Study SEI messages and VUI syntax designs needed for HEVC extensions.
Study mechanisms for enabling 3D-HEVC coding tools in high-level syntax on the basis of JCT3V-F0256 and JCT3V-F0267.
Assist in software development and text drafting for the high-level syntax in the HEVC extensions designs.
Coordinate efforts with JCT-VC AHGs working on related topics.
Study mechanisms that enable different resolution of texture/depth, and unpaired texture/depth in 3D-HEVC.
M. M. Hannuksela (Chair), J. Boyce, Y. Chen, A. Norkin, Y.-K. Wang (vice chairs)
Y (Thursday and Friday before the 7th JCT-3V meeting)
Complexity assessment (AHG8)
Study intrinsic complexity measures or metrics to assess hardware and software implementations of algorithms/computational models based on number of operations, potential for parallelism, data transfer rate, and data storage requirements.
Analyze existing designs and produce complexity perspective per tool, from the viewpoint of possible slowdown, bottlenecks or implementation issues.
Develop a recommendation to JCT-3V on formalized complexity assessment in a reporting document.
C. Lee (chair), G. Bang, T. Ikai, K. Rapaka, D. Rusanovskyy (vice chairs)
3D Test Material (AHG9)
Identify deficiencies and limitations of current 3D video test material.
Identify, collect, and make available a variety of additional 3D video sequences.