consulté le 22 Avril 2011
Journal de physique. I [Texte imprimé] / Société française de physique .- Paris : impr. Jouve ; 1991-
Périodicité : Mensuel consulté le 22 Avril 2011
Europhysics News
Bulletin de la société européenne de physique (EPS)
Abonnement 1 an • 6 n°
Bas du formulaire
Abonnement revue Europhysics News
Europhysics News, bulletin de la Société Européenne de Physique (EPS), est publié par EDP Sciences avec la coopération dEPS. Son objectif est de fournir aux physiciens de tout niveau, allant des étudiants avec un diplôme supérieur aux cadres supérieurs travaillant aussi bien dans lindustrie que dans le service public, un large spectre sur les aspects scientifiques et organisationnels de la physique et disciplines apparentées, en Europe.
Y sont publiés des articles de synthèse, des articles sur des thèmes avancés, des nouveaux rapports et des domaines dintérêt général.
Haut du formulaire
The European Physical Journal - Applied Physics
Journal couvrant les différents domaines de la Physique Appliquée
Abonnement 1 an • 12 n° The European Physical Journal - Applied Physics
Le journal The European Physical Journal - Applied Physics publie des articles dans les domaines suivants : Semiconductors and related materials ; Microelectronics and optoelectronics ; Surfaces, interfaces and films ; Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies ; Laser andoptics ; Magnetism and superconductivity ; Characterization of materials : imaging, microscopy and spectroscopy ; Plasma, discharge and processes ; Physics of energy conversion and coupled phenomena ; Instrumentation and metrology ; Physics and mechanicsof
DOAJ--Directory of Open Access Journals (Lund University Libraries, Sweden)
Journal Indexes and Abstracts
The following tools (arranged in order of usefullness) will
identify articles by author or subject:
NOTE: Items marked with `ONLINE DATABASE:' are the related electronic
databases that might be searchable at no cost; contact a staff member
for more information.
PHYSICS ABSTRACTS. London: The Institution of Electrical
Engineers, 1903- present.
QC1 +S351 KSL and EASL
R3 +90 Non-Circ MUDD
The only indexing and abstracting tool to cover the
entire range of modern physics. Divided into ten
subject areas, with 6 month cumulated author, subject
(1970 - present) monthly update.
EASL has the Free CD-ROM disks covering
(1989- present) monthly update.
INSPEC computer database covers physics, electrical engineering,
electronics, and computer science.
Current Contents. Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific Information.
most recent 6 months are available free on selected public library
terminals. [KSL and EASL and GEO and CHEM]
An interdisciplinary database including the latest six months
titles, authors, (some abstracts), and tables of contents from
10,000 major research journals.
Science Citation Index. Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific Information.
Title and author searching only - no subject index.
Multidisciplinary coverage from 10,000 of the most
important science journals from all fields of science and
technology. Cumulative indexes for 1955-64, 1965-69,
1970-74, 1975-79, 1980-84, 1985-89. A very powerful tool.
Paper through 1994 in KSL Z7401 +S34
Paper still current in MED Ref 2 Z7401 +S34
(1974- present)
Available from selected science library terminals.
[KSL and CHEM and EASL and GEO]
Engineering Index.
(Monthly). N.Y.: Engineering Index, Inc., 1892- .
Z5851 E53 EASL
The index is classified and arranged alphabetically
using main subject headings.
(1986- present) monthly update.
Applied Science and Technology Index.
New York: H. W. Wilson Company, 1958- .
Z7913 A66 KSL
Wide-ranging subject index to a limited number of English
language science journals in the areas of computer
science, construction industry, energy, engineering, food
industry, machinery, petroleum, plastics, and textiles.
Book review citations are included in the back section.
ONLINE DATABASE: Applied Science and Technology Index
also includes General Science Index
Physikalische Berichte (ceased). New York:
Verlag Chemie International 1920-1978.
Superseded by Physics Briefs.
