Jewish Women’s Bibliography organized by Topic/Subject Historical Studies United States

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  1. Dushi, Nava. Seeking the local, engaging the global : women and religious oppression in a minor film. Israeli Cinema (2011) 213-224. 2011

  2. Munk, Yael. Ethics and responsibility : the feminization of the new Israeli documentary. Israel Studies 16,2 (2011) 151-164. 2011

  3. Zerubavel, Yael. Coping with the legacy of death : the war widow in Israeli films. Israeli Cinema (2011) 84-95. 2011

  4. Kozlovic, Anton Karl. The construction of Samson’s three lovers in Cecil B. DeMille’s technicolor testament, "Samson and Delilah" (1949). Women in Judaism 7,1 (2010) 31 pp.. 2010

  5. Naaman, Dorit. Unruly daughters to mother nation : Palestinian and Israeli first-person films. Hypatia 23,2 (2008) 17-32. 2008

  6. Pécsi, Katalin. Jewish women in Hungarian film - absence or presence? Die "Wahrheit" der Erinnerung; jüdische Lebensgeschichten (2008) 46-54. 2008

  7. Saryusz-Wolska, Magdalena. Trudna historia kobiet z Rosentrasse : "Rosenstrasse" Margarethe von Trotty. Gefilte film (2008) 271-292. 2008

  8. Gershenson, Olga. Absorbed by love : Russian immigrant woman in Israeli film. Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 6,3 (2007) 301-315. 2007

  9. Seibel, Alexandra. La Juive invisible : images de femmes au miroir de "La Rue sans joie" ("Die freudlose Gasse", 1925) de G.W. Pabst. Austriaca 64 (2007) 67-79. 2007

  10. Shtier, Rachel. Jews and pornography. Jews and American Popular Culture III (2007) 201-210. 2007

  11. Gold, Gali. What is your story? : The Israeli-Palestinian conflict in recent women’s documentaries. Third Text 20,3-4 (2006) 475-486. 2006

  12. Kozlovic, Anton Karl. Constructing the motherliness of Manoah’s wife in Cecil B. DeMille’s Samson and Delilah (1949). Women in Judaism 4,1 (2006). 2006

  13. English, Angela. Jewish mothers on film. For Generations; Jewish Motherhood (2005) 67-74. 2005

  14. Picart, Caroline Joan. "Schindler’s List" : history, horror, and the monstrous. The Holocaust Film Sourcebook I (2004) 329-342. 2004

  15. Antler, Joyce. "Yesterday’s woman", today’s moral guide : Molly Goldberg as Jewish mother. Key Texts in American Jewish Culture (2003) 129-146. 2003

  16. Bergstrom, Janet. Invented memories. Identity and Memory (2003) 94-116. 2003

  17. Clanton, Dan W., Jr.. Judy in disguise : D.W. Griffith’s "Judith of Bethulia". Studies in Jewish Civilization 14 (2003) 119-130. 2003

  18. Margulies, Ivone. Echo and voice in "Meetings with Anna". Identity and Memory (2003) 59-76. 2003

  19. Zerubavel, Yael. Female images in a state of war : the Israeli war widow in fiction and film. Landscaping the Human Garden (2003) 236-257. 2003

  20. Exum, J. Cheryl. Lethal woman 2 : reflections on Delilah and her incarnation as Liz Hurley. Borders, Boundaries and the Bible (2002) 254-273. 2002

  21. Pesce, Sara. Blowing up the Jewish mother : Philip Roth’s "Portnoy’s Complaint" and Woody Allen’s "Oedipus Wrecks”. Annali di Storia dell’Esegesi 17,2 (2000) 527-535. 2000

  22. Fuchs, Esther. The construction of heroines in Holocaust films : the Jewess as beautiful soul. Women and the Holocaust (1999) 97-112. 1999

  23. Fuchs, Esther. Images of women in Holocaust films. Shofar 17,2 (1999) 49-56. 1999

  24. Gertz, Nurith. The others in Israeli cinema of the 1940s and 1950s : Holocaust survivors, women, and Arabs. Israeli and Palestinian Identities in History and Literature (1999) 35-62. 1999

  25. Lubin, Orly. Body and territory : women in Israeli cinema. Israel Studies 4,1 (1999) 175-187. 1999

  26. Marovitz, Sanford E.. "Hester Street" and "The Imported Bridegroom" : feminist cinematic adaptations of two works by Abraham Cahan. Modern Jewish Studies Annual 11 (1999) 1-13. 1999

  27. Zanger, Anat. Filming national identity : war and woman in Israeli cinema. The Military and Militarism in Israeli Society (1999) 261-279. 1999

  28. Fishman, Sylvia Barack. Our mothers and our sisters and our cousins and our aunts : dialogues and dynamics in literature and film. Talking Back (1998) 153-170, 272-274. 1998

  29. Herman, Felicia. The way she really is : images of Jews and women in the films of Barbra Streisand. Talking Back (1998) 171-190, 274-279. 1998

  30. Prestel, Claudia T.. Arabs and women : constructing Zionist images of the "other" in pre-state Israeli films. Nashim 1 (1998) 95-105. 1998

  31. Pucker Rivo, Sharon. Projected images : portraits of Jewish women in early American film. Talking Back (1998) 30-49, 256-258. 1998

  32. Whitfield, Stephen J.. Yentl. Jewish Social Studies 5,1-2 (1998-1999) 154-176. 1998

  33. Gertz, Nurith. Woman - the image of the "Other" in Israeli society. Literature/Film Quarterly 24,1 (1996) 39-46. 1996

  34. Gunn, David M.. Bathsheba goes bathing in Hollywood : words, images, and social locations. Semeia 74 (1996) 75-101. 1996

  35. Schwarz, Monique. My son the doctor. Generation 6,1-2 (1996) 34-37. 1996

  36. Friedman, Régine Mihal. Von Frauenfiguren zu Frauenfilmen im israelischen Kino. Jüdische Kultur und Weiblichkeit (1994) 279-289. 1994

  37. Lubin, Orly. The woman as Other in Israeli cinema. The Other in Jewish Thought and History (1994) 305-325. 1994

  38. Freadman, Richard. Love among the stereotypes, or, Why Woody’s women leave. Semites and Stereotypes (1993) 107-120. 1993

  39. Friedman, Régine Mihal. Die Repräsentation des Weiblichen im israelischen Film. "Wegen dieses Krieges..." (1993) 45-51. 1993

  40. Gertz, Nurith. Amos Oz and Izhak ben Ner : the image of woman in literary works, and as transvalued in film adaptations. Israeli Writers Consider the "Outsider" (1993) 57-81. 1993

  41. Paskin, Sylvia. Theda Bara : the vampire woman. Jewish Quarterly 39,3 (1992) 16-18. 1992

  42. Lefkovitz, Lori Hope. Leah behind the veil : the divided matriarchy in Bible, Midrash, Dickens, Freud and Woody Allen. Hebrew University Studies in Literature and the Arts 18 (1990) 177-205. 1990

  43. Scherr, Lilly. Aspects de la mythologie juive dans le cinéma américain : l’exemple de la femme. Le racisme (1981) 323-333. 1981

Folklore and Humor

  1. Antler, Joyce. One clove away from a pomander ball : the subversive tradition of Jewish female comedians. Jews and Humor (2011) 155-174. 2011

  2. Del Negro, Giovanna P.. The bad girls of Jewish comedy : gender, class, assimilation, and whiteness in postwar America. Jews and Humor (2011) 137-154. 2011

  3. Antler, Joyce. One clove away from a pomander ball : the subversive tradition of Jewish female comedians. Studies in American Jewish Literature 29 (2010) 123-138. 2010

