Gross, Walter, 1941- .Jiftachs Tochter. Das Manna fällt auch heute noch (2004) 273-293. 2004
Gruber, Mayer Irwin. The rhetoric of familiarity and contempt in Job 2:9-10. Scriptura 87 (2004) 261-266. 2004
Hackett, Jo Ann. Violence and women’s lives in the Book of Judges. Interpretation (Richmond) 58,4 (2004) 356-364. 2004
Haude, Rüdiger. Geschlechterverhältnisse im biblischen Israel beim Übergang zum Staat. Macht und Herrschaft (2004) 59-83. 2004
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Kosman, Admiel. "Two women who were sporting with each other”: a reexamination of the halakhic approaches to lesbianism as a touchstone for homosexuality in general. Hebrew Union College Annual 75 (2004) 37-73. 2004
Kotzé, Zacharias. Women, fire and dangerous things in the Hebrew Bible : insights from the cognitive theory of metaphor. Old Testament Essays 17,2 (2004) 242-251. 2004
Lang, Bernhard. Women’s work, household and property in two Mediterranean societies : a comparative essay on Proverbs XXXI 10-31. Vetus Testamentum 54,2 (2004) 188-207. 2004
Levy, Francine. Les femmes dans la Bible. La Lettre Vivante 4 (2004) 9-29. 2004
Mazor, Yair. "Cherchez la femme", or sex, lies and the Bible : exposing the anti-feminist face of the biblical text. Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 18,1 (2004) 23-59. 2004
Meyers, Carol L. Where the girls are: archaeology and women’s lives in ancient Israel. Between Text and Artifact (2004) 31-51. 2004
Michel, Thomas. Hagar, mother of faith in the compassionate God. Islamochristiana 30 (2004) 47-54. 2004
Niehoff, Maren Ruth. Mother and maiden, sister and spouse: Sarah in Philonic Midrash. Harvard Theological Review 97,4 (2004) 413-444. 2004
Ratner, Tsila Abramovitz. Playing fathers’ games: the story of Achsah, daughter of Caleb, and the princess’s blank sheet. Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 3,2 (2004) 147-161. 2004
Regalzi, Giuseppe. Mille monete per Salomone: osservazioni su Cantico 8,12. Materia Giudaica 9,1-2 (2004) 159-166. 2004
Reinhartz, Adele. Women at war: gender and leadership in biblical and post-biblical literature. Jewish Religious Leadership I (2004) 35-54. 2004
Rothenberg, Naftali. Written by men for men : feminist revolution and innovation in the canonical sources. Men and Women (2004) 142-187. 2004
Schmidt, Daniela. "Und Sara ward schwanger und gebar Abraham einen Sohn" : sozialgeschichtliche, medizinhistorische und religionsgeschichtliche Einblicke in den Bereich der Mutterschaft in der Antike. Sara lacht (2004) 65-97. 2004
Scholz, Susanne. Gender, class, and androcentric compliance in the rapes of enslaved women in the Hebrew Bible. Lectio difficilior 1 (2004). 2004
Schroer, Silvia. Liebe und Tod im Ersten (Alten) Testament. Lectio difficilior 2 (2004). 2004
Schüngel-Straumann, Helen. Zwei weibliche Gegensatzpaare : Ester und Waschti - Lilit und Eva. Das Manna fällt auch heute noch (2004) 511-531. 2004
Seeman, Don. The watcher at the window : cultural poetics of a biblical motif. Prooftexts 24,1 (2004) 1-50. 2004
Sheridan, Sybil. Feminist Bible interpretation. Aspects of Liberal Judaism (2004) 124-136. 2004
Sinnott, Alice M.. Proverbs 31:10-31 : a wise woman or personified wisdom? "Basel und Bibel" (2004) 213-222. 2004
Steinberg, Naomi. Romancing the widow : the economic distinctions between the "’almanâ", the "’issâ-’almanâ" and the "’eset-hammet". God’s Word for Our World I (2004) 327-346. 2004
Tippelskirch, Dorothee C. von. Von Sarai zu Sarah : eine andere Lesart? Sara lacht (2004) 263-277. 2004
Weisberg, Dvora E.. The widow of our discontent : levirate marriage in the Bible and ancient Israel. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 28,4 (2004) 403-430. 2004
