India Meteorological Department is receiving and archiving satellite meteorological data from INSAT series since 1982.
India Meteorological Department is receiving and archiving satellite meteorological data from INSAT series since 1982.
Data is already archived on DLTs and resolutions of these data are 2.75 km/2km in visible, 11km/8km in infrared channels for INSAT-1/INSAT-2 series respectively.
The normalized calibration technique is attempted in order to re-calibrate the Kalpana-1 Infrared data and remove the effect of the temporal non-linearity of sensor response due to degradation of the sensor based on ISCCP (International satellite cloud climatology project) procedure over the Indian Ocean.
Table- KALPANA-1 Satellite Specification
Study Covers the months MAY, JUNE, JULY, OCTOBER, NOVEMBER and DECEMBER of 2009.
Study Covers the months MAY, JUNE, JULY, OCTOBER, NOVEMBER and DECEMBER of 2009.
Taking 8-10 passes of NOAA of each month.
Four automated steps to satellite Inter-calibration ::
Data collection:
Study region: ± 10º NS latitude of the equator; 64º-84º longitude east
Primary data for inter-calibration :: kalpana-1 Geostationary satellite VHRR Infrared brightness temperatures
Polar Orbiting Satellite used :: NOAA-19 AVHRR channel-4 brightness temperatures, data accessed through INCOIS, Hyderabad and its collection based on
Scatterplot Kalpana-1 infrared brightness temperatures versus NOAA AVHRR channel-4 brightness temperatures for CLOUDY REGION [ for those brightness temperatures of Kalpana-1 Infrared less than 273.15 K ] ;
Scatterplot Kalpana-1 infrared brightness temperatures versus NOAA AVHRR channel-4 brightness temperatures for CLOUDY REGION [ for those brightness temperatures of Kalpana-1 Infrared less than 273.15 K ] ;
Scatterplot Kalpana-1infrared brightness temperatures versus NOAA AVHRR channel-4 brightness temperatures for CLEAR SKY [ for those brightness temperatures of Kalpana-1 Infrared greater than 273.15 K ] ;
Scatterplot Kalpana-1infrared brightness temperatures versus NOAA AVHRR channel-4 brightness temperatures for CLEAR SKY [ for those brightness temperatures of Kalpana-1 Infrared greater than 273.15 K ] ;
1.Inter-calibration of passive INSAT imager observations from time-series of geostationary satellites (IOGEO)
1.Inter-calibration of passive INSAT imager observations from time-series of geostationary satellites (IOGEO)
2.IMD has become part of the SCM-06 IOGEO project team.
Area : 60E to 90E
Area : 60E to 90E
-10S to 50N
Time Difference: 10 minute
Crieria: Co-located
Observations/Passes: 0600 to 0900 UTC
From the above drawn analysis we can conclude that INSAT 3D channels ( MIR and TIR1 Channel) predicts the brightness temperature colder as compared to NOAA/ METOP channels. In addition, INSAT 3D TIR1 channel has an average of 2.5K BIAS in the month of FEB 2015 as compared to NOAA / METOP in the passes from 0600UTC to 0900UTC.
From the above drawn analysis we can conclude that INSAT 3D channels ( MIR and TIR1 Channel) predicts the brightness temperature colder as compared to NOAA/ METOP channels. In addition, INSAT 3D TIR1 channel has an average of 2.5K BIAS in the month of FEB 2015 as compared to NOAA / METOP in the passes from 0600UTC to 0900UTC.
The brightness temperatures of MIR channels of INSAT 3D and NOAA /METOP satellites for the passes from 0600UTC to 0900UTC in the month of FEB2015 gives an average BIAS of 1.9K.
Furthermore warmer places (having temperature 295K and above) show more deviations in temperatures as compared to colder places.