Iiia human resources

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The institution employs qualified personnel to support student learning programs and services wherever offered and by whatever means delivered, and to improve institutional effectiveness. Personnel are treated equitably, are evaluated regularly and systematically, and are provided opportunities for professional development. Consistent with its mission, the institution demonstrates its commitment to the significant educational role played by persons of diverse backgrounds by making positive efforts to encourage such diversity. Human resource planning is integrated with institutional planning.


The institution assures the integrity and quality of its programs and services by employing personnel who are qualified by appropriate education, training, and experience to provide and support these programs and services.

What methods does the institution use to assure that qualifications for each position are closely matched to specific programmatic needs? What analyses and discussions have led the institution to agree on those needs?

Are the institution’s personnel sufficiently qualified to guarantee the integrity of programs and services?

III.A.1.a. Criteria, qualifications, and procedures for the selection of personnel are clearly and publicly stated. Job descriptions are directly related to institutional mission and goals and accurately reflect position duties, responsibilities, and authority. Criteria for selection of faculty include knowledge of the subject matter or service to be performed (as determined by individuals with discipline expertise), effective teaching, scholarly activities, and potential to contribute to the mission of the institution. Job announcements are modified for unique qualifications needed for the time of hire. In addition to serving on the hiring committees, faculty play a significant role in formulating the job description for hiring new faculty by discussing job descriptions at departmental meetings and discussing the departmental needs prior to screening of applications (e.g. adding a preferred qualification for math vacancy of expertise in developmental courses or accreditation experience preferred for administrator (evidence: Math JA and VP, AA JA). Similar discussion take place among staff personnel for classified staff hire. Degrees held by faculty and administrators are from institutions accredited by recognized U.S. accrediting agencies. Degrees from non-U.S. institutions are recognized only if equivalence has been established.

IIIA.1.a Narrative

Making decision to hire

How does the institution decide hiring criteria?

District-established policies guide the hiring of personnel at Moreno Valley College. Board Policy (BP) 7120, Recruitment and Hiring, provides basic regulations for employment, while Administrative Procedure (AP) 7120 establishes specific procedures for the selection of management, faculty and staff, esp BP7120; AP7120. AP 7120a describes procedures for recruitment and hiring of academic and classified administrators, AP7120b defines recruitment and hiring of all classified and classified-confidential employees, AP 7120c indicates process for full-time faculty recruitment and hiring, AP 7120d provides guidelines for part-time faculty recruitment and hiring, while AP 7120e establishes procedures for temporary/casual long-term faculty recruitment and hiring esp AP7120a, AP7120b, AP7120c, AP7120d, AP7120e. More specific regulations are established for president recruitment and hiring (BP 7121, AP 7121) esp BP7121, AP7121.

How does the institution decide when to hire?

Recommendations from the previous self-study cycle, the ACCJC standards, and the district’s commitment to student-centered education resulted in implementation of the hiring process that integrates all three elements—mission, program review, and strategic planning. Therefore, the need for hiring tenure-track faculty, staff or managers is identified through the program review process, then discussed and approved through the strategic planning process. The compatibility of the proposed position with the mission of the institution is reviewed during both processes.

After the position is approved and the placement is established and funding secured, the Hiring Manager or Department Chair creates an on-line posting request at http://jobs.rcc.edu/hr. A typical approval workflow is Director, Dean, Vice President, Vice President of Business Services, President and/or Vice Chancellor, Chancellor for review and approval. If there are no changes, the Chancellor electronically forwards the posting request to the Budget Office and then to the Office of Diversity, Equity and Compliance for review the posting according to the BP 3420 (Equal Employment Opportunity code), BP 3410 (Nondiscrimination), and BP 7100 (Commitment to Diversity), who then forwards it to Diversity and Human Resources (DHR).


How are jobs advertised?

All job announcements, which are issued by DHR, follow standard and formats that clearly lay out criteria and qualifications for positions, as well as the application process. Job descriptions are directly related to institutional mission and goals, and accurately reflect position duties, responsibilities and authority. detailed in terms of the programmatic needs of the college. For example, the 2012 announcement for a classified management opening Vice President of Academic Affairs included Position Type, Location, Salary, Basic Function, Supervisory Responsibilities, Education, Experience, Licenses and Certifications, Commitment to Diversity, Duties and Responsibilities, Conditions of Employment and application procedures including Required and Optional Applicant Documents, Application Deadline, Application Types Accepted, the VP job announcement. Likewise, a classified level announcement includes Definition, Typical Tasks, Employment Standards, and Application Deadline. In addition, all job announcements contain the following statement: “Candidate must demonstrate clear evidence of sensitivity to and understanding of the diverse academic, socioeconomic, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds of community college students.”

