technologies.
Dr. Arslan’s research interests are related to advanced signal processing techniques at the physical layer, with cross-layer design for networking adaptivity and Quality of Service (QoS) control. He is interested in many forms of wireless technologies including cellular, wireless PAN/LAN/MANs, fixed wireless access, and specialized wireless data networks like wireless sensors networks and wireless telemetry. The current research interests are on UWB, OFDM based wireless technologies with emphasis on WIMAX and IMT-Advanced, and cognitive and software defined radio. He has served as technical program committee chair, technical program committee member, session and symposium organizer, and workshop chair in several IEEE conferences. He is a member of the editorial board for “IEEE Transactions on Communications“, “Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing Journal”, and “Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering” by Hindawi Publishing Corporation. Dr. Arslan is a senior member of IEEE.

LT2 Tutorial Title: Wireless MediaNets: Application Driven Next Generation Wireless IP Networks

Lecture Type: 3.5-hour tutorial


Thanks to the explosive creation of multimedia contents, the pervasive adoption of multimedia coding standards, the ubiquitous access of multimedia services, the existing best effort IP network infrastructure, originally designed with little real-time QoS requirement, has started to suffer from performance degradation on emerging multimedia networking applications. This inadequacy problem is further deepened by the prevalence of last/first-mile wireless networking, such as Wi-Fi, mobile WiMAX, and many wireless sensors and ad-hoc networks. This can be evidenced by more and more fragmentation of application driven IP-based networks, such as for power grid distribution, for networked security surveillance, intelligent transportation communication and many other sensor networks. To overcome the QoS challenges, the next generation wireless IP networks have to be architected in a top-down manner, i.e., application driven layered protocol design. More specifically, based on the application media data, compression schemes are applied, the subsequent Network, MAC and PHY layered protocols are accordingly enhanced to reach the optimal performance. This is the fundamental concept behind the design of Wireless MediaNets. In this tutorial, I will address the QoS challenges specifically encountered in video over heterogeneous wireless broadband networks, and propose several application driven wireless MediaNet solutions based on effective integration of APP and MAC/PHY layers. More specifically, the congestion control for achieving airtime fairness of video streaming to maximize the link adaptation performance of Wi-Fi, the effective wireless broadcasting over large scale distributed surveillance camera networks or vehicular ad-hoc networks, and the opportunistic multicast of scalable video live streaming over WiMAX.

Jenq-Neng Hwang received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Southern California. In the summer of 1989, Dr. Hwang joined the Department of Electrical Engineering of the University of Washington in Seattle, where he has been promoted to Full Professor since 1999. He also served as the Associate Chair for Research & Development in the EE Department from 2003 to 2005. He has written more than 250 journal, conference papers and book chapters in the areas of multimedia signal processing, and multimedia system integration and networking, including a recent textbook on “Multimedia Networking: from Theory to Practice,” published by Cambridge University Press. Dr. Hwang has close working relationship with the industry on multimedia signal processing and multimedia networking. He also co-founded the HomeMeeting company, one of the largest e-learning and video conferencing system developer in Taiwan, and was the main architect to design a commercially available interactive IPTV.

Dr. Hwang received the 1995 IEEE Signal Processing Society's Best Journal Paper Award. He is a founding member of Multimedia Signal Processing Technical Committee of IEEE Signal Processing Society and was the Society's representative to IEEE Neural Network Council from 1996 to 2000. He served as an associate editor for IEEE T-SP, T-NN and T-CSVT, and is now an Associate Editor for IEEE T-IP and an Editor for JISE and ETRI.  He was the Program Co-Chair of ICASSP 1998 and ISCAS 2009. Dr. Hwang is a fellow of IEEE since 2001.

LT3 Tutorial Title: An Overview of IEEE 802.16m Radio Access Technology

Lecture Type: 3.5-hour tutorial


The growing demand for mobile Internet and wireless multimedia applications has motivated development of broadband wireless access technologies in the recent years. Mobile WiMAX has enabled convergence of mobile and fixed broadband networks through a common wide area radio access technology and flexible network architecture. Since January 2007, the IEEE 802.16 Working Group has been developing a new amendment of the IEEE 802.16 standard (i.e., IEEE 802.16m) as an advanced air interface to meet and exceed the requirements of ITU-R/IMT-Advanced for 4G cellular systems. The technology has been submitted as a prominent candidate for IMT-Advanced to ITU-R/WP 5D in October 2009.

