Lettre mode décembre 2013

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Lettre MODE

décembre 2013


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Vous pouvez également retrouver les lettres MODE sur le site :


Table des matières
-- Thèses et Postes

1- PhD in Applied Mathematics

2- Post-doctoral position in optimization at University of Calgary

3- Postdoctoral position in Healthcare OR

4- Lectureship post in Mathematical Optimization

5- Permanent Position, Optimization, CERFACS, France

-- Conférences et évènements

6- Annonces de séminaires

7- Advances in Experimentation

8- International Conference on Variational Analysis and Optimization

9- Call for Abstracts EURO mini-Conference on Optimization in the Natural Sciences

10- Annonce Conférence SMAI-MODE 2014

11- Mini-cours sur l’optimisation polynomiale et le contrôle

12- Calculus of Variations and Optimization

13- School on Centralized and Distributed Multi-agent Optimization: Models and Algorithms

14- Gene Golub SIAM Summer School Simulation, Optimization, and Identification in Solid Mechanics

15- Appel à communications pour CLAIO/CSMIO 2014
-- Autres

16- Recherche de contacts mathématiques - sociologie des réseaux

17-  Book : "Calculus Without Derivatives"


1- PhD in Applied Mathematics

(source : M. Thera)

A PhD position (50% TV-L13) is available from January 2013 (or earlier) at the Institute for

Computational and Applied Mathematics of the University of Münster (Germany).

The research will be at the interface between analysis and scientific computing; topics

include optimization, calculus of variations, numerical analysis, image processing,

biological applications.


A Diploma or Master degree in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, or related fields is

required. The successful applicant will have a solid background in one of the above topics.

For inquiries and applications please contact:


Prof. Dr. Benedikt Wirth

Institut für Numerische und Angewandte Mathematik

Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster

Einsteinstraße 62, 48149 Münster (Germany)




In the application please include: CV, copy of relevant certificates (diploma or master

degree), copy of the masters thesis or equivalent, names and contact information of at

least one referee, and a brief statement of research interests. The application should be

sent electronically as a single pdf-file to the above e-mail address.


We actively encourage applications from suitably qualified women. Female candidates

with equivalent qualifications and academic achievements will be preferentially

considered. We also welcome applications from candidates with severe disabilities.

Disabled candidates with equivalent qualifications will be preferentially considered.

We will accept applications until the position is filled.

2- Post-doctoral position in optimization at University of Calgary

(source : M. Thera)

As a part of Collaborative Research Group on Optimization: Theory, Applications and Algorithms
partly funded by Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS), applications are invited for

a post-doctoral position in optimization at University of Calgary, Calgary AB Canada.

The position is for 1-year, with possible extension to 2 years, tentatively starting in Summer or

Fall of 2014.

A successful candidate should hold or be close to completion of a PhD in Mathematics,

Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Operations Research or related area.

Of primary interest are applicants interested in the following topics:

- computational methods for solving conic optimization problems over p-cones, and/or

- applications of optimization to optimal radiotherapy treatment planning, and/or

- curvature of the central path.

Alternative PDF research proposals will also be considered.
The application Deadline is December 1st, with documents to be submitted via Mathjobs at


When applying, please also send an email to Dr. Yuriy Zinchenko (http://people.ucalgary.ca/~yzinchen/)

at yzinchen@ucalgary.ca with the subject line “CRG PDF application”, expressing your interest.
Some general information of PIMS PDF position and the application procedure may be found at



3- Postdoctoral position in Healthcare OR

(source : M. Mongeau)

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in healthcare operations research

at the University of Toronto. The research focus will be in one of the following targeted

areas: cancer therapy, emergency response, global health. The exact project or projects

will be determined in part based on the candidate’s experience and interests. The

applicant will join a dynamic research group in the Department of Mechanical and

Industrial Engineering with a focus on developing advanced optimization methods to

solve challenging and relevant problems in healthcare. The department is located at

the downtown St. George campus in Toronto, Canada, one of the most vibrant, diverse,

and culturally rich cities in the world, and home to the largest research university in

Applicants should have (or be close to completing) a PhD in Operations Research or a

related field. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in optimization and

modeling, with experience in robust optimization, inverse optimization, and/or large-scale

optimization. Other related experience will also be considered. The start date is flexible,

but preference will be given to candidates who can start in early 2014. The position is for

one year with the possibility of renewal based on mutual agreement. Salary and benefits

are competitive. There are no teaching responsibilities associated with this position.

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Please submit your application,

including a cover letter, CV, publications, and contact information for three references

to the email address below.

Please use the subject line “HCOR PDF” in the email.

