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Design and Implementation of Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Network

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Design and Implementation of Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Network
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are ad-hoc networks consisting of many sensor nodes that have either fixed position or randomly distributed across a specific geographic area. Sensor nodes are small-sized autonomous devices that have low power consumption; sense physical events around them; process, analyze and store sensed data; communicate with each other and work collaboratively. WSNs continuously interact with the environment they are in. They have ability to work in an organized manner, access real time data instantly, anywhere. WSNs can work smoothly without needing any infrastructure, maintenance or repair, therefore making their application area spread to many fields.
WSN topology changes dynamically in accordance with the environmental conditions, data transmission procedures (single-hop or multi-hop communication), communication range, signal processing techniques, collaborative working behaviors (clustering, routing), location where they are placed (mobile, fixed), hardware and software specifications of wireless sensor nodes. Therefore, it is important to keep the network connection alive while minimizing the energy consumption of sensor nodes in such dynamic WSN environment.
Our study aims to develop sensor nodes that are to be used in the WSNs deployed in a specific region and capable of ideal sensing, correct data collection, data processing and analysis operations; operates in an organized manner, uses the sun as a renewable energy source, consumes energy as low as possible by adjusting its power management, synchronizes itself according to the weather conditions, small-sized, durable, low power by considering the limitations of WSNs’ structural characteristics and the difficulties in the application areas; design a energy efficient WSN by utilizing these sensor nodes and existing coordinators (gateways, data collection center); design hardware systems that will provide power saving for the coordinators in the WSN; develop middleware that will transmit data in real time to the data collection centers and servers in Internet by guaranteeing quality-of-service (QoS).
In our study, we implemented small-sized, energy efficient, long-range wireless sensor nodes that can serve as both data processors and gateways, have sun panels on them, support collaborative working, and have dynamic power management capabilities. We created a WSN that combines the mesh and the point-to-multipoint topologies; utilizes our developed sensor nodes and the network gateways/coordinators (Raspberry Pi computers with single card slots) chosen through literature review. We ensured that network gateways were also energy efficient by developing power management circuits and integrating sun panels on them. Subsequently, we developed a synchronization protocol that is energy efficient, weather forecast and fuzzy-logic based; a middleware that collects data from sensor nodes and transmits them to related central units in real time. Furthermore, we performed power optimization in the sensor nodes, the network gateways and code optimization in the middleware that runs on these devices. As a result, we ensured that the designed WSN was energy efficient and worked optimal by utilizing the sensor nodes that we developed in our study, the low power network gateways of which their hardware was optimized, the synchronization protocol and the power-aware methodology that was developed for sensor nodes.

Danışman : Prof. Dr. Ahmet SERTBAŞ

Anabilim Dalı : Bilgisayar Mühendisliği

Programı : -

Mezuniyet Yılı : 2014

Tez Savunma Jürisi : Prof. Dr. Ahmet SERTBAŞ

Prof. Dr. Nizamettin AYDIN

Prof. Dr. Sadık KARA

Prof. Dr. Fikret S. GÜRGEN

Doç. Dr. Olcay KURŞUN

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