Бескровная, Елена. Проблема любви в теории ортодоксального иудаизма (методом пилпул-хиллуким). Запорожские еврейские чтения 8 (2004) 273-279. 2004
Ackerman, Susan. Digging up Deborah : recent Hebrew Bible scholarship on gender and the contribution of archaeology. Near Eastern Archaeology 66,4 (2003) 172-184. 2003
Ackerman, Susan. At home with the goddess. Symbiosis, Symbolism, and the Power of the Past (2003) 455-468. 2003
Bachmann, Veronika. Die biblische Vorstellungswelt und deren geschlechterpolitische Dimension : methodologische Überlegungen am Beispiel der ersttestamentlichen Kategorien ’rein’ und ’unrein’. Lectio difficilior 2 (2003). 2003
Bail, Ulrike. Der Fall Isebel(s) oder, Ein Fenstersturz, eine abwesende Leiche und ein Zitat. Körperkonzepte im Ersten Testament (2003) 80-93. 2003
Bechmann, Ulrike. Prophetische Frauen am Zweiten Tempel? Ein Vorschlag, die Töchter Zelofhads (Num 27) als Kulprophetinnen zu verstehen. Biblische Notizen 119-120 (2003) 52-62. 2003
Blumenthal, David Reuben. The Shulamite is not the Woman of Valor. Relating to the Text (2003) 216-231. 2003
Boecker, Hans Jochen. Frau und Mann : einige Texte des Alten Testaments zu einem aktuellen Thema. "Gott gedachte es gut zu machen" (2003) 7-26. 2003
Bow, Beverly A.. Sisterhood? Women’s relationships with women in the Hebrew Bible. Life and Culture in the Ancient Near East (2003) 205-215. 2003
Brenner, Athalya. Are we amused? Small and big differences in Josephus’ re-presentations of biblical female figures in the "Jewish Antiquities" 1-8. Are We Amused? (2003) 90-106. 2003
Brenner, Athalya. All my daughters... : once again, what can we do with the text? Prophetie in Israel (2003) 179-184. 2003
Cimosa, Mario. Lavoro e progresso nell’Antico Testamento. Lavoro-progresso-ricerca nella Bibbia (2003) 14-63. 2003
Crawford, Sidnie White. Esther and Judith : contrasts in character. The Book of Esther in Modern Research (2003) 61-76. 2003
Crüsemann, Frank. Eva - die erste Frau und ihre "Schuld" : ein Beitrag zu einer kanonisch-sozialgeschichtlichen Lektüre der Urgeschichte. Kanon und Sozialgeschichte (2003) 55-65. 2003
De Benedetti, Paolo. La visione biblica del maschio e della femmina. Eros e Bibbia (2003) 33-40. 2003
De Troyer, Kristin. Blood : a threat to holiness or toward (another) holiness? Wholly Woman, Holy Blood (2003) 45-64. 2003
Dyk, Peet J. van. Violence and the Old Testament. Old Testament Essays 16,1 (2003) 96-112. 2003
Elior, Rachel. Changing perspectives : female prophets in the Bible and rabbinical tradition. Contemplate 2 (2003) 15-21. 2003
Ellens, Deborah L. Menstrual impurity and innovation in Leviticus 15. Wholly Woman, Holy Blood (2003) 29-43. 2003
Exum, J. Cheryl. "The voice of my lover" : double voice and poetic illusion in Song of Songs 2.8-3.5. Reading from Right to Left (2003) 141-152. 2003
Frettlöh, Magdalene L.. Eine Klage, einen Namen, einen Segen für Hiobs Frau. Hiob (2003) 65-79. 2003
Fuchs, Esther. Laughing with/at/as women : how should we read biblical humor?Are We Amused? (2003) 127-136. 2003
Grözinger, Elvira. Die schöne Jüdin. Die schöne Jüdin (2003) 7-28. 2003
Gur-Klein, Thalia. Sexual hospitality in the Hebrew Bible?. Lectio difficilior 2 (2003). 2003
Heltzer, Michael. About the property rights of women in ancient Israel. Shlomo (2003) 133-138. 2003
Ilan, Tal. A secular, Jewish, feminist look at the Bible. Feminist Interpretation of the Bible and the Hermeneutics of Liberation (2003) 94-102. 2003
Isbell, Charles David. Nice Jewish girls : liquor, sex, and power in antiquity. Studies in Jewish Civilization 14 (2003) 23-32
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Kelso, Julie. Reading the silence of women in Genesis 34. Redirected Travel (2003) 85-109. 2003