Timothy C. Y. Chan, PhD

Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering

University of Toronto

tcychan@mie.utoronto.ca | www.mie.utoronto.ca/faculty/chan


4- Lectureship post in Mathematical Optimization

(source : M. Thera)

School of Mathematics, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences University of Birmingham, UK
Applications are invited for a Lectureship post in Mathematical Optimization. We particularly welcome

candidates working in either of the following areas:

- PDE constrained optimization, including novel approaches like nonlinear multigrid and domain

decomposition methods, mixed-integer nonlinear programming, optimization with equilibrium constraints;

- Very large scale computational optimization with applications to data mining, compressed sensing,

image recognition and others;

- Discrete optimization, including optimization in abstract spaces, in particular over idempotent semirings

such as max-algebra or fuzzy algebra; mathematical foundations of these structures.

The successful candidate will have a PhD in an area of Mathematical and Computational Optimization with

a strong research track record in discrete, nonlinear, multi-disciplinary or computational optimization, or a

related area, and a genuine commitment to teaching, along with excellent presentation, communication

and interpersonal skills.

Informal enquiries can be directed to Professor Michal Kocvara

(tel. + 44 121 414 6598, email M.Kocvara@bham.ac.uk)

or Professor Paul Flavell

(tel. + 44 121 414 7566, emailP.J.Flavell@bham.ac.uk).

Starting salary in the range of GBP37,382 to GBP44,607 a year (potential progression on performance once

in post to GBP50,186).

Closing date: 2 January 2014

Reference: 36927

To download the details and submit an electronic application online visit:

www.hr.bham.ac.uk/jobs -> Current vacancies -> post number 36927
See also



5- Permanent Position, Optimization, CERFACS, France

(source : P. Armand, M. Mongeau)

A position in numerical optimisation is open at CERFACS in the Parallel Algorithms Team.

The Parallel Algorithms project is looking for a bright, motivated person with a good research

record and the ability to join existing projects in numerical optimization with a strong initiative

in pursuing new research directions. A PhD in applied mathematics with a strong interest in

numerical optimisation and a solid experience in research. An experience with real-life problems

is appreciated. Application from young talented or well-established researchers are welcome.

The Parallel Algorithm project aims at designing optimisation codes and the related mathematical

theory to tackle frontier problems arising from industrial applications, including aeronautics and

geosciences. Candidates intending to work on derivative based or derivative free algorithms are

equally welcome. The present research activity will focus on both constrained and unconstrained

optimisation. The project will address in particular issues related to the global convergence and

control of the complexity of algorithms with respect to several aspects including noisy functions

and constraints, availability of derivatives, parallel algorithms.
The position is open as a postdoctoral position that will (very shortly, depending on experience)

be turned into a permanent position. Interested candidates should send applications containing

cover letter, CV (with a list of publications), the names and contacts of at least two referees before

end of January 2014 to both Serge Gratton (serge.gratton@enseeiht.fr) and Xavier Vasseur



6- Annonces de séminaires

(sources: P.L. Combettes, G. Mercier, A. Rondepierre)

Une rubrique pour signaler succinctement les séminaires ayant

lieu ce mois-ci et organisés dans nos laboratoires.

N'hésitez pas à l'alimenter, préférentiellement via un lien vers

la page du séminaire et une liste de conférenciers,


Séminaire Parisien d'Optimisation (IHP, salle 05 ou 421)

Lundi 9 décembre

15h00 : L. Condat (CNRS Grenoble)

16h00 : F. Gensbittel (Toulouse 1)
Lundi 13 janvier

15h00 :F. Coda-Marques (IMPA, Brazil)

16h00 : R. Luke (Universitat Gottingen)


CT CalVa -- Calcul des Variations (LJLL Université Pierre et Marie Curie, CMAP Ecole Polytechnique)
Lundi 16 décembre :

10h00 : G. David

11h00 : E. Serre
Lundi 6 janvier :

10h00 : A. Harrabi

11h : Y. Capdeboscq


Séminaire Pluridisciplinaire d'Optimisation de Toulouse (lieu : voir site)
Lundi 9 décembre :

14h00 : G. Allaire (Polytechnique Palaiseau)

15h00: P. Weiss (ITAV-CNRS Toulouse)
Lundi 6 janvier :

14h : G. Stoltz

15h : N. Couellan


7- Advances in Experimentation

(source : G. Vigeral)

We are pleased to announce that the workshop "Advances in Experimentation" will take place

on December 12-13 at Université Paris 2 (Salle des Conseils, 12 place du Panthéon, Paris 5).

Invited speakers are Alessandro Bonnatti (MIT), Sidartha Gordon (SciencesPo), Johannes Hörner

(Yale University), Nicolas Klein (Montreal University), Qingmin Liu (Columbia University),

Lucie Ménager (Paris 2 University and Lille University), Pauli Murto (Helsinski University),

Sven Rady (Bonn University), Eilon Solan (Tel Aviv University), and Caroline Thomas (Austin University).

