Depending on the type of announcement to be made, you might use one of several formats: letter, memo, news release, bulletin, card, brochure, invitation and so on.
If huge quantities are needed, you could have the announcement printed.
But if only a limited number are needed, you might type and photocopy the message or prepare it by computer and print out the required number of copies.
New Policy. Businesses change policies or procedures from time to time, and such changes may be announced by letter to clients and customers or by memo to in-house personnel.
Dear Ms. Whitley:
We are happy to announce that beginning July 1, 2001, the Happy Hikers Manufacturing Company will offer preferred customers like you a choice of a full refund or credit on any order placed with us. If you are dissatisfied with a shipment, whatever the reason, all you need to do is return it, and we will credit your account or forward your refund promptly - no questions asked.
Next week our representative Arthur Appleseed will call you with more details about the savings and convenience that our new policy will provide for you.
We want you to know how much we appreciate all of the orders you have placed with us in the past and we are eager to help you any way we can in the future.
Price Increase. No one likes bad news, so it helps when it doesn’t sound so bad, when the action appears justified and when you seem to be as concerned as ever about the recipient’s welfare.
Dear Mr. Flatly,
Although we have been able to maintain constant pricing for many years, we find that because of an increase in our transportation costs, we must unfortunately make a small increase in the price of our future line of wooden products. These new prices, shown on the enclosed price list, will go into effect on June 1, 2001 and will apply to all orders received after that date.
We appreciate having you as a customer and hope that we will continue to be able to fill your needs in the months ahead.