  4. Del Negro, Giovanna P.. From the nightclub to the living room : gender, ethnicity, and upward mobility in the 1950s party records of three Jewish women comics. Jews at Home (2010) 188-213. 2010

  5. Grącikowski, Piotr. Kobieta żydowska w badaniach Reginy Lilientalowej. Nieme dusze (2010) 379-400. 2010

  6. Idelson-Shein, Iris. "What have I to do with wild animals? : Glikl bas Leib and the other woman. Eighteenth-Century Studies 44,1 (2010) 57-77. 2010

  7. Żółkiewska, Agnieszka. "Marszas" - mizoginiczny stereotyp w humorze jidyszowym. Nieme dusze (2010) 451-463. 2010

  8. Murphy, Ruth. The making of a Jewish folk hero : the Maharal in "The Golem of Prague". Australian Journal of Jewish Studies 22 (2008) 113-128. 2008

  9. Alexander, Tamar. "Te aprikanto i te diskanto" : la medisina tradisional de las mujeres sefaradis de Bosna. Neue Romania 35 (2006) 7-58. 2006

  10. Deutsch, Nathaniel. An-sky and the ethnography of Jewish women. The Worlds of S. An-sky (2006) 266-280. 2006

  11. Madar, Vered. "Ma Khabar" and Qussat Hannah" : a gendered reading of two stories in the culture of Yemenite Jewish women. Nashim 11 (2006) 84-104. 2006

  12. Sabar, Yona. The multiple faces of Eve : the images of woman in the folk literature of a Near Eastern Jewish community. International Sephardic Journal 2,1 (2005) 146-157. 2005

  13. Alexander, Tamar. Love and death in a contemporary "dybbuk" story : personal narrative and the female voice. Spirit Possession in Judaism (2003) 307-345. 2003

  14. Bilu, Yoram. La femme qui voulait être son père. Les Cahiers du Judaïsme 13 (2003) 54-65. 2003

  15. Mock, Leo. The synagogue as a stage for magic. Zutot 3 (2003) 8-14. 2003

  16. Носков, Александр. Древнееврейская философия, современная философская мысль и фольклор о положении женщины в обществе. Запорожские еврейские чтения 7 (2003) 38-48. 2003

  17. Veltri, Giuseppe. The meal of the spirits, the three Parcae and Lilith : apotropaic strategies for coping with birth anxieties and child mortality. Henoch 23,2-3 (2001) 343-359. 2001

  18. Bertein, Danièle. La Jewish mama et la nourriture : tables de la loi et lois de la table. Parcours Judaïques 5 (2000) 61-76. 2000

  19. Cigman, Gloria. La mère juive - as stereotype and phenomenon. Parcours Judaïques 5 (2000) 51-59. 2000

  20. Foa, Anna. "Gender" e "superstizione" : donne ebree e cristiane nel dibattito sulla superstizione (XVII-XVIII sec.). Le donne delle minoranze (1999) 179-190. 1999

  21. Mock, Roberta. Female Jewish comedians : grotesque mimesis and transgressing stereotypes. New Theatre Quarterly 15,1 (1999) 99-108. 1999

  22. Ben-Ami, Issachar. Fecondité et symbolism. Cahiers de Littérature Orale 44 (1998) 37-58. 1998

  23. Sochen, June. From Sophie Tucker to Barbra Streisand : Jewish women entertainers as reformers. Talking Back (1998) 68-84, 261-262. 1998

  24. Abramson, Henry. A ready hatred : depictions of the Jewish woman in medieval antisemitic art and caricature. Proceedings - American Academy for Jewish Research 62 (1996) 1-18. 1996

  25. Schely-Newman, Esther. "The peg of your tent" : narratives of North African Israeli women. Sephardi and Middle Eastern Jewries (1996) 277-287. 1996

  26. Radday, Yehuda Thomas. Sex and women in biblical narrative humor. Humor 8,4 (1995) 363-384. 1995

  27. Schely-Newman, Esther. Sweeter than honey : discourse of reproduction among North-African Israeli women. Text and Performance Quarterly 15,3 (1995) 175-188. 1995

  28. Adelman, Penina V.. A drink from Miriam’s cup : invention of tradition among Jewish women [kos Miryam; analysis and texts]. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 10 (1994) 151-166. 1994

  29. Haboucha, Reginetta (Ginette). Misogyny or philogyny : the case of a Judeo-Spanish folktale. New Horizons in Sephardic Studies (1993) 239-251. 1993

  30. Zumwalt, Rosemary Lévy. "Las buenas mujeres" : the keepers of Sephardic health and home. Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Review 15,2 (1993) 107-112. 1993

  31. Alexander, Tamar. Theme and genre : relationships between man and she-demon in Jewish folklore. Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Review 14,1-2 (1992) 56-61. 1992

  32. Prell, Riv-Ellen. Why Jewish princesses don’t sweat : desire and consumption in postwar American Jewish culture. People of the Body (1992) 329-359. 1992

  33. Boyarin, Daniel. Reading androcentrism against the grain : women, sex, and Torah-study. Poetics Today 12,1 (1991) 29-53. 1991

  34. Saper, Bernard. The JAP joke controversy : an excruciating psychosocial analysis. Humor 4,2 (1991) 223-239. 1991

  35. Davies, Christie. An explanation of Jewish jokes about Jewish women. Humor 3,3-4 (1990) 363-378. 1990

  36. Schely-Newman, Esther. Role transformation in a Tunisian women’s tale. Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Review 12,1-2 (1990) 11-13. 1990

  37. Ucko, Lenora Greenbaum. Who are the wives? Who are the husbands? A study of marriage roles in Jewish classical folklore. Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Review 12,1-2 (1990) 5-10. 1990

  38. Sacks, Maurie. Problems in the study of Jewish women’s folk culture. Contemporary Jewry 10,1 (1989) 95-104. 1989

  39. Spencer, Gary. An analysis of JAP-baiting humor on the college campus. Humor 2,2-4 (1989) 329-348. 1989

  40. Fuchs, Esther. Humor and sexism : the case of the Jewish joke. Jewish Humor (1986) 111-122. 1986

  41. Rothbell, Gladys. The Jewish mother : social construction of a popular image. The Jewish Family (1986) 118-128. 1986

  42. Sered, Susan Starr. Rachel’s Tomb and the Milk Grotto of the Virgin Mary : two women’s shrines in Bethlehem. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 2,2 (1986) 7-22. 1986

  43. Dundes, Alan. The JAP and the JAM in American jokelore. Journal of American Folklore 98 [390] (1985) 456-475. 1985

  44. Fields of Offerings. Fields of Offerings (1983). 1983

  45. Weiner, Nella Fermi. Lilith : first woman, first feminist. International Journal of Women’s Studies 2,6 (1979) 551-559. 1979

  46. Adler, Rachel. A mother in Israel : aspects of the mother role in Jewish myth. Beyond Androcentrism (1977) 237-255. 1977


  1. Alexander, Elizabeth Shanks. Women’s exemption from Shema and Tefillin and how these rituals came to be viewed as Torah study. Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period 42,4-5 (2011) 531-579. 2011

  2. Atzmon, Arnon. "The wise woman from Saida" : the silent dialogue between Aggadah and Halakhah regarding women and marriage. AJS Review 35,1 (2011) 23-34. 2011

  3. Broyde, Michael J.. Orthodox women rabbis? : Tentative thoughts that distinguish between the timely and the timeless. Hakirah 11 (2011) 25-58. 2011

  4. Ganzel, Tova. Women as halakhic professionals : the role of the yo’atzot Halakhah. Nashim 22 (2011) 162-171. 2011

  5. Ganzel, Tova. Hormonal intervention for religious concerns : a halakhic and ethical discussion. Nashim 21 (2011) 114-129. 2011