Job openings are widely advertised so as to encourage a broad applicant pool. Academic, Classified and Classified-Confidential positions are typically advertised in some or all of the standard publications and websites, including, but not limited to the District web-site, Chronicle of Higher Education on-line, Career Builder (LA Times), insidehighered.com, Higheredjobs.com, California Community College Registry, Caljobs.ca.gov., minority publications such as Asian Week or Black Careers Now, Diverse Issues in Higher Education, and Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education. The Hiring Manager or Department Chairs may recommend additional targeted advertising sources esp AP 7120a,b,c,d,e especially for hard to fill vocational faculty positions such as Dental Hygiene Instructor or when there is a need for additional diversity recruitment.

Applying for a job

The RCCD implemented a completely electronic application process, using People Admin® software. The online applicant tracking system (OATS) serves as the mechanism for submittal of requests and initial screening that is coordinated between the DHR and screening committee members. This system also allows applicants to track the status of their applications. There is a video, as well as written instructions, to help applicants through the process (evidence link). In addition, the district DHR office has created a PowerPoint presentation that includes information about the district and the hiring process, as well as helpful hints for navigating the application and interview process link.

According to BP 7120, job vacancies for classified/confidential positions are advertised both internally—for promotion or transfer opportunities—and in the community.

How are faculty involved in the selection of new faculty?

Criteria for selection of faculty include knowledge of the subject matter or services to be performed (as determined by individuals with discipline expertise), effective teaching, scholarly activities, and potential to contribute to the mission of the institution.

Selection Process

By what means does the institution verify the qualifications of applicants and newly hired personnel? How does the college check the equivalency of degrees from non-U.S. institutions?

All job postings specify that required degrees must be from accredited institutions esp AP 7120 a,bc,d,e.

The hiring procedure requires that the educational credentials of all faculty are verified by staff in the DHR office. Also, BP 7126 clearly defines the applicant background investigations and reference checks.

Applicants for faculty positions who have foreign degrees are requested by DHR to have their credentials evaluated for equivalency by an external evaluation service esp AP7125. In addition, a list of all full-time faculty and administrators, including their credentials, is published at the back of the college catalog.

How does the college decide an applicant is well-qualified?

All applications submitted to DHR are reviewed and screened by a college search committee that is identified by the Hiring Manager or Department Chair. To ensure that all applicants are well-qualified the composition of a search committee is strictly defined by the AP 7120a, b,c,d,e. As appropriate, a search committee may include a student, community and/or faculty emeriti representatives. For the full-time faculty search committee, the Department Chair works with the college Chief Instructional Officer (CIO) to select four committee members from the discipline or a closely related discipline as described in AP 7120c. Part-time faculty candidates are interviewed by a minimum of two full-time members of the department, one of whom must be a member of the discipline or related discipline of the applicant. Temporary/casual Long-Term Faculty are interviewed by a three-person panel consisting of the Dean, the Department Chair, and a faculty member from the appropriate discipline, selected by the Department chair.

The applications are reviewed to determine eligibility of applicant for testing, where applicable, and/or interviews. Meeting the qualifications listed on the job announcement does not assure the candidate of the interview. Candidates are interviewed at their own expense. Final candidates are interviewed by the President or designee (for certificated positions) or by the Hiring Manager or designee (for classified positions). A physical examination, at the District’s expense, may be required. The name of the recommended candidate(s) are submitted and the Chancellor makes the recommendation to the Governing Board.

Tenure-Track Faculty Hiring

District procedures for faculty hiring are governed broadly by BP 7120 and AP 7120c, which embraces the district, the mission statement, program review, and strategic planning. Before the nation-wide search is launched, Moreno Valley College disseminates the announcement for a transfer opportunity for full-time faculty to other colleges at the District in accordance with the bargaining union contract.

How are faculty involved in the selection of new faculty?

How does the college know that the faculty selected have knowledge of their subject matter?

By what methods does the college define and evaluate “effective teaching” in its hiring process? How is that effectiveness judged?

How does the college define and judge scholarship in a candidate, and by what means does it judge a candidate’s potential to contribute to a college mission?

