CHAPTER 17 ANCIENT INDIAN CIVILIZATION 249 leads to a paradox of a ’history’ without a literature and literature
vvithout a history. The t’act of the matter is that the word ’Arya’
jjci not denote a race but was used to address a person of
noble origin. There are examples galore in our epics of queens
addressing their husband kings as ’Aryaputra’. The Harappans of the Indus Valley have left vast archeological
evidence over a million square kilometer area from Iran and
beyond Afghanistan to Eastern UP and the Tapti Valley and yet
left absolutely no literary records. The Vedic Aryans and their
successors on the other hand have no archaeological record of
their existence. Thus, we have a concrete history and archaeology
of thousand of years but no literature and the ancient Vedic
Aryans, who left no history or archaeological records. The Harappan society of 3000 B.C. precedes the DravidianTamil literature by 2000 years, since the latter dates back to fist century B.C. only. Thus, there can be no comparison between Harappans and the Dravidians. The Harappans, we know, were literate, but left no literature, while their so-called illiterate Aryans have left a mass of literature behind. There is another hole in the Aryan invasion theory; that geometry and astronomy were borrowed by the Indians from the Greeks after Alexander’s invasion. A cursory look at the Harappan ruins shows a very well developed art of town planning with straight lines, squares and rectangles, used in making streets, houses, courtyards, baths, aqueducts and a drainage system. These could not have developed without a thorough knowledge of geometry and mathematics. ’he late American mathematician and historian of science, Seidenberg, has pointed to certain Vedic sacrificial altars called ’ajnasalas’ from the past Vedic period, which contained technical Details for the construction of these. All these are detailed in ulbasutras’, the mathematical texts of the post-Vedic period. ”e mathematics of ’Sulbasutras’ dates back to long before 00 B.C. The Egyptian pyramids of the Third Dynasty and Before dating back to 2500 B.C. were most likely based on the ed|c funeral altars known as the ’Smasana-cit’. Seidenberg has Delusively proved that all ancient mathematics is derived from lc mathematics or the ’Sulbasutras’. All this preceded 250 INDIA AND ISRAEL CHAPTER 1> Pythagoras, the father of the Creek geometry’. Thus, there js paradox
that the construction in the supposedly antinul
Dravidian-lndus sites, came earlier, while the instructions fo
building them are found in the Vedic literature of the supposedly
invading Aryans, who came much later. Einstein often said, ’ A Theory must not contradict empirical
facts;’ the Aryan invasion theory does precisely that. Reverting
to ’Sulbasutras’, my grandfather was born well before 187Q
A.D., the time of the invention of the Aryan invasion theory. Hehad
no formal education, but was a scholar of all Shastras and
Vedic writings, including ’Sulbasutras’. He often posed me this
question: ”Nam chaturgun panchmil tako dwigun praman, va me asthi
se bhag de, shesh me Ram hi Ram.” Stated simply ’Imagine any number and multiply it by 4, add 5 to the
product. Double this amount and divides the result by 8. The
reminder shall always be 2.’ This is an algebraic problem of the ’Sulbasutras’ when there
was no Aryan invasion theory, nor were the Vedic Indian,
considered ignorant, of any knowledge of Algebra as a corollary
to the so-called theory. Does it not prove that algebra as
explained in ’Sulbasutras’ existed well before the Greeks and
Egyptians came to know of it. We will revert to the other mass
of compelling evidence against the Aryan invasion theory later
but a mention here should be made that this move had farreaching
consequences on the Indian polity resulting into a
skewed and degraded perspective of our past and a permanent
Aryan-Dravidian divide. In the Amarakosa the Sanskrit lexicon
dating about 500 A.D., an ”Aryan is: mahakula-kulinarya-sabhyasabhya-sanjjana-sadhvah.”
This is unambiguous and means: ”ar
Arya is one who hails from a noble family, of gentle behaviour
and demeanor, good natured and of righteous conduct.” It has
nothing to do with race. Manu, the first man and a seer
much hated by the leftist and today’s Dalits, had saic
that people of all nationalities were Aryan or non-Aryar Q^TER 17 ANCIENT INDIAN CIVILIZATION 251 depending on their culture and conduct. The word Aryan denoted
very high moral code of behaviour and adherence to sacred
|avvs. Manu’s list of such people included those from all parts of
India, neighbouring countries like China and Persia, Kambojas
from the North East Afghanistan, Yavanas from North West
Afghanistan and beyond. The Dravida probably refer to people
of the south west of India and the south. The following texts
occur in an ancient literature:
”Praya arya jyotiragrah Children of Arya seeks and are led by jyoti” RV VII 33.7 ”One who destroys life is never an Arya, and one who
desists from taking life is an Arya.” Dhammapada 270 This clearly puts the Nazi’s out of the community of Aryans.