Depending on the available bandwidth and multi-antenna configuration, the next generation mobile WiMAX is shown to be capable of over-the-air data transfer rates in excess of 1 Gbps and support of a wide range of high-quality and high-capacity IP-based services and applications while maintaining full backward compatibility with the existing mobile WiMAX systems to preserve investments and continuing support for the first generation products. This tutorial describes the major technical features and functionalities of IEEE 802.16m and potentials for successful deployment of the next generation of mobile WiMAX in 2012+.
The IEEE 802.16m is designed to provide the state-of-the-art mobile broadband wireless access in the next decade and to satisfy the growing demand for advanced wireless multimedia applications and services. The standardization of IEEE 802.16m and Release 2.0 of mobile WiMAX profiles are expected to complete by 2011.
Multi-hop relay architecture, multi-carrier operation, self-configuration, advanced single-user/multi-user multi-antenna schemes and interference mitigation techniques, enhanced multicast broadcast service, increased VoIP capacity, improved cell-edge user throughput, support of vehicular speeds up to 500 km/h, etc. are among the most prominent features that would make IEEE 802.16m one of the most successful and advanced broadband wireless access systems in the next decade.

Sassan Ahmadi (M'85, SM'07) received his BS, MS, and Ph.D. degrees all in Electrical Engineering in 1988, 1990, and 1997, respectively. He has been with Intel Corporation since 2005 where, as the Chief System Architect, 4G Wireless Systems and Technical Lead of IEEE 802.16m project, he has significantly contributed to next generation of mobile WiMAX radio air-interface design and has led the IEEE 802.16m standard development in IEEE and ITU-R/IMT-Advanced. From 1997 to 2005, he was a Principal Engineer with Nokia Inc. where he successfully contributed to and led Nokia wireless multimedia initiatives. Dr. Ahmadi was also affiliated as a lecturer with University of California, San Diego from 2000-2003. His interests include mobile WiMAX and 4G cellular systems, design and development of physical and medium access control layers of MIMO-OFDMA-based cellular systems, and packet data/voice/multimedia transport protocols. He has authored several journal and conference papers as well as book chapters on different areas of communications and signal processing.

LT4 Tutorial Title: Next Generation Multi-Gbps Wireless LANs and PANs

Lecture Type: 3.5-hour tutorial


Millimeter-wave (mmWave) technologies in the 60 GHz frequency band have been receiving a lot of attention in the recent days and are seen as a solution to meet the multi-Gbps needs of numerous applications including high-quality video streaming, rapid synchronization, wireless USB and multi-Gbps wireless LANs. The unlicensed spectrum available in the 57-64 GHz band in the USA (and 3.5GHz of common spectrum available worldwide) promises sufficient capacity to handle data rates in the order of 7 Gbps in the first generation of products. Already, the IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.15, ECMA, Wireless Gigabit Alliance (WiGig), and WirelessHD specification bodies have formed groups to promote 60 GHz products and interoperability. These advances prove the viability of the technology for mmWave wireless PAN (WPAN) and wireless LAN (WLAN) applications, but significant challenges still remain including operation in LOS and NLOS environments, antennas, beamforming, protocols and algorithms. The mmWave regime offers unprecedented bandwidths that are sure to be exploited in novel ways.

Therefore, this tutorial focuses on how to realize next generation multi-Gbps WLANs and WPANs over mmWave frequencies. The tutorial will discuss the potential and challenges associated with deploying 60 GHz radios, and will provide timely insight to the communications and networking communities of the challenges, research opportunities as well as the principles and designs that will drive multi-Gbps networks. The tutorial will cover physical, MAC and networking issues, as well as the standardization activities in this area and the applications of multi-Gbps WLANs and WPANs. Special emphasis will also be given to the open challenges in achieving multi-Gbps in mmWave frequencies. We hope this tutorial will act as a catalyst and resource for continued advancement of this area.

Carlos Cordeiro ( is a Research Scientist in the Wireless Communication Lab of Intel Labs. Before joining Intel, he worked for Philips Research North America and Nokia Research. Dr. Cordeiro has been involved in the wireless area, particularly wireless LANs and PANs, for a number of years. Due to his contributions to this area, he received the 2007 IEEE New Face of Engineering Award and was the recipient of the IEEE Region 1’s 2007 Technological Innovation Award. Dr. Cordeiro was also part of the team that received the 2007 Frost & Sullivan Excellence in Research of the Year Award. He is an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications and served as Guest Editor of various IEEE JSAC and ACM special issues. He is the co-founder of the IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks and is the co-author of the textbook Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks: Theory and Applications published in March/2006. He is an active participant in standardization activities including IEEE 802.11, Wireless Gigabit Alliance (WiGig), IEEE 802.15, IEEE 802.22 and ECMA. His interests include the IEEE 802 family of standards, cognitive radios, millimeter wave technologies, UWB, MIMO, SDMA, and ad hoc and sensor networks. Dr. Cordeiro is a Senior Member of the IEEE, has served as Chair and TPC member of various meetings, has published over 80 papers in the wireless area alone, and holds numerous patents.

