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The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 1-14, January 2013, Fransa.

MARDİN, Şerif, Religion and Social Change in Modern Turkey, State University of New York Press, 1989 / FENDOGLU, Hasan Tahsin (2013), Modernleşme Ve Osmanlı Anayasal Düzeninin Bozulması (Giriş)/ Modernısatıon And Deterıoratıon Of Ottoman Constıtutıonal Order) (Introductıon), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 1-14, January 2013, Fransa.

OKANDAN, R. Galib, “Amme Hukukumuzda Tanzimat Devri”, Tanzimat, 100. Yıldönümü Münasebetiyle, İst. 1940 / FENDOGLU, Hasan Tahsin (2013), Modernleşme Ve Osmanlı Anayasal Düzeninin Bozulması (Giriş)/ Modernısatıon And Deterıoratıon Of Ottoman Constıtutıonal Order) (Introductıon), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 1-14, January 2013, Fransa.

RİCHARD Tapper, Islam in Modern Turkey, Religion, Politics and Literature in a Secular State, University of London Publishs, London, 1994 2. B., (I. B. 1991) / FENDOGLU, Hasan Tahsin (2013), Modernleşme Ve Osmanlı Anayasal Düzeninin Bozulması (Giriş)/ Modernısatıon And Deterıoratıon Of Ottoman Constıtutıonal Order) (Introductıon), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 1-14, January 2013, Fransa.

SEYYED Hosseın Nasr, Traditional Islam in the Modern World, Kegan Paul Internatıonal, London and New York, 1987 / FENDOGLU, Hasan Tahsin (2013), Modernleşme Ve Osmanlı Anayasal Düzeninin Bozulması (Giriş)/ Modernısatıon And Deterıoratıon Of Ottoman Constıtutıonal Order) (Introductıon), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 1-14, January 2013, Fransa.

SUZUKİ, T., Ways of The Life and Social Millienus in Japan and The United States, A Comparative Study, 1984 / FENDOGLU, Hasan Tahsin (2013), Modernleşme Ve Osmanlı Anayasal Düzeninin Bozulması (Giriş)/ Modernısatıon And Deterıoratıon Of Ottoman Constıtutıonal Order) (Introductıon), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 1-14, January 2013, Fransa.

SYED MOHAMMAD Naquib Al-Attas, Islam and Secularism, Kuala Lumpur, 1993 / FENDOGLU, Hasan Tahsin (2013), Modernleşme Ve Osmanlı Anayasal Düzeninin Bozulması (Giriş)/ Modernısatıon And Deterıoratıon Of Ottoman Constıtutıonal Order) (Introductıon), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 1-14, January 2013, Fransa.

TUNA, Korkut, “Değişme, Değiştirme, Değiştirilme”, Yeni Türkiye, Eylül-Aralık 1998, Yıl 4, Sy. 23–24 / FENDOGLU, Hasan Tahsin (2013), Modernleşme Ve Osmanlı Anayasal Düzeninin Bozulması (Giriş)/ Modernısatıon And Deterıoratıon Of Ottoman Constıtutıonal Order) (Introductıon), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 1-14, January 2013, Fransa.

TURHAN, Mümtaz, Kültür Değişmeleri, İst. Ty / FENDOGLU, Hasan Tahsin (2013), Modernleşme Ve Osmanlı Anayasal Düzeninin Bozulması (Giriş)/ Modernısatıon And Deterıoratıon Of Ottoman Constıtutıonal Order) (Introductıon), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 1-14, January 2013, Fransa.

TÜRKDOĞAN, Orhan, “Türk Modernleşme Modeli”, Yeni Türkiye, Eylül-Aralık 1998, Yıl 4, Sy. 23-24, Cumhuriyet Özel Sayısı, C. III, ss. 1611-1626 / FENDOGLU, Hasan Tahsin (2013), Modernleşme Ve Osmanlı Anayasal Düzeninin Bozulması (Giriş)/ Modernısatıon And Deterıoratıon Of Ottoman Constıtutıonal Order) (Introductıon), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 1-14, January 2013, Fransa.

VATANDAŞ, Celalettin, Kapsam ve Yöntem Açısından Türk Modernleştir(il)mesi, Yeni Türkiye, Eylül-Aralık 1998, Yıl 4, Sy. 23–24 / FENDOGLU, Hasan Tahsin (2013), Modernleşme Ve Osmanlı Anayasal Düzeninin Bozulması (Giriş)/ Modernısatıon And Deterıoratıon Of Ottoman Constıtutıonal Order) (Introductıon), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 1-14, January 2013, Fransa.

