India and Israel Against Islamic Terror

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Even during and after the reign of Harsh Vardhan in the 7th

ntury A.D., India was subjected to barbaric raids from the

orth west; Huns, Sakas and Mongols, the latter only touching

the fringes of north-west India, perpetrated untold atrocities on

the helpless Hindu. And then came Islam from 10th century

onwards. Hordes of nomads given a generic name Turks from

Afghanistan, Cazni, Uzbekistan and Iran continued to pour into

the north west rich lands of our country. Alien kingdoms rose

and fell ending with the death of Aurangzeb in 1707 A.D. The

actual Muslim period really lasted from the establishment of

Sultanate at Delhi, in early 14th century till the end of Mughal

Empire in 1707. The vast land of India was divided into

principalities and small kingdoms of Rajputs as well as Muslims.

But thereafter till 1808 A.D., the mighty Marathas rose as a

national power and Maratha confederacy collided head on with

the British on one side and Ahmad Shah Abdali at the battlefield

of Panipat on the other. With this event died away the last hope

of a Pan-Indian resurgence and the British dominion expanded,

till the whole of our country was conquered. One can say that

the British rule lasted from 1808 A.D. to 1947 A.D., when our

country achieved its independence. With such a chequered career

tHie”biggest sufferer was the Hindu psyche. As has been brought

out earlier in the Jewish history, adversity and calamity did not

steel our people into a fiery nation but degraded them to a

lower level of human existence. We forgot our proud heritage,

our Dharma, national character and became a divided lot. In

spite of all this, though the country remained divided and

subjugated politically, the eternal Hindu spirit from the Sanatan

Dharma remained the binding thread for the people of this

landmass politically divided but emotionally united on the basis

°f our past culture. The nation suffered innumerable indignities.

The effect of the loss of character is visible even today after 50

Years of independence. Thus, it behoves on the present

generation of India to use the past not as a hammock, but a

springboard for future advancements. India has thus far endured

but a resurgent nation, that we wish to be, must not only

endure, but also prevail. In this regard, we have a lot to learn
from the Israelis. Surrounded by hostile nations, tiny |Srae| .

holding its co^vn while India with a huge landmass and populate

has still to v/veld itself into a nation of steel, capable of protectin

its sovereig n ty and integrity against it’s hostile neighbours.
India vwss left in peace for a comparatively longer period

and it was only from 10th century A.D. onwards that sporadic

raids of Muslim adventurers began. Then from 14th century till

1707 A.D. thie Muslims ruled almost the whole of India except

parts of Be-ngal and some Southern states. After the death of

Aurangzeb, t he disintegration of the Mughal empire commenced

with frequent change of rulers at Delhi, concurrent with the

shrinking of the central Muslim rule to areas around Delhi, with

a highly tenuous and tentative reach upto the Vindhyas. In the

south a fewv independent Muslim Sultanates had come into

existence but major parts of India came under the sway of the

Maratha Confederacy. This period lasted a hundred years from

1707 upto 1808 in which year the Marathas were decisively

defeated by the British. This century could truly be called the

age of Maratha supremacy. From then onwards followed the

period of B ritish rule, which ended with the attainment of

Independen ce in 1947. All this has been stated earlier. Israel on

the other h and, at the crossroads of the Middle East, invited

invasions from its very inception. The sound of marching feet

and hoofs and horses never really died down except for a brief

period of pe ace under David and Solomon. The ”Chosen People”

were mercilessly attacked and enslaved, exiled and deported

while the lard was devastated right from the early days of

Nebuchadnazar, followed by slavery in Egypt and the return led

by Moses, fights within the land and then Diaspora. Since the

Jews were never really allowed to settle in the land that their

Lord had gr-anted to them, they developed a deep attachment

to the soil of their land. Onthe otherhand, Hindus were never

deprived of their land and thus did not develop the deep

devotion an

Cod’s plenty for granted and never suffered the longings of the

VVhenjiven a chance, both people progressed rapidly, and

reached high levels of excellence. The Jews achieved this in the

countries wnere they lived whenever disabilities and the stigma

of being a Jew were removed. The Hindus did so only when the

conquerors- allowed them peace. But throughout their periods

Of extreme hardships, both people took to introspection and

deep inward seeking. While the Vedas, Upnishads and Samhitas

are the product of the ancient peaceful times, the Torah and

Talmud took shape even during deprivation and Diaspora. Both

religions gave birth to new and more simplified though less

profound religions, easy to follow with fewer demands. Judaism

fostered Christianity and that too at a later stage had much to

give to Islam. Likewise, the complicated profundities of Hindu

thoughts gave rise to simpler faiths, such as Buddhism, Jainism

and later Sikhism.
It is to the eternal credit of these ancient cultures that none

