EPABX :23221931 to 23221950
Fax :91-11-23235648/23231095
E-mail : sciprom@insa.nic.in
INSA-Visiting Fellowship
Applications are invited for the following year from Indian citizens for the awards of INSA - Visiting Fellowship for conducting advanced research or undergoing specialized training of Indian Research Institutes/Laboratories.
These Fellowships will be awarded on a competitive basis to the scientists for furtherance of their research and/or research capabilities for carrying out collaborative research, undergoing training in specific techniques, or utilizing facilities not available in their own institutions. The Fellowship will be for a minimum period of one month to a maximum of 6 months in a laboratory or research institutions of his/her choice within India located in another city, other than his/her own place. Fellowships to be awarded each year will be a maximum of 120 man months per annum.
These fellowships will carry an honorarium of Rs.9000/-(taxable) and DA Rs.6000/- per month (@ Rs.200 per day x 30 days) in addition to the scientist's own salary from his parent institution. The Academy will provide to and fro travel expenses by 1st class or 2nd AC Sleeper from the parent organisation to the proposed institute of work on production of tickets.
Application Procedure
Applications will be invited once a year. The applicants would be required to provide a concise account of their plan of work/ study besides their bio-data highlighting their achievements. It would be desirable that the applicant should have approached the host institution and the scientist concerned to ascertain their concurrence to accept him/ her.
The applicant should be a scientist and hold a regular position in any R & D organisation including Universities or Affiliated Colleges in India. The Scientists who have already availed INSA Visiting Fellowship would be eligible for consideration after the gaps of 5 years.
Candidates should submit their application (Two Sets) on prescribed application form available in the Academy through proper channel to the Executive Director, Indian National Science Academy, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi - 110002. The decision of the Academy will be communicated during April / May in the following year.
ईपीएबीएक्स नं. : 23221931-23221950 (20 लाइनें) EPABX No. : 23221931-23221950 (20 Lines)
फ ैक्स : 91-11-23235648, 23231095 Fax : 91-11-23235648, 23231095
वेबसाइट : www.insaindia.org Website : www.insaindia.org
ई-मेल : sciprom@insa.nic.in E-mail : sciprom@insa.nic.in
भारतीय राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान अकादमी
बहादुरशाह ज़फर मार्ग, नई दिल्ली - 110 002
इन्सा विजिटिंग फेलोशिप के लिए आवेदन पत्र
(दो प्रतिलिपियों में जमा किया जाना चाहिए)
(Two Copies are to be submitted)
(आवेदन प्राप्त करने की अंतिम तिथि : 15 फरवरी)
(Last date for receipt of application : 15 February)
भारत में प्रस्तावित प्रयोगशाला/अनुसंधान संस्थान जहाँ दौरा करना है : ……………………………….………
Proposed Laboratory / Research Institution to be visited in India ……………………………….…………..
(प्रभाग का पूरा नाम एवम् पता/ Name of Division with full address)
विषय/Subject : यात्रा की अवधि/ Duration of Visit :
विशेषज्ञता का क्षेत्र : प्रस्तावित यात्रा की तिथि :
Area of Specialization Proposed Date of Visit
(क) आवेदक का नाम :
(a) Name of Applicant
(ख) वर्तमान पद एवम् संपर्क हेतु पता :
टेलीफोन, ई-मेल एवम् फैक्स के साथ
(b) Present position and contact address
with telephone, E-mail and Fax
(ग)/(c) आयु तथा जन्म तिथि/ Age & Date of Birth :
शैक्षिक योग्यताएँ (स्नातकोतर से आगे)
Educational Qualification (From Post-graduation onwards)
प्राप्त की गई उपाधियाँ वर्ष विश्वविद्यालय/संस्थान अन्य विवरण/टिप्पणी
Degree Obtained Year University / Institute any other details / Remarks
3. अनुसंधान अनुभव सहित जीवन-वृत्त/ Bio data including research experience:
(कृपया जीवन-वृत्त की प्रतिलिपि के साथ आपके प्रस्तावित दौरे की गतिविधियों से संबंधित केवल पिछले पाँच वर्षों की आपके प्रकाशनों की एक सूची संलग्न करें/ Please attach a list of your publications during the last 5 years only relevant to the activity of your proposed visit along with a copy of Bio-data)
तीन सर्वोत्तम शोधपत्र संलग्न करें/ Attach three best research papers.