Saishankar Nandagopalan

( is a Senior Principal Systems Scientist at Bluetooth Engineering Department at Broadcom and works on next generation Bluetooth, mmW technologies and cognitive radio communications. He has been a prime contributor in several technical areas and standard bodies such as IP QoS, WLAN, UWB, IEEE 802.14 HFC networks, IEEE 802.22 cognitive radio networks, next generation Bluetooth and WCDMA. He was named as a finalist by EE times in the Innovator of the Year 2005 for his contributions to UWB MBOA MAC. He received his PhD degree from the department of Electrical Communication Engineering from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. He has prior industry experience working in Philips Research, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, Philips Research North America at Briarcliff Manor, New York and Qualcomm in San Diego. He also served as Adjunct Professor in Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, and delivered over twelve tutorials in conferences including WCNC and Globecom. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, has served as Chair of many prestigious conferences, has authored more than 60 conference and journal papers, and has filed more than 60 patents.

LT5 Tutorial Title: MIMO for 3GPP LTE-Advanced and Beyond

Lecture Type: 3.5-hour tutorial


We will start with a description of performance targets for IMT-Advanced or 3GPP LTE-Advanced, respectively, and will demonstrate that advanced MIMO is an indispensible ingredient in order to meet those targets even under perfect conditions. We will then explain the principles of MIMO modes in LTE with a focus on closed-loop schemes. The baseline in LTE is single-user MIMO, i.e. users are separated by means of OFDMA and TDMA but not by spatial separation. However, LTE includes already a very simple form of Multiuser (MU) MIMO where SDMA is possible. In the uplink this is mainly a scheduling problem. However, in the downlink the precoder has to take care of inter-user interference. Therefore, we focus on MU-MIMO for the downlink. We will explain the potential benefits of MU-MIMO over SU-MIMO and describe the solution which is included in LTE. The relatively poor performance of this solution will be demonstrated and explained mainly by the too small feedback of channel state information.

This motivates to look for better MU-MIMO solutions. We will now give an introduction to information theoretic limits in order to demonstrate the potential of MU-MIMO. We will present the principles of non-linear MU-MIMO algorithms which aim at performance close to those limits.

Finally, we will consider linear MU-MIMO. We will particularly focus on limited feedback schemes including precoder or channel vector quantization codebook design. This is motivated by the fact that the amount of feedback bits is a major restriction in commercial systems.

Gerhard Bauch received the Dipl.-Ing. and Dr.-Ing. degree in Electrical Engineering from Munich University of Technology (TUM) in 1995 and 2001, respectively, and the Diplom-Volkswirt degree from FernUniversitaet Hagen in 2001. In 1996, he was with the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany. From 1996-2001 he was member of scientific staff at Munich University of Technology (TUM). In 1998 and 1999 he was visiting researcher at AT&T Labs Research, Florham Park, NJ, USA. In 2002 he joined DoCoMo Euro-Labs, Munich, Germany, where he has been managing the Advanced Radio Transmission Group. In 2007 he was additionally appointed Research Fellow of DoCoMo Euro-Labs. From 2003-2008 he was an adjunct professor at Munich University of Technology. In 2007 he was a visiting professor teaching courses at the University of Udine in Italy and at the Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt in Austria. Since February 2009 he has been a full professor at the Universität der Bundeswehr Munich.
He received best paper awards of the European Personal Mobile Communications Conference (EPMCC) 1997, Globecom 2008, Globecom 2009 and the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)) 2009, the Texas Instruments Award of TUM 2001, the award of the German Information Technology Society (ITG in VDE) 2002 (ITG Foerderpreis) and the literature award of the German Information Technology Society (ITG in VDE) 2007 (ITG-Preis).
He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and a member of the German Information Technology Society (ITG in VDE (Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies)) where he serves as a member of the committee “Information and System Theory.” He has (co-)authored a textbook on “Contemporary Communications Systems” as well as more than 100 scientific papers in major journals and international conferences.

