Jewish Women’s Bibliography organized by Topic/Subject Historical Studies United States

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  • Schwartzmann, Julia. Constructing a new type of Jewish woman : the power concept in the women-oriented literature of Rabbi Aviner. Modern Judaism 28,1 (2008) 64-78. 2008

  • Shepherd, David. "Strike his bone and his flesh" : reading Job from the beginning. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 33,1 (2008) 81-97. 2008

  • Sloane, Andrew. Aberrant textuality? : the case of Ezekiel the (porno) prophet. Tyndale Bulletin 59,1 (2008) 53-76. 2008

  • Sparks, Kenton L.. The Song of Songs : wisdom for young Jewish women.Catholic Biblical Quarterly 70,2 (2008) 277-299. 2008

  • Stein, David E.S.. The grammar of social gender in biblical Hebrew. Hebrew Studies 49 (2008) 7-26. 2008

  • Steuer, Christiane. Der Fetus ist ein Glied seiner Mutter ("ubar yerekh imo") : eine rabbinische Interpretation von Exodus 21:22-24. Lectio difficilior 2 (2008). 2008

  • Tan, Nancy. Where is foreign wisdom to be found in Septuagint Proverbs? Catholic Biblical Quarterly 70,4 (2008) 699-708. 2008

  • Tucker, W. Dennis, Jr. Women in the Old Testament : issues of authority, power and justice. Expository Times 119,10 (2008) 481-486. 2008

  • Wilke, Carsten Lorenz. The soul is a foreign woman : otherness and psychological allegory from the "Zohar" to Hasidism. Iggud 1 (2008) 129-139. 2008

  • Yee, Gale A.. The other woman in Proverbs : "my man’s not home... he took his money bag with him". Marxist Feminist Criticism of the Bible (2008) 98-133. 2008

  • Каниэль Кара-Иванов, Рут. Женщины и змеи - сюжеты бытия и избавления, миф и гендер. Материалы Пятнадцатой Ежегодной Международной Междисциплинарной конференции по иудаике II (2008) 84-89. 2008

  • Acker, Sigrid. Femmes et généalogies bibliques : l’exemple de Matthieu 1. Tsafon 54 (2007-2008) 49-65. 2007

  • Andrews, Stephen. What’s the matter with Eve? : The woman and her sentence in ancient Judaism. Divine Creation in Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern Thought (2007) 1-22. 2007

  • Baker, David L.. Concubines and conjugal rights : ענה in Exodus 21:10 and Deuteronomy 21:14. Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 13 (2007) 87-101. 2007

  • Bauks, Michaela. Traditionsgeschichtliche Erwägungen zur Namenlosigkeit von Jiftachs Tochter (Ri 11,29-40). Lectio difficilior 1 (2007). 2007

  • Bergmann, Claudia. We have seen the enemy, and he is only a "she" : the portrayal of warriors as women. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 69,4 (2007) 651-672. 2007

  • Boulouque, Clémence. Les femmes sans nom de la Bible. Pardès 43 (2007) 123-127. 2007

  • Chapman, Cynthia R.. Sculpted warriors : sexuality and the sacred in the depiction of warfare in the Assyrian palace reliefs and in Ezekiel 23:14-17. Lectio difficilior 1 (2007). 2007

  • Christianson, Eric S.. The big sleep : strategic ambiguity in Judges 4-5 and in classic "film noir". Biblical Interpretation 15,4-5 (2007) 519-548. 2007

  • Donnet-Guez, Brigitte. Modernité et indépendance d’Abigaïl dans la littérature biblique (I Sam 25) et post biblique. Tsafon 54 (2007-2008) 29-48. 2007

  • Dresner, Ora. Mourning and loss and the life cycle in the Book of Ruth Bible week 2006. European Judaism 40,2 (2007) 132-139. 2007

  • Elkouby, Janine. "Et Dina sortit...".. Pardès 43 (2007) 53-64. 2007

  • Fleishman, Joseph. "Their father gave them "nahala" ’an estate’ among their brethren" (Job 42:15b) : what did Job give his daughters? Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 13 (2007) 120-134. 2007

  • Forti, Tova. The "Isha zara" in Proverbs 1-9: allegory and allegorization. Hebrew Studies 48 (2007) 89-100. 2007