The documents indicated above lay out a two-level selection process. At the first level is a faculty based search committee that selects applicants from the pool for the first-round interview. With the oversight of a human resources specialist, the faculty committee formulates a set of interview questions and a teaching or skills demonstration, tailored to select for specific programmatic needs and goals. Specifically, the set of questions are carefully crafted to test the knowledge of the candidate of their subject matter. The effectiveness of teaching is evaluated during the sample lecture the candidate delivers to the committee which at that time represents a student body. This teaching effectiveness evaluation includes questions identifying a prospective faculty expertise in Distant Education (DE) and Correspondence Education (CE). Such as was done of applicants for Mathematics Instructor position when asked “How would you foster student interaction in an online environment?” In addition, the set of questions prepared by the faculty as well as the questions asked during the final interview judge scholarship in a candidate, and his/her potential to contribute to our college mission.

Each member of that hiring committee evaluates the answers avoiding any discussion of ratings and rankings until all evaluations of candidates are completed. After the interviews are finished, the evaluation is reviewed and discussed. Based on the first- round interviews, the search committee either suspends the process or advances at least two candidates, unranked, to the second-round committee, which consists of the department chair, or the chair’s designee serving as the chair of the screening committee, (who was also on the first- round committee) and specified administrators from the college, usually including the vice president of academic affairs and the president. The second-round committee makes the final selection based on the interview with the candidate, subject to board approval.

What evidence is there that hiring processes yield highly qualified employees?

The presented hiring process yields qualified employees as indicated by the very high rate of success of the rigorous tenure process (show number here which Susan will e-mail.) (Article XI page 25 of CTA contract - http://www.rccd.edu/administration/humanresources/Documents/ctacontract.pdf - and board policy 7215 http://www.rccd.edu/administration/board/New%20Board%20Policies/7215AP.pdf )

What safeguards are in place to assure that hiring procedures are constantly applied?

The hiring procedures and the entire process is constantly monitored by the DHR officer that checks its compliances with the adopted appropriate BPs and APs. These policies are periodically reviewed and if the need arise, revised; for example the Full-time faculty recruitment and hiring 7120c was reviewed and revised in 2013. http://www.rccd.edu/administration/board/New%20Board%20Policies/7120cAP.pdf.

Part-Time Faculty Hiring

The district Office of Diversity and Human Resources (DHR) maintains an electronic file with part-time faculty applications. The file is organized by discipline and made available to department chairs upon request. In the event that there are not sufficient applications available, and by request, the DHR office will advertise for the discipline in an effort to solicit more applications. Again, these applications and inquiries are made available to department chairs.

Departments differ on procedures for scheduling and conducting interviews. Some elect to interview candidates as the applications are received. Others interview on a periodic basis, usually just prior to the upcoming semester or term when the department chair is more certain of departmental staffing needs. The department chair or assistant chair determines applicants to be interviewed. Although experience requirements vary from department to department, all candidates must meet the minimum qualifications in accordance with the Minimum Qualifications for Faculty and Administrators in California Community Colleges in California Community Colleges. (esp new MQ’s booklet). Each interview committee comprises the department chair and/or assistant chair and at least one member of the discipline AP 7120 d.
Interviews are less formal for part-time faculty than for full-time faculty. They are often conducted in the department chair’s office and questions are either predetermined or impromptu. Follow-up questions are common.
Classified and Confidential Staff Hiring

As indicated in the general outline of the hiring procedures, the DHR office reviews the job announcement and screening committee composition to ensure conformity with the district’s Equal Employment Opportunities plan, BPs, Aps and non-discrimination commitments. espAP 7120b. The California Schools Employee Association (CSEA) agreement promotes internal hiring: “When three (3) or more District employees within the bargaining unit apply for a promotion for a job within the bargaining unit, and all possess the requisite qualifications for the job and have not had an overall evaluation of unsatisfactory on their most recent evaluation, the District shall select one of such District employees for the job as long as such employee is as qualified as any outside applicant.”(esp CSEA Contract). The screening process includes initial interviews conducted by the search committee, final interviews conducted by the Hiring Manager, who may request additional personnel to be part of the final interview process.