Klopper, Frances. "Nineveh is in ruins - who will grieve for her?" The case of a ravished city in Nahum 3:4-7. Old Testament Essays 16,3 (2003) 616-624. 2003
Labahn, Antje. Observations on women in the genealogies of 1 Chronicles 19. Biblica 84,4 (2003) 457-478. 2003
Levine, Amy-Jill. Women’s humor and other creative juices. Are We Amused? (2003) 120-126. 2003
Liska, Vivian. Femmes bibliques dans la poésie de Else Lasker-Schüler. Quatre poétesses juives de langue allemande (2003) 15-31. 2003
Longman, Tremper III. Family in the Wisdom literature. Family in the Bible (2003) 80-99. 2003
Maier, Christl. Tochter Zion im Jeremiabuch : eine literarische Personifikation mit altorientalischem Hintergrund. Prophetie in Israel (2003) 157-167. 2003
Maier, Christl. Die Weisheit (Chokmah/Sophia) als Mittlerin der Schrift : voll weiblichen Geistes. Welt und Umwelt der Bibel 28 (2003) 31-33. 2003
Masenya, Madipoane J.. "A small herb increases itself (makes impact) by a strong odour" : re-imagining Vashti in an African South African context. Old Testament Essays 16,2 (2003) 332-342. 2003
Mbuwayesango, Dora Rudo. Can daughters be sons? The daughters of Zelophehad in patriarchal and imperial society. Relating to the Text (2003) 251-262. 2003
McKinlay, Judith E.. Who’s/whose Sarah? Journeying with Sarah in a chorus of voices. Redirected Travel (2003) 131-143. 2003
Melcher, Sarah J.. The problem of anti-Judaism in Christian feminist biblical interpretation : some pragmatic suggestions. Cross Currents 53,1 (2003) 22-31. 2003
Meyers, Carol L.. Everyday life in biblical Israel : women’s social networks. Life and Culture in the Ancient Near East (2003) 185-204. 2003
Meyers, Carol L.. Rape or remedy? : Sex and violence in prophetic marriage metaphors. Prophetie in Israel (2003) 185-198. 2003
Müllner, Ilse. Prophetic violence : the marital metaphor and its impact on female and male readers. Prophetie in Israel (2003) 199-204. 2003
O’Grady, Kathleen. The semantics of taboo : menstrual prohibitions in the Hebrew Bible. Wholly Woman, Holy Blood (2003) 1-28. 2003
Pabst, Irene. The interpretation of the Sarah-Hagar-stories in rabbinic and patristic literature : Sarah and Hagar as female representations of identity and difference. Lectio difficilior 1 (2003). 2003
Rakel, Claudia. Die Feier der Errettung im Alten Testament als Einspruch gegen den Krieg. Jahrbuch für Biblische Theologie 18 (2003) 169-201. 2003
Rendsburg, Gary Alan. Unlikely heroes : women as Israel. Biblical Research 29,1 (2003) 16-23; 52. 2003
Römer, Thomas Christian. L’éviction du féminin dans la construction du monothéisme [dans la religion d’Israël]. Etudes Théologiques et Religieuses 78,2 (2003) 167-180. 2003
Rushton, Kathleen. The woman in childbirth of John 16:21 : a feminist reading in (pro)creative boundary crossing. Wholly Woman, Holy Blood (2003) 77-96. 2003
Scherer, Andreas. "Frau Weisheit" und die "fremde Frau" : Personifikation und Symbolfigur in den Sprüchen Salomos. Biblische Notizen 119-120 (2003) 35-41. 2003
Schmidt, Uta. Als das Leben anfing... : Körperkonzepte in Gen 3. Körperkonzepte im Ersten Testament (2003) 44-63. 2003
Schmidtgen, Beate. Stadtfrau Zion und Erzmutter Sarah : Körperkonzepte literarischer Frauengestalten. Körperkonzepte im Ersten Testament (2003) 64-78. 2003
Schroer, Silvia. Feministische Anthropologie des Ersten Testaments : Beobachtungen, Fragen, Plädoyers. Lectio difficilior 1 (2003). 2003
Schwienhorst-Schönberger, Ludger. "Bitterer als der Tod ist die Frau" (Koh 7,26) : zum Argumentationsgang von Koh 7,25-29. Textarbeit (2003) 443-455. 2003
Shapiro, Susan E.. "And God created woman" : reading the Bible otherwise. Levinas and Biblical Studies (2003) 159-195. 2003