  • Geiger, Michaela. Mirjams Tanz am Schilfmeer als literarischer Schlüssel für das Frauen-Tanz-Motiv : eine kanonische Lektüre. Musik, Tanz und Gott (2007) 55-75. 2007

  • Gillmayr-Bucher, Susanne. "She came to test him with hard questions”: foreign women and their view on Israel. Biblical Interpretation 15,2 (2007) 135-150. 2007

  • Gruber, Mayer Irwin. Women’s voices in the Book of Micah. Lectio difficilior 1 (2007). 2007

  • Häusl, Maria. Die Zeit der Schwangerschaft. Literatur- und sprachwissenschaftliche Beiträge zu alttestamentlichen Texten (2007) 69-85. 2007

  • Hock-Soon, Andrew. Revisiting Judges 19: a Gothic perspective. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 32,2 (2007) 199-215. 2007

  • Japhet, Sara. The expulsion of the foreign women (Ezra 9-10) : the legal basis, and consequences for the definition of Jewish identity. "Sieben Augen auf einem Stein" (2007) 141-161. 2007

  • Kazen, Thomas. Explaining discrepancies in the purity laws on discharges. Revue Biblique 114,3 (2007) 348-371. 2007

  • Köhlmoos, Melanie. Töchter meines Volkes : Israel und das Problem der Prostitution in exilischer und nachexilischer Zeit. "Sieben Augen auf einem Stein" (2007) 213-228. 2007.

  • Le Roux, Magdel. Power, sexual status, and religion in the "Promised Land". Old Testament Essays 20,3 (2007) 742-755. 2007

  • Leneman, Helen. Re-visioning a biblical story through libretto and music : "Debora e Jaele" by Ildebrando Pizzetti. Biblical Interpretation 15,4-5 (2007) 428-463. 2007

  • Lim, Timothy H. The Book of Ruth and its literary voice. Reflection and Refraction (2007) 261-282. 2007

  • Lipschitz, Arouna. Le Verbe au féminin : une lecture kabbaliste du "Cantique des Cantiques". Pardès 43 (2007) 93-101. 2007

  • Lipsyc, Sonia Sarah. Quand les femmes interprètent la loi : le paradigme des filles de Tsélofrad dans la Bible. Pardès 43 (2007) 65-91. 2007

  • Liss, Hanna. Das Problem des eifernden Mannes : das "Eifer"-Ordal in der biblischen Überlieferung und in der jüdischen Tradition. Behutsames Lesen (2007) 197-215. 2007

  • McGrail, Peter. Eroticism, death and redemption : the operatic construct of the biblical "femme fatale". Biblical Interpretation 15,4-5 (2007) 405-427. 2007

  • Merz, Annette. How a woman who fought back and demanded her rights became an importunate widow: the transformations of a parable of Jesus. Jesus from Judaism to Christianity (2007) 47-86. 2007

  • Mitchell, Matthew W. Finding the naked woman in Hosea ii 11. Vetus Testamentum 57,1 (2007) 119-123. 2007

  • Nakhai, Beth Alpert. Gender and archaeology in Israelite religion. Religion Compass 1,5 (2007) 512-528. 2007

  • Nohrnberg, James C. A tale of two Tamars : internecine and inter-ethnic violation, genetic and genealogical anxiety, in the Old Testament narrative. Genre 15,3-4 (2007) 101-128.


    1. O’Brien, Julia Myers. The problem of the other(ed) woman in Nahum. The Archaeology of Difference (2007) 109-117. 2007

    2. Rendsburg, Gary Alan. No stelae, no queens : two issues concerning the kings of Israel and Judah. The Archaeology of Difference (2007) 95-107. 2007

    3. Reuter, Eleonore. Kein Bund für Frauen : Ehebund als eine sexistische Beschreibung der Gottesbeziehung. Für immer verbündet (2007) 171-177. 2007

    4. Sasson, Vanessa R.. Beauty queens and foetal containers : Jewish and Buddhist mothers in the early literatures. Journal for Semitics 16,2 (2007) 351-368. 2007

    5. Schroer, Silvia. Frauenkörper als architektonische Elemente : zum Hintergrund von Ps 144,12. Bilder als Quellen (2007) 425-450. 2007

    6. Shemesh, Yael. A gender perspective on the daughters of Zelophehad : Bible, talmudic midrash, and modern feminist midrash. Biblical Interpretation 15,1 (2007) 80-109. 2007