Please find attached the detailed program. Updated and more detailed information is available on the

workshop website : https://sites.google.com/site/advancesinexperimentation/

To facilitate local organization, we would appreciate if you could confirm your participation by December 1rst

on the registration page of the website or to Chantal Marlats (ch.marlats@gmail.com).

We look forward to seeing you at the workshop.
Chantal Marlats and Lucie Ménager


8- International Conference on Variational Analysis and Optimization

(source : A. Jourani)

Conference in honor of Professor Lionel Thibault, one of the foremost contributors to the mathematical field

of Variational Analysis, and an example of an honorable mathematician and very devoted researcher.

The conference will be held from 7 to 10 January, 2014 at Center for Mathematical Modeling (CMM),

University of Chile.



9- Call for Abstracts EURO mini-Conference on Optimization in the Natural Sciences

(source : M. Thera)

the organizers of the EURO mini-Conference on Optimization in the  Natural Sciences

(EURO mini 2014) have a pleasure to invite you to  take part in this conference to be

held in Aveiro, Portugal on 5-9  February, 2014, http://minieuro2014.web.ua.pt/.
The conference aims at discussing the latest research in  optimization and its applications

to the Natural Sciences. The main  objective of the meeting is to encourage the exchange

of knowledge  and recent achievements, and to establish collaborations among  researchers

and practitioners working in the areas of Computer  Science / Optimization / Statistics, and

Physics / Chemistry /  Biology / Medical Sciences.
We welcome abstracts related to any  aspects of optimization in the Natural Sciences.


10- Annonce Conférence SMAI-MODE 2014

(source : O. Ley)

26-28 mars 2014, INSA de Rennes  et second APPEL À COMMUNICATIONS
Informations détaillées:

Conférenciers pléniers: Piermarco Cannarsa (Rome), Thierry Champion (Toulon), Rida Laraki (Polytechnique),

Edouard Oudet (Grenoble), François Oustry (Raise Partner)

Conférence grand public: Jean-Baptiste Hiriart-Urruty (Toulouse)
Sessions thématiques:

* Contrôle optimal

(Organisateurs: A. Briani et P. Bettiol)

* Jeux et économie

(Organisateur: J. Renault)

* Optimisation de formes

(Organisateurs: V. Bonnaillie-Noël et M. Pierre)

* Optimisation stochastique

(Organisateur: A. Lisser)

* Mathématiques pour l'image

(Organisateur: R. Gribonval)

* Session industrielle

(Organisateurs: M. Haddou et M. Camar-Eddine)
La conférence sera précédée de 2 jours de mini-cours organisés par le GdR MOA:

24-25 mars: optimisation polynomiale par J.-B. Lasserre et D. Henrion (Toulouse)

* Inscriptions à partir du 1er novembre 2013

(merci de vous inscrire au plus vite pour faciliter l'organisation)

* Appel à communications étendu du 1er octobre au 10 décembre 2013

* Les meilleurs exposés de jeunes chercheurs seront récompensés par le prix Dodu,

patronné par EDF R&D.

* Des supports financiers pour les jeunes sont  possibles








11- Mini-cours sur l’optimisation polynomiale et le contrôle

(source : D. Aussel)

INSA Rennes, 24-25 mars 2014


   Intervenants :

        * Jean-Bernard Lasserre (LAAS et Institut de Mathématiques de

                                                l’Université de Toulouse)

        * Didier Henrion (LAAS à Toulouse)

Ce mini-cours se concentre sur l’optimisation polynomiale et le contrôle.

Une attention particulière sera portée sur les techniques de relaxation

semi-définie exploitant la dualité entre les problèmes de moments et la

représentation de polynômes positifs sur des ensembles semi-algébriques.

  L’objectif est d’introduire les idées principales d’une façon unifiée mais

accessible, dans l’espoir de stimuler de nouvelles activités de recherche

dans ce domaine.
If required, the course can be given in English.
Les inscriptions :

     - Elles sont ouvertes sur la page dédiée du GdR MOA


     - Aucun droit d’inscription n’est demandé mais, pour des raisons

       d’organisation, il est obligatoire de s'inscrire.

     - Afin d’encourager la participation des doctorants et jeunes chercheurs,

       l’hébergement sera pris en charge par le GdR MOA, dans la limite de

       notre budget (15 personnes). Merci de faire votre demande en

       contactant  Didier Aussel


12- Calculus of Variations and Optimization

(source : M. Thera)

A conference on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Giuseppe Buttazzo
Date: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 -- Friday, May 23, 2014
Place: Pisa, Department of Mathematics
The plenary lectures will be delivered by: 
Luigi Ambrosio, Giovanni Alberti, Hedy Attouch,  Guy Bouchitté, Dorin Bucur, Guillaume Carlier,

Gianni Dal Maso, Bernard Dacorogna, Ivar Ekeland, Irene Fonseca, Nicola Fusco, Wilfrid Gangbo,

Antoine Henrot, Bernd Kawohl, Edouard Oudet, Michel Pierre, Eugene Stepanov, Franco Tomarelli, 

Enrique Zuazua. 