YILMAZ, Aytekin, “İmparatorluktan Cumhuriyete, Moderniteden

Postmoderniteye” Yeni Türkiye, Eylül-Aralık 1998, Yıl 4, Sy. 23–24, ss. 1655– 1664, Cumhuriyet Özel Sayısı, C. III / FENDOGLU, Hasan Tahsin (2013), Modernleşme Ve Osmanlı Anayasal Düzeninin Bozulması (Giriş)/ Modernısatıon And Deterıoratıon Of Ottoman Constıtutıonal Order) (Introductıon), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 1-14, January 2013, Fransa.

ARON, Raymond. Istoria şi dialectica violenţei/ Histoire et dialectique de la violence. Translation, introductory study and bibliographical notes by Cristian Preda, Bucharest: Babel, 1995 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

BENJAMIN, Walter & Derrida, Jacques. Despre violenţă/ [Walter Benjamin, Zur Kritik der Gewalt; Jacques Derrida, Force de loi. Le „Fondement mystique de l’autorité”]. Edited by Ciprian Mihali, Cluj-Napoca: Idea Design&Print, 2004 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

CAMUS, Albert. L’homme révolté. Paris: Gallimard, 1951 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

CAMUS, Albert. Omul revoltat/ L’homme révolté. Translation by Ligia Holuta. Introduction by Michel Joseph, Oradea: Sophia, 1994 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

ELIADE, Mircea. Aspects du Mythe. Paris: Gallimard, 1963 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

ELIADE, Mircea. Aspecte ale mitului/ Aspects du Mythe. Translated into Romanian by Paul G. Dinopol, Preface by Vasile Nicolescu, Bucharest: Univers, 1978 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

ELIADE, Mircea. Sacrul şi profanul/ Le Sacré et le Profane. Translated from the French by Rodica Chira, Bucharest: Humanitas, 1992 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

FAY, Sarah. ‛The Art of Fiction No. 195.‛ Paris Review, Issue 183 (Winter 2007): 37-65 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

GIRARD, René. Violenţa şi sacrul/ La violence et le sacré. Translation by Mona Antohi, Bucharest: Nemira, 1995 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

HİJİYA-Kirschnereit, Irmela. ‛L’inspiration autobiographique.‛ In, Littérature japonaise contemporaine. Essais, sous la direction de Patrick de Voss, 46-61. Bruxelles: Editions Labor, 1989 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

IRITANI, Toshio. Group Psychology of the Japanese in Wartime. London and New York: Kegan Paul International, 1991 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

KARATANİ, Kōjin. Origins of Modern Japanese Literature. Foreword by Fredric Jameson, Translation edited by Brett de Bary, London: Duke University Press, 1998 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

KATŌ, Shūichi. A History of Japanese Literature (From Its Origins to the Present Day), Volume II. Translation from Japanese by Kazuko Diaconu & Paul Diaconu, Bucharest: Nipponica, 1998 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

KITAGAWA, Joseph Mitsuo. În căutarea unităţii. Istoria religioasă a omenirii/ The Quest for Humanity Unity. A Religious History. Translation by Claudia Dumitru, Bucharest: Humanitas, 1994 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

LACAPRA, Dominick. History and its limits. Human, Animal, Violence. Ithaca and London: Cornell Univerity Press, 2009 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

MITA, Munesuke. Social Psychology of Modern Japan. Translated by Stephen Suloway, London and New York: Kegan Paul International, 1992 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

MIYOSHİ, Masao. ‛Against the Native Grain.‛. In Postmodernism and Japan, edited by Masao MİYOSHİ and H. D. Harootunian, 149-163. Durham: Duke University Press, 1989 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

NAPIER, Susan J. . ‛Ōe Kenzaburō and the Search for the Sublime at the End of the Twentieth Century.‛ In Ōe and beyond. Fiction in Contemporary Japan, edited by Stephen Snyder and Philip Gabriel, 11-36. Honolulu: Univerity of Hawai’i Press, 1999 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

ŌE, Kenzaburō. Japan, The Ambigous, and Myself (The Nobel Prize Speech and Other Lectures). Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1995 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

ŌE, Kenzaburō. The Silent Cry. Translated by John Bester, Tokyo・New York・London: Kodansha International, 1981 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