    7. Sneed, Mark. "White trash" wisdom : Proverbs 9 deconstructed. The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures (2007). 2007

    8. Szpek, Heidi M.. The Levite’s concubine : the story that never was. Women in Judaism 5,1 (2007). 2007

    9. Szpek, Heidi M.. "Do not reject your mother’s teaching?!" : The function of Micah’s mother in Judges 17. Women in Judaism 4,2 (2007). 2007

    10. Tollington, Janet E. God, women and children. The God of Israel (2007) 127-138. 2007

    11. Tsoffar, Ruth. The trauma of otherness and hunger : Ruth and Lot’s daughters. Women in Judaism 5,1 (2007). 2007

    12. Untu, Alexandra. Feminine private roles in ancient Near East : a comparative study with a stress on the Israelite woman’s condition. Studia Hebraica 7 (2007) 187-199. 2007

    13. Zamfir, Korinna. The quest for the "eternal feminine" : an essay on the effective history of Gen 1-3 with respect to the woman. Annali di Storia dell’Esegesi 24,2 (2007) 501-522. 2007

    14. Ackerman, Susan. Women and the worship of Yahweh in ancient Israel. Confronting the Past (2006) 189-197. 2006

    15. Assis, Elie. Man, woman and God in Judg 4. Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 20,1 (2006) 110-124. 2006

    16. Bailey, Wilma Ann. Through the eyes of a serpent : a political/economic/ecological interpretation of Genesis 3. Encounter (Indianapolis) 67,1 (2006) 81-86. 2006

    17. Branch, Robin Gallaher. Understudy to star : the courageous audacity of an Israelite slave girl. Stimulation from Leiden (2006) 257-267. 2006

    18. Brettler, Marc Zvi. Unresolved and unresolvable : problems in interpreting the Song. Scrolls of Love (2006) 185-198. 2006

    19. Burnside, Jonathan Patrick. Strange flesh : sex, semiotics and the construction of deviancy in biblical law. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 30,4 (2006) 387-420. 2006

    20. Clark, Ron. The silence in Dinah’s cry. Lectio difficilior 1 (2006). 2006

    21. Cushman, Beverly White. The politics of the royal harem and the case of Bat-Sheba. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 30,3 (2006) 327-343. 2006

    22. Deissler, Alfons. Das Bild der Frau in der Prophetenliteratur Israels. Wozu brauchen wir das Alte Testament? (2006) 165-190. 2006

    23. Du Toit, Jaqueline S.. In the eyes of the beholder : tradition, text and gender identity. Journal for Semitics 15,2 (2006) 259-277. 2006

    24. Eder, Sigrid. "Tu mir keine Gewalt an, denn so handelt man nicht..." (2Sam 13,12) : wie und wozu biblische Gewalttexte heute lesen. Prekäre Zeitgenossenschaft (2006) 50-66. 2006

    25. Egger-Wenzel, Renate. Jiftachs Tochter (Ri 11,29-40) - Die Töchter von Schilo (Ri 21,19-25) : Ursprung und Ausführung einer kultischen Feier durch Frauen? Biblische Notizen 129 (2006) 5-16. 2006

    26. Erbele-Küster, Dorothea. Der Dienst der Frauen am Eingang des Zeltheiligtums (Exodus 38:8) : kultisch-religiöse Verortungen von Frauen in Exodus und Leviticus. The Interpretation of Exodus (2006) 265-281. 2006

    27. Fidler, Ruth. A wife’s vow - the husband’s woe? : The case of Hannah and Elkanah (I Samuel 1,21.23). ZAW 118,3 (2006) 374-388. 2006

    28. Fleishman, Joseph. A daughter’s demand and a father’s compliance : the legal background to Achsah’s claim and Caleb’s agreement (Joshua 15,16-19; Judges 1,12-15). ZAW 118,3 (2006) 354-373. 2006

    29. Frymer-Kensky, Tikva Simone. Sanctifying Torah. Studies in Bible and Feminist Criticism (2006) 195-207. 2006

    30. Gericke, Jaco W. YHWH’s funeral : a feminist perspective on projection and non-metaphorical religious language in the Old Testament. Journal for Semitics 15,2 (2006) 311-336. 2006

    31. Gerstenberger, Erhard S.. Hulda unter den Schriftgelehrten? : Tora als Mitte von Prophetie. "Gott bin ich, kein Mann" (2006) 271-280. 2006