We also plan to organize a one-afternoon session of short talks.
The registration is free but mandatory for organizing purposes. The deadline is March 31 2014.
Please circulate among your colleagues and students. 
Best regards (and apologies for cross-posting)
The organizers

L. Brasco, A. Briani, L. De Pascale, I. Fragalà, F. Santambrogio, P. Trebeschi

Web page of the conference: http://www.dm.unipi.it/buttazzo2014


13- School on Centralized and Distributed Multi-agent Optimization: Models and Algorithms

(source : M. Thera)

It is with great pleasure that I announce that registration is open for the CIME-EMS school on

Centralized and Distributed Multi-agent Optimization: Models and Algorithms 

The school will take place in the magnificent location of Cetraro (CS - Italy)

from June 23 to June 28, 2014 

As it is tradition of CIME schools, there is no fee for participation. Students will need to pay only

for their travel and living expenses. Full board accomodation is available at very good prices

(considering the location and the period) at the Hotel San Michele, where the school is hosted.
Further information and on line registration at http://web.math.unifi.it/users/cime/
School directors are prof. Francisco Facchinei (Sapienza, ROme - Italy) and Jong-Shi Pang

(Univ. Southern California, USA).

The following lectures are scheduled:
Zhi-Quan Luo Univ. Minnesota, U.S.A.

Optimization Methods for Resource Management: Complexity, Duality and Approximation

Angelia Nedic Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA

Distributed Optimization over Networks

Jong-Shi Pang Univ. of Southern California, USA

Differential Variational Inequalities

Gesualdo Scutari Univ. New York, U.S.A.

Advanced Decomposition Algorithms for Multi-agent Systems


14- Gene Golub SIAM Summer School Simulation, Optimization, and Identification in Solid Mechanics

(source : M. Thera)

It will take place August 4-15, 2014 in the Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied

Mathematics (RICAM), located at the Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria. It is intended for up

to 40 qualified graduate students in mathematics and related areas.
Focus of the Summer School will be the topics

- Identification of material parameters

- Material- and topology optimization

- Optimization subject to variational inequalities

- Adaptive discretization
Further information is available on the website

Deadline for the Application: February 1, 2014
Applicants selected to participate pay no registration.

Funding for local accommodations and meal expenses will be available for all participants.

Limited travel funds are also available.


15- Appel à communications pour CLAIO/CSMIO 2014

(source : D. Aussel)

We invite members of the Latin-Iberian-American Association of Operations Research (ALIO)

and the worldwide Operational Research (OR) community to take part in the XVII

Latin-Iberian-American Conference on Operations Research held jointly with the III Conference

of the Mexican Society of Operations Research (CLAIO/CSMIO 2014) in Monterrey, Mexico,

October 6-10, 2014.
The academic program will consist of parallel, technical and special sessions, plenary talks and

tutorials covering several aspects of OR.

Important dates :

01/Jan/2014 Paper/abstract submission begins.

01/Mar/2014 Paper submission deadline.

01/May/2014 Abstract submission deadline.

15/May/2014 Paper acceptance/rejection notification.

01/Jun/2014 Abstract acceptance/rejection notification.

15/Jun/2014 Camera-ready paper deadline.

Confirmed plenary speakers :

Carlos Coello Coello, Elena Fernandez, Hector Cancela, Jonathan F. Bard,
María Angélica Salazar Aguilar,




16- Recherche de contacts mathématiques - sociologie des réseaux

(source : J. Renault)

J’ai rencontré récemment Emmanuel Lazega, professeur à Sciences Po, Paris, (elazega.fr) qui est

spécialiste de la sociologie des réseaux et qui travaille avec des outils tels que que la théorie

des jeux, théorie des réseaux et l’analyse des systèmes complexes.

Il est fortement intéressé par un échange avec des mathématiciens, une discussion, qui permettrait

d’exposer les problèmes et besoins de chacun et de défricher d’éventuels terrains d’entente entre

les deux disciplines.

Emilie Neveu

Chargé de coordination scientifique

ARP MathsInTerre mathsinterre.fr




17-  Book : "Calculus Without Derivatives"

(source : J.P. Penot)

My book "Calculus Without Derivatives" appeared in the Springer series "Graduate Texts in Mathematics"

about one year ago under the number 266.

Here is a link giving you a limited access to the book:

I shall be grateful if you give me some feedback about it. With my greetings and wishes, Jean-Paul Penot

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