Guideo Dietl received the Dipl.-Ing. and Dr.-Ing. degree (both summa cum laude) in Electrical Engineering from Munich University of Technology (TUM), Munich, Germany, in 2001 and 2006, respectively. He has been with the TUM from 2001 to 2006 where he was working as a Research Engineer on reduced-rank signal processing in Krylov subspaces and on its application to wireless multiuser communications. In Winter 2000/2001 and Summer 2004, he was a Guest Researcher at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. In Fall 2005, he visited the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra, ACT, Australia. He joined DoCoMo Communications Laboratories Europe GmbH (DoCoMo Euro-Labs), Munich, Germany, in 2006, where he is currently Project Manager in the Wireless Technologies Research Group.
Dr. Dietl received the VDE Award for his diploma thesis in 2001, the Kurt Fischer Award of TUM for his doctoral thesis in 2007 and the award of the German Information Technology Society (ITG in VDE) 2007 (ITG Foerderpreis).He is member of the IEEE since 2001 and member of the VDE (Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies) since 2007.

He has authored a monograph on “Linear Estimation and Detection in Krylov Subspaces” which has been published by Springer in 2007 and written more than 30 scientific papers in books, journals, and conferences. His main research interests are numerical linear algebra, reduced-rank signal processing, iterative (Turbo) detection, and transmit signal processing in multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems.

LT6 Tutorial Title: Biologically-inspired and Nano-scale Communication and Networking

Lecture Type: 3.5-hour tutorial


The developments in communication technologies have yielded many existing and envisioned information network architectures such as cognitive radio networks, sensor and actor networks, quantum communication networks, terrestrial next generation Internet, and InterPlaNetary Internet. However, there exist many common significant challenges to be addressed for the practical realization of these current and envisioned networking paradigms such as the increased complexity with large scale networks, their dynamic nature, resource constraints, heterogeneous architectures, absence or impracticality of centralized control and infrastructure, need for survivability, and unattended resolution of potential failures. These challenges have been successfully dealt with by Nature, which, as a result of millions of years of evolution, have yielded many biological systems and processes with intrinsic appealing characteristics such as adaptivity to varying environmental conditions, inherent resiliency to failures and damages, successful and collaborative operation on the basis of a limited set of rules and with global intelligence which is larger than superposition of individuals, self-organization, survivability, and evolvability. Inspired by these characteristics, many researchers are currently engaged in developing innovative design paradigms to address the networking challenges of existing and envisioned information systems. In this tutorial, the current state-of-the-art in bio-inspired networking is captured. The existing bio-inspired networking and communication protocols and algorithms devised by looking at biology as a source of inspiration, and by mimicking the laws and dynamics governing these systems is presented along with open research issues for the bio-inspired networking. Furthermore, the domain of bio-inspired networking is linked to the forthcoming research domain of nanonetworks, which bring a set of unique challenges. The objective of this tutorial is to provide better understanding of the potentials for bio-inspired and nano-scale networking, and to motivate research community to further explore this timely and exciting field.

Ozgur B. Akan received the BS and MS degrees in electrical and electronics engineering from Bilkent University and Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, in June 1999 and January 2002, respectively. He received the PhD degree in electrical and computer engineering from the Broadband and Wireless Networking Laboratory, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, in May 2004. He is currently Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Middle East Technical University and the Director of Next generation Wireless Communications Laboratory (NWCL). His current research interests are in next-generation wireless networks, biologically-inspired communications, nano-scale and molecular communications, network information theory. Dr. Akan is an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Editor for ACM/Springer Wireless Networks (WINET) Journal, International Journal of Communication Systems (Wiley), Nano Communication Networks Journal (Elsevier). He served as an Area Editor for AD HOC Networks Journal (Elsevier) (between 2004-2008), as a Guest Editor for several special issues, as the General Co-Chair for The Third International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems (ICST/IEEE BIONETICS 2008), the European Vice Chair for The Second International Conference on Nano-Networks (ICST/ACM Nano-Net 2007), an International Vice Chair for IEEE INFOCOM 2006, and in organizing committees and technical program committees of many other international conferences. He is an IEEE Senior Member (Communications Society). Dr. Akan received the IBM Faculty Award 2008, Turkish Academy of Sciences Distinguished Young Scientist Award 2008 (TUBA-GEBIP).

Falko Dressler is an assistant professor coordinating the Autonomic Networking Group at the Department of Computer Sciences, University of Erlangen. He teaches on self-organizing sensor and actor networks, network security, and communication systems. Dr. Dressler received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree from the Dept. of Computer Sciences, University of Erlangen in 1998 and 2003, respectively. Dr. Dressler is an editor for Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks and ACM/Springer Wireless Networks (WINET). He served as guest editor of special issues on self-organization, autonomic networking, and bio-inspired computing and communication for IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, and Springer Transactions on Computational Systems Biology (TCSB). Dr. Dressler was general chair of the 2nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems (BIONETICS 2007). Dr. Dressler published two books including Self-Organization in Sensor and Actor Networks, published by Wiley in 2007. Dr. Dressler is Senior Member of the IEEE as well as of the ACM. His research activities are focused on (but not limited to) Autonomic Networking addressing issues in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Vehicular Communication, Self-Organization, Bio-inspired Mechanisms, and Adaptive Network Monitoring and Security Techniques.