    32. Goldberg, Aviva. The origins of the “Arbaat Yamim” - The Four Days. Women in Judaism 4,1 (2006). 2006

    33. Goodman-Thau, Eveline. "Die Tora redet wie in menschlicher Sprache" : männliche Rede und weibliche Antwort in der Bibel und in der jüdischen Tradition. "Gott bin ich, kein Mann" (2006) 226-236. 2006

    34. Graetz, Naomi. Trafficking and prostitution : lessons from Jewish sources. Australian Journal of Jewish Studies 20 (2006) 25-58. 2006

    35. Havea, Jione. Whoring Dinah : Poly-Nesian-reading Genesis 34. Voyages in Uncharted Waters (2006) 172-184. 2006

    36. Herrera Chávez, Gaby. Imágenes femeninas en Jr 31, 15-22. Estudios Bíblicos 64,3-4 (2006) 419-428. 2006

    37. Hill, Andrew E.. On David’s "taking" and "leaving" concubines (2 Samuel 5:13; 15:16). Journal of Biblical Literature 125,1 (2006) 129-139. 2006

    38. Kessler, Rainer. Die Frau als Gehilfin des Mannes? : Genesis 2,18.20 und das biblische Verständnis von "Hilfe". Gotteserdung (2006) 35-40. 2006

    39. Klopper, Frances. "Of all things upon earth that bleed and grow, the herb most bruised is woman" (Euripides) : Israelite woman as object of carnal knowledge. Journal for Semitics 15,2 (2006) 337-348. 2006

    40. Kohn, Risa Levitt. In and out of place : physical space and social location in the Bible. From Babel to Babylon (2006) 253-262. 2006

    41. Korpel, Marjo C.A.. Seals of Jezebel and other women in authority. Journal for Semitics 15,2 (2006) 349-371. 2006

    42. Körting, Corinna. Sach 5,5-11 : die Unrechtmässigkeit wird an ihren Ort verwiesen. Biblica 87,4 (2006) 477-492. 2006

    43. Kozlovic, Anton Karl. Constructing the motherliness of Manoah’s wife in Cecil B. DeMille’s Samson and Delilah (1949). Women in Judaism 4,1 (2006). 2006

    44. LaCocque, André. Subverting the biblical world : sociology and politics in the Book of Ruth. Scrolls of Love (2006) 20-30. 2006

    45. Leeb, Carolyn S.. Polygyny : insights from rural Haiti. Ancient Israel (2006) 50-65. 2006

    46. Magdalene, F. Rachel. Job’s wife as hero : a feminist-forensic reading of the Book of Job. Biblical Interpretation 14,3 (2006) 209-258. 2006

    47. Meyers, Carol L.. Hierarchy or heterarchy? : Archaeology and the theorizing of Israelite society. Confronting the Past (2006) 246-254. 2006

    48. Miles, Johnny. Re-reading the power of satire : Isaiah’s "daughters of Zion", Pope’s "Belinda", and the rhetoric of rape. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 31,2 (2006) 193-219. 2006

    49. Neufeld, Dietmar. Barrenness : trance as a protest strategy. Ancient Israel (2006) 128-141. 2006

    50. Sasson, Jack M. The servant’s tale : how Rebekah found a spouse. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 65,4 (2006) 241-265. 2006

    51. Schroer, Silvia. Gender und Ikonographie - aus der Sicht einer feministischen Bibelwissenschaftlerin. Images and Gender (2006) 107-124. 2006

    52. Staalduine-Sulman, Eveline van. Between legislative and linguistic parallels : Exodus 21:22-25 in its context. The Interpretation of Exodus (2006) 207-224. 2006

    53. Tadmor, Naomi. Women and wives : the language of marriage in early modern English biblical translations. History Workshop Journal 62,1 (2006) 1-27. 2006

    54. Taylor, Marion Ann. Bringing Miriam out of the shadows : Harriet Beecher Stowe and Phyllis Trible. From Babel to Babylon (2006) 263-272. 2006

    55. Wahle, Silke E.. "Raum" und "Zeit" im Kontext biblischer Frauengeschichte(n) : Überlegungen zur Geschichte Michals in den Samuelbüchern. "Gott bin ich, kein Mann" (2006) 281-294. 2006