Management Hiring

The hiring of managers, both full-time and interim, is dictated by Board Policy 7120, “Recruitment and Hiring,” which complies with Title 5, California Code of Regulations, §§ 53021-53024.esp-check if # 19 applies here like it was in the old study The filling of vacant management positions and hiring of new management positions is identified through the program review process. According to the strategic planning process, administrative and instructional units identify management needs and place them into their program reviews along with the total cost of ownership which includes salary, benefits, equipment needs, and office space needs. Thus, total cost of ownership is considered when making these types of decisions. As with classified and confidential staff, job announcements and interview- committee composition are screened to ensure conformity with the district’s Equal Employment Opportunities plan and non-discrimination commitments. Diverse and qualified pools of candidates are interviewed by the screening committee. The screening committee recommends a minimum of two candidates to the president, or his designee(s), for consideration. These policies are periodically reviewed and if the need arise, revised; for example the Academic and Classified Administrators (7120a) was revised to include the opportunity in have open forums when hiring high level managers such as Vice Presidents. These open forums allow the college community to meet and question the finalist and give their recommendations to the president.

This standard is met. Criteria for selecting faculty, staff, and management personnel are clearly stated, and the college meets all state criteria for selecting qualified faculty, staff, and management employees. The processes in place ensure that quality is emphasized in all categories of personnel, and that new hires are compatible with the mission of the institution.

None is needed.

III.A.1.b. The institution assures the effectiveness of its human resources by evaluating all personnel systematically and at stated intervals. The institution establishes written criteria for evaluating all personnel, including performance of assigned duties and participation in institutional responsibilities and other activities appropriate to their expertise. Evaluation processes seek to assess effectiveness of personnel and encourage improvement. Actions taken following evaluations are formal, timely, and documented.
IIIA.1.b Narrative
How does the college decide on appropriate institutional responsibilities for personnel participation?

The institutional responsibilities of all personnel are clearly articulated in the Faculty Handbook for faculty, Classified and Confidential Employees Handbooks for classified and confidential employees, and in Management Handbook esp Faculty (Is it the same handbook as for Classifeid and confidential Employees?) and Management Handbooks. They are defined by the College Mission and 2005-2015 goals esp?. In addition, faculty, staff and administrators are invited to attend and participate in any of the Standard-based Subcommittee meetings attendance is taken and the records are kept. Part-time faculty members are encouraged to join or attend the subcommittee of their choice as well. Each subcommittee operates under its own set of by-laws approved annually by current members.

Evaluation Procedure

How is participation judged?

Do evaluation criteria measure the effectiveness of personnel in performing their duties?

What is the connection between personnel evaluations and intuitional effectiveness and improvement?

BP 7150 (Employee Evaluations) and AP 7150 indicates that all employees will periodically undergo a performance evaluation, titled the Improvement of Instruction, at prescribed intervals (esp BP7150, AP 7150).

The purpose of an evaluation is to recognize excellent and satisfactory performance, to identify areas of performance and/or work habits needing improvement. Classified and Confidential employee evaluations are conducted in accordance with Article XII, pages 26-27,Performance Evaluation, of the Agreement between RCCD and Riverside Community College Classified Employees, Chapter 535, an affiliate of the California School Employees’ Association. Evaluations of classified employee performed by the employee’s immediate supervisor or designated evaluator. Permanent employees receive a written evaluation at least once each year. As part of the evaluation process, each staff member may provide a self-evaluation that assesses his/her performance. One additional evaluation may be requested by the employee each year. A formal written evaluation of the employee’s total job performance, other than the regular annual evaluation, shall first be approved by the Chancellor. It is understood that the foregoing does not apply to any follow-up evaluation which is provided for in the regular annual evaluation. Probationary employees shall receive written evaluations at the end of the second month and each third month thereafter during the probationary period. Promoted employees shall receive written evaluations at the end of the second and fifth months in their new positions.

The faculty criteria of evaluation focus on strengthening the faculty member’s instructional skills and professional contributions to the college as well as student achievement. The Improvement of Instruction processes for full-time and part-time faculty are determined by the Agreement between Riverside Community College District and Riverside Community College District Faculty Association CCA/CTA/NEA (District/Faculty Association Agreement from 2007-2010 that was negotiated in 2008 and has been rolled over twice with the overwhelming consent of the membership. The agreement will now expire at the end of June 2015 as indicated on the website http://academic.rcc.edu/cta/ together with the negotiated Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) and Memoranda of Agreement (MOAs). Article XI, Improvement of Instruction and Tenure Review; pages 25-32 defines the purpose, frequency, and procedures of evaluation for all faculty: contract, regular, and part-time (esp # 20 from the old-study).