Dec. 10 (Friday)
LT7 Tutorial Title: Relays and Cooperative Communication

Lecture Type: 3.5-hour tutorial


Cooperative communication has garnered increasing attention in the technical circles because it can serve to address a number of the difficulties inherent in wireless channels. The potential advantages of cooperation include: achieving multi-antenna gains with single-antenna nodes, coverage extension, improved capacity, as well as higher-layer and cross-layer gains. In the past decade, many discoveries have been made in both theoretical and practical aspects of cooperative communication and the subject continues to see fast-paced advancements. This tutorial presents an updated overview of the fundamentals and practical issues involved in cooperative communication. Intended to have a broad appeal, the tutorial builds from basic principles. Furthermore, the tutorial presents many of the useful “tools and tricks” that the presenters have encountered through their many years of work in this area, thus giving the audience a behind-the-scenes view that facilitates their ability to step into this burgeoning area of research and development. Along with the broad outline into the subject area and glimpses into the most recent results, the tutorial also presents a number of theoretical and practical open problems that can be useful to graduate students as well as industrial engineers wishing to create intellectual property in this area.

Aria Nosratinia received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1996. He is currently a professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Texas in Dallas. He has held visiting positions at Princeton University, Rice University and UCLA. He is currently serving as associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, and IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. He has also been an editor for the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, and IEEE Signal Processing Letters. He is a member of the Board of Governors of IEEE Information Theory Society and has served on the organizing committees of several IEEE conferences. His research interests are in the area of signal processing and communication for wireless networks. In particular, in the recent past his work has addressed various issues in cooperative and opportunistic wireless communications. He received the National Science Foundation Career award in 2000, the the IEEE Signal Processing Society chapter service award in 2001 and 2002. He was elected IEEE Fellow in part on the strength of his contributions to relays and cooperative communication.

Behnaam Aazhang received his B.S. (with highest honors), M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1981, 1983, and 1986, respectively. In August 1985, he joined the faculty of Rice University, Houston, Texas, where he is now the J.S. Abercrombie Professor, and Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. In addition, he holds an Academy of Finland Distinguished Visiting Professorship appointment (FiDiPro) at the Center for Wireless Communication (CWC) in the University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland. He has served as the founding director of Rice’s Center for Multimedia Communications from 1998 untill 2006. His research interests are in the areas of communication theory, information theory, and their applications with emphasis on multiple access communications, cellular mobile radio communications, and wireless communication networks. Dr. Aazhang is a Fellow of IEEE, a distinguished lecturer of IEEE Communication Society, and also a recipient of 2004 IEEE Communication Society’s Stephen O. Rice best paper award. He has been listed in the Thomson-ISI Highly Cited Researchers and has been keynote and plenary speaker of several conferences. Dr. Aazhang is a recipient of the Alcoa Foundation Award 1993, the NSF Engineering Initiation Award 1987-1989, and the IBM Graduate Fellowship 1984-1985, and is a member of Tau Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu. He has served as the Editor for Spread Spectrum Networks of IEEE Transactions on Communications 1993-1998, the Treasurer of IEEE Information Theory Society 1995-1998, the Secretary of the Information Theory Society 1990-1993. He is serving as the co-general chair of 2010 International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), in Austin, Texas, and has in the past served in the organizing committees of many IEEE conferences.

LT8 Tutorial Title: System engineering for MIMO cellular networks

Lecture Type: 3.5-hour tutorial

In this tutorial, we apply the fundamentals of multiuser MIMO theory and wireless cellular network design to the physical and MAC-layer design of next-generation cellular packet data systems. We present a clear, systematic description of the various MIMO technology classes and techniques (including single-user, multiuser and network MIMO) for both the uplink and downlink, and we describe a framework for MIMO cellular system design in light of practical constraints including complexity, bandwidth, power, and fairness. A unified set of system simulations highlights relative performance gains of the various MIMO techniques and provides insights into how best to utilize multiple antennas in cellular networks. Because of the fundamental nature of the tutorial, the strategies described are applicable to all next-generation cellular standards including LTE, LTE-Advanced, WiMAX, and 802.16m.