Ramayana of Valmiki, is not without a message: ”Aryah sarva-samascaiva sadaiva priyadarshanah Arya-who cared for the equality of all and was dear to
everyone.” The Ramayana I 1.16 The Holy Bible has two parts- The Old Testament and the
New Testament. The Old Testament is a Jewish litany and deals
with ancient times till the emergence of Christianity. To sever its
umbilical cord from its Jewish heritage the Christian Europe looked
East, mainly towards India to seek its origin from a new race or
civilization. This is the time when the word ’Aryan’ as a race was
invented, sometime in the middle of nineteenth century. There
were two civilizations in the East-Indian and Chinese. The
Europeans preferred the Indian Aryans as their forebears and
adopted the word Aryan to dissect themselves from the rest of
the people. With this master stroke they adorned themselves
with the nobility of birth and a higher civilizational pedigree.
Thus, anti-Semitism and a colonial drive were the main impulses
for the nineteenth century Europe to give themselves on Aryan 252 INDIA AND ISRAEL CHAPTE ”17 heritage and invent the theory of the Aryan invasion of |ncjja
The logic of a superior race invading the lesser mortals. Th
author of this effort was Frederick Max Muller (1823-190i) The similarity between Sanskrit and European languages
prompted the linguists to add their might to the anti-Semitic
impulse of Western Europe and give themselves an Aryan heritage
based entirely on a pseudo-scientific presumption. Colonel
Boden, Cod bless his soul,, established a Professorship of Sanskrit
at Oxford University, whose aim, according to Monier-Williams,
was ” promote Sanskrit learning among the English, so as to
enable his countrymen to proceed in the conversion of the
natives of India to the Christian Religion”. Later, prizes were also
offered to literary works that undermined Indian tradition. The
first holder of the Boden Professorship was Horace Hyman
Wilson (1784-1860). Writing about a series of lectures he gave,
Wilson himself noted, that ”These lectures were written to help
candidates, for a prize of £ 200 given by John Muir,... for the
best refutation of the Hindu religious system.” Frederick Max
Muller, generally regarded as the greatest Indologist and a Vedic
and Sanskrit scholar of his times, which credit he did not possess,
was favoured by circumstances to write extensively on Rigveda
with a view to denigrate Hindu religion. Later, challenged by his
critics on the inexactitude of his theory, he had to admit,
”whether the Vedic hymns were composed in 1000, 1500 or
2000 or 3000 B.C., no power on earth will ever determine!”
Max Muller combined in himself a romantic temper with a
Protestant missionary zeal. He wrote in 1868 to the Duke of
Argyle, then acting Secretary of State for India: ”The ancient
religion of India is doomed, and if Christianity does not step in,
whose fault will it be?” Another aberration in the so-called ”race
science” was the invention of the superiority of the European
whites over the blacks, which forced the British writer Nancy
Stephan to charge that, ”On examination it is found that the
European whites are at the top and the African blacks at the
bottom, with others coming in between.” While Max Muller
gave credence to the Aryan theory in England and Germany, his
friend, E. Renan popularized the same in France, and Sanskrit ^TARTER 17 ANCIENT INDIAN CIVILIZATION 253 thereafter became a popular reading in the nineteenth century
Europe, especially Germany, the home of indology. However,
the credit for the first premise that European languages were a
branch of Sanskrit goes to Filippo Sassetti, a Florentine merchant,
who stayed in Coa between 1583 to 1588. Now the fortunes turned. Germany had lost its self-esteem
after continuous defeats from the Thirty Years War to Napoleon’s
victories and found itself a pawn in the power game of the
contemporary great powers of Europe. As a reaction, the
unification of Germany began and was completed around 1870,
making Germany the greatest European power. The pride in its
Aryan ancestry played no mean role in resurgent Germany’s
new found strength. Their over-weaning confidence forced
contemporary Britishers to observe that- ”...a nation has been
born out of Sanskrit.” The British were already traumatized by
the 1857 revolt in India and were deeply conscious of the
reality that if India united under a single leadership, nothing can
stop the end of the British Empire. To them the obvious leaders
were the Brahmins, who had been respected for generations
and traditionally provided all guidance in matters temporal and
spiritual. This forced the British Government to remove all
Brahmanical influence in India and put Indian history on its
head, by using the missionaries, not only to spread Christianity
but to undermine Brahmanical influence and denigrate our past.
In this effort the greatest contribution came from Thomas
Babbington Macaulay (1800-1859), the Education Member of
the Governor General’ Council, who wrote in 1836: ”Our English
schools are flourishing wonderfully. The effect of this education
on the Hindus is prodigious... It is our belief that if our plans
of education are followed up, there will not be a single idolater
among the respectable classes in Bengal thirty years hence. And
this will be effected without any efforts to proselytize, without
the smallest interference with religious liberty, by natural operation
of knowledge and reflection, I heartily rejoice in the project.”
This diabolical plan was aimed to turn the strength of the Brahmins
against themselves by using their commitments to scholarship in
uprooting their own tradition. The assistance of the Indian 254 INDIA AND ISRAEL CHAPTER 17 educated elite in this regard was most valuable. Macaulay’s hired
agent in this effort was Max Muller. He, on a stipend of Rupees
one lac a huge sum at that time, was asked to undertake the
study of Rigveda and use this knowledge against India’s past.