of these ever prescribed or encouraged proselytizing and forcible

conversion and none ever fought religious wars to convert those,

who did not subscribe to their religion. The same was not the

case with Christianity and Islam. Judaism and Hinduism alike

suffered at the hands of Christianity and Islam. There were rare

exceptions when the Jews and the Hindus were left in peace

under a benevolent Christian or Muslim ruler. With the exception

of some years in Spain and those under Suleman the Magnificent,

the Jews suffered under Muslims in the Middle East, and mostly

under Christian kings in Europe. Hindus too suffered in their

own country under the Muslims and the British from 1300 to

1947 A.D., with a brief interlude of Maratha supremacy from

1707 to 1808 A.D. as mentioned above. Both the nations fought

their wars of independence against the British. The Jews of

Palestine under the British mandate fought the British as much

as the people who surrounded their country. While India gained

its freedom in 1947, Israel became a sovereign state a year later

in 1948.
Countless conquerors strode over the land of Israel, wreaked

destruction and raised great and mighty empires, but lost in the

lirnbo of history none of these can be seen in the world today.
Yet Zion, the Jews and their Holy Land remain. Many swords

and armies tried to concur India but they themselves succumbed

to the culture of this land. This great and ancient civilization

triumphed, while India that is Bharat survives and Hinduism

Some time in 1980, when rny daughter was studying Ancient

Indian History, brainwashed as she was by the text books of

these worthy eminences of the Leftist group, she made two

startling statements. One that Aryans used to eat beef and second,

that Krishna was a local God of the black skin Dasyus or what

was derisively mentioned as the inferior Dravidian race. On a

deeper study of the subject and after I read Arun Shouri’s book

mentioned earlier, he gave an account of a IV interview ’Apkj

Adalat’ taken by Manoj Rajvanshi and attended by Arun Shourie?

and Prof. Shrimali of the leftist school. On being asked by Manoj

Rajvanshi, if he could give a single reference or quote Shlokas

from Vedas or any other reference to substantiate the charge

that the Aryans during the Vedic period used to eat beef, Dr..

Shrimali was unable to do so. Arun Shourie also pinned him on

the subject, but could elicit no response except angry words. So

much for the beef eating. Obviously it was a canard hatched in

the conspiracy of these eminent historians still striving to

disseminate the above lies in the text books or material, which

they author. The other lie, regarding Lord Krishna, is nailed by

studying innumerable accounts on Mahabharat and the evidence

unearthed in the remains and finds of the period. The theory

of Aryan invasion and the conquest of Dravidians, the indigenous

people of India and their forced movement to the south are so

much nonsense. First, as has been proved beyond any shadow

of doubt by the research and findings of both Indian and foreign

historians, there was no Aryan invasion. We shall return to this

issue later in a separate chapter. Apart from the movement of

races in Paleolithic times, there has only been a number of

groupings and sub-groupings by the intermingling of these races.

A very broad classification, which does not take into account the

minor regional differences, could be on these lines. The NorthWest

European races, which could be put into the category of
faucasian, could be further divided into the Nordic and the

Mediterranean branches. The Nordic being fair coloured with

frizzy hair and blue eyes could also be found in some parts of

Asia. The Mediterranean group generally white skinned, with

dark eyes and black hair inhabited an area around Mediterranean

5ea, and the Middle East and India. The third group was the

Mongolian race with its characteristic features spread over the.

Central, North, East and Southeast Asia. The fourth group was

somewhat similar to the Mongolian yellow colour, with high

cheek bone and narrow eyes with less marked facial resemblance,

of bronze colour inhabiting South American continent and parts

of eastern fringe of Southeast. Then there were the other two

races with dark skin, curly hair flat nose and thick lips, mainly

divided into two regions. The first one the Negroid inhabiting

Central and South Africa while their sister branch Australoid,

inhabiting South East Pacific islands, Australia and New Zealand.

In the broad historical time frame, there has been no systematic

migration or invasion of the fair skinned pastoral Aryans into

India or so called Aryavrata. I wish these worthies had taken

some notice of the earlier histories of Ancient India, authored

by Prof. Jadunath Sarkar and Dr. Ishwari Prasad. The text of

Cita recorded by Vedvyasa is enough evidence of a personality

much superior to any thing that can be ascribed to a so-called

Dasyus or the lesser mortals. In fact, the civilization existing

before the so called Aryan invasion, which included the Indus

valley and many other sites with similar archaeological findings,

confirm a very high level of civilization dating back to 8000 B.C.