  6. Gershon, Yonatan. On women joining in a "zimmun". Meorot 9 (2011) 26 pp. 2011

  7. Graetz, Naomi. Is kinyan (purchase) of woman in the marriage document only a metaphor? Lectio difficilior 2 (2011) 22 pp. 2011

  8. Joseph, Norma Baumel. "Those self-assured women" : a close reading of Rabbi Moses Feinstein’s responsum. Nashim 21 (2011) 67-87. 2011

  9. Ottenheijm, Eric. Eve and "Women’s Commandments" in Orthodox Judaism perspective. Out of Paradise (2011) 157-173. 2011

  10. Pitkowsky, Michael. "Dear rabbi, I am a woman who . . ." : women asking rabbis questions, from Rabbi Moshe Feinstein to the internet. Nashim 21 (2011) 134-159. 2011

  11. Rosenberg, Ann Jessica. "A woman on the bimah means ignorant men" : women’s Torah reading and Modern Orthodox identity. Nashim 21 (2011) 88-96. 2011

  12. Schachter, Herschel. Women rabbis? Hakirah 11 (2011) 19-23. 2011

  13. Schiffman, Lawrence Harvey. Laws pertaining to women and sexuality in the early stratum of the "Damascus Document". The Dead Sea Scrolls and Contemporary Culture (2011) 547-569. 2011

  14. Westreich, Avishalom. Divorce on demand : the history, dogmatics and hermeneutics of the wife’s right to divorce in Jewish law. Journal of Jewish Studies 62,2 (2011) 340-363. 2011

  15. Woolf, Jeffrey Robert. Damsels in distress : Jewish women in the responsa of Rabbi Joseph Colon. Tov Elem (2011) 103-117. 2011

  16. Butler, Deidre. Spirituality, textual study and gender at Nishmat : a spirited "chavruta". Women in Judaism 7,1 (2010) 22 pp. 2010

  17. Chapnik, Elaine. "Women known for these acts" through the rabbinic lens : a study of "hilchot lesbiut". Keep Your Wives Away From Them (2010) 78-98. 2010

  18. Chwarts, Suzana. Descendência patrilinear e matrilinear no judaísmo : um estudo da lei oral. Cadernos de Língua e Literatura Hebraica 8 (2010) 139-147. 2010

  19. Cousineau, Jennifer. The domestication of urban Jewish space and the north-west London eruv. Jews at Home (2010) 43-74. 2010

  20. Fuchs, Ilan. "Sephardic" Halakhah? : The attitude of Sephardic decisors to women’s Torah study: a test case. Jewish Law Association Studies 20 (2010) 43-74. 2010

  21. Hauptman, Judith. A new view of women and Torah study in the talmudic period. JSIJ 9 (2010) 44 pp. 2010

  22. Hollander, Aviad Yehiel. The relationship between Halakhic decisors and their peers as a determining factor in the acceptance of their desicions : a step in understanding interpeer effects in Halakhic discourse. Jewish Law Association Studies 20 (2010) 96-108. 2010

  23. Ilan, Tal. Gelten Frauen in der rabbinichen Wahrnehmung als jüdische Personen? Fremdbilder - Selbstbilder (2010) 69-80. 2010

  24. Irsai, Ronit. Toward a gender critical approach to the philosophy of Jewish law (Halakhah). Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 26,2 (2010) 55-77. 2010

  25. Koren, Irit. Talking about the Jewish wedding ritual : issues of gender, power, and social control. Rites of Passage (2010) 33-56. 2010

  26. Ross, Tamar. The feminist contribution to Halakhic discourse : "kol be-isha erva" as a test case. Emor 1 (2010) 37-69. 2010

  27. Sered, Susan Starr. Women and religious change in Israel : rebellion or revolution. Perspectives on Israeli Anthropology (2010) 627-650. 2010

  28. Sharlo, Yuval. Single women who want to have a baby. Conversations 8 (2010) 95-111. 2010

  29. Sperber, Daniel. On women in rabbinic leadership positions. Meorot 8 (2010) 12 pp. 2010

  30. Zivotofsky, Ari Z. Wine from Havdalah, women and beards. Hakirah 10 (2010) 175-187. 2010

  31. Adelman, Howard Ernest (Tzvi). Virginity : women’s body as a state of mind - destiny becomes biology. The Jewish Body (2009) 179-213. 2009

  32. Dratch, Mark. I do? : Consent and coercion in sexual relations. Rav Chesed I (2009) 119-143. 2009

  33. Ferziger, Adam S.. Feminism and heresy : the construction of a Jewish metanarrative. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 77,3 (2009) 494-546. 2009

  34. Koren, Sharon Faye. The menstruant as "other" in medieval Judaism and Christianity. Nashim 17 (2009) 33-59. 2009

  35. Labovitz, Gail Susan. Feminism and Jewish law in Conservative Judaism. New Jewish Feminism (2009) 323-333. 2009

  36. Lamm, Norman. Are women "lightheaded"? : three troublesome passages in Halakhic literature. Rav Chesed I (2009) 469-484. 2009

  37. Millen, Rochelle L.. Yehuda Henkin, "Understanding Tzniut; Modern Controversies in the Jewish Community"(2008). Nashim 18 (2009) 234-242. 2009

  38. Nahon, Gérard. La condition féminine au miroir des "Menus Visages" De Jacob Pardo, rabbin à Split et à Rsguse (Venise 1797). El Prezente 3 (2010) 83-95. 2009

  39. Ner-David, Haviva. Feminism and Halakhah : the Jew who (still) isn’t there. New Jewish Feminism (2009) 312-322. 2009

  40. Penzner, Barbara. Women and the Reconstructionist movement. New Jewish Feminism (2009) 334-343. 2009

  41. Ross, Tamar. Tora Hartman, "Feminism Encounters Traditional Judaism : Resistance and Accommodation". Nashim 17 (2009) 185-197. 2009

  42. Ruttenberg, Danya. Toward a new tzniut. The Passionate Torah (2009) 203-211. 2009

  43. Ruttenberg, Danya. Heaven and earth : some notes on new Jewish ritual. Reinventing Ritual (2009) 71-93. 2009

  44. Schachter, Naomi. "Festina Lente" : make haste slowly - the changing status of Orthodox women in the twenty-first century. Conversations 5 (2009) 105-122. 2009

  45. Warburg, Ronald. Recovery for infliction of emotional distress : toward relief for the "agunah". Jewish Law Annual 18 (2009) 213-264. 2009

  46. Weiss, Susan. Under cover : demystification of women’s head covering in Jewish law. Nashim 17 (2009) 89-115. 2009

  47. Wolosky, Shira. Foucault and Jewish feminism : the "meḥitzah" as dividing practice. Nashim 17 (2009) 9-32. 2009

  48. Zalcberg, Sima. Channels of information about menstruation and sexuality among Hasidic adolescent girls. Nashim 17 (2009) 60-88. 2009

  49. Avishai, Orit. Halakhic "niddah" consultants and the Orthodox women’s movement in Israel: evaluating the story of enlightened progress. Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 7,2 (2008) 195-216. 2008

  50. Avishai, Orit. "Doing religion" in a secular world : women in conservative religions and the question of agency. Gender & Society 22,4 (2008) 409-433. 2008

  51. Bebe, Pauline. L’égalité hommes femmes dans le judaïsme libéral. Femmes et judaïsme aujourd’hui (2008) 133-143. 2008

  52. Berliner, Kelly. Tres cuñadas y tres destinos en las "Responsa" de Maimónides : [Three sisters-in-law and three destinies in the responsa of Maimonides]. Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos [Sección de Hebreo] 57 (2008) 53-77. 2008