With time as the German nationalism and its antagonism to
British interests grew, Max Muller had to do a volte face and
attempt to wean away Western Europe from their Aryan origins.
This was not an easy task, since Max Muller had already made
too many bargains with the devil. With the resurgent Germany
as the spearhead of the Aryan race, his own handiwork, and
Max Muller being a loyal citizen of England, his own theory
became an embarrassment, casting aspersions on his loyalty. He
had no recourse but to recant his own theory of Aryan race and
the Aryan invasion of India. Unfortunately, Indian academia
and leftist historians are still obsessed with the same old pseudoscientific
version of the race theory. What are the textual sources
that we can search for evidence? The ancient Indian texts in addition to the four Vedas, and
100 Upnishads and other literary corpus consist of two epics i.e.
Ramayana and Mahabharata and 18 Puranas. The word Puranas
means ”that which had lived from ancient times” or ”a work
containing records of past events”. In addition to 18 Puranas,
there are another 100 Uppuranas. The sequence of the 18
Puranas is as follows: /. Braham Pur ana 2. Padma Purana 3. Vishnu Purana 4. Sri Vayu or Shiv Purana 5. Bhagvat Purana 6. Naradiya Purana 7. Markandeya Purana 8. Agni Purana 9. Bhavishya Parana 10. Brahmvaivarta Purana 11. Linga Purana -”••””TCB 17 ANCIENT INDIAN CIVILIZATION 255 £HAPTEK ’ y2. Varah Pur ana }3. Skanda Pur ana j4, Vamcma Purana 75. Kurma Purana 16. Matsya Purana 17. Garuda Purana 18. Brahmad Purana It js amazing to note that no author has attached his name to
any part of the Vedas or Upanishads and Puranas. The Vedas
are an important source of political history for two reasons.
First, which is unique, is the incorruptibility of the Vedic Text,
handed down obligatorily through recital by learned Brahmins,
who had memorized these with perfect pronunciation. Second,
the Vedic Sanskrit differed from the later or classical Sanskrit in
that the accent indicated the intended compound. A study of the above literature raises a number of intractable
problems if the Aryan invasion theory is to be accepted. The
entire mass of Vedic texts has no reference whatsoever to any
invasion. Any attempt to justify the Aryan invasion based on
Vedic literature is flawed, due to selective references picked up
from isolated passages. The nomadic Aryans, by no means
possessed an organized instrument of war, unlike the Mongols,
who conquered half the known world, and yet according to
Western scholars the nomad Aryans, who had no knowledge of
the art of war or any worthwhile instruments to wage it, are
credited with the conquest of the main land mass from West
Anatolia to Babylon, to Persia, to Afghanistan right upto the
Indian heartland. The aggressive trait of the Aryans alone cannot
explain this great military achievement. Any invasion or war
attributed to the Aryans is only between the Aryan subgroups
or amongst members of the community itself. In the entire Vedic literature there is not a single reference
to any information regarding the place of origin of the invaders
themselves. The Vedic exegesis too, such as the Brahmans,
Puranas and other texts, are also silent on the subject. An ancient ’flpwapp? H 256 INDIA AND ISRAEL pu> *-HAPTER 17 primitive people arriving in scattered waves through a
continental movement, could not have successfully covered
the fact of their arrival from outside, nor suffer from a select’ ^
amnesia, and a collective loss of memory of any such odysse
There also does not exist any such mythology of the central
Asian desert or mountain region, except one of a riverine and
ocean culture in the literary corpus of these people. The oldest
texts in Rigveda only refer to the rivers of the Indian sub-continent
its climate and the topography. The Rigveda, consisting of 1,017
hymns and around 10,000 verses, the four Vedas and the related
Brahmans, Aranyaka and early Upanishads, all pre-Buddhist
running into 5000 pages, also do not mention any such event
No contemporary civilization or one before the Vedic can boast
of such a vast literature. Even if a portion of this was produced
outside, how could this be grafted on to a different continent
without leaving any trace of its place of origin. The inevitable
conclusion, therefore, is that this literature was indigenous to
these people in their habitat. The Vedic Sanskrit is a complex
poetry with precise metrical forms and an ideal language for
computers, because of its lack of ambiguity. To attribute the
knowledge of this profound language to primitive invaders is a
most unlikely proposition. The primitive invader matrix just does
not gel with the complex traditions of literature and civilization
recorded in the language of a highly civilized community. The
Vedic people identified with a high level of civilization and
possesser of a profound literature have been made an instrument
of the destruction of the so-called earlier Harappan civilization.
This is a bizarre fact of literary history, as pointed out earlier.
The highly advanced Harappan culture that had been destroyed
has no history or literature, while a much more advanced
language is left with no culture to hang on, both occurring in the
same part of the world at the same time, Thus the word Aryan
has no racial connotations. Buddha declared his religion as Aryan
and when Arjuna refused to pick up arms at the battlefield of
Kurukshetra, Lord Krishna accused him of behaving in an unAryan
or ignoble manner. It was not a racial slur on Arjuna.
Cyrus, the First, Emperor of Persia, also called himself an Aryan