QC1 P448 1-55 MUDD
Current Physics Index. New York: American Institute
of Physics, 1975- .
Z7143 +C87 KSL
Index to the 44 core physics journals published by the
American Institute of Physics and its member societies.
The list of databases below is not intended to be exhaustive. Instead, Strategian aims to list the core publications--those indexes and abstracts covering Physics that are the best places to start or continue on to in order to identify the articles, books, or other publications that contain the information that you need.
Please keep in mind that the publications listed below are often available in various paper and electronic formats. If not available to you over the Internet, you will need to check if and how they may be available at the library or libraries you may use. How to do that? See Step 3: Locate of the Information Strategy for details.
If you choose to follow any links to outside Web sites listed below, you will be leaving the Strategian Web site. If you wish to return to this page from the Web page you are sent to, please use the Back option of your browser.
The databases below are listed in a suggested sequence of use--from (1) databases in which you can identify publications containing easier to understand, less technical information to (6) databases covering the topic in greater depth and indexing more research-oriented/scholarly publications:
General Science Index/Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)
Indexes 260+ popular science magazines and scholarly journals from the United States and Great Britain. As the name implies, this publication covers the sciences broadly without an indepth focus on any particular area.
It is a good place to begin for virtually any subject area within the sciences--a good source for identifying articles that are easier to understand/less technical though some research-oriented journal articles can also be identified.
Widely-known magazines and journals indexed here include such titles as American Journal of Physics, New Scientist, Physics Today, Reviews of Modern Physics, Science, Science News, and Scientific American. Available in paper back to 1978; available electronically from 1984-present with abstracts from 1993-present and some full-text coverage from 1994-present (depending upon the version of this publication made available). Updated weekly or monthly depending on the format.
OAIster (University of Michigan [USA] Digital Library Production Services)
Searches and retrieves a wide variety of Open Access (free full text online) publications--journal articles, books, audio files, images, movies, dictionaries, directories, etc.--available from 240+ institutions/organizations around the world. The institutions/organizations searched include, BioMed Central, Institute of Physics, National Academies Press, PubMed Central, and SciELO.
- e-Print archive--Physics
An online repository of full text research reports and papers submitted by researchers from all areas of Physics.
Available electronically from 1991-present.
DOAJ--Directory of Open Access Journals (Lund University Libraries, Sweden)
Search, identify, and then access the full text of articles from a growing number of research-oriented/scholarly Open Access journals.
Applied Science & Technology Index/Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)
Indexes 720+ publications covering science and technology in the broad areas of Chemistry, Computers, Energy, Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics.
The publications indexed are of many types--trade and industrial magazines and journals, professional and technical society journals, scholarly academic journals, conference proceedings, some popular magazines, etc.
Available in paper back to 1913 (under the title Industrial Arts Index through 1957) and available electronically from 1983-present with abstracts from 1994-present; updated monthly.
SPIN--Searchable Physics Information Notices (American Institute of Physics)
Indexes and abstracts approximately 80 major research-oriented/scholarly American and Russian Physics and Astronomy journals.
Available online from 1975-present; contains links to the full text of many articles; updated continually.
INSPEC (Institution of Electrical Engineers)
Indexes and abstracts 3,400+ scholarly and technical journals and approximately 2,000 conference proceedings as well as books, reports, and dissertations published worldwide in the areas of Communications, Computers and Computing, Information Technology, Physics, Electrical Engineering, and Electronics.
INSPEC is the most indepth database to search for research-oriented/scholarly publications in Physics.
This database is available in paper under the title Science Abstracts (covers 1898-1902), Science Abstracts. Section A, Physics (covers 1903-1940), Science Abstracts. Section A. Physics Abstracts (covers 1941-1971), and Physics Abstracts. Science Abstracts. Series A (covers 1972-present); available electronically from 1969-present; updated weekly.