  53. Davidson, Hannah. Exile, apostasy and Jewish women in the early 16th century Mediterranean basin. Hispania Judaica Bulletin 6 (2008) 133-162. 2008

  54. Englard-Schaffer, Naomi Y.. Halakhic issues presented by breast cancer. Tradition 41,4 (2008) 33-53. 2008

  55. Fleishman, Joseph. The husband’s sin and punishment in Deuteronomy 22:18-19 in early Jewish law. Jewish Law Association Studies 18 (2008) 70-87. 2008

  56. Furst, Rachel. Captivity, conversion, and communal identity : sexual angst and religious crisis in Frankfurt, 1241. Jewish History 22, 1-2 (2008) 179-221. 2008

  57. Kahn, Elie. Évolution sans révolution : la condition féminine dans la Halakha. Les Cahiers du Judaïsme 24 (2008) 82-88. 2008

  58. Landau, Melanie. Re-covering woman as religious subject : reflections on Jewish women and hair-covering. Australian Journal of Jewish Studies 22 (2008) 56-74. 2008

  59. Riskin, Shlomo. Torah "aliyyot" for women – a continuing discussion. Meorot 7,1 (2008) 34 pp. 2008

  60. Vana, Liliane. Sexualité, mariage et divorce. Femmes et judaïsme aujourd’hui (2008) 147-157. 2008

  61. Vana, Liliane. L’absence des femmes des fonctions religieuses : un réexamen de la loi juive ("Halakhah"). Femmes et judaïsme aujourd’hui (2008) 95-123. 2008

  62. Varela Moreno, María Encarnación. La mujer judía entre la Halajá y el autorreconocimiento. Raíces 74 (2008) 27-32. 2008

  63. Wolowelsky, Joel B.. "With your permission" : zimmun in cyber-Halakha. Tradition 41,2 (2008) 275-287. 2008

  64. Alexander, Elizabeth Shanks. From whence the phrase ‘‘timebound, positive commandments’’? Jewish Quarterly Review 97,3 (2007) 317-346. 2007

  65. Baskin, Judith Reesa. Male piety, female bodies : men, women, and ritual immersion in medieval Ashkenaz. Jewish Law Association Studies 17 (2007) 11-30. 2007

  66. Bebe, Pauline. Des femmes rabbins au sein des mouvements juifs libéraux. Pardès 43 (2007) 217-226. 2007

  67. Benovitz, Moshe. Time-triggered positive commandments as conversation pieces. Hebrew Union College Annual 78 (2007) 45-90. 2007

  68. Friedman, Jen Taylor. Women’s eligibility to write Sifrei Torah. Meorot 6,2 (2007) 28 pp. 2007

  69. Frimer, Aryeh A. Guarding the treasure : Tamar Ross, "Expanding the Palace of Torah; Orthodoxy and Feminism" (2004). BDD 18 (2007) 67-106. 2007

  70. Genack, Menachem. Women and prayer. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 53 (2007) 53-64. 2007

  71. Gray, Alyssa M.. Married women and "tsedaqah" in medieval Jewish law : gender and the discourse of legal obligation. Jewish Law Association Studies 17 (2007) 168-212. 2007

  72. Henkin, Yehuda Herzl. Is handshaking a Torah violation? Hakirah 4 (2007) 115-120. 2007

  73. Jackson, Bernard S.. "Medieval Halakhah" : reflections on periodization and the problem of the "agunah". Jewish Law Association Studies 17 (2007) 213-224. 2007

  74. Katzoff, Ranon. "P. Yadin" 21 and rabbinic law on widows’ rights. Jewish Quarterly Review 97,4 (2007) 545-575. 2007

  75. Keil, Martha. "Aguna" ("die Verankerte") : Strategien gegen die Benachteiligung der jüdischen Frau im Eherecht (1400-1700). Aschkenas 17,2 (2007) 323-343. 2007

  76. Klein, Birgit E.. Ungleichheiten als Chance? : Jüdinnen und das jüdische Ehegüterrecht in Norm und Praxis. Aschkenas 17,2 (2007) 345-384. 2007

  77. Lev, Sarra. How the "aylonit" got her sex. AJS Review 31,2 (2007) 297-316. 2007

  78. Marmon, Naomi. The voices of "Mikvah" observance. To Be a Jewish Woman 4 (2007) 53-78. 2007

  79. Rhein, Valérie. Transforming traditions : Halakhah, women, and kriat ha-torah. Gender, Memory, and Judaism (2007) 67-76. 2007

  80. Rhein, Valérie. "Das Gebet des Menschen wird nirgends als im Bethause erhört" (bBer 6a) : die jüdische Frau in Religionsgesetz und -praxis am Beispiel des Minyans. Judaica 63,4 (2007) 306-343. 2007

  81. Rosen, Tova. What does a father want? : An unpublished poem and its intertexts. Studies in Arabic and Hebrew Letters (2007) 129-153. 2007

  82. Rozenak, Avinoam. "Dignity of the congregation" as a defense mechanism : a halakhic ruling by Rabbi Joseph Messas. Nashim 13 (2007) 183-206. 2007

  83. Sabath Beit-Halachmi, Rachel. The changing status of women in the liberal Judaism : a reflective critique. Judaism and the Challenges of Modern Life (2007) 74-84. 2007

  84. Safrai, Chana. Traditional Judaism and the feminist challenge. Judaism and the Challenges of Modern Life (2007) 59-73. 2007

  85. Storper Perez, Danielle. "Dieu désire nos prières, les rabbins, c’est moins sûr..." : évolution de la prière chez les femmes religieuses orthodoxes. Pardès 43 (2007) 171-182. 2007

  86. Susskind Goldberg, Monique. Des solutions au problème des femmes "agounot". Pardès 43 (2007) 207-216. 2007

  87. Bernheim, Joëlle. Femme, juive, aujourd’hui. L’Arche 583 (2006) 37-43. 2006

  88. Ilan, Tal. Women in Jewish life and law. The Cambridge History of Judaism IV (2006) 627-646. 2006

  89. Isaacs, Alick. Kevod hatzibbur : towards a contextualist history of women’s role in Torah reading. Nashim 12 (2006) 261-288. 2006

  90. Kulp, Joshua. "Go enjoy your acquisition" : virginity claims in rabbinic literature reexamined. Hebrew Union College Annual 77 (2006) 33-65. 2006

  91. Lehman, Marjorie. The gendered rhetoric of Sukkah observance. Jewish Quarterly Review 96,3 (2006) 309-335. 2006

  92. Libson, Gideon. Betrothal of an adult woman by an agent in geonic responsa : legal construction in accord with Islamic law. Esoteric and Exoteric Aspects in Judeo-Arabic Culture (2006) 175-189. 2006

  93. Margalit, Ohr. Circumcision : man’s obligation and woman’s praxis. Nashim 12 (2006) 10-38. 2006

  94. Reifman, Daniel. [On] Tamar Ross, "Expanding the Palace of Torah : Orthodoxy and Feminism" (2004). Modern Judaism 26,1 (2006) 101-108. 2006

  95. Rosenthal, Rachel Sara. Of pearls and fish : an analysis of Jewish legal texts on sexuality and their significance for contemporary American Jewish movements. Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 15 (2006) 485-541. 2006

  96. Ross, Tamar. A bet-midrash of her own : women’s contribution to the study and knowledge of Torah. Study and Knowledge in Jewish Thought (2006) 309-358. 2006