SARTRE, Jean Paul. Existenţialismul este un umanism/ L’existentialisme est un humanisme. Translation and notes by Veronica Ştir, Bistriţa: George Coşbuc, 1994 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

SARTRE, Jean-Paul. L’être et le néant. Essai d’ontologie phénoménologique. Paris: Gallimard, 1993 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

SARTRE, Jean-Paul. Fiinţa şi neantul. Eseu de ontologie fenomenologică/ L’être et le néant. Essai d’ontologie phénoménologique. Revised edition and index by Arlette

Elkaïm-Sartre, Translation by Adriana Neacşu, Piteşti, Bucharest: Paralela 45, 2004 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

SAYA, Makito. The Sino-Japanese War and the Birth of Japanese Nationalism. Translated by David Noble, Tokyo: International House of Japan, 2011 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

SNYDER, Stephen, and Gabriel, Philip. ‛Introduction.‛ In (eds.), Ōe and beyond. Fiction in Contemporary Japan, edited by Stephen Snyder and Philip Gabriel, 1-11. Honolulu: Univerity of Hawai’i Press, 1999 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

SUGIYAMA Lebra, Takie. Japanese Patterns of Behaviour. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1976 / Rodica, FRENTIU (2013), Self-Recovery And Vıolence As A Form Of Re-Humanızatıon: Kenzaburō Ōe, The Sılent Cry (Man’en Gannen No Futtobōru, 1967), The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 15-32, January 2013, Fransa.

TBMM Zabıt Ceridesi, Devre:X, Cilt:15, İçtima:3, İnikat: 22, Celse:2, 28.12.1956 / AÇIKKAYA, Savaş ; YALÇIN, Osman (2013), Tarihi Türk-Yunan İhtilafının Son Aşaması Olarak Kıbrıs/Cyprus As The Last Phase Of Hıstorıcal Turcogreek Conflıct, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 33-57, January 2013, Fransa.

AÇIKKAYA Savaş, Solun Türk Devrimiyle İmtihanı, Paraf Yayınları, İstanbul, 2011 / AÇIKKAYA, Savaş ; YALÇIN, Osman (2013), Tarihi Türk-Yunan İhtilafının Son Aşaması Olarak Kıbrıs/Cyprus As The Last Phase Of Hıstorıcal Turcogreek Conflıct, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 33-57, January 2013, Fransa.

ARMAOĞLU Fahir, 20. Yüzyıl Siyasi Tarihi, Cilt I, İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, Ankara, 1994 / AÇIKKAYA, Savaş ; YALÇIN, Osman (2013), Tarihi Türk-Yunan İhtilafının Son Aşaması Olarak Kıbrıs/Cyprus As The Last Phase Of Hıstorıcal Turcogreek Conflıct, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 33-57, January 2013, Fransa.

CLAIR William St., That Greece Might Still Be Free, The Philhellenes In The War Of Independence, Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, 2008 / AÇIKKAYA, Savaş ; YALÇIN, Osman (2013), Tarihi Türk-Yunan İhtilafının Son Aşaması Olarak Kıbrıs/Cyprus As The Last Phase Of Hıstorıcal Turcogreek Conflıct, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 33-57, January 2013, Fransa.

ERİM Nihat, Bildiğim ve Gördüğüm Ölçüler İçinde Kıbrıs, Ajans-Türk Matbaacılık, Ankara, t.y / AÇIKKAYA, Savaş ; YALÇIN, Osman (2013), Tarihi Türk-Yunan İhtilafının Son Aşaması Olarak Kıbrıs/Cyprus As The Last Phase Of Hıstorıcal Turcogreek Conflıct, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 33-57, January 2013, Fransa.

FINLAY George, The History Of Greece Under Othoman And Venetian Domination, William Blackwood And Sons, Edinbugh and London, 1856 / AÇIKKAYA, Savaş ; YALÇIN, Osman (2013), Tarihi Türk-Yunan İhtilafının Son Aşaması Olarak Kıbrıs/Cyprus As The Last Phase Of Hıstorıcal Turcogreek Conflıct, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 33-57, January 2013, Fransa.

GARDNER Roy, The Marshall Plan Fifty Years Later, The Marshall Plan, Edited by Martin A. Schain, Palgrave, New York, 2001 / AÇIKKAYA, Savaş ; YALÇIN, Osman (2013), Tarihi Türk-Yunan İhtilafının Son Aşaması Olarak Kıbrıs/Cyprus As The Last Phase Of Hıstorıcal Turcogreek Conflıct, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 33-57, January 2013, Fransa.

