Instream Flow Council Instream flow and stream ecology literature OctoberApril 104, 2016 hb

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Instream Flow Council – Instream flow and stream ecology literature – OctoberApril 104, 2016 - HB

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Acreman, M., A.H. Arthington, M.J. Colloff, C, Couch, N.D. Crossman, F. Dyer, I. Overton, C.A. Pollino, M.J. Stewardson, and W. Young. 2014. Environmental flows for natural, hybrid, and novel riverine ecosystems in a changing world. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12 (8): 466-473. Doi: 10.1890/130134
Acreman, M., and M.J. Dunbar. 2004. Defining environmental river flow requirements: a review. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 8 (5): 861-876.
Acreman, M., M. Dunbar, J. Hannaford, O. Mountford, P. Wood, N. Holmes, I. Cowx, R. Noble, C. Extence, J. Aldrick, J. King, A. Black, and D. Crookal. 2008. Developing environmental standards for abstractions from UK rivers to implement the EU Water Framework Directive. Hydrological Sciences Journal 53: 1105-1120.
Acreman, M.C., F. Farquharson, M.P. McCartney, C.A. Sullivan, K. Campbell, N. Hodgson, J. Morton, D. Smith, M. Birley, D. Knott, J. Lazenby, R. Wingfield, and E. Barber. 2000. Managed flood releases from reservoirs: issues and guidance. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Department of International Development, and World Commission on Dams. Wallingford, UK.
Acreman, M.C., and A.J. D. Ferguson. 2010. Environmental flows and the European Water Framework Directive. Freshwater Biology 55 (1): 32-48
Acreman, M., I. Overton, J. King, P. Wood, M. Dunbar, E. Kendy, and W. Young. 2014. The changing role of eco-hydrological science in guiding environmental flows. Hydrol. Sci. J. 59: 433-450.
Acreman, M.C., R. Riddington, and D.J. Booker. 2003. Hydrological impacts of floodplain restoration: a case study of the River Cherwell, UK. Hydrology and Earth Systems Science 7 (1): 75-85. Doi: 10.5194/hess-7-75-2003.
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Ahmadi-Nedushan, B., A. St. Hilaire, M. Berube, T.B.M.J. Ouarda, and E. Robichaud. 2008. Instream flow determination using a multiple input fuzzy-based rule system: A case study. River Research and Applications 24: 279-292.
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