The following guide is highly selective, and includes some of the most useful reference sources for researching topics in physics. All the materials listed below can be found in the reference area of the Kline Science Library unless otherwise noted. Other useful reference materials in physics are published by agencies and departments of the federal government (e.g. NASA, NBS/NIST, etc.); These materials are not included in this Biblio-File, but can be found in Government Documents, located in the Mudd Library.
If you need help in locating or using any of the material listed in this guide, do not hesitate to consult a library staff member or the reference librarian.
Subject Headings for Books
Data Tables/Handbooks
Journal Indexes/Abstracts
Subject Headings for Books
Subject headings which may prove useful in searching the
online catalog or magazine indexes are:
Physics Molecular Dynamics
Astrophysics Nuclear Physics
Dynamics Optics
Electricity Quantum Theory
Electrons Radioactivity
Field Theory Solid State Physics
Force and Energy Statics
General Relativity Statistical Physics
Ions Thermodynamics
Magnetism Unified Molecular Models
Mathematical Physics
Mechanics or
Headings starting with the word "Nuclear"
examples: Nuclear Charge, Nuclear Forces,
Nuclear Magnetism, etc.
A Dictionary of Physics - Ed. Alan Isaacs. Oxford University Press, 2000.
Encyclopedia of Physics. 3rd rev. and enlarged ed.,
Ed. by Rita Lerner and George L. Trigg.
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2005. (2 vols.)
QC5 E545 2005 (LC) KSL Ref
Encyclopedia of physics. Joe Rosen.
New York: Facts on File, 2004.
QC5 R596X 2004 (LC)+ Oversize KSL Ref
A dictionary of physics. 5th ed.,
Ed. by John Daintith.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2005.
QC5 C56 2005 (LC) KSL Ref
The facts on file dictionary of physics. 4th ed.,
Edited by John Daintith, Richard Rennie.
New York : Facts On File, 2005.
QC5 F34X 2005 (LC) KSL Ref
Dictionary of pure and applied physics.
Ed. by Dipak Basu.
Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2001.
QC5 D485X 2001 (LC) KSL Ref
Dictionary of material science and high energy physics.
Ed. by Dipak Basu.
Boca Raton, Fla. : CRC Press, 2001.
QC772 D57X 2001 (LC) KSL Ref
Encyclopedia of Physics. 3rd Ed.,
Ed. by R. M. Besancon,
N.Y.: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985.
QC5 B52 1985 KSL Ref
There are three levels of coverage; the main divisions
are intended for beginners, subdivisions for more
knowledgeable readers, and finer divisions for those
with a solid background in both physics and mathematics.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Physics and Mathematics.
Ed. by D.N. Lapedas. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978.
QC5 M23 OBS and Bass Ref
Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology.
15 vols. Orlando, FL: Academic Press, 1987.
Q123 E497 1987 KSL Ref and EASL
Q123 E497X 1992 EASL Ref
Comprehensive coverage of the physical sciences
written by leading experts. General and in-depth
reviews of areas in approximately 20 pages.
Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Physics.
(9 vol. + 5 supplements) N.Y.: MacMillan, 1961-64.
Also known as Thewlis' Encyclopedia.
QC5 E53 1962 KSL Ref
QC5 E54A SML Ref
Articles are written at the graduate level, and the
index is comprehensive. Volume 9 is a multilingual
dictionary (English, French, German, Spanish, Russian,
and Japanese).
Handbuch der Physik. (Encyclopedia of Physics), 55 vols.,
2nd ed., Berlin: Springer, 1955-1988. Ed. by S. Flugge.
QC21 H35 1955 KSL
Intended as a systematic encyclopedic treatise on all
areas of physics. German, English, and French languages
are used, with the subject indexes in each volume
serving as multilingual dictionaries. Vol. 55 is a subject
index for the entire set.
Concise Encyclopedia of Solid State Physics.
Edited by R.G. Lerner and G.L. Trigg. Reading, MA:
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Inc., 1983.
QC176 A3 +C66 1983 EASL Ref
A Dictionary of Scientific Units. 6th Ed.,
H.G. Jerrard and D. B. McNeill. London: Chapman and Hall,
QC82 J47 1980 KSL Ref
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics.
Cleveland: Chemical Rubber Publishing Co. 1913- .
Boca Raton, Fla., CRC Press, Inc.
QD65 H35 Bass Ref and SML and EASL
Ref 18 QD65 H3 MED
QD 65 H3 KSL Ref
QD65 H35 CHEM Ref and GEO Ref
The authority for chemical and physical information
for students or laboratory scientists in search of quick
data. It includes a wealth of mathematical information
and good sections on chemical nomenclature and
structures. Beilstein references and Chemical Abstract
registry numbers are also included. Excellent glossary.
Handbook of physics. Edited by Walter Benenson ... [et al.].
New York: Springer, 2002.
QC61 H37X 2002 (LC) KSL Ref
Intended as a source of information for problem solving,
homework, examinations, and practical applications.
Includes both fundamentals and a wide variety of experimental
methods used in practice.
AIP physics desk reference. 3rd ed. /
E. Richard Cohen, David R. Lide, George L. Trigg, editors.
New York : Springer, 2003.
QC19.3 P4 2003 (LC)KSL Ref
American Institute of Physics Handbook.
Third ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972.
QC61 A54 KSL Ref
45 A48 CHEM Ref
QC61 957A MED
Another authoratative source of physical data and
graphs, with an excellent index.
Tables of Physical & Chemical Constants and some Mathematical
Functions. 15th Ed.,
London: Longman, 1986.
QC61 K38 1986 KSL Ref
Arranged in three sections: physics, chemistry, and
mathematical functions.
The Cambridge handbook of physics formulas. Graham Woan.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2000.
QC61 W67X 2000 (LC) KSL Ref
Handbook of optics. sponsored by the Optical Society of
America. Michael Bass, editor in chief ... [et al.].
2nd ed. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1995-2001. 4 v.
QC369 H35 1995 KSL Ref
Handbook of Optics. Optical Society of America,
Ed. by Walter G. Driscoll. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978.
QC369 H35 1978 KSL Ref
QC369 H35 EASL and ASTRO
Handbook of Physical Calculations.
Tuma, Jan J. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976.
QC61 T85 1983 Enlarged and Revised KSL
Graduate Programs in Physics, Astronomy and Related Fields.
New York: American Institute of Physics, annual.
QC30 +A49 KSL and EASL
Directory of Physics and Astronomy Staff Members.
New York: American Institute of Physics, annual.
QC30 +D57 KSL and EASL
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