  97. Yuter, Alan J.. "Pious and Rebellious; Jewish Women in Medieval Europe" by Avraham Grossman. Edah 5,2 (2006). 2006

  98. Total Immersion; a Mikvah Anthology. Total Immersion (2006). 2006

  99. Anton, Maggie. Rashi and his daughters. Judaism 54,1-2 (2005) 46-54. 2005

  100. Baker, Cynthia M.. When Jews were women. History of Religions 45,2 (2005) 114-134. 2005

  101. Berger, Ruth. Feminismus versus "Dispensation durch hundert Rabbiner" : historische Realitäten, ideologische Mythen und das heutige jüdische Scheidungsrecht in Nordamerika. Frankfurter Judaistische Beiträge 32 (2005) 115-205. 2005

  102. Bitton, Yosef. Talmud y sociedad : los derechos de la mujer, del trabajador y del extranjero en la literatura talmúdica. Talmud y derecho (2005) 109-116. 2005

  103. Chertok, Ilana R.. Implications of endometriosis for women who observe Jewish law (Halakha) / Ilana R. Chertok [et al.]. IMAJ 7,2 (2005) 71-74. 2005

  104. Friedman, William. Women as "shelihot tzibbur" for "hallel" on "Rosh Hodesh". Milin Havivin 1 (2005) 84-94. 2005

  105. Halperin, Mordechai. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding : new approaches. Medicine and Jewish Law III (2005) 191-202. 2005

  106. Koren, Irit. The bride’s voice : religious women challenge the wedding ritual. Nashim 10 (2005) 29-52. 2005

  107. Marienberg, Evyatar. "La synagogue des femmes" : illustrations représentant des bains rituels au XVIIIe siècle. Tsafon 49 (2005) 99-113. 2005

  108. Marienberg, Evyatar. Lorsque la femme d’Eléazar de Worms croise un âne : la "Baraïta de Niddah" et son influence sur les coutumes des juives ashkénazes, de l’époque médiévale à nos jours. Revue des Etudes Juives 164,1-2 (2005) 235-247. 2005

  109. Reisenberger, Azila Talit. The development of the Halachah and Jewish women. Journal for the Study of Religion 18,2 (2005) 75-87. 2005

  110. Riccetti, Angela J.. A break in the path : lesbian relationships and Jewish law. Marriage, Sex, and Family in Judaism (2005) 262-294. 2005

  111. Rothstein, Gidon. Women’s aliyyot in contemporary synagogues. Tradition 39,2 (2005) 36-58. 2005

  112. Wolowelsky, Joel B.. On kohanim and uncommon aliyyot. Tradition 39,2 (2005) 59-65. 2005

  113. Brown, Ariella. The advent of the American sheitel. Queen’s College Journal of Jewish Studies 6 (2004) 93-101. 2004

  114. Graetz, Naomi. The battered woman in the Jewish tradition : see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Domestic Abuse and the Jewish Community (2004) 31-48. 2004

  115. Halperin-Kaddari, Ruth. "Tav lemeitav tan du mi-lemeitav armalu" : an analysis of the presumption. Edah 4,1 (2004). 2004

  116. Hartman, Tova. Lived regulations, systemic attributions : menstrual separation and ritual immersion in the experience of Orthodox Jewish women. Gender & Society 18,3 (2004) 389-408. 2004

  117. Jackson, Bernard S.. "Agunah" and the problem of authority : directions for future research. Melilah 1 (2004) 1-78. 2004

  118. Kaplan, Yehiel S.. Enforcement of divorce judgments by imprisonment : principles of Jewish law. Jewish Law Annual 15 (2004) 57-145. 2004

  119. Klein, Birgit E.. Nach jüdischem Recht oder "Puderhähner Gesezen"? Frauen im Kampf um ihr Vermögen im frühneuzeitlichen Aschkenas. Hofjuden und Landjuden (2004) 185-216. 2004

  120. Kosman, Admiel. "Two women who were sporting with each other" : a reexamination of the halakhic approaches to lesbianism as a touchstone for homosexuality in general. Hebrew Union College Annual 75 (2004) 37-73. 2004

  121. Margalit, Natan. Priestly men and invisible women : male appropriation of the feminine and the exemption of women from positive time-bound commandments. AJS Review 28,2 (2004) 297-316. 2004

  122. Marienberg, Evyatar. Menstruation in sacred spaces : medieval and early-modern Jewish women in the synagogue. Nordisk Judaistik 25,1 (2004) 7-16. 2004

  123. Safrai, Chana. The "minyan" : gender and democracy. Men and Women (2004) 112-121. 2004

  124. Singer, Ross. Women and writing the megillah. Edah 4,2 (2004). 2004

  125. Stein, David E.S.. Did Maimonides really say that? : The widespread claim that he condoned wife-battering may be mistaken. Domestic Abuse and the Jewish Community (2004) 49-74. 2004

  126. Weinberger, Dovid. Working in the Orthodox Jewish community. Domestic Abuse and the Jewish Community (2004) 75-82. 2004

  127. Weissman, Deborah R.. Women’s suffrage : a halakhic perspective. Men and Women (2004) 70-78. 2004

  128. "La femme dans le Judaïsme : en chemin vers l’égalité". Le Mouvement 112 (2004) 17-58. 2004

  129. Bednarsh, Leora. Candlelighting. Traditions and Celebrations for the Bat Mitzvah (2003) 250-256. 2003

  130. Berger, Ruth. Die Verstossung der epileptischen Ehefrau : eine Studie über die Geschlechterdifferenz im ashkenazischen Scheidungsrecht des Mittelalters. Frankfurter Judaistische Beiträge 30 (2003) 103-146. 2003

  131. Chipman, Jonathan. May a woman be ordained as rabbi? To Be a Jewish Woman (2003) 9-44. 2003

  132. Frimer, Aryeh A.. Women’s "megilla" reading. Traditions and Celebrations for the Bat Mitzvah (2003) 281-304. 2003

  133. Glinert, Lewis H.. Guarding the tongue : a thematic analysis of gossip control strategies among Orthodox Jewish women in London. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 24,6 (2003) 513-524. 2003

  134. Henkin, Yehuda Herzl. Contemporary tseni’ut. Tradition 37,3 (2003) 1-48. 2003

  135. Lemaire, André. L’héritage des femmes : Bible, épigraphie et papyrology. Entre héritage et devenir (2003) 37-50. 2003

  136. Marienberg, Evyatar. A mystery on the tombstones : women’s commandments in early-modern Askenazi culture. Women in Judaism 3,2 (2003). 2003

  137. Ner-David, Haviva. Niddah : a case in point of feminist reinterpretation. To Be a Jewish Woman (2003) 76-115. 2003

  138. Plietzsch, Susanne. "... denn auch sie waren Teil jenes Wunders" : die rabbinische Diskussion über den öffentlichen Vortrag der Esterrolle durch Frauen. Kirche und Israel 18,2 (2003) 121-133. 2003

  139. Puterkovsky, Malka. "Rosh Hodesh" - the women’s holiday. Traditions and Celebrations for the Bat Mitzvah (2003) 217-249. 2003

  140. Schearing, Linda S.. Double time... double trouble? Gender, sin, and Leviticus 12. The Book of Leviticus (2003) 429-450. 2003

  141. Sperber, Daniel. Congregational dignity and human dignity : women and public Torah reading. Edah 3,2 (2003). 2003

  142. Strikovsky, Aryeh. "And you shall teach them to your daughters". Traditions and Celebrations for the Bat Mitzvah (2003) 269-280. 2003

  143. Wolowelsky, Joel B.. Women and "zimmun". Traditions and Celebrations for the Bat Mitzvah (2003) 257-268. 2003

  144. Cohen, Jack Simcha. Feminism and orthodoxy : frontiers of "Halachah". Eshkolot (2002) 290-300. 2002

  145. Fleishman, Joseph. A father’s versus a husband’s authority to annul a vow (Numbers 30:4-17). Jewish Law Association Studies 12 (2002) 71-78. 2002