Strikovsky, Aryeh. Nehama on women and womanhood. Traditions and Celebrations for the Bat Mitzvah (2003) 186-195. 2003
Washington, Harold C. Israel’s holy seed and the foreign women of Ezra-Nehemiah : a Kristevan reading. Biblical Interpretation 11,3-4 (2003) 427-437. 2003
Weems, Renita J.. Re-reading for liberation : African American women and the Bible. Feminist Interpretation of the Bible and the Hermeneutics of Liberation (2003) 19-32. 2003
Weems, Renita J.. Huldah, the prophet : reading a (Deuteronomistic) woman’s identity. A God So Near (2003) 321-339. 2003
Yee, Gale A.. "Oooooh, Onan!" "Geschlechtsgeschichte" and women in the biblical world. Are We Amused? (2003) 107-118. 2003
Yoder, Christine Roy. The Woman of Substance ("’eshet hayil") : a socioeconomic reading of Proverbs 31:10-31. Journal of Biblical Literature 122,3 (2003) 427-447. 2003
Zimmermann, Ruben. Die Virginitäts-Metapher in Apk 14:4-5 im Horizont von Befleckung, Loskauf und Erstlingsfrucht. Novum Testamentum 45,1 (2003) 45-70. 2003
אשמן, אהובה. נשים כקורבנות של מלחמה במקרא. בית מקרא 48, ב (תשסג) 169-183. 2003.
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Amit, Yairah. I, Delilah : a victim of interpretation. First Person (2002) 59-76. 2002
Boshoff, Willem S. The female imagery in the Book of Hosea : considering the marriage metaphor in Hosea 1-2 by listening to female voices. Old Testament Essays 15,1 (2002) 23-41. 2002
Brenner, Athalya. Gendering in/by the Hebrew Bible - ten years later. Old Testament Essays 15,1 (2002) 42-51. 2002
Brenner, Athalya. Wide gaps, narrow escapes : I am known as Rahab, the broad. First Person (2002) 47-58. 2002
Clines, David J.A.. He-prophets : masculinity as a problem for the Hebrew prophets and their interpreters. Sense and Sensitivity (2002) 311-328. 2002
Coetzee, Johan H.. The "outcry" of the dissected woman in Judges 19-21 : embodiment of a society. Old Testament Essays 15,1 (2002) 52-63. 2002
Crawford, Sidnie White. Esther not Judith : why one made it and the other didn’t. Bible Review 18,1 (2002) 22-31, 45. 2002
Davidson, Jo Ann. Genesis matriarchs engage feminism. Andrews University Seminary Studies 40,2 (2002) 169-178. 2002
Demers, Patricia. Early modern women’s words with power : absence and presence. Semeia 89 (2002) 89-102. 2002
Douglas, Mary. Responding to Ezra : the priests and the foreign wives. Biblical Interpretation 10,1 (2002) 1-23. 2002
Dyk, Alta C. van. HIV/AIDS in Africa : suffering women and the theology of the Book of Ruth. Old Testament Essays 15,1 (2002) 209-224. 2002
Exum, J. Cheryl. Lethal woman 2 : reflections on Delilah and her incarnation as Liz Hurley. Borders, Boundaries and the Bible (2002) 254-273. 2002
Garsiel, Moshe. Revealing and concealing as a narrative strategy in Solomon’s judgment (1 Kings 3:16-28). Catholic Biblical Quarterly 64,2 (2002) 229-247. 2002
Gignac, Alain. Résister au texte pour repenser les "genres"? Expérimentation herméneutique á partir de Romains 1,18-32. Lectio difficilior 2 (2002). 2002
Goodnick, Benjamin. Is incest with a daughter permissible? Jewish Bible Quarterly 30,1 (2002) 41-44. 2002
Jackson, Melissa. Lot’s daughters and Tamar as tricksters and the patriarchal narratives as feminist theology. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 26,4 (2002) 29-46. 2002
Jarrell, R.H.. The birth narrative as female counterpart to covenant. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 26,3 (2002) 3-18. 2002
Kessler, Rainer. Die Sklavin als Ehefrau : zur Stellung der "’amah". Vetus Testamentum 52,4 (2002) 501-512. 2002
Knauf, Ernst Axel. The Queens’ story : Bathsheba, Maacah, Athaliah and the ’historia of early Kings’. Lectio difficilior 2 (2002). 2002