(क)/ (a) प्रस्तावित यात्रा का प्रयोजन/ Purpose of proposed visit:
विशेष तकनीक अध्ययन सहयोगी अनुसंधान कोई अन्य प्रयोजन
Learning Collaborative Any other
Specific Techniques Research Purpose
(निशान लगाएँ/ Please Mark)
(ख) यदि प्रस्ताव विशेष तकनीकी अध्ययन हेतु हो तो कृपया उल्लेख करें : हाँ/ नहीं
(b) If proposing to go for learning specific technique please indicate. Yes/No
(i) यात्रा वाली प्रयोगशाला में उपलब्ध सुविधाएँ/ विशिष्ट तकनीकी विवरण/ सहयोगी अनुसंधान/Details of the specific technique/utilizing collaborative research facilities in laboratory to be visited.
(ii) उपर्युक्त सुविधाएँ आपके संस्थान में उपलब्ध हैं या नहीं/ Whether the above facility is available in your parent organisation or not.
(iii) विशिष्ट तकनीकी अध्ययन या सहयोगी अनुसंधान के अलावा यात्रा के अन्य प्रयोजन का विवरण/ Details of purpose of visit other than learning technique or collaborative research.
5. (क)/(a) वैज्ञानिक (वैज्ञानिकों) का नाम जिसके साथ मिलकर प्रस्तावित कार्य किया जाना है/ Name of the Scientist(s) with whom work is proposed to be carried out.
(ख)/(b) क्या मेजबान संस्था से कार्य करने के लिए स्वीकृति ली है? (स्वीकृति पत्र संलग्न करें)/ Have you been accepted or have you obtained concurrence from the host institution. (Letter of acceptance to be enclosed)
(ग)/(c) यदि हाँ तो कृपया योजना कार्यक्रम की तारीख और अवधि लिखें/ If yes, please mention the tentative date and duration.
6. क्या आपके संस्थान ने आपकी प्रतिनियुक्ति वेतन अवकाश इत्यादि सहित प्रस्तावित दौरे वाले संस्थान के लिए अनुमोदन दे दिया है? (कृपया नियोक्ता द्वारा दिया गया प्रतिनियुक्ति पत्र संलग्न करें)/ Have your deputation with salary leave, etc. from your parent organisation for your proposed visit been approved?. (Please attach a deputation letter from your employer)
दो निर्देशी व्यक्तियों के नाम व पते :
Name and address of two referees: (i) (ii)
7. इन्सा-विजिटिंग फेलोशिप के लिए अकादमी से पाँच वर्ष की अवधि के भीतर प्राप्त की गई वित्तिय सहायता का विवरण, यदि कोई हो तो/ Details of INSA-Visiting Fellowship already received from the Academy if any, within the period of 5 years.
8. कोई अन्य संबंधित तथ्य जो उपर्युक्त कॉलमों में न आया हो/ Any other relevant facts which have not been covered in the above columns.
9. मूल संस्थान के प्रमुख द्वारा पृष्ठाकन एवम् मोहर/ Endorsement & Seal of the Head of the Parent Institution
आवेदक के हस्ताक्षर/Signature of the Applicant:
तारीख/ Date:
स्थान/ Place:
नोट: नियत आवेदन पत्र दो प्रतिलिपियों में भरा जाना चाहिए तथा प्रत्येक कागज/ दस्तावेज दो सेटों में संलग्न किया जाना चाहिए!
Note: Two Copies of Application forms must be accompanied by two sets of all relevant documents/papers.
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