Contract (tenure-track) faculty are evaluated annually for two purposes: to determine whether to renew the contract and, if so, to improve instruction and job performance. The tenure-review committee comprises three tenured faculty in the same discipline (or related discipline) as the evaluated faculty, the department chair or designee, and an academic administrator. One of the faculty members must have been on the contract member’s hiring committee. The committee meets twice in the fall and once in the spring for four years. In making its evaluation, the committee must consider classroom observations, student surveys, evidence of subject-matter proficiency, and review of syllabi. The committee may consider other items, such as adherence to course outlines of record, the timely submission of Class 1 records (attendance), and involvement in student activities. Contract faculty have the right to respond in writing to any documents placed in the tenure review and evaluation record. The college relies on the judgment of the instructors themselves who were hired because of their knowledge and professionalism. In addition, the faculty member may submit for discussion a report of relevant professional activities. After completing the formal process, the committee may informally review grades and retention statistics.

If a majority of committee members indicate in the formal report that the faculty member needs improvement, then the report must include specific guidelines for improvement. The administration or the faculty member may appeal. The appeal process includes an appeal panel and, if necessary, a second review committee which again can make recommendations for remediation and may recommend one more review within a year of the first report in the semester following the semester in which the “need for improvement” rating is received. The remediation plan is sent to the president and the faculty member.

If the committee recommends nonrenewal of a contract, the evaluatee may appeal to a three-person panel composed of the chancellor’s designee, the Faculty Association president or designee, and the most senior tenured, available member of the faculty member’s discipline or closely related discipline not on the evaluation committee. The appeal panel makes a recommendation to the chancellor, who forwards that recommendation and any dissenting opinions, along with a complete written tenure-review record to the Board of Trustees (BOT). The BOT makes the final decision for renewal or nonrenewal of contract.

The tenure-review committee may recommend tenure in the third or fourth year. Either the evaluated faculty or the administration may appeal this recommendation, in which case the matter goes to a three-person appeals panel with the same makeup as the appeal panel described above. After the appeal panel makes a recommendation to the chancellor, the BOT makes the final decision.

Regular (tenured) faculty are evaluated once every three years by their peers in order to strengthen the instructional skills and professional contributions of the faculty member. The peer-review committee comprises one administrator and two faculty in the faculty member’s discipline or a closely related discipline—one selected by the Department Chair, the other by the faculty member undergoing review. The faculty member may object to the administrator on the committee, in which case the president will consult with the Academic Senate president to select a replacement.

Part-time faculty are evaluated in the first term of hire, once each year for the next two years, and then at least once every three years thereafter. The department chair oversees part-time faculty evaluations. Either the chair or a designee conducts a classroom observation of part-time faculty under review. While the process may include other elements of review—such as Class 1 records and adherence to the course outline of record—it must include a classroom observation, student surveys of all classes, and review of syllabi. The Improvement of Instruction serves to ensure that the instructor is following the course outline of record and the standards of the department and to apprise the instructor of strengths and weaknesses. After the formal review is complete, the chair may discuss grade and retention statistics with the part-time faculty member. Within fifteen days of signing it, the evaluatee may contest the report, in which case the report and the disagreement are sent to the dean of instruction for review and become part of the instructor’s permanent file. If a part-time instructor with at least four fall and spring terms of service receives a needs improvement evaluation, then two senior faculty members of the discipline within the department review the evaluation, and if they find the needs improvement not warranted, they submit a report to be included in the final evaluation.

Full-time and part-time faculty evaluation processes are managed by the College Vice President Academic Affairs. This office ensures that consistent processes and timelines are followed. In addition, evaluations are reviewed and common needs for professional development are communicated to faculty development coordinators and deans, or made part of district wide professional development efforts. Once processed, all evaluation materials are forwarded to the Office of Diversity and Human Resources for inclusion in the faculty member’s file.

Management employees are evaluated at least once each year for the first two years of employment in the position. Subsequently, managers are formally evaluated at least once every three years. Unscheduled evaluations may be conducted at the discretion of the immediate supervisor subject to the approval of the president or designee. The evaluation is conducted in accordance with the Management Performance Evaluation process, found in the Management Handbook. This process addresses evaluation purpose, frequency, criteria, forms, record keeping, and complaint procedures. The evaluation includes standard check-off lists as well as a written narrative by the manager (self-evaluation), his/her supervisor, and his/her peers. Managers who hold an interim appointment are not evaluated during the interim period. The management evaluation process is periodically reviewed and revised as needed. The next revision process is expected to completed and implemented effective July 2013.
The president of the college is evaluated annually by a procedure established by the Chancellor espBP 7155.
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