  146. Joseph, Norma Baumel. Ritual, law, and praxis : an American response/a to Bat Mitsva celebrations. Modern Judaism 22,3 (2002) 234-260. 2002

  147. Marienberg, Evyatar. Le bain des Melunaises : les juifs médiévaux et l’eau froide des bains rituels. Médiévales 43 (2002) 91-101. 2002

  148. Wolowelsky, Joel B.. Rabbis, rebbetzins, and halakhic advisors. Tradition 36,4 (2002) 54-63. 2002

  149. Adler, Rachel. Innovation and authority : a feminist reading of the "women’s minyan" responsum. Gender Issues in Jewish Law (2001) 3-32. 2001

  150. Di Segni, David Gianfranco. Le donne e lo studio della Torà : uno scambio epistolare fra Dina e Rabbi Samuele Archivolti nell’Italia del Rinascimento. Rassegna Mensile di Israel 67,1-2 (2001) 151-176. 2001

  151. Ellenson, David Harry,1947-. Women and the study of Torah : a responsum by Rabbi Zalman Sorotzkin of Jerusalem. Nashim 4 (2001) 119-139. 2001

  152. Ellenson, David Harry,1947-. Gender, Halakhah, and women’s suffrage : responsa of the first three Chief Rabbis on the public role of women in the Jewish State. Gender Issues in Jewish Law (2001) 58-81. 2001

  153. Fishman, Sylvia Barack. Comparative reflections on modern Orthodoxy and women’s issues. Edah 1,2 (2001). 2001

  154. Fonrobert, Charlotte Elisheva. Frauen im Judentum. Handbuch zur Geschichte der Juden in Europa II (2001) 79-89. 2001

  155. Jacob, Walter. The woman in Reform Judaism : facing or avoiding the issues. Gender Issues in Jewish Law (2001) 130-150. 2001

  156. Millen, Rochelle L.. Social attitudes disguised as Halakhah : "zila milta", "ein havrutan na’ah", "kevod hatzibbur". Nashim 4 (2001) 178-196. 2001

  157. Plietzsch, Susanne. "...nähert euch keiner Frau" : zum feministisch-theologischen Entwurf von Judith Plaskow "Und wieder stehen wir am Sinai". Mitteilungen und Beiträge der Forschungsstelle Judentum 18-19 (2001) 37-50. 2001

  158. Rackman, Emanuel. Judaism and equality. Judaism and Human Rights (2001) 33-54. 2001

  159. Rayner, John D.. The gender issue in Jewish divorce. Gender Issues in Jewish Law (2001) 33-57. 2001

  160. Rohden, Frauke von. "Für Frauen und Männer, wie die Frauen sind" : weibliche und männliche Verhaltensideale im "Brantshpigl" des Moses Henochs Altschul. Neuer Anbruch (2001) 175-190. 2001

  161. Sered, Susan Starr. Religiously doing gender : the good woman and the bad woman in Israeli ritual discourse. Method & Theory in the Study of Religion 13,2 (2001) 153-176. 2001

  162. Shapiro, Mendel. Qeri’at ha-Torah by women : a halakhic analysis. Edah 1,2 (2001). 2001

  163. Valler, Shulamit. Women in Rav Nahman’s court. Nashim 4 (2001) 35-55. 2001

  164. Zimmerman, Deena Rachel. The Nishmat "taharat hamishpacha" hotline : women helping women. Le’ela 51 (2001) 17-20. 2001

  165. Two public letters of Rav Abraham Ha-Kohen Kook and the responsum of Rav BenZion Uziel on women’s suffrage. Edah 1,2 (2001). 2001

  166. Aranoff, Susan. Two views of marriage - two views of women : reconsidering "tav lemetav tan du milemetav armelu". Nashim 3 (2000) 199-227. 2000

  167. Cicurel, Inbal E.. The rabbinate versus Israeli (Jewish) women : the "mikvah" as a contested domain. Nashim 3 (2000) 164-190. 2000

  168. Cohen-Harris, Elisheva. Where did medieval Jewish women stand? Visual sources, halakhic writings and architecture. Conservative Judaism 52,4 (2000) 3-13. 2000

  169. Frishman, Judith. Why women can’t study Torah. Bulletin der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Judaistische Forschung 9 (2000) 2-9. 2000

  170. Haberman, Bonna Devora. The suspected adulteress : a study of textual embodiment. Prooftexts 20,1-2 (2000) 12-42. 2000

  171. Harris, Ann. Women in Jewish law : changing the image. Jewish Affairs 55,3 (2000) 35-37. 2000

  172. Hellig, Jocelyn Louise. The feminist challenge to halachah. Jewish Affairs 55,3 (2000) 38-44. 2000

  173. Henkin, Yehuda Herzl. The significant role of habituation in Halakha. Tradition 34,3 (2000) 40-49. 2000

  174. Katz, Maidi S.. The married woman and her expense account : a study of the married woman’s ownership and use of marital property in Jewish law. Jewish Law Annual 13 (2000) 101-141. 2000

  175. Klein, Elka. The widow’s portion : law, custom and marital property among medieval Catalan Jews. Viator 31 (2000) 147-163. 2000

  176. Krauss, Simcha. The Rav : on Zionism, universalism and feminism. Tradition 34,2 (2000) 24-39. 2000

  177. Meacham, Tirzah Z.. Halakhic limitations on the use of slaves in physical examinations. From Athens to Jerusalem (2000) 33-48. 2000

  178. Okin, Susan Moller. Marriage, divorce and the politics of family life. Marriage, Liberty and Equality (2000) 7-23. 2000

  179. Rapoport, Chaim. Why women are exempt from positive time-bound commandments : is there a true Torah view? Le’ela 50 (2000) 53-64. 2000

  180. Rispler-Chaim, Vardit. Islamic law and Jewish law on deserted wives/missing husbands : humanitarian considerations. Judaism and Islam (2000) 257-267. 2000

  181. Rivlin, Yosef. The power of a promissory note is greater than the force of legislation. Jewish Law Association Studies 8 (2000) 155-165. 2000

  182. Ross, Tamar. Modern Orthodoxy and the challenge of feminism. Studies in Contemporary Jewry 16 (2000) 3-38. 2000

  183. Warburg, Ronnie F.. A comparative analysis of a wife’s capacity to pledge her husband’s credit for domestic necessities in Anglo-American law and Jewish law. Jewish Law Annual 13 (2000) 213-238. 2000

  184. Yoffie, Adina M.. Refusal of the levirate marriage : a woman’s rights. Conservative Judaism 52,3 (2000) 22-29. 2000

  185. Anteby-Yemini, Lisa. "There’s blood in the house" : negotiating female rituals of purity among Ethiopian Jews in Israel. Women and Water (1999) 166-186. 1999

  186. Blumenthal, David Reuben. Constructive feminist theology and reflective self-critique : a male reading of Rachel Adler and Laura Levitt. AJS Review 24,1 (1999) 111-119. 1999

  187. Brandriss, Chava. Can a woman issue a "pesak halakhah"? Kol Mevaseret (1999) 101-106. 1999

  188. Brawer, Dina. Women and Chanukah lights. Le’ela 48 (1999) 53-58. 1999

  189. Cohen, Shaye J.D.. Purity, piety, and polemic : medieval rabbinic denunciations of "incorrect" purification practices. Women and Water (1999) 82-100. 1999

  190. Cook, Leslie A.. Body language : women’s rituals of purification in the Bible and Mishnah. Women and Water (1999) 40-59. 1999