GIBBONS Harry Scott, The Genocide Files, Charles Bravos Publishers, London, 1997 / AÇIKKAYA, Savaş ; YALÇIN, Osman (2013), Tarihi Türk-Yunan İhtilafının Son Aşaması Olarak Kıbrıs/Cyprus As The Last Phase Of Hıstorıcal Turcogreek Conflıct, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 33-57, January 2013, Fransa.

GÖNLÜBOL Mehmet vd., Olaylarla Türk Dış Politikası, Siyasal Kitabevi, Ankara, 1996 / AÇIKKAYA, Savaş ; YALÇIN, Osman (2013), Tarihi Türk-Yunan İhtilafının Son Aşaması Olarak Kıbrıs/Cyprus As The Last Phase Of Hıstorıcal Turcogreek Conflıct, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 33-57, January 2013, Fransa.

GÜNVER Semih, Fatin Rüştü Zorlu’nun Öyküsü, Bilgi Yayınları, Ankara, 1985 / AÇIKKAYA, Savaş ; YALÇIN, Osman (2013), Tarihi Türk-Yunan İhtilafının Son Aşaması Olarak Kıbrıs/Cyprus As The Last Phase Of Hıstorıcal Turcogreek Conflıct, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 33-57, January 2013, Fransa.

KAYMAKLI Hulusi, Havacılık Tarihinde Türkler 4, Hava Basım ve Neşriyat Müdürlüğü, Ankara, 2005 / AÇIKKAYA, Savaş ; YALÇIN, Osman (2013), Tarihi Türk-Yunan İhtilafının Son Aşaması Olarak Kıbrıs/Cyprus As The Last Phase Of Hıstorıcal Turcogreek Conflıct, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 33-57, January 2013, Fransa.

KYLE Keith, Cyprus: In Search Of Peace, Minority Rights Group International, UK, 1997 / AÇIKKAYA, Savaş ; YALÇIN, Osman (2013), Tarihi Türk-Yunan İhtilafının Son Aşaması Olarak Kıbrıs/Cyprus As The Last Phase Of Hıstorıcal Turcogreek Conflıct, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 33-57, January 2013, Fransa.

LA GORCE , Çağlar Boyu Yunanlılar (Les Grecs A Toutes Les Epoques), çev. Doğu Araştırma Merkezi, Belge Yayınları, İstanbul, 1986 / AÇIKKAYA, Savaş ; YALÇIN, Osman (2013), Tarihi Türk-Yunan İhtilafının Son Aşaması Olarak Kıbrıs/Cyprus As The Last Phase Of Hıstorıcal Turcogreek Conflıct, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 33-57, January 2013, Fransa.

MARX Karl, The Eastern Question, Edited by Eleanor Marx Aveling, Swan Sonnenschein &CO. Lim., London, 1897 / AÇIKKAYA, Savaş ; YALÇIN, Osman (2013), Tarihi Türk-Yunan İhtilafının Son Aşaması Olarak Kıbrıs/Cyprus As The Last Phase Of Hıstorıcal Turcogreek Conflıct, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 33-57, January 2013, Fransa.

O’NEILL John Terence and REES Nicholas, United Nations Peacekeeping in The Post-Cold War Era, MPG Books Ltd., Great Britain, 2005 / AÇIKKAYA, Savaş ; YALÇIN, Osman (2013), Tarihi Türk-Yunan İhtilafının Son Aşaması Olarak Kıbrıs/Cyprus As The Last Phase Of Hıstorıcal Turcogreek Conflıct, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 33-57, January 2013, Fransa.

PHILLIPS W. Alison, The War Of Greek Independence, Elder Smith & CO., London, 1897 / AÇIKKAYA, Savaş ; YALÇIN, Osman (2013), Tarihi Türk-Yunan İhtilafının Son Aşaması Olarak Kıbrıs/Cyprus As The Last Phase Of Hıstorıcal Turcogreek Conflıct, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 33-57, January 2013, Fransa.

PSOMIADES Harry, J., The Eastern Question The Last Phase, Institute for Balkan Studies, Thessaloniki, 1968 / AÇIKKAYA, Savaş ; YALÇIN, Osman (2013), Tarihi Türk-Yunan İhtilafının Son Aşaması Olarak Kıbrıs/Cyprus As The Last Phase Of Hıstorıcal Turcogreek Conflıct, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 1, p. 33-57, January 2013, Fransa.

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