Howard Huang received a BS in electrical engineering from Rice University in 1991 and a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Princeton University in 1995. Since then, he has been a researcher at Bell Labs (Alcatel-Lucent) in Holmdel, New Jersey, currently as a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff in the Wireless Communication Theory Department. He has been an active proponent of MIMO technologies in 3GPP standards, representing Bell Labs when MIMO was first proposed in 2000 for UMTS and continuing with the LTE and LTE-Advanced standards. He has served as a guest editor of two recent issues of the IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications on MIMO in cellular networks. He has taught at Columbia University and is the co-author of a book on system engineering for MIMO cellular networks (published by Springer in 2010). Dr. Huang holds over a dozen patents and is a Senior Member of the IEEE.

ST1 Tutorial Title: 4G - Next Generation Mobile Applications

Lecture Type: 1.5-hour tutorial


This tutorial focuses on the emerging mobile services ecosystem from devices to mobile platforms and enablers to the mobile “cloud” and specific applications. The mobile applications and services space is experiencing significant growth as new services and new business models are being developed and deployed. Almost a decade after the dot com bust it seems that some of the vision of that era is now coming true. This include social networking, user generated content applications, personalized location based services and highly targeted advertising which are context aware (e.g., location aware). The mobile application systems consist of a diverse set of entities, each with its own strengths and weakness. The tutorial will highlight: emerging mobile platforms, mobile 2.0 - Web 2.0 on mobile devices, the mobile “cloud, location information as an enabler, location-aware services, mobile social networking, personal navigation applications and mHealth. With new players entering the space every day, the topics covered by this tutorial are critical to the understanding of the shifting roles of the various ecosystem players in the emerging 4G world.

Shoshana Loeb is a Chief Scientist and an Executive Director at Telcordia Technologies in Piscataway, NJ where she leads efforts focused on the creation of new market-driven products and services for next generation mobile services. In 2004-2005 Dr. Loeb was an Executive in Residence with Murex Investments, an early stage venture capital firm. In 1999, Dr. Loeb founded Elity Systems offering very high-speed real-time event pattern detection software and transitioned the company from an early stage company to a focused thriving business. The company is now part of Unica (unca) and its product remains leader in its market space. Previously, Dr. Loeb served as the Executive Director of the Internet/Information Technology department at Bellcore and developed and deployed innovative technologies in all areas of next generation telecommunication networks. Dr. Loeb holds an award-winning Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from The Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, was a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at Yale University and was a Computer Science Professor at SUNY-Buffalo. She holds three granted US patents and several pending patents, authored over seventy professional publications and appeared in media and industry events including in the NPR series on distinguished women in Science and Technology. She led several workshops and panels on the subject of mobile services, served on numerous conference program committees and investment advisory boards. She is the co-author with Ben Falchuk and Thimios Panagos of the recent book “The Fabric of Mobile Services: Software Paradigm and Business Demands”, Wiley, July 2009.

Euthimios (Thimios) Panagos has over 15 years of experience in technology research and development with expertise in the areas of data management, large-scale distributes systems, and mobile technologies. Thimios is a Chief Scientist at Telcordia Applied Research. Before joining Telcordia, Thimios was the President and CTO of Voicemate, a software start-up company offering voice application services to Wall Street and Collections companies. Prior to Voicemate, Thimios spent 4 years at AT&T Research and 3 years at AT&T Bell Labs. Thimios received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from Boston University. He is a member of the ACM and has published numerous papers in highly competitive international conferences and journals. He is a co-inventor of 8 US patents and has served as a panelist, program committee member, and reviewer for numerous conferences and journals.

ST2 Tutorial Title: Locality aware P2P delivery: the way to scale Internet Video

Lecture Type: 1.5-hour tutorial


The market of Internet video began its dramatic acceleration in 2006. The number of broad video viewers is projected to grow from 560 million in 2007 to 940 million in 2013. Even social networking, which is seeing very strong growth with Facebook and other sites, probably cannot compare to the sheer numbers of new consumers that sign on broadband video in the past 12 months. Moreover, it is predicted that the majority (99+%) of videos viewed will be ad supported or free. Thus, there exists a need to distribute large amount of video cheaply to the end users.

Exist data centers and CDN providers do not have the capacity and the cost structure to handle the surging demand of Internet video. In comparison, a peer assisted (P2P-CDN) solution use resource of the peers as they join in the service. As the demand of the system grows, the capacity of the network grows too. By building locality awareness into the peer assisted solution, we can retrieve popular content from close-by peers, thus relieve the congestion on the Internet backbone. The locality aware peer assisted solution is the only way to scale Internet Video to a worldwide audience.