Kray, Susan. "New mode of feminist historical analysis" - or just another collusion with "patriarchal" bias? Shofar 20,3 (2002) 66-90. 2002
Leeb, Carolyn S.. The widow : homeless and post-menopausal. Biblical Theology Bulletin 32,4 (2002) 160-162. 2002
Lieberman, Julia Rebollo. Between tradition and modernity : the Sephardim of Livorno. The Most Ancient of Minorities (2002) 67-76. 2002
Liska, Vivian. Die wilden Jüdinnen : biblische Frauen in der Lyrik Else Lasker-Schülers. Liebender Streit (2002) 36-58. 2002
Masenya, Madipoane J.. "...but you shall let every girl live" : reading Exodus 1:1-2:10 the Bosadi (womanhood) way. Old Testament Essays 15,1 (2002) 99-112. 2002
McKinlay, Judith E.. Negotiating the frame for viewing the death of Jezebel. Biblical Interpretation 10,3 (2002) 305-323. 2002
Meinhold, Arndt. Frau und Mann in biblischen Schöpfungstexten. Zur weisheitlichen Sicht des Menschen (2002) 35-47. 2002
Meyers, Carol L.. From household to house of Yahweh : women’s religious culture in ancient Israel. Vetus Testamentum Supplements 92 (2002) 277-303. 2002
Meyers, Carol L. Having their space and eating there too : bread production and female power in ancient Israelite households. Nashim 5 (2002) 14-44. 2002
Parry, Robin. Feminist hermeneutics and evangelical concerns : the rape of Dinah as a case study. Tyndale Bulletin 53,1 (2002) 1-28. 2002
Pyper, Hugh S. Jezebel. First Person (2002) 77-92. 2002
Quesada, Jan Jaynes. Body piercing : the issue of priestly control over acceptable family structure in the Book of Numbers. Biblical Interpretation 10,1 (2002) 24-35. 2002
Rensburg, Johannes F.J. van. Intellect and/or beauty : a portrait of women in the Old Testament and extra biblical literature. Journal for Semitics 11,1 (2002) 112-125. 2002
Rofé, Alexander. The valiant woman, "gini sineti", and the redaction of the Book of Proverbs. Vergegenwärtigung des Alten Testaments (2002) 145-155. 2002
Rotenberg, Menorah. A portrait of Rebecca : the devolution of a matriarch into a patriarch. Conservative Judaism 54,2 (2002) 46-62. 2002
Russouw, Tiana. "I will greatly increase your toil and your pregnancies" : alternate perspectives on Genesis 3:16. Old Testament Essays 15,1 (2002) 149-163. 2002
Sakenfeld, Katharine Doob. At the threshing floor : sex, reader response, and a hermeneutic of survival. Old Testament Essays 15,1 (2002) 164-178. 2002
Schroer, Silvia. Häusliche und ausserhäusliche religiöse Kompetenzen israelitischer Frauen am Beispiel von Totenklage und Totenbefragung. Lectio difficilior 1 (2002). 2002
Schüngel-Straumann, Helen. Feministische Exegese ausgewählter Beispiele aus der Urgeschichte : Rückblick auf ein Vierteljahrhundert feministische Auslegung von Gen 2 und 3. Vetus Testamentum Supplements 92 (2002) 205-223. 2002
Shaw, Suzanne. Letters to the editor of Genesis. First Person (2002) 25-46. 2002
Steindler Moscati, Gabriella. Una rilettura del libro di Ruth alla luce del femminismo ebraico. La Bibbia nell’interpretazione delle donne (2002) 223-232. 2002
Stiebert, Johanna. The woman mataphor of Ezekiel 16 and 23 : a victim of violence, or a symbol of subversion? Old Testament Essays 15,1 (2002) 200-208. 2002
Szpek, Heidi M. Achsah’s story : a metaphor for societal transition. Andrews University Seminary Studies 40,2 (2002) 245-256. 2002
Trigano, Shmuel. La différence sans hierarchie - le principe de la différenciation sexuelle dans la pensée biblique : une lecture juive subversive. La Pensée Juive de Langue Française 1,1 (2002). 2002
West, Gerald O.. Reading abused female bodies in the Bible : interpretative strategies for recognising and recovering the stories of women inscribed by violence but circumscribed by patriarchal text (2 Kings 5). Old Testament Essays 15,1 (2002) 240-258. 2002