  191. Dahbany-Miraglia, Dina. Getting away with murder : the application of marriage laws in Jewish Yemen. Women in Judaism 2,1 (1999). 1999

  192. Feldman, Aharon. Halakhic feminism or feminist Halakha? Tradition 33,2 (1999) 61-79. 1999

  193. Hollander, Gideon. Property rights to married women’s earnings : a topic in Jewish law. Contemporary Jewry 20 (1999) 57-67. 1999

  194. Lewis, Justin Jaron. Women’s voices, men’s laws : the halakhic process and three women’s accounts of rape. Women in Judaism 2,1 (1999). 1999

  195. Libson, Gideon. Legal status of the Jewish woman in the Gaonic period : Muslim influence - overt and covert. Developments in Austrian and Israeli Private Law (1999) 213-243. 1999

  196. Marmon, Naomi. Reflections on contemporary "miqveh" practice. Women and Water (1999) 232-254. 1999

  197. Meacham, Tirzah Z.. An abbreviated history of the development of the Jewish menstrual laws. Women and Water (1999) 23-39. 1999

  198. Schiff, Daniel. Separating the adult from adultery. Marriage and Its Obstacles in Jewish Law (1999) 77-116. 1999

  199. Sered, Susan Starr. Talking about "miqveh" parties, or discourses of gender, hierarchy, and social control. Women and Water (1999) 145-165. 1999

  200. Storper Perez, Danielle. Rabbis, physicians, and the woman’s/female body : the appropriate distance. Women and Water (1999) 122-140. 1999

  201. Zemer, Moshe. Traditional and progressive remedies for impediments to marriage. Marriage and Its Obstacles in Jewish Law (1999) 117-140. 1999

  202. Berger, Aliza. Wrapped attention : may women wear "tefillin"? Jewish Legal Writings by Women (1998) 75-118. 1998

  203. Berger, Michael S.. Women in Judaism from the perspective of human rights. Human Rights in Judaism (1998) 77-111. 1998

  204. Brown, Erica S.. The Bat Mitzvah in Jewish law and contemporary practice. Jewish Legal Writings by Women (1998) 232-258. 1998

  205. Cayam, Aviva. Fringe benefits : women and "tzitzit". Jewish Legal Writings by Women (1998) 119-142. 1998

  206. Drori, Moshe. Inadvertent adultery ("shgaga") in Jewish law : mistake of law and mistake of fact. Authority, Process and Method (1998) 231-267. 1998

  207. Frimer, Aryeh A.. Women’s prayer services - theory and practice. Tradition 32,2 (1998) 5-118. 1998

  208. Graetz, Naomi. Judaism confronts wife-beating. Women in Judaism 1,2 (1998). 1998

  209. Handelman, Susan. Women and the study of Torah in the thought of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Jewish Legal Writings by Women (1998) 143-178. 1998

  210. Henkin, Chanah. Women and the issuing of halakhic rulings. Jewish Legal Writings by Women (1998) 278-287. 1998

  211. Heschel, Susannah. Sind Juden Männer? Können Frauen Jüdisch sein? Die gesellschaftliche Definition des männlichen/weiblichen Körpers. "Der schejne Jid" (1998) 86-96. 1998

  212. Ilan, Tal. Patriarchy, the Land of Israel and the legal position of Jewish women in rabbinic literature. Nashim 1 (1998) 42-50. 1998

  213. Joseph, Norma Baumel. Hair distractions : women and worship in the responsa of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein. Jewish Legal Writings by Women (1998) 9-22. 1998

  214. Joseph, Norma Baumel. Searching for a woman’s voice in responsa literature. Shofar 16,4 (1998) 40-50. 1998

  215. Kopciowski Korbman, Ester. La donna nell’"Alachà". Le figlie di Abramo (1998) 29-43. 1998

  216. Kopelowitz, Ezra. Three subcultures of Conservative Judaism and the issue of ordaining women. Nashim 1 (1998) 136-153. 1998

  217. Meacham, Tirzah Z.. Marriage of minor girls in Jewish law : a legal and historical overview. Jewish Legal Writings by Women (1998) 23-37. 1998

  218. Meiselman, Moshe. The Rav, feminism and public policy : an insider’s overview.Tradition 33,1 (1998) 5-30. 1998

  219. Safrai, Chana. Beauty, beautification, and cosmetics : social control and Halakha in talmudic times. Jewish Legal Writings by Women (1998) 38-51. 1998

  220. Twersky, Mayer. Halakhic values and halakhic decisions : Rav Soloveitchik’s "pesak" regarding women’s prayer groups. Tradition 32,3 (1998) 5-18. 1998

  221. Weiss, Avraham. Women and the reading of the Megillah. Torah u-Madda Journal 8 (1998-1999) 295-317. 1998

  222. Wenger, Beth S.. Mitzvah and medicine : gender, assimilation, and the scientific defense of "family purity". Jewish Social Studies 5,1-2 (1998-1999) 177-202. 1998

  223. Wolowelsky, Joel B.. Feminism and Orthodox Judaism. Judaism 47,4 (1998) 499-507. 1998

  224. Zimmerman, Deena Rachel. Duration of breastfeeding in Jewish law. Jewish Legal Writings by Women (1998) 52-59. 1998

  225. Zlochower, Devorah. Establishing and uprooting menstruation with the pill. Jewish Legal Writings by Women (1998) 60-73. 1998

  226. Benaim, Annette. The treatment of women in legal context as reflected in the Judeo-Spanish testimonies of the "responsa" of Rabbi Samuel de Medina. "Quien Hubiese tal Ventura" (1997) 199-205. 1997

  227. Golinkin, David. May women wear tefillin? Conservative Judaism 50,1 (1997) 3-18. 1997

  228. Gordon, Shmuel. Head covering for women : a look at the sources. The Pardes Reader (1997) 35-42. 1997

  229. Melammed, Renée Levine. He said, she said : a woman teacher in twelfth-century Cairo. AJS Review 22,1 (1997) 19-35. 1997

  230. Novak, David. Parental rights in the marriage of a minor. Jewish Law Association Studies 9 (1997) 131-142. 1997

  231. Rosenfeld, Azriel. Generation, gestation, and Judaism. Jewish Law and the New Reproductive Technologies (1997) 36-45. 1997

  232. Shrier, Zachary. Halacha, Conservative Judaism, and the ordination of women as rabbis. Mosaic (Cambridge, MA) 20 (1997) 29-35. 1997

  233. Somekh, Alberto Moshe. La "ketubbah" : un profilo storico, giuridico e linguistico. Il matrimonio ebraico (1997) 17-30. 1997

  234. Steinberg, Jonah. From a "pot of filth" to a "hedge of roses" (and back) : changing theorizations of menstruation in Judaism. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 13,2 (1997) 5-26. 1997

  235. Wolff, Zvi. Teaching women Torah. The Pardes Reader (1997) 127-134. 1997

  236. Yanay, Niza. Ritual impurity and religious discourse on women and nationality. Women’s Studies International Forum 20,5-6 (1997) 651-663. 1997

  237. Zeidman, Reena. Marginal discourse : lesbianism in Jewish law. Women in Judaism 1,1 (1997). 1997

  238. Destro, Adriana. The witness of times : an anthropological reading of "Niddah". Reading Leviticus (1996) 124-138. 1996

  239. Di Segni, Riccardo. La donna rabbino. Scritti sull’ebraismo in memoria di Emanuele Menachem Artom (1996) 175-187. 1996

  240. Fink, Reuven. The recital of kaddish by women. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 31 (1996) 23-37. 1996