The purpose of the tutorial is to examine issues associated with the successful building and deployment of an efficient and reliable locality aware peer assisted content delivery solution. We start by examining some popular P2P applications, such as BitTorrent, Skype and PPLive. The study of these P2P applications helps us to understand the design principles of P2P applications in general. We then investigate the existing Internet backbone components, such as the data centers, the CDN providers, and the Internet architecture. We will see how a P2P network may effectively compliment the data centers and CDN providers. Finally, we examine a number of tools for building an efficient and reliable P2P application, such as the overlay network, the scheduling algorithm, the erasure resilient coding, and NAT/firewall traversal, P2P economy, security issues, monitoring and debugging utilities in P2P application. The outline of the tutorial is described below.

Jin Li is currently a Principal Researcher managing the Communication System team at Microsoft Research, (Redmond, WA). He received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Tsinghua University (Beijing, China) in 1994. From 1994 to 1996, he served as a Research Associate at the University of Southern California (USC). From 1996 to 1999, he was a Member of the Technical Staff at the Sharp Laboratories of America (SLA), (Camas, WA), and represented the interests of SLA in the JPEG2000 and MPEG4 standardization efforts. He joined Microsoft Research, first as a Project Leader at Microsoft Research Asia (Beijing, China) from 1999 to 2000, and then moved back to Redmond in 2001. From 2000, Dr. Li has also served as an Adjunct Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department, Tsinghua University (Beijing, China).
Dr. Li has 100+ referred conference and journal papers in a diversified research field, with interests cover audio/image/video compression, virtual environment and graphic compression, audio/video streaming, and VoIP and video conferencing, and P2P networking. His research group (Communication System) supports Microsoft real-time communication (RTC) group, which develops the audio/video engine for Microsoft Unified Communication systems. His invention has been integrated into many Microsoft products, such as Microsoft Office Communicator, Microsoft Live Meeting, Live Messenger, Live Mesh, Windows 7 (Teredo), etc.. He holds 20+ issued US patents, with more than three dozens pending. He was the general chair for 17th International Packet Video workshop 2009 (PV 2009), and was on the organization committee/TPC/associate editors on many conferences and journals. He was the recipient of the 1994 Ph.D. thesis award from Tsinghua University, the 1998 Young Investigator Award from SPIE Visual Communication and Image Processing, and the Best Paper Award from 2009 IEEE International Conference of Multimedia.

ST3 Tutorial Title: Machine-to-Machine: An Emerging Communication Paradigm

Lecture Type: 1.5-hour tutorial


An unprecedented communication paradigm, facilitating a vast gamut of applications by connecting a prior unseen number of devices, is currently gripping both industrial as well as academic communities. Referred to as machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, it is essentially composed of three key ingredients: 1) a wireless end-device, 2) an infrastructure-based or infrastructure-less wireless carrier network, and 3) the back-end server network. M2M systems bear very specific and unparalleled challenges in both research and development. Prime design drivers here are the need for virtually zero-outage, immediate-response and high-efficiency to support reliable, green, long-living and delay-constrained M2M applications. With no clear winner established so far, two orthogonal approaches have thus commenced to contend for the M2M market, i.e. 1) cellular solutions relying on wide coverage; and 2) purely embedded solutions relying on cheap deployments. The prime objective of this tutorial is therefore to acquaint an academic and industrial audience with crucial design approaches and architectural elements to facilitate a viable and efficient deployment of said networks. To this end, the tutorial is structured in the four parts. In the first part, we will discuss the cradle of M2M systems and the reasoning of their emergence; we will also discuss the peculiarities of these systems, their commercial importance and standardization approaches. In the second part, we will elaborate on cellular architectures evolving around EDGE, CDMA2000, LTE and WiMAX; we will first discuss the terminal and networking architectures of already deployed M2M systems, their advantages as well as shortcomings and we then move on how emerging technologies are envisaged to handle M2M traffic. In the third part, we will deal with embedded systems which generally deliver M2M traffic via multiple hops towards a gateway which in turn is connected to the back-end server network; we will dwell on latest preamble sampling and channel hopping MAC protocols, virtual coordinate and gradient routing protocols as well as technical details of lately standardized solutions, such as the IEEE 802.15.4e MAC and IETF 6LowPAN/RPL networking protocols. In the fourth part, we will draw a comprehensive comparison between these canonical architectures and discuss in great details the tradeoff between node performance (throughput, delay), network performance (outage, lifetime) and cost (CAPEX, OPEX). Finally, we will summarize and highlight a large set of open problems which are likely to occupy the community for years to come.

