simplicity itself. Vedas speak of one cosmic reality, a supraunive_rsal
force, the cause and effect rolled into one, unity of the
Creator and the creation, the infinite, the living force in all 230 INDIA AND ISRAEL CHAPTE ”16 human beings, the unknown yet present in all living beings, th
exceptions; but mark this, they are always for punishing their
own bodies, and never for cutting the throats of their neighbours.
If the Hindu fanatic burns himself on the pyre, he never lights
the fire of Inquisition. And even this cannot be laid at the door
of his religion anymore than the burning of witches can be laid
at the door of Christianity.” The pious universality and highly intellectualized spirituality
of our sages, not necessarily fully understood and imbibed by
the common adherence to this faith has led to a certain vagueness
in, and lack of self assertion in the Hindu psyche. Buffetted by digital, cybernetic, consumerist and globalization
oriented pressure, the modern Hindu has lost sight of the origin,
history and role of Hinduism and its essence. Ill-informed and
half-backed thoughts have led to a distinct dis-information about
Hinduism and the Eternal Religion or the Sanatan Dharma.
Since there are no precise rituals, which define the process of
being a Hindu, it is little wonder that non-Hindus are as vague
about its contours as the poorly informed Hindus themselves. 232 INDIA AND ISRAEL CHAPTER 15 The absence of a single point focus and existence of a large
spiritual socio-intellectuai spread, which makes Hinduism more
universal and capable of encompassing oother religions known to
mankind, has baffled simplistic definition seekers, and label
choosers. A fierce debate is now ragimg among the Hindus
themselves to circumscribe Hinduism within identifiable
parameters without losing its all pervasiveness and universalism.
This is essential to make a Hindu conscious of his identity by
defining the paradigms of spiritual and physical existence that he
encompassing, with an incredible depth of perception, that it
bewilders the common man, but for this very reason makes its
praxis so much easier and so unshackling. The West has only
touched the fringes of physical Yoga purely for therapeutic
purpose. An important element of Hinduism is ’Karma’ which
lays down that a man reaps the fruits of his action, good or bad,
and is born to do good Karma. The other element of Hindu
thought is ’Avtar’. And finally, the concept of ’Shakti’, the divine
energy in the shape of a goddess by different names. God, the
Creator, along with the ’Shakti’, the power to create, has brought
into existence the universe as we know it. There are so many
sub-cultures and modes of worship such as Vaishanavism,
Shaivism, Shakti worship in various forms, such as Kali, Katyayini,
Kalyani and the trinity of Lakshmi, Durga and Saraswati; Vaishno
Devi, Jwala Devi, various occults rites of Aghories, Tantrik cults,
different Akharas, including the Nirmohi at Ayodhya, Nagas;
Dwait and Adwait Vad ( Duality and Unity of God) and an
unending array of local gods, goddesses and family deities (Kul
Devta) that can easily confuse the uninitiated. A word about polytheism. The Muslim invaders and European
colonizers have often derided Hinduism on account of what
they called its ’pagan character’ and ’idol worship’. Nothing CHAPTER 16 TRUTH ABOUT HINDUISM 235 u|d be further from truth. The Hindus believe jn one God,
hut innumerable manifestations of the same universal reality. In
u^ef, with its vast variety of god worship from remote antiquity present times, history has produced the webs and wafts that
weave many a delicate web of golden bars and checkered shades
on the tapestry that is Hinduism. The Hindus believe in ’Jiva,’
the life moving force of all existence, unfathomable, eternal,
indestructible, detached, free and beyond grasp. Comparing Christianity and Islam with Hinduism, one cannot
miss certain fundamental differences. Prophet Mohammed who
borrpwed heavily from the Old Testament and portions of the
yew, recognized the earlier Prophets like Abraham, Moses, and
Jesus but the Last words of Cod’s teachings according to him are
the ’Ayats’ of Quran. These are said to be revealed to him
through Gabriel, the messenger of his Allah. His own utterances
together with those of his companions and twelve Caliphs that
came after him form the bed-rock of Sunnah and Hadis. They
lay down prescriptions in Islam for all times to come. Ajtotajitarjan
but finds atavistic solution to every small detail of day to day
living, anchored entirely on the sayings and actions of the Prophet
and others as stated above and propounded in the Hadith. Not
one word can be added or subtracted from these sacred texts.