  241. Hansel, Georges. Problématique de l’interruption de grossesse. Pardès 22 (1996) 220-229. 1996

  242. Kahl, Brigitte. Jairus und die verlorenen Töchter Israels : sozioliterarische Überlegungen zum Problem der Grenzüberschreitung in Mk 5,21-43. Von der Wurzel getragen (1996) 61-78. 1996

  243. Katzoff, Ranon. Philo and Hillel on violation of betrothal in Alexandria. The Jews in the Hellenistic-Roman World (1996) 39-57. 1996

  244. Kunin, Seth Daniel. Feminine access to Jewish sacred space : a structuralist survey. Renaissance and Modern Studies 39 (1996) 1-14. 1996

  245. Magonet, Jonathan. "But if it is a girl she is unclean for twice seven days..." : the riddle of Leviticus 12.5. Reading Leviticus (1996) 144-152. 1996

  246. Shamir, Ronen. Religion, feminism, and professionalism : the case of rabbinical advocates. Jewish Journal of Sociology 38,2 (1996) 73-88. 1996

  247. Twersky, Mayer. A glimpse of the Rav. Tradition 30,4 (1996) 79-114. 1996

  248. Zohar, Zvi M.. Traditional flexibility and modern strictness : the halakhic positions on women’s suffrage. Sephardi and Middle Eastern Jewries (1996) 119-133. 1996

  249. Cohen, Alfred S.. Women and the reading of the Megilla. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 30 (1995) 25-41. 1995

  250. Frymer-Kensky, Tikva Simone. Halakhah, law, and feminism. Conservative Judaism 47,2 (1995) 46-52. 1995

  251. Golinkin, David. Une femme peut-elle monter à la Tora? La Loi juive à l’aube du XXIe siècle (1995) 181-212. 1995

  252. Joseph, Norma Baumel. Jewish education for women : Rabbi Moshe Feinstein’s map of America. American Jewish History 83,2 (1995) 205-222. 1995

  253. Malinowitz, Chaim Z.. "Kiddushei ketana" - betrothal of a minor : a halachic discussion. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 30 (1995) 5-24. 1995

  254. Millen, Rochelle L.. An analysis of rabbinic hermeneutics : B.T. Kiddushin 34a. Gender and Judaism (1995) 25-37. 1995

  255. Miller, Beth C.. A comparison of American and Jewish legal views on rape. Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 5,2 (1995-1996) 182-215. 1995

  256. Safrai, Chana. Vrouwen in de orthodoxe synagoge? Ter Herkenning 23,3 (1995) 146-158. 1995

  257. Schiller, Mayer. The obligation of married women to cover their hair. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 30 (1995) 81-108. 1995

  258. Umińska, Bożena. Pozycja kobiety w tradycyjnym prawie żydowskim. Studia z dziejów Żydów w Polsce I (1995) 149-167. 1995

  259. Wolfe Fine, Wendy. Modern Orthodox Judaism as an option for professional women. Journal of Jewish Communal Service 71,2-3 (1995) 153-164. 1995

  260. Wolowelsky, Joel B.. Women and kaddish. Judaism 44,3 (1995) 282-290. 1995

  261. Frymer-Kensky, Tikva Simone. The feminist challenge to Halakhah. Harvard Law School Gruss Lectures (1994). 1994

  262. Millen, Rochelle L.. "Birkhat ha-gomel" : a study in cultural context and halakhic practice. Judaism 43,3 (1994) 270-278. 1994

  263. Rovner, Jay. Rhetorical strategy and dialectical necessity in the Babylonian Talmud : the case of Kiddushin 34a-35a. Hebrew Union College Annual 65 (1994) 177-231. 1994

  264. Sinclair, Daniel B.. Jewish law in the State of Israel. Jewish Law Annual 11 (1994) 221-248. 1994

  265. Sliw, Regina. With an outstretched arm : a historical analysis of violence against women within the Jewish world. Le’ela 37 (1994) 17-21. 1994

  266. Tobi, Yosef. Inheritance rights of Jewish women and Moslem women in Yemen. Proceedings (Seminar for Arabian Studies) 27 (1994) 201-208. 1994

  267. Bebe, Pauline. L’accès des femmes à la scène publique à travers la Halakha. Ecole des Hautes Etudes du Judaïsme: Actes des journées d’études (1993) 33-44. 1993

  268. Berkovits, Rahel. "Kol Yisrael areivim zeh la zeh"? Women and the principle of "areivut".Bikurim [2] (1993) 33-46. 1993

  269. Fishbane, Simcha. "In any case there are no sinful thoughts" : the role and status of women in Jewish law as expressed in the "Arukh Hashulhan". Judaism 42,4 (1993) 492-503. 1993

  270. Graetz, Naomi. Some halachic aspects of wife-beating in the Jewish tradition : the case of rejection. World Congress of Jewish Studies 11,B, vol.1 (1993) 143-150. 1993

  271. Hauptman, Judith. Women and prayer : an attempt to dispel some fallacies. Judaism 42,1 (1993) 94-103. 1993

  272. Klein, Elka. Protecting the widow and the orphan : a case study from 13th century Barcelona. Mosaic (Cambridge, MA) 14 (1993) 65-81. 1993

  273. Koubi, Geneviève. La femme juive et l’accès à la connaissance de la loi. Praxis Juridique et Religion 10,1 (1993) 40-55. 1993

  274. Lahav, Pnina. Modern Jewish women : between two mechitzahs. S’vara 3,1 (1993) 46-50. 1993

  275. Ross, Tamar. Can the demand for change in the status of women be halakhically legitimated? Judaism 42,4 (1993) 478-491. 1993

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  283. Haut, Irwin H.. Are women obligated to pray? Daughters of the King (1992) 89-101. 1992

  284. Haut, Rivka. Women’s prayer groups and the Orthodox synagogue. Daughters of the King (1992) 135-157. 1992

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  288. Weissler, Chava. "Mizvot" built into the body : "tkhines" for "niddah", pregnancy, and childbirth. People of the Body (1992) 101-115. 1992

  289. Wolowelsky, Joel B.. Women’s participation in Sheva Berakhot. Modern Judaism 12,2 (1992) 157-165. 1992

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  292. Frishman, Judith. Als Mann und Frau erschuf sie sie : Feminismus und Tradition. Jüdische Lebenswelten (1991) 86-107. 1991

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  300. Lasker, Judith N.. Rabbinic and feminist responses to reproductive technology. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 6,1 (1990) 117-130. 1990

  301. Millen, Rochelle L.. Women and kaddish : reflections on responsa. Modern Judaism 10,2 (1990) 191-203. 1990

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  303. Umansky, Ellen M.. Beyond androcentrism : feminist challenges to Judaism. Journal of Reform Judaism 37,1 (1990) 25-35. 1990

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  305. Weissman, Deborah R.. The Jewish woman : traditions and transitions. Studies in Contemporary Jewry 5 (1989) 279-288. 1989

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  309. Min-Hahar, Shlomo. The participation of women in war. Crossroads (Alon Shvut) 2 (1988) 227-234. 1988

  310. Semo Kofsky, Alina. A comparative analysis of women’s property rights in Jewish law and Anglo-American law. Journal of Law and Religion 6,2 (1988) 317-353. 1988

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  328. Harvey, Warren Zev. The obligation of Talmud on women according to Maimonides. Tradition 19, 2 (1981) 122-130. 1981

  329. Kasdan, Menachem M.. Are woman obligated to pray daily? Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 1,2 (1981) 86-106. 1981

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  331. Steinberg, Avraham. Natural childbirth : may the husband attend? Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 1,2 (1981) 107-122. 1981

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  337. Carmichael, Calum M.. A ceremonial crux : removing a man’s sandal as a female gesture of contempt. Journal of Biblical Literature 96,3 (1977) 321-336. 1977

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