Williams, Jacqueline Ann. "And she became ’snow white’" : Numbers 12:1-16. Old Testament Essays 15,1 (2002) 259-268. 2002
Wolde, Ellen J. van. The Dinah story : rape or worse? Old Testament Essays 15,1 (2002) 225-239. 2002
Yaron, Shlomith. The politics of sex - woman’s body as an instrument for achieving man’s aims. Old Testament Essays 15,1 (2002) 269-292. 2002
Zimmermann, Heidy. "...und Mirjam sang ihnen vor" : die narrative Entfaltung einer biblischen Frauenfigur im Midrasch. Kirche und Israel 17,1 (2002) 4-19. 2002.
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Ben-Dov, Nitza. Biblical woman, caught between father and husband. Trumah 10 (2001) 113-120. 2001
Blenkinsopp, Joseph. The household in ancient Israel and early Judaism. The Blackwell Companion to the Hebrew Bible (2001) 169-185. 2001
Bowen, Nancy R. The quest for the historical "gebîrâ". Catholic Biblical Quarterly 63,4 (2001) 597-618. 2001
Broc, Catherine. La femme de Job dans la prédication de Jean Chrysostome. Studia Patristica 37 (2001) 396-403. 2001
Brueggemann, Walter. A brief moment for a one-person remnant (2 Kings 5:2-3). Biblical Theology Bulletin 31,2 (2001) 53-59. 2001
Darr, Katheryn Pfisterer. "Alas, she has become a harlot, " but who’s to blame? Unfaithful-female imagery in Isaiah’s vision. Passion, Vitality, and Foment (2001) 55-76. 2001
Eynde, Sabine M.L. van den. If Esther had not been that beautiful : dealing with a hidden God in the (Hebrew) Book of Esther. Biblical Theology Bulletin 31,4 (2001) 145-150. 2001
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Harvey, Susan Ashbrook. Spoken words, voiced silence : biblical women in Syriac tradition. Journal of Early Christian Studies 9,1 (2001) 105-131. 2001
Hobgood-Oster, Laura. Wisdom literature and ecofeminism. The Earth Story in Wisdom Traditions (2001) 35-47. 2001
Horst, Pieter Willem van der. Het graf van de profetes Hulda in de joodse traditie. Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 55,2 (2001) 91-96. 2001
Hutchison, John C. Women, Gentiles, and the messianic mission in Matthew’s genealogy. Bibliotheca Sacra 630 (2001) 152-164. 2001
Kratz-Ritter, Bettina. Religiöse Rituale rund ums Kinderkriegen : die Wöchnerin in der Synagoge. Women, Ritual and Liturgy (2001) 203-214. 2001
Leung Lai, Barbara M.. Making sense of the biblical portrait : toward an interpretive strategy for the "virtuous wife" in Proverbs 31:10-31. Teach Me Your Paths (2001) 71-88. 2001
Levine, Etan. Biblical women’s marital rights. Proceedings - American Academy for Jewish Research 63 [1997-2001] (2001) 87-135. 2001
McGinnis, Claire Mathews. Playing the devil’s advocate in Job : on Job’s wife. The Whirlwind (2001) 121-141. 2001
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Müllner, Ilse. Liebe und Eros... und Gewalt in biblischen Texten : die Gewalt benennen. Welt und Umwelt der Bibel 21 (2001) 59-63. 2001
Plietzsch, Susanne. "...nähert euch keiner Frau" : zum feministisch-theologischen Entwurf von Judith Plaskow "Und wieder stehen wir am Sinai". Mitteilungen und Beiträge der Forschungsstelle Judentum 18-19 (2001) 37-50. 2001
Poli, Luigia. Vashtì ed Ester : due immagini di una identità. Jung e l’ebraismo (2001) 91-112. 2001
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Rosenfeld, Yiskah (Jessica). You take Lilith, I’ll take Eve : a closer look at the world’s second feminist. Yentl’s Revenge (2001) 131-153. 2001
Scholz, Susanne. What really happened to Dinah : A feminist analysis of Genesis 34. Lectio difficilior 2 (2001). 2001
Schwab, George M. Woman as the object of Qohelet’s search. Andrews University Seminary Studies 39,1 (2001) 73-84. 2001