Macaulay introduced English as the official medium of

communication to produce an army of clerks to subserve British

Administration and create a class of Bhadralok totally alienated

T°m meir very Indian roots and antipathic to our Hindu past.

ax Muller, a profound scholar of Sanskrit, mainly aimed to

. enigrate ancient India’s civilization and culture. The third name

n this trinity of India-batters was Marx and his school of historical

ectics, which aims to explain every thing in terms of economic

errr|inism, starting from class struggle; through feudal to
oppressive capitalism and finally to the victory of the Proletariat

The proletariat consisting of the working class according to his

vision consisted only of industrial labour, not agricultural workers

While Macaulay and Max Muller painted ancient Indian history

black, Marx took on the task of putting the medieval Indian

history on its head by explaining away everything on economic

grounds and class exploitation. Some of these worthies include

Prof. R.S. Sharma, Bipin Chandra, Satish Chandra, Irfan Habib

Romila Thapar, K.M. Panikar and their ilk, once installed in

positions of academic importance, at the Jawaharlal Nehru

University (J.N.U.) and the Indian Council of History Research

(ICHR). These eminent historians have produced a historical

literature with a pronounced anti-Hindu bias with derisive

references to Brahaminism, which they have equated with

Hinduism. Textbooks in schools in West Bengal produced by the

National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)

have totally distorted the facts of history with a view to deride

the Hindu dispensation of medieval India and obliterate all the

cruelty, forcible conversion and iconoclasm of the Muslim

conquerors and rulers. Even their destruction of temples and

loot of treasure has been attributed to nothing but whims,

personal greed, administrative compulsions and economic needs

of the times. Not a word about the fundamentalist^ urge and

the intolerance of the Islam in practice; the use of sword and

the exhortations from the Prophet, the Sunna and the Hadis,

They have even attributed cruelty on Buddhists and the

destruction of their Viharas and places of learning like Nalanda

University to the Brahminical ire and Hindu atrocities. A cursory

look at what Ambedkar wrote and Swami Vivekanand preached

is enough to contradict this point of view. Buddhism had already

spread in Persia and Afghanistan as in the rest of Asia, before

the birth of the Prophet Mohammed. There were large numbers

of shrines and Viharas in these countries, which were later

invaded by the armies of the Prophet and his successors. What

happened to these monastries, shrines and Buddhist Viharas.

Did any Hindu king venture out to these countries to destroy

them? Why were these destroyed in Persia and Afghanistan on’y
and not in the rest of Buddhist Asia? The answer is simple and

jn two words, Muslim conquest. Will the worthy Marxist historians,

like Romila Thapar, put the blame on Brahmins and Hindus for

this vandalism? The destroyers of these shrines and property

\vere only the Muslim kings, which feats have been described in

glorifying terms by their own official historians and court

chroniclers, who were eyewitneses to the events. The blame for

distortions in Islam and Christianity giving rise to their own caste

system has also been laid at the doors of Brahaminism and

Hindus. The cruelty and exploitation of Hindus, Jazia tax and

destruction of temples have been described vividly by Sita Ram

Coel in his learned works and in a detailed study of the

destruction of Hindu temples. The reader is referred to the

book Hindu Temples-What Happened to Them: A Preliminary

Survey, co-authored by Arun Shciurie, Harsh Narain, Jay

Dubhashi, Ram Swarup and Sita Ram Coel.
Arun Shourie in his well-researched book Eminent Historians

has cut a swathe through the thicket of lies, half-truths, innuendoes

and distortions of these Leftist historians, and exposed their

efforts to tarnish Hinduism and Brahaminism. For the Marxist

historians the theory and cause of Marx i.e., precept and practice

of socialism is paramount. The facts of history have to be

doctored and contrived to substantiate these ideas. Suppresso

veti, suggestion false.
One of these worthies, Dr. Bipin Chandra in an unsolicited

opinion on the recent controversy regarding the historical

distortion in a Bollywood film ’Ashoka’ says, ”One can play

about with the historical facts, but one should be true to the

spirit of the person. (Just) any dramatist or actor cannot be

expected to rewrite history.” It seems the worthy Professor is

possessed of a new surgical means to X-ray the spirit and intention

°f a historical personality without due regard to the documented

texts and evidence.These are physically documented and

incontrovertible. In the lexicon of leftist historians facts do not

matter, only theory does; and the facts can and should be

sanitised to serve a preconceived theory or proposition. We shall

see more of these clever exercises in a subsequent chapter

Ancient India and the Myth of the Aryan Invasion”.

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