    56. Winslow, Karen Strand. Ethnicity, exogamy, and Zipporah. Women in Judaism 4,1 (2006). 2006

    57. כץ, חיה היבטים מתודולוגיים בחקר מעמד האישה בתקופת המקרא. בית מקרא 51,א (תשסו) 72-84 2006

    58. Assis, Elie. "The hand of a woman" : Deborah and Yael (Judges 4). The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 5 (2005). 2005

    59. Blumenthal, David Reuben. The images of women in the Hebrew Bible. Marriage, Sex, and Family in Judaism (2005) 15-60. 2005

    60. Boer, Roland T.. Women first? On the legacy of "primitive communism". Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 30,1 (2005) 3-28. 2005

    1. Burton, Joan B.. Themes of female desire and self-assertion in the Song of Songs and Hellenistic poetry. Perspectives on the Song of Songs (2005) 180-205. 2005

    2. Camp, Claudia V. Becoming canon : women, texts, and scribes in Proverbs and Sirach. Seeking Out the Wisdom of the Ancients (2005) 371-387. 2005

    1. Dell, Katharine J.. Does the Song of Songs have any connections to wisdom? Perspectives on the Song of Songs (2005) 8-26. 2005

    2. Duran, Nicole. Having men for dinner : deadly banquets and biblical women. Biblical Theology Bulletin 35,4 (2005) 117-124. 2005

    3. Fischer, Irmtraud. Zwischen Kahlschlag, Durchforstung und neuer Pflanzung : zu einigen Aspekten feministischer Exegese und ihrer Relevanz für eine Theologie des Alten Testaments. Theologie und Exegese des Alten Testaments/ der Hebräischen Bibel (2005) 41-72. 2005

    4. Fischer, Irmtraud. Gotteslehrerin : ein Streifzug durch Spr 31,10-31 auf den Pfaden unterschiedlicher Methodik. Biblische Zeitschrift 49, 2 (2005) 237-253. 2005

    5. Fontaine, Carole R. Visual metaphors and Proverbs 5:15-20: some archaeological reflections on gendered iconography. Seeking Out the Wisdom of the Ancients (2005)185-202. 2005

    6. Gerstenberger, Erhard S. Women in Old Testament legal procedures. Lectio difficilior 1 (2005) 11 pp. 2005

    7. Hurowitz, Victor Avigdor. The woman of valor and a woman large of head: matchmaking in the ancient Near East. Seeking Out the Wisdom of the Ancients (2005) 221-234. 2005

    8. Jost, Renate. Ist eine feministische Sozialgeschichte des Ersten Testaments möglich? Kontexte der Schrift II (2005) 132-149. 2005

    9. Karlinger Escobedo, Libby. Heroines, wives, and mothers: depicting women in the "Bible Historiale" and the Morgan Picture Bible. Between the Picture and the Word (2005)100-111. 2005

    10. Kim, Jean Kyoung. Reading and retelling Naaman’s story (2 Kings 5). Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 30,1 (2005) 49-61. 2005

    11. Montagu, Rachel. Mothers in the Hebrew Bible. For Generations; Jewish Motherhood (2005) 17-30. 2005

    12. Müller, Monika. Von Herrinnen, Mägden und ungleichen Schwestern: weibliche Konkurrenz im Alten Orient und in der Hebräischen Bibel. Wort und Dienst 28 (2005) 27-51. 2005

    13. Nwaoru, Emmanuel O. Image of the woman of substance in Proverbs 31:10-31 and African context. Biblische Notizen 127 (2005) 41-66. 2005

    14. Ramon, Einat. The Matriarchs and the Torah of "hesed" (loving-kindness). Nashim 10 (2005) 154-177. 2005

    15. Reiss, Moshe. The women around Moses. Jewish Bible Quarterly 33, 2 (2005) 127-132. 2005

    16. Rofé, Alexander. Defilement of virgins in biblical law and the case of Dinah (Genesis 34). Biblica 86,3 (2005) 369-375. 2005

    17. Rosen-Zvi, Ishay. Misogyny and its discontents. Prooftexts 25,1-2 (2005) 217-227. 2005

    18. Rothstein, David. Jubilees’ formulation of Gen 2:23 : a literary motif viewed against the legal matrices of the Hebrew Bible and the ancient Near East. Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 11 (2005) 4-11. 2005