Schwartz, Rebecca. "If there be a prophet...". All the Women Followed Her (2001) 163-177. 2001
Sherwood, Yvonne M. Feminist scholarship. The Oxford Illustrated History of the Bible (2001) 296-315. 2001
Sivan, Hagith. From Jezebel to Esther : fashioning images of queenship in the Hebrew Bible. Biblica 82,4 (2001) 477-495. 2001
Sivan, Hagith. The rape of Cozbi (Numbers XXV). Vetus Testamentum 51,1 (2001) 69-80. 2001
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Stone, Ken. Lovers and raisin cakes : food, sex and divine insecurity in Hosea. Queer Commentary and the Hebrew Bible (2001) 116-139. 2001
Ventura Avanzinelli, Milka. Immagini del sé femminile nella Bibbia : Rut la Moabita. Jung e l’ebraismo (2001) 73-89. 2001
Willi-Plein, Ina. "Eschet Chajil" : Weisheit und Lebensart Israels in der Perserzeit. Exegese vor Ort (2001) 411-425. 2001
Wurst, Shirley. Woman wisdom’s way : ecokinship. The Earth Story in Wisdom Traditions (2001) 48-64. 2001
Ackerman, Susan. What if Judges had been written by a Philistine? Biblical Interpretation 8,1-2 (2000) 33-41. 2000
Arbel, Daphna V. "My vineyard, my very own, is for myself". The Song of Songs (2000) 90-101. 2000
Bacon, Brenda. Reflections on the suffering of Rayna Batya and the success of the daughters of Zelophehad. Nashim 3 (2000) 249-256. 2000
Bal, Mieke. Religious canon and literary identity. Lectio difficilior 2 (2000). 2000
Bekkenkamp, Jonneke. Into another scene of choices : the theological value of the Song of Songs. The Song of Songs (2000) 55-89. 2000
Bekkum, Wout Jacques van. Eve and the Matriarchs : aspects of woman typology in Genesis. The Creation of Man and Woman (2000) 128-139. 2000
Black, Fiona C.. Unlikely bedfellows : allegorical and feminist readings of Song of Songs 7.1-8. The Song of Songs (2000) 104-129. 2000
Butting, Klara. Go your way : women rewrite the scriptures (Song of Songs 2.8-14). The Song of Songs (2000) 142-151. 2000
Campbell, Antony F.. Women storytellers in ancient Israel. Australian Biblical Review 48 (2000) 72-73. 2000
Chertok, Shlomo. Mothers, sons and heroic infertility : a study of the function of barrenness in the Bible. Le’ela 50 (2000) 21-27. 2000
Dorn, Louis O.. Is Gomer the woman in Hosea 3? Bible Translator 51,4 (2000) 424-430. 2000
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Schroer, Silvia. Die Gerechtigkeit der Sophia : biblische Weisheitstraditionen und feministische Diskurse. Lectio difficilior 1 (2000). 2000
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Fontaine, Carole R. The strange face of wisdom in the New Testament : on the reuse of wisdom characters from the Hebrew Bible. Recycling Biblical Figures (1999) 205-229. 1999
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Keefe, Alice A. Stepping in - stepping out : a conversation between ideological and social scientific feminist approaches to the Bible. Journal of Religion & Society 1 (1999). 1999
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Müllner, Ilse. Handwerkszeug der Herren? Narrative Analyse aus feministischer Sicht. Hermeneutik - sozialgeschichtlich (1999) 133-147. 1999
Pahk, Johan Yeong-Sik. Women as snares : a metaphor of warning in Qoh 7,26 and Sir 9,3. Treasures of Wisdom (1999) 397-404. 1999
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Rattok, Lily. Neuer Wein in alten Schläuchen : biblische Frauenfiguren in der modernen hebräischen Poesie. Judaica 55,3 (1999) 158-173; 4: 235-246. 1999
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Schneider, Susan. Women’s rights in the Torah : the Daughters of Tslofhad. B’Or Ha’Torah 11 (1999) 177-182. 1999