Science Citation Index (Institute for Scientific Information)
A unique database that allows you to discover who has cited (referred to) a particular article or book since it was originally published. The citing publications are only journal and magazine articles--not books. The Science Citation Index can be particularly useful when conventional searching methods in sources like those above fail to identify other publications related to one or two that you are already familiar with. Covering the sciences broadly and in depth, this database indexes more than 6,000 journals published worldwide.
Depending on specific needs, teachers/faculty sometimes turn to this database first while students and others may turn to this source, if needed, only after consulting the other relevant indexes/abstracts in a subject area.
Available in paper and electronically back to 1945; abstracts available from 1991-present; updated weekly.
WorldCat (OCLC)
A huge database comprised of the tens of millions of items covering virtually every subject cataloged by 17,000+ libraries worldwide. The database includes items in basically all formats (books, Web sites, videos, sound recordings, maps, etc.) save individual journal, newspaper, and magazine articles.
Available electronically; updated daily. Materials in the database include items published anywhere from thousands of years ago to the present.
Depuis 1973, la base PASCAL signale plus de 17 millions de références en sciences, technologies et médecine. Ce sont 480 000 nouvelles références par an issues de l’analyse de 3260 revues scientifiques internationales (chiffres 2009).
Les mots-clés de la base PASCAL sont proposés en français, anglais et espagnol.
Le MESR a confié à l’ABES une mission nationale sur les thèses. s’appuyant ainsi sur un opérateur maîtrisant le circuit des thèses et ayant acquis une expérience incontestée dans ce domaine.
L'ABES est responsable de la mise à disposition des bibliothèques des établissements d'enseignement supérieur du SUDOC - Système universitaire de documentation. Les bibliothèques ont l’obligation d’y signaler les thèses soutenues dans leur établissement : le Sudoc joue donc le rôle de bibliographie nationale des thèses en France.
L’ABES a développé l’application nationale STAR pour assurer le signalement (dans le Sudoc) et l’archivage (au CINES) des thèses électroniques.
L’ABES héberge depuis janvier 2010 le FCT, fichier central des thèses, qui signale les sujets de thèses de doctorat en cours de préparation dans les disciplines suivantes : Lettres, Sciences humaines et sociales, Théologie, Droit, Science politique, Sciences économiques et de gestion.
L’ABES devrait mettre en œuvre en 2011 un « portail des thèses » : ce guichet unique
fédérera l’accès aux thèses françaises validées et proposera un bouquet d’informations et de services depuis le choix du sujet de thèse jusqu’à la valorisation des travaux.,Klecteurweb,D2.1,Eee4ff91b-2,I250,B341720009+,SY,A%5C9008+1,,J,H2-26,,29,,34,,39,,44,,49-50,,53-78,,80-87,NLECTEUR+PSI,R41.214.73.48,FN
Le catalogue du Système Universitaire de Documentation est le catalogue collectif français réalisé par les bibliothèques et centres de documentation de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche. Il comprend plus de 9 millions de notices bibliographiques qui décrivent tous les types de documents (livres, thèses, revues, ressources électroniques, documents audiovisuels, microformes, cartes, partitions, manuscrits et livres anciens...)
Le catalogue Sudoc décrit également les collections de revues et journaux d'environ 2000 établissements documentaires hors enseignement supérieur (bibliothèques municipales, centres de documentation...)
Enfin, il a pour mission de recenser l'ensemble des thèses produites en France.
Une recherche dans le catalogue Sudoc permet :
d'obtenir la description bibliographique du document
de constituer une bibliographie par le téléchargement ou l'export de notices
de sauvegarder dans son panier, au fil de la recherche des enregistrements (jusqu'à 100) pour pouvoir les télécharger
d'accéder au texte intégral du document si celui-ci est accessible en ligne
de localiser un document dans une des bibliothèques du réseau Sudoc afin de pouvoir le consulter, en demander le prêt ou la reproduction
Thèses et écrits académiques | |
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