Mischa Dohler [] is now Senior Researcher with CTTC in Barcelona, working on M2M, femto cells, cooperative systems, etc. Prior to this, from June 2005 to February 2008, he has been Senior Research Expert in the R&D division of France Telecom working on cooperative communication systems, cognitive radios and wireless sensor networks. From September 2003 to June 2005, he has been lecturer at King's College London, Centre for Telecommunications Research. He obtained his PhD in Telecommunications from King's College London, UK, in 2003, his Diploma in Electrical Engineering from Dresden University of Technology, Germany, in 2000, and his MSc degree in Telecommunications from King's College London, UK, in 1999. Prior to Telecommunications, he studied Physics in Moscow. He has won various competitions in Mathematics and Physics, and participated in the 3rd round of the International Physics Olympics for Germany. In the framework of the Mobile VCE, he has pioneered research on distributed cooperative space-time encoded communication systems, dating back to December 1999. He has published more than 110 technical journal and conference papers at a citation h-index of 20 and citation g-index of 41, holds several patents, co-edited and contributed to several books, has given numerous international short-courses, and participated in standardisation activities. He has been TPC member and co-chair of various conferences, and is editor for various IEEE and non-IEEE Journals. In addition to being an experienced lecturer in academia (4 years at King's College London) and industry (7 years at Mobile VCE and 3 years in France Telecom), he has given over 20 international short-courses, such as on UMTS and Beyond, distributed cooperative systems, wireless sensor networks and issues pertaining to the design of the Internet of Things.

Thomas Watteyne [] is a postdoctoral researcher at the Berkeley Sensor & Actuator Center, University of California in Berkeley, working in Prof. Kristofer S.J. Pister’s team. He is the coordinator of OpenWSN, an open-source initiative to promote the use of fully standards-based protocol stacks in M2M applications. From October 2005 to September 2008, he was a research engineer at France Telecom R&D/Orange Labs working on energy efficiency and self-organizing for wireless multihop networks, together with the CITI Laboratory, France. At that time, he has also been a member of the Student Activity and Award and Recognitions Committees, while serving as the Electronic Communications Coordinator of IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Africa, Middle-East and Russia). He obtained his PhD in Computer Science (2008) and MSc in Telecommunications (2005) from INSA Lyon, France. He has published several journal and conference papers, holds two patents, has contributed to three books, has given several international short-courses, and participated in standardization activities. He has been TPC member and member of the organizing committee of various conferences. He is reviewer for numerous IEEE and non-IEEE journals and a Member of the IEEE.

ST4 Tutorial Title: Smart Grid: A Communications Perspective

Lecture Type: 1.5-hour tutorial

Developing smart grid has become an urgent global priority, as its immense economic, environmental and societal benefit will be enjoyed by generations to come. Communication technologies will empower conventional power grid to support two-way energy and information flow, which in turn can help the world reduce dependence on fossil fuel, enable demand response and distributed energy resources, accelerate the adoption of clean energy technology and electric vehicles, and ultimately achieve sustainable prosperity. This lecture session will provide up-to-date overview of smart grid background, public policy, requirements, communications architecture and technologies, and standard development. The lecture will focus on describing the challenges, enabling technologies, and potential future research directions for smart grid and its communications system.

Zhifeng Tao obtained his B.S. from Xian Jiaotong University, P.R. China.  He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Polytechnic Institute of New York University at Brooklyn, NY.  He joined Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL) in 2006 and currently holds the position of principal member of technical staff.  He has published over 30 papers, filed over 60 US patents, written several book chapters and made over 70 IEEE standards contributions. He has played a key role in the development of IEEE 802.16 and IEEE P2030 (smart grid interoperability guideline) standard, and been an active participant of NIST Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP). He received IEEE Standard Association’s recognition for Outstanding Contribution to the Development of IEEE Std 802.16j – 2009 (Multihop Relay) Specification.
He is a co-editor of IEEE Communications Magazine special issue on Green Communications, and EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing special issue on Cooperative MIMO Multicell Networks. He is the founding chair of the 1st IEEE International Workshop on Smart Grid Communications, and a symposium chair of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications. He has served as TPC chair of Frontier on Communications and Networking Symposium of ChinaCom 2008, tutorial chair of ChinaCom 2009 and publication chair of International Conference on Ambient Media and Systems (Ambi-sys) 2008. He has delivered tutorials on WiMAX/4G in IEEE Globecom and ICC, and served as a panelist on Green Communications Panel in ICC 2009. He is a co-recipient of IEEE Globecom 2009 Best Paper Award.
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