Smith, Carol. Delilah : a suitable case for (feminist) treatment? Judges; a Feminist Companion to the Bible (1999) 93-116. 1999
Steindler Moscati, Gabriella. Between ideology and tradition : biblical archetypes in women’s poetry in Eretz-Israel. Jewish Studies at the Turn of the Twentieth Century II (1999) 202-208. 1999
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Ziskind, Jonathan R.. The treatment of women in Deuteronomy : moral absolutism and practicality. Jewish Bible Quarterly 27,3 (1999) 152-158; 27,4: 231-237. 1999
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Brenner, Athalya. Das Hohelied : Polyphonie der Liebe. Kompendium Feministische Bibelauslegung (1998) 233-245. 1998
Butting, Klara. Das Buch Ester : vom Widerstand gegen Antisemitismus und Sexismus. Kompendium Feministische Bibelauslegung (1998) 169-179. 1998
Christianson, Eric S.. Qoheleth the "old boy" and Qoheleth the "new man" : misogynism, the womb and a paradox in Ecclesiastes. Wisdom and Psalms (1998) 109-136. 1998
Da Silva, Aldina. Ruth, plaidoyer en faveur de la femme. Studies in Religion 27,3 (1998) 251-261. 1998
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Fischer, Irmtraud. Das Buch Jesaja : das Buch der weiblichen Metaphern. Kompendium Feministische Bibelauslegung (1998) 246-257. 1998
Fischer, Irmtraud. Genesis 12-50 : die Ursprungsgeschichte Israels als Frauengeschichte. Kompendium Feministische Bibelauslegung (1998) 12-25. 1998
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Harland, Peter J.. Menswear and womenswear : a study of Deuteronomy 22:5. Expository Times 110,3 (1998) 73-76. 1998
Häusl, Maria. Die Klagelieder : Zions Stimme in der Not. Kompendium Feministische Bibelauslegung (1998) 270-277. 1998
Hens-Piazza, Gina. Forms of violence and the violence of forms : two cannibal mothers before a king (2 Kings 6:24-33). Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 14,2 (1998) 91-104. 1998
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Jost, Renate. Das Buch Ezechiel : Männerprophetie mit weiblichen Bildern. Kompendium Feministische Bibelauslegung (1998) 278-290. 1998
Karrer-Grube, Christiane. Die Bücher Esra und Nehemia : die Wiederkehr der Anderen. Kompendium Feministische Bibelauslegung (1998) 156-168. 1998
Kassel, Maria. Das Buch Jona : die Jonaerfahrung - auch für Frauen? Kompendium Feministische Bibelauslegung (1998) 330-337. 1998
Kato, Kumiko. Das Buch Kohelet : der Mensch allein, ohne Frau. Kompendium Feministische Bibelauslegung (1998) 221-232. 1998
Kimelman, Reuven R. The seduction of Eve and feminist readings of the Garden of Eden. Women in Judaism 1,2 (1998).1998
Kramer, Phyllis Silverman. Biblical women that come in pairs : the use of female pairs as a literary device in the Hebrew Bible. Genesis; the Feminist Companion to the Bible (1998) 218-232. 1998
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Morrow, William S.. Toxic religion and the daughters of Job. Studies in Religion 27,3 (1998) 263-276. 1998
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Reinhartz, Adele. Midrash she wrote : Jewish women’s writing on the Bible. Shofar 16,4 (1998) 6-27. 1998
Rendsburg, Gary Alan. The guilty party in 1 Kings III 16-28. Vetus Testamentum 48,4 (1998) 534-541. 1998
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Sharon, Diane M.. The doom of Paradise : literary patterns in accounts of Paradise and mortality in the Hebrew Bible and the ancient Near East. Genesis; the Feminist Companion to the Bible (1998) 53-81. 1998
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Wacker, Marie-Theres. Das Buch Amos : die Wahrheit ist konkret. Kompendium Feministische Bibelauslegung (1998) 320-326. 1998
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