Amounts in shading are included in annual appropriation bills
Departmental capital (equity injections and loans)
Administered capital
Total appropriations
Note: C1 and E1 refer to information provided in Table 2.1. Amount K1 refers to Budgeted Statement of Financial Performance (Table 3.1).
Under the appropriation structure, Bill No. 2 includes Specific Purpose Payments (SPP’s), New Agency Outcomes (NAO’s), administered capital and departmental capital via departmental injections and loans.
Refer to Budgeted Statement of Financial Performance for application of agency revenue.
Revenue from other sources includes other revenue from government (eg resources free of charge) and revenue from other sources (eg sales of goods and services by agencies). Non-appropriated departmental revenues are detailed in Appendix 1.
* Percentage figures indicate the percentage contribution of Revenue from Government (Departmental Appropriations) to the Total Price of Outputs, by outcome.
The following chart shows the relationship between the outcome and the contributing outputs for the NSC. Financial details for outcome 1 by outputs appears in Table 2.1. Non-financial information for outcome 1 appears in Table 2.2.
National Standards Commission Executive Director, Dr Judith Bennett
Total Price of Outputs $5.753m Departmental Outcomes Appropriation $4,893m
Outcome 1
Australia has a National System of Physical Measurements in respect to which industry, commerce, government authorities, the community and our international trading partners have complete confidence.
Output 1.1
Coordination of the national measurement system.
Total Price $3.000m Approp $3.000m
Output 1.2
Legal measuring instruments comply with international and national metrological standards.
Total Price $2.753m Approp $1.893m
There are no changes to the NSC’s outcome/output structure for 2001-02
Graph 1 shows the trend in resourcing the NSC’s outcome since 1999-2000 (the introduction of accrual budgeting).
Graph 1: Trend in appropriations for outcome
Outcome 1
1999-00 2000-01 2001-02
Total Departmental Appropriations
Note: the NSC has no administered appropriations. OUTCOME 1 — DESCRIPTION
Australia has a National System of Physical Measurements in respect to which industry, commerce, government authorities, the community and our international trading partners have complete confidence
The National Measurement System is designed to ensure that all stakeholders can have complete confidence in the reliability, accuracy and consistency of:
trade measurements, such as those made by weighing scales, weighbridges, fuel dispensers and liquor dispensers;
electricity, gas and water meters; and
regulatory measurements, such as police, health and safety, and environmental measurements.
Commercial transactions in Australia which are based on trade measurements have an annual value in excess of $350 billion. Uniformity of measurements is ensured through the calibration of all instruments to the national standards of physical measurement held by the CSIRO National Measurement Laboratory.
Australian standards for pattern approval are harmonised to international standards, to the maximum extent possible, to facilitate exports and reduce technical barriers to international trade.
Output Pricing Review of the National Standards Commission
Expenses ($m)
2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
National Standards Commission 2.2 2.4 2.4 2.5
The Government has endorsed the outcomes of a pricing review conducted by the National Standards Commission (NSC) resulting in an increase in NSC’s resourcing of $2.2m for 2001-02. The Government recognises that this increased funding is required for the Commission to meet its statutory requirements.
Table 2.1 shows how the 2001-02 appropriations translate to total resourcing for outcome 1, including revenue from government (appropriations), and revenue from other sources. Cell references C1 and E1 show the links back to Table 1.1, the Appropriations Table.