    19. Rousseau, Vanessa. Eve and Lilith : two female types of procreation. Diogenes 52,4 (2005) 94-98. 2005

    20. Samuels, Ayala Ronen. Other mothers : a feminist reading of biblical stories. For Generations; Jewish Motherhood (2005) 31-41. 2005

    21. Shulman, Sheila. Worldly Jewish women : a possible model. European Judaism 38,1 (2005) 80-94. 2005

    22. Siebert-Hommes, Jopie C. Hij maakt het wasvat met de "spiegels" der dienstdoende vrouwen (Exodus 38:8). Om voor te lezen - Miqra (2005) 109-114. 2005

    23. Szlos, M.B. Body parts as metaphor and the value of a cognitive approach : a study of the female figures in Proverbs via metaphor. Metaphor in the Hebrew Bible (2005) 185-195. 2005

    24. Toensing, Holly Joan. Women of Sodom and Gomorrah : collateral damage in the war against homosexuality? Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 21,2 (2005) 61-74. 2005

    25. Treacy-Cole, Diane. Women in the wilderness : rereading Revelation 12. Wilderness (2005) 45-58. 2005

    26. Trevett, Christine. Wilderness woman : the taming of Miriam. Wilderness (2005) 26-44. 2005

    27. Viviers, Hennie. The "body" and Lady Wisdom (Proverbs 1-9).Old Testament Essays 18,3 (2005) 879-890. 2005

    28. Wells, Bruce. Sex, lies, and virginal rape : the slandered bride and false accusation in Deuteronomy. Journal of Biblical Literature 124,1 (2005) 41-72. 2005

    29. גרובר, מאיר ‬.זונה וזנות בעולם המקרא ‬‬. זמנים 90 (2005) 20-29 ‬‬.2005

    30. Adelman, Rachel. On laughter and re-membering. Nashim 8 (2004) 230-244. 2004

    31. Allione, Lucía Riba de. Cuerpos de mujeres y violencia : una lectura desde la Biblia. Religión, género y sexualidad (2004) 153-172. 2004

    32. Assis, Elie. The choice to serve God and assist his people : Rahab and Yael. Biblica 85,1 (2004) 82-90. 2004

    33. Branch, Robin Gallaher. The wife of Jeroboam, 1 Kings 14:1-18 : the incredible, riveting, history-changing significance of an unnamed, overlooked, ignored, obscure, obedient woman. Old Testament Essays 17,2 (2004) 157-167. 2004

    34. Brenner, Athalya. Regulating "sons" and "daughters" in the Torah and in Proverbs : some preliminary insights. The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 5 (2004-2005). 2004

    35. Brenner, Athalya. Some reflections on violence against women and the image of the Hebrew God : the prophetic books revisited. On the Cutting Edge (2004) 69-81. 2004

    36. Butting, Klara. Prophetinnen auf der Spur : die Bedeutung der weiblichen Prophetie in der Bibel. Welt und Umwelt der Bibel 34 (2004) 33-37. 2004

    37. Day, John. Does the Old Testament refer to sacred prostitution and did it actually exist in ancient Israel? Biblical and Near Eastern Essays (2004) 2-21. 2004

    38. Everhart, Janet S.. Serving women and their mirrors : a feminist reading of Exodus 38:8b. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 66,1 (2004) 44-54. 2004

    39. Fischer, Irmtraud. Rut als Figur des Lebens : ein Einspruch gegen die Konstruktion des Zusammenhangs "Frau und Tod". Jahrbuch für Biblische Theologie 19 (2004) 103-120. 2004

    40. Fischer, Irmtraud. Sara als Gründerin des Volkes Israel : zur Befreiung einer aus männlichem Blick gezeichneten Erzählfigur aus dem Korsett des gender-bias in der Exegese. Sara lacht (2004) 11-26. 2004

    41. Fischer, Irmtraud. Salomo und die Frauen. Das Manna fällt auch heute noch (2004) 218-243. 2004

    42. Fontaine, Carole R. The proof of the pudding : proverbs and gender in the performance arena. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 29,2 (2004) 179-203. 2004

    43. Graetz, Naomi. A midrashic lens on biblical women: a review essay. Conservative Judaism 56,2 (2004) 77-85. 2004

    44. Gravett, Sandra Lynne (Sandie). Reading "rape" in the Hebrew Bible : a consideration of language. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 28,3 